Saint Brendan Catholic Church Fourth Sunday of Easter Shallotte

Saint Brendan Catholic Church
Shallotte, North Carolina
Fourth Sunday of Easter
April 26, 2015
Reflections on the Readings
Every day we hear of personal happiness and tragedy, of
great feats and failures. Our tendency is to accept all of
these without reflecting on their meaning, without
understanding their significance. Today’s readings are a
study in understanding. They challenge us to not only
tabulate the facts but to uncover the meaning of those facts.
Believers are people who look to the deeper dimensions of
The scene in Acts has Peter addressing the highest Jewish
authority, the Sanhedrin. The passage moves immediately
beyond observation of physical facts to understanding. The
cure of the sick man is a fact, the key issue is the meaning of
that cure. Restoration of health is secondary to the salvation
realized. The sick man enjoys good health because the
Jesus who was rejected has been raised by God.
Psalm 118 is a psalm of thanksgiving for the king’s
miraculous escape from seemingly unbeatable enemies. The
psalmist tells us that when the people see this radical turn of
events they must understand it as God’s doing.
The gospel atmosphere is charged with conflict. The author
contrasts Jesus with Israel’s leaders. Jesus, the ideal
shepherd, does not hesitate to lay down his life for the
sheep. It is the self-giving of Jesus that is at the heart of the
Gentile mission.
The modern believer must react to the evil in society.
Exploitation, oppression, and abuse of power are not
accidents of nature. Believers must interpret that the power
of Jesus’ dying and rising has yet to penetrate these
situations. Believers see this and take action.
By the same token, the believer reacts to the good in
society. We affirm and applaud those who stand for truth,
justice, and charity. Human gifts are held in high regard,
especially when shared with all God’s people.
Just a reminder: The next Family
-Centered Faith Formation
session will be Sunday, May 3rd.
The break out sessions for
children Pre-K to 8th Grades and
their parents/guardians will start at
9:30am. High School students in
grades 9 thru 12 are encouraged
to work as volunteers assisting the facilitators or
attend the adult session. Please arrive by 9:15 and go
directly to the assigned classrooms, so that we can
begin promptly at 9:30am. The 11:15am Mass will be
a Family Liturgy Mass. We look forward to seeing you
all. For more info… contact Diane and Tom Nagle
[email protected]
Help Needed! The Knights of
Columbus have been asked to
coordinate the parking guides for the
Mexican Festival May 2nd. We need volunteers (men
or Women) willing to direct traffic in 2 hour shifts from
10:00am until 5:00pm. No experience needed equipment provided. To signup go to the Parish
website and click
on : “Mexican Festival Parking” or contact Jack
Dambaugh at 910-287-7566, [email protected].
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Preserving our History: If you have
any pictures taken in or around the
church and are willing to have them
included in the albums being
complied, please put them in the mail
slot in the gathering space marked
“History Info”. If they are digitally kept,
we could make copies and return your device. Any
questions contact Rita Canfield at 287-6649 or at
[email protected]
If you know of any names on the prayer list that need
to taken off, please call the Pastoral Center at 7548544 and let us know. Thank you!
We have only 39 more Mortgage
If you or a loved one is admitted to the hospital,
nursing home/assisted living facility, etc. you or your
family must contact the nearest church.
Brunswick – St. Brendan
New Hanover – Chaplain’s Office
Dosher – Sacred Heart
Grand Strand – St. Andrew
Loris – St. James
Sea Coast - Star of the Sea
Amount Saved due to early payments on
the mortgage: $1,119,479.64
Building Loan as of this month our total
debt is $956,029.76
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Saint Brendan Catholic Church
Shallotte, North Carolina
Masses for the Week
† Edward F. Peters
† Carol Sanguino
St. Brendan Parishioners
† Catherine Harms
† Natalie Wivczar
† Bill Ness
† Vera Taormina
† James Mahony
† Thomas A. Chase
† Jim O’Shea
Eucharist Service
St. Brendan Parishioners
† Michael Nash
Next Week’s Readings
May 3, 2015
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Acts of the Apostles 9:26-31
1 John 3:18-24
John 15:1-8
Communion for the Sick & Homebound
contact Ann McGahran ext. 28 or Deacon Bob
ext. 28 if you know someone who would like to
receive Communion at home.
Attention New Parishioners!
Welcome to St. Brendan Catholic Church. If you
are new to the area, we would like you to choose
St. Brendan as your Parish Family.
Registration forms are on the Stewardship Desk
in the Gathering Space. Please complete the
form and place in the collection basket or mail:
St. Brendan Catholic Church
P.O. Box 2984 Shallotte, N.C. 28459
Fourth Sunday of Easter
April 26, 2015
Please pray for Our Family and Friends
Ayisha Marawi Hohl
Joe Konen
Carmen Barros
Glenn Petrucci
Dan Stennett
Annie Labagh
Richard Riley
Rod Fagert
Brenda Noll
Christopher Hylton
Laurie Van Riper
Johnny Johnson
Max Veech
Julia Mueller
Ray Galovich
Mary Claire Kasunic
Ruth Tromblay
Shawn Martin
Phyllis Buskirik
Sean Neumann
The Sullivan Family
Daniel Mulcahy
Meg Willmann
Colleen Puntello
Linda O’Neill
Debbie Wamsley
Emma Broughton
Delores Kozel
Joan Auray
Adele Hordan
Vera M. Powell
Kim Barros
Cira Cole
Fr. William Lascelles
Krystal Churchwell
Mary Carmody
Mary Ann Molini
Amanda Plumner
Lisa Ober
Melissa Zobel
Tammy Street
Rose Davignon
Pat Wagner
Jennifer McMillan
Lindsay Wilharm
Didia Brady
Olivia Dunn
Chuck Gibson
Mary Ann Comiskey
Bernice Fox
Marie Tyler
Carolena Nickles
Bette Hofmann
Dom Di Maio
Chris Oliver
Paul Whitehouse
Stella Kielb
Jason Del Pezzo
Michael Maggiore
Solomon Goulet
Patricia Fontana
Lillian Ober
Janet Maring
Dorothy Hendricks
Agnes Ardeeser
Maggie Kaintz
Deborah Ritchie
Raymond Normandy
Joy Jordan
Brandon Snyder
Jane Krieger
Jean Mulcahy
Mary McManus
Karen De Bernardis
Gary Gingeresky
Jack Morrison
Larry Poitras
Louise Norton
Tommy Pephel
Caz Zukowski
Gina Sullivan
Aaron Alonso
Maria Cistulli
Tom Hutchin
Crystal Basil
Mary Elizabeth Zink
Diane Ovadek
George Carpenter
Marie Tyler
Hazel Zacofsky
Clement McDonald
Teresa Ann Costin
Judy Unterberger
Vicky Lewis
Jennifer Bryant
Joan Gilbert
Bonnie Bryan
Tom Glavin
Betty Hess
Alice Minneci
LCPL Brendan Churchwell
Gina De Cotiis
Andrew Taylor
Lynn Maglione Gregor
Liam Orlando
Louise Troy
Carmel Kealy
Joseph Leslie
The Malone Family
Caroline Lescenski
Helen Raymond
Angela Davidson
Molly Cox
Devin Lumzer
Betty Kaintz
Bridget McGuire
Frank DiBello
Christine Miles
Ray Delotell
Alexa, Curtis & Evan Paton
Keira Rose Flynn
Carolyn Arney
Steve Martin
Pat Dailey
Lauren Dunipace
Ron Sarko
Frank Massa
Stanley Zukowski
Tip Heffner
Donna Maria Kaminskas
Carolyn Turnwald
Helen Fairman
Keri Chavez
Karen Long
Sr. Carol Beairsto Rgs.
Carol & Lauren Caldera
Dianne Fentress
Paul Lixon
Vicky Lewis
Dee Goodrich
JoAnn Behr
Ronald Young
Constance (Pat) Evans
Mary Pouliot
Dianne Fentress
Tom Waldron
Maria Knapik
Karen Cohan
Please pray for our Parishioners
Gary LaRouech
Cathleen Newman
Mary Lou Matthews
Luis Salas
George Salchert
Barbara Napfel
Debbie Chase
Adele Treible
Mike Bishko
Raymond Kidd
Jennifer Seeley
Elizabeth Walsh
Chris Stephens
Jackie Fennel
Theresa Whaley
Jim Cech
Ed Manz
Pat Pragel
Peggy Tinnell
Jennifer Cole
John Gilbert
Page 2
Dolores Wenstrup
Mary Jane Brust
Pat Thatcher
Philip & Annice Granville
Robert Santoro
Robert Manfred
Donna Leonard
Windy Herring
Lynn Olenchalk
Katlyne Thompson
Gerald Lutz
Jean Rosen
Gloria Hillenburg
Josephine Chebat
Bill Cawthra
Roz Forsey
Ed Kobierowski
Carl Shirdon
Sue Yudysky
Rich Harding
Connie Woodard
Adrianne Ferrier
John A. Murphy
Reinhart Burdt
Kathy Semanko
Joe and Betty Zegan
Donald Hammond
Alma McClune
Deborah Lessner
George & Dorthy Mulcahy
Adrienne Lemmons Josephine Paterson
Charles Witzel
Tom Wanat
David & Kelly Garrett Donald Woods
Joe Lowry
Mary & Frank Malkin
Carol Galovich
Althea Grace
Saint Brendan Catholic Church
Shallotte, North Carolina
Fourth Sunday of Easter
April 26, 2015
Parish Community
Our Second Annual Mexican
Save the Date
Saturday, May 2
K of C Call Richard Rismiller 579-1155.
Check their web site:
 05/11 Business Meeting
 05/18 4th Degree
The 4th Degree Knights would like to
THANK the Parish for their strong
support on our first Heavenly Bread
Sale for our Veteran Charities. We apologize to those
who miss out but please save the date for our next
offering, June 27th and 28th. We will have more bread
to offer for sale. Thanks to you, this project was a great
KofC Donate your used Cell Phone: The Knights
collect and recycle used cell phones with all proceeds
going to Brunswick County Special Olympics. A
collection box is opposite the gift shop counter in the
gathering space.
The Columbiettes meet the second Thursday of each
month. The next meeting will be May 14. Call Karen
McCann 287-4175.
Young Ladies Tea Scholarship: Applications for the
Ladies Tea Scholarships are available
for young ladies of our parish at the
Church Office. Applicants must be
active members of St. Brendan’s Parish
and also involved in their School and
Community. Applications must be filled out and
returned to the Church Office by April 30, 2015.
Columbiette’s Card Party Tuesday, May 5th, 11am 3pm at Ryan’s 3607 Highway 17 in North
Myrtle Beach. Cost is $15 which includes
all you can eat. For more information or
to buy tickets call Ginny at 910-287-1870
or Joan at 910-287-2300 . All proceeds
help fund our local charitable donations.
The Calabash Elks Ladies Auxiliary is sponsoring a
Game Day! Cards and Games Event at Ryan’s
Restaurant 3607 Highway 17 in North Myrtle Beach.
The date is Tuesday May 12 am 11am to 3pm. Cost is
$15 and includes an all-you-can-eat buffet luncheon.
Invite your friends to complete your own table playing
games of your choice. The Elks Ladies Auxiliary is a
non-profit organization and all proceeds will help local
charities. Call Agnes Norcia at 910-579-1162 for tickets
and more information.
Support the Mexican Festival: WE HAVE ONLY 29
TICKETS LEFT!!!!!The Mexican Festival is the ONLY
fund raiser at St. Brendan. Your donation of $100 for
the 50/50 raffle will help to make it a successful
“Fiesta”. You have a 1 in five hundred chance to win
the first prize money of $20,000.00 or the second
place money of $5,000.00. The Raffle will take place
at 4pm on the day of the Festival with payout on the
following Monday, May 4th. Thank you to everyone
who will be working at the festival and to you for
making this a successful fund raiser. Please come out
and enjoy the wonderful food, dance and fellowship
with our parishioners.
Help For Those That Served US! Veterans-Stand
Down, Friday May 8. Held at VFW Post
2573, 2732 Carolina Beach Road in
Wilmington. Breakfast served at 7:15
am and Lunch at 12 Noon. Hair cuts,
hygiene bags, socks, tetanus shots,
vision testing, general medical checkup, many resources, etc.. ALL FREE TO VETERANS
A FAITH SHARING, home based group is looking for
additional members who reside in the Calabash,
Carolina Shores, Sunset Beach, Ocean Isle or Little
River (SC) area. If you think this is something you
might be interested in and/or have questions and/or
would like more information; Please call Dave Jones at
[email protected].
St. Brendan’s Singles, Separated, Divorced,
Widowed Group will meet on Monday, May 11th in the
church library at 6:00pm. For further info, please call
Mary Spengler at 910-575-4664 or e-mail:
[email protected]
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Special Thanks to our
Sponsor or the week
Novant Health
Surgical Associates
Support the businesses that support our
Fourth Sunday of Easter
April 26, 2015
Saint Brendan Catholic Church
Shallotte, North Carolina
3 Choir 8am
St Brendan the Navigator
Activities Calendar
Questions? Call 754-8544 or email
[email protected]
Choir Practice
6:30 -8:30
Centering Prayer
May 2015
Creative Spirit
Creative Spirit
Peace Prayers 9;30
Ensemble 5pm
6 Bereavement 9:30
Searchers of Script
Mission Ensemble
Practice 4 -5:30
Creative Spirit
Peace Prayers 9;30
Choir 11:15 am
Centering Prayer
Columbiettes 7pm
13 Searchers of
Mission Ensemble
Practice 4 -5:30
23 Choir 5pm
Choir Practice
6:30 -8:30
Creative Spirit
Healing Prayer 9:30
K of C Bus. Mtg.
Singles Group
Centering Prayer
Choir Practice
6:30 -8:30
Creative Spirit
K of C 4th Degree
Centering Prayer
20 Searchers of
Mission Ensemble
Practice 4 -5:30
Choir Practice
6:30 -8:30
27 Searchers of
Mission Ensemble
Practice 4 -5:30
Ensemble 8am
Falling Upward
Chapter 12
Healing Prayer 9:30
Memorial Day
Office Closed
Mon: Healing Prayer every 2nd & 4th Mon. at 9:30 a.m. Call Jane: 575-3064 Tues: Faith’s Journey after Mass in the Lahren Rm call Jane 575-3064 Wed: Searchers
Bible Study, after Mass in Lahren Rm. Call Fran: 754-9126 Wed. Mission Ensemble 4-5:30 p.m. in church. Call Tom: 253-4573 4th Wed. Pain Support. Call
Katherine 755-6670 Thurs. Centering Prayer—after Mass in Maloney Rm. Call Jean: 754-9126 Fri.: Creative Spirit (knit/crochet) after Mass in Lahren Rm. Call
Jeanne 579-8241. Peace Prayers after Mass in library.
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Saint Brendan Catholic Church
Shallotte, North Carolina
Fourth Sunday of Easter
April 26, 2015
Boletin Hispano
FORMACION DE FE Padre Ricardo, párroco
Hna. M. Teresa coordinadora (910-200-9209)
Hoy, Cuarto Domingo de Pascua, también se conoce como
el domingo del “Buen Pastor”. La Iglesia utiliza esta imagen
cuando se refiere a nuestros obispos y a otros dirigentes de
la Iglesia. Jesús es el “buen pastor” principal que nos
muestra la manera de cuidar al Pueblo de Dios. Este día
también celebramos la Jornada Mundial de Oración por las
Vocaciones. La Iglesia nos invita a reflexionar sobre nuestro
llamado individual a responder a la voz de Dios. Echemos
una mirada a la vida de: San Francisco de Asís.
Hoy día muchos cristianos y no cristianos del mundo entero
quieren y admiran a San Francisco de Asís. Lo admiran por
haber sido un hombre de oración, de paz y santidad.
Abundan las imágenes y estatuas de San Francisco. A
menudo se lo retrata alimentando animales o en éxtasis
recibiendo los estigmas de Cristo.
La historia de su vida es famosa; la belleza de la conversión
de Francisco y el poder de Dios que se manifestó en él en
sus últimos años son los aspectos más emocionantes e
inspiradores de su historia.
La vida de Francisco cuando era joven era prospera porque
era hijo de un comerciante de tejidos, tenía una vida
cómoda. Se vestía con ropa fina, tenía dinero en el bolsillo y
amigos con los cuales pasaba el tiempo.
Dios llamó a Francisco a ser mucho más que un acomodado
comerciante de tejidos. Porque Francisco contestó el
llamado a una vida diferente, Dios cambió el curso de su
Iglesia y la fe de muchas personas. En un momento decisivo
de su vida, Francisco escuchó el llamado a ser algo más, y
respondió. Por la gracia de Dios, Francisco se desprendió
de sí mismo, dejó su entorno de privilegios, sus
comodidades materiales y a su familia y amigos.
Hoy día, San Francisco es un héroe de la fe por ser capaz
de haber hecho esas cosas. San Francisco es una
inspiración heroica, porque en el fondo nos damos cuenta
de que Dios nos llama a cada uno de nosotros a ser algo
más. Todos los hombres y mujeres en cualquier vocación –
casados, célibes, religiosos y sacerdotes– son llamados por
Dios a ser discípulos del Evangelio y tenemos que entender
la profundidad de lo que Dios ha planeado para nosotros.
Cada uno de nosotros somos sus ovejas El Señor nos
conoce y sabe lo que hay en lo más hondo de nosotros,
sabe cómo somos y nuestras cualidades. Nos llama por
nuestro nombre y es nuestro Padre y Pastor.
El día 12 de Abril, domingo
después de la misa de las 9:30 de
la mañana tendremos la plática
del bautismo. El bautismo para
abril será el día 25 de Abril. Los siguientes bautismos
son: Junio 27 sábado, Julio 25, sábado, y Agosto 29,
sábado. Las pláticas para Junio, Julio y Agosto son el
día 21 de Junio. Por favor tengan en cuenta estas
Para saber acerca de preguntas
sobre inmigración llamen a la Madre
Rosanne al teléfono 910-616-2105.
La Madre atiende todos los domingos
después de la misa de las 9:30 de la
mañana en las oficinas del Centro Pastoral.
Hoy domingo del Buen
Pastor, los niños de nuestra
parroquia reciben a Jesús
por primera vez en el
sacramento de la Eucaristía.
Hoy poco a poco entran en el gran misterio del amor
de Jesús hacia nosotros que quiso quedarse en la
sagrada hostia para acompañarnos siempre en
nuestra vida de peregrinos del cielo. Damos las
gracias a las maestras por su
cariño y devoción a estos
El día 2 de Mayo todos están
invitados a celebrar la cultura
ofrece una buena comida, juegos para niños, bailes
regionales y baile para todos nosotros. Damos
profundas gracias a los cocinero, a los 4 grupos de DJ,
a los vendedores de las bebidas y a todas las
personas que han colaborado a que esta fiesta sea
bonita y divertida.
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