Italy_ENAV_Garbini_language bis implx

ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements
Roma, 3th March 2010
Director General
Implementation in 2009
adopted by European Community
(Dir. EU 2006/23).
Technical Proficiency Test
The italian way to do it
ENAV Technical Proficiency Test first version is an
evolution of the one used by Italian Air Force.
Experts from both Providers worked together to
achieve such a result. They are continuing to
produce new Test versions.
ENAV Technical Proficiency Test is certified by the
Italian Regulator - ENAC.
Technical Proficiency Test
The italian way to do it
All ATCOs has been tested in ten months time, and the
Test Program is completed.
The results are:
1676 assessments
 Level 4
 Level 5
Performances below Level 4 has been already regained by
Specific Remedial courses.
Enduring Competency
ENAV will guarantee a Technical
Proficiency Test always up dated and
coherent with the needs in assuring
the requested language
ENAV emphasizes English language
competence in the selection process.
Technical Proficiency Test is currently
used in the ab initio training courses.
Improving Competency
We are planning to adopt a
mix mode
e-learning / classic teaching
to improve the Italian ATCOs’
performances aiming ICAO Level 5.
Enduring Competency
ENAV ACADEMY is also preparing a Special
Aviation English Course, with a new
Proficiency test included, to be offered to
Foreign ANSPs for ICAO language
certification purposes.
Technical Proficiency Test
Thank you for