Advanced Language Concepts in C# Session 4 Last Update: 3/09 David Figge [email protected] Page 1 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Where We’re at, Where We’re Going… Advanced Language Concepts in C# Last Update: 3/09 Page 2 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Class 3 Schedule Session 1: Review, Introductions Language INtegrated Query (LINQ) Session 2: More Linq (continued) Session 3: Still More Linq (continued) Session 4: Creating tables in a Database Attributes Session 5: Relationships and Referential Integrity Session 6: Displaying XML data with DataGrid Nullable Types SQL Security Concepts .Net Security Last Update: 3/09 Page 3 Session 7: Class Libraries Namespaces and Assemblies Versioning Global Assembly Cache (GAC) Extern Aliases Session 8: Multi-Threading Session 9: Anonymous Methods Integrating Help Localization Windows Setup/Click-Once Deployment Session 10: Final Project Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Anonymous Methods Advanced Language Concepts in C# Last Update: 3/09 Page 4 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Anonymous Methods Anonymous Methods are simply a way of specifying code for a method without actually creating a fully named method It’s sort of a shortcut way to create (typically small) functions for one-time use Specifically, it’s used to specify function code for a delegate Anonymous methods are never required, but many developers find them easier than creating small functions that are only used in one place For an example, recall our PrintProgress function in our Address program It’s job was to simply pass on the percentage printed… Last Update: 3/09 Page 5 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Anonymous Here weMethods set the ProgressChanged delegate to the PrintProgress function. EventArgs e) private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, { BackgroundWorker printthread = new BackgroundWorker(); printthread.DoWork += Print; printthread.ProgressChanged += PrintProgress; printthread.RunWorkerCompleted += PrintCompleted; printthread.WorkerReportsProgress = true; printthread.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; This is the original code for the btnPrint click event… The PrintProgress function is a perfect candidate for an anonymous It is small and simple, printform = new frmPrint(printthread); // function: Create form and it’s used// in only one place (by the printthread.RunWorkerAsync(); Callthat DoWork() delegate) … so let’s modify it to // Display form, if ProgressChanged cancelled say so be an anonymous method instead… if (printform.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) MessageBox.Show("Printing Aborted"); } private void PrintProgress(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e) { printform.UpdateProgress(e.ProgressPercentage); } Last Update: 3/09 Page 6 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Anonymous Methods Next are It starts with the keywordIf the function hadthe noparameters. parameters,(The we names had to private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, be changed soincluding they e) didn’t delegate. Inside This says we’re using would leave themEventArgs out theconflict with the the braces is the code of the { parameters the btnPrint_Click function.) an anonymous method. parenthesis (i.e. … +=of delegate { … }; ) method (makes sense…), BackgroundWorker printthread = referencing new BackgroundWorker(); printthread.DoWork += Print; the parameters sndr and pce. //printthread.ProgressChanged += PrintProgress; printthread.ProgressChanged += delegate(object sndr, ProgressChangedEventArgs pce) { printform.UpdateProgress(pce.ProgressPercentage); }; printthread.RunWorkerCompleted += PrintCompleted; printthread.WorkerReportsProgress = true; and move it here. Notice printthread.WorkerSupportsCancellation =…true; the definition of the So, we remove the original printform = new frmPrint(printthread); // Create formmethod… anonymous printthread.RunWorkerAsync(); // Call DoWork() code… // Display form, if cancelled say so if (printform.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) MessageBox.Show("Printing Aborted"); } //private void PrintProgress(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e) //{ // printform.UpdateProgress(e.ProgressPercentage); Make Sense? //} Last Update: 3/09 Page 7 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Anonymous Methods Summary So, an anonymous method is a nameless method. Anonymous Methods can be used for any delegate Allows you to create a single method (used by only one delegate) instead of having to define a named function. You can use parameters with delegates If not, no parenthesis needed The C# compiler at compile time Many people feel that this is cleaner and more convenient than a named method. Anonymous methods can substituted for delegates as parameters, return values, and in other situations. Validates the signature of the delegate—no out parameters Infers the signature of the anonymous method from the delegate Confirms that the return type of the delegate is compatible with the anonymous method Creates a new delegate that is initialized with a function pointer to the anonymous method Anonymous methods are purely a convenience Questions on There is required place where they must be used.Anonymous Methods? Last Update: 3/09 Page 8 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Localization Advanced Language Concepts in C# Last Update: 3/09 Page 9 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Localization Localization is the process of making an application adapt to and work in multiple languages and cultures Visual Studio and .Net make it very easy to support multiple languages First, .Net automatically recognizes the local settings and adapts Secondly, Visual Studio allows easy modification of existing forms to support multiple cultures and languages Let’s see how this all comes together… Last Update: 3/09 Page 10 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. System.Globalization Localization ultimately boils down to two aspects Modifying the formatting of numbers, dates, calendars, etc. to match the region’s customs Converting the text into the language for the region The System.Globalization namespace holds information and classes to support date formats, number formats, calendars (GregorianCalendar, HebrewCalendar, JapaneseCalendar, etc) .Net takes the set of preferences based on a user’s language and cultural habits and breaks them into two pieces The CultureInfo class represents a culture and defines calendars, number and date formats, and sorting rules within the culture The RegionInfo class represents things like currency and use of the metric system Note that these are connected but independent One region can use multiple languages, and one language can be used in multiple regions Cultures are given names depending on a language and a country or region Last Update: 3/09 en-AU, en-CA, en-GB, en-US covers English in Australia, Canada, the UK, and the US Page 11 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Localization in Practice .Net automatically recognizes the culture and region information for the current system installation This means that – if you use .Net’s methods for number, currency, and DateTime display – the correct formats will be used automatically So, unless you’re building a date string by hand, you don’t really need to worry about those aspects The textual language aspects are not as automatic – you still have to translate the text you use into other languages However, incorporating these changes is made much easier by Visual Studio… Last Update: 3/09 Page 12 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Localization in Visual Studio Language issues within the app fall into two categories Items included within forms Text referenced from within the code Text within forms When you create a form, you automatically start in the ‘default’ language This is the language that will be used if you don’t have specific coverage for the language of the current region To add support for another language Last Update: 3/09 Go to the Form properties Select another language Modify the form to support that language Page 13 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Localization in Visual Studio The images and text you use will be the “default” value and will display in all culture/languages unless youwith, override To begin start it. with the language set to (Default) Once you have all the default text and graphics the way you like it, then move to other languages… Last Update: 3/09 Page 14 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Localization in Visual Studio Once you’ve selected another language… Any text/images you don’tthe want change Change texttoand graphics there isthat any)language. can be to(ifsupport just left alone. Changing the size and location of controls is acceptable and supported. Let’s look at my CountryExample Demo… Last Update: 3/09 Page 15 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Localization in Visual Studio Culture/Language specific changes All changes – including text, placement and size of controls, etc. – are saved in a culture/language specific ‘satellite’ assembly in a subdirectory (like fr-FR) This assembly is automatically loaded when the culture/language of the machine matches one that you have .Net also supports you in localizing strings used within your code (“string literals”) To do this, you have to define a table of strings you’ll use, with language specific versions of each string. Here are the steps… Last Update: 3/09 Page 16 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Localization of String Literals First, save the text being localized into text file Good Day = Guten Tag Good Night = Guten Nacht Goodbye = Auf Weidersehen Day = Bonjour Hello =Good Hallo Hi = HiGood Night = Bonsoir Goodbye = Au Revoir Bye = Auf Weidersehen Hello = Bonjour Hi = Salut Bye = Salut One line per string, key = string You’ll use the key in your code to load the string When you do, the string will be loaded and displayed The default file would be something like MyStrings.txt, with the Spanish version Making sense, French… so far? Last Update: 3/09 Page 17 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Localization of String Literals Next, convert these text files into embeddable resources with resgen This is a command-line utility with VS Ex: Resgen TextStrings.txt TextStrings.resx Finally, add these to your project Use Add/Existing Item Build Action sets to Embedded Resource, and – as the project is built – the strings will be added to the satellite assembly for that language These strings, like other resources, are accessed in your code by creating a ResourceManager object… Last Update: 3/09 Page 18 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Localization and String Literals So you start by creating a ResourceManager object (which really only needs to be done once per form/program). The parameters to this constructor are… private void btnGreeting_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("CountryExample.TextStrings", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); MessageBox.Show(rm.GetString("Good Day")); } The fully qualified name of the resource Then, it uses the currently executing assembly to locate you’re trying to access. In this case, the the resources imbedded within it. Sothe we reference the So once you have imbedded TestStrings object we created with ExecutingAssembly as the second parameter. ResourceManager object,(this youcan cancontain all the string literals ResGen load in a string using theprogram GetString() your uses.) CountryExample is the method. The parameter is the keynamespace. used in the text file. Good Day = Bonjour Good Night = Bonsoir Goodbye = Au Revoir Last Update: 3/09 Let’s look at Loading the Satellite Strings Assembliesmake and code… sense? Page 19 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Testing Your Localizations If you wish, you can modify your Main function (located in Program.cs) to facilitate testing of your localizations To do this, you set up the program to accept a culture/region code (‘language’) as a parameter Based on that parameter, you then set the program to use that language setting Here’s the code… Last Update: 3/09 Page 20 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Testing Your Localizations static void Main(string[] args) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); First, you modify it so it can take parameters on Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); the command line. string culture = ""; if (args.Length == 1) { culture = args[0]; } Application.Run(new Form1(culture)); } Then, if you pass a parameter, you set a string variable to equal that After that, simply pass theculture. culture string to the form’s constructor. Here’s how the form’s constructor is modified… Last Update: 3/09 Page 21 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Testing Your Localizations First, of course, you modify the constructor to take the string parameter language If the culture string isrepresenting empty, that the means you are using the computer’s settings (in which case you don’t change anything). Otherwise… public Form1(string culture) { if (culture != "") { CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo(culture); // set culture for formatting Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = ci; // set culture for resources Create a new CultureInfo object based on the = specified Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture ci; language string (again, like fr-CA for French in Canada) } The culture information is actually associate with a thread (in this case, the main thread for the program). The two places that need to be set properly are the formattings (like date displays) – which is InitializeComponent(); …and by setting theinternal UI-based settings (like the language by setting used in thedone formhere – which is donethe byCurrentCulture… setting the } At this point,CurrentUICulture. your program should be using the language settings you specified. Questions on Localization? Last Update: 3/09 Page 22 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Adding Help Advanced Language Concepts in C# Last Update: 3/09 Page 23 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Adding Help to Applications I want to talk briefly about the process of integrating help into an application I’m going to discuss adding “simple” help Adding full help files to an application is not a small task, and is beyond the scope of this class Last Update: 3/09 Page 24 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Displaying Help To use automatic ‘F1’ type help for controls… Add a HelpProvider control to your form For each control in the form set the HelpString property to the text you want displayed When F1 is pressed, a ‘tooltip’ window will pop up with that string The HelpKeyword and HelpNamespace (a property of the HelpProvider) can be used to display a full-sized Help window if you have a compiled (*.chm) help file. Let’s add F1 help to a field on our Address program… Last Update: 3/09 Page 25 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Displaying Help Questions on adding help? Last Update: 3/09 Page 26 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Setup / Publish Advanced Language Concepts in C# Last Update: 3/09 Page 27 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Publishing Your App After you’ve got your app working, it’s all localized, and help is integrated, it’s time for deployment! You have two primary choices Deploy using a Windows Setup program Use the Publish capability to create a single-click deployment package Last Update: 3/09 Page 28 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Option 1: Using Windows Setup To use a Windows Setup program Add a new project to your solution Use the Setup Wizard (in the Other Project Types/Setup and Deployment) It sets up the Setup project with the default values Be sure to select the project in Solution Explorer and make sure the properties are set properly Right-click on the Application Folder and add your assembly to the setup list That’s the best place maintenance-wise It also detects dependencies you need When you build the setup project (not normally done on Build Solution), a setup file is produced that leads the user through installation Pretty easy, huh? Last Update: 3/09 Page 29 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. Option 2: Using Publish To publish (deploy via one click) The Publish Wizard creates a one-click easy installation file Go to the Publish tab on the Project Properties Start the Publish wizard This can be executed from a disk, or downloaded from a web site From the wizard… Select where to publish the app Select if this is installed from a Web site, a network location, or a CD/DVD You can specify a location where the program can check for updates as the user installs it Normally you will place the installation file into a subdirectory of your app (but can be a Web site or FTP site) So you could put new, updated install on a web/FTP site that would be checked on installation Select where to publish the app Last Update: 3/09 Page 30 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. The Publish Wizard When finished, it produces a simple installation file complete with setup It installs it (no interaction required) Puts it into the Program menu and Control Panel/Programs Pretty cool, huh! Let me show you by running the publishing wizard on my Address program… Questions on Setup? Last Update: 3/09 Page 31 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved. End of Session 4 (You Made It!) Advanced Language Concepts in C# Last Update: 3/09 Page 32 Copyright (C) 2009 by David Figge. All Rights Reserved.
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