4th Grade Complete and return by: June 19,2015 or order at www.shopttkits.com by: June 2q 2015 Fechas de plazo para pedir por papel 0 internet. Kit piCk-Up date: ln classrooms on the first dav of school Fecha de entrega Gharles Barrett Elementary School Teacher Tailored. Supply Kits The easy way to prepare children for a successful school year. [stuches de L]tiles escolares disenados por los maestros La manera fiicil de preparar a los niflos para un aflo escolar exitoso Wffiffi 'Actual kt contents will vary. Backpack and other extras arB not ifcluded wrth the kit. See inside for detarls 0n y0ur Teacher Tailored sch00l supply kit. .Depending0nthetotalweightandvolumeofyoursch00 supply istitems,theseitemsmaybe delivered in 0ur large tuck top style archival box with stde hinged hand holes f0r easy carrying . 10 "Money From Home" Envelopes 1 FREEff,?iii:J:?ilN*, i Artfculos adicionales, gratis! . 0 - sobres para enviar diner0 de la casa a la escuela 40 Personalized Student lD Labels 40 - etiquetas con el nombre del estudiante win an iPad@ Air Your personalized Teacher Tailored' supply kit will include the items listed below. iPad@ Please save this list to cheok the contents of your kit once you receive it. Mini... Look for the Golden Por {avor, mantenga esta lista para vertficar ei conten do de su caia despues de recib rla Ticket inside your Charles Barrett Elementary School Total Kit Price: Kit Includes 7Ea 2Ea 1Ea 2Pk 1Bx 6Dz 1Pr 1Ea 8Ea 1Bx 1St 1Pk 1Ea 1Bx 1Ea and win! Type: ALL $s7,77 Product Description Brand Name --Va Composition Book, Marble Cover, WR, 100 Sheets, Black Mead Marker, Dry Erase, Chisel Tip, Low Odor, Black Expo 2 Binder, 3 Ring, Economy, 2", Asst. Pamson/Bazic Filler Paper, Wide Rule, 10.5" x 8", 120/Pk Staples Facial school supply kit Grade: 4th Grade llssue, 'Scotties', Hypo-Allergenic, 200 Ct. id to U.S. Residents 0niy, A Teacher Tailoted kit nilsi be purchased in order t0 be eligibie. 0ne grand prize r,vrnner for an iPad'' A r and 5 runner up winners lor an iPade irilini, Visit TTKITS.C0MIG0LD for full detaiis. Scotties Pencils, #2, Ticonderoga, Sharpened, Dz. Dixon Scissors, 5", Pointed Tip, Latex Free, Asst. Westcott Ruler, 12", Wood, Inch & Cm, No Center Holes Staples Glue Stick, Staples Brand, Washable, White, .26 oz. Staples Crayons, Crayola, Tuck Box, 24lBox Crayola Markers, Washable, Classic Colors, Wide Tip, 8/Set Prang Folders, 2 Pocket, 5Pk, Be/Rd/Gn/Yw/Pu SchoolKidz Pencil Box, Plastic, 8.25" x 5.25" x 2", Asst. Staples Storage Bags, Economy Zip, Quart, 25 Ct. SchoolKidz/PC Bonus Items Bonus Items Impoftant Parent Notes: Notas importantes Para Padres Contact Anna Jaeger with questions (703-568-1203 or [email protected]) When you buy a bundle deal get the ffi:ffi:,FREEAirbac CURVE Bundle Deal # 16333 . r . . Backpack Green, Grey, Black #44698 Brita@ Water Bottle, Blue #35558 Thermos@ Food Jar, Blue #412943 Thermos@Lunch Bag, Navy #821008 Airbac CURVE Bundle Deal # 16444 . . . . Backpack Pink, White, Black #44325 Brita@ Waier Bottle, Neolime #35599 Thermos@ Food Jar, Pink #41 2936 Thermos@ Lunch Bag, Pink #821 006 Granite Gear GHAMP Bundle Deal # 53611 . Backpack Basalt Blue, Blue, Neolime r Brita@ Water Bottle, Blue #35558 . . Thermos@Food Jar, Blue #412943 f 53622 Backpack Pink, Skribble, Neolime #52007 Brita@ Water Bottle, Neolime #35599 . Thermos@ Food Jar, Pink #41 2936 r Thermos@ Lunch Bag, Pink #821 006 .Must select a bundle item 0n back page to earn free Please note: There may be warnlngs listed 0n the packaging of some ot the above jtems. Please go to www.schoolkidz.com/productinformatton 1 Thermos@ Lunch Bag, Teal #821 004 Granite Gear CHAMP Bundle Deal . . #5501 for m0re inf0rmation. lunch bag. No Substitutions. Backpacks Backpack Features ffi r:i';.;;,"," All backpacks come with a manufacturer limited lifetime wananty. N;;;.':;.;,., fi i.l',l,ll,,n,o, ffi j;;#i-' E 3;l;;1T,., [n ffi*';il, .C GRANITE n l;=a=n c [fietiry CURVE Sizet16" x12'\7.25 Capacity: I 750 cubic inches RING I I Size:19 Capacily: '1775 cubic inches Capacity: 2600 crbic inches BOUNDARY CHAMP EAGLE x13'x7' GEAR I t Size:18.5" x12" x7.75" I I Capacity 1825cubicinches N ffin$@:ffiNf-l$@ ,r#N Item #:88901 Pink-Purcle Sia:19.75" x 12.75" x8" Capacity: 1850 cubic inches iffiNn$ ffi Item #:70007 Item #: 55011 Pad. Black Basalt B ue, Blue Neolime Item #:44698 Item #: 88146 Item #: 66007 Greef, Grey. Black Black ArctcCamo.Bue Arctic Camo, Black, Flint ffi Item #:70002 Item #: 52007 Pink Skribble, Grey, Neolime Neol me & !;* llem #i 44221 P nk Grey. Wh te wSruffi 35558 - Blue Capacity - BPAJree Item #: 76004 B!e Pink GeoSpace B ack 35664 20 oz, \\ € water Botttes - 6.een 35599- Neolime I 821006-Pink Size: 2.75" x2.75" x9.75" 821004*Teal 821008821008- Size: 7.5" x 5" x 9.5" \\ Dishwasher sale {top rack) \\ Reduces chlorine Front zippered pocket :l;fll., ',,;i; \\ Side mesh p0cket \\ Dual compartment Navy #$ Ftlmtainef Foed *aid tffiffi 412943-Blue 412936-Pink Capaci$ - 1 0 oz. \\ 412899-Puryle Size: 3.5" x 3.5" x 4.5" \\ rceps not for 5 l.ours \\ Keeps mld ior 7 h0urs Disnwasher sate (hardwashing recommeoded) Unoreakable starnless steel Deadline: June 1e,2015 Online Ordering Deadline: June 26, 2015 Fecha de Plazo Paper orderins ilstudent'sFirstName: I I I I I I I I I| I r-t lilr t llti il :rii rlr:l iliril i,,r'rr,,,urir* rlll Home phone I iiirtil, I lil 96842 tt tt tt irlllt:)t:ir riili lln.9:.it 9684204A11 Phons numbers and email addresses are for SchoolKldz use only, We wlll not sell or shars this information with any ftird pafty. urr*rrr sr,:sr.rrLr Student's Last Name: .,ir;;l.llriilt-t ALL #: Kit #: Hementary schoot t"-"" Step 1 Pgrsonalize and 0rde!'Y0ur Kit t:ri Type: Acct charles Barrett date' ll,:,9113[:Hill,lgf,t:9Rl,9$afterthis Grade: 4th Grade $fdgf FOfm lrlll ( Gost per kit: $st.tt |'r*l;t l)lr' ts1r"ri:i r;1. Step 1 Total: ::: f;rr l rlti: $ Quantity: r Please print legibly, we can 0nly print what fits in the boxes. NoTE: Backpacks, water bottles, lunch bags, food jars, and bundle deals are sold separately. They are NOT part of the school supply lOfnUocnitasbOtellasdeaguafrascosd€c0mida,yloncherassevendenpOrseparacl0.N0sonpartedelestuche. kit program - Stt"p,'2 Order Your Backpacks ffi j CURVE RING EAGLE $ 39.e9 $ 59.99 $ 34.99 $ 39.99 Itlllllrp,eP,a,d,B,ack St3:,?r,,-,,, ffit:n:lo*u''"n rr:::r' ffit::r7cu'o'ar" Qty:_ 0ty:_ Oty:- .-188723 U ffitlfi:rev,white,B,ack BRITA' .ff -ifi' =enr il t_ r Step 4 s ri::flfl, tH'*' srack, rrint otv: 76004 Geo space, Blue, Pink QtY:- QtY:- $ | s 15.99 THERMOS' FOOD JARS H**'3il**' Irg'tF,'*'IF*' 0rder Your Bundle Deals BUNDLE $ 65.97 DEALS @ 3r, & ffi 8ruT: 8,$T; Oty:- tlvlust m:7camo, Oty:_ T-l u fr - LUNCH BAGS -$F t #wr::?:.,,,., ; fls+tot Dipped Neolime $ e.ee THERMOS' Not 0ffered ffi! OtY:- sten z to13l WATER BOTTLES Qty:- select bundle in order t0 earn free lunch bag, Please reference pages 2 and 3 for Bundle Deal numbers and descriptions F Step 5 Complete Payment | 1 Basalt Blue, Btue, Neolime Ut*ruribbre,Neorime Qty:_ f Sten 3 0rder Your Accessories I 5501 $ 49.99 0ty:- {. ffit33r'1" QtY:- Qty:_ I Grey, Black f_l ! 0ty:_ Qt}': BOUNDARY CHAMP ffirl'xl,T,'*,,,..n 0ty:_ calculate your totals, multiply the cost per item by the quantity. To Order online at www.shopttkits.com # use account number: 96842 ordene en linea: 0R make check payable to: Charles Barrett PTA Haga el cheque a nombre de: 0ty:_ Step 4 total $ 0ty:- Complete order total Collro total de su orden
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