Born in Rosario (Argentina) in 1947. Degree in Business
Administration from Catholic University of Buenos Aires. She’s
completed a Senior Manager Program at IESE Business School,
University of Navarra.
Trayectoria Profesional
Director of Mediaset España Comunicación from 2009; Director of
Banco Popular Español, S.A. from 2007; Chairman of Euroforum from
2004; and Director of Prosegur, S.A. from 1997 and Chairman from
2004; Chairman of Foundation Prosegur from 1997.
Ocupación actual
Chairman of Prosegur Compañía de Seguridad, S.A. from 2004
Chairman of Foundation Prosegur
Otros Consejos de Administración a los que pertenece
Director of Banco Popular Español
Director of Mediaset España Comunicación
Otras Actividades
Chairman of Euroforum from 2004; Member of the Board of Trustees
of the Príncipe de Asturias Foundation; Member of the Board of
Trustees of the Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía.