ANA M. TARQUIS Curriculum Vita Professor, Dept. of Applied Mathematics General Secretary, Management of Agricultural and Environmental Risks (CEIGRAM) Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) E.T.S.I. Agrónomos, Ciudad Universitaria s.n. 28040, Madrid (CM), SPAIN telephone: +34 914524900 ext. 1915 fax: +34 914524818 mobile: [email protected] EDUCATION Degree Agricultural Engineering Diploma in Foreign Trade PhD Agricultural Engineering Institution UPM C.E.Y.D.E. – UPM UPM Field Agronomy Agricultural Economy Modeling Year June, 1986 July, 1986 January,1990 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Vice-chair Subdivision of Soil Science System: Soils - Informatics and Statistics. European Geosciences Union (EGU), April 2013 - present. General Secretary, Management of Agricultural and Environmental Risks (CEIGRAM) Research Center, UPM, February 2013 – present. Professor, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, UPM, May 2011 – present. Member of Commission on Academic Accreditation, National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA). March 2010- October 2012 Visiting scientist, Rothamstead Research Institute (Dept. of Biomathematics and Bioinformatics) and SIMBIOS Center. April-September 2008. Visiting scientist, SIMBIOS Center. Univ. of Abertay at Dundee, Scotland – U.K. June-August 2007. Academic Secretary, Dept of Applied Mathematics, UPM, March 1997- September 2004 Visiting scientist. Agriculture and Life Science, Texas A&M, June-September 1996. Associate Professor, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, UPM, December 1993- April 2011. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, UPM, January 1991 - November 1993. Postdoctoral fellow, INRA, Bordeaux, France, 1990. PhD advisors, UC Davis – Kent J. Bradford and UPM – J.M. Durán. Postgraduate Researcher, University of Davis (UCD), CA, USA. September 1987 – October 1988. AWARDS AND HONORS 2013 Session’s Best Poster Award to the presentation of: Indexes and efficiencies of N optimum dose reviewed as water- and Nitrogen- footprint. By M.T. Castellanos, M.C. Cartagena, M.J. Cabello, F. Rivas, A.M. Tarquis, and A. Arce. Session: Organic farming and Sustainable productivity of soils: a question of balance. Congress EGU-Vienna, 2013. 2012 Session’s Best Poster Award to the presentation of: Multifractal Analysis in Binary Images. By A.M. Tarquis, N.R.A. Bird, E. Perrier, and J.W. Crawford. Session: Scaling, Nonlinearity, and Complexity in soils. Congress: EGU, Vienna, 2012. 2012 Session’s Best Poster Award to the presentation of: Robust regression applied to fractal/multifractal analysis. F. Portilla, J.L. Valencia, A.M. Tarquis, and A. Saa-Requejo. Session: Scaling, Nonlinearity, and Complexity in soils. Congress: EGU, Vienna, 2012. 2012 Session’s Best Poster Award to the presentation of: Sum Insured Determination for Cereal, Citrus and Vineyards in the Spanish Agricultural Insurance System. By C. Lozano, A.M. Tarquis, and J.A. Gómez-Barona. Session: Hazard Risk Management in Agriculture and Agroecosystems. Congress: EGU, Vienna, 2012. A.M. Tarquis Curriculum Vita 1 2008 Session’s Best Paper Award to the presentation of: Election of Water Resources Management Entity using a Muli-Criteria Decision (MCD) Method in Salta Province (Argentine). Congress: The 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. Argentina, Julio, 2008. 1992 Jose Cascón award of Professional College of Agricultural Engineering for PhD thesis. 1992 Award of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid for PhD thesis. MEMBERSHIPS Member of “American Geosicience Union” 2011 (AGU). Member of “European Geosicience Union” since 2005 (EGU). Professional Engineering since March 1991. EDITORIAL SERVICES Member of editorial board of Geoderma (ISSN 0016-7061). February 2007 – present. Guest Editor of Soil Research Journal (ISSN: 1838-675X). Sustainable management and organic farming (2015). Editors: Marta Moreno, A.M. Tarquis, Ziad Al-Chami, A. Cerdà. Guest Editor of The Scientific World Journal (ISSN: 2356-6140). Impacts of Land Use Changes on Soil Properties and Processes (2014). Editors: A. Paz González, Cleide A. de Abreu, A.M. Tarquis, E. Medina-Roldán. Guest Editor of Solid Earth (ISSN: 1869-9510). Environmental benefits of Biochar (2013). Editors: Gabriel Gascó, A. Méndez, J. Paz Ferreiro, A.M. Tarquis. Guest Editor of Agricultural Water Management (ISSN: 0378-3774). Soil and Irrigation Sustainability Practices (2012). Editors: L. Rodriguez, G. Provenzano, A.M. Tarquis. Guest Editor of Natural Hazards and Earth System Science (ISSN: 1561-8633). Weather-related hazards and risks in agriculture (2011). Editors: A. Gobin, A.M. Tarquis, U. Ulbrich, and N. Dalezios. Guest Editor of Biogeoscience (ISSN 1726-4170). Modeling soil system: complexity under your feet (2010). Editors: W. Otten, S. De Bartolo, A.M. Tarquis, and Q. Cheng. Guest Editor of Climate Research (ISSN: 0936-577X). Agriculture in a changing climate (2010). Editors: Ana M. Tarquis, Anne Gobin, Mikhail Semenov. Guest Editor of Geoderma (ISSN 0016-7061). Complexity and Nonlinearity in Soils (2009). Editors: A.M. Tarquis, N.R.A. Bird, E. Perrier and J.W. Crawford. Guest Editor of Vadose Zone Journal (ISSN: 1539-1663). Multiscale Soil Investigations: Physical Concepts and Mathematical Techniques (2008). Editors: S. D. Logsdon, E. Perfect, and A.M. Tarquis. Guest Editor of Nonlinear Process in Geophysics (ISSN: 1023-5809). Nonlinear and Scaling Processes in Hydrology and Soil Science (2008). Editors: A. M. Tarquis, J. de Lima, W. Krajewski, Q. Cheng, and H. Gaonach. Guest Editor of Nonlinear Process in Geophysics (ISSN: 1023-5809). New developments in scaling, scale and nonlinearity in the Earth's Surface and Interior (2007). Editors: Q. Cheng, H. Gaonac'h, and A. Tarquis. PRINCIPAL GRANTS AND ACTIVITIES Main Researcher Towards multifunctional agricultural landscapes in Europe: Assessing and governing synergies between biodiversity and ecosystem services - Spain. (ERA-NET BiodivERsA). CICYT PCIN-2014-080. From 101-2015 till 31-12-2017. Guadarrama Monitoring Network Initiative (GUMNET). International Campus of Excellence Moncloa. From 1-12-2011 till 31-12-2012. Main Researcher: A.M. Tarquis (UPM team). Coordinator: Fidel Gonzalez Rouco. Soil degradation indexes through image analysis. CICYT AGL2010-21501/AGR. From 1-12-2010 till 1-122012. Main Researcher: A.M. Tarquis. Oil spill contamination and environmental risk. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. CGL2009-07107-E/CLI. From 01/05/2009 till 31/05/2010. Main Researcher: A.M. Tarquis. Soil structure characterization through 3D images. Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de la Comunidad de Madrid (M0800204139 o CCG07-UPM/AMB-1998). From 1-02-2008 till 1-12-2008. Main Researcher: A.M. Tarquis. A.M. Tarquis Curriculum Vita 2 3-D soil Image analysis to characterize hydraulic behavior. Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de la Comunidad de Madrid (M0700204166 o CCG06-UPM/AGR-22). From 1-02-2007 till 1-12-2007. Main Researcher: Ana M. Tarquis. Pedotransfer functions based on neuronal networks. Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de la Comunidad de Madrid. Cod. M0500204163. From 1-02-2006 till 1-12-2006. Main Researcher: Ana M. Tarquis. Time series analysis applied to climatology and crop productions. Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de la Comunidad de Madrid. Cod. M92024501. From 1-07-1992 till 1-07-1994. Main Researcher: A.M. Tarquis Model of seed emergence in soil and applied fractal models cod. A92. U.P.M.. From 1/01/1991 till 1/01/1992. Main Researcher: A.M. Tarquis National teams Spatial and temporal soil characterization based on geostatistical and fractal analysis of data series measured with geophysics indirect techniques. Xunta de Galicia. From 1-01-2008 till 1-12-2010. Main Researcher: Antonio Paz González. Mathematical model to select alternatives plannings at Cuenca La Colacha (Córdoba, Argentina). Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriones- Acciones Complementarias con Latinoamérica AECI (AL09-PID04). From 1-01-2009 till 1-12-2009. Main Researcher: Jose Manuel Antón. Integral plan design against desertification and erosion in Chaco Salteño. Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriones- Acciones Complementarias con Latinoamérica AECI (A/013294/07). From 1-01-2008 till 1-12-2008. Main Researcher: Jose Manuel Antón Classic and Quantum Chaos in Hamiltonian Systems. CICYT MTM2006-15533-C02-02. From 9-02-2006 till 9-02-2009. Main Researcher: Rosa Benito. Pedotransfer functions based on neuronal networks. CICYT AGL2006-12689/AGR. From 1-12-2006 till 112-2009. Main Researcher: Diego Andina. Integral system of capture, transmission and database presentation in hydrologic reports in Argentina. UPM - Acciones Complementarias con Latinoamérica (AL05 PID0002, AL06 PID015, AL07-PID-040). From 1-01-2005 till 1-12-2007. Main Researcher: Diego Andina de la Fuente. Nitrogen fertilizer and irrigation optimization in melon: influence in postharvest quality and conservation. Programa nacional I+D Agrario y Alimentación del INIA. Cod. C 04026501. From 1-01-2004 till 12-122007. Main Researcher: Mª Carmen Cartagena. Classic and Quantum Chaos in Hamiltonian Systems. Programas D.G.E.S. Cod. BFM2000-0347-C02-02. From 1-01-2000 till 1-07-2003. Main Researcher: Rosa Mª Benito. Crop modelling and viusalization in 3D with a parametric L-system. Programas D.G.E.S. Cod. PB97-0569. From 1-07-1999 till 1-07-2001. Main Researcher: Ines Mínguez. Methodology to identify and estimation of environmental impacts in soil and groundwater behaviour. Cod. SC98-C2-2. Programa sectorial I+D Agrario y Alimentación del INIA. From 1-10-1998 till 1-10-2001. Main Researcher: Jose A. Díez. Chaos and non lineal dynamics of Hamiltonian systems: molecular systems and collision. Programas D.G.E.S. Cod PB96-0076-C02-02. From 1-10-1997 till 1-10-1999. Main Researcher: Rosa Mª Benito. Control of contaminant effects by soil residual nitrogen, organic fertilizers and mineral aquifers at the Jarama river basin”. Cod. COR0010/94. Programa sectorial I+D Medio Ambiente y Alimentación de la Comunidad de Madrid. From 1-1-1995 till 31-12-1997. Main Researcher: Jose A. Díez. International teams DURERO “Duero (Douro) River Basin: Water Resources, Water Accounts and Target Sustainability Indices”. Preparatory Action on development of prevention activities to halt desertification in Europe. Env.C1.3913442. Coordinator: Leonor Rodriguez. (2014-2015). ESSEM COST Action ES1104. Arid Lands Restoration and Combat of Desertification: Setting Up a Drylands and Desert Restoration Hub. 03/04/2012 till 02/04/2016. Chair of the Action: Dr Benz Kotzen. ESSEM COST Action ES1106. Assessment of EUROpean AGRIculture WATer use and trade under climate change (EURO-AGRIWAT). 18/04/2012 till 17/04/2016. Chair of the Action: Dr Anna Dalla Marta. A.M. Tarquis Curriculum Vita 3 Multiscale complex fluid flows and interfacial phenomena (MULTIFLOW). Marie Curie Initial Training network (PITN-GA-2008-214919). 1-01-2008 till 1-12-2012. Main Researcher and Coordinator Manuel García Velarde (UCM) Spatial Distribution of By-Pass Flow Estimated from Soil Porosity and Structure. Research Enhancement Programs. T.A.M.U.-IRI Code FY96 IRI. 1-06-1996 till 1-06-1997. Main Researcher: Kevin J. McInnes. Integration of Physiological and Molecular Disciplines in Seed Quality Analysis. Commission of the European Communities. Code AIR3 PL93 1863. 1-07-1994 till 1-07-1996. Main Researcher: J.M Durán (Spanish team) and Coordinator Raul Bino. Contract R&D of special relevance to business and/or government Development of a Tool in Java for a Multiscale Analysis of 3D Image. University of Guelph, 2014. Environmental risks and impact assessment of PepsiCo crop sourcing locations. PepsiCo, 2013-2014. Algorithms of Non Stationary Time Series Analysis. UNAM (Mexico) and PEMEX, 2013-2014. Statistical Analysis Applied to the Study of Claims in Fruit. AgroSeguro, 2012. Forecasts international tourist arrivals for the International Tourism Barometer. World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), 2010-2012. Analysis of time series of tourism in Tenerife (Canary Islands). Cabildo de Tenerife, 1999-2012. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Undergraduate courses: Linear Algebra (Graduate program Agricultural Engineering) Calculus (Graduate program Agricultural Engineering) Processes Simulation and Optimization (Degree in Food Technology) Processes Engineering (Degree in Food Technology) Basics in Environmental Engineering (Graduate program Environmental Engineering) Graduate courses: Numerical Methods (Master in Complex Systems in Physics) Fractal Geometry and Multifractals (Master in Complex Systems in Physics) Dynamical Systems (Master in AgroEngineering) Multiscale Image Analysis (Open course, b-learning, UPM) from 2008 till 2014 Mapple and Geometry (Open course, e-learning, UPM) from 2008 till 2015 Basic Techniques in Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods (Master in Technology for Human Development and Cooperation) 2015. Extension courses: Statistical methods and data analysis (25 hours). Dirección General de Desarrollo Rural de la Consejería de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural de Castilla La Mancha. May, 2014 and 2005. Course on Wavelets and Statistics (8 h.). Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación - UPM. April, 2010. Detrended Fluctuation analysis of wind and temperature series. International Workshop On Environmental Turbulence, UNIA, Baeza, Spain, 2008. Multifractal models in Geophysics and Turbulence (16 h.). Advances in Turbulence X. International Workshop on Geo-Astrophysical Turbulence. Campus Universitari de la Mediterrania. Barcelona 2008. Modelling and Statistics. Technicians Course on Organic Waste Characterization, Treatment and Recycling (250 h.) U.P.M. 2007/2008 and 2005/2006. Multifractal Analysis Aplications. (25 h.) International Summer School on Turbulent Diffusion CAMPUS UNIVERSITARI DE LA MEDITERRÀNIA. Barcelona. September 2006. Seminar in Data base management and Excel. Asociación Nacional de Químicos Españoles (1 weak) (ANQUE). September 2005 and 2004. Training Plan UPM. Basic Course in EXCEL (20 h.) Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos (UPM). 2005, 2004 and 2003. Training Plan UPM. Advanced Course in EXCEL (20 h.). Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos (UPM). 2004 and 2003. Seminar on Statistical Data Analysis in Studies (11 h.). UCAMAN. June and August 2004. A.M. Tarquis Curriculum Vita 4 Workshop on Computer & Internet. (24 h.) Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos. INEM. 1999 and 2001. Introduction to Visual Basic for Windows. (16 h.) ICE - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. June 1996 and November 1995. Mentoring PhD thesis: Remote sensing multiscale image analysis applied in indexed agricultural insurance. Juan José Martín Sotoca. 2014 – in progress. UPM. Analysis of the technical feasibility of wind pumps for drip irrigation. Manuel Peillón Mesa. 2013. Co-direction with Prof. Raul Sánchez. UPM. Combined application of methodologies: Geostatistics and Fractal for the physical study of the soils. Luis Delmis Pérez Sotos. 2012. Co-direction with Prof. Humberto Millán. UPM. Cum Laude. Prefractal Scaling apparent soil moisture estimated Vertisol digital images. Ramiro Cumbrera. 2012. Co-direction with Prof. Humberto Millán. UPM. Cum Laude Fractal metrology. Vianey Torres-Arguëllos. 2010. Co-direction with Prof. Klaudia Olechko. UNAM. Cum Laude. Methodological contribution to the study of Fractal Geometry fragmentation produced by different tillage systems. Juan Mato Tamayo. 2010. Co-direction with Prof. Humberto Millán. UPM. Cum Laude. Fractal Image Computing: Modeling the physical and mechanical properties of the deposits of Lake Texcoco from microstructure. Sergio Zamora Castro. 2009. Co-direction with Prof. Klaudia Olechko. Universidad: Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (UNAM). Cum Laude. Analysis and prediction of temperatures using time series analysis. María Teresa Castellanos. 1997. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). Cum Laude. Mentoring Master’s thesis: Coordinated Index of pasture drought in the region of Murcia. Felix Díaz Cid. 2015 in progress. Co-direction with A. Saa-Requejo. UPM. Viability of indexed agricultural insurance of peanut crop at Senegal. Samuel Martín Gutiérrez. 2015 in progress. Co-direction with J. Borondo. UPM Spatial structure pasture drought and its applications in indexed agricultural insurance. Juan José Martín Sotoca. 2014. Co-direction with A. Saa-Requejo. UPM. Development of a tool in Java for Multiscale Analysis of 3D Images. Ivan González Torres. 2014. Co-direction with J.C. Losada. UPM. Analysis of the climate change effect on the greenhouse sector and evaluation of risks. Adnan Rasheed. 2013. Co-direction with J.L. Garcia. UPM. Soil percolation with different bulk densities: porosity, connectivity and threshold image binarization. Mirian Irene Capa Morocho. 2011. Co-direction with Margarita Ruiz-Ramos. UPM. PUBLICATIONS Journal Articles –JCR- selected (22): Nicolas Dalecios, Nicos V. Spyropoulos, and A.M. Tarquis. Drought Risk Identification: Early Warning System of Seasonal Agrometeorological Drought. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 2435-2448, 2014. doi:10.5194/nhess-14-2435-2014. B. Ojeda-Magaña, J. Quintanilla Domínguez, R. Ruelas, A.M. Tarquis, L. Gómez-Barba, D. Andina. Identification of Pore Spaces in 3D CT Soil Images using a PFCM partitional clustering. Geoderma, 217-218, 90-101, 2014. P. Cely, A.M. Tarquis, J. Paz-Ferreiro, A. Méndez, and G. Gascó. Factors driving carbon mineralization priming effect in a soil amended with different types of biochar. Solid Earth, 5, 585-594, 2014. A.M. Tarquis Curriculum Vita 5 M. Samec, A. Santiago, J. P. Cardenas, R. M. Benito, A.M. Tarquis, S.J. Mooney and D. Korosak. Quantifying soil complexity using network models of soil porous structure. Nonlin. Processes Geophys, 20, 41-45, 2013. M.T. Castellanos, A.M. Tarquis, F. Ribas, M.J. Cabello, A. Arce, M.C. Cartagena. Nitrogen fertigation: An integrated agronomic and environmental study. Agricultural Water Management, 120, 46-55, 2013. J.L. Valencia, A.M. Tarquis, A. Saá-Requejo, and J.M. Gascó. Change of extreme rainfall indexes at Ebro River Basin, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 2127-2137, 2012. J.P. Cardenas, A. Santiago, A.M. Tarquis, J.C. Losada, F. Borondo and R.M. Benito. Community Structure in Soil Porous System. Soil Science, 177(2), 81-87, 2012. M.G. Cortina-Januchs, J. Quintanilla-Dominguez, A. Vega-Corona, A.M. Tarquis, and D. Andina. Detection of pore space in CT soil images using artificial neural networks. Biogeosciences, 8, 279-288, 2011. S. De Bartolo, W. Otten, Q. Cheng, and A.M. Tarquis. Modeling soil system: complexity under your feet. Preface. Biogeosciences, 8, 3139-3142, 2011. J. P. Cardenas, A. Santiago, A.M. Tarquis, J. C. Losada, F. Borondo R. M. Benito. Porous Soil Structure as Heterogeneous Complex Networks. Geoderma, 160, 13-21, 2010. M.T. Castellanos, M.C. Cartagena, A. Arce, Fco. Ribas, M.J. Caballero and A.M. Tarquis. Efficiency Indexes for melon crop optimization. Agronomy Journal, 102, 716-722, 2010. A.E. Milne, M.T. Castellanos, M.C. Cartagena, A.M. Tarquis, and R.M. Lark. Investigating the effect of historical treatments on wheat yield over multiple spatial frequencies. Biogeosciences, 7, 2739-2747, 2010. N.R.A. Bird, C.W. Watts, A.M. Tarquis and A.P. Whitmore. Modelling dynamic fragmentation of soil. Vadose Zone Journal, 8(1), 197-201, 2009. A.M. Tarquis, R.J. Heck, J.B. Grau; J. Fabregat, M.E. Sanchez and J.M. Antón. Influence of Thresholding in Mass and Entropy Dimension of 3-D Soil Images. Nonlinear Process in Geophysics, 15, 881-891, 2008. Santiago, R. M. Benito, J. P. Cardenas, J. C. Losada, A.M. Tarquis, and F. Borondo. Scaling and multiscaling of soils as heterogeneous complex networks. Nonlinear Process in Geophysics, 15, 893902, 2008. J. Piñuela, D. Andina, K. McInnes and A.M. Tarquis. Wavelet Analysis In A Structured Clay Soil Using 2D Images. Nonlinear Process in Geophysics, 14, 425-434, 2007. Perrier, Edith, A.M. Tarquis and Dathe, Annette. A Program for Fractal and Multifractal Analysis of TwoDimensional Binary Images. Computer Algorithms versus Mathematical Theory. Geoderma, 134, 284294, 2006. Nigel Bird, M.C. Díaz, A. Saa and A.M. Tarquis. A Review of Fractal and Multifractal Analysis of Soil Pore-Scale Images. J. of Hydrology, 322, 211-219, 2006. J.A. Díez, R. Caballero, R. Román, A.M. Tarquis, M.C. Cartagena and A. Vallejo. Integrated Fertilizer and Irrigation Management to Reduce Nitrate Leaching in Central Spain. Journal of Environmental Quality, 29, 1539-1547, 2000. Hélène Grout, A.M. Tarquis and Mark R. Wiesner. Multifractal Analysis of Particle Size Distributions in Soil. Environmental Science & Technology, 32, 1176-1182, 1998. C.H. Díaz-Ambrona, A.M. Tarquis and M. Inés Mínguez. Canopy modelling with parametric open Lsystem: A comparison with Mikael and Moeli model. Field Crop Research, 58, 1-13, 1998. A.M. Tarquis and K. J. Bradford. Prehydration, priming and seed deterioration. J. of Exp. Bot., 43, 307317, 1992. Journal Articles –JCR- (66): J. Paz-Ferreiro, A. Méndez, A.M. Tarquis, A. Cerdà, and G. Gascó. Preface: Environmental benefits of biochar. Solid Earth, 5, 1301-1303, 2014. Antonio Paz González,Cleide Aparecida de Abreu, A.M. Tarquis, and Eduardo Medina-Roldán. Impacts of Land Use Changes on Soil Properties and Processes. The Scientific World Journal, 1-2, 2014. R. Díaz, A. Rasheed, M. Peillón, A. Perdigones, R. Sánchez, A.M. Tarquis and J.L. García. Wind pumps for irrigating greenhouse crops: Comparison in different socio-economical frameworks. Biosystems Engineering, 128, 21-28, 2014. A.M. Tarquis Curriculum Vita 6 A.M. Tarquis, A. Platonov, A. Matulka, J. Grau, E. Sekula, M. Diez, and J. M. Redondo. Application of multifractal analysis to the study of SAR features and oil spills on the ocean surface. Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 21, 439-450, 2014. Jorge de Castro, Francisco Ballesteros, Alfredo Méndez and A.M. Tarquis. Fractal analysis of laplacian piramidal filters applied to soil segmentation. The Scientific World Journal, 2014, 1-13, 2014. J.M. Antón, A. Saa-Requejo, J.B. Grau, J. Gallardo, M.C. Díaz, D. Andina, M.E. Sanchez and A.M. Tarquis. Mathematical Decision Theory Applied to Land Capability, a Case Study in the Community of Madrid. Journal of Environmental Quality, 43, 763-774. 2014. Juan Pablo Del Monte, Pedro Luis Aguado and A.M. Tarquis. Thermal Time Model of Solanum Sarrachoides Germination. Seed Science Research, 24(4), 321-330, 2014. Matulka, A., López, P., Redondo, J. M., and A.M. Tarquis. On the entrainment coefficient in a forced plume: quantitative effects of source parameters. Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 21, 269-278, 2014. C. Moreno Valencia, I. Mancebo, A.M. Tarquis and M.M. Moreno. Univariate and multivariate analysis on processing tomato quality under different mulches. Scientia Agricola, 71(2), 114-119, 2014. J.M. Antón, J.B. Grau, J.M. Cisneros, A.M. Tarquis, F.V. Laguna, J.J. Cantero, D. Andina, E. Sánchez. Discrete Multi-Criteria Methods for lands use and conservation planning on La Colacha in Arroyos Menores (Río Cuarto, Province of Córdoba, Argentina). Annals of Operation Research, 10.1007/s10479-014-1606-6, 2014. Marta García-Albacete, A.M. Tarquis and María Carmen Cartagena. Risk of leaching in soils amended by compost and digestate from municipal solid waste. The Scientific World Journal,, 2014. Vanesa Valiño, Adnan Rasheed, A.M. Tarquis and Alicia Perdigones. Effect of increasing temperatures on cooling systems. A case of study: European greenhouse sector. Climatic Change, 123, 175-187, 2014. Pedro Luis Aguado, Juan Pablo Del Monte, Ruben Moratiel and A.M. Tarquis. Landscape spatial characterization of DEM through multifractal analysis. The Scientific World Journal, 2014, 1-9, 2014. M.J. Cabello, M.T. Castellanos, A.M. Tarquis, M.C. Cartagena, A. Arce, F. Ribas. Nitrogen uptake dynamics, yield and quality as influenced by nitrogen fertilization in ‘Piel de sapo’ melon. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 10(3), 756-767, 2013. M. Peillon, R. Sánchez, A.M. Tarquis and J.L. García. The use of wind pumps for greenhouse microirrigation: a case study for tomato in Cuba. Agricultural Water Management, 120, 107-114, 2013. M.T. Castellanos, M.C. Cartagena, Fco. Ribas, M.J. Cabello, A. Arce and A.M. Tarquis. Impact of nitrogen uptake on field water balance in fertirrigated melon. Agricultural Water Management, 120, 5663, 2013. G. Provenzano, A.M. Tarquis, L. Rodriguez-Sinobas. Soil and irrigation sustainability practices. Agricultural Water Management, 120, 1-4, 2013. N. Houston, S. Schmidt, A.M. Tarquis, W. Otten, P.C. Baveye, S.M. Hapca. Effect of scanning and image reconstruction settings in X-ray computed tomography on soil image quality and segmentation performance. Geoderma, 207-208, 154-165, 2013. M.C. Moreno Valencia, A.M. Tarquis and M. Moreno Valencia. Sustainable mulch materials in tomato crop: a Multivariate approach. Scientia Agricola, 70(4), 250-256, 2013. Méndez, A.M. Tarquis, A. Saa-Requejo, F. Guerrero, G. Gascó. Influence of Pyrolisis Temperature on Sewage Sludge Biochar Priming Effect in a Loamy Soil. Journal of Chemosphere, 93(4), 668-676, 2013. Gobin, A.M. Tarquis, U. Ulbrich, and N. Dalezios. Weather-related hazards and risks in agriculture. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 2599-2603, 2013 A.M. Tarquis, M.E. Sanchez, J.M. Antón, Juan Jimenez, A. Saa-Requejo, D. Andina and J.W. Crawford. Variation in spectral and mass dimension on 3D soil image processing. Soil Science, 177(2), 88-97, 2012. Humberto Milán, A.M. Tarquis, Luis D. Pérez, Juan Mato, Mario González-Posada. Univariate and bivariate spatial structure of some soil properties at a field scale using standardized data. Soil&Tillage Research, 120, 76-84, 2012. A.M. Tarquis Curriculum Vita 7 V. Méndez, H. Catalán, J.R. Rosell, J. Arnó, R. Sanz, A.M. Tarquis. SIMLIDAR – Simulation of LIDAR performance in artificially simulated orchards. Biosystems Engineering, 111(1), 72-82, 2012. R. Cumbrera, A.M. Tarquis, G. Gascó, H. Millán. Fractal scaling of apparent soil moisture estimated from vertical planes of Vertisol pit images. Journal of Hydrology, 452–453, 205-212, 2012. M.T. Castellanos, M.J. Caballero, M.C. Cartagena, A.M. Tarquis, A. Arce and Fco. Ribas. Growth dynamics and yield of melon as influenced by nitrogen fertilizer. Scientia Agricola, 68(2), 191-199, 2011. R. Moratiel, R.L. Snyder, J.M. Durán and A.M. Tarquis. Trends in climatic variables and future reference evapotranspiration in Duero Valley (Spain). Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 11, 17951805, 2011. J.M. Antón, A.M. Tarquis, Juan B. Grau, Elena Sánchez, A. Saa-Requejo and Mari-Cruz Díaz. Application of Decision Theory methods for a Community of Madrid Soil classification case. Annals of Operation Research, 190(1), DOI 10.1007/s10479-011-0919, 2011. M.J. Cabello, M.T. Castellanos, A.M. Tarquis, M.C. Cartagena, A. Arce, F. Ribas. Determination of the uptake and translocation of nitrogen applied at different growth stages of a melon crop (Cucumis melo L.) using 15N isotope. Scientia Horticulturae, 130, 541-550, 2011. A.M. Tarquis, J.L.M.P. de Lima, W.F. Krajewski, Q. Cheng and H. Gaonac’h. Nonlinear and Scaling Processes in Hydrology and Soil Science. Nonlinear Process Geophysics, 18, 899-902, 2011. A. Saa-Requejo, R. García Moreno, M.C. Díaz Alvarez, F. Burgaz and A.M. Tarquis. Analysis of Hail Events and Temperature Series for Peninsular Spain. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 11, 3415-3422, 2011. J. Piñuela, A. Alvarez, D. Andina, R.J. Heck, A.M. Tarquis. Quantifying a soil pore distribution from 3D images: Multifractal spectrum through wavelet approach. Geoderma, 155(3-4), 203-210, 2010. Carmine Fallico, A.M. Tarquis, Samuele De Bartolo, Massimo Veltri. Scaling Analysis Of Water Retention Curves For Unsaturated Sandy Loam Soils. European Journal of Soil Science, 61, 425-436, 2010. P.C. Baveye, M. Laba, W. Otten, L. Bouckaert, P. Dello, R.R. Goswami, D. Grinev, A. Houston, Yaoping Hu, Jianli Liu, S. Mooney, R. Pajor, S. Sleutel, A. Tarquis, Wei Wang, Qiao Wei, Mehmet Sezgin. Observer-dependent variability of the thresholding step in the quantitative analysis of soil images and X-ray microtomography data. Geoderma, 157, 51-63, 2010. R. Garcia Moreno, M.C. Diaz Alvarez, A. Saa Requejo, J.L. Valencia Delfa, and A.M. Tarquis. Multiscaling Analysis of Soil Roughness Variability. Geoderma, 160, 22-30, 2010. R. Garcia Moreno, M.C. Díaz Alvarez, A.M. Tarquis, A. Paz Gonzalez, and A. Saa Requejo. Shadow Analysis of Soil Surface Roughness Compared to the Chain Set Method and Direct Measurement of Micro-relief. Biogeosciences, 7, 2477-2487, 2010. A.M. Tarquis, Anne Gobin and M. Semenov. Agriculture in a changing climate. Preface. Climate Research, 44, 1-2, 2010. Valencia J.L., Saa Requejo A., Gascó J.M. and A.M. Tarquis. Universal Multifractal description applied to precipitation pattern in the Ebro River Basin. Climate Research, 44, 17-25, 2010. J.B. Grau, J.M. Anton, A.M. Tarquis, F. Colombo, L. de los Rios, and J.M. Cisneros. Mathematical Model to Select the Optimal Alternative for an Integral Plan to Desertification and Erosion Control for the Chaco Area in Salta Province (Argentine). Biogeosciences, 7, 3421-3433, 2010. V. Torres-Argüelles, K. Oleschko, A.M. Tarquis, G. Korvin, C. Gaona, J.F. Parrot, and E. Ventura-Ramos. Fractal metrology for biogeosystems analysis. Biogeosciences, 7, 3799-3815, 2010. J.A. Piñuela, D. Andina, J.Torres and A.M. Tarquis. Quantifying Paths in Clay Soils Using Multifractal Dimension and Wavelet-Based Local Singularity. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 15(4), 603-615, 2009. A.M. Tarquis, R.J. Heck, D. Andina, A. Alvarez and J.M. Antón. Multifractal analysis and thresholding of 3D soil images. Ecological Complexity, 6, 230-239, 2009. E. Perfect, A.M. Tarquis and N.R.A. Bird. Accuracy of Generalised Dimensions Estimated From Grayscale Images Using the Method of Moments. Fractals, 17(3), 351-363, 2009. M.T. Castellanos, A.M. Tarquis, M.C. Morató and Antonio Saa. Forecast of Frost Days Based on Monthly Temperatures. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 7(3), 513-524, 2009. R. García Moreno, M.C. Díaz Álvarez, A.M. Tarquis, S. Barrington and A. Saa Requejo. Tillage and soil type effects on soil surface roughness at semiarid climatic conditions. Soil & Tillage Research, 98(1), 35-44, 2008. A.M. Tarquis Curriculum Vita 8 A.M. Tarquis, N. Bird, M.C. Cartagena, A. Whitmore and Y. Pachepsky. Multiscale entropy-based analyses of soil transect data. Vadose Zone Journal, 7(2), 563-569, 2008. M.R. García, A. Saa Requejo, M.C. Díaz Alvarez and A.M. Tarquis. Soil surface roughness analyzed as a multifractal measure. Vadose Zone Journal, 7(2), 512-520, 2008. S. Logsdon, E. Perfect and A.M. Tarquis. Multiscale Soil Investigations: Physical Concepts and Mathematical Techniques. Vadose Zone Journal, 7(2), 453-455, 2008. S. Lovejoy, A.M. Tarquis, H. Gaonac’h and D. Schertzer. Single and multiscale remote sensing techniques, multifractals and MODIS derived vegetation and soil moisture. Vadose Zone Journal, 7(2), 533-546, 2008. R. García Moreno, A. Saa Requejo, A.M. Tarquis, S. Barrington and M.C. Díaz Álvarez. A shadow analysis method to measure soil surface roughness. Geoderma, 146, 201-208, 2008. E. Vidal Vázquez, R. García Moreno, J. G. V. Miranda, M.C. Díaz, A. Saá Requejo, J. Paz Ferreiro and A.M. Tarquis. Assessing soil surface roughness decay during simulated rainfall by multifractal analysis. Nonlinear Process in Geophysics, 15, 457-468, 2008. A.M. Tarquis, M.C. Morató, M.T. Castellanos and Alicia Perdigones. Comparison of Structure Function and Detrended Fluctuation Analysis in wind time series. Rivista del Nuovo Cimento C, 31(5-6), 633651, 2008. A. Platonov, A. Carrillo, A. Matulka, E. Sekula, J. Grau, J.M. Redondo and A.M. Tarquis. Multifractal observations of eddies, oil spills and natural slicks in the ocean surface. Rivista del Nuovo Cimento C, 31(5-6), 861-880, 2008. Saa, A., G. Gascó, J.M. Antón, J.B. Grau and A.M. Tarquis. Comparison of gliding box and box-counting methods in river network analysis. Nonlinear Process in Geophysics, 14, 603-613, 2007. A.M. Tarquis, McInnes, K., Key, J., Saa, A., García, M.R. and Díaz, M.C. Multiscaling Analysis In A Structured Clay Soil. J. of Hydrology, 322, 236-246, 2006. Ibáñez, J.J., Ruiz-Ramos, M. and A.M. Tarquis. Mathematical Structures of Biological and Pedological Taxonomies. Geoderma, 134, 360-372, 2006. Grau, J, Méndez, V.; A.M. Tarquis, Saa, A. and Díaz, M.C. Comparison of gliding box and box-counting methods in soil image analysis. Geoderma, 134, 349-359, 2006. Dathe, Annette, A.M. Tarquis and Perrier, Edith. Multifractal analysis of the pore- and solid-phases in binary two-dimensional images of natural porous structures. Geoderma, 134, 318-326, 2006. J. A. Díez, A.M. Tarquis, María Carmen Cartagena Causapé and A. Vallejo. Optimisation of N application for a maize crop grown in a shallow, irrigated soil. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 4, 373380, 2006. Vallejo, J.A. Díez, L.M. López-Valdivia, M.C. Cartagena, A.M. Tarquis and P. Hernáiz. Denitrification from an irrigated soil fertilized with pig slurry under Mediterranean conditions. Biol. Fértil. Soils, 40, 93-100, 2004. Sobrino, E.; A.M. Tarquis and Díaz, M.C. Modeling Oleic/Linoneic Acid Rate in Sunflower Oil. Agronomy Journal, 95, 329-334, 2003. A.M. Tarquis; Losada J.C., Sarmiento, R.; Benito, R. and Borondo, F. Multifractal Analysis of the Tori Destruction in a Molecular Hamiltonian System. Physica Review E, 0126213(9), 1-9, 2002. Juan P. del Monte and A.M. Tarquis. The Role of Temperature in Seed Germination of two Species of Solanum Nigrum Complex. J. of Exp. Bot., 48, 2087-2093, 1997. K.J. Bradford, A.M. Tarquis and J.M. Durán. A Population-based Threshold Model Describing the Relationship between Germination Rates and Seed Deterioration. J. of Exp. Bot., 44, 1225-1234, 1993. A.M. Tarquis, M. Lassner and C.F.Quiros. RFSIZE: A BASIC program to estimate DNA fragment size with a digitizer. J. of Heredity, 80, 254-255, 1989. C.A. Argerich, K. J. Bradford and A.M. Tarquis. Priming and tomato seed deterioration. J. of Exp. Bot., 40, 599-630, 1989. Book Chapters N. R. Dalezios, Anne Gobin, A.M. Tarquis. Agricultural Drought Indices: Combining Crop, Climate and Soil Factors. In: Handbook of Drought and Water Scarcity, Vol. 3: Environmental Impacts and Analysis of Drought and Water Scarcity. Editor: Saeid Eslamian, 34 pp, 2015. Francis and Taylor, CRC Group, USA, submitted. A.M. Tarquis Curriculum Vita 9 N. R. Dalezios and A.M. Tarquis. Drought Assessment and Risk Analysis. In: Handbook of Drought and Water Scarcity, Vol. 3: Environmental Impacts and Analysis of Drought and Water Scarcity. Editor: Saeid Eslamian, 43 pp, 2015. Francis and Taylor, CRC Group, USA, submitted. J.B. Grau, J.M. Antón, D. Andina, A.M. Tarquis, J.J. Martín. Mathematical Models to Elaborate Plans for Adaptation of Rural Communities to Climate Change. In: Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems. Editor: Neal K. Van Alfen, 193-222, 2014. Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-08-093139-5. García Moreno, R., Díaz Álvarez, M.C., A.M. Tarquis, Burgaz, F., Saa Requejo, A. Influence of Climate Change on Damages to Fruit Trees Produced by Frost Temperatures at Spanish Semiarid Region of Murcia. Semi-Arid Environments: Agriculture, Water Supply and Vegetation. Kara M. Degenovine Eds. Ch 12, 2011. Nova Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-61761-215-2. UK. García Moreno, R., Díaz Álvarez, M.C., A.M. Tarquis, Saa Requejo, A. Shadows Analysis to Measure Soil Surface Roughness to Evaluate Wind Erosion. Arid Environments and Wind Erosion. A. FernandezBernal and M. Alberto De La Rosa Eds., Ch 12, 2009. Nova Publishers, Chichester, UK. Baveye, P., C.W. Boast, S. Gaspard, A.M. Tarquis and H. Millan. Introduction to fractal geometry, fragmentation processes and multifractal measures: Theory and operational aspects of their application to natural systems. Biophysical chemistry of fractal structures and processes in environmental systems. N. Senesi and K.J. Wilkinson Eds., 11-67, 2008. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, UK A. Platonov, A.M. Tarquis, E. Sejula and J.M. Redondo. SAR observations of vortical structures and turbulence in the ocean. Models, Experiments and Computation in Turbulence. R. Castilla, E. Oñaiz and J.M. Redondo Eds., 195-230, 2007. CIMNE, Barcelona. A.M. Tarquis, Valeriano Méndez, Juan B. Grau, José M. Antón and Diego Andina. Fractals as PreProcessing Tool for Computational Intelligence Application. Computational Intelligence Applications. Packianather and Andina Eds., 193-212, 2006. Kluwer Academic Publishers, London, UK. A.M. Tarquis, Giménez, D. and; Saa, A.; Díaz, M.C. and Gascó, J.M. Scaling and Multiscaling of Soil Pore Systems Determined by Image Analysis. Scaling Methods in Soil Systems. Pachepsky, Radcliffe and Selim Eds., 19-33, 2003. CRC Press, Boca Ratón, Florida. A.M. Tarquis and Fernando González. Stochastic L-System Applied to the Calculation of the Leaf Area of a Shrubby Legume for Forage. Fractal Reviews in the Natural and Applied Sciences, 192-203, 1995. IFIP, Chapman & Hall Publishers, London. A.M. Tarquis, A. Saa and M. Castellanos. Index of freezing based on Time Series. Plant Production on the Threshold of a New Century, 303-315, 1994. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Extension bulletins and trade publications E.V. Taguas, Ruth Falconer and A. M. Tarquis. Engineering education on geosciences in a changing world. European Journal of Engineering Education, accepted, 1-4, 2014. C. Lozano, A.M. Tarquis and J.A. Gómez-Barona. Incidencia de los Robos y Hurtos en el Sistema de Seguros Agrarios Español. Agricultura (ISSN 002-1334), 961, 268-271, 2013. A. Saa Requejo, A.M. Tarquis and J. Gallardo. A Comprehensive Field Sheet for Soil Profile Description. ΠΕΔΟMETRON, 29, 29-30, 2010. Carlos Almoguera Millán, Ana Tarquis Alfonso and Carlos G. Hernández Díaz-Ambrona. SIGPAC DEHESA. Ganaderia (ISSN: 1695-1123), 58, 34-37, 2009. A.M. Tarquis, R.M. Lark and E. Perrier. Complexity &Nonlinearity in Soils. ΠΕΔΟMETRON, 27, 8-9, 2009. Lovejoy, S., F. Agterberg, A. Carsteanu, Q. Cheng, J. Davidsen, H. Gaonac'h, V. Gupta, I. L'Heureux, W. Liu, S. W. Morris, S. Sharma, R. Shcherbakov, A.M. Tarquis, D. Turcotte, V. Uritsky. Nonlinear geophysics: why we need it. EOS, 90(48), 455-456, 2009. A.M. Tarquis. FRACTAL? MULTIFRACTAL? NO!! THEN WHAT? ΠΕΔΟMETRON, 21, 25-29, 2007. A.M. Tarquis Curriculum Vita 10 M. T. Castellanos, M. J. Cabello, A.M. Tarquis, María Carmen Cartagena Gausapé, Francisco Ribas Elcorobarrutia and A. Arce. Absorción de nitrógeno y necesidades de abonado del melón. Vida rural (ISSN 1133-8938), 231(13), 22-29, 2006. M.T. Castellanos Moncho, A.M. Tarquis, Carmen. Morató Izquierdo and E. García Moutón. Modelos estocásticos para la predicción de temperaturas mensuales en distintas estaciones de la comunidad de Madrid. EIDENAR (ISSN: 1692-9918), 4, 41-46, 2006. J.A. Díez and A.M. Tarquis. Los purines de cerdo como fertilizantes en agricultura. Criterios para su dosificación. Porci (ISSN: 1130-8451), 58, 41-51, 2000. Rick, C.M., Baergen, K., Chmielewska, W., Tarquis, A.M., Chetelat, R.T. Polycot (pct), a useful new seedling marker for 9S. Report of the Tomato Genetics Cooperative, 42, 31-32, 1992. Cornell Univ. Monography and USDA-ARS-NAA-USPSNL. Cornell, Ithaca, NY. A.M. Tarquis and J.M. Durán. Semillas pretratadas. Agricultura (ISSN 002-1334), 691, 130- 133, 1990. Patents Juan Jiménez Trillo, Diego Andina, Francisco Martín and A.M. Tarquis. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. High efficiency incandescent lamp, manufacturing process and device power control for it. Spanish Patent No. P201132109 issued 25/04/2014. Reports, Proceedings, Presentations and Abstracts More than 40 reports, proceedings, presentations and invited seminars and over 100 published abstracts. A.M. Tarquis Curriculum Vita 11
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