ADU 1 INDICE Página 3 Página 4 Página 6 Página 7 Página 8 Página 9 Página 10 Página 11 Página 12 Página 13 Página 15 Página 33 Página 35 Página 36 Página 37 Página 38 Página 40 Página 48 Página 49 Página 50 Página 51 Página 52 Página 54 Página 55 Página 56 Página 57 Rob Wagner Pedro Elonda Tom Taylor Arnaldo Slaen Siddhartha Bhattacharjee Miguel Angel Rocha Gamez Horacio Nigro Geolkiewsky Associao DX do Brasil Wilder Alexis Alvez Yimber Gaviria Yimber Gaviria Yimber Gaviria Yimber Gaviria Dino Bloise Yimber Gaviria Daniel Camporini Francisco Paez Garcia Antonio Argolo Gaston Menendez Anderson José Torquato Pedro Elonda Antonio. EA1GFY Radioactividades La Rosa De Tokio DXCB Pradip Kundu Sean Gilbert Glenn Hauser Miguel Angel Rocha Gamez Conexion Digital Glenn Hauser Pedro Sedano Pedro Elonda Rubén Guillermo Margenet Deogracias López Ros Williams Lopez Robert Wilkner Pedro Augusto Cassimiro Anatoly Klepov Pedro Sedano Hironori Takeuchi Roberto Pavanello Sergio O Potes Rubens Ferraz Pedroso João Ricardo Bergamini Manuel Méndez Alok Kr Dasgupta Ivanildo Gonçalves Dantas Williams Lopez Jorge Freitas Sakae Onozawa Harold Sellers Rudolf Grimm Allen Willie Jose Ronaldo Xavier Pedro Elonda Robert Ross Sandipan Basu Mallick José Maranhão Bob Chandler I have compiled a list of stations broadcasting El Dial (fm) de MAYO 2015, ya disponible Relays this weekend Noticias del GRA Radio Thailand is going to have a twin radio programme Frecuencias de estaciones utilitarias Noticias de La Galena del Sur Áudio do programa "Encontro dos Amigos" de 19-10-2014 Venta (Uruguay) Ham Radio Secrets Conus HF Band Conditions BLANDX New From Yaesu Frecuencia al Dia Nº 428 The American Radio History Historias de radio Enlaces DX Viernes 01.05.15 1º De Maio: 54 Anos Da Rádio Havana Cuba Venta (Uruguay) SDR funcionando Tutorial FM SWL ham contest May 2015 Para El Fin De Semana (2 Programas) Para El Sábado 02 De Mayo 2015 Enlaces DX I sent an email on 26th April to Radio Nepal ***ANNOUNCEMENT*** WRTH has released their A15 International Radio Logs April 30-May 1, 2015 Se subió el archivo Broadcast Summer 2015 (A15) Número 819 Logs May 1-2, 2015 Noticias de AER Bitàcola Del 30 D'abril Más Control De Los Medios España: EG5CAS, primera transmisión desde un submarino operativo Radio Free Asia (RFA) Comunicado “RUS-DX” # 818 Noticias de AER Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas Escuchas ADU 2 Rob Wagner I have compiled a list of stations broadcasting I have compiled a list of stations broadcasting in English as heard here at Mount Evelyn over the past month since the start of the A15 transmission period. It can be downloaded for your personal use. 73, Rob VK3BVW Pedro Elonda El Dial (fm) de MAYO 2015, ya disponible La Asociación Española de Radioescucha (AER) lanzó en el mes de enero de 2001, tras un número de prueba, el primer número de El Dial (fm). Esta publicación periódica y especial de carácter abierto, está dedicada al DX en la banda de frecuencia modulada (FM) y cada mes, entres los días 1 y 3, sale un nuevo número repleto de información sobre el mundo de la FM en España y países limítrofes. También incluye noticias de la TV y OM españolas. Pues bien, esta situación cambió el 10 de marzo de 2014. El boletín PDF pasa a ser una recopilación de las novedades e informaciones que se han producido entre el primer y último día del mes anterior, casi como hasta ese momento, aunque antes no se cerraba por meses naturales. La novedad radica en que las noticias e informaciones se irán introduciendo en la base de datos, día a día. Así pues, en el caso de las noticias, destacaremos las últimas 100, no las del boletín PDF (que, recordemos, son, las del mes anterior). Y todas ellas, como hasta ahora, estarán disponibles en el archivo de noticias Además, ahora se añade a cada noticia e información la fecha y hora de su inclusión en la base de datos. Y, que nadie se preocupe, pues no se ha perdido ninguna noticia. Las colaboraciones pueden ser mandadas mediante el formulario para colaborar en el que figuran los datos esenciales las secciones del boletín. Una forma limpia y rápida de colaborar. Esta publicación especializada se complementa con: La lista España en FM,, en base a un importante motor de búsqueda de emisoras de FM en España La lista de correo EDFM las últimas novedades de la banda de FM en España Tom Taylor Relays this weekend Saturday and Wednesday HLR: 06.00 to 08.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz 08.00 to 11.00 UTC, on 6190 KHz 11.00 to 15.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz Sunday MV Baltic Radio: 08.00 to 09.00 UTC, on 7265 KHz 09.00 to 10.00 UTC, on 9485 KHz E-mail: [email protected] Thank you! Sunday HLR: 11.00 to 15.00 UTC on 9485 kHz E-mail: [email protected] Thank you! HLR FM-Program via the Internet: For outside the listening area please try the Twente/Netherlands Web RX at You can also hear many European free and alternative stations via the Internet at: Radio Revival Sweden Transmission schedules: Radio Channel 292 Transmission schedules: Radio Mi Amigo Transmission schedules: Good Listening! - 73s, Tom ADU 3 Arnaldo Slaen Noticias del GRA “Hanói Hannah”, la voz de la propaganda durante la guerra de Vietnam “Hanói Hannah”, la voz de la propaganda durante la guerra de Vietnam Muchos excombatientes estadounidenses en Vietnam aún recuerdan la voz de “Hanói Hannah”, la periodista de la radio norvietnamita que hasta la caída de Saigón, hace 40 años, les instaba incansablemente a volver a casa. El Concejo Deliberante de Concordia aprobó la radio municipal cuya denominación es “Radio Ciudadana” El Concejo Deliberante de Concordia aprobó la radio municipal cuya denominación es “Radio Ciudadana”. Será dirigida por un directorio compuesta por siete miembros. Uno de ellos será el presidente, cuya designación depende del Ejecutivo, y al mismo tiempo director de la radio. Durante la sesión no se mencionó ningún nombre para ocupar ese lugar. El concejal Alberto Armanazqui (FPV) dijo a Diario Junio al terminar la sesión: “espero que en un corto plazo se pueda designar la dirección que creo que está resuelta por el Ejecutivo municipal y tendrá que elevar el pliego y si es posible el jueves que viene ya estaríamos dando acuerdo a la propuesta para que lo más antes posible se pueda poner en funcionamiento un medio de comunicación que va a ser fundamental para la vida política y social de la ciudad”, sostuvo. Denuncian presunto saboteo a emisora de Putumayo La frecuencia radial de la emisora Latina Estéreo de Puerto Asís, estaría siendo saboteada por una transmisión ilegal de señal de radio, que estaría operando en el centro de la ciudad de Mocoa. La denuncia fue hecha por el gerente de la empresa, Gabriel Morales. Surge poco interés en las licitaciones de FM en México Las 191 licitaciones de radio en Frecuencia Modulada (FM) que el Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones pondrá a disposición del mercado en 2015 resultan poco atractivas para los grandes del mercado de la radio, debido a que no incluyeron entidades como el Distrito Federal. Avanza en la Provincia de Buenos Aires la creación de una red de radios públicas El secretario de Comunicación Pública, Juan Courel, encabezó hoy un encuentro de radios municipales de la provincia de Buenos Aires con el objetivo de sentar las bases para la conformación de una red de radios públicas. Celebra 67 años emisora cubana CMBF Este 25 de abril, la emisora cubana CMBF Radio Musical Nacional celebró 67 años de estar en el éter, primero como Onda Musical del Circuito CMQ, por iniciativa del pianista e investigador Orlando Martínez (1916-1988) para ofrecer las mejores obras clásicas del repertorio universal. LV4 Radio San Rafael cumple 77 años San Rafael era por ese entonces una pequeña ciudad, la que, pese a todo, tenía una enorme potencialidad socio económica reflejada en sus casi 200 bodegas, aserraderos, herrerías, secaderos, fábricas de conservas, galpones de empaque y el orgullo de que sus productos agrícolas fueran conocidos en Europa gracias a la AFD, una empresa inglesa radicada hacía varios años en el medio. Funcionaria de alto rango serbia defiende la continuidad de Radio Serbia Internacional La presidenta del Comité para la Cultura y la Información del Parlamento de Serbia, Vesna Marjanovic, considera que Serbia necesita un medio como lo es Radio Serbia Internacional – Radio Yugoslavia, y que hay que reorganizarlo, y no apagarlo. En conversación con la radio emisora internacional serbia, ella dijo que la crisis económica primero afecta a la cultura y la información. Se viene el apagón tecnológico en la FM de Noruega El Ministro de Cultura de Noruega ha anunciado que el apagón de la radio FM comenzará el 11 de enero de 2017, fecha en la cual se iniciará el principio del fin de las emisiones de radio FM tradicionales. La idea: dar el salto completo a la radio digital, lo que convertirá a Noruega en el primer país que hace una transición similar a la que por ejemplo hace unos años que se produjo con la televisión digital terrestre en nuestro país. Radio Universidad Nacional de Córdoba cumple 57 años en el aire cordobés La AM de los SRT celebra un nuevo aniversario con renovada programación y una fuerte presencia en la agenda diaria. Tu propia voz, desde el alba hasta la caída del sol; piedra basal del multimedio conformado por los Servicios de Radio y Televisión de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (SRT). Comunidades originarias cuentan sus historias en la radio La comunicación como instrumento integrador de los pueblos, herramienta de transformación e identidad será el motivo del tercer Encuentro de comunicación en los territorios, que este año coincidirá en el Valle de Luracatao con la novena Feria Campesina, desde el próximo viernes y hasta el domingo. Dejará de transmitir ADN Radio en Costa Rica El Grupo Nación indicó, mediante un comunicado oficial, que la radioemisora ADN Radio dejará de transmitir a partir del 30 de abril del presente año. ADU 4 El comunicado también menciona que la frecuencia se mantendrá en el portafolio de producto de Grupo Latino de Radiodifusión (GLR), y que en las próximas semanas se dará a conocer el nuevo formato de la frecuencia 90.7. En Uruguay aseguran que Hadad suspendió la compra de Radio Colonia El sindicato de prensa de Uruguay solicitó a la autoridad regulatoria de medios de ese país que cancele la venta de Radio Colonia, una emisora afincada en la ciudad homónima pero que tiene amplio alcance en Buenos Aires, luego de que el empresario Daniel Hadad, dueño del sitio Infobae, solicitara la suspensión de la operación. La Radio Pública invertirá 7 millones de pesos en los nuevos estudios de Radio Nacional Santa Rosa La emisora contará con estudios de AM y FM diferenciados, toda la infraestructura de administración y equipo técnico, un mini espacio para actividades culturales y otro separado de la nave principal en donde se va a instalar el archivo discográfico. Los trabajadores de Radio France volvieron este jueves a sus puestos tras una huelga histórica Los trabajadores de Radio France, el grupo de emisoras públicas francesas, volvieron este jueves a sus puestos después de decidir el fin de la huelga más larga de su historia, que se ha prolongado 28 días. Empieza ahora una difícil negociación, a través de un mediador, en la que dirección y sindicatos tratarán de acordar una hoja de ruta para los próximos 5 años. Indalo Media presentó nueva programación de sus radios Este miércoles se realizó “Noche de Radios”, el lanzamiento de las nuevas programaciones de las radios de Indalo Media: Radio 10 AM 710 y las FM Pop 101.5, Vale 97.5, Mega 98.3 y Radio One 103.7.El evento se llevó a cabo en La Rural a partir de las 19 con televisación de C5N. Quejas en Bariloche por multas por instalación de antenas de FM Una Ordenanza que data del año 2009 exige autorización municipal, y prohíbe la instalación de antenas en un radio menor a 200 de metros de distancia de escuelas, hospitales y clubes. Si bien el espíritu de la norma fue excluir de la restricción a las radios FM, por no estar taxativamente expresado en la norma, el Ejecutivo y el Juzgado de Faltas, avanzaron en el cobro de multas por incumplimientos a la mencionada ordenanza. Radio Universidad de Córdoba y FM Nuestra Radio relanzan su programación Las radios de los SRT estrenan publicidad gráfica y renuevan su programación para seguir creciendo en audiencia cordobesa. Así como ayer, los canales de los Servicios de Radio y Television (SRT) de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC)estrenaronescenografía, gráfica y programación tanto por Canal 10comocba24n; desde este martes ya se pueden visualizar en las calles de Córdoba las piezas gráficas de las campañas 2015 deNuestra Radio y Radio Universidad, producida por la Agencia Gurdulich. Reinaguraron Radio Provincial de Sierra Colorada on una colorida fiesta la comunidad de Sierra Colorada celebró la reinauguración de la AM 1580 Radio Provincial, el medio de comunicación más importante de la zona. El acto se realizó el sábado 11 de abril en la esquina de Hipólito Yrigoyen y Martín Alberdi con la presencia del gobernador Alberto Weretilneck, el presidente de Radio y Televisión Rionegrina, Fabián Galli, el intendente local, Fabián Pilquinao y el Coordinador de la emisora, Jorge Landa, entre otros funcionarios. La Afsca otorgó licencia de radio a una escuela de Cuchillo Có, en La Pampa La Escuela 175 de la localidad de Cuchillo Có fue beneficiada con una licencia para operar una frecuencia radial, según confirmó ayer el delegado provincial del organismo, Eduardo Tindiglia. El funcionario reveló que el directorio nacional de la Autoridad Federal de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual (Afsca) aprobó la autorización a dicha escuela para el funcionamiento y explotación de una estación de frecuencia modulada. LRA43 RADIO NACIONAL NEUQUEN AM 970 FM 103.3 El pasado 10 de abril se dejó formalmente inaugurada una nueva emisora de Radio Nacional Argentina. Se trata de LRA43 Radio Nacional Neuquén AM 970 KHz FM 103.3 MHz. De esta manera la red de emisoras del Estado Argentino llega a 50 estaciones distribuidas en todo el país. En el acto de inauguración que se efectuó en instalaciones de la Dirección Nacional de Vialidad, lugar donde se encuentran los estudios, se hicieron presentes el Presidente de RTA SE Sr. Tristán Bauer, el Gerente de emisoras Sr. Matías Ciampini, directores de varias emisoras del Interior, autoridades provinciales y municipales, además medios de comunicación nacionales, locales y publico en general . LU5 Radio Neuquen celebra sus 70 años de existencia No sólo es un día muy especial para LU5 por su aniversario número 70 sino que los festejos se extienden en toda una ciudad que creció y vive el día a día junto a su compañía. Desde muy temprano se multiplicaron los llamados de los oyentes, grandes protagonistas de la emisora, además de autoridades y todo el grupo humano que conforma la emisora. Emisoras en AM de Panamá luchan por subsistir en la era digital ADU 5 “Hay que ingeniárselas bastante. Así, en un tono de voz honesto, el radiodifusor veragüense y gerente general de Ondas Centrales y Super Stereo, Héctor Santacoloma, define la actual situación que viven las estaciones de radio en frecuencia de Amplitud Modulada (AM) que, al parecer, han perdido un poco el atractivo, sobre todo en el área comercial. Pueblos originarios ya cuentan con 56 radios y un canal de televisión en Argentina Desde la sanción de la ley de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual en Argentina, la comunicación de los pueblos originarios cuenta con autorizaciones para 56 radios y un canal de televisión, todos en el rango de carácter “público, no estatal”. Todas las informaciones completas leerlas en Siddhartha Bhattacharjee Radio Thailand is going to have a twin radio programme programme Radio Thailand is going to have a twin radio programme with Radio Television Brunei (RTB) on 2nd May 2015 at 10:00 am. (Thailand Time). This one-hour programme is held on the occasion of the 82nd anniversary of the Government Public Relations Department (PRD) on the 3rd May 2015 and the 58th anniversary of the Radio Television of Brunei on the 2nd May 2015. We would like to invite all of you to listen to our programme through FM 88 and AM 918. Miguel Angel Rocha Gamez Frecuencias de estaciones utilitarias utilitarias Frecuencias de estaciones utilitarias entre los 1635 y 25700 KHz, lista editada de la publicación Eibi A 2015. Horacio Horacio Nigro Geolkiewsky Noticias de La Galena del Sur Philips Radio, “Sinfonia Industrial” (1931), Joris Ivens. Joris Ivens (1898 Nijmegen – 1988 París), fue undocumentalista holandés, caracterizado por un gran compromiso político. Sus trabajos “demuestran un gran interés socio-político así como una distinguida e innovadora cualidad audiovisual. Ya de joven, Ivens, jugó un papel prominente en la vanguardia cinematográfica internacional debido a las influencias que obtuvo del Expresionismo alemán y de la Vanguardia rusa. En los años treinta se consolidó como un director que utilizaba el medio cinematográfico para reflexionar sobre los acontecimientos a escala global, con temas como el Socialismo Soviético, la Guerra Civil española, la lucha de Indonesia por la independencia y las revoluciones de Cuba y China. “Postes, télégraphes & téléphones”. Diorama para armar. ¿Recuerdas los tiempos de la niñez, cuando las páginas centrales de la revista Billiken o Anteojito, y otras tantas que nos alegraban las tardes y nos instruían sobre las cosas y gentes del mundo, traían una lámina central con un recortable para armar?. En mi época, no existía la cola vinílica ni las barras adhesivas, así que había que pedirle a mamá que nos hiciera engrudo, con agua y harina; y sobre una cartulina, tal como se indicaba en las instrucciones, había que pegar la lámina y luego cuidadosamente recortar cada parte. “El Fin del Mundo”, Camille Flammarion: El futuro visto en 1893. La Fin du Monde (“El Fin del Mundo”), es una novela de ciencia ficción del SigloXIX, sobre un cometa que choca con la Tierra, y que conduce a la muerte gradual de nuestro planeta. El libro fue escrito por el astrónomo francés CamilleFlammarion, publicado por primera vez en 1893, yadaptado al cine en 1931, del que vale destacar que fue originalmente proyectado con un primitivo pero efectivo sistema de sonido estereofónico. ¹ Camión de TV de Exteriores, RCA, NBC. Juguete de los años 50. Camión de TV de Exteriores, RCA, NBC, hecho en hojalata litografiada porYonezawa Toys, a pilas. Japón. 1950s. 23cm. “Yonezawa Toys” (Juguetes) (conocido también como Yone o simplemente Y) fue uno de los fabricantes de juguetes de la posguerra más grandes y prodigiosos de Japón y de los primeros que se involucraron en el creciente mercado de radio control. Argentina. Avisos publicitarios de Casas de Radio (III): Buxton Guilayn Co., y el Ultradyne A8. Importante casa de importación y venta de maquinaria, automóviles y electricidad, ubicada en Suipacha 502, de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, que vendía también aparatos de radiotelefonía, a principios del siglo XX. Instalada inicialmente por Emilio Guilayn, en la ciudad de Bagé, en el sur de Brasil. ADU 6 1925. El primer Congreso Internacional de Radioaficionados: a 90 años de la creación de IARU. El sábado 18 de abril se celebra un nuevo Día Mundial de la Radioafición, recordando la fundación de la Unión Internacional de Radioaficionados (IARU), en 1925. En 2015 se cumplen 90 años de aquella histórica reunión celebrada en París. De los 25 países que formaron la IARU en 1925, la Uniónha crecido a más de 160 sociedades miembros en las tres regiones del globo. La Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT) integra a IARU en su seno. IARU, que representa los intereses de la Radioafición, tiene más de 3 millones de operadores y radio experimentadores en el mundo. ¹ Resultados de la Conferencia de París El día 15 de abril de 1925, tuvo lugar en el aula de Química de la Facultad de Ciencias de París, a las 15 horas, la primera reunión de la comisión encargada de organizar la Unión Internacional de Aficionados de T.S. H., con la asistencia de 23 representantes oficiales de igual número de naciones. La importancia del asunto a tratar, queda evidenciada por la presencia de representantes de todos los países que concurrieron a al congreso. Don Enrique Legrand y el Día Mundial del Radioaficionado.Publicado el abril 18, 2012 en este mismo blog. Publicado en 1925, 2015, Alemania, Argentina, Brasil, Canadá, Código Morse, Chile, Conferencias, Documentos,EE.UU., Francia, Inglaterra, Investigación, Japón, Los principios, Mis trabajos, Montevideo, Notas de prensa, radio,Radio Aficionados, Radioafición, Radioescucha, radiotelegrafía, Uruguay | Etiquetado 18 de abril, 2015, Amateur Radio, American Radio Relay League, ARRL, BCL, Belin, Broadcast Listeners, Comité Internacional de T. S. H.,CX90IARU, Día Mundial de la Radioafición, Día Mundial del Radioaficionado, Enrique Legrand, Enrique Repetto,Ham Radio, Hiram Percy Maxim, IARU, Marcuse, Maxim, Montevideo Radio Club, Primer Congreso de Radioaficionados, QST, Radio Club Argentino, Radio Club Uruguayo, radioescuchas, UIT, Unión Internacional de Radioaficionados, Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones, Uruguay | 1 comentario Todas las informaciones completas leerlas en Associao DX do Brasil Áudio do programa "Encontro dos Amigos" Amigos" de 1919-1010-2014 Rádio Vaticano. Ainda temos as notícias do Informativo Semanal da ADXB com Jailton Amaral. Confira Wilder Wilder Alexis Alvez Venta (Uruguay) (Uruguay) - Vendo los tres por no usar, el cobra 148 y el cobra 19 funcionan, el unic solo recibe (el tx esta sano, se inicio modificación que no se termino). $1500, se puede hablar. Yimber Gaviria Ham Radio Secrets "Claude Jollet, VE3DPE of Notre-Dame-des-Prairies, Quebec, is the webmaster of this page. The Web site will help you find the basic information you need to get started on your journey toward obtaining your amateur radio operator license; improve your knowledge of the essential aspects; Discover the many new features of the "king of hobbies"!" VIA Sheldon Harvey, Greenfield Park, Quebec ADU 7 Yimber Gaviria Conus HF Band Conditions Conditions "Apparently this frequently updated site uses "conus" technology to assess band conditions "accurately". Please note that I do not know exactly how this technology works. However, the site may be of interest to HF amateurs and also potentially to SWLs. Based on a very short experience with this site, it seems to be accurate. For instance, yesterday as soon as the 15M band opened according to the charts, I worked Ukraine 59 report and Hungary 55 report with 100W and a suboptimal antenna. Not enough data to go on, but interesting. I found about the site from a bulletin transmitted during our weekly local 2M emergency communications Net." VIA David Shindler, Toronto, Ontario Yimber Gaviria BLANDX "Combine shortwave listening, DXing, QSLing, etc. with wit and satire and you come up with Blandx. Absent for 5 years, Blandx returned on April 1, 2015 with a brand new edition of comedy, spoofs and satire on our favourite hobbies. You can check out the latest edition, plus historical archives of past issues. It’s all tongue in cheek. Enjoy it in the spirit in which it was created!" VIA Sheldon Harvey, Greenfield Park, Quebec Yimber Gaviria New From Yaesu FT2DR C4FM 144/430 MHz Dual Band Digital Handheld Transceiver This exciting leading edge transceiver is designed with ease of use in mind with an oversized back-lit touch panel display. At 1.7-inches the high resolution touch screen display provides information through an easily navigable interface, providing stress-free operability and a high level of on-screen visibility for the FT2DR operator. The advanced FT2DR is loaded with various new features including: 700 mW of audio, Built-in High Sensitivity 66 ch GPS with antenna, 1200 bps / 9600 bps APRS® function, Dual watch (V/V, U/U/, V/U), Dual Monitor (C4FM Digital/C4FM Digital), GPS Logging/Recording capabilities, Water resistant (IPX5 Rating), microSD Card Slot, 2200mAh high capacity Li-Ion battery and Battery charger included as a standard supplied accessory. For complete details on this new transceiver from Yaesu, please visit the following webpage… via Radio HF, Canada Dino Bloise Frecuencia al Dia Nº 428 Frecuencia Al Día - [No. 428, mayo 1, 2015] En esta emisión:...... Rusia | La Torre Shújov en Moscú La Torre Shújov de Moscú. Antena de telecomunicaciones. Emblema de esa ciudad y uno de los hitos de la ingeniería más importantes. Informe- con Pancho Rodríguez desde La Voz de Rusia *** Gustavo Luna: Costa Rica - El apagado avance de la tele digital *** Daniel Silva: Chile - Comenzó a operar la primera radio erótica de Latinoamérica *** Alonso Mostazo: Pronóstico de la Propagación HF *** Luís Valderas: Chile - Movistar anuncia la llegada de nuevo servicio de televisión por internet *** Miguel Á. Reyes: México – Periodista: Javier Solorzano *** Frecuencia Análisis: Las noticias más importantes sobre telecomunicaciones y tecnología *** Ruben W. Suárez: (((El Informe Diexista.))) ADU 8 Yimber Gaviria The American Radio History…/american-radio-history-site-adds-monit…/ The American Radio History website has just announced the addition of 75 issues of the late Monitoring Times magazine to their free downloads archive. These issues span 1983-1993, making a nice stroll down memory lane for many of us. Daniel Camporini Historias de radio Queda poco tiempo para aquellos que puedan estar interesados en un recuerdo. Vía mail si escriben a: [email protected] Francisco Paez Garcia Enlaces DX Viernes 01.05.15 Programa destinado al mundo de la radioaficion y el diexismo, realizado únicamente en podcasting Antonio Argolo 1º De Maio: 54 Anos Da Rádio Rádio Havana Cuba “Cuba tem uma emissora de rádio, que já está transmitindo para toda América Latina... Já estão nos ouvindo inúmeros irmãos de América Latina e de todo o mundo... Bom, sorte que não estamos na época da indigência. Estamos na era do rádio! E as verdades de um país podem chegar a lugares longínquos”. Estas foram as palavras de Fidel Castro, proferidas em 1º de maio de 1961, durante a inauguração das emissões internacionais em Ondas Curtas da Rádio Havana Cuba (RHC). Hoje a RHC está completando 54 anos transmitindo via Ondas Curtas em seis línguas: espanhol, português, francês, inglês, esperanto e árabe. Aqui no Brasil é possível escutá-la em espanhol às 11:00 UTC em 17.730 kHz. Em português: 20 às 20:30 – 17.730 kHz; 21:30 às 22:00 – 11.880; 23 às 24:00 – 15.230 e 15.370 kHz. Todos os horários são informados em UTC (diminuir 3 horas para o horário de Brasília; ex: 11:00= 08 da manhã). A emissora surgiu para denunciar ao mundo o golpe militar protagonizado pelos EUA durante a invasão da Baía dos Porcos. Em plena Guerra Fria o rádio era o meio de comunicação por excelência. Nas ondas do rádio havia uma batalha ideológica, difundida no entorno da ilha, visando criar um conflito entre os cubanos para derrubada da política castrista. Com o surgimento da RHC o país passou a ter voz própria para falar não apenas aos seus cidadãos. Mas também a todo o mundo, através de um sistema de transmissão tradicional ainda em vigência – as Ondas Curtas. Graças às informações foi possível conhecer as versões dos fatos e confrontar as opiniões mundiais acercas da crise política no continente americano. A RHC representa um marco importante na difusão do antagonismo político na América. Atualmente permanece fiel aos preceitos da Revolução Cubana, incluindo boletins de notícias, matérias e reportagens sobre os últimos acontecimentos sobre o assunto. O trabalho é uma marca importante nas políticas dos países socialistas. Em Cuba, todos os anos a RHC transmite ao vivo do tradicional desfile do Dia Mundial dos Trabalhadores. O ato é marcado pelo pronunciamento das autoridades, os sons característicos do evento. Bem como seu deslocamento em vários pontos da ilha até a dispersão na Praça da Revolução. ADU 9 Outra característica importante da RHC é a preocupação com a história cubana marcada pela sua comunicação visual. Todos os domingos apresenta o programa O Mundo da Filatelia. Através de reportagens sobre a história e retratada na filatelia, o ouvinte é convidado a responder perguntar a ganhar selos e envelopes de primeiro dia de circulação pelos Correios de Cuba. A importância dessa iconografia filatélica, que denomino de “radiográfica” é fruto de algumas pesquisas acadêmicas, exposições e papers que estamos desenvolvendo. A intensão é analisar o uso das imagens filatélicas como discurso político, visando destacar as vitórias militares e reforçar a propaganda de uma nação socialista, que se projetou a partir da Revolução Cubana. Acredito que essa filatelia se constitui num importante instrumento de mediação dos acontecimentos históricos. Além de retratar os fatos passados, ctircunscritos no imaginário coletivo, também contribui para visualizarmos a imagem oficial de Cuba que é contada a partir dos microfones da Rádio Havana Cuba e das estampas dos selos postais emitidos naquele país. LEIA MAIS SOBRE AS ONDAS CURTAS: Gaston Menendez Venta (Uruguay) Vendo - Fuente nippon america de 20-22 A excelente estado. Vendo handy baofeng uv-5r con con batería $U2000 Anderson José Torquato SDR funcionando funcionando Depois de tanto panhar, e ler com calma toda a ajuda, quero dizer que agora esta tudo funcionando. O unico problema agora seria o ruido que dificulta um pouco as escutas. O problema de tudo seria o conector que faz a ligação da antena para o receptor. Após receber um grande presente do amigo Fernandi Imme, que foram 2 conectores, as coisas melhoraram e muito. Agradeço todos a ajuda que me deram. MUITO OBRIGADO Minha gravações de emissoras escutadas aqui em Garopaba Meu outro site de gravações Anderson José Torquato - Garopaba-SC Pedro Elonda Tutorial FM Confeccionat pel nostre colega Manuel J. Villacañas. ADU 10 Antonio. EA1GFY SWL ham contest May 2015 SWL ham contest May 2015 in pdf (Spanish) twitter @ea1gfy Facebook ea1gfy 73´s de Antonio. EA1GFY - SWL EA3248URE - Logroño(La Rioja) Radioactividades Para El Fin De Semana (2 Programas) Programas) Sábado 02 y Domingo 03 de Mayo 2015 Desde Uruguay “RADIOACTIVIDADES” programa conducido por Daniel Ayala, con la participación de Roberto Belo y la producción y diseño técnico de Luis Ignacio Moreira, se emite por la emisora Pública Uruguaya “Radio Uruguay” perteneciente a la Radiodifusión Nacional del Uruguay. Se emite los sábados y domingos de 11:00 a 12:00 hora local, (14:00 a 15:00 UTC, una hora menos en el verano austral) con repeticiones los mismos días a las 23:00 hora local, y los días siguientes a las 03:00 hora local. Nos dedicamos a historiar sobre la radio, personajes, programas y la actualidad de los medios de comunicación. Se ha emitido de forma ininterrumpida desde febrero de 1989 Dirección de Radioactividades Dirección electrónica: [email protected] Se puede escuchar en directo por Internet en: Para todos aquellos colegas que no pudieron escuchar el programa RADIOACTIVIDADES a través de “Radio Uruguay 1050 AM” lo pueden hacer en nuestra página de Programas DX: Si desea escuchar otros espacios diexistas en español lo pueden hacer en: Programas DX en facebook: Programas DX en twitter: Cordiales 73 - Programas DX La Rosa De Tokio Para El Sábado 02 De Mayo 2015 La Rosa de Tokio es un programa semanal dedicado a difundir el apasionante mundo de la radio y del diexismo, producido y realizado en los estudios de LS11 Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires, (AM1270 kHz) La Plata, República Argentina. Email: [email protected] ESTE FIN DE SEMANA DEDICAREMOS NUESTRO PROGRAMA A LA HISTORIA Y TRAYECTORIA DE LA RADIODIFUSIÓN EN LA CAPITAL DE LA PROVINCIA ARGENTINA DE MENDOZA 2ª PARTE (INTERIOR DE LA PROVINCIA) EMISORAS ACTUALES Y SU HISTORIA. No se pierdan los archivos de audio históricos con los cuales se ilustran cada programa. La Rosa de Tokio puede ser escuchada los días domingos de 17:00 a 18:00 Tiempo Universal Coordinado (14:00 a 15:00 hora LU) por los 1270 Khz y en Internet por Además, una extensa red de emisoras de frecuencia modulada de toda la República Argentina retransmite en forma semanal nuestro programa en diferentes días y horarios. La Rosa de Tokio también sale por onda corta gracias a las facilidades brindadas por WRMI Radio Miami Internacional También puede ser escuchada en cualquier momento entrando en la página ProgramasDX y haciendo “click” en Desde este vínculo también podrán acceder al archivo que recaba ediciones anteriores del programa. La Rosa de Tokio es producida y conducida por Omar José Somma y Arnaldo Leonel Slaen y cuenta con la colaboración habitual de Rubén Guillermo Margenet, desde Rosario y Alejandro Daniel Álvarez, desde Neuquen. E-mail de "LA ROSA DE TOKIO": [email protected] (Audio a demanda) Si desean escuchar otros programas diexistas en: Programas DX en facebook: Programas DX en twitter: Cordiales 73 - Programas DX ADU 11 DXCB Enlaces DX Lista de discussao do DXCB Site do DX Clube do Brasil Blog oficial do DXCB Atividade DX Eletronico Grupo Radioescucha Argentino Blog do dexista Rudolf Grimm Site Amantes do Radio Site Navegando nas Ondas Curtas condiglist · Lista de discussao Conexion Digital Boletim Eletronico Semanal Conexion Digital Blog do dexista Sarmento Campos Blog do dexista Gustavo Maia Blog do dexista Thiago Pereira Machado Blog do Célio Romais Lista Ondas Médias Brasil rx-br · Receptores & Antenas - Brasil ut-br · Utilitárias Brasil Site do dexista Eduardo Castaldelli fmtvbr · Dexismo: FM (88-108 MHz) e TV (VHF-UHF) lojinhadoradioescuta · Lojinha do Radioescuta Pradip Kundu I sent an email on 26th April to Radio Nepal I sent an email on 26th April to Radio Nepal following the devastating earthquakes expressing my sympathy for distress people of the country. In reply I receive this email from Mr Udaya Shrestha (Deputy Director Engineering) ADU 12 Sean Gilbert ***ANNOUNCEMENT*** WRTH has released their A15 International Radio **ANNOUNCEMENT*** WRTH has released their A15 International Radio & COTB schedules file. The A15 schedules file is available for free download (whilst donations are appreciated, they are by no means mandatory). Use the following link, and click on "International Updates" This file is in PDF format and you will need a PDF viewing program (such as the free Adobe Acrobat Reader) in order to open this file. The pdf id 2.3MB in size and contains 78 pages, consisting of: Summer (A season) 2015 LW/MW & SW schedules for International broadcasters and Clandestine & Other Targeted (COTB) Broadcasts; International DRM broadcasts; a 'By Frequency' listing of the broadcasters; Selected language broadcasts (English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese); and finally a list of sites used in the schedules, together with name, location, co-ordinates and type (LW/MW &/or SW). Despite the doom and gloom surrounding shortwave and international broadcasting, please be assured there is still a lot to listen to, broadcast in many, many languages to all parts of the world. There are even new SW stations popping up from time to time. There are at least 6 new entries in this file, that have come on air since WRTH2015 was published. That has to be encouraging! If you haven't already got your copy of WRTH2015, you can still order on-line direct from our website or from (At last Amazon seems to have sorted out whatever issue they had, which caused unacceptable delays and annoyance for our valued readership). Using the A schedules together with the printed WRTH gives you powerful tools to help you get the most from your listening. Glenn Hauser Logs April 3030-May 1, 2015 ** AFGHANISTAN [non]. 13840, May 1 at 0144, ME music, very poor with flutter: it`s VOA Deewa Radio, at 01-04, 334 degrees from SRI LANKA, so also USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ALBANIA. 9850, May 1 at 0129, R. Tirana IS on VG signal tonight, 0135 during less-modulated news talk, the low audible heterodyne from presumed China is still audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AUSTRALIA [and non]. 15240 good, 15415 JBA, and 17840 very poor, April 30 at 0539, the three RA transmitters are back on, but propagation must be degraded, since 17840 is normally strongest by far. By May 1 at 0147, RA is good again on 17840 discussing how to aid Nepal thru charities, but not audible on 15240 or 15415. Really on? Meanwhile, RNZI DRM is fair around 17675, as is AM on 15720, so there ought to be something from RA on 15240, at least. From afar, we tend to think of Au & NZ as near-neighbours, and indeed they have the closest SW stations to each other, but the distance between Shepparton and Rangitaiki is really 2732 km or 1692 statute miles, so propagation can hardly be identical. RBA Kununurra is further from Shep than Ran is, 2825 km or 1755 st mi (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AUSTRIA. 9690, May 1 at 0207, good signal in S Asian language, mentions English word ``Bible`` about once a minute. It`s AWR Urdu via Moosbrunn at 0200-0230. HFCC shows KBS in English to SE Asia is simultaneous, which might make for an unpleasant collision over there, but no sign of it here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOLIVIA. 4700-, May 1 at 0123, JBA carrier slightly on the low side, presumably the always-off R. San Miguel, Riberalta, as recently reported by Bob Wilkner on 4699.9 in the morning, but this is more like 4699.95. Lots of other S American carriers on 60m this evening (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. 11745, May 1 at 0142, crackling spur from 11780.1v RNA/RNB in the clear here, but matching 11815 has QRM from R. Brasil Central which must think it`s entitled to the frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. 11815.02 or so, May 1 at 0140, R. Brasil Central in Portuguese is still on and still getting blasted by the crackling spur from RNB 11780.1v (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1771, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. 2749-USB, May 1 at 0151, marine weather by YL in English, 0152 ID ``--- Radio`` and into French by another YL; poor signal improves somewhat and I copy a few phrases, ``Avis à la navigation`` several times, 0159 ``La ADU 13 Nouvelle-Écosse``, ``conditions de glace`` (waters still icy by mai?); 0200 ``Temps Universel Coordonné``, which was probably a schedule announcement, and off by 0201. Per Bill Hepburn`s this is VAR-3, somewhere around the Bay of Fundy, NS, WX starting at 0140, 1040, 1640, 2040, and NA (what`s that?) starting at 1240, each in English and French. Coördinates are 43 44 24 / 66 07 19 which puts it near or in Yarmouth at the SW end of NS. 2749 is shared with three other stations, next being VCS-2, Halifax from 0240, and it`s only in English. Also checked 2598-USB for the N&L stations, but nothing heard: VOK in Labrador starts at 0137 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 6060, May 1 at 0127, poor signal with RHC music in Spanish, but it`s // the English frequencies, 6000 & 6165, not // Spanish frequencies such as 11760. 0150 confirmed speaking English, so 6060 taking the wrong program feed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EGYPT [and non]. 9315, May 1 at 0131, R. Cairo in Spanish, distorted but not too suppressed, on good signal. It`s normally on 9315.0 but since I didn`t confirm that I don`t add the .0 now. 9964.56, approx., May 1 at 0135, R. Cairo, open carrier/dead air except for whine on VG signal, nominally Arabic service. Still the same at 0204 check 12070.04, approx., May 1 at 0137, R. Cairo extremely distorted and loud music, VG signal // 9315 Spanish service. Supposed to close at 0200, but 12070+ is still on at 0204, and now it`s in English! // 9315, but still extremely distorted past 0209. Program also has self-imposed reverb, but telling it`s in English is the best I can manage 11935.06, approx. May 1 at 0139, R. Cairo in suptorted Spanish talk, // 9315; no het from Brasil or anything. Off at 0203 check, but now a JBA carrier from something, which if we went by HFCC would be VOR in Russian via Irkutsk but we know that`s imaginary; in Aoki we find Lhasa starts 11935 at 0158 and CNR5, Beijing is also on there long before and after 0200 13850, May 1 at 0203, no signal from R. Cairo in Arabic, which is supposed to start at 0200; nor on transposed 13580 as heard before. Probably same transmitter which has stayed late on 12070, altho the 11935 Abis one should now be available (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAN. 9550, May 1 at 0133, fair signal, Spanish talk about Palestina, no QRM, and eventually at 0138 found // 12025 with good signal during music, so Voz de la República Islámica de Irán: both 500 kW from Kamalabad, 9550 being 259 degrees at 0020-0320, while 12025 is 304 degrees including our very own CIRAF 7-south as one of the USA targets, at 0020-0220 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NORTH AMERICA. 6876-AM, May 1 at 0122, pirate music, poor signal; 0128 synthetic YL with gmail address. 0128 raucous wailing and OM announcement ``the sound of another satisfied listener to The Crystal Ship``. Of course, it`s a courtesy relay, not the already busted John Poet direct. This one is getting pretty regular, maybe bolder with news that FCC is reducing enforcement; no pirates now in the 6.9s (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 1020, April 30 at 1229 UT, KOKP Perry is still AWOL, and in its absence there is weak Spanish from N/S, no doubt KMMQ Plattsmouth (Omaha market) NE on 50 kW day pattern. KOKP still off at 1917 check (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1771, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1120, April 30 at 1230 UT, KETU is on again, quick announcement of uncopiable website and ``La Picuda`` slogan; vs gospel huxter in English depending on nulling, no doubt KTXW Texas, no KMOX by this hour. KETU is off again at 1917 UT recheck. I`ve yet to hear any legal KETU ID from it (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WORLD OF RADIO 1771, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1210, April 30 at 1233 UT, Guymon with weather ``on Today`s Country, KGYN``, so is slogan no longer ``US Country``, or just a variant? (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OMAN [and non]. 9740, May 1 at 0134, undermodulated Arabic mentions Qahira, but this is surely RSO on wrong frequency, since 9500 is missing, opening channel for Cuban jammer bleed from 9490 vs R. República. 9740 still on at 0206 with Arabic talk alternately breaking into Qur`aning. Registered time for 9740 from RSO, THUMRAIT is 22-24 only, always USward. Note that Iran is also registered on 9740 at 0120-0220 but in Urdu eastward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 2470.0, May 1 at 0154, Brother Scare, poor but steady signal here, and synchronized with 5050 WWRB, not so with 7570 WRMI or 7490v WBCQ. But I`m sure WWRB isn`t really transmitting on 2470, as heard ADU 14 only on the DX-398, not the PL-880, and among other weak image carriers I get on 120m. Of course it could possibly be an image from something else which happens to be synch with WWRB or with its other frequency 3185 if on, unchecked. It`s not where any MW harmonic would appear from a standard frequency. Ahá, another bigsig is 7520 WWCR, which is 2470 kHz above 5050! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1771 monitoring: confirmed first SW broadcast Thursday April 30 at 2100 on WRMI 7570 (but not 15770, something else). 7570 is poorly audible in noise level. I have suggested to Jeff that the 21-22 UT programs on 7570 need to be on a much higher band in the summer, such as 13 MHz; WRMI hasn`t been on that band since initially employing 13695 for TOM. Next: Fri 2130 WRMI 15770 and maybe 7570 Sat 0630 HLR 7265-CUSB [resuming after maintenance break] Sat 1430 HLR 7265-CUSB Sat 1930v WA0RCR 1860-AM Sun 0315v WA0RCR 1860-AM Sun 2100 WRMI 15770 [? But not last week. Check 7570 too] Sun 2300 WRMI 11580 Mon 0300v WBCQ 5110v Area 51 [but 5110 has been off the air] Tue 1100 WRMI 9955 Wed 0630 HLR 7265-CUSB Wed 1315 WRMI 9955 Wed 1430 HLR 7265-CUSB Wed 2100 WBCQ 7490v Thu 0330 WRMI 9955 [or 1772 if ready in time] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 5110, May 1 at 0125 check, for at least the third night running, no signal from this WBCQ, but the BS continues on 7490 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 11920, May 1 at 0121, WRMI fill music again instead of Fámily Radio in Spanish, sounds Chinese with flute and string instrument; 0141 Cuban music (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1771, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 12105, May 1 at 0137, no signal from WTWW-3 which had been pretty reliable lately; nor any WTWW-2 on 5085 or 9930, while WTWW-1 does blather on 9475 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 9825, May 1 at 0134, whiny blob heard again, and due to fading unseems of local origin; possibly spur or fundamental from a very disordered transmitter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Miguel Angel Rocha Gamez Se subió el archivo Broadcast Summer 2015 (A15) Guía de frecuencias y horarios de radio Eiibi Verano 2015 (A 15) Aunque siempre es mejor ingresar al sitio donde están los archivos, o usar el software para manejar los archivos que está en el mismo sitio, en cierto momento puede ser útil manejar una guía impresa como esta, que está en Words y por medir 286 páginas o 143 hojas si se imprime por dos lados de la hoja, y que puede ser más pequeña y útil si el diexista elimina las frecuencias y horarios que no usa y si elimina la sección final de cómo se usan las dos guías incluidas -por frecuencia y hora-. Esta guía a partir del primer mes en que se publica presenta en general pocos cambios, y además también incluye horarios y frecuencias de radiodifusoras clandestinas y utilitarias. Broadcast Summer 2015 (A15)..docx Conexion Digital Número 819 SIN FRONTERAS - por Marcelo A. Cornachioni –conexdigital@conexiongra NOTA: Salvo indicación en contrario, los esquemas seguidamente publicados corresponden al período A-15 vigente desde el 29/03/2015 al 25/10/2015: ADU 15 ESQUEMAS DE EMISORAS INTERNACIONALES EN IDIOMA ESPAÑOL: ANTARTIDA: LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel: HORA UTC KHZ DIAS 1830-2130 15476 12345 QTH: LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, 9411 Territorio Antártico Argentino, Argentina. E-mail: [email protected] ARGENTINA: RAE, Radiodifusión Argentina al Exterior: Lunes a Viernes: HORA UTC KHZ 1300-1500 6060, 15345 2200-2400 15345 QTH: RAE, Casilla de Correo 555, Correo Central, (C1000WAF) Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail: [email protected] - Web: ARGENTINA: LRA-1 Radio Nacional Buenos Aires: HORA UTC KHZ DIAS 2000-0230 6060, 15345 6 1800-0300 6060, 15345 7 QTH: Radio Nacional, Maipú 555, (C1006ACE) CA Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail: [email protected] - Web: BELARUS: Radio Station Belarus (Radio Minsk): HORA UTC KHZ DIAS 2000-2020 11730, 11930 167 QTH: Radio Minsk / R. Station Belarus, Foreign Service, 4 Krasnaja St., 220807 Minsk, Belarus. E-mail: [email protected] Web: CHECA, REP. Radio Praga (vía WRMI Radio Miami Internacional, USA): HORA UTC KHZ DIAS 0200-0230 9955 23456 1000-1030 9955 12345 QTH: Radio Praga, Vinohradská 12, 120 99 Praga 2, Rep. Checa. E-mail: [email protected] - Web: CHINA, REP. POPULAR: Radio Internacional de China: HORA UTC DESTINO KHZ 2100-2300 España 7335, 9640 2200-2300 América [S] 9490 2200-2400 Europa A-7210, 7250 2300-2400 Europa A-6175 2300-0100 América [S] 9590, 9800 0000-0100 América [C] C-5990 0000-0100 América [S] C-15120 0100-0300 América [S] 9590, 9710 0600-0800 España 17680 Centros retransmisores: (A) Cerrik, Albania (C) Bauta, Cuba QTH: Departamento de Español, R. Intl. de China, 16A Shijingshan Lu, Beijing 100040, Rep. Popular China. E-mail: [email protected] Web: // COREA, REP.: KBS World Radio: HORA UTC KHZ DESTINO 0100-0200 F-9605, 11810América [S] 0200-0300 15575 América [N] 1100-1200 11795 América [S] ADU 16 1800-1900 9740 Europa Centros retransmisores: (F) WHRI, Furman (USA) QTH: KBS World R., 18 Yoido dong, Youngdungpo ku, Seoul 150 790, Corea. E-mail: [email protected] Web: COREA, REP. POP. DEMOCRATICA: La Voz de Corea: HORA UTC DESTINO KHZ 0300-0400 América [C/S] 11735, 13760, 15180 0500-0600 América [C/S] 11735, 13760, 15180 1900-2000 Europa [O] 13760, 15245 2200-2300 Europa [O] 13760, 15245 QTH: La Voz de Corea, Comité de Radio y Televisión, Pyongyang, Rep. Popular Democrática de Corea. CUBA: Radio Habana Cuba: HORA UTC KHZ DESTINO 0000-0500 6060 Nueva York 0100-0500 5040 Centroamérica y México 1100-1300 9550 San Francisco 1100-1300 9850 Chicago 1100-1400 11860 Nueva York 1100-1400 13740 Buenos Aires 1100-1500 9640 Caribe 1100-1500 9820 Centroamérica 1100-1500 15230 Buenos Aires 1100-1500 15730 Rio de Janeiro 1100-1800 11950 Américas 1300-1500 15370 San Francisco 2100-2300 5040 Antillas/Caribe 2100-2300 9535 Centroamérica 2100-2300 9710 Caribe 2100-2300 11760 Centroamérica 2100-2300 11840 Chile 2100-2300 13740 Buenos Aires 2100-2300 17730 Europa 2300-0200 11670 Centroamérica 2300-0400 9710 Caribe 2300-0400 11670 Rio de Janeiro 2300-0400 13740 Buenos Aires 2300-0400 15230 Buenos Aires 2300-0500 9535 Centroamérica 2300-0500 11840 Chile Nota: Px “Mesa Redonda” (Lunes a Viernes, de 2300 a 2400 UTC por 6000 y 11950 KHz). QTH: Radio Habana Cuba, Apartado 6240, La Habana 6, Cuba. Web: E-mail: [email protected] E-mail para reportes: [email protected] Radio Rebelde: HORA UTC KHZ DESTINO 0000-2400 5025 América [C] QTH: Radio Rebelde, Departamento de Relaciones Públicas, Apartado 6277, 10600 La Habana 6, Cuba. E-mail: [email protected] Web: ECUADOR: HCJB Global (La Voz de Los Andes): HORA UTC KHZ DIAS 0130-0500 6050 12345 0300-0500 6050 67 1100-1500 6050 12345 1130-1500 6050 67 1900-2130 6050 1234567 ADU 17 2200-2330 6050 12345 2330-2400 6050 67 QTH: HCJB, Apartado 17-17-691, Quito, Ecuador. E-mail: [email protected] Web: EGIPTO: Radio El Cairo: HORA UTC KHZ DESTINO 0045-0200 9315 América [N] 0045-0200 11935 América [S] 0045-0200 12070 América [C] QTH: Radio El Cairo, Apartado Postal 566, El Cairo, Egipto. E-mail: [email protected] ESLOVAQUIA: Radio Eslovaquia Internacional (vía WRMI Radio Miami Internacional, USA): HORA UTC KHZ DIAS 0230-0300 9955 1234567 0430-0500 9955 1234567 1030-1100 9955 123456 QTH: Radio Eslovaquia Internacional, P.O.Box 55, 810 05 Bratislava, Eslovaquia. E-mail: [email protected] Web: ESPAÑA: REE, Radio Exterior de España: Lunes a Domingos: HORA UTC KHZ DESTINO 1800-2200 15450 Africa [E/O] 1800-2200 15490 Africa [N], Medio Oriente 1800-2200 17715 América [S] 1800-2200 17855 América [N] Sábados y Domingos HORA UTC KHZ DESTINO 1400-1800 15490 Africa [N], Medio Oriente 1400-1800 17715 América [S] 1400-1800 17855 América [N] 1400-1800 21620 Africa [E/O] QTH: Radio Exterior de España, Apartado 156.202, 28080 Madrid, España. E-mail para reportes: [email protected] Web: ESTADOS UNIDOS: Radio Martí: HORA UTC KHZ DIAS 0000-0300 6030, 7365 1234567 0300-0700 6030, 7405 23456 0700-0900 5980, 6030 23456 0900-1000 5980, 6030 1234567 1000-1200 6030, 9805 1234567 1200-1300 7405, 9805 1234567 1300-1400 7405, 13605 1234567 1400-2000 11930, 13605 1234567 2000-2400 G-9565, G-11930 1234567 Nota: (G) Vía Greenville, USA QTH: Radio Martí, 4201 NW 77th Ave., Miami, FL 33166, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Web: KVOH, La Voz de Restauración: HORA UTC KHZ DIAS 1400-1900 17775 12345 QTH: KVOH, La Voz de Restauración, P.O.Box 56320, Los Angeles, CA 90056, USA. Web: E-mail: [email protected] ADU 18 WEWN, Radio Católica Mundial: HORA UTC KHZ 0000-0500 5810, 11870 0500-1000 7555, 11870 1000-1300 7555, 12050 1300-1700 11550, 12050 1700-1800 11550, 13830 1800-2400 12050, 13830 QTH: EWTN Shortwave Radio, 5817 Old Leeds Road, Irondale, AL 35210-2164, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Web: WHRI, World Harvest Radio International: HORA UTC KHZ DIAS 0000-0030 7315 23456 QTH: WHRI, P.O.Box 12, South Bend, IN 46624, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Web: WINB, World International Broadcasters: HORA UTC KHZ DIAS 2330-2400 9265 1 QTH: WINB, P.O.Box 88, Red Lion, PA 17356-0088, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Web: WYFR, Family Radio: HORA UTC KHZ DIAS 0100-0200 11920 1234567 0200-0300 7730 1234567 QTH: WYFR Family Radio, 290 Hegenberger Road, Oakland, CA 94621, USA. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail para reportes: [email protected] Web: WTWW, We Transmit World Wide: HORA UTC KHZ DIAS 1900-2000 12105 1234567 QTH: WTWW, 1784 West Northfield Blvd. #305, Murfreesboro, TN 37129, USA. E-mail: [email protected] (George McClintock, Station Manager) Web: WWCR, World Wide Christian Radio: HORA UTC KHZ DIAS 2100-2200 15825 12345 QTH: WWCR, 1300 WWCR Avenue, Nashville, TN 37218, USA. E-mail: [email protected] Web: INDONESIA: La Voz de Indonesia: HORA UTC KHZ DESTINO 1700-1800 9525 Europa –[irr]QTH: La Voz de Indonesia, P.O.Box, 1157, Jakarta 10001, Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected] Web: IRAN: La Voz de la República Islámica de Irán: HORA UTC KHZ DESTINO 0020-0120 9550, 12025 América [S] 0120-0220 9550, 12025 América [S] 0220-0320 9550 América [S] 0520-0620 15430, 17530 Europa 2020-2120 7425, 11800 Europa QTH: I.R.I.B., P.O.Box 19395/6767, Teherán, Irán. E-mail: [email protected] Web: // JAPON: NHK World, Radio Japón: HORA UTC KHZ DESTINO 0400-0430 I-5985 México 0400-0430 F-12015 América [S] ADU 19 0930-1000 F-6195 América [S] Centros emisores: (F) WHRI, Furman (USA) (I) Issoudun, Francia QTH: NHK-World, Radio Japón, 2-2-1. Jinnan, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8001, Japón. E-mail: [email protected] Web: RUMANIA: Radio Rumania Internacional: HORA UTC KHZ DESTINO 1900-2000 9540, 11625 España 2100-2200 15170, 17745 Sudamérica 2300-2400 9790, 11700 Sudamérica 2300-2400 9765, 11795 Centroamérica 0200-0300 9520, 11945 Sudamérica 0200-0300 9730, 11800 Centroamérica QTH: R. Rumania Internacional, Apartado 111, Bucarest, Rumania. E-mail: [email protected] Web: SERBIA: Radio Internacional de Serbia: HORA UTC KHZ DIAS 1900-1930 6100 1234567 QTH: Radio Internacional de Serbia, P.O.Box 200, 11000 Belgrado, Serbia. E-mail: [email protected] Web: TAIWAN: Radio Taiwán Internacional: HORA UTC KHZ DESTINO 0200-0300 O-11920 América [S] 0300-0400 O-7730 México Centro emisor: (O) WRMI, Okeechobee (USA) QTH: Radio Taiwán Internacional, Sección Española, P.O.Box 123-199, Taipei 11199, Taiwán, Rep. de China. E-mail: [email protected] Web: TURQUIA: TRT, La Voz de Turquía: HORA UTC KHZ DESTINO 0100-0200 9770 América [S] 0100-0200 9870 América [C] 1630-1730 11930 Europa QTH: La Voz de Turquía, TRT, External Services, P.O.Box 333, 06.443 Yenisehir, Ankara, Turquía. E-mail: [email protected] Web: VATICANO: Radio Vaticana: HORA UTC DESTINO KHZ 0200-0245 Cuba G-7305 1130-1200 Cuba G-9610 1900-1940 Africa 13765, 15570 (Sab) Nota: (G) Vía Greenville, USA. QTH: R. Vaticana, Servicio Hispanoamericano, 00120 Ciudaddel Vaticano. E-mail: [email protected] y [email protected] Web: VIETNAM: La Voz de Vietnam: HORA UTC KHZ DESTINO 0300-0330 F-6175 Caribe 0400-0430 F-6175 Caribe 1800-1830 7280, 9730 Europa Nota: (F) Vía WHRI, Furman (USA) QTH: La Voz de Vietnam, 58 Quan Su Street, Hanoi, Vietnam. Web: E-mail: [email protected] ESQUEMAS DE EMISORAS INTERNACIONALES EN OTROS IDIOMAS: ADU 20 ALBANIA: Radio Tirana: HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ DIAS 0130-0200 Inglés 9850 234567 0700-0900 Albanés 7390 1234567 1700-1730 Italiano 7465 123456 1730-1800 Francés 7465 123456 1930-2000 Alemán 7465 123456 2000-2030 Inglés 7465 123456 2300-2400 Albanés 9855 1234567 QTH: Radio Tirana, External Service, Rruga Ismail Qemali 11, Tirana, Albania. E-mail: [email protected] Web: ALEMANIA: Deutsche Welle: HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ 0300-0400 Swahili M-6125, G-11960 0400-0500 Inglés V-9800, U-15275 0500-0600 Inglés M-7425, V-15275 0630-0700 Hausa I-13610, I-15275, M-15560 0700-0800 Inglés I-15275, A-15560 0800-0830 Pashto U-15640, T-17800 0830-0900 Dari U-17800 1000-1100 Swahili V-15275, M-17710 1300-1400 Hausa I-17800, U-21780 1330-1400 Dari T-15215, U-15640 1400-1430 Pashto T-15215, U-1564O 1500-1600 Swahili T-15275, U-17710 1600-1700 Amárico T-15275, U-15560 1700-1800 Francés I-15275, I-15560, A-17800 1800-1900 Hausa P-9830, V-15275, I-17800 Centros emisores: (A) Ascension (G) Gavar, Armenia (I) Issoudun, Francia (M) Meyerton, Sudáfrica (P) Pinheira, San Tomé (U) Dhabayya, UAE (T) Trincomalee, Sri Lanka (V) Talata-Volonondry, Madagascar QTH: Deutsche Welle, D-53111 Bonn, Alemania. E-mail para QSLs: [email protected] Web: Evangelische Missions Gemeinden in Deutschland: HORA UTC KHZ IDIOMA DIAS 1030-1100 6055 Alemán 67 QTH: Evangelische Missions-Gemeinden, Jahnstrasse 9, D-89182 Bernstadt, Alemania. ARABIA SAUDITA: Radio del Reino de Arabia Saudita (BSKSA): - Servicio Doméstico: Programa General: HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ 0600-0900 Arabe 17730, 17740 0900-1200 Arabe 15490, 17805 1200-1500 Arabe 17705, 21505 1700-1800 Arabe 15225, 15435 1800-2300 Arabe 9555, 9870 Sagrado Corán: HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ 0300-1000 Arabe 9715 0300-0600 Arabe 15170 0300-0800 Arabe 17895 0600-0900 Arabe 15380 0900-1200 Arabe 11935, 17570, 17615 ADU 21 1200-1400 Arabe 15380, 17625 1200-1500 Arabe 17895 1300-1600 Arabe 17615 1500-1800 Arabe 13710 1600-1800 Arabe 15205, 17560 1800-2300 Arabe 11820, 11915, 11930 “Llamado al Islam”: HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ 1500-1700 Arabe 15225, 15435 - Servicio al Exterior: HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ 0400-0700 Swahili 15285 0900-1200 Indonesio 21670 1200-1500 Bengalí 15120 1200-1500 Urdu 13775 1400-1600 Francés 17660 1500-1800 Persa 7240 1500-1600 Turkmeno 9885 1600-1700 Uzbeko 9885 1700-1800 Tajik 9885 1800-2100 Turco 9675 QTH: Saudi International Radio (BSKSA), P.O.Box 60059, Riyadh 11545, Arabia Saudita. Web: ARGELIA: Radio Algérienne: HORA UTC KHZ IDIOMA 0400-0500* 7295 Arabe 0500-0510 9535 Francés 0500-0600* 7295 Arabe 0510-0550 9535 Arabe 0550-0555 9535 Francés 0555-0600 9535 Arabe 0600-0610 9535 Francés 0610-0650* 9535 Arabe 0650-0655 9535 Francés 0655-0700* 9535 Arabe 1800-1900* 13820 Arabe 1900-1910 13820 Francés 1900-2000* 12060 Arabe 1910-1950 13820 Arabe 1950-1955 13820 Francés 1955-2000 13820 Arabe 2000-2010 12060 Francés 2000-2100* 9375 Arabe 2010-2050 12060 Arabe 2050-2055 12060 Francés 2055-2100 12060 Arabe 2100-2110 9375 Francés 2100-2200* 7495 Arabe 2110-2150 9375 Arabe 2150-2155 9375 Francés 2155-2200 9375 Arabe 2200-2210 7495 Francés 2210-2250* 7495 Arabe 2250-2255 7495 Francés 2255-2300* 7495 Arabe Nota: [*] Recitación del Sagrado Corán ADU 22 QTH: Radio Algérienne, 21 Boulevard des Martyrs, 16000 Argel, Argelia. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail para QSLs: [email protected] Web: AUSTRALIA: Radio Australia: HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ DIAS 0000-0730 Inglés 15240 1234567 0000-0730 Inglés 15415 1234567 0000-0730 Inglés 17840 1234567 0730-0800 Tok Pisin 15240 12345 0730-0800 Inglés 15240 67 0730-0800 Tok Pisin 15415 12345 0730-0800 Inglés 15415 67 0730-0800 Tok Pisin 17840 12345 0730-0800 Inglés 17840 67 0800-0900 Inglés 15240 1234567 0800-0900 Inglés 15415 1234567 0800-0900 Inglés 17840 1234567 0900-0905 Francés 9580 12345 0900-0905 Inglés 9580 67 0900-0905 Francés 12065 12345 0900-0905 Inglés 12065 67 0900-0905 Francés 12085 12345 0900-0905 Inglés 12085 67 0905-1000 Inglés 9580 1234567 0905-1000 Inglés 12065 1234567 0905-1000 Inglés 12085 1234567 1000-1030 Tok Pisin 9580 12345 1000-1030 Inglés 9580 67 1000-1030 Tok Pisin 12065 12345 1000-1030 Inglés 12065 67 1000-1030 Tok Pisin 12085 12345 1000-1030 Inglés 12085 67 1030-2100 Inglés 9580 1234567 1030-2100 Inglés 12065 1234567 1030-2100 Inglés 12085 1234567 2100-2400 Inglés 15240 1234567 2100-2400 Inglés 15415 1234567 2100-2400 Inglés 17840 1234567 QTH: Radio Australia, P.O.Box 428G, Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia. E-mail: [email protected] Web: AUSTRIA: Radio Austria 1 Internacional (ORF): HORA UTC KHZ IDIOMA 0500-0615 6155 Alemán QTH: ORF, Radio Ö1 International, Argentinierstrasse 30-a, A-1040 Viena, Austria. E-mail: [email protected] Web: // Trans World Radio Europa (TWR): HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ DIAS 0545-0600 Polaco O-5910 12345 0700-0715 Polaco O-7320 12345 0830-0900 Húngaro N-7215 1234567 1400-1430 Ruso N-7300 234567 1400-1430 Ruso O-9470 234567 1400-1430 Belarus N-7300 1 1400-1430 Belarus O-9470 1 Centros emisores: (N) Nauen, Alemania (O) Moosbrunn, Austria QTH: Trans World Radio Europe, P.O.Box 141, A-1235 Vienna, Austria. ADU 23 E-mail: [email protected] Web: BANGLADESH: Bangladesh Betar (External Service): HORA UTC KHZ IDIOMA 1230-1300 15105 Inglés 1315-1345 9455 Nepalí 1400-1430 15505 Urdu 1515-1545 15505 Hindi 1600-1630 7250 Arabe 1630-1730 7250 Bengalí 1745-1900 13580 Inglés 1915-2000 13580 Bengalí QTH: Bangladesh Betar, External Services, Shahbagh Post Box 2204, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh. E-mail: [email protected] o [email protected] Web: BELARUS: Belaruskaje Radyjo 1: HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ 0400-0700 Belarus 7255 1700-2100 Belarus 6080 QTH: Belaruskaje Radyjo, vul. Makaionka 9, 220807 Minsk, Belarus. E-mail: [email protected] Web: FILIPINAS: Radio Veritas Asia: HORA UTC KHZ IDIOMA 0000-0030 11855 Sinhala 0000-0030 15460 Sinhala 0000-0030 11935 Karen 0030-0100 11855 Tamil 0030-0100 15265 Bengalí 0030-0100 15280 Hindi 0100-0130 15280 Urdu 0100-0130 17860 Urdu 0100-0130 15530 Telugu 0130-0200 15255 Zomi-Chin 0130-0230 15530 Vietnamita 1000-1030 11850 Khamer 1000-1200 11945 Mandarín 1030-1130 11850 Vietnamita 1130-1200 15450 Burmés 1200-1230 11935 Hmong 1200-1230 15225 Karen 1230-1300 15225 Kachin 1300-1330 11850 Vietnamita 1330-1400 9520 Sinhala 1330-1400 11870 Hindi 1400-1430 9520 Tamil 1400-1430 11870 Bengalí 1430-1500 11750 Telugu 1430-1500 11870 Zomi-Chin 1430-1500 V-15330 Urdu 1500-1555 V-15100 Tagalog 2100-2300 6115 Mandarín 2300-2330 15355 Tagalog 2330-2400 9645 Kachin 2330-2400 9670 Vietnamita 2330-2400 9720 Burmés Nota: (V) Vía Santa María di Galeria, Vaticano. ADU 24 QTH: Radio Veritas Asia, P.O.Box 642, Quezon City, Manila 1166, Filipinas. E-mail para reportes: [email protected] Web: Radyo Pilipinas (PBS): HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ 0200-0330 Inglés 12010, 15640, 17820 1730-1930 Tagalog 9925, 12120, 15190 QTH: PBS, Philippine Broadcasting Service, 4th Floor, Visayas Avenue, Quezon City 1100, Metro Manila, Filipinas. E-mail: [email protected] Web: FRANCIA: Radio Francia Internacional: HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ 0400-0500 Francés I-11700, I-13685 0430-0500 Swahili I-11790 0500-0600 Francés I-11700, I-13695, I-15300 0530-0600 Swahil i I-15560 0600-0630 Hausa I-13750, I-15340 0600-0700 Francés I-9790, I-11700, I-15300, I-17850 0600-0700 Inglés I-13725 0700-0730 Hausa I-13685, I-15315 0700-0800 Francés I-11700, I-13695, I-15300, I-17850, I-21580 0800-0900 Francés I-13695, I-15300, I-17850, I-21580 1200-1300 Francés I-15300, I-17620, V-17660, I/P-21580 1500-1600 Swahili I-21690 1600-1700 Hausa I-17615 1700-1730 Portugués I-21690 1700-1800 Francés I-13740, I-15300, I-17620, I-17850, I-21580 1800-1900 Francés I-11995, I-13740, I-15300, I-17850, I-21580 1900-1930 Portugués I-17660 1900-2000 Francés I-11995, I-13740, I-15300, I-17850 2000-2030 Hausa I-13695 2000-2100 Francés I-7205, I-9790, I-11995 2100-2200 Francés I-7205, I-9790 Centros Emisores: (I) Issoudun, Francia (P) Pinheira, San Tomé (V) Talata-Volonondry, Madagascar QTH: Radio France Internationale (RFI), 116, Avenue du Président-Kennedy, F-75016 Paris, Francia; o bien, B.P. 9516, F-75016 Paris, Francia. Web: GRECIA: Elleniki Radiofonia (ERT Open): HORA UTC KHZ DESTINO 0000-0355 9420 América [N] 0000-0355 9935 América [N] 0000-0355 15630 América [C] 0400-0800 9420 Europa [O] 0400-0800 11645 Africa [N] 0400-0800 15630 Europa [O] 0800-1000 9420 Europa [O] 0800-1000 11645 Africa [N] 0800-1000 15630 Europa [O] 1000-1155 9420 Europa [O] 1000-1155 11645 Africa [N] 1000-1155 15650 Asia [SO] 1200-1355 9420 Europa [O] 1200-1355 9935 Europa [O] 1200-1355 15650 Asia [SO] 1400-1800 9420 Europa [O] 1400-1800 9935 Europa [O] 1400-1800 15650 Asia [SO] 1800-1855 9420 Europa [O] ADU 25 1800-1855 9935 Europa [O] 1800-1855 15650 Asia [SO] 1900-2255 9420 Europa [O] 1900-2255 9935 Europa [O] 1900-2255 15650 Europa [O] 2300-2400 9420 América [N] 2300-2400 9935 América [N] 2300-2400 15630 América [C] Nota: Todas emisiones en idioma griego y de forma irregular. QTH: Elleniki Radiofonia, 432 Messogion Av., 153 42 Aghia Paraskevi, Atenas, Grecia. E-mail: [email protected] Web: INDIA: All India Radio (AIR): HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ 0000-0045 Tamil 7270, 9835, 9910, 11740, 11985, 13795 0015-0430 Urdu 6155, 7340, 9595, 11620 0045-0115 Sinhala 7270, 11740, 11985 0100-0200 Sindhi 5990, 7370, 9635 0130-0230 Nepalí 7420, 9800, 11715* 0215-0300 Kannada 13695, 15120 0215-0300 Pashto 7350, 9910, 11740 0300-0345 Dari 7350, 9910, 11740 0300-0430 Bengalí 7420 0315-0415 Hindi 11840, 13695, 15120, 15185, 17715* 0400-0430 Persa 11670, 15210, 15770 0415-0430 Gujarati 15120, 15185, 17715* 0430-0530 Arabe 11670, 15210, 15770 0430-0530 Hindi 15120, 15185, 17715* 0700-0800 Nepalí 7520, 9595, 11850 0830-1100 Bengalí 7520 0830-1130 Urdu 7340, 9595, 11620 0845-0945 Indonesio 15770, 17510, 17875 1000-1100 Inglés 7270, 13605, 13695, 15030, 15410, 17510, 17895* 1115-1200 Thai 11670, 13645, 15410 1115-1215 Tamil 7270, 9810, 13695, 15050, 15770, 17510 1145-1315 Mandarín 11855, 15795*, 17705 1215-1245 Telugu 9810, 13695, 15770 1215-1315 Burmés 11710, 15040 1215-1330 Tibetano 9575, 11775 1230-1500 Sindhi 6165, 7340, 9620 1300-1500 Sinhala 7270, 9820, 15050* 1315-1415 Dari 11740 1330-1430 Nepalí 4870, 11775 1330-1500 Inglés 9690, 11620, 13710 1415-1530 Pashto 11740 1430-1600 Urdu 6045, 6155 1500-1600 Baluchi 6165, 7340, 9620 1515-1600 Gujarati 11620, 13640, 15175 1515-1615 Swahili 9950, 13605, 17670 1600-1730 Urdu 6045, 6155 1615-1715 Ruso 9595, 11620, 15140* 1615-1730 Hindi 7250, 9945, 9950, 12025, 13605, 17670 1615-1730 Persa 9620, 11710, 13640 1730-1830 Malayalam 7250, 12025 1730-1930 Urdu 6045, 6155 1730-1945 Arabe 9620, 11710, 13640 1745-1945 Inglés 7550, 9445, 9950*, 11580, 11670, 11935, 13695, 17670 ADU 26 1945-2030 Francés 9620, 11580, 11710, 13640 1945-2045 Hindi 7550, 9950*, 11670 2045-2230 Inglés 7550, 9445, 9910, 9950*, 11620*, 11670, 11740 2245-0045 Inglés 9690, 9705, 11645*, 11710, 13605* 2300-2400 Hindi 9910, 11740, 13795 Nota: [*] Txn en DRM. QTH para QSLs: All India R., Director (Spectrum Management), Room 204, Akashvani Bhavan, New Delhi 110001, India. E-mail: [email protected] Web: CVC “The Voice Asia”: HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ 0000-0400 Hindi 6260 0100-0400 Hindi 9975 0400-1100 Hindi 13630 1100-1400 Hindi 9670 1400-2000 Hindi 6260 Nota: Vía Tashkent, Uzbekistán (100 Kw) QTH: CVC The Voice Asia, P.O.Box 1, Kangra, 176001 Himachal Pradesh, India. E-mail: [email protected] Web: IRLANDA: Radio Telefis Eireann (RTÉ) “Radio 1” HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ DIAS 1930-2000 Inglés 5820 12345 Nota: Vía Meyerton (Sudáfrica) QTH: Radio Telefis Eireann, Broadcasting Developments, Dublin 4, Irlanda. E-mail: [email protected] Web: KUWAIT: Radio Kuwait: HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ 0200-0900 Arabe 5960 0500-0900 Arabe 15515 0800-1000 Persa 7250 1015-1600 Arabe 11630 1100-1600 Arabe 9750 1615-2100 Arabe 6050 1700-2000 Arabe 13650 2015-2400 Arabe 17550 QTH: Radio Kuwait, P.O.Box 193, Safat 13002, Kuwait. E-mail para reportes: [email protected] Web: LAOS: Lao National Radio: HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ 0630-0700 Hmong 6130 0700-0730 Khmer 6130 0855-1330 Lao 6130 0930-1330 Lao 6130 1330-1400 Thai 6130 1400-1430 Inglés 6130 1430-1500 Francés 6130 1500-1530 Vietnamés 6130 1530-1600 Khmer 6130 QTH: Lao National Radio, B.P. 310, Vientiane, Laos. E-mail: [email protected] Web: MARRUECOS: Radio Mediterranée Internationale (Radio Medi 1): HORA UTC KHZ IDIOMA 0000-2400 9575 Arabe/Francés ADU 27 QTH: Radio Mediterranée Internationale (Radio Medi 1), 35 Rue Lamsallah, B.P. 2055, 90000 Tanger, Marruecos. E-mail: [email protected] Web: MONGOLIA: La Voz de Mongolia HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ 0900-0930 Inglés 12000 0930-1000 Mongol 12000 1000-1030 Mandarín 12000 1030-1100 Japonés 12000 1400-1430 Mandarín 12015 1430-1500 Mongol 12015 1500-1530 Japonés 12015 1530-1600 Inglés 12015 QTH: Voice of Mongolia; C.P.O. Box 365; Ulaanbaatar 13; Mongolia. E-mail: [email protected] Web: NIGERIA: La Voz de Nigeria: HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ 0500-0700 Inglés 15120 0700-0800 Francés 15120 0730-0800 Hausa 7255 0800-0900 Inglés 15120 1000-1200 Inglés 9690 1500-1600 Inglés 15120 1600-1630 Swahili 9690 1630-1700 Yoruba 9690 1700-1730 Igbo 9690 1730-1800 Arabe 15120 1800-2000 Inglés 7255 1800-2000 Inglés 15120 (DRM) 2000-2100 Francés 7255 2000-2100 Hausa 9690 2100-2200 Fulfulde 7255 2100-2200 Arabe 11770 2200-2300 Hausa 7255 Nota: Las emisiones se irradian de forma irregular. QTH: Voice of Nigeria, Broadcasting House, Ikoyi, P.M.B. 40003, Falomo Post Office, Lagos, Nigeria. E-mail: [email protected] Web: NUEVA ZELANDA: Radio New Zealand International: HORA UTC KHZ 0500-0650 11725 0650-0800 11725 0800-1100 9700 1100-1300 9700 1300-1550 6170 1550-1745 9700 1745-2050 11725 2050-2200 11725 2200-0500 15720 QTH: RNZI, P.O.Box 123, Wellington, Nueva Zelanda. E-mail: [email protected] Web: OMAN: Radio del Sultanato de Omán: HORA UTC KHZ IDIOMA 0000-0200 9500 Arabe 0200-0300 9540 Arabe ADU 28 0300-0400 9540 Inglés 0400-1000 13600 Arabe 1400-1500 15140 Inglés 1500-2200 15140 Arabe 2200-2400 9740 Arabe QTH: Radio Sultanato de Oman, Ministry of Information, P.O.Box 600, 113 Muscat, Omán. Web: PAKISTAN: Radio Pakistán: HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ 0045-0215 Urdu 15730, 17830 0500-0700 Urdu 15395, 17835 0830–1100 Urdu 15320, 17700 1100–1110 Inglés 15320, 17700 1200-1300 Mandarín 11570, 15700 1330–1530 Urdu 15485, 17510 1700–1800 Urdu 11570, 15700 QTH: Radio Pakistán, Frequency Management Cell, National Broadcasting House, Constitution Ave., Islamabad 44000, Pakistán. E-mail para QSLs: [email protected] Web: REINO UNIDO: AWR, Adventist World Radio: HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ DIAS 0000-0030 Burmés T-9785 1234567 0000-0030 Thai T-17650 1234567 0000-0100 Mandarín T-11925 1234567 0000-0100 Mandarín A-17880 1234567 0030-0100 M-Karen T-9785 1234567 0100-0130 Mandarín T-11925 56 0100-0130 Mandarín T-17650 56 0100-0130 Mandarín A-17740 56 0100-0130 MN Mandarín T-11925 12347 0100-0130 MN Mandarín T-17650 12347 0100-0130 MN Mandarín A-17740 12347 0100-0200 Vietnamés TW-15445 6 0130-0200 Cantonés T-11925 12347 0130-0200 Cantonés T-17650 12347 0130-0200 Cantonés A-17740 12347 0130-0200 Mandarín T-17650 56 0130-0200 Mandarín T-11925 56 0130-0200 Mandarín A-17740 56 0200-0230 Urdu O-9690 1234567 0230-0300 Punjabi O-9690 1234567 0230-0330 Malagasy V-3215 1234567 0300-0330 Tigrigna N-9530 1234567 0300-0330 Oromo T-15500 1234567 0300-0330 Ruso A-17655 1234567 0330-0400 Farsi O-9505 1234567 0330-0400 Amárico T-15500 1234567 0400-0430 Búlgaro N-5975 1234567 0400-0430 Turco O-9455 1234567 0430-0500 Francés O-6155 1234567 0500-0530 Hausa O-11955 1234567 0500-0600 Arabe N-15640 1234567 0600-0630 Francés I-12035 1234567 0600-0630 Francés N-15640 1234567 0600-0700 Arabe O-11880 1234567 ADU 29 0700-0730 0700-0800 0800-0830 0800-0830 0830-0900 0900-1000 1000-1100 1000-1100 1030-1100 1030-1100 1030-1100 1100-1130 1100-1130 1100-1200 1100-1200 1100-1200 1130-1200 1130-1200 1130-1200 1200-1230 1200-1230 1200-1230 1200-1230 1200-1230 1200-1230 1200-1230 1200-1300 1230-1300 1230-1300 1230-1300 1230-1300 1230-1300 1230-1300 1230-1300 1230-1300 1300-1330 1300-1330 1300-1330 1300-1330 1300-1330 1300-1330 1300-1330 1300-1400 1330-1400 1330-1400 1330-1400 1330-1400 1330-1400 1330-1500 1400-1430 1400-1430 1400-1430 1400-1500 1400-1500 1400-1500 1430-1530 1430-1500 Francés I-11880 1234567 Arabe N-15225 1234567 Francés N-15140 1234567 Kabyle N-15225 1234567 Tachelhit N-15225 1234567 Italiano N-9790 1234567 Mandarín A-12010 1234567 Mandarín A-15150 1234567 Tagalog A-17550 12346 Ilokano A-17550 57 Inglés T-17730 1234567 Ruso A-9460 1234567 Indonesio A-15620 1234567 Mandarín A-11895 1234567 Mandarín A-12010 1234567 Mandarín A-12105 1234567 S-Shoshoni A-15605 1234567 Sundanés A-15620 2467 Javanés A-15620 135 Mandarín A-9800 57 Mandarín A-9890 57 Mandarín A-12105 57 MN Mandarín A-9890 12346 MN Mandarín A-9800 12346 MN Mandarín A-12105 12346 Mon T-15620 1234567 Coreano A-9880 1234567 Cantonés A-9800 12346 Cantonés A-9890 12346 Cantonés A-12105 12346 Mandarín A-9800 57 Mandarín A-9890 57 Mandarín A-12105 57 Meitei T-15430 357 Bengali T-15430 1246 Khmer T-15150 1234567 Bengali A-15215 1234567 Kachin A-15445 1234567 Lao T-17770 46 Thai T-17770 1235 Mandarín N-17810 12345 Uighur N-17810 67 Mandarín A-9900 1234567 Hmong A-15185 45 Assamés A-15185 12367 Malayo A-15185 126 Khmer T-15150 7 Thai A-15445 1234567 Mandarín N-17810 1234567 Asho Chin A-15150 1234567 Sinhalés A-15165 1234567 Urdu O-15440 1234567 Mandarín A-9900 1234567 Mandarín A-11915 1234567 Vietnamés T-17670 1234567 Malagasy V-6155 1234567 PW Karen A-15150 1234567 ADU 30 1430-1500 1430-1500 1430-1500 1500-1530 1500-1530 1500-1530 1500-1530 1500-1530 1500-1530 1530-1600 1530-1600 1530-1600 1530-1600 1530-1600 1530-1600 1530-1600 1530-1600 1530-1600 1530-1600 1600-1630 1600-1630 1600-1630 1600-1630 1600-1630 1630-1700 1630-1700 1630-1700 1630-1700 1700-1730 1700-1730 1730-1800 1730-1800 1730-1800 1800-1900 1830-1900 1900-1930 1900-1930 1900-2000 1900-2000 1930-2000 1930-2000 1930-2000 1930-2000 2000-2030 2000-2030 2000-2030 2000-2030 2030-2100 2030-2100 2100-2130 2100-2200 2100-2200 2100-2200 2200-2230 2200-2230 2200-2230 2200-2300 Burmés Afar M-Karen Turco Punjabi Nepalí Telugu Lushai Tamil Hindi Marathi Hindi Punjabi Gujarati Inglés Tibetano Malayalam Oriya Kannada Búlgaro Inglés Urdu Urdu Inglés Farsi Inglés Sindhi Somali Swahili Swahili Masai Oromo Kabyle Arabe Inglés Wolof Hausa Arabe Arabe Tachelhit Fulfulde Ibo Francés Francés Francés Ruso Dyula Yoruba Francés Inglés Mandarín Coreano Mandarín Indonesio Sundanés Inglés Mandarín A-15215 1234567 O-17605 1234567 T-17720 1234567 O-11935 1234567 N-15265 1234567 T-15525 1234567 A-15590 1234567 A-15605 1234567 A-15720 1234567 T-11955 1234567 T-11975 1234567 N-15265 1234567 O-15290 1234567 A-15525 1234567 N-15670 12367 N-15670 45 V-15680 1234567 A-15710 1234567 A-15720 1234567 N-9830 1234567 T-11995 1234567 O-15260 1234567 A-15360 1234567 A-15530 1234567 O-15150 1234567 A-15360 135 A-15360 2467 N-17570 1234567 M-9600 1234567 N-17570 1234567 M-9600 1234567 I-15155 1234567 N-15170 1234567 O-11955 1234567 M-11840 1234567 N-11790 1234567 O-11955 1234567 N-11840 1234567 V-15480 1234567 N-9610 1234567 M-11790 1234567 N-15205 1234567 O-15220 1234567 N-9610 1234567 I-17570 1234567 A-9760 1234567 O-11955 1234567 I-11790 1234567 O-15155 1234567 O-11955 1234567 A-11750 1234567 A-11790 1234567 A-12040 1234567 A-15320 1234567 A-15435 1356 A-15435 247 A-15215 1234567 ADU 31 2200-2300 Mandarín A-15685 1234567 2230-2300 Javanés A-15320 1234567 2230-2300 Batak Toba A-15435 1234567 2300-2330 Vietnamés A-15320 67 2300-2330 Khmer A-15365 1234567 2300-2400 Vietnamés A-15320 12345 2300-2400 Mandarín A-17520 1234567 2300-2400 Mandarín T-17885 1234567 2330-2400 Inglés A-15320 67 2330-2400 Khmer A-15365 7 2330-2400 Lao A-15365 46 2330-2400 Thai A-15365 1235 Centros emisores: (A) Agat, Guam (I) Issoudun, Francia (M) Meyerton, Sudáfrica (N) Nauen, Alemania (O) Moosbrunn, Austria (T) Trincomalee, Sri Lanka (TW) Taipei, Taiwán (V) Talata-Volonondry, Madagascar QTH: AWR, Adventist World Radio, Listener Services, 39 Brendon Street, London W1H 5HD, UK. E-mail: [email protected] Web: SRI LANKA: Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC): HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ DIAS 0115-0130 Bengalí 11905 12367 0115-0130 Hindi 11905 45 0130-0230 Inglés 11905 127 0130-0230 Hindi 11905 4 1115-1130 Hindi 9720 1234567 1130-1145 Malayalam 9720 1234567 1145-1200 Hindi 9720 1234567 1200-1215 Tamil 9720 1234567 1630-1830 Sinhala 11750 1236 QTH: Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation, P.O.Box 574, Torrigton Square, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka. E-mail: [email protected] (Director Engineer) Web: SUDAFRICA: Channel Africa: Lunes a Viernes: HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ 0300-0400 Inglés 5980 0300-0500 Inglés 3345 0500-0700 Inglés 7230 0600-0700 Inglés 15255 0700-1200 Inglés 9625 1200-1300 Nyanja 9625 1300-1400 Lozi 9625 1400-1500 Portugués 9625 1500-1600 Inglés 9625 1500-1600 Swahili 15660 1600-1700 Francés 15235 1700-1800 Inglés 15235 QTH: Channel Africa, P.O.Box 91313, Auckland Park 2006, Sudáfrica. E-mail para QSLs: [email protected] Web: Radio Sonder Grense: HORA UTC KHZ IDIOMA 0500-0700 7285 Afrikaans 0700-1700 9650 Afrikaans 1700-0500 3320 Afrikaans QTH: Radio Sonder Grense, P.O.Box 91312, Auckland Park 2006, Sudáfrica. Web: TAILANDIA: Servicio Mundial de Radio Tailandia: ADU 32 HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ 0000-0030 Inglés 15590 0030-0100 Inglés 15590 0100-0200 Thai 15590 0200-0230 Inglés 15590 0230-0330 Thai 15590 0530-0600 Inglés 17640 1000-1100 Thai 17850 1100-1115 Vietnamés 5875 1115-1130 Khmer 5875 1130-1145 Lao 5875 1145-1200 Burmés 5875 1200-1215 Malayo 9390 1230-1300 Inglés 9390 1300-1315 Japonés 9390 1315-1330 Mandarín 9390 1330-1400 Thai 9390 1400-1430 Inglés 9390 1800-1900 Thai 9390 1900-2000 Inglés 9390 2000-2015 Alemán 9390 2030-2045 Inglés 9390 2045-2115 Thai 9390 QTH: Radio Thailand, World Service, Public Relations Department, Royal Thai Government, 236 Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Din Daeng, Bangkok 10400, Tailandia. E-mail: [email protected] Web: TAIWAN: PCJ Radio International HORA UTC KHZ DESTINO DIAS 2000-2100 T-9405 Europa 1234567 2200-2300 O-9955 América 5 Sitios emisores: (O) WRMI, Okeechobee (USA) (T) Taiwán QTH: PCJ Radio International, 8th Floor, Nº 47, Lane 31, Section 1, Sanmin Road, Banciao, Taipei 22070, Taiwan, Rep. of China. E-mail para QSLs: [email protected] Web: ZAMBIA: Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC): HORA UTC KHZ IDIOMA 0300-2200 5915 Inglés/VN QTH: ZNBC, Broadcasting House, P.O.Box 50015, Lusaka 10101, Zambia. E-mail: [email protected] Web: Días de la semana: (1) Lun / (2) Mar / (3) Mie / (4) Jue / (5) Vie / (6) Sab / (7) Dom. Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: [email protected] Glenn Hauser Logs May 11-2, 2015 ** AUSTRALIA. 9580 & 12085, Friday May 1 at 1315 tune-in, RA`s `Keys to Music` with Graham Abbott, this week is about Alexander Scriabin, Russian composer who led quite a tumultuous life, but died shortly before the Bolshevik Revolution. Another excellent program!. We now have 27 days to listen to it via: Coming up May 8: There`s something about Bizet`s Carmen; May 15: Mozart`s last year Spelling Scriabin seems to be universal, altho one would expect Russian to be transliterated directly into English as Alexsandr Skryabin; perhaps French influence continues to intervene. Here`s a compilation of various transliterations and ADU 33 more about him:,_Aleksandr (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BANGLADESH. 15505, May 1 at 1359, BB IS is JBA until mistimesignal ending at 1400:17, opening Urdu service (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY [non]. 7425, May 2 at 0525, poor signal with website, i.e. Deutsche Welle, this hour only in English, 250 kW, 19 degrees from SOUTH AFRICA. MUCH inferior to 7445 BBC English via ASCENSION, but maybe within Africa there is less disparity. BTW, DW is promoting a photo competition (pix of yourself at a World Heritage site) to win a trip to Berlin (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 960, May 1 at 0605 UT, open carrier/dead air from local KGWA Enid, but resumes at 0606 UT with `Overnight America`. Don`t know if just missed a commercial break or off for 6 minutes, in a total Fox-hole like occasionally occurs at 0500-0505 UT, altho not caught then lately in several random chex (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA [non]. 1020, May 2 at 0047 UT on caradio, KOKP Perry is still off the air, with the frequency easily occupied by Spanish, ad for Acme something in AC 402, i.e. eastern Nebraska, KMMQ Plattsmouth. May hours for full 50 kW daytime power are now 1100-0130 UT, lobe westward (same pattern at night with 1.4 kW). 1020, May 2 circa 0150 UT on caradio, KDKA Pittsburgh PA is now the only station to be heard. No LAH either, but maybe a bit too early for KCKN Roswell, which other monitors agree is the likely source of it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1210, May 2 at 0542 UT, KGYN Guymon still sloganing as ``Today`s Best Country`` rather than ``US Country``. It seems that KGYN is now a mere subsidiary of the several-station group Steckline Communications out of Kansas, a.k.a. Mid America [Ag/News] Network. Uninformative website still displays the ``US Country`` seal, FWIW. Many stations around America use the slogan ``Today`s Best Country`` but is it syndicated or doing their own thing? Wikipedia says it was the name of a Cumulus syndication, but changed to the above, so maybe T.B.C. is up for individual grabs? This website appears to have lots of linx: but they are unfound and itself went dead in July, 2013. Some ``news``! (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OMAN. 9500, May 2 at 0216, fair signal with undermodulated Arabic? music and talk. Presumed RSO on the air late beyond registered 00-02 UT block, and not on 9740 either as sometimes happens, its penultimate frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PUNTLAND. 13800, May 2 at 1306, I turn on radio last tuned to the Sudan radio war circa 0530: and there is something weak, talk possibly in Italian, so R. Puntland Uno is back after no appearances that we know of since the tests on April 27-28. This is no longer a loop of IDs, but really can`t make much out. Recheck at 1326, it`s gone. Then I find a report on HCDX from Dave Valko, PA, that he too was hearing it again today around 1120-1220+: ``13800 Puntland Radio One is on now, 1220. Have been listening to it for about the past hour. Fairly decent signal. Some QSB of course, but quite readable. Should be widely heard`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENIN GDIGEST) ** SUDAN [and non]. 13800, May 2 at 0525, R. Dabanga heavily hit by two tone jammers, one a lo het closer to frequency on hi side, and another more like 1 kHz up, and they also beat against each other. But wait, there`s more: a subaudible heterodyne, and second program modulation interfering. At first I think the Sudanese have intensified the jamming with ChiCom-like programming feed, but at 0527 that goes away while the tone/carrier jammers remain, as R. Dabanga ID mentions being on Arabsat. 0530 is the scheduled time for a site switch by RD from MADAGASCAR 335 degrees to VATICAN 150, so I think this must have been a lame overlap by the two, with unsynchronized feeds. No difference in signal strength here before or after as both Europe and Africa are propagating well. 11650, meanwhile, the other Dabanga frequency which stays via VATICAN, has only one tone jammer at 0528, a lower pitch than on 13800, so closer-in, leaving Dabanga better audible than on 13800 altho not stronger (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1771 monitoring: confirmed Friday May 1 at 2140 UT on both 15770 sufficient, and much weaker 7570 WRMI. One can never be sure which, or both, or neither will be in use, but Jeff White says we can depend on 15770 for this Friday 2130.5 broadcast. Next: ADU 34 Sat 1930v WA0RCR 1860-AM Sun 0315v WA0RCR 1860-AM Sun 2100 WRMI 15770 [? But not last week. Check 7570 too] Sun 2300 WRMI 11580 Mon 0300v WBCQ 5110v Area 51 [but 5110 has been off the air] Tue 1100 WRMI 9955 Wed 0630 HLR 7265-CUSB Wed 1315 WRMI 9955 Wed 1430 HLR 7265-CUSB Wed 2100 WBCQ 7490v Thu 0330 WRMI 9955 [or 1772 if ready in time] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 5110, May 2 at 0224 check, WBCQ is still off during the recently added 23-07 UT block of BS. Area 51 schedule for the weekend is now up, however, depending on 5110 to be operational, so apparently BS just left it hastily, rather than from another breakdown: ``On-air, May 2-3, 2015 - All on WBCQ 5.110 MHz and Saturday, May 2, 2015 [EDT/UT into next day] 7pm 2300 Radio Timtron Worldwide 9pm 0100 The Lumpy Gravy Radio Show 10pm 0200 Zombo In Your Brain 11pm 0300 Church of the Subgenius Hour of Slack Sunday, May 3, 2015 7pm 2300 Grits Radio 8pm 0000 Plastic Magic 10pm 0200 Jean Shepherd 11pm 0300 Glenn Hauser’s World of Radio 1771 1130pm 0330 Hobart Radio International DX Extra No. 26`` (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 15825, May 2 around 1400, WWCR is inbooming, as is 15610 WEWN, a sure sign of sporadic-E opening at least on HF up to this MUF, rather than JBA to VP normal signals. Checking 6m Es map at there is nice correlation with contacts between OK and TN, and the opening grows by 1700 with lots more lines across central USA, MUF estimated 84 MHz. Yet my analog TV on channel 2 is nothing but snow, as there is hardly anything left to show up even when there is an Es opening. We need 88+ MHz for FM DX to occur, so I start monitoring on open 88.1 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VATICAN [non]. 13765, May 2 at 0533, VR talking about ``pão cotidiano``, papal activities. In pure Luso accent, contrary to the Brazilian we here so much more on SW. It remains for broadcasts to Africa not to employ Brazilians, as there are hardly any broadcasts to or from Portugal any more on SW. The remarkably short list of Portugiesisch (not including Brazilian domestix!) at doesn`t specify targets, but most of them are obviously for Africa. Only CRI and RHC have some which are for Europe, but IIRC, RHC`s accents are Brazilian (2000-2030 on 17730). Among several CRI Portuguese broadcasts, most are to Africa, but two of the six frequencies at 19-20 UT are for CIRAF 37-NW, i.e. Portugal, direct from East Turkistan/China, 9730 & 11750 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also SUDAN [and non] UNIDENTIFIED [non]. Re: ``1130, April 28 at 0657 UT, Mexican music peaks counter-clockwise from KWKH Shreveport, which rules out central Mexico, so Central America? No Cubans listed. Or, from the other side, maybe Sinaloa or Sonora. Need to keep on this one. No likely USA SS unless daytimers in TN or GA happen to be nighttimers (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)`` Glenn: -- Several dates with a remote receiver in NE Atlanta Metro have revealed regular cheating by WLBA/1130 in Gainesville; seems to be on all night every night, probably using Critical Hours power (1 kW, I believe). – (GREG HARDISON, CA, May 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 6001, May 1 at 0557, weak carrier here again in form of a het to RHC English. Suspect it is the 4 (?) ADU 35 kW Brasília transmitter originally intended for DRM testing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 17795, May 1 at 1505, 1535 and 1557 chex, no signal. I am checking out a report by new SW DXer Paul Walker in Redding CA, who says he was hearing a program from Ulster, April 29 at 1545 UT, ``The audio was pretty good and the signal was rock solid. The program was called "let the church speak" from a church in Ulster, Northern Ireland.`` This was stronger than and right next to WRMI 17790. He asked Jeff White about it. Presumably a pirate and likely to be within North America (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Pedro Elonda Bitàcola Del 30 D'abril Cristian, hi ha dues novetats de Sardenya. Rubén Guillermo Margenet Más Control De Los Medios OTRA SANCIÓN EXPRÉS DE LA DICTOCRACIA: EL KIRCHNERISM NO SE DA POR VENCIDO, CREÓ OTRO ORGANISMO PARA CONTROLAR A LAS TELECOMUNICACIONES, $15.000 MILLONES, 20.000 EMPLEADOS CON FUERTE CÁNCER DE LA CAMPORA!!! FUENTE: A través de un decreto que presentó el miércoles, el Gobierno dispuso la creación de la Autoridad Federal de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (AFTIC), como autoridad de aplicación de la Ley Argentina Digital, para controlar las telecomunicaciones. Se trata de un megaorganismo que contará con un presupuesto de unos $ 15.000 millones, y un plantel de más de 20.000 empleados. La Secretaría de Comunicaciones, a cargo del dirigente camporista Norberto Berner, afirmó el miércoles que "con la creación de esta Autoridad Federal, el Estado Argentino da un salto de calidad a la regulación y el control de las telecomunicaciones". Según consigna el diario Clarín el organismo, que reemplazará a la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y a la Comisión Nacional de Comunicaciones, y además se le transferirán las empresas públicas Correo Argentino y Ar-Sat, el fondo del Servicio Universal de las telecomunicaciones y el plan Argentina Conectada, hasta ahora a cargo del ministro de Planificación Federal, Julio De Vido. El nuevo organismo empezará a funcionar en 30 días, y a cargo de un directorio de siete personas, cuyas autoridades durarán cuatro años, hasta mayo de 2019, y sólo podrán ser removidos por dos tercios de los integrantes de un Consejo Federal, también creado por el decreto que el miércoles dictó el Gobierno. El directorio tendría una fuerte presencia de "La Cámpora". El nuevo decreto establece además que los directores de AFTIC serán designados de un modo similar a los de AFSCA y Radio y Televisión Argentina, donde el kirchnerismo tiene una mayoría automática de cinco directores sobre siete, que también duran cuatro años y quedarán hasta fin de 2017. Desde este momento, el Poder Ejecutivo, la Comisión Bicameral del Congreso, las provincias y el nuevo Consejo Federal tendrán un plazo de 20 días para proponer sus directores para AFTIC, que serán designados por el Gobierno hacia fin de mayo con "rango y jerarquía de Secretario de Estado". El nuevo decreto crea además el Consejo Federal de Tecnologías de las Telecomunicaciones y la Digitalización, integrado por 34 miembros, quienes serán los únicos que podrán desplazar a los directores de AFTIC, con los votos de dos tercios de sus miembros. El Decreto crea además la autoridad de aplicación de la Ley Argentina Digital, que el Congreso sancionó de modo "exprés" en diciembre del año pasado, en polémicas sesiones extraordinarias, con sólo los votos del kirchnerismo. Deogracias López Ros España: EG5CAS, primera transmisión desde un submarino operativo CQ Cartagena Radio y URE Cartagena otorgan una QSLEspecial a operadores y radioescuchas. Por primera vez una transmisión de radioaficionados se va a efectuar desde un submarino operativo de la Armada española. El día 16 de mayo, de 09:30 a 13:30 (0730-1130 UTC), operadores de CQ Cartagena Radio y URE Cartagena ADU 36 otorgarán en la banda de 40 metros (fonía, pero los 30 últimos minutos en morse), bajo el indicativo EG5CAS, una QSL en homenaje al Arma Submarina Española, que cumple el centenarios de su creación. El submarino será asignado a los radioaficionados para que a bordo del mismo y con sus propios equipos de radio puedan contactar con todos los interesados en hacerse con una tarjeta tan especial (también los radioescuchas). Esta se enviará vía asociación a los socios de URE, quienes no lo sean tendrán que remitir al Apartado 5031 de Cartagena un sobre autodirigido y con franqueo suficiente para la respuesta. Williams Lopez Radio Free Asia (RFA) Radio Free Asia (RFA) announces the release of our 58th QSL. It is the fourth design in the series "Celebrating Musical Instruments of Asia". This card shows a khene , which is a traditional Lao mouth organ played primarily in Laos and Thailand. The khene’s pipes are made of bamboo, while its reed, which vibrates to produce the sound, is made of brass or silver. The khene is usually played using a pentatonic scale, using five notes per octave as opposed to the seven notes per octave used in most Western music. . This QSL is used to confirm all valid reception reports from May 1 to July 31, 2015. Created by Congress in 1994 and incorporated in 1996, RFA broadcasts in Burmese, Cantonese, Khmer, Korean to North Korea, Lao, Mandarin (including the Wu dialect), Vietnamese, Tibetan (Uke, Amdo, and Kham), and Uyghur. RFA strives for accuracy, balance, and fairness in its editorial content. As a ‘surrogate’ broadcaster, RFA provides news and commentary specific to each of its target countries, acting as the free press these countries lack. RFA broadcasts only in local languages and dialects, and most of its broadcasts comprise news of specific local interest. More information about Radio Free Asia, including our current broadcast frequency schedule, is available at RFA encourages listeners to submit reception reports. Reception reports are valuable to RFA as they help us evaluate the signal strength and quality of our transmissions. RFA confirms all accurate reception reports by mailing a QSL card to the listener. RFA welcomes all reception report submissions at (follow the QSL REPORTS link) not only from DX’ers, but also from its general listening audience. If you have a smart phone, feel free to use the QR code below to access our main website for the latest news and information from Radio Free Asia. Reception reports are also accepted by email at [email protected] and by mail to: Reception Reports - Radio Free Asia - 2025 M. Street NW, Suite 300 - Washington DC 20036 - United States of America. Robert Wilkner From The ARRL Letter on April 16, 2015 - Website: - Add a comment about this article! 'Radio DARC' Program Debuts on Ham-Operated German Shortwave Outlet: The inaugural transmission of the "Radio DARC" Amateur Radio program aired over the March 21-22 weekend via Channel 292 at 6070 kHz. The German-language program was produced in cooperation with Germany's national Amateur Radio society -- the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (DARC A group of amateurs in Germany obtained a license to broadcast on the 49 meter shortwave broadcast channel after German national broadcaster the Deutsche Welle closed down a 500 kW shortwave broadcast transmitter near Munich. Using parts scavenged from the Deutsche Welle site, the ham group built up a 10 kW transmitter. "The response was overwhelming," said Rainer Englert, DF2NU. "Our dreams were exceeded many times over. The team got over 1500 reception reports from 11 European countries." These even included S-9 reports from Russia and Iceland. Englert said the station puts in a signal that's often 60 dB over S-9 within Germany, adding that it will take weeks to answer all QSL requests and comments. The station has been heard in North America, but it has competition on 6070 kHz. Hosting "Radio DARC" is Conny Ferrin, a former Radio Luxembourg air personality. In the 1970s, Radio Luxembourg deployed a 2 GW medium-wave transmitter on 1440 kHz and a 500 kW shortwave transmitter on 6095 kHz, airing a popular music program in the days before commercial broadcasting licenses were available on the Continent. Replete with jingles and music bumpers, "Radio DARC" includes music that was popular in the 1960s and 1970s, interspersed with news and commentary of interest to radio amateurs and SWLs. As Englert explained in an editorial commentary during the initial broadcast, they want the program to be "at once nostalgic and modern." Read more Source: The ARRL Letter ADU 37 Pedro Augusto Cassimiro Comunicado Prezado Ruben Walter. Foi com imensa satisfação que verifiquei que no boletim 142, de 10 de agosto de 2014, foi publicado um artigo de minha autoria, Filtro de Linha. Aproveito a oportunidade para lhe enviar um outro artigo de minha autoria, que pode ser publicado também, de titulo ajuste de Antenas. Este é um processo muito simples e com pouco custo, de como hacer um ajuste de uma antena. O texto já é auto explicativo. A planilha em Excel DESEMPENHO DE UMA ANTENA tem uma formula que calcula a ROE e no debe se borrada. A outra planilha DESEMPENHO DE UMA ANTENA DE 80 m-EXEMPLO mostra como ficam os gráficos da variação da ROE com a frequência. Una buena tarde para usted. 73 - Pedro - PY2TNX AJUSTE DE ANTENAS Normalmente para se construir uma antena faz-se o seguinte: 1 – calcula o seu comprimento (neste exemplo a antena será um dipolo). 2 – executa-se a antena, com os fios, cabo coaxial e isoladores e a instalação nos mastros ou torres. 3 – com o auxilio de um medidor de R.O.E., ligado entre a extremidade inferior do cabo coaxial e o transmissor, faz-se a leitura da mesma. 4 - se a leitura da R.O.E estiver dentro dos valores aceitáveis (geralmente menor de 1:3) ou outro a critério do radioamador, tudo bem , usa-se a antena desta forma.5 – se a leitura não estiver de acordo com os valores aceitáveis, tem-se que fazer o encurtamento ou diminuição dos comprimentos dos fios da antena e verificar novamente a R.O.E. 6 – este procedimento descrito no item 5 acima tem que ser feito várias vezes até se encontrar um valor de R.O.E. aceitável. Isto desprende muito tempo, pois estas tentativas podem chegar a 5 ou 6. Método proposto para o ajuste de antenas. Tendo em vista a dificuldade de se fazer o ajuste rápido de antenas, propõe-se o seguinte método descrito abaixo. Ele pode ser aplicado a todo tipo de antena. Vamos a um exemplo, como construir uma antena dipolo para a faixa de 80 metros e que tenha a menor R.O.E. na freqüência de 3,7 MHz. Existem várias fórmulas e métodos para o cálculo do comprimento do dipolo, mas vamos tomar à seguinte: L = 146/f Onde “L” é o comprimento total do dipolo em metros e “f” é a freqüência em MHz. Assim, L = 146/3,7 = 39,46 m Construa então a antena, com os lados, medidos do eixo do isolador central até as extremidades externas dos isoladores laterais, com 19,73 m. A fórmula acima é para uma antena ideal e que não existe na prática. Esta antena ideal debe ficar longe de objetos metálicos e do solo. Na prática, as antenas ficam instaladas próximas do solo e de objetos metálicos como calhas, tubulações de água, fiação da rede de energia elétrica, fiação de telefones, espias ou estais de mastros e torres etc. Desta forma, a nossa antena não vai ressonar na freqüência pretendida, que é 3,7 MHz e sua impedância não vai ser os famosos 75 ohms, que é a do dipolo ideal. Para a medição da R.O.E. da antena podemos utilizar um medidor comum, de qualquer marca e modelo. Acontece que a escala de leituras deste medidor não dá uma precisão boa de leitura para os propósitos de nosso ajuste da antena. Um medidor bem sofisticado possui leituras em 1,0 – 1,2 - 1,2 - 1,3 - 1,4 - 1,5 - 1,6 - 1,7 - 1,8 – 1,9 - 2,0 – 2,5 - 3,0 - 3,5 - 4,0 -4,5 -5,0. Assimsendo, não dá para fazer uma leitura de 2,2, por exemplo. Todo medidor de R.O.E. tem um circuito que detecta a onda incidente e a refletida, transformando-as em correntes elétricas. Estas correntes são medidas num mili oumicroamperimetro. Para saber a R.O.E., intercala-se o medidor entre a antena e o radio, coloca-se a chave seletora em “Direta” ou “Forward” e acionando o transmissor, ajusta-se o ponteiro para ADU 38 o fim da escala de medidas. Agora, colocando a chave seletora em “Refletida” ou “Relected”, faz-se a leituradiretamente na escala. Abaixo é mostrado um circuito de um medidor de R.O.E., onde é mostrada a parte de detecção das correntes e de leituras. A peça indicada por VR2 é um potenciômetro para o ajuste de fundo da escala. Vamos fazer uma adaptação neste medidor, em vez de fazer a leitura no mili oumicroamperimetro próprio, vamos usar um externo. Para não estragar o medidor, vamos colocar uma tomada para pino P-2, a partir de onde a seta vermelha está indicando. É só cortar o fio que vai da chave seletora ao pino central do potenciômetro e as duas extremidades deste fio, vão para a tomada P-2. As duas extremidades do fio são ligadas aos terminais do pino P-2 (pode-se usar outro tipo), detal modo que ao i nserir o pino na tomada, desligue a alimentação do microamperimetro do medidor de R.O.E. Não esquecer de ligar o terra do medidor na carcaça da tomada P-2. No pino P-2, solda-se dois fios que serão ligados a um multímetro qualquer. Se quiser usar o medidor de R.O.E. em sua originalidade, ele está apto. Se quiser usar este processo, é só inserir o pino P-2 e o microamperimetro do medidor será desativado. No multímetro, deve-se ligar para a medição de corrente, em uma escala conveniente da ordem de microamperes. Intercalado o medidor entre a antena e o transmissor, podem-se fazer as medições de corrente “direta” e “refletida”, mudando a posição da chave do medidor. Não é necessário fazer o ajuste de fundo de escala. Qualquer par de correntes “direta” e “refletida” serve para o cálculo da R.O.E. Geralmente faço as medições, para banda de HF, de 50 em 50 kHz e de 500 em 500 kHz para V e UHF. De posse dos valores medidos, preencho a planilha "Desempenho de Uma Antena”, na coluna Teste 1, como mostrado abaixo. DESEMPENHO DE UMA ANTENA ANTENA TIPO Dipolo para a faixa de 80 metros OBSERVAÇÕES (DATAS, LOCAIS DOS TESTES ETC) Realizados os testes em 06-10-2009, na residencia da R....., cidade de ......, com a antena situada a 8 metros do solo. FREQUENCIA MHz TESTE 1 TESTE 2 TESTE 3 LEITURAS R. O. E. LEITURAS R. O. E. LEITURAS DIRETA REFLETIDA DIRETA REFLETIDA DIRETA REFLETIDA R. O. E. 3,55 30,00 24,00 9,00 3,60 34,00 23,00 5,18 3,65 35,00 17,00 2,89 3,70 28,00 6,00 1,55 3,75 27,00 4,00 1,35 3,80 31,00 3,00 1,21 Após preenchidas as colunas do Teste 1, a planilha já desenha o gráfico de desempenho da antena, mostrando a R.O.E. nas varias freqüências. No caso a linha na cor azul, mostra que a menor R.O.E. foi na freqüência de 3,80 MHz. Como desejo a antena com a menor R.O.E. em 3,70 MHz, vamos proceder um aumento físico dos fios do dipolo. A fórmula L=146/f pode ser escrita assim f . L=146. Este 146 vou chamar de K e assim a fórmulafica f . L= K Vou “calcular” o novo K assim, 3,80 x 39,47 = 149,948 Neste caso o 39,47 m é o comprimento que foi construído a antena e 3,80 é a freqüência que teve a menor R.O.E. Vamos calcular qual o novo comprimento da antena: L = 149,948/3,70 = 40,42 m Façamos então o aumento do dipolo para o tamanho de 40,42 m e medimos novamente ascorrentes “diretas” e “refletidas” nas mesmas freqüências do Teste 1. Este vai ser o Teste 2. O resultado do Teste 2 está mostrado abaixo. DESEMPENHO DE UMA ANTENA ANTENA TIPO Dipolo para a faixa de 80 metros OBSERVAÇÕES (DATAS, LOCAIS DOS TESTES ETC) Realizados os testes em 06-10-2009, na residencia da R....., cidade de ..., com a antena situada a 8 metros do solo. FREQUENCIA MHz TESTE 1 TESTE 2 TESTE 3 LEITURAS R. O. E. LEITURAS R. O. E. LEITURAS DIRETA REFLETIDA DIRETA REFLETIDA DIRETA REFLETIDA R. O. E. 3,55 30,00 24,00 9,00 26,00 20,00 7,67 3,60 34,00 23,00 5,18 32,50 20,50 4,42 3,65 35,00 17,00 2,89 33,00 15,50 2,77 3,70 28,00 6,00 1,55 28,00 3,50 1,29 ADU 39 3,75 27,00 4,00 1,35 25,50 0,00 1,00 3,80 31,00 3,00 1,21 29,00 5,50 1,47 Verificando o gráfico, na linha cor vermelha, a freqüência que teve a menor R.O.E. foi 3,75 MHz. Como não alcançamos a freqüência de 3,70 MHz, vamos proceder mais uma tentativa, que geralmente coloca a antena no ponto requerido. O novo K1 é assim, 3,75 x 40,42 = 151,575 Neste caso o 40,42 m é o comprimento que foi construída a antena no Teste 1 e 3,75 é a freqüência que teve a menor R.O.E. Vamos calcular qual o novo comprimento da antena: L = 151,575/3,70 = 45,25 m Aumentamos o comprimento do dipolo para 45,25 m e procedemos às medições das correntes “diretas” e “refletidas” para esta modificação da antena. Colocando os valores na planilha, a coluna Teste 3, a mesma já calcula as R.O.E. e exibe o gráfico na cor verde. Podemos verificar que então a menor R.O.E. ficou em 3,70 MHz, que está de acordo com o que pretendia. DESEMPENHO DE UMA ANTENA ANTENA TIPO Dipolo para a faixa de 80 metros OBSERVAÇÕES (DATAS, LOCAIS DOS TESTES ETC) Realizados os testes em 06-10-2009, na residência da R....., cidade de .....,com a antena situada a 8 metros do solo. FREQUENCIA MHz TESTE 1 TESTE 2 TESTE 3 LEITURAS R. O. E. LEITURAS R. O. E. LEITURAS DIRETA REFLETIDA DIRETA REFLETIDA DIRETA REFLETIDA R. O. E. 3,55 30,00 24,00 9,00 26,00 20,00 7,67 25,00 19,00 7,33 3,60 34,00 23,00 5,18 32,50 20,50 4,42 31,00 18,00 3,77 3,65 35,00 17,00 2,89 33,00 15,50 2,77 32,00 14,00 2,56 3,70 28,00 6,00 1,55 28,00 3,50 1,29 26,00 2,00 1,17 3,75 27,00 4,00 1,35 25,50 0,00 1,00 24,00 3,00 1,29 3,80 31,00 3,00 1,21 29,00 5,50 1,47 27,00 7,00 1,70 PEDRO AUGUSTO CASSIMIRO DE ARAUJO – PY2TNX Anatoly Klepov “RUS“RUS-DX” # 818 “RUS-DX” # 818 - Broadcasting of Russia, countries of CIS and Baltiya. QSL world. WEB radio. Sunday / 03, May 2015 - Information bulletin of Russian DX League - Electronic versión - Time : UTC Editor : Anatoly Klepov - QTH : Moscow, Russia - E-mail : [email protected] ADU 40 Web site : (Russian / English) “RUS-DX” may not be redistributed without permission. If quoting from the bulletin, please list the original reporter and “RUS-DX” as source. Electronic transfer : RUSSIA May 7 - the Day of Russia radio. Congratulations to all our readers a happy holiday! (Editor) RUSSIA Competition. Roskomnadzor April 29, 2015, under the chairmanship of the Head of the Federal Service Alexander Zharov, a regular meeting of the competition committee of the Federal Radio and Television. As a result of competition for the right to carry out terrestrial broadcasting with the use of specific radio frequencies winners are recognized: 1. The "House of Music" - Moscow, 105.0 MHz and 5 kW, the concept of broadcasting "literary"; 2. LLC "Nashe Radio" - Astrakhan, Astrakhan region, 87.9 MHz, 1 kW, the concept of broadcasting "free"; 3. LLC "TK" ASTRTELEKOM "- Astrakhan, Astrakhan region, 88.7 MHz, 1 kW, the concept of broadcasting" free "; 4. LLC "Southern Region MEDIA" - Bataysk (transmitter installation point - Rostov-on-Don), Rostov region, 89.4 MHz, 0.1 kW, the concept of broadcasting "free"; 5. JSC "Interstate TV and Radio" Mir "- Volgograd, Volzhsky (the installation point of the transmitter - Volgograd), Volgograd region, 93.8 MHz, 1 kW, the concept of broadcasting" free "; 6. JSC "CAA" - Volgograd, Volzhsky (the installation point of the transmitter - Volgograd), Volgograd region, 94.9 MHz, 1 kW, the concept of broadcasting "free"; 7. LLC "Nashe Radio" - Dzerzhinsk (the installation point of the transmitter - Nizhny Novgorod), Nizhny Novgorod region, 93.5 MHz, 1 kW, the concept of broadcasting "free"; 8. LLC "PAC" (Limited Liability Company "advertising agency" Silhouette ") - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Kamchatka region, 107.9 MHz, 1 kW, the concept of broadcasting" free "; 9. OOO "City" - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Kamchatka region, 88.9 MHz, 1 kW, the concept of broadcasting "free"; 10. LLC "Radio Dacha" - Khabarovsk (the installation point of the transmitter - Korfovsky (Mount Khekhtsir)), Khabarovsk, 106.2 MHz, 1 kW broadcasting concept "free"; 11. Radio channel ANO "Faith, Hope, Love" - Khabarovsk (the installation point of the transmitter - Korfovsky (Mount Khekhtsir)), Khabarovsk, 107.9 MHz, 1 kW broadcasting concept "free." ( Volgograd region. Volgograd. Radio "Mir" will begin broadcasting on frequency 93,8 FM in Volgograd. "We are proud that the Radio" Mir "won the tender for the right to broadcast in Volgograd - said Acting director of radio station "Mir" Boris Blokhin. - It is a joyful event for us twice as happened on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, which is impossible to imagine without the heroism of Stalingrad. Soon we will be able to offer the residents of Volgograd and Volzhsky best domestic hits, exciting entertainment and educational programs, regional news. We look forward to our regional partners with whom we have successfully, I am sure, and fruitful cooperation. " Radio "Mir" broadcasts in a format Adult Contemporary, delighting listeners domestic hits 80 - 2000s, and favorite tunes from movies. Every hour broadcast news outlets of the CIS countries and the world. The radio station sound "Only your favorite songs!" The music library contains the best tracks by Yuri Antonov and Polina Gagarina, Alla Pugacheva and groups "Vintage", Sofia Rotaru and Dima Bilan, Valery Meladze and the group "Silver". ( Krasnoyarsk Territory. Berezovka. Krasnoyarsk. The Berezovka began broadcasting "Radio regional scale" In the Krasnoyarsk region first run FM-radio single territory. More than 40 thousand people from 20 settlements Berezovsky district will be able to adjust to the local radio frequency 92.4 MHz under the name "Birch radio." The idea in the area have their own FM-radio station appeared at the deputy Magan Council Casimir Voitkevich a few years ago. Much has been done, and that's a natural result. The first 24 hours of the live broadcast called "Birch Radio" will be devoted to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. May 9 will hear music of the war years not only from radio area, but also in the main squares of two villages - in the Magan and Berezovsky. Radio stations will be around the clock. In the first stage only the music - domestic and foreign, as a popular today and the music of the past. Further, the organizers plan to create their own programs aimed at the local audience: District news, interviews with prominent individuals, as well as entertainment and musical greetings. Management intends radio to listen to the wishes of the residents of Berezovka and give the opportunity to participate in the creation of a unique ether, because not every region has its own radio wave edge. ( ADU 41 At 96,2 FM sounded "Krasnoyarsk FM» In April, residents of Krasnoyarsk found in a new radio station, which immediately attracted attention and caused a lot of talk. In the wake of 96,2 FM began broadcasting a brand new music and entertainment project - Krasnoyarsk radio FM. The interest in the newcomer of the Krasnoyarsk radio broadcast can be easily explained - many once relished the fresh "neizbity 'selection of music, no hype, and most importantly - completely new for the city, very funny and positive morning show" Breakfast of Champions. " It comes out in the most "correct" time - from 7 to 11 o'clock in the morning, when you can be happy to listen to the radio at home, going to work, in the car, skrashivaya travel time to work on the numerous traffic jams. In a short time at the radio station were his constant and faithful listeners - a couple of weeks a group of Krasnoyarsk FM in the social network VKontakte has won its first thousand friends. But the plans and ambitions in Krasnoyarsk FM, definitely much bigger: plant management expects Krasnoyarsk FM has the potential over time to enter the top five of the Krasnoyarsk radio. "We are absolutely sure that the station focused on fans of the modern foreign and domestic music - young, energetic, active and ambitious men and women, not only to quickly gather a large audience of fans (such people in Krasnoyarsk a lot), but also attract the attention of advertisers. Treatment is to this audience with promotional offer is the most effective "- says commercial director of Krasnoyarsk FM Yulia Samara. Krasnoyarsk Radio FM goes to market under the slogan "Radio of young professionals" - the station is broadcasting in the format CHR (Contemporary Hit Radio), and focuses on the tastes and preferences of those who are between 20 and 40 - active, energetic, result-oriented people who have already received education and are now building a career and personal life, raising children and taking care of the future. Many students have already evaluated the most diverse selection of contemporary electronic music, which sounds in the air every evening after 20-00 hits "Charter" and, of course, a variety of contests of the morning show "Breakfast of Champions." ( Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Naryan-Mar. April 27, 2015 "Nashe Radio" began broadcasting in the capital of the Nenets Autonomous Area - Naryan-Mar. Naryan-Mar - one of the main centers of the Russian Arctic, an important port, the giant oil and gas industry. Broadcasting frequency in Naryan-Mar - 104,4 FM. The number of potential students in the listening area - more than 30 thousand people. Today "our radio" broadcasts in 58 cities in Russia. Now in the process of launching 25 more cities. All 2014 "Nashe Radio" in expanding its geography. In 2014, it began broadcasting in Krasnoturinsk, Gelendzhik, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Rostov-on-Don, Norilsk, Buzuluk, Khanty-Mansiysk and Surgut. Since the beginning of 2015 - in Udomlya, Vichuga, Achinsk, Birobidzhan and Nizhnevartovsk. As soon begin broadcasting in Novosibirsk, Omsk, Kazan, Samara, Volgograd, Magadan, Naryan-Mar, Nizhnevartovsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Tolyatti, Tomsk, Tyumen, and in five cities of the Crimea. "Our radio" is a "Media Holding", which also incorporates radio Vest FM, Radio Jazz, ROCK FM, ULTRA and Information Agency "National News Service." The basis of a music playlist radio make up such legendary groups as "Agatha Christie", "DDT", "Alice", Zemfira, "Spleen", "Time Machine", "The King and the Clown," "B-2", and many others . Through "Our Radio" gained national love many musicians from Russia and other countries - Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Latvia. Since 2008, "Nashe Radio" is the organizer of the National Music Award "Chart Dozen." In addition, for 15 years, holds the biggest station in the post-festival "Invasion", which gathers up to 150 thousand people annually. ( Perm region. Perm Branch RTRS "Perm Regional Broadcasting Center" starts in Perm regular broadcasting radio "Vesti FM» (at a frequency of 88.5 MHz) and "Radio Russii" (at a frequency of 90.2 MHz). By decision of the VGTRK from 1 February 2015 in the Perm region has stopped broadcasting "Radio Russii" on medium wave (MW / MW). Receiving signal "Radio Russia" in the Kama became possible only in the first multiplex (RTRS-1) digital terrestrial television or radio frequency VHF (VHF) from 65.8 to 74 MHz. Now in Perm and the surrounding regional capital towns receiving signals "Vesti FM» and "Radio Russii" will be available to a wide audience of listeners using radios capable of catching radio waves in the frequency range from 87.5 to 108.0 MHz - the so-called FM band. The average radius coverage broadcasting "Vesti FM» (88,5 MHz) and "Radio Russii" (90.2 MHz) - 33,7-33,8 km. Translation of "Vesti FM» and "Radio Russii" will be carried out with inserts of the content of the regional TV "Perm." Broadcast Perm program "Radio Russii" in the UHF band at a frequency of 66.02 MHz will be terminated. In the nearest plans of the branch RTRS "Perm Regional Broadcasting Center" - to begin broadcasting in Perm state-patriotic channel "Star" on the frequency 105.6 MHz. ( Khabarovsk Krai. Khabarovsk "Radio Dacha" will ring in Khabarovsk. April 29, 2015 a meeting of the federal competition commission Broadcasting, reported quoting the press service of Krutoy Media. LLC "Radio Dacha" was declared the winner of the contest ADU 42 for ground radio broadcasting in Khabarovsk on the frequency 106.2 MHz, broadcast time - every day, around the clock with the program concept "Radio Dacha". Potential audience - 650 thousand. Man. "Radio Dacha" - one of the stations of the media holding Krutoy Media. Included in the top 10 country music radio stations. According to TNS Russia (Radio Index - Russia, July - December 2014.), Daily coverage "Radio Dacha" is 5 million 214 thousand. Man has a weekly reach of 13 million 372 thousand. Man. Regional network broadcast "Radio Dacha" currently has 162 transmitter located in the cities of broadcasting in Russia and CIS countries. Official website of "Radio Dacha»: ( Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District. Nizhnevartovsk. In Nizhnevartovsk began broadcasting "Our Radio" Nizhnevartovsk was the third city in Ugra, where you can now hear the "Nashe Radio". Broadcasting it on the eve of the start of the frequency 89,1 FM. Earlier, Russian rock music groups heard in Khanty-Mansiysk and Surgut. According to the "National News Service," Today "our radio" broadcasts in 57 cities in Russia. Now in the process of launching 25 more cities. The basis of a music playlist radio make up such legendary groups as "Agatha Christie", "DDT", "Alice", Zemfira, "Spleen", "Time Machine", "The King and the Clown," "B-2", and many others . Through "Our Radio" gained national love many musicians from Russia and other countries Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Latvia. ( “RUS-DX PLUS” PARTNER CHANNELS AND INTERNET SHORTWAVE BULLETIN - Issue no. 1822, 26 April, 2015. edited by Thomas Nilsson, Sweden Log 4765,05 Apr17 2330 Tajik R 1, Yangiyul Tajik ann, local singing 45444 AP-DNK PLAY-DX 1647 electronic - 26 April 2015 - Editor : Dario Monferini, Milano, Italy LOGs & NEWS ROBERTO PAVANELLO, VERCELLI, LOGs RPA 1035 20/4 21.45 R. Eli - Tartu Russo talk YL suff. 4765 25/4 23.00 Tajik R. - Dushambe Tagico MX buono ANKER PETERSEN near KOPENHAGEN, DANMARK LOGs AP-DNK 4765,05 Apr17 2330 Tajik R 1, Yangiyul Tajik ann, local singing 45444 AP-DNK ROBERT WILKNER, DXSF FLORIDA-USA 15492 VoT (Dushanbe-Yangiyul) *1400-07* 7 April. Moving to 15498 @ 1408 w/ CNR1 jam on 15490.(Dan Sheedy) DX-Window No. 529 from the Danish Shortwave Club International Greve, Denmark Editor and Distributor: Anker Petersen - April 29, 2015 DX NEWS : KYRGYZSTAN 4010, Kyrgyz R 1, Krasnaya Rechka, 1800-1830 and 1900-1933, Apr 15 and 16, surprisingly broadcast of in Russian, instead of Kyrgyz. (Ivanov) RUSSIA 6989.9, Comintern R (1 kW) was heard again, 1434-1456, Apr 15, Russian songs, weak signal, but audible. (Ivanov) TAJIKISTAN 4765.05, Tajik R 1, Yangiyul, 2330-2340, Apr 17, Tajik ann, local singing, 45444. (Petersen) Club Radio - April 2015 - Editor: Igor Guzey, Moscow, Russia Krasnodar region. Tuapse - "Humor FM» Tuapse - "Humor FM». April 1, 2015, the International Day of laughter, the radio station "Humor FM» began broadcasting in Tuapse. New City of the regional network "Humor FM» is located on the Black Sea coast in the foothills of the Greater Caucasus Range. Tuapse is often called the gateway of Greater Sochi. Here begins the introduction to the picturesque nature of the Black Sea coast. The tourist season here lasts for a long time - from mid-May to October. To hear the best jokes and songs in Tuapse possible on FM-frequency of 93.6 MHz. Currently broadcast is technically mode. Regional partner - LLC "Sochi Region". Reference: Radio station "Humor FM» began broadcasting September 1, 2005. The frequency in Moscow - 88,7 FM. Included in the leading Russian radio holding - VKPM. President PMBC - Yuri Kostin. Director of Broadcasting PMBC, General Producer - Irina Ipatova. Producer of the radio station "Humor FM» - Maxim Zabelin. Tel. / Fax - (495) 921-40-41, 258-33-44. ADU 43 Krasnodar region. Gelendzhik - "Radio Dacha" For regional broadcasting network "Radio Dacha" joined Gelendzhik, Krasnodar Territory. Broadcasting frequency - 88.0 MHz, the total coverage of the population - 75.2 thousand. People. Regional partner "Radio Dacha" - LLC "Smart FM", director - Dudar O. * Crimea. Crimea - Radio STAR STAR Radio began broadcasting in six cities of the Crimea On March 31, 2015 STAR program Radio aired the six largest cities in the Crimea: in the hero-city of Sevastopol (new rate - 88,3 FM), in the Crimean capital Simferopol (new rate 98,3 FM), Yalta (107.9 FM), Yalta (99,3 FM), Feodosiya (107,9 FM) and Kerch (89,2 FM). + Ryazan region. Ryazan - Radio Day Since May 1, the frequency of "Radio Rock" takes a new radio program. At a frequency of 96,9 FM will broadcast "Radio Day". As the general director of "Radio Day" Anton Long, ester-based make pop songs of the nineties and zero's in Russian and foreign languages. In addition, the "Radio Day" can be heard "greatest hits of the eighties" and "Song at five-year plan." Long said that especially for the start of the broadcast on the radio station in Ryazan launch disco "140 beats per minute." It will guide the participants of the same name popular pop music group Sergei Ivanov and Andrei Konev. Also Ryazan broadcast cheer Lenya Golubkov, who "still bought his wife boots." Recall "Radio Rock" ceased broadcasting last week. Reasons for termination of the unknown. * Khabarovsk Krai. Khabarovsk - Radio Dacha Today, April 29, 2015. a meeting of the Federal Tender Commission on Television and Radio.LLC "Radio Dacha" was declared the winner of the contest for ground radio broadcasting in Khabarovsk on the frequency 106.2 MHz, broadcast time - every day, around the clock with the program concept "Radio Dacha". Potential audience - 650 thousand. Man. "Radio Dacha" - one of the stations of the media holding Krutoy Media. Included in the top 10 country music radio stations. According to TNS Russia (Radio Index - Russia, July - December 2014.), Daily coverage "Radio Dacha" is 5 million 214 thousand. Man has a weekly reach of 13 million 372 thousand. Man. Regional network broadcast "Radio Dacha" currently has 162 transmitter located in the cities of broadcasting in Russia and CIS countries. Moscow. Moscow – radio Kniga (Radio Book) Company lead singer of "Lube" Nicholas Rastorguev Roskomnadzor won the tender for the right to broadcast on a frequency of 105 FM in the capital. This "" said ministry spokesman Vadim Ampelonsky. The company "House of Music", the singer manages radio "Radio Book," was the only bidder for the frequency of Moscow, which was put up for competition under the literary concept explained Ampelonsky. The frequency of 105 MHz for the contest at the end of February 2015. Last time the capital's radio frequencies were played Roscomnadzor eight years ago. Rastorguev did not hide their intentions to participate in the competition. In March, he was not a co-owner of "House of Music". However, for the contest the company had to re-execute documents and to enable Rastorgueva the founders, said the leader of "Lube" TASS. "The Book of Radio" broadcasts in Volgograd in November of 2013. The radio station broadcast an audiobook from Gosteleradiofond, write short stories, essays, historical and literary anecdotes, humorous anecdotes and interviews. BROADCASTING IN RUSSIAN United States WWCR in Russian 10.00-11.00 judging by their schedule, they broadcast on 15795 kHz. Here is the link to the timetable: (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan ,Russia / “deneb-radiodx”) The "In Focus on the Family" by the book of Dr. Dobson heard on 15795 kHz: on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu and Fri from 11.30 to 11.45 and on Sat from 10.00 to 11.00. (Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria) WEB RADIO IN RUSSIAN New online radio «Big Room.101» - a new dance online radio station on On online radio has another incendiary Internet radio station - the section "Dance Station" added channel «Big Room.101», reports referring to the press-center of PMBC. Big Room House - that, above all, the music, the ability to integrate thousands of people. An analogue of stadium rock, but only in the club culture. This epic, sweeping, but simple melodies, rich synth sound is lyrical melodic trance eurodance and primitivism, and finally, the heavy electro effects and infectious choruses. Young, but has already become incredibly popular, the direction of Big Room has managed to conquer most of the world's dance floors. In the «Big Room.101» play the best DJs of the planet - Martin Garrix, Hardwell, R3hab, KSHMR, Deorro, ADU 44 Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike and many others. Here, the clock sounds the world's largest music festivals and raves bright. Permanent address of the station - ( QSL world Vietnam. QSL-cards received station "Voice of Vietnam". Russian edition. March 3, 2015 / 1630-1658 UTC / 7280 kHz Subject: Terraced fields in the North of Vietnam. (Anatoly Klepov, Moscow, Russia) Cuba 3 QSL come from Havana, Cuba for R. 11/21/14, 11760 kHz and 0.00 UTC (SINPO 44444) of 12/11/14, 11780 kHz and 3.30 UTC (SINPO 45444) and 27/02/15, 11780 kHz and 2.00 UTC (SINPO 45343.) All QSL different. One red and blue with a lighthouse / fortress, with a portrait of Fidel purple and someone else, and white with red letters and logo station. (Andrew, Tomsk, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx") Swaziland I got an electronic QSL from TWR Swaziland for accepting 04/20/2015 at frequency 11700 kHz, theme cards Celebrating 40 Years of Ministry in Africa. The report sent: [email protected] (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia/ "denebradio-dx") United States I got an electronic QSL from The Overcomer Ministry - Brother Stair for receptio 04/25/2015, at a frequency of 11580 kHz (through WRMI). The report sent E-mail: [email protected]. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx") Pirate Radio - Australia. I got an electronic confirmation letter from the pirate radio station ofAustralia Hobart Radio International for accepting 25/04/2015 at frequency 6070 kHz (Via Channel 292). The report sent: [email protected]. - Romania . I got an e-mail confirmation from Radio City for the reception on 04.25.2015 frequency 9510 kHz (Tiganesti, Romania 150 kW). The report sent: citymorecars @ In a letter to the date of 14.6.2013, on this day wasBroadcast this transfer, and yesterday was repeated. - Netherlands. I Got QSL-letter e-mail from a radio station from Holland Mighty KBC Radio reception of 26.04.2015, 08.00-08.30 UTC on frequency 6095 kHz(Transmitter Nauen, Germany 100 kW). The message is sent to the address: [email protected]. The report confirmed Eric van Willegen. - Netherlands. I Got QSL-letter e-mail from a radio station from Holland Mighty KBC Radio reception of 26.04.2015, 01.30-02.00 UTC on frequency 7375 kHz (Transmitter Nauen, Germany 125 kW). The report sent to the address: [email protected]. Last broadcast on that frequency, from May 3 to be used Frequency 9925 kHz, time 00.0003.00 UTC. - Netherlands. I got an electronic QSL by pirate radio station Radio Norton from Holland for the reception of 25.04.2015, 19.35-20.00 UTC on 6325 kHz frequency. The report sent: [email protected]. - Sweden. I got an electronic QSL by pirate radio station Radio Revival from Sweden for 25/04/2015 Reception at a frequency of 7440 kHz. The report sent: [email protected]. The report confirmed Ronny Forslund. - Sweden. I got an e-mail confirmation from Radio City for the reception on 04.26.2015 frequency of 9405 kHz (Sala, Sweden). In a letter to photograph old cars. Report I sent [email protected]. (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx") News QSL Dear friends, Attached is the information about our latest QSL card. This is the fourth design in the series "Celebrating Musical Instruments of Asia". We hope you enjoy this new QSL card and we look forward to receiving your reception reports through our automated reception report system, by email, or snail mail. See the attached PDF press release for ADU 45 more details. You are receiving this because you have expressed interest in Radio Free Asia's QSL cards. Please let us know if you would prefer to be removed from our distribution list. Best wishes, Harry Harry Scott - Radio Free Asia RADIO FREE ASIA RELEASES KHENE QSL MAY 2015 Radio Free Asia (RFA) announces the release of our 58th QSL. It is the fourth design in the series "Celebrating Musical Instruments of Asia". This card shows a khene , which is a traditional Lao mouth organ played primarily in Laos and Thailand. The khene’s pipes are made of bamboo, while its reed, which vibrates to produce the sound, is made of brass or silver. The khene is usually played using a pentatonic scale, using five notes per octave as opposed to the seven notes per octave used in most Western music. . This QSL is used to confirm all valid reception reports from May 1 to July 31, 2015. Created by Congress in 1994 and incorporated in 1996, RFA broadcasts in Burmese, Cantonese, Khmer, Korean to North Korea, Lao, Mandarin (including the Wu dialect), Vietnamese, Tibetan (Uke, Amdo, and Kham), and Uyghur. RFA strives for accuracy, balance, and fairness in its editorial content. As a ‘surrogate’ broadcaster, RFA provides news and commentary specific to each of its target countries, acting as the free press these countries lack. RFA broadcasts only in local languages and dialects, and most of its broadcasts comprise news of specific local interest. More information about Radio Free Asia, including our current broadcast frequency schedule, is available at RFA encourages listeners to submit reception reports. Reception reports are valuable to RFA as they help us evaluate the signal strength and quality of our transmissions. RFA confirms all accurate reception reports by mailing a QSL card to the listener. RFA welcomes all reception report submissions at (follow the QSL REPORTS link) not only from DX’ers, but also from its general listening audience. If you have a smart phone, feel free to use the QR code below to access our main website for the latest news and information from Radio Free Asia. Reception reports are also accepted by email at [email protected] and by mail to: Reception Reports - Radio Free Asia - 2025 M. Street NW, Suite 300 - Washington DC 20036 - United States of America. (Александр Головихин, Тольятти, Анатолий Клепов, Москва) Russian SWL / DX site - QSL álbum - Moscow, Russia - May 2, 2015 Author: 2692775 Reception Location: Borispol - Receiver: Sony CFS B5Lmk2 | Antenna: Built-in telescoping Turkey Voice of Turkey / 11965 kHz / 30.03.2015 13:00 / QSL-card, calendar, sticker / Russian / [email protected] Author: SakhHunter Reception Location: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin Region - Receiver: Degen DE-1103 | Antenna: Degen DE-31MS Romania Radio Romania International / 7385 kHz / 03.03.2015 21:35 / QSL-card, letter, printed materials / English / [email protected] Hawaii WWV / WWVH / 2500 kHz / 19.03.2015 07:30 / QSL-card, letter, printed materials / English / [email protected] Australia ABC (local) / 4835 kHz / 23.04.2015 06:30 / e-QSL ABC Outback Radio / English / [email protected] Author: waso Reception Location: Moscow Region., Moscow Receiver: Computers & Software Spectrum Lab, DEGEN-1103 | Antenna: long wire 20 m. Bulgaria EU News Network / 5905 kHz / 07.03.2015 18:45 / QSL-card / English / [email protected] Author: Rodionov.vs Reception Location: Omsk Receiver: Tecsun PL-310ET | Antenna: Grounded cable 11m Taiwan Radio Taiwan International (RTI) / 9590 kHz / 08.03.2015 23:12 / QSL-card / Russian / [email protected] Author: falnaf777 Reception Location: Lviv Receiver: Degen 1121 | Antenna: Degen 31MS Italy Radio Voyager / 6950 kHz / 24.04.2015 20:15 / e-QSL / Italian / [email protected] Author: RadioMan Reception Location: Moore Receiver: TECSUN PL-600 | Antenna: Telescopic ADU 46 Lithuania Radio Japan (NHK World) / 5910 kHz / 07.02.2015 04:30 / QSL-card, a letter, schedule / Russian / Media Abkhazian radio turned '83. National Radio of Abkhazia says '83 since its birth. For the first time the republic radio aired April 30, 1932. Chief Editor of the Abkhazian radio Susana Sadzba notes that the National Radio rich and complex history. "April 30, 1932 is officially the day of foundation of the national radio. Then broadcasts was conducted in three languages: Abkhaz, Russian and Georgian. In those years, the main broadcasting took place in the socio-political programs. In the history of the Abkhazian radio differently evolved its fate. There were joyful and sad page. In 1941, at the direction of the Georgian leadership broadcasting work has been discontinued. Broadcasting in the Abkhaz language, the language of the indigenous people, was reopened only in 1953 "- said Sadzba. Chief editor of Radio emphasized that the Abkhaz radio played an important role during World War II the people of Abkhazia becoming a powerful weapon of resistance, and at that time entered the top ten most listened to radio station in the world. "After World War II the people of Abkhazia have been restored bit by bit unique surviving records from the archive. Today in our "golden fund" are recording live voices Dmitry Gulia, Bagrat Shinkuba, Shalva Tsvizhba Ivan Tarbes, Shalva Inal-Ipa, Kirschau Chachhaliya, Yuri Voronov and many other literary and political figures of Abkhazia. At various times in the Russian edition of the radio broadcast were then visited our country classics of Russian literature: Konstantin Simonov, Alexander Fadeyev, Aliger, Marietta Shahinian and Robert Rozhdestvensky. Preserving the good traditions of tried and tested over the years, the staff tries in its work to meet the new conditions and the opportunities presented to him "- said Sadzba. Susana Sadzba noted that today the national radio Abkhazia has enough and equipped with modern technology, the studio, which in turn makes it possible to broadcast in real time to chat with the students live. "Every day, radio is broadcast from 7 am and broadcasts for 10 hours. On weekends, the radio goes on the air from 8 o'clock in the morning. In the program broadcast socio-political, social, cultural and entertainment and music programs, topical interviews about radioocherki war heroes. Frequent guests are studio deputies, government members, representatives of scientific and creative intelligentsia, "- said the chief editor of the Abkhazian radio Susana Sadzba. In 2015, the work of the Abkhazian radio is marked by the 70th anniversary of the first President of Abkhazia Vladislav Ardzinba. A legendary figure on the radio devoted his associates, people who knew Ardzinba. The daily radio broadcast Abkhaz do all 23 people: the chief editor, editor of the journalists, sound engineers. The plans of the radio - to increase the transmission grid, expand the geography of broadcasting. ( April 30 marks the 25th anniversary Europe Plus and commercial broadcasting in Russia. Today, Europe Plus radio station №1 in Russia on a daily audience *, celebrates 25-year anniversary. Plus began broadcasting in Europe 30 April 1990 on the UHF frequencies (69.8 MHz) and on medium wave (1260 kHz), the first song on the waves sounded station, was the famous John Lennon's Imagine. On the first day of the Europa Plus broadcast its own program and actually formed the standards of commercial radio broadcasting in the Soviet Union and then in Russia. The first DJs, the first radio advertising, the first games and competitions in the air, the first charts, the first promotion - because Europe Plus it has become fashionable to listen to the radio. To date, the regional network has 316 Europe Plus option during the installation of transmitters in 7 countries and the broadcasting covers more than 2,400 cities and towns of Russia, CIS and far abroad. Daily Europe plus selected more than 10.4 million listeners, and its weekly audience of over 23.9 million people *. "For us, 25 years of broadcasting in Europe plus - is not just a birthday stations. Today marks 25 years of nonstate broadcasting, music broadcasting in Russia. During this time, the radio has become a favorite media to millions of listeners. We create a unique mood and world of communication for each student, regardless of age or place of residence, "- says President of the" European media group "Catherine Tikhomirov. "European media group" (EMG) - Russia's largest private broadcasting holding company. Includes national radio networks Europe Plus (station number 1 in Russia on a daily audience) * "Traffic Radio" Retro FM, «Radio 7 on the seven hills", Sport FM, Cupcake FM, and Radio Record (Moscow) . Broadcast stations covering over 2400 cities and towns in Russia, CIS and Baltic countries. Every day the radio station belonging to the EMG, listen to a 22.2 million (35.3%), every week - more than 41.7 million (66.3%) *. EMG is a subsidiary of the Russian diversified holding "Siberian Business Union". HK "Siberian Business Union" includes industrial and manufacturing companies, print media and radio stations, sports and wellness facilities. * TNS Russia, Radio Index - Russia (cities with a population of 100,000 or more people.) July - December 2014, Daily Reach (Mon-Fri, 06h-24h), Weekly Reach (Mon-Sun, 06h-24h) among stations population 12 years and older. Measurement method - telephone interviews. ( ADU 47 "Avtodor" launches new radio station broadcasts "Country" New radio "Country" for all motorists traveling on the routes Russia, will work this summer, the correspondent of "Gazety.Ru" with the official presentation of the new media. Unlike other radio stations, which are badly caught on the tracks, the station "Country" will be able to ensure uninterrupted broadcasting due towers installed at intervals of 20 km over the tracks. The radio station is created under the auspices of the state company "Russian Roads" ("Avtodor"). At first broadcast will be carried out along the highways M1, M3, M4 and M11, which is responsible for the operation of "Avtodor". In the future we plan to cover all the tracks uninterrupted broadcasting country. Under the concept of a radio station, it will entertain the drivers and their companions traveling in Russia. The radio station will appear regularly reports on road conditions and incidents, conducted live broadcasts with the drivers in the field. This music broadcast will occupy at least half of the airtime. Leading the radio station will be known journalist Anton Chuykin (previously headed the magazine "At the wheel") and Igor Morzharetto (former deputy editor of "Driving"). Together, they will transmit "Main steam." "Similar stations exist in Europe and Korea. In Russia GOST requires that along the expressways necessarily conducted service broadcasting - said the chief editor of Radio "Country" Anton Chuykin. - Therefore, the company "Avtodor" offered us to do this project. Just go to the big broadcast scary, so we have a website, where from May 15 we start an online broadcast. In summer, the radio will start to work on the section of the route M11, and cover the entire territory of the federal highways, we plan by 2018 ". ( Pedro Sedano Noticias de AER Concurso “Mi tercer aniversario” desde Cuba. Para el festejo tenemos un concurso, el mismo se titula “Mi tercer aniversario”, en el mismo se sorteará a 3 ganadores, el mismo cierra el 1ro de octubre de 2015, y las preguntas son las siguientes: 1- Cuando se fundó el … Sigue leyendo → Mundo Radio, edición 22. Ya está disponible la edición número 22 del programa Mundo Radio, dirigido por Quique Brea, que se emitió por Isla Televisión a partir del pasado 10 de abril: … Sigue leyendo → Radio Rumanía Internacional, más cerca- Queridos amigos de México A partir de ahora tienen la posibilidad de escuchar los programas en español de Radio Rumanía Internacional, en directo u on demand, en los teléfonos móviles o fijos, en todo el territorio mexicano, llamando al número … Sigue leyendo → Antena DX, nuevos horarios desde WRMI. Saludos estimados amigos de Antena Dx (La Chispa Estéreo) Les informamos que hemos modificado nuestro esquema de trasmisión vía el centro trasmisor de WRMI. Estos son los nuevos horarios. Lunes 9.955 KHz 12:30 UTC / 17.775 KHz 15:00 UTC Martes … Sigue leyendo → El Dial (d) de MAYO 2015, ya disponible La AER anuncia la salida del nº de MAYO 2015 del boletín El Dial (d) que ofrece gratuitamente por internet en y que este mes cambia de ubicación. EL DIAL (d) [El Dial digital] es el ciberboletín mensual dedicado al diexismo … Sigue leyendo → 3ª Actualización de 2015 de la LISTA MUNDIAL DE EMISIONES EN ESPAÑOL La AER anuncia que ya está disponible la 3ª actualización de 2015 de la LISTA MUNDIAL DE EMISIONES EN ESPAÑOL que se ofrece gratis en forma de listados PDF y de páginas web con motor de búsqueda. La Lista … Sigue leyendo → Un saludo cordial - Pedro Sedano, Madrid, España - COORDINADOR GENERAL - [email protected] ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE RADIOESCUCHA (AER) [email protected] twitter @aer_dx La ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE RADIOESCUCHA (AER) es miembro de pleno derecho del Consejo Europeo de Diexismo, EDXC; además de miembro fundador de la 'Plataforma en Defensa de la Onda Corta en Radio Exterior de España'; está inscrita en el Registro Nacional de Asociaciones, Sección Primera, con el número 53.079 y su N.I.F. es G79558557. Dirección postal: Apartado 10014, 50080 ZARAGOZA, España. Hironori Takeuchi Escuchas QSL: Voz de Mongolia, 28-mrz-2015, 10:29 UTC, 12085 kHz, programa en japonés. Tarjeta QSL "Khermen Tsav, Umnugobi", que he recibido en 14 días para un informe de recepción por correo aéreo. QSL: Radio Internacional de China, 03-abr-2015, 23:00 UTC, 13640 kHz, programa en japonés. Tarjeta QSL "Wolongwan", que he recibido en 10 días, junto con una carta, trimestral "Kakehashi" y un papel de la corte, para un informe de recepción por correo electrónico. ADU 48 Roberto Pavanello Escuchas QSL. Radio Akenzo 6400 KHz - [email protected] con QSL elettronica allegata in 27 giorni 666 29/4 21.55 R. Barcelona - Catalano ID e pubblicità locale buono 1431 27/4 18.55 I.R.I.B. - Isfahan Farsi talk OM suff. 1521 27/4 21.55 R. Castellon - SS ID e pubblicità locale buono 1539 28/4 21.55 R. Elche - SS ID e pubblicità locale suff 6400 26/4 17.40 R. Joey - [email protected] EE ID e MX buono 7175 26/4 17.00 Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea - Asmara Amarico NX buono 9515 29/4 23.40 R. Marumby - Curitiba A Voz do Brasil suff. 9690 28/4 17.00 Voice of Nigeria - Abuja Igbo talk OM buono 9725 29/4 22.35 R. B2 - Curitiba PP A Voz do Brasil buono 10000 26/4 09.40 Italcable - Viareggio IT ID ora e MX buono 11750 28/4 17.40 Sri Lanka BC - Colombo Cingalese MX buono 12115 28/4 16.30 R. Dialogue - Bulawayo Shona MX buono 15000 26/4 09.45 BPM - Lintong Cinese ID e pip pip buono 15190 27/4 19.05 R. Pilipinas - Manila Filippino ID e NX buono 15235 29/4 16.45 Channel Africa - Auckland Park FF NX buono 15345 27/4 19.00 R.A.E. - Buenos Aires IT ID e MX buono Sergio O Potes Escuchas En estos mementos.... 3 UTC 5/1/15 Radio alcaraban 5910 kHz 55445 Radio Conciencia 6010 kHz 54444 Radio Roraima 4875 kHz 34433 Radio Clube 4885 kHz 34333 Radio Taiwan 7730 kHz 55555 viaRMI Radio Nueva Zelandia 15720 kHz 55555 Des de Miami R8 ant G5RV Rubens Ferraz Pedroso Escuchas Recebi alguns cartões QSL de emissoras de OC. Os QSLs recebidos foram da Voice of Turkey, China Radio International (um QSL confirmando uma escuta da China National Radio 2) e Rádio Japão. As imagens estão em meu blog: - 73! Rubens Ferraz Pedroso - PY5-007SWL. - Bandeirantes - PR. 11.965 17.540 9.570 11.845 Voice of Turkey - Ermiler - Recebido cartão QSL. Rádio Japão - Relay Cypress Creek - SC - USA - Recebido cartão QSL + schedule + folheto e 9.675 - China Radio International - Relay Cerrik - ALB e Kashi-Saibagh - CHN - Recebido dois cartões QSL e adesivo. China National Radio 2 - Xinyang - CHN - Recebido cartão QSL. João Ricardo Bergamini Escuchas Bom dia. Há alguns dias fiz uma pergunta sobre a Rádio Bandeirantes em OC.Na realidade gostaria de saber sobre a faixa de 25 metros,que já faz muitos meses que não a sintonizo mais. Alguém saberia dizer o que houve com essa QRG?. Obrigado. 73 – Ric - PY4TW - Morse. This is the code! - ADU 49 Manuel Méndez Escuchas Manuel Méndez - Lugo, Spain Logs in Lugo and Reinante - Grundig Satellit 500, Tecsun PL-880 and Sony ICF SW 7600G, cable antenna, 8 meters and Degen 31MS active loop antenna ARGENTINA, 16345.1, Radio Nacional Argentina, General Pacheco, 1930-2020, 02-05, identification "Nacional, la radio pública argentina", at 2000 "Por Nacional, la radio pública te informa", news, at 2005 program "Derecho Viejo". 34433. (Méndez) ANTARCTICA 15476 LRA36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, 2001-2020, 29-04, female comments, Spanish, identification: "LRA36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel", Latin American songs. 14321. BOLIVIA 6134.8, Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 0154-0210, 03-05, Bolivian songs, at 0200 identification: "92.3 FM, Radio Santa Cruz", Spanish, comments. 14221. (Méndez) BRAZIL BRAZIL 4875 Radiodifusora Roraima, Boavista, 0205-0210, 03-05, Brazilian songs. 14321. (Méndez) 4885 Radio Clube do Para, Belem, 0457-0550, 02-05, Brazilian songs, identification "Radio Clube". 24322. 4985 Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0458-0610, 04-05, Brazilian songs, comments, Portuguese, identification "Radio Brasil Central, Goiania". // 11815. 14321. (Méndez) 4985 Radio Brasil Central, 0550-0556, 01-05, Brazilian songs. 14321. 9725, Radio RB2, Curitiba, 0455-0510, 30-04, religius songs and comments, Portuguese. // 11935 and 11855. 24322. (Méndez) 6040 Radio RB2, Curitiba, 0520-0550, 03-05, religious "Com A Mae Aparecida".// 9820, 9725. 23322. 6180 Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 0550-0615, 03-05, Brazilian songs. // 11780. 34433. (Méndez) 9819.6, Radio 9 de Julho, Sao Paulo, 0523-0540, 03-05, religious "Com a Mae Aparecida". 24322. (Méndez) 11815 Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0535-0615, 02-05, Brazilian songs, identification "Radio Brasil Central, en Goiania 2 y 55". 34433. (Méndez) 15190 Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 2006-2025, O2-05, program of typical Brazilian samba music, "Inconfidencia apresentando Roda de Samba". 34433. (Méndez) 11815 Radio Brasil Central, 0648-0704, 01-05, Brazilian songs, Portuguese, comments, identification: "Radio Brasil Central". 24322. (Méndez) 11935 Radio RB2, Curitiba, 0453-0509, 30-04, relgious songs and comments, Portuguese. // 9725 and 11855. 14321. (Méndez) 15190 Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 1957-2015, 29-04, Portuguese, comments, identification: "Inconfidencia",Brazilian songs. 24322. (Méndez) COLOMBIA 5910 Alcaraván Radio/La Coz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras, 0503-0520, 30-04, Latin American songs. 24322. (Méndez) 6010 La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras, 0448-0527, 30-04, religious, Spanish, comments, songs. 13321. (Méndez) 6010 0705-0720, 03-05, Spanish, religious comments by Martin Stendal. 14321.(Mendez) CUBA 4765 Radio Progreso, La Habana, 0302-0310, 02-05, Spanish, comments. 24322. (Méndez) ECUADOR 6050, HCJB, Pichincha, 0430-0500*, 03-05, Andean and religious songs, anthem, identification "HCJB", time signals and close down. 24322. (Méndez) ETHIOPIA 6110 Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, 1805-1820, 02-05, East Africa music, Vernacular, comments. 24322. GUATEMALA 4055 Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0503-0607. 03-05, religious songs and comments, English, identification, anthem and close. 14321.(Méndez) LIBERIA 6050 ELWA Radio, Monrovia, *0527-0556, 03-05, tuning music, identification at 0529: " Radio station E. L. ADU 50 W. A.", English, religious comments. 25322. (Méndez) MALI 5995 Radio Mali, Bamako, *0556-0610, 03-05, tuning music, anthem, French, identification "Içi Radio Mali emetant du Bamako sur le band de 49 meter, 5995 kHz. ", African songs. 24322.(Méndez) Radio Mali, Bamako, 1640-1720, 02-05, French, Vernacular, comments. 13221. (Méndez) 9635 MEXICO 6185 Radio Educación, Mëxico D. F., 0445-0456, 30-04, Spanish, comments. 24322. (Méndez) 6185 Radio Educación, Mexico D. F., 0448-0502*, 03-05, classic music. 14321. (Méndez) PERU 4955 Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 0101-0111, 03-05, Spanish, Quechua, comments. Very weak. 14321. SOMALILAND 7120 Radio Hargeisa, Hargeisa, 1716-1735, 02-05, Somali, comments, East Africa music. 24322. (Méndez) SUDAN 9505 Voice of Africa, Aitahab, 1905-1920, 01-05, program in Hausa, comments, African songs. 23322. TANZANIA 11735 Zanzibar Bo. Co. Dole, 1914-1945, 01-05, Swahili, comments, Arabic songs. 24322. (Méndez) Alok Kr Dasgupta Escuchas KTWR has just started a special transmission to Nepal at 1345-1445UTC on 15280 kHz from Guam. Due to interference for the 1st quarter it is now retimed at 1400-1500UTC on the same 15280 kHz effective 1st May 2015. The schedule is 1400-1415 Nepali, 1415-1430 Hindi and 1430-1500 English all on 15280kHz. Ivanildo Ivanildo Gonçalves Dantas Escuchas 570 30/04 570 30/04 600 01/05 700 01/05 730 01/05 CENTRAL 2340 brasil RADIO DIFUSORA TAUBATE SP ADV ID PREFEITURA DE TAUBATE 32323 0300 ARGENTINA RADIO ARGENTINA DISCURSO RELIGISO 33233 0029 ARGENTINA RADIO LU5 AM 600 - NEUQUEM NX 23222(VENCENDO A GAUCHA) 0330 ARGENTINA RADIO CADENA3 CORDOBA radio teatro ( piadas risos))) qrm eldorado 22222 0346 PARAGUAY RADIO CARDINAL MX PARAGUAYA NX POLICIAL ( HOMICIDO EM ZONA DE LUKA HOMEN ASSASINADO COM 3 BALAÇOS 43433 730 01/05 0405 ARGENTONA RADIO NAÇIONAL SANTA ROSA MX 22222(TENTA......) 730 01/05 0430 BRASIL RADIO MANCHESTER MINAS GERAIS MADRUGADA COM DEUS 33433 750 29/04 2340 ARGENTINA AM 750 comentarios sobre denge 3333 770 29/04 0021 URUGUAY RADIO ORIENTAL MONTEVIDEO ..TRANSMITE CX12 RADIO ORIENTAL PPX RELIG..34333 770 29/04 2135 BRASIL RADIO CAUAS DOURADOS sao 17horas e 35 minutos om 23322 1530 02/05 0200 BRASIL RADIO CABO FRIO RIO DE JANEIRO OM ADVS 33233 1530 03/05 0320 ARGENTINA RADIO CENTRO MORTEROS) OM NX 22322 1550 03/05 0340 ARGENTINA ESTACION QUINCE CINCUENTA - OM COMENTARIOS 22322 Williams Lopez Escuchas Radio Tirana 9850 Khz 01:30 UTC 01/05/2015 Receptor: Tecsun PL-660 Antena Dipolo 5 mts por lado, Cabudare Estado Lara Venezuela. Jorge Freitas Escuchas Rápido scan nos 19 metros essa manhã. Apenas o que eu achei relevante pela localização, azimute e potência. 15090 01/05 1104 R Free Afghanistan, via Kuwait, 250 kW, em Dari. Om fala. 25432 ADU 51 15110 15120 15135 15285 01/05 1105 CRI desde Urumqi, 100 kW, em esperanto. Yl fala. 25433 01/05 1107 R Free Asia desde MRA em Vernáculo. Om fala. 25332 01/05 1108 CRI, desde Kunming-Anning, 100 kW, em indonésio. Om e Yl se alternam em falar. 25332 01/05 1111 BBC desde Cingapura, 100 kW, em inglês. Om fala 25432 Sakae Onozawa Escuchas QSL: CRI: China Radio International - Jinhua, CHINA, April 12, 22:00 UTC, 13,640 kHz, Japanese program. F/D EQSL received in 4 days, for a reception report sent by email. QSL's design is ‘Baisha Lake’(36-12). QSL: VOA - Voice of America - Pinheira, SÃO TOMÉ E PRÍNCIPE, February 5, 21:30 UTC, 9,490 kHz, Bambala program. F/D QSL received in 73 days, for a reception report with Rp/$US*3 sent by airmail. Also text of reception report has sent by email as same timing. QSL's design is ‘View of IBB Sao Tome Transmitting Station.’. Harold Sellers Sellers Escuchas Harold Sellers, Vernon, British Columbia, listening in my car by the lake, with the Eton E1 and Sony AN1 active antenna. Editor of World English Survey and Target Listening, available at 4755.5 5020 Happi MICRONESIA The Cross at 1135 with preacher, Christian songs, DTMF tones over music at 1200:15 and off - Fair, May 2 Sellers-BC SOLOMON ISLANDS S.I.B.C. at 1141 in Tok Pisin with pop music, country and pop music, “Radio Isles” ID, tim e checks; 1157 goodbye, Christian devotional, closing announcements and anthem at 1201 - Good, May 2 Sellers-BC 11665 MALAYSIA Wai FM at 1155 in Bahasa Malay with pop songs, male DJ, ID - Fair, May 2 Sellers-BC 3365 PAPUA NEW GUINEA NBC Milne Bay at 1230 with pop songs, mention “national”, Tok Pisin & English – Poor, May 2 Sellers-BC 3325 INDONESIA RRI Palangkaraya at 1234 in Indonesian, pop music, woman DJ - Fair, May 2 Sellers-BC 9390 THAILAND Radio Thailand at 1239 with Thai news and current events to 1243 - Fair, May 2 Sellers-BC 4750 BANGLADESH Bangladesh Betar at 1256, woman in Bengali, instrumental music, 1259 announcements by man, 1300 time pips and speaker, fading out now - Poor, May 2 Sellers-BC 4870 INDONESIA RRI Wamena at 1302 with easy-listening style of music, two women in Indonesian - Poor, May 2 Sellers-BC 9930 PALAU World Harvest Radio at 1306 with Sat/Sun only broadcast, W.H.R. promo with website and email, into Christia song - Good, May 2 Sellers-BC 6050 MALAYSIA Asyik FM at 1310 in Bahasa Malay, male DJ, songs in country and romantic ballad styles – Fair, May 2 Sellers-BC 15575 SOUTH KOREA KBS World Radio at 1329 introducing Saturday Mailbag Show - Fair, May 2 Sellers-BC 15280 GUAM KTWR at 1359 opening special broadcast to Nepal with interval signal, top of the hour time pips and IS continued to 1402 announcements, too weak to understand - Very weak, May 2 Sellers-BC Rudolf Grimm Escuchas Escutas realizadas (Horário UTC): 570 650 650 680 750 R. Eldorado, Criciúma SC, 01/05 2325, 35543 R. Vitoriosa, Lagoa Formosa MG, 01/05 2330, 35543 PARAGUAY, Asunción, R. Uno, 01/05 2335, 23543 R. Farroupilha, Porto Alegre RS, 01/05 2340, 45544 R. América, Belo Horizonte MG, 01/05 2345, 23422 ADU 52 760 R. Nereu Ramos, Blumenau SC, 02/05 0005, 35443 850 R. Clube, Birigui SP, 02/05 0010, 34433 910 R. Globo, Juiz de Fora (?) MG, 01/05 2110, 34543 1010 R. Independente, Barretos SP, 01/05 2055, 24432 1020 R. Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 01/05, 34544 1080 R. Difusora, Batatais SP, 01/05 2005, 35433 1180 R. Mundial, Rio de Janeiro RJ, 01/05 2000, 23432 1250 R. Metropolitana, Vespasiano MG, 02/05 0235, 35543 1310 R. Sintonia, Ituporanga SC, 02/05 0230, 35443 1350 R. Cultura, Poços de Caldas MG, 01/05 1955, 45554 1350 R. Bandeirantes, Itajaí SC, 02/05 0225, 25432 1400 R. Clube, São Carlos (?), 01/05 2010, 24432 1420 Radio Montanhês, Botelhos MG, 01/05 2030, 45544 1460 R. Clube Ararense, Araras SP, 01/05 1940, 35553 1550 R. Globo, Jacarezinho PR, 02/05 0220, 24442 1590 R. Clube, Joinville SC, 01/05 2015, 35443 1610 ANGUILLA, The Valley, Caribbean Beacon, 02/05 0215, 35543 Rx: Sony ICF2001D - Antena: Loop de ferrite RGP3 LW/MW Comentários: 1 . Novamente, o par Sony2001D e a RGP3 mostraram-se compatíveis um ao outro. Todos os equipamentos elétricos / eletrônicos desativados no shack, o que melhorou muito o desempenho do rx e antena. Não foi aplicado um amplificador de RF. 2 . Surpreendeu a recepção da Radio Uno 650 kHz de Asunción às 8 e meia da noite (nosso horário), usando-se a técnica do leve giro da antena até encontrar um ponto mínimo do sinal da emissora mais forte na frequência. No caso, a Radio Uno foi ouvida em sua programação local. Normalmente esta estação é bem ouvida perto da meia-noite (nosso horário). 3 . Alguns detalhes realmente mostram-se necessários para a utilização de uma antena loop (de ferrite ou mesmo de quadro). Os geradores de ruído local precisam ser desativados no período das escutas. As oportunidades de sucesso se ampliam. 4 . Os detalhes de cada escuta estão registrados para possíveis envios de informes de recepção. 950 Unid, 29/04 2105. Retransmissão da programação da IPDA, mx instrumental, 24332 1060 R. Grande BH, Belo Horizonte MG, 29/04 2110. Px A Voz da Libertação (IPDA), em rede com 1300 kHz (origem dos sinais distribuídos às demais estações), 35543 1300 R. Realidade, São Carlos SP, 30/04 0030. Retransmissão da R. Jovem Pan SP 620 kHz, exportes, 34543 1380 R. Paranaíba, Paranaíba do Sul MG, 29/04 2115. Id, advs, 35443 1400 R. Clube, São Carlos SP, 30/04 0025. Retransmissão da R. Bandeirantes 840 kHz SP, esportes, 35443 1420 R. Guarujá Estadão, Florianópolis SC, 29/04 2120. Advs, id, 25442 1420 R. São Manuel, São Manuel SP, 30/04 0025. Advs, referencias a São Manuel..., 24532 1440 R. Cultura, Vargem Grande do Sul SP, 29/04 2125. Advs, id, ‘Nova Cultura, Vargem Grande do Sul...’, px ‘Anoitecer da minha terra’, 35543 1490 R. Cornélio Procópio, Cornélio Procópio PR, 30/04 0010. Retransmissão da Rádio Bandeirantes 840 kHz SP, delay do sinal em mais de um segundo, 25442 1470 R. Primavera, Porto Ferreira SP, 30/04 0015. Mx do passado, OM: ‘Primavera AM 1470...’, 35543 1460 . Cultura, Lorena SP, 30/04 0020. Retransmissão da R. Bandeirantes 840 kHz, nx de esportes, 33422 6105 R. Cultura Filadélfia, Foz do Iguaçu PR, 29/04 2150. Programa cristão, OM: talk, canções cristãs, identificação ‘ZYE728 Radio Cultura Filadélfia, 6105 kHz, Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná...’, advs COPEL, 35443 Rx: Sony ICF2001D, antenas: loop de ferrite RGP3, loop de quadro DZ45 Algumas considerações sobre as escutas: Antenas em uso para ondas médias: RGP3 (loop de ferrite) e DZ45 (loop de quadro), sem aplicação de amplificador de RF. . Para ondas curtas, utilizei uma loop de quadro de 45 cm de diagonal, com 6 espiras de fio de cordoalha + amplificador de RF ‘embutido’ na antena + o variável. Desenvolvida pelo Rene Passold para atendimento uma range de espectro de 1800 a 8000 kHz. . O sinal da Bandeirantes por 1490 kHz foi possível ouvir graças ao efeito que as loops em sua maioria oferecem de redução de sinal forte ou mesmo o anulamento deste, para se poder ouvir outra estação que se encontra ‘por baixo’ desta. Assim foi com 1490 kHz. ‘Saiu’ por completo a Rádio Imaculada Conceição 1490 kHz, forte na região onde resido o dia inteiro, para se ouvir a Rádio Cornélio Procópio sem dificuldades. Como esta retransmissão não estava listada no site da ADU 53 Rede Bandeirantes de Radio e nem no portal TudoRadio, escrevi à TudoRadio nformando desta situação, e eles responderam que se trata da Radio Cornelio Procópio, PR, ex-afiliada Jovem Pan. . Várias estações sintonizadas eram retransmissões da Bandeirantes SP e da Jovem Pan SP. Checada a possibilidade de ser um sinal espúrio das cabeças-de-rede, cada uma delas mostrava um delay de pelo menos 1 segundo. Portanto, não foi espúrio em nenhum dos casos. . Nota-se uma fator importante quando da aplicação alternada de mais de uma antena (no caso, ondas médias). A performance de cada uma não é exatamente a mesma entre elas. As diferenças ficam por conta da intensidade de sinal, da ‘rejeição’ ao ruído, da anulação do sinal mais forte (para pesquisa na mesma frequência), enfim, tenho várias antenas loop, de várias procedências, o que me permite escolher para algumas situações qual a antena que me traz naquele momento o melhor resultado. . Algumas informações sobre este bloco de escutas: .. Radio Paranaíba 1380 kHz, sinal forte por aqui em São Bernardo em todas as noites. Sobrepuja por vezes a Radio Bom Jesus 1380 kHz, de Siqueira Campos PR. .. Radio Guarujá Estadão, que usa o acréscimo de ‘Estadão’ na sua identificação, dado que estão na Rede Estadão (cabeçade-rede Estadão SP, 700 kHz). .. Radio São Manuel, que há alguns anos não conseguia ouvir. Foi ouvida com boas condições. .. Radio Cultura, de Vargem Grande do Sul, primeira escuta desta emissora aqui em São Bernardo. Segue, seguramente, um informe de recepção. .. A qualidade do sinal ontem antes da Voz do Brasil da R. Cultura Filadélfia. Rara qualidade! Confirmei escuta desta estação há alguns anos atrás. 73, Rudolf Grimm - São Bernardo SP Allen Willie Escuchas 1250 WMTR - Morristown, New Jersey 7:45 UTC w/ "Classic Oldies, WMTR " station ID, songs from Stevie Wonder and First Class with "Beach Baby" . RELOG 1280 WJYE - Gardiner, Maine 1:10 UTC w/ station slogan as " Country Memories 12-80 " then into Johnny Cash song plus others - Good signal into Newfoundland – Receiver: ICOM R-75 w/ 150 metre wire - Allen Willie VOPC1AA - Carbonear, Newfoundland Jose Ronaldo Xavier Escuchas 9870 4/29 0114 TUR VOT,Emr,in SS;YL presents nxs;in collision w/All India his time;43432. Normal transmission on 9770kHz,Emr,in SS,45433. 9955 4/29 0200 CZE R.Prague,Oke-FL-USA,in SS;IS,ID,R.Prague Nxs:he disaster in Nepal and the victims of the earthquake;0213 px Cita con los Oyentes,35433. 11580 4/30 0105 USA WRMI,Oke-FL,in EE;px AWR Wavescan: a many logs of international broadcasters; ID, Addrs, 35443. Note:On 9955,Oke-FL,this px is s/on;45433 11945 4/29 0225 ROU RRI,Gal,in SS;cms abt RRI Contest;0225 RRI Sports;0230 Romanian Class-lesson 30;0240 px From Romania to the World,55544. 12005 4/29 0123 VTN VOV,Asc-G,in EE;YL/OM presents cms abt vietnamese people in other countries; mx pause;0128 s/off,35443. 12025 4/29 0130 IRN VOIRI,Kam,in SS;IS,ID,YL presents Nxs,45433. 12050 4/28 2235 USA EWTN Catholic R.,Van-AL,in SS;YL/OM:presents a rlg px; catholic mxs,45544. 13760 4/28 2200 KRE VOK,Kuj,in SS;IS,ID,N.A.;revolutionary songs,News,ID,45433. 17740 4/29 0150 USA AWR,Agat-GUM,in CAN;OM:talks in cantonese;mx pause,0159 ID in english,s/off,35433. Jose Ronaldo Xavier (JRX) - Cabedelo-Brazil ADU 54 Pedro Elonda Escuchas 89.8 SPECTRUM FM. Magaluf. L'emissió és ja regular, però ha perdut l'RDS. Les interferències d'una espuria de RNE-1 al 89'85 des d'Alfàbia son brutals. Curiosament aquesta emissora, amb centre emissor a Calvià/Puig de Na Groiga, es rep més neta a la comarca de Manacor que no a Palma. 94'7 ALCÚDIA RÀDIO. Es reanuden les emissions després d'uns dies caiugda. Veure Felanitx. 94'7 RÀDIO FELANITX. Després d'uns dies sortint des de l'antena de damunts els estudis, torna a sortir des del seu centre de Sant Salvador, encara que no tanta potència com ha tengut aquests darrers mesos. Les interferències amb Alcúdia Ràdio són brutals. 107'2 ESTRELLA MANIA FM. Palma. Així arriva ara a Manacor. 104'8 RADIO FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL. Palma. Ahir estava sense estéreo ni RDS. Avui, en portadora. 107'2 ESTRELLA MANIA FM, Palma. Com vair des de principis de març, després d'un dia en gran potència, va a passar a emetre en potència molt reduïda, que amb prou feines cobria la ciutat. Això ha acabat i ara torna a emetre en prou força per arribar a la comarca de Llevant (on jo visc), encara que amb senyal residual. 107'4 RÀDIO CALVIÀ. Inactiva. Veure Capdepera. 107'5 RÀDIO CAPDEPERA. La inactivitat de l'EM de Calvià em va permetre ahir comprovar de bona tinta el que vaig dir de la recuperació de potència de l'EM de Capdepera. Vaig comprovar que arriba amb senyal més o manco residual fins a Algaida, quasi a les portes de la Badia de Palma. CQ-CQ RADIO MARIA.Avui sortint en cotxe de Palma cap a Manacor, quan eren les 06'50 HOE i sintonizant el 107'5 he pillat per uns minuts una Radio María, fins i tot, he vist el seu RDS, amb PS "R._MARIA". Consultada la base FMlist/AER l'única emissora d'aquesta cadena en aquesta freq. és Castelló, pero amb PS "R.MARIA_"... Pregunta per a David: ¿confirmes que ha hagut canvi de PS? Robert Ross Escuchas Hi Guys: Seems like I'm making Recordings on the ELAD a lot faster than I can get around to listen to them!! HAHHAHHAA……Oh well we can always save them for Rainy Days and even Snowy Days if I get a real backlog built up!! I'm real happy with the New One I logged on 900 from DELAWARE!! Anything here from Delaware is Rare, and even more so on a Frequency that has one of my Semi-Locals on it!! I have no idea where Hamilton's CHML was during this time period?? I'm sure I have some more New Logs sitting here on the recordings, but I wanted to post these loggings now while they are somewhat fresh!! Hopefully more to follow…….. RECEIVER……………………….ELAD FDM-S2 SDR - ANTENNA…………………….. 100 Foot Longwire 73…………..ROB VA3SW - Robert S. Ross - London, Ontario CANADA 900 WJWL Georgetown, DELAWARE Apr/28/15 2359 EDT EE/SS FAIR Spanish talk and a "BOING" Sound Effect Jingle @ 2359 EDT. ID in ENGLISH by Male DJ @ 0000 EDT as "WJWL and WKDB Georgetown". "BOING" Sound Effect after ID!! Into SS Talk and SS Jingles @ 0000 EDT. Into Spanish Pop Music @ 0001 EDT. ALL ALONE on the Frequency!! No Sign of Semi-Local CHML Hamilton, Ontario!! NEW STN 10.5KW/1080 Watts Nights WLAT New Britain, CT. Apr/29/15 0354 EDT SPANISH VG Tropical Spanish Music @ 0354-0359 EDT. IDs by Male as "LA MEGA". More SS Pop Music and "LA MEGA" IDs. Musical Jingle @ 0403 EDT. RELOG 5 KW 1290 WFBG Altoona, PA. Apr/29/15 0000 EDT EE FAIR Local 1290 CJBK London, Ontario having Transmitter Problems…On and Off the Air. ID heard as "This is ??? Talk THE BIG 1290 - WFBG - Altoona" @ 0000 EDT. Into FOX News @ 0000 EDT. RELOG 5/1 KW 1320 WDER Derry, NEW HAMPSHIRE Apr/28/15 0630 EDT EE FAIR Male DJ said "Thank You for your generous financial support" Then Female with ID as "Life Changing Radio - 1320 AM and 92.1 FM" . Into Religious Talk 910 ADU 55 @ 0631 EDT. RELOG 10/1 KW 1340 WYCB Washington, DC Apr/27/15 2101 EDT EE FAIR ID @ 2101 EDT as "1340 WYCB Washington, DC and WPRS HD3 Baltimore, Washington…" RELOG 1 KW 1380 WKDM New York, NEW YORK Apr/28/15 2358 EDT Ethnic CC??/EE FAIR Ethnic Program @ 2358 EDT Sounded like Chinese ?? Male with ID in EE @ 0000 EDT "WKDM - 1380 AM New York". RELOG ….But NEW CALLS EX-WBNX last heard in April 1977!! 5 KW Sandipan Basu Mallick Escuchas Adventist World Radio, USA. QSL received on 23-Apr-15 for reception reports sent to [email protected] Reach Beyond Australia, 25-Apr-15, 12075kHz, 13:30 - 14:00 UTC, Hindi Service. eQSL received on 29-Apr-15 for my reception report to [email protected] José Maranhão Escuchas 4970 INDIA. AIR - Shillong. Daily 5 min English news bulletin at 1230, poor signal on Apr 26. 5875 THAILAND. R. Thailand - Ban Dung. Burmese service from 1145 to 1200 s/off, weak signal but in the clear and quite copyable on Apr 26. 7237.5 ETHIOPIA. Ethiopian BC - Geja Jewe (Tentative). No ID and difficult listening in French at 1710 wedged between two China outlets, some music and talk on Apr 23. 7410 CHINA. CRI - Kashi. English to SAs at 1720, fair signal but severe QRM from CRI - Shijiazhuang in Russian to EEu, Apr 23. 9720 SRI LANKA. FEBA - Trincomalee. Kannada service on Sundays at 1330-1345, good signal and pleasant music on Apr 26. 9839.85 VIETNAM. VoVietnam - Son Tay. English service with news at 1130 s/on, fair signal but QRM from VOA and CNR 1 jammer on 9845, Apr 26. 9925 PHILIPPINES. R. Pilipinas - Tinang. Scheduled as English at 1750 but Tagalog service noted with a heavy use of English words. ID at 1800 then stock market report all in English. // 12120 also heard and a fair signal on Apr 23. 9964.6 EGYPT. R. Cairo - Abis. News in English at 2315 to NAm, fair signal but with the usual poor modulation on Apr 26. 11780.1 BRAZIL. R. Nacional - Brasilia. Nice signal at 1:15pm local time here - 0315 UTC - Anncts and music, occasional IDs, good on Apr 27. 11850 HILIPPINES. R. Veritas Asia - Palauig. Vietnamese service at 1115, fair on Apr 26. 11905 SRI LANKA. SLBC - Trincomalee. Hindi service to SAs at 0132 with lovely ballads, weak signal but quite copyable on Apr 27. 12005 ASCENSION IS. VoVietnam - Ascension. English service to ENAm at 0110 to 0130, good signal on Apr 27. Also noted on the same day at s/on 0230 to 0300 with another English broadcast to ENAm, and still with a very good signal 12:30pm here. 13725 FRANCE. RFI - Issoudun. Nice to hear regular broadcasts back in English again. Noted with a big signal here between 0600 and 0700 targeting WAf, Apr 27. 15290 IRAN. VOIRI - Kamalabad. Japanese service noted at 1340, fair to poor signal on Apr 26. 15420.12 UAE. BBC - Dhabayya. Booming signal for the English service to EAf at 0415. However, it appeared to be a bad at the txer site as not only was it off frequency (as usual), but there was a hum on the signal and broken audio for 5 to 8 seconds at a time occurring on numerous occasions over a 15 minute period, Apr 27. 15430 SRI LANKA. AWR - Trincomalee. Meitei service on Sundays at 1230-1300, fair signal on Apr 26. 15520.07 TURKEY. VoTurkey - Emirler. English to SAs at 1645, good signal but off-frequency on Apr 23. ADU 56 Bob Chandler Escuchas CJRU 1280 "The Scope" from Ryerson University in Toronto is scheduled to go on the air in January, 2016 with just 99 watts! Right now they are streaming online. I have a friend who does a music programme on the station late Sunday nights. For those outside Toronto, a new mediumwave dx target :) EDITORIAL Estimados amigos, a la espera espera que todos se encuentren muy bien, nuevamente aprovechando este espacio, me acerco a ustdes con algunos comentarios y sugerencias, como asimismo mis mas cordiales saludos. En esta oportunidad, como veram, es una nueva entrega de este trabajo el cual sigue continuando su fruto y camino sin fines de lucros, totalmente abierto, lo pueden bajar cuando se le plazca, asimismo de divulgarlos, y de cada cosa que se les pueda ocurrir, por lo que mas se busca es el compartir el miso con el máximo de personas, grupos, clubes, y demás que se imagen, como las diferentes emisoras de cualquier índole, porque es un trabajo amplio, que llega a divulgarse en el idioma que que nos llega mientras sean sean de los mas universales, español, portugués, frences, italiano, y en ocasiones alemán, como asimismo algún otro idioma en algún artículo especifico. cuesta sta tiempo y Después compartir con ustedes, la nueva pagina, en la cual trato de estar un poco al dia, pero claro, cue dedicación, que muchas veces falta por aquí, pero la he representado de una forma que me parece mas amena y mas aceptable ntrar para quien quiera entrar. Encontrarn las emisoras con sus datos, claro algunos obsoletos ya que el tiempo no me da para eentrar correcta,, en cada link y ver si están funcionando o no, por lo cual se les ruega que pasen la información si la misma no es la correcta los musmo que los email, la cosa seria ir puliendo la misma, además el mismo creiterio se puede bajar sin costo alguno. En la misma tiene email, paginas web, direcciones, teléfonos y por ultimo si ven la radio es para escuchar la emisora, después varios artículos, grupos DX, los diferentes blog que voy encontrando, en fin, todo lo relacionado al hobby y las ondas ondas de radio, espero espero que lo disfruten, cuando suba estas revista siempre estare subiendo las actualizaciones de cada cosa, ya que voy agregando datos que aquí mismo se publican o en su mayoría. Bueno amigos los dejo con los deseos siempre de muchos éxitos para cada uno de ustedes, un abrazop y que se cuidan, por aquí quedo a las ordenes para lo que quieran, este su amigo Rubén Walter Suárez Asociación Diexman ADU 57 Uruguay
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