Language Development - Central Connecticut State

Language Development
Carolyn R. Fallahi, Ph. D.
Chomsky & Language Development
When do children understand their first
When do children say their first words?
Simple sentences?
Theories of Language
Prior to 1950s: Behavioral theories
B. F. Skinner
Idea: language is reinforced or punished
Problem: children are always creating things they
have never heard before.
Children misapply the rules of language.
1950: Chomsky
Language is prewired in a baby’s brain.
There is a universal language that gets
inherited through our DNA.
The language acquisition device (LAD)
Metaphor: a seed language gets inherited
through the genes. Out of this seed language
would blossom all past, present, and future
languages of the world.
Support for Chomsky
Explanation for why humans are the only
creatures with a capacity for language.
Criticism of Chomsky’s theory
Children do learn by rewards and punishment.
Is this only unique to humans? What about
trained chimps, gorillas, etc.
Where is the LAD?