グローバル時代の英語教育 Today’s Key Concepts Cultivating Global Literacy Fostering Cultural Identity Developing Communicative Competence in English as an International Language (EIL) Koji Nakamura [email protected] http://www.kilc.konan-u.ac.jp/~koji/ 2015/9/30 1 Koji Nakamura Online Desk http://www.kilc.konan-u.ac.jp/~koji/ *PROFILE *Books and Papers *Global Education *Integrated Studies *TEFL Education *Global Topics I, II *EBA Pre-Workshop *Cross-Cultural Communication *Japan Studies (Exchange Students) *Japan Studies (JICA Students) Website for Konan Univ. JICA Japan Studies Website for KILC 2015/9/30 2 グローバル時代の英語教育 外国語教育は他者を理解し、自己や自文化を説明で きる能力を開発し、異文化間コミュニケーションや 国際理解に至る言語文化教育である。広義には、外 国語教育は人類の共存のためのコミュニケーション 能力を育む人間教育である。 ( 中村2007 ) As language and culture are symbiotic, cultivating global literacy for a peaceful world is one of the most urgent tasks for educators and researchers. For multicultural citizens of the world, in a more sustainable global village where borders play such a minor role, global awareness, respect for other cultures and communication skills, especially communicative competence in English as an International Language (EIL) will be more vital (Nakamura, 2002). 2015/9/30 3 グローバル時代の英語教育 グローバル時代に外国語を学ぶ意義 グローバル時代に外国語を学ぶことは、異文化を 学びながらも、自国の言語文化を再確認して世界 に発信するという相互作用でなければならない。 多言語・多文化に対する開かれた態度は世界の 人々との共生をもたらし、同じ種としての人類の 連帯感を育む。 日本文化の心を表象し、世界と対話する能力を育 むことこそ、国際化の波に翻弄され、顔なき economic giant(経済巨人)と言われる日本に必 要なことではなかろうか。(中村、2007) 2015/9/30 4 Losing Japanese Culture 日本語日本文学科1年 山本真未奈 第1パラグラフ Imitation of a foreign culture is a suicide. Japanese people should respect themselves without copying North American values. We establish good relationships with people from different cultures of the world. Japanese young people tend to pretend to be someone else due to a sense of inferiority complex and an adoration for Western cultures. In the age of globalization, we need to be proud of being ourselves and contribute to the world, representing Japanese culture and traditional values. 2015/9/30 5 第2パラグラフ The Second Paragraph First, Japanese people tend to copy North American values as if they were carbon copies. Many young Japanese try to be a person who looks like an North American. For example, some of them dye their hair brown or fair. Others like Western food better than Japanese ones. As a result, we have forgotten traditional Japanese values which have been fitted in Japanese way of thinking. Even if we tried to be a North American, we could not become like them, culturally and linguistically. What Japanese people need today is to restore Japanese cultural identity and independence in order to become a world citizen with a clear cultural identity. 2015/9/30 6 第 5 & 第6パラグラフ(Concluding Paragraph) History shows us that civilization has been born where many cultures encountered, learned and accepted with each other. Based on this perspective, we need to learn Japanese cultures and traditional values as well as the culture of the world. As the first step, young Japanese need to succeed to these traditions and pass them on to the future generations. In conclusion, the real global citizen is a person who has his/her own cultural identity and pride, while respecting other people and their cultures. Don’t let ourselves be overwhelmed by just superficial trends in westernization and globalization. Be yourself and identify what you are by learning from other cultures and their wisdom. 2015/9/30 7 Writer-Reader-Speaker Connection A good writer is a good reader and speaker. Recent research has demonstrated the cognitive links between writing and reading (Blanton, 1992; Carrell, 1987). Reading provides students with stimuli for topics, activates the schema (that is, the background knowledge) of the students about a topic, and shows them the value of the audience in writing and speaking. The writing-reading-speaking connection is essential to a successful writing and speech communication. The more writers read, the more successful their writing and speaking will be. 8 Introduction Topic Sentence Controlling Ideas Thesis Statement Controlling Ideas Body BODY Support Support Discussion Cause Effect Discussion Comparison Contrast Conclusion Clincher 9 Real World Context 現実世界に近い言語環境 Classroom activities should parallel the ‘real world’ as closely as possible (Widdowson 1987) . 授業での活動が現実世界に近いこと Situationaly Realistic 現実的・臨場感 Contextually Rich 文脈が豊か Meaningful Content 意味のある内容 Classroom activities should parallel the ‘real world’ as closely as possible (Widdowson 1987) 10 学習者中心の授業の基本哲学 教師の情熱 愛情・LOVE Humanistic Approach 授業は知識・ 情報・感動の 共有 Teaching is sharing. 授業は教師と 学習者の 共同事業 Teaching is a joint project. 教師の 自己啓発 Teaching is SelfDevelopment 11 A learner-centered Communicative and Interactive Language Classroom Language Home Low Affective Filter 低い情意フィルター Communicative Task コミュニカテイブなタスク ntegrated Current Communicative Approaches 統合されたコミュニカテイブ・アプローチ 2015/9/30 12 外国語の授業における4ENの力 励まし、知識、技能、感動を共有 Encourage Enjoy Enrich Enlighten 13 EFL Teacher’s Roles: A World Watcher who can link their students to the World and Global Issues Facilitator Cultural Informant進行役 文化提供者 Diagnostician 診断者 Observer 観察者 Supervisor 監督 Co-Communicator 共通の伝達者 Learner Action Researcher 学習者 授業改善の研究者 Participant 参加者 14 Current Integrated Communicative Approaches Communicative Language Teaching Cooperative Language Learning The Natural Approach Content-Based Instruction Task-Based Language Teaching Collaborative Language Learning Humanistic Global Issues Community Language Learning Approach Education in EIL 2015/9/30 15 Academic Approach 教室内と外で学習者が主体的に参加 1 2 3 4 5 gathering information (情報収集) Internet, Resource Center sharing information and facts (情報と事実を共有) processing the necessary information (必要な情報の選択と処理) organizing and constructing their own ideas (自分自身の考えや意見の構築) presenting their own ideas in written and oral forms (リサーチペーパーや口頭発表) 16 Debate; Resolved that Japan should (not) dispatch SFD to Iraq. How to persuade the audience with logical reasoning , valid evidence and good rapport with the audience (VTR) Oral Presentation in EIL A student’s Lecture on Hiroshima; a point of departure for Peace 日本の大学生と留学生が、国際英語をツールとして、 日本文化やグローバルトピックスをアカデミックに学習 Multicultural Context VTR 2007年10月 2015/9/30 20 日本の大学生と留学生が、国際英語をツールとして、 日本文化・グローバルトピックスをアカデミックに学習 する環境 Multicultural Context Japanese Students Asian/African Students North/South American Students 2015/9/30 VTR 2007年10月 European Students Teachers 21 JICA Lecture in EIL for Adults Students from South East Asia and Middle East at JICA Osaka International Center in 2008 JICA Students from Africa, East Europe and Middle East in 2008. VTR 2015/9/30 23 The Awareness of Globalization as EFL/EIL teachers(EFL教師の問題意識) Globalization means global and transnational interactions of people, shared cultures, information and technology, education, economy, ecological management and value systems beyond the cultural divide between East and West, North and South and Orientalism and Occidentalism (Nakamura, 2002.) 9/30/2015 24 Globalization and multicultural identifications for human solidarity Globalization has brought about a dramatic increase in multicultural, bicultural, transcultural and transnational people who have several layers of personal, cultural, ethnic, national and global identifications. The EU will be another arena of economic, multi-cultural and educational experiments unlike diversified multicultural societies in North America. 9/30/2015 25 An English owner of the B&B in Pateley Bridge, North Yorkshire, German staff (Graduate student of University of Leeds, UK) and French Chef from France are communicating in EIL. August 8, 2008 2015/9/30 26 What is localization? Localization means sustaining personal, local, republican, cultural, national identities, by raising the awareness of global interdependence. Boulding (2000, p.272) emphasizes that with the new localism, children were more integrated into the life of the community than they had been in the previous century, and the peace education, training, and service programs that had begun early in the twenty-first century helped make schools major focal points of each community. 9/30/2015 28 Positive Effects of Globalization 1 Cross-border interactions and interdependence between and among people and countries (internationalization) 2 Democratization and liberalization through the borderless interaction of people and information (Democratization and Liberalization) 3 Sharing supra-national and universal values, such as liberal democracy, fundamental human rights, sustainable development, human solidarity, charity, philanthropy and citizenship in a democratic civil society (Universalization) 9/30/2015 29 Awareness of Orientalism in Global Citizenship Education Said (1978) argued that European culture gained in strength and identity by setting itself of against the Orient as a sort of surrogate and even underground self, defining Orientalism as a Western style for dominating, restructuring, and having authority over the Orient. (Said, 1978) 9/30/2015 30 Global Literacy: A New Paradigm for Global Issues Education (GIE)= (EIL) Global literacy includes cross-cultural competence and sensitivity with multicultural, transcultural and transnational perspectives. 多文化、超国家的な視野を有する異文化間調整能力 It also requires communicative competence in English as an International Language (EIL) for global dialogue in order to solve common human problems . 国際英語による国際対話能力 Also it develops cognitive, affective, social skills to reconcile from mutual strength and integrate seemingly opposing values on a higher level for the purpose of equitable coexistence. 互いの文化を尊敬し、和解する能力 (Reconciliation) 2015/9/30 31 The Voice from Edward Said at University of Cairo in 2003 サイードの平和へのメッセージ You cannot deal with others without profound knowledge of his or her culture, society and history. 他者や他民族の文化・社会・歴史への深い理解 Force never works, because you can never destroys the will of people and the power of people. 力や軍事力で人民の意志や力を破壊できない。 Idea is equality, coexistence and sustainable life. 真の思想は平等・共存・何世代も続く未来の生活への保障 The present is our battle ground and knowledge is our main weapon.現在こそ戦場であり、知識こそ武器 (Edward Said:2003) (VTR) 2015/9/30 32 Perspectives on Orientalism by Edward Said サイードのオリエンタリズム Orientalism is Western centered-conceptions of the Orient. Occidentalism is Eastern-centered views of the West and Europe. Said (1976) defines Orientalism as a Western style for dominating, restructuring, and having authority over the Orient. Said criticized this Western-centered assumption which he named Orientalism. His contention in Orientalism is that the Western-centered concept of the Orient and the inalienable sense of Western superiority over it which are logically tied up with Darwinian or Hegelian progressivism, colonialism, Euro-centered orientation and ethnocentrism, have been manifestly and subconsciously represented in all the texts on the Orient and Africa by Western intellectuals (Nakamura 2003). 2015/9/30 33 Global literacy: The component of global literacy 1 Cultural literacy (basic cultural competence and skills to live in one’s home culture) 自文化で生きる知識・能力 2 Cross-cultural literacy (competence and skills to adjust between one’s home culture and a target culture) 異文化調整能力 3 Multi-cultural literacy (cultural sensitivity and skills to live responsibly in cultural diversity, reconciling cultural differences and integrating opposing cultural values in a multicultural and interdependent world)多文化共存社会や相互依存の 世界において、お互いの文化の差異を乗り越え、和 解できる能力 2015/9/30 34 Cultural literacy Japanese Habits of the Hearts 日本人の心の習慣 1 集団の和と家族主義の労働倫理 (Consistency) 和を以て貴しと為す(聖徳太子 憲法17条第1条) Group Harmony and Family-oriented Work Ethic 2 和魂洋才Wa Kon You Sai (Consistency) 3 本音と建前 Formality (Word) and Actual Intension 4 もののあわれ・無常観 (Consistency) View of life as something transient and empty 5 仏教と神道の共存 (Consistency) The coexistence of Buddhism and Shintoism 6 武士道 Japanese Chivalry (Bushido) (Consistency) 7 平和主義 Japanese Pacifism except (1894-1945) (Changes) 2015/9/30 35 Japanese Cultural literacy自文化の心 俳句の心 Haiku Moment もののあはれ Mono no Aware 人生の機微やはかなさなどに触れたときに感じる しみじみとした情趣 無常観 (Mujoukan ) A view of life as something transient and empty. The idea that everything is uncertain, transient and mortal makes us more sensitive to the wonder of life and beauty of nature in each moment. 2015/9/30 36 武士道 Japanese Chivalry (Bushido) The seven Moral Code Bushido is based on the harmony of Zen Buddhism and Shintoism, which emphasizes loyalty, respect for ancestor, filial piety and 惻隠の情 (Consideration for enemies and the weak). Rectitude Respect Courage Benevolence Honor Honesty Loyalty 義 尊敬 勇 仁 名誉 誠 忠 Sword and Chrysanthemum 1946 by Ruth Benedict Bushido, The Soul of Japan 1900 by Inazo Nitobe 2015/9/30 37 Hiroshima: August 6, 1945, am. 7:31 Most large cities in Japan were devastated by the US’s carpet bombing in 1945. アジア・太平洋戦争(1931-45)、日本の敗戦、占領軍、サン フランシスコ講和条約、日本の独立と日米安保体制と基地 What has made Japan what she is? 日本の近代化と戦後復興の因果関係 Global literacy The component of global literacy Delicate balance of one’s personal, cultural, national and global identifications and roles (competence to accept and balance pluralistic/multiple identities)個人的、文化的、 国民的、地球市民的アイデンテイテイの調和 5 Communicative competence in EIL for global communication (communication skills to create a peaceful and equitable symbiosis) 平和で平等な共生社会を実現するための国際対 話能力 4 2015/9/30 43 Factors of national pride among students in five nations British students of University of Leeds, UK multiculturalism (76.09%) (n=35) 多文化主義 liberal democracy (47.83%) (n=22) 自由な民主主義 English pound (32.61%) (n=15) 英国通貨ポンド Social Welfare (23.9%) (n=11) 社会保障 German students of Bochum University, Germany Social Welfare (67.47%) (n=33) 社会福祉 Liberal Democracy (61.22%) (n=30) 自由な民主主義 Multiculturalism (55.1%) (n=27) 多文化主義 American Students of University of Hawaii, USA Multiculturalism (65.0%)(n=13) 多文化主義 Political Influence (55.0%)(n=11) 国際政治の影響 Liberal Democracy (40.0%)(n= 8) 自由な民主主義 Japanese Students of Konan University, Kobe Japan Science and technology (62.0%)(n=134) 科学技術 Business Companies (50.9%)(n=110) 日本企業 Economic performance (42.6%) (n=92) 経済力 Liberal Democracy (37.3%)(n=80) 自由な民主主義 Thai graduate students of Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok Thailand King and Royal Family (87.5%)(n=35) 王様と皇室 Religion (Buddhism) (52.5%)(n=21) 宗教(仏教) Multiculturalism (38%)(n=17) 多文化主義 Love for others (38%)(n=17) 他人への愛 2015/9/30 44 The three important factors of national Identities British Students of Leeds University, Yorkshire, UK (46) 英国の大学生 1. English language (52.2%) (n=24) 英語 2. Cultural heritage (39.1%) (n=18) 文化遺産 3. History (37.0%) (n=17) 歴史 4. Liberal democracy (32.6%) (n=15) 自由な民主主義 5. Ethnic diversity (28.3%) (n=13) 多文化主義 German Students of Bochum University, Germany (46) ドイツの大学生 1. History (61.2%) (n=30) 歴史 2. Liberal democracy (51.0%) (n=25) 自由な民主主義 3. Human rights (44.9%) (n=22) 人権 4. German language (40.8%) (n=20) ドイツ語 5. Cultural heritage (30.6%) (n=15) American Students of University of Hawaii (30) アメリカの大学生 1 American English (80.0%)(n=16) 英語 2 Cultural Heritage (55.0%)(n=11) 文化遺産 3 History (30.0%)(n=6) 歴史 4 Citizenship (30.0%)(n=6) 市民権 Japanese Students of Konan University in Kobe, Japan (216)日本の大学生 1. Japanese Language (66.2%)(n=143 日本語 2. Human Rights (43.5%)(n=94) 人権 3.National Pride (31%)(n=31) 国民的誇り 4. Cultural Heritage (37.0%)(n=80) 文化遺産 5. History (27%)(n=27) 歴史 Thai graduate students of Srinakharinwirot Univ. in Bangkok, Thailand (40) 1. Thai Language (70%)(n=27) タイ語 2. Cultural Heritage (70%)(n=27) 文化遺産 3. King (62.5%)(n=25) 王様 4. History (22.5%)(n=9) 歴史 2015/9/30 タイの大学院生 45 The component of global literacy 6 Awareness as a global citizen to participate in solving global and human problems (awareness of global village concern for equitable participation and problem-solving competence as a new reframing global concept) 、人類共通・地球規模の問題に関し て、その解決のプロセスに共同参加する地球 市民としての意識 7 A Strong desire to create a peaceful and sustainable society for the purpose of well-being. 平和で持続可能な社会を形成し たいと願う強い信念と渇望 2015/9/30 46 Child Labor and Global Disparity 地域紛争・飢餓・難民・貧困・児童労働・AIDSの連鎖 Civil Wars, Refugees, Poverty, Hunger, Child Labor and AIDS are all linked with each other. 2015/9/30 48 Our Fragile Earth devastated by Nuclear Tests 2015/9/30 49 War in Iraq, Middle East, Civil Wars in Africa ISSUES OF CULTURES IN GLOBALISATION The process of globalization needs to carefully respond to the issue of culture for the purpose of a multicultural and equitable coexistence. In many multinational companies, understanding culture is more important than understanding technology. Being ahead of the competitor in terms of cultural understanding is increasingly more important (Nakamura , 2002). Culture is the way people approach and resolve dilemmas. Culture is a dynamic process of solving human problems, and these problems come to us as dilemmas. "Dilemma" comes from the Greek word meaning "two propositions" (Trompenaars, 1998). 2015/9/30 51 Five rationales why EIL instructors should include global education in the syllabus. なぜグローバルトピックスか First, world problems, especially global issues affect every member of the human family on this planet. Second, globalisation has created a more interdependent context on the earth, namely what happens in one place affects others in different parts of the world. Third, the attitude of many young people in the "North" is that they need little knowledge about other cultures. Fourth, in the "South" young people tend to copy their peers in the North without giving a critical thought of the effects such a life style has on their families, communities and the earth. Fifth, teaching of intercultural tolerance towards diversity and respect of nature and human rights must start as early as possible at school. With these five rationales in the midst of today’s confused world, it seems selfevident that EFL instructors should be encouraged to play key roles in integrating controversial global issues into the EIL class as a part of global education (Nakamura, 2002). 2015/9/30 52 GLOBAL LITERACY: A NEW PARADIGM FOR EIL EDUCATION Multicultural and trans-cultural perspectives, respecting each cultural identity would be more vital in a true sense of globalization, which should be primarily cultivated as a kernel of global literacy through language and culture education. There must be several basic attitudes to be cultivated as a new paradigm of EIL educators. First of all, EIL educators should be very aware of the historical background of how English has become a lingua franca in many parts of the world. Secondly, we should clarify the true meaning of globalization in intercultural and multicultural context with clear understanding of the causes and effects of Orientalism and Occidentalism. Thirdly we should plant seeds of global literacy deep in students’ habits of their hearts and behaviors. Global literacy includes cross-cultural competence/sensitivity with multicultural, trans-cultural and transnational perspectives. It also develops cognitive, affective and social skills to reconcile from one’s own strength and integrate seemingly opposing values on a higher level for the purpose of equitable coexistence on this fragile earth. Also, it requires communicative competence in EIL for global and peaceful dialogue in order to share and solve human problems with people of the world. 2015/9/30 53 まとめ1大学教育としての英語教育 大学教育には多くの目的がある。豊かな時代に 育った日本の学生に対して、南北格差をはじめ とするグローバルな問題に向き合うことも必要 である。このような問題を学び、各自の考えを 論理的に小論文にまとめ上げ、目標言語で発表 する能力を養うことも大学教育の一部である。 人類共通のグローバルな問題を学ぶことで眠っ ていた意識を覚醒し、問題の因果関係を分析す る。そして、可能な解決策を考え、自分自身の 意見を形成し、目標言語で自己表現する。これ ら一連のプロセスを通して、学習者が達成感を 感じる外国語の授業の実践することが必要であ る。 (中村2007) 2015/9/30 54 まとめ2:国際理解教育としての英語教育 学習者が異文化、異民族を理解しようとする開かれ た態度を育み、グローバルな問題や平和・人権問題 に対する意識を高揚すること。 学習者は進んで異文化を尊重する態度と共に現在世 界で起こっていることを自分達の問題として捉え、 地球市民として考える態度を育むこと。 この異文化に対する態度はより有効な異文化間コ ミュニケーション能力を育む出発点である。つまり、 21世紀の人類共存に必要とされる国際対話能力 (global literacy)と自文化や国家を超える視野 (transcultural and transnational perspectives) を も育むのである。 (中村 2007) 2015/9/30 55 まとめ3:欧米の大学教育と比較して、特に日本の大 学の英語教育で補わなければならないこと 第一に、人間社会やグローバルな問題に関する自分 の意見を、一貫性があり、まとまりのある英語で表 現し、問題解決の方向で、エッセイにまとめること である。 第二に、その書かれた英語を要約し、聴衆に説明し たり、説得したりするためのパブリック・スピーチ としてまとめあげ、目標言語で自己表現する能力を 育むことである。 最後に、英語運用能力を伸長するために、発表内容 に関して学習者同士が質問し、議論するコミュニカ テイブな学習環境を学習者と教師が共に創造するこ とである。教師は常に学習者の援助者、観察者、指 導者として意識しなければならない。 (中村 2007) 2015/9/30 56 Reference Banks,J. (2001). Cultural Diversity and Education: Foundation , Curriculum, and Teaching. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Nunan, David. (1991). Communicative Tasks and the Language Curriculum. TESOL Quarterly, 25 (2), 279-295. Nunan David (1989) Designing Communicative Classroom. Cambridge: University of Cambridge. Richards, J. C., and T. Rogers. (2001). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Ross, Paul (2004). The Language-Culture Connection in ELT: Theory and Practice (2004). JILC. Vol.8, pp.57-72. 2015/9/30 57 Reference Nakamura, Koji (2008). International Education for Peace for Student Teachers in Japan: Promoting Cultures of Peace, Transforming Education for Peace, Information Age Publishing, New York. pp 113128. Nakamura, Koji (2008). International Education for Integrated Studies Course as a New Curriculum for Teaching Profession in a Japanese University The Journal of the Institute for Language and Culture, Konan University. Vol.12. pp. 1-21 Nakamura, Koji (2008). Incorporating Communicative Task-based Instruction into a Student Teacher Training Program at a Japanese University, The Journal of the Center for Teaching Profession, Konan University. Vol. 2. pp.1-17. (In Print) Nakamura, Koji (2007). English Education in Globalized Age- Contentbased Process Writing for Oral Presentation, Eihosha. Tokyo. Nakamura, Koji (2006). The compatibility of British Identities with European Citizenship: Qualitative and Quantitative Research. Identity, Education and Citizenship-Multiple Interrelations. (Ed) by Jonas Sprogoe & Thyge Winther-Jensen. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. pp. 65-90 Reference Nakamura, Koji (2006). International Education for Peace in Higher Education – Promoting Culture of Peace in Japan. The Journal of the Institute for Language and Culture, 2006, Vol.10. pp. 1-27. Nakamura. (2005) Creating a Learner-centered Communicative Classroom for Student Teachers, The Journal of the Institute for Language and Culture, Vol. 9. pp. 1-20 Nakamura, K. (2004). Fostering Global Literacy among Japanese University Students through Global Citizenship Education. The Journal of the Institute for Language and Culture, Konan University. 8, 1-29. Nakamura, K. (2002). Developing Global Literacy through English as an International Language (EIL) Education in Japan. International Education Journal Vol.3, No.5, 2002. WCCES Commission 6 pp.6374.
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