2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG CCSDS Service Management Validation Test Quick Report 12. March 2008 JAXA YAGI Nobuhiro/SUZUKI Kiyohisa 1 2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG Contents 1 2 3 3-1 3-2 4 4-1 4-1-1 4-1-2 4-2 Background Objectives Test Procedure Interface Test Test Tracking Test Result Interface Test Security Data Compression Test Tracking 2 2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG 1.Background • Interoperability test activity by participant agencies of the CCSDS to validate the Service Management was determined at a meeting of the IOAG-10 on October, 2006. • JPL and JAXA agreed to develop the following prototypes based on the CCSDS Service Management(R-1) Specification and validate the effectiveness of information and procedure exchanged by the Service Management to assured and control required resources for the spacecraft mission operations. - JPL :The development of the SLE SM service-provider prototype - JAXA/Tsukuba :The development of the SLE SM service-user prototype 2. Objectives Primary Objectives - Validation of the SLE SM standard via prototyping - Demonstration of SM interoperability across JPL and JAXA. Specifically; - Validate demonstration scenario - Validate service request exchange protocol - Gain experience in application of security techniques 3 2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG 3. Test Procedure 3-1. Interface test This test was conducted to verify the SLE-SM interface between serviceprovider prototype and service-user prototype. SLE-SM message exchange was handled by SMTP. In this test, the following specification and schema were applied to the serviceprovider prototype and the service-user prototype. -SPACE LINK EXTENSION SERVICE MANAGEMENT SERVICE SPECIFICATION (CCSDS 910.11-R-1) -Service Management Schema File Set V 0.3.0.P1 JPL JAXA/Tsukuba aSLE SM SLE SM Internet Service-provider Prototype (CSSXP) Service-user Prototype (UMR-1) SLE-SM message exchanged by SMTP Figure 3-1 Interface TEST Configuration 4 2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG Table 3-1 difference of Implemented service management operations and Interface test operations SM Service Service Agreement Trajectory Prediction Configuration Profile Service Package Operations JPL JAXA Interface test Query Service Agreement QSA X X X Add Trajectory Prediction ATP X X X Delete Trajectory Prediction DTP X X X Query Trajectory Prediction QTP X Add Carrier Profile ACP X X X Delete Carrier Profile DCP X X X Query Carrier Profile QCP X X X Add Event Profile N/A AEP N/A Delete Event Profile DEP N/A Query Event Profile QEP N/A Create Service Package CSP X X X Delete Service Package DSP X X X Select Alternate Scenario SAS X Apply New Trajectory ANT Query Service Package QSP Replace Service Package RSP Service Package Cancelled SPC Service Package Modified SPM X X N/A X N/A X X X N/A X X N/A 5 2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG 3-2. Test tracking Test Tracking was conducted to verify the end to end interface and procedures of SLE transfer service utilization by SLE-SM Red-1 coordination. In the test tracking, JPL and JAXA used the JAXA’s “SELENE” spacecraft which is in the lunar orbit. Test tracking outline Service request was sent from the SLE-SM service-user prototype”UMR-1” at JAXA/Tsukuba to the JPL SLE-SM service-provider prototype “CSSXP”. JPL/DSN received return data from the SELENE compliant with the service request, and then transmitted these data to JAXA/Sagamihara using SLE transfer service (RAF). JAXA/Sagamihara checked the received date by the SELENE control system. 6 2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG SELENE JAXA/Tsukuba JPL Return link SLE SM Service-provider Internet Prototype (CSSXP) SLE SM Service-user Prototype (UMR-1) OEM DSS-27 SLE-SM message exchanged by SMTP DSS-24 JAXA Flight dynamics system JAXA/Sagamihara SLE Transfer Service SLE1 Provider TLM SLE DSN Goldstone Dedicated line SLE RAF Transfer Service SLE Transfer SLE1 Service TLM SLEUser Telemetry data SELENE Control system 2 Operational requirements Up link Return link Actual Operation JAXA Ground station SELENE Control system 1 Figure 3-2 Test Tracking Configuration 7 2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG Table 3-2 difference of Implemented service management operations and Test tracking operations SM Service Service Agreement Trajectory Prediction Configuration Profile Service Package Operations JPL JAXA Interface Test Test tracking Query Service Agreement QSA X X X X Add Trajectory Prediction ATP X X X X Delete Trajectory Prediction DTP X X X Add Carrier Profile ACP X X X Delete Carrier Profile DCP X X X Query Carrier Profile QCP X X X Create Service Package CSP X X X Delete Service Package DSP X X X Query Service Package QSP X X X Service Package Cancelled SPC X X X X X 8 2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG 4. Test Result 4-1. Interface test • The structure of service management data was XML-based text files. These were transferred as attached files on e-mails using the protocol SMTP between UMR-1 and CSSXP. • The rules of exchanged e-mails are as follows: Table 4-1 Rules of E-mail Structure No. Item Rules 1 Subject: 2 Content-Type: text/plain 3 Body of message: Not limited 4 Character: ISO-2022-jp or ASCII 5 Attached file: Only one file per one message The following subjects are accepted. SLESM SleServiceManagement sleSmResponse sleExceptionMessage sleSmError 9 2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG Table 4-2 result of Interface test SM Service Service Agreement Trajectory Prediction Configuration Profile Service Package Operations JPL JAXA Interface test Result Query Service Agreement QSA X X X good Add Trajectory Prediction ATP X X X good Delete Trajectory Prediction DTP X X X good Query Trajectory Prediction QTP X N/A - Add Carrier Profile ACP X X X good Delete Carrier Profile DCP X X X good Query Carrier Profile QCP X X X good AEP N/A - Delete Event Profile DEP N/A - Query Event Profile QEP N/A - Create Service Package CSP X X X good Delete Service Package DSP X X X good Select Alternate Scenario SAS X N/A - Apply New Trajectory ANT X N/A - Query Service Package QSP X X good Replace Service Package RSP X N/A - Service Package Cancelled SPC X X good Service Package Modified SPM N/A - Add Event Profile X X 10 2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG 4-1-1 Security This section shows the method of security implementation from the technical point of view, and these was based on the agreement between JAXA/Tsukuba and JPL. a. SCOPE JAXA suggested an assumption to satisfy the following items. spoofing defacing sniffing At first we considered within the range of W3C of Recommendation (red-1) appendix, based on that conditions, and we proposed the following coverage of security in the prototype. Table 4-3 Implementation of Encryption Items E-Mail Security (i.e. Encryption , Digital Signature) Implement Content of security not apply All parameters are to be written in the attached file, and any parameter information is not set to the mail text at all. XML Encryption Syntax and Processing apply XML is encrypted using AES128 and RSA (Ver. 1.5). The data leakage to the third person can be prevented by the encryption. As it is not possible to decrypt by the third person, the defacing and the spoofing can be prevented. The public keys are exchanged each other beforehand. XML Signature Syntax and Processing not apply XML Key Management Specification not apply 11 2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG b. IMPLEMENTATION FOR XML ENCRYPTION In the XML encryption, the following methods were used. XML data was encrypted using Symmetric Key. The encrypt key was generated by AES128 (128bit of the AES method) at every XML making. The encrypt key was wrapped by using the public key (RSA version 1.5) which were exchanged each other beforehand, and was stored in KeyInfo. The Key Encrypted Key (KEK) was mutually generated as a symmetric key beforehand. Only public keys were exchanged each other beforehand. The receiver decrypts using a private key. JAXA/TACC NASA/JPL Generate key (RSA) Generate key (RSA) Private Key Public Key Private Key Exchange “Public Key” Public Key Store Store Public Key Public Key Figure 4-1 Exchange of “Public Key” 12 2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG Sender 1.Generate symmetric key (AES 128). 2.“Cipher Data” was encrypted by using “Encrypt Key” from XML data. 3.“KeyInfo” was encrypted by using receiver’s “Public Key” from “Encrypt Key”. 4.“Encrypted XML” was generated from “CipherData” and “KeyInfo”. Receiver 5.“KeyInfo” and “Cipher Data” were detected from received “Encrypted XML”. 6.“Encrypt Key” was decrypted by using “Private Key” from “KeyInfo”. 7.XML data was decrypted from “Cipher Data” by using “Encrypt Key”. Sender Receiver XML XML 1 2 Encrypt Key (AES128bit) 3 KeyInfo 7 Encrypt Key (AES128bit) 6 Receiver’s Public Key 4 Encrypted XML Cipher Data KeyInfo Receiver’s Private Key Cipher Data 5 Encrypted XML Figure 4-2 Process Flow of Encrypted XML data Exchange 13 2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG c. SCOPE OF XML ENCRYPTION In the XML encryption, the scope of encryption was all items excluded SleSmDocument and SleSmMessageSet. Both items of SleSmDocument and SleSmMessageSet were not encrypted in order to make the access control efficient. This section shows the samples of encryption, in which the name space and the contents of data are omitted. NOTE: Apache XML security was used in the prototype as a middleware for encryption. We encrypted in the prototype by the form that didn't omit “xenc”, because it was necessary for the name space of the encryption tag in apache XML security. The version of Apache XML security which were used in JAXA/TACC and NASA/JPL was 1.4.1. 14 2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG 1) For Invocation, Acknowledgement, Successful return and Failed return <sleSmDocument> <sleSmVersionRef>0.3.0</sleSmVersionRef> <sleSmMessageSet> <sleSmCreatorName>UMR-1</sleSmCreatorName> <serviceAgreementRef>SA1</serviceAgreementRef> <createServicePackageInvocation> : : </createServicePackageInvocation> </sleSmMessageSet> </sleSmDocument> <sleSmDocument> <sleSmVersionRef>0.3.0</sleSmVersionRef> <sleSmMessageSet> <sleSmCreatorName>UMR-1</sleSmCreatorName> <serviceAgreementRef>SA1</serviceAgreementRef> <xenc:EncryptedData> : : </xenc:EncryptedData> </sleSmMessageSet> </sleSmDocument> 15 2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG 2) For sleSmExceptionResponse <sleSmDocument> <sleSmVersionRef>0.3.0</sleSmVersionRef> <sleSmExceptionResponse> : : </sleSmExceptionResponse> </sleSmMessageSet> </sleSmDocument> <sleSmDocument> <sleSmVersionRef>0.3.0</sleSmVersionRef> <xenc:EncryptedData> : : </xenc:EncryptedData> </sleSmMessageSet> </sleSmDocument> NOTE: The sleSmExceptionResponse.unrecoginzedMessageSetResponse was not encrypted, considering the case that the receiver did not recognize the sender or the service agreement was not recognized. The sleSmExceptionResponse.invalidMessageResponse was encrypted. 16 2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG 4-1-2 Data Compression ATP operation went out of control by limiting data communication at JAXA since volume of the OEM, which was exchanged at ATP operation, was a large amount of data (this time it was greater than 5 Mbytes). Therefore, we conducted data compression of the OEM to reduce the data volume. This section shows the method of data compression which was used for transmission of the much volume data between JAXA/Tsukuba and JPL. a. DATA TYPE The following data was always compressed between JAXA/Tsukuba and JPL. Data Type: Trajectory Prediction Message Type: Orbit Data Message ODM Type: Orbit Ephemeris Message (OEM) File Type: Text SM operation: Add Trajectory Prediction (ATP) b. IMPLEMENTATION FOR DATA COMPRESSION JAXA/UMR-1(UM) stored the OEM text into bilateralTrajectoryData of ATP invocation. bilateralTrajectoryFormatId: ZipOEMTxt Compress: Zip Encodeing : Base64 17 2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG 4. Test Result 4-2. Test Tracking Test Tracking was scheduled from End of February in 2008. This testing was performed with DSN network and Test facilities. The desired time for testing is shown in the table 4-4. Table 4-4 Test Tracking Result Test Case Test Case 1 Test Case 2 Test Case 3 Operations Time Date Result Service Management 0100-0130 Feb 28, 2008 (DOY059) succeeded Transfer Service 1200-1515 *1 Mar 1, 2008 (DOY061) succeeded Service Management 0100-0200 Feb 28, 2008 (DOY059) Succeeded Transfer Service 1200-1450 *1 Mar 3, 2008 (DOY063) Succeeded Service Management 1500-1600 Mar 3, 2008 (DOY063) Succeeded Transfer Service 1950-2230 *1 Mar 6, 2008 (DOY066) succeeded NOTE: *1) The start/end time were the duration from BOA(=BOT-45min.) to EOA(=EOT+15min). 18 2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG Date Resource Feb 28 Feb 29 Mar 1 Mar 2 Mar 3 Mar 4 Mar 5 Mar 6 DOY 059 DOY 060 DOY 061 DOY 062 DOY 063 DOY 064 DOY 065 DOY 066 SLE-SM Test Case 3 Test Case 1 2 Oprs 6 Oprs Test Case 2 2 Oprs DSN Pass Acq#1 Acq#2 Pass#1 Pass#2 Trk#1 Trk#2 Acq#3 Acq#4 Pass#3 SLE Transfer (Only RAF) Trk#3 Trk#4 Figure 4-3 Test Tracking TIMELINE 19 2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG Test Case Test Case 1 Feb 28(DOY 059) Resource SLE-SM March 1(DOY 061) Pass-1 UMR-1(JAXA) QSA ACP ACP ACP ATP CSP CSSXP(JPL) BOA DSN Pass BOT 13:00 EOT 15:00 EOA Acquisition #1 Pass#1 SpaceLink TransferService SLE Transfer (Only RAF) ServiceUse JAXA/Sagamihara TransferService TDS(JPL) Figure 4-4 Test case 1 TIMELINE 20 2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG Test Case 2 Test Case Feb 28(DOY 059) Resource SLE-SM March 3(DOY 063) Pass-23 UMR-1(JAXA) CSP CSSXP(JPL) BOA DSN Pass BOT 13:00 EOT 14:35 EOA Acquisition #23 Pass#2 SpaceLink TransferService SLE Transfer (Only RAF) ServiceUse JAXA/Sagamihara TransferService TDS(JPL) Figure 4-5 Test case 2 TIMELINE 21 2008 Spring CCSDS meeting ( Washington, USA ) SMWG Test Case 3 Test Case Mar 4 (DOY 064) Resource March 6(DOY 066) SLE-SM Pass-3 UMR-1(JAXA) ATP CSP The occultation CSSXP(JPL) BOA DSN Pass BOT 20:50 EOT 21:04 BOT 21:47 Acquisition #31 UMR-1 generated two acquisition requests in one service package for SELENE operation. JAXA/Sagamihara EOA Acquisition #42 Pass#3 SpaceLink SLE Transfer EOT 22:15 SpaceLink TransferService TransferService ServiceUse ServiceUse TransferService TransferService (Only RAF) TDS(JPL) Figure 4-6 Test case 3 TIMELINE 22
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