CURRICULUM VITAE I.- PERSONAL DATA Name: Miguel Quemada Current Appointment: Professor of Agronomy Dept. of Crop Production and Management School of Agricultural Engineering (ETSIA) Technical University of Madrid (UPM) Ciudad Universitaria 28040 Madrid, SPAIN Phone: +34 915491122 Fax: +34 915449983 [email protected] Date of birth: October 26, 1964 Nationality: Spaniard II. EDUCATION Ingeniero Agrónomo Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Ph.D. in Agronomy University of Georgia (EE.UU.) Languages: fluent in Spanish, English and French 1988 1995 III.- RESEARCH PROJECTS + Director of research in the following projects: - Replacing bare fallow by cover crops in irrigated systems: effect on N dynamics, water availability and soil quality. Project financed by: CICYT (AGL2011-24732) Duration: January-2012 to June-2015 - Effect of fertilizers with nitrification inhibitors in maize yield and N use efficiency. Project financed by:cEurochem Agro S.L. Duration: May -2013 to January-2015. - NTOOLBOX: Toolbox of cost-effective strategies for on-farm reductions in N losses to water Project financed by: European Commission (Grant Agreement 227156) Duration: March-2009 to September-2012 Coordinator: University of Newcastle (UK) Director of research UPM group: M Quemada -Effect of cover crops on nitrate leaching, N use efficiency and soil quality. Project financed by: CICYT (AGL200800163/AGR) Duration: January-2009 to December-2011 - Agronomic adn economic evaluation of strategies to control nitrate leaching in a maize cropping system. Project financed by: CICYT (AGL2005-08020-C05-04) Duration: January-2006 to December-2008 - Application of GIS to study strategies for nitrate leaching control in a nitrate vulnerable zone (La Rioja, Spain). Project financed by: Gobierno de La Rioja (ECCYSA) Duration: June-2005 to December-2005 - Use of fertilizers with nitrification inhibitors in cereal crops of Mediterranean areas with humid Mediterranean climate. Project financed by: COMPO AGRICULTURA S.L. Duration: January-2002 to December-2004 - Development of a decision support system for nitrogen fertilizer management in wheat,barley and maize. Project financed by: CICYT (AGL2001-2214-C01) Duration: January-2000 to December-2005 -Development of decision support tools for nitrogen fertilizer management in cereals, combining grain productivity and quality criteria and minimizing nitrate water pollution. Project financed by: FEDER and CICYT (2FD97-2425-C06-02) Duration: January-2000 to December-2001 + Member of the research team in the following projects: 1. ECLAIRE: Effects of climate change on air pollution impacts and response strategies for European ecosystems Project financed by: European Comision (Grant Agreement 282910) Duration: Oct-2011 to August-2015 Coordinator: National Environment Research Council (UK) Director of research UPM group: A Vallejo 2. AGRISOST: Scientific program of excellence financed by: CAM (S2009/AGR-1630) Coordinator: A. Vallejo Director of research group: M Quemada Duration: 2009-2012 3. Prediction of Regional Scenarios and Uncerteinties for defining EU Climate Change Risks and Effects (PRUDENCE) Project financed by: European Coimision (EVK-CT2001-00132) Duration:December-2001 to December-2003 Director of Research of the Spanish group: Dra. Mª Inés Mínguez Tudela 4. Reducción del lavado de nitratos en cultivos hortícolas al aire libre por medio del riego por goteo y el acolchado plástico. Project financed by: Gobierno de La Rioja Duration: January-1999 to January-2003 Director of Research: Alfonso Pardo. 5. Utilización de aguas residuales de la industria conservera para riego de cultivos extensivos en el Valle del Ebro Project financed by: INIA (SC97094) Duration: January-98 to December-2000 Director of Research: Dr. José Luis San Agustín. 6. Utilización agrícola de lodos estabilizados de depuradora. Análisis de respuesta agronómica, dinámica del nitrógeno y evolución de metales pesados en suelo y planta. Project financed by: CIT-INIA (SC94025) Director of Research: Dr. Pablo Fraile Jiménez de Maquirrain Duration: January-1996 to Decmber-1997 7. Improved Nitrogen use-efficiency in cover crop based production systems. Project financed by: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Duration: June-1991 a June-1995 Director of Research: Dr. M.L. Cabrera IV.- PUBLICATIONS Research Impact (Science Citation Index): total number of citations > 650 (excluding self-citations) and h index = 14. + Books: 1.- López J.J. and Quemada M. 2001. Temas de investigación en zona no saturada. Ed. Universidad Pública de Navarra. Pamplona (Navarra). p. 174. ISBN: 84-95075-65-2 2.- Quemada M. (ed.). 2006. Balances de nitrógeno en sistemas de cultivo de cereal de invierno y de maíz en varias regiones españolas. Monografías INIA Serie Agrícola nº 22. Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria. MEC. P. 171. ISBN: 84-7498-515-1 + Journal indexed in JCR: 33.- Alonso-Ayuso M, Gabriel JL, Quemada M. 2014. The kill date as a management tool for cover cropping success. PLOS ONE. Vol. 9, Issue 1: e109587. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0109587. 32.- Quemada M., Gabriel J.L. Zarco-Tejada P. 2014. Airborne Hyperspectral Images and Ground-Level Optical Sensors As Assessment Tools for Maize Nitrogen Fertilization. Remote Sensing 6: 2940-2962. 31.- Soldevilla-Martinez M., Quemada M., López-Urrea R., Muñoz-Carpena R., Lizaso J.I. 2014. Soil water balance: Comparing two simulation models of different levels of complexity with lysimeter observations. Agricultural Water Management 139: 53–63. DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2014.03.011. 30.- Sanz-Cobena A., García-Marco S., Quemada M., Gabriel J.L., Almendros P., Vallejo A. 2014. Do cover crops enhance N2O, CO2 or CH4 emissions from soil in Mediterranean arable systems? Science of the Total Environment 466: 164–174. 29.- Gabriel JL, Vanclooster M, Quemada M. 2014.Integrating water, nitrogen, and salinity in sustainable irrigated systems: Cover Crops versus Fallow. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering-ASCE. In press. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000696 28.- Gabriel JL, Garrido A, Quemada M. 2013. Cover crops effect on farm benefits and nitrate leaching: linking economic and environmental analysis. Agricultural Systems, 121: 23-32. 27.- M. Quemada, M. Baranski, M.N.J. de Lange, A. Vallejo, J.M. Cooper. 2013. Meta-analysis of strategies to control nitrate leaching in irrigated agricultural systems and their effects on crop yield. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 174:1-10. 26.- Martinez, M. S., Lammerding, D. M., Pasamón, J. L. T., Walter, I., Quemada, M., Lizaso, JI. 2013. Simulating improved combinations tillage-rotation under dryland conditions. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. 3: 820-832. 25.- Gabriel JL, Almendros, Hontoria C., Quemada M. 2012. The role of cover crops in irrigated systems: soil salinity and salt leaching. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 158: 200-207. 24.- Gabriel JL, Muñoz-Carpena R, Quemada M. 2012. The role of cover crops in irrigated systems: Water balance, nitrate leaching and soil mineral nitrogen accumulation. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 155:50-61. 23. Ramírez-Garcia J, Almendros P, Quemada M. 2012. Ground cover and leaf area index relationship in a grass, legume and crucifer crop. Plant Soil and Environment, 58:384-389. 22.- Ramírez, M, Pujola, M, Quemada, M, Comas, J. 2011. Soil nitrogen availability after addition of thermally-dried pig slurry. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 75: 940-948. 21- Gabriel, JL, Quemada M. 2011. Replacing bare fallow with cover crops in a maize cropping system: yield, N uptake and fertiliser fate. European Journal of Agronomy. 34: 133-143. 20.- Ruiz Ramos M., Gabriel JL, Vázquez N, Quemada M. 2011. Simulation of nitrate leaching in a vulnerable zone: effect of irrigation water and organic manure application. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. 9: 924-937. 19.- Sanchez-Martin, L., Meijide, A., Sanz-Cobena, A., Quemada, M., Vallejo, A. 2010. Relevance of the fallow period in N2O, CH4 fluxes and leaching in an Mediterranean irrigated agrosystem. European Journal of Soil Science. 61: 710-720. 18.- Gabriel, JL, Lizaso J, Quemada M. 2010. Laboratory versus field calibration of capacitance probes. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 74: 593-601. 17.- Arregui L.M. y Quemada M. 2008. Strategies to improve nitrogen-use efficiency in winter cereal crops under rainfed Mediterranean conditions. Agronomy Journal 100: 277-284. 16.- Mínguez, M.I., Ruiz-Ramos, M., Díaz-Ambrona, C. H., Quemada M. and Sau, F. 2007. First-order agricultural impacts assessed with various high-resolution climate models in the Iberian Peninsula - a region with complex orography. Climatic Change. 81: 123-143. 15.- Olesen J.E., Carter T.R., Fronzek S., Holt T., Mínguez M.I., Ruiz-Ramos M., Díaz-Ambrona C.H., Quemada M., Morales P., Palutikov J., Sykes M. et al. 2007. Certainties and uncertainties in projected impacts of climate change on European agriculture, forestry and ecosystems. Climatic Change. 81: 343-355. 14.- Quemada M. and Diez J.A. 2007. Available nitrogen for corn and winter cereal in Spanish soils by EUF, CaCl2 and incubation methods. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 38: 2061-2075. 13.- Arregui LM y Quemada M. 2006. Drainage and nitrate leaching in a crop rotation under different N strategies: application of capacitance probes. Plant and Soil. 288: 57-69. 12.- Vázquez N., Pardo A., Suso M.L. y Quemada M. 2006. Drainage and nitrate leahing in processing tomato under drip irrigation and plastic mulching. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment. 112: 313-323. 11.- Arregui L.M., Lasa B., Lafarga A., Irañeta I., Baroja E. y Quemada M. 2006. Evaluation of chlorophyll meters as tools for N fertilization in winter wheat under humid Mediterranean conditions. European Journal of Agronomy. 24: 140-148. 10.- Vázquez N., Pardo A., Suso M.L. y Quemada M. 2005. A methodology for measuring drainage and nitrate leaching in unevenly irrigated vegetable crops. Plant and Soil. 269:297-308. 9.- Quemada M. y Cabrera M.L. 2004. Predicting crop residue decomposition using moisture adjusted time scales. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 70:283-291. 8.- Quemada M. y Cabrera M.L. 2002. Characteristic moisture curves and maximum water content of two crop residues. Plant and Soil. 238: 295-299. 7.- Quemada M. y Menacho E. 2001. Soil respiration 1 year after sewage sludge application. Biology and Fertility of Soils.33: 344-346. 6.- Quemada M., Lasa B., Lamsfus C. y Aparicio-Tejo P.M. 1998. Ammonia volatilization from surface and incorporated biosolids by the addition of dicyandiamide. Journal of Eviromental Quality. 27: 980-983. 5.- Lasa B., Quemada M., Frechilla S., Muro J., Lamsfus C. y Aparicio-Tejo P.M. 1997. Effect of digested sewage sludge on the efficiency of N-fertilizer applied to barley. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 48: 241-246. 4.- Quemada M, Cabrera ML y McCracken DV. 1997. Nitrogen released from surface-applied cover crop residues: evaluating CERES-N. Agronomy Journal. 89: 723-729. 3.- Quemada M. y Cabrera M.L. 1996. Temperature and moisture effects on C and N mineralization from cover crop residues. Plant and Soil. 189: 127-137. 2.- Quemada M. y Cabrera M.L. 1995. CERES-N model predictions of nitrogen mineralised from cover crop residues. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 59: 1059-1065. 1.- Quemada M. y Cabrera ML. 1995. Carbon and Nitrogen mineralization from leaves and stems of four cover crops. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 59: 471-477. + Book chapters: 21.- Quemada M, Baranski M, Nobel-de Lange MNJ, Vallejo A y Cooper JM. 2013. Strategies to control nitrate leaching in irrigated agricultural systems and their effects on crop yield: a comparative meta-analysis. In: NUTRIHORT: Nutrient management, innovative techniques and nutrient legislation in intensive horticulture for an improved water quality. Eds. K. D’Haene, B. Vandecasteele, R. De Vis, S. Crappé, D. Callens, E. Mechant, G. Hofman, S. De Neve. Ghent, pp. 77-83. ISBN: 978-9040303463 20.- Quemada M, Baranski M, Nobel-de Lange MNJ, Vallejo A y Cooper JM. 2013. Meta-análisis de estrategias para el control de la lixiviación de nitratos en sistemas de regadío y su efecto en el rendimiento del cultivo. En: Estudios de la Zona No Saturada del Suelo vol. XI. Eds. Dafonte J. et al. USC, Lugo. pp. 191-197. ISBN: 978-84-616-6234-0. 19.- Soldevilla-Martinez M, López-Urrea R, Martínez-Molina L, Lizaso JI y Quemada M. 2013. Improving simulation of soil water balance using lysimeter observations in a semiarid climate. En: Estudios de la Zona No Saturada del Suelo vol. XI. Eds. Dafonte J. et al. USC, Lugo. pp. 77-83. ISBN: 978-84-616-6234-0. 18.- Gabriel JL, Quemada M, Vansteenkiste J, Diels J, Vanclooster M. 2013. Calibration and validation of the new WAVEmatlab version in a fallow field plot. En: Estudios de la Zona No Saturada del Suelo vol. XI. Eds. Dafonte J. et al. USC, Lugo. 199-204. ISBN: 978-84-616-6234-0. 17.- Gabriel JL, Almendros P, Quemada M. 2012. Do cover crops affect leaching and soil accumulation of salt and mineral N? In: Proceedings of the 17th Nitrogen Workshop Innovations for sustainable use of nitrogen resources. Eds. Richards KG, Fenton O, Watson CJ. Print depot, Wexford, Ireland. 62-63. ISBN: 978-1-84170-588-0 16.- García-Marco S, Sanz-Cobeña A, Gabriel JL, Almendros P, Quemada M., Vallejo A. 2012. N2O emission from a maize cropping system influenced by replacing fallow with cover crops and its subsequent incorporation into the soil. In: Proceedings of the 17th Nitrogen Workshop Innovations for sustainable use of nitrogen resources. Eds. Richards KG, Fenton O, Watson CJ. Print depot, Wexford, Ireland.162-163. ISBN: 978-1-84170-588-0 15.- Ramírez-García J, Carrillo JM, Ruiz M y Quemada M. 2011. Comparación de gramínea, leguminosa y crucífera para actuar como cubiertas vegetales destinadas a su empleo como abono verde. En: Actas de horticultura 61: IV Jornadas Fertilización de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Hortícolas. Eds. MC Rodrigo, D López, N Carazo, N Cañameras. SECH, Barcelona. 83-89. ISBN: 978-84-645-2135-9 14.- Gabriel JL y Quemada M. 2011. Sustitución de barbechos por cultivos captura: efecto en el balance hídrico y en la lixiviación de nitratos. En: Estudios de investigación en la zona no saturada del suelo vol X. Eds. J Martínez y N Sánchez. Universidad de Salamanca. pp. 283-288. ISBN: 978-84-694-6642-1 13.- Gabriel, J.L, Quemada M. 2010. Effect of introducing cover crops in a maize cropping system: plant partitioning and N-fertilizer use efficiency. In: Proceedings of Agro2010 the XIth ESA congress. Eds. Wery J, Shili-Touzi I, Pellerin A. Agropolis International Editions, Montpellier, Francia. pp. 709-710. ISBN: 978-2-909613-01-7 12.- Gómez-Paccard,C.,Velásquez, R.,Gabriel, J.L., Quemada, M., Hontoria, C. 2010. Cover crops effects on soil properties related to soil quality and structural stability. En: Proceedings of the European congress on conservation agriculture. Towards agro-environmental climate and energetic sustainability.Ed. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino. Madrid. pp. 421-426. ISBN: 978-84-491-1038-2 11.- Ruiz-Ramos M., Vázquez N., Gabriel JL y Quemada M. 2009. Identificación de buenas prácticas agrarias para mitigar la Contaminación por nitratos en una zona vulnerable de la Rioja (España). En: Estudios de investigación en la zona no saturada del suelo vol IX. Eds. O Silva , J Carrera. Ed. Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona. pp. 562-569. ISBN: 978-84-96736-83-2 10.- Ruiz-Ramos M., Vázquez N., Gabriel, JM and Quemada, M. 2009. Calibration and validation of STICS-VIGNE for the variety Tempranillo in the region of Rioja (Spain). En: Connecting different scales of N use in agriculture. Turin, Italia. pp.561-562. ISBN: 978-88-902754-2-5 9.- Ruiz-Ramos M., Vázquez N., Gabriel, JM and Quemada, M. 2009. Identification of good agricultural practices to mitigate pollution in a ‘Nitrate vulnerable zone’ of Spain. En: Connecting different scales of N use in agriculture. Turin, Italia. pp. 493-494. ISBN: 978-88-902754-2-5 8.- Quemada M. 2004. Predicting soil mineral nitrogen in spring based on soil mineral nitrogen in autumn. En: Controlling nitrogen flows and losses. Wageningen Academic Publisher., Países bajos. pp. 219-221.ISBN: 90769984344 7.- Vázquez N., Quemada M., Pardo A. y Suso M.L. 2003. Drenaje y lixiviación de nitratos en una sección transversal de un sistema de cultivo hortícola con riego por goteo y acolchado plástico. En: Estudios de investigación en la zona no saturada del suelo. Ed. Instituto Tecnológico Agrario de Castilla y León. Valladolid. pp: 33-38. ISBN: 84-688-3698-2 6.- Vázquez N., Quemada M., Pardo A. y Suso M.L. 2001. Evaluación del lavado de nitratos en un cultivo de tomate en riego por goteo y acolchado plástico. En: Temas de investigación en zona no saturada. Ed. Univ. Pública de Navarra. Pamplona. pp: 25- 28. ISBN: 84-95075-65-2 5.- Lasa B., Frechilla S., Quemada M., Lasa B., Lamsfus C. y Aparicio-Tejo P.M. 2000. Growth and photosynthesis in sunflower plants supplied with different sources of nitrogen and two magnesium levels. En: Nitrogen in a sustainable ecosystem: from the cell to the plant. Ed: Backhuys Publishers. Leiden, Países Bajos. pp: 377-387.ISBN: 90-5782-063-3 4.- Quemada M., Lasa B., Lamsfus C. y Aparicio-Tejo P.M. 2000. Fate of nitrogen in a cereal/legume rotation amended with sewage sludge. En: Nitrogen in a sustainable ecosystem: from the cell to the plant. Ed: Backhuys Publishers. Leiden (Países Bajos). pp: 377-387. ISBN: 90-5782-063-3 3.- Quemada M., Guibert M. y López J.J. 1999. Aplicación del modelo CERES para la simulación de los pérfiles de humedad y de nitratos en el suelo bajo cultivo de trigo. En: Estudios de la zona no saturada del suelo. Ed: Instituto Canario de Investigaciones Agrarias. La Laguna (Tenerife). pp: 147-150. ISBN: 84-699-1285-5 2.- Lasa B., Quemada M., Frechilla S., Lamsfus C. y Aparicio-Tejo P.M. 1998. Utilización por cereales y leguminosas del nitrógeno mineralizado de lodos de depuradora. En: Avances del metabolismo del nitrógeno: de la fisiología a la biología molecular. Ed: Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Univ. de Sevilla. pp: 261-280. ISBN: 84-472-0402-2 1.- Lasa B., Quemada M., Lamsfus C. y Aparicio-Tejo P.M. 1997. Application of sewage sludge in a cereal/legume rotation: N fate and effect of DCD. En: Trends in Agronomy. Vol. 1, pp: 121-133. ISBN: 81-258-0011-5. + Other publications: - Benavente E, García-Toledano L, Carrillo JM, Quemada M. 2013. Thermographic imaging: assessment of drought and heat tolerance in Spanish germplasm of Brachypodium distachyon. Procedia Environmental Sciences 19, 262-266. ISSN: 1878-0296 - Gabriel JL, Quemada M, Vansteenkiste J, Diels J, Vanclooster M. 2013. Calibration of WAVE in irrigated maize: fallow vs. cover crops. Procedia Environmental Sciences 19, 785-793. ISSN: 1878-0296 - Soldevilla-Martinez M, López-Urrea R, Martínez-Molina L, Quemada M, Lizaso, JI. 2013. Improving simulation of soil water balance using lysimeter observations in a semiarid climate. Procedia Environmental Sciences 19, 534-542. ISSN: 1878-0296 - Gabriel JL, Ramírez J, Lizaso J, Hontoria C and Quemada M. 2011. Manejo del período intercultivo de maíz: introducción de cultivos cubierta. Tierras. 183: 68-72. - Ruiz-Ramos M., Vázquez N., Gabriel, JM and Quemada, M. 2008. Impact of cropping system management on groundwater pollution in a ‘Nitrate vulnerable zone’ of Spain. Italian Journal of Agronomy. Vol 3 p.121-122. - Gabriel JL and Quemada M. 2008. Effect of cover crops on water balance, nitrate leaching and crop productivity. Italian Journal of Agronomy. Vol 3 p.53-54. - Lasa B., Irañeta I., Segura A., Lafarga A., Arregui LM, Baroja E., Maeztu I., Quemada M. 2005. Optimización de la fertilización nitrogenada mediante el uso de medidores de clorofila. Navarra Agraria 141:31-35 V. PATENTS AND REGISTERED MODELS - NCS (Nitrogen in cropping systems) Author: Miguel Quemada Saenz-Badillos Type: Mathematical simulation model. Organism: UPM Register #: M-006739/2005 VI. OTHER ACTIVITIES A.- Administrative appointments and other scientific involvements - Member of the permanent Scientific Committee for Agricultural of the Spanish Evaluation Agency (ANEP). 2005-2009. - Expert external evaluator for EU research projects. 1998-2014 - Expert external evaluator for research projects from National Agencies of Spain, France and Italy. 2001-2014 B.- Ph. D. Dissertation Supervised 1.- Nuria Vázquez. Evaluation of drainage and nitrate leaching in drip irrigated processing tomato. UPM 2004. 2.- L.M. Arregui. Strategies to improve N use efficiency in cereal systems from humid Mediterranean climate. UPNA 2006. 3.- Jose L. Gabriel . Evaluation of replacing fallow with cover crops in irrigated maize production systems. UPM. 2011 4.- Javier Ramírez. Evaluation of cover crops based on characteristics of N use, and aerial and root growth. UPM 2014. 5.- María Soldevilla. Application of mathematical models to cropping systems management. UPM 2014.
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