English Language Testing and Evaluation EFL413 Why test? • • • • • • Diagnose students strengths and needs Provide feedback on student learning Provide a basis for instructional placement Inform and guide instruction Communicate learning expectations Motivate and focus students’ attention and effort • Provide practice applying knowledge and skills This type of testing/evalutation spans two columns: Observations Pre-assessment (diagnostic) Pretests Formative (ongoing) Quizzes Assignments Questionnaires Interviews Summative (final) Teacher-made test This type of testing/evalutation spans two columns: Journals/logs Pre-assessment (diagnostic) Pretests Formative (ongoing) Quizzes Observations Assignments Questionnaires Interviews Observations Summative (final) Teacher-made test This type of testing/evalutation spans two columns: Projects Pre-assessment (diagnostic) Pretests Formative (ongoing) Quizzes Observations Journals/logs Assignments Questionnaires Observations Interviews Journals/logs Summative (final) Teacher-made test This type of testing/evalutation spans two columns: Portfolios Pre-assessment (diagnostic) Pretests Formative (ongoing) Summative (final) Quizzes Teacher-made test Assignments Projects Observations Journals/logs Projects Questionnaires Observations Interviews Journals/logs This type of testing/evalutation spans two columns: Discussions Pre-assessment (diagnostic) Pretests Formative (ongoing) Quizzes Observations Journals/logs Summative (final) Teacher-made test Portfolios Assignments Projects Questionnaires Observations Interviews Portfolios Journals/logs Projects This type of testing/evalutation spans two columns: Standardized tests Pre-assessment (diagnostic) Formative (ongoing) Summative (final) Pretests Quizzes Teacher-made test Observations Discussions Portfolios Journals/logs Assignments Projects Discussions Projects Questionnaires Observations Interviews Portfolios Journals/logs This type of testing/evalutation spans two columns: Standardized tests Pre-assessment (diagnostic) Formative (ongoing) Summative (final) Pretests Quizzes Teacher-made test Observations Discussions Portfolios Journals/logs Assignments Projects Discussions Projects Standardized tests Questionnaires Observations Interviews Portfolios Journals/logs Standardized tests EFL teachers • Should EFL teachers know about linguistics? Why? Why not? • If you were to take a multiple choice test with ten questions about basic linguistic terminology, how many do you think you’d get right? • Write your prediction down. Basic Linguistic Terminology • You will see ten multiple choice questions. • You will have 30 seconds to choose an answer. • Write your answers on a piece of paper. From: http://www.funtrivia.com/playquiz/quiz691417ecee0.html How did you feel? You and tests Tests that left you feeling • Positive • Self-confident • Motivated Why? Tests that made you feel • Degraded • Anxious • De-motivated Why? How did you do? 1. Apocope 2. Alphabetism 3. Exonym 4. Prothesis 5. Dissimilation 6. Jakob Grimm 7. Clinical linguistics 8. L1 or First Language 9. Folk etymology 10. Glossolalia Three key concepts • Te_____ • As________ • Te______ • Testing • Assessment • Teaching What is a test? What makes a test “a test”? 4 – 5 keywords? A method of … (Brown, 2004) What is a test? What makes a test “a test”? 4 – 5 keywords? A method of measuring a person’s ability, knowledge or performance in a given domain (Brown, 2004) What is a test? • Measure – what? How? – General ability / specific knowledge – Individual ability and performance – % | AA | Pass/Fail – must have result • The person – Appropriate? – Interpretation? – Relevance? • Performance – Competence (actual use of language) – Metalanguage (e.g. grammar); Skills (e.g. infer) • Domain – General competence (e.g. proficiency) – Specific criteria (e.g. vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar) What makes a good test? A well-constructed test is…. • “A well-constructed test is an instrument that provides an accurate measure of a test taker's ability within a particular domain.” Brown, 2003 Assessment • Is assessment synonymous with testing? Which is which? Assessment • ongoing process • Generally encompasses a wide domain • subconscious impression • Incidental judgment • implicit evaluation Testing • administrative procedure • specific times • curriculum referenced • peak performance • measured and evaluated Where is the line… • …between assessment and testing? • …between assessment and teaching? Which best describes the relationship? Tests Assessment Teaching Assessment Tests Teaching Tests Assessment Teaching The four winds of assessment Formative Formal Tests Informal Summative What characteristics do these have? Informal Nice job! WW – Gr - Sp Watch out! /id/ not /it/ Progress test Proficiency test Student journal Formal Formative Summative Testing terminology • Norm referenced • Criterion referenced Norm-referenced terminology • • • • • • • • • standardized tests Scholastic Achievement Test rank order standard deviatıon percentile rank mean (average score) median (middle score) large-scale testing pre-determined responses Criterion referenced terminology • • • • • feedback learning objectives classroom-based curriculum instructional value Testing Philosophy (Order according to history) Instruments (Match to philosophy) • Communicative Language teaching • Humanism • Learner centered • Behaviourism a. Integrative testing/whole language (cloze/dictation) b. Performance based (portfolio, collaborative, interactive) c. Discrete-point testing (decontextualized – language broken in parts) d. Language competence (authentic tasks) Testing Philosophy (Order according to history) Instruments (Match to philosophy) 1. Behaviourism 2. Humanism 3. Communicative Language teaching 4. Learner centered 1. Discrete-point testing (decontextualized – language broken in parts) 2. Integrative testing/whole language (cloze/dictation) 3. Language competence (authentic tasks) 4. Performance based (portfolio, collaborative, interactive) • MOODLE – key=###xxx – Reading and discussion, Brown, 2004, Chapter 1, pp. 1-11. • Facebook group – METU EFL413 – Links to download course materials • TWITTER – join @neufelds/efl413
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