神経生物学 No.2と筋学 (Neurobiology & Myology) 神経遺伝情報学 大野欽司 生物学基礎2 Creation of Adam Meshberger 1990 Precentral gyrus Central sulcus Postcentral gyrus Regionalization of the brain Brain Map by Wilder Penfield 大脳(cerebrum) 前脳(forebrain) 間脳(diencephalon) 中脳(midbrain) 中脳(midbrain) 橋(pons) 後脳(hindbrain) 脳幹(brainstem) 延髄(medulla) 脊髄(spinal cord) Parkinson’s Disease QuickTimeý Dz TIFFÅià• èkÇ »ÇµÅj ê Lí£ ÉvÉçÉOÉâÉÄ Ç™Ç±ÇÃÉsÉN É`ÉÉÇ ¾å©ÇÈǞǽDžÇÕïKóvÇ Ç• ÅB Michael J. Fox GABA: g-aminobutyric acid Glu: Glutamate DA: Dopamine Caudate nucleus: 尾状核 Thalamus: 視床 Putamen: 被核 Globus pallidus externa: 淡蒼球外節 Globus pallidus interna: 淡蒼球内節 Subthalamic nucleus: 視床下核 Amygdala: 扁桃体 Hippocampus: 海馬 Substantia nigra pars compacta: 黒質緻密部 Substantia nigra pars reticulata: 黒質網様部 Red nucleus: 赤核 Ventral Tegmental Area: 腹側被蓋野 Spinal Cord (脊髄) and Dermatome (皮節) 頚椎 7 cervical vertebrae 胸椎 12 thoracic vertebrae 腰椎 5 lumber vertebrae 仙骨 1 (5) sacrum Cauda equina (馬尾) 体性感覚経路 皮質脊髄路 (Corticospinal pathway) Innvervation of sternocleidomastoideus (胸鎖乳突筋の神経支配) Stretch Reflex 大腿四頭筋 Polio 運動ニューロン Stretch Reflex Ib afferent fiber Ia, II afferent fiber 錐内筋 錐外筋 筋 Muscle fibers Myofibrils Sarcomere 筋節 I band: Isotropic band A band: Anisotropic band H band: Hensen’s band M line: Mittelmembran’s line Actin and Myosin 骨格筋収縮機構 Neuromuscular Junction (NMJ) Ryanodine receptor L-type Ca channel T tubule: Transverse tubule SR: Sarcoplasmic reticulum (筋小胞体)
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