CURRICULUM VITAE Renzo Honores High Point University/ Department of History 833 Montlieu Avenue High Point, NC 27262 Phone: (336) 841-9078 E-mail: [email protected] Education Ph. D. Florida International University, Miami, Department of History, 2007. Master in Civil Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, 2005. Licenciatura en Derecho (Juris Doctor), Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 1993. Teaching Experience 2008 Assistant Professor, Latin American History, High Point University, North Carolina, Department of History, since August 2008. 2007-2008 Visiting Assistant Professor, Latin American History, Western Washington University, Bellingham, Department of History, September 2007-June 2008. 2006-2007 Instructor, Colonial Latin America and Latin American Civilization, Florida International University, Miami, Summer B, Fall 2006; Spring and Summer A, 2007 2005 Instructor, Sociología del Derecho (Sociology of Law) Universidad San Luis Gonzaga de Ica, Graduate School, Lima (Peru). April-August, 2005. 2005 Instructor, Derecho Romano (Roman Law), Universidad Privada de San Juan Bautista, Faculty of Law, Lima (Peru), March-July, 2005. 2000 Instructor, Patrimonio Cultural (Cultural Property), Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Faculty of Law, Lima, August-December, 2000. Scholarly Articles 2015 “Litigación en la Audiencia Arzobispal de Lima: Abogados y procuradores de causas en la litigación canónica, 1600-1650,” to be published in the series, Global Perspectives on Legal History (Max Planck Institut for European Legal History) 2013 “Una aproximación a la hiperlexia colonial: Caciques, cultura legal y litigación en los Andes, 1550-1640,” Nueva Coronica (Lima) 1: 1-8. 1 2012 “Corrupción letrada en la Audiencia de Lima: El licenciado Marcos de Lucio y la visita de 1561,” Manicomio Suyay (Lima) 1: 46-52. 2004a “El Licenciado Polo Ondegardo y su informe dirigido al licenciado Briviesca de Muñatones (1561),” In Fermín del Pino and Ignacio Arellano (eds.) Lecturas y ediciones de crónicas de Indias. Una propuesta interdisciplinaria: 387-407. Madrid and Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana/Vervuert. 2004 Coauthored with Teodoro Hampe “Los abogados de Lima colonial, 1550-1650 (Formación, vinculaciones y carrera profesional),” In Orazio Condorelli (ed) Panta Rei: Studi Dedicati a Manlio Bellomo: II, 559-579. Rome: Il Cigno Galileo Galilei. 2003 “Un vistazo a la profesión legal: abogados y procuradores en Lima, 1550-1650,” In Luis E. González-Vales (coordinador) Actas del XII Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Historia del Derecho Indiano, I: 431-450. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Asamblea Legislativa de Puerto Rico. 2002ª Entries: Alcalde del crimen, alcalde ordinario, audiencia, corregidor, corregimiento, escribano público, procurador, protector de menores, protector de naturales y protector de pobres, in Joseph M. Barnadas (director) Diccionario histórico de Bolivia, Sucre: Grupo de Estudios Históricos, 2 vols. 2002 “La noción de Responsabilidad Civil en Argentina y Perú: Un ensayo comparatista,” Revista del Magister de Derecho Civil (Lima) 2-3: 317-335. 2000 “Titularidades y políticas legales: el caso del patrimonio cultural de Perú,” Patrimonio cultural y Derecho (Madrid) 4: 193-210. 1999a “Estudios sobre litigios y litigiosidad colonial: una visión preliminar,” Revista de Historia del Derecho Privado (Santiago, Chile) 2: 121-135. 1999 “Legitimidad y discurso: apostillas a la historiografía jurídica peruana reciente (1978-1994),” Historia y Cultura (Lima) 23: 239-277. 1997 Coauthored with Carlos Ramos, Ensayos sobre historiografía jurídica peruana (1954-1937). Cuadernos de investigación. Lima: Instituto Riva-Agüero, 63 Pp. 1994 Coauthored with Eduardo Castillo, “Darwinismo y discurso procesal,” Desfaçiendo Entuertos (Lima) 3-4: 39-43. 1993 “Litigando en la Audiencia: el devenir de un pleyto,” Historia y Cultura (Lima) 22: 27-45. 2 1990 “El Juzgado General de Indios: Comentarios al libro de Woodrow Borah,” Derecho y Sociedad (Lima) 2/3: 48-56. Book Manuscript Legal Polyphony in the Colonial Andes: Professionals, Litigation, and the Legal Culture in the City of Lima, 1538-1640. (Manuscript to be finished in December 2015). Working Papers Colonial Legal Polyphony: Caciques and the Construction of Legal Arguments in the Andes, 1550-1640. Working Paper N. 10-11, International Seminar on the History of the Atlantic World, 1500-1825. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, 2010. Book Reviews Mónica Morales, Reading Inebriation in Early Colonial Peru (Farnham, Ashgate, 2012), In: The Sixteenth Century Journal, Vol. XLV, N. 2 (Summer 2014), pp. 407-408. Gonzalo Lamana (ed.) Pensamiento colonial crítico: Textos y actos de Polo Ondegardo (Cuzco-Lima: IFEA/Centro Bartolomé de Las Casas, 2012), In: The Sixteenth Century Journal, Vol. XLIV, N. 3 (Fall 2013), pp. 785-786. Presentations and Conference Participation 2015 “Litigación cacical por tierras en la Audiencia de Lima en el siglo XVI,” to be delivered at the International Conference European Rural History of Organization (EUHRO), Girona, Spain, September 7-10, 2015. 2015 “El debate sobre la jurisdicción indígena en el Perú colonial temprano (15431575),” to be presented at the 55th International Congress of Americanists, San Salvador, El Salvador, July 12-17, 2015. 2015 “Rhetoric, Strategy, and Law in Early Andean Colonial Litigation, 1552-1574,” to be presented at the Washington History of Latin America (WASHLA) Workshop to be held at the University of Maryland and Georgetown University, Washington DC, April 24-25, 2015. 2015 “History, Rhetoric and Strategy in Early Andean Colonial Litigation, 1552-1574” delivered at the Symposium on Latin America in the Early Colonial Period at the Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois, April 11, 2015. 2015 “Legal Culture and Customary Laws in Early Colonial Potosí, 1550-1650,” presented at the North Carolina Association of Historians Annual Meeting, Fayetteville, North Carolina, March 27-28, 2015. 3 2015 Discussant of the panel “Intrigue and Intellectuals. Condemning and Constructing Hispanic Revolutions and Revolutionaries,” at Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, 1750-1850, High Point, North Carolina, February 19-21, 2015. 2015 “Rhetoric and Strategy in Early Colonial Andean Litigation, 1552-1574” presented at the 129th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, New York City, New York, January 2-5, 2015. 2014 “Juristas, caciques y políticas de reconocimiento: El debate sobre el Derecho consuetudinario en el Perú del siglo XVI” paper delivered at Pontificia Universidad Católica, Grupo de Estudios Interdisciplinario sobre la Protección Jurídica de la Diversidad Cultural, Instituto Riva-Agüero and Max Planck Institut, Lima, Peru, October 21, 2014. 2014 “El debate sobre el Derecho consuetudinario en el Perú del siglo XVI.” Paper presented at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Seminario de Historia Judicial y de la Justicia, Mexico City, Mexico, June 27, 2014. 2014 “La profesión legal en la Lima colonial temprana, 1538-1560.” Paper presented at the Cuartas Jornadas Chileno-Peruanas de Historia del Derecho, Valparaíso, Chile, May 29-30, 2014. 2014 “Caciques and Advocates: Legal Discourses on ‘Pre-Columbian Laws’ in the Audiencia of Lima, 1552-1574.” Paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies Annual Conference, Durango, Colorado, April 2-5, 2014. 2014 “Caciques and Advocates: Legal Discourses on ‘Pre-Columbian Laws’ in the Audiencia of Lima, 1552-1574.” Paper presented at the 128th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Washington DC, January 2-5, 2014. 2013 “El licenciado Francisco Falcón y la polifonía jurídica en los Andes del siglo XVI.” Paper delivered at the IV Encuentro Internacional del Instituto Latinoamericano de Historia del Derecho, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 12-14, 2013. 2013 “Polifonía jurídica colonial: Discursos y razonamientos legales en la Audiencia de Lima, 1550-1650.” Paper presented at the XXXI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington D.C., May 29-June 1, 2013. 2013 “Cuzqueño Caciques and Andean Litigation in Early Colonial Peru.” Paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies Annual Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 3-6, 2013. 4 2012 “Colonial Ethnographies and Legal Imagination: Representations of the Amerindian Laws in the Andes, 1551-1571.” Paper delivered at the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 25-28, 2012. 2012 “Polo Ondegardo y su importancia en la historia del Derecho Indiano: Burocracia, Derecho consuetudinario y litigación.” Paper presented at the Instituto Riva-Agüero, Lima, Peru, October 19, 2012. 2012 “Una aproximación a la hiperlexia colonial: Caciques, cultura legal y litigación en los Andes, 1550-1640.” Paper presented at the V Congreso Nacional de Historia, Lima, Peru, August 6-10, 2012. 2012 “Litigación en la Audiencia Arzobispal de Lima: Abogados y procuradores de causas en la litigación canónica, 1600-1650.” Paper delivered at the International Congress “Nuevos campos de investigación en la historia de las instituciones eclesiásticas y el Derecho Canónico indiano” held in Lima, Peru, May 30-June 1, 2012. 2012 Discussant and panel organizer of “Autonomy and Sovereignty: Indians as Strategists in Mexico and the Andes from Colonial to Modern Times,” at the XXX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, San Francisco, California, May 23-26, 2012. 2012 “Letrado Corruption in the Audiencia of Lima: Licenciado Marcos de Lucio and the Inspection of 1561.” Paper delivered at the Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies Annual Conference, Park City, Utah, March 28-31, 2012. 2012 “Private Duels and Violence in Habsburg Potosí.” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Washington DC, March 22-24, 2012. 2012 “Colonial Legal Imagination: The Making of Customary Law in the Andes, 15501600.” Paper presented at TePaske Seminar in Colonial Latin American History, Davidson, North Carolina, March 16-17, 2012. 2012 “Lupakas and the Law: Interethnic Legal Dialogues in the Southern Colonial Andes.” Paper presented at the 126th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Chicago, Illinois, January 5-8, 2012. 2011 “Colonial Legal Imagination: The Making of Customary Law in the Andes, 15501600.” Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Legal History, Atlanta, Georgia, November 10-13, 2011. 2011 “Debates sobre la ética de la profesión legal en el Perú del siglo XVII: Los casos de Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala y Bartolomé Vadillo.” Paper presented at Seminario de Historia del Derecho, Instituto Riva-Agüero, Lima, Peru, August 1st, 2011. 5 2011 “Legal Pluralism in the City of Silver: Legal Culture and Customary Laws in Colonial Potosí, 1550-1650.” Paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies Annual Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 6-9, 2011. 2010 “El precio de la justicia: Hacia una historia de los costos de la litigación en los Andes coloniales, 1550-1700.” Paper delivered at XVIII Congreso Internacional de Historia del Derecho Indiano, Puebla, Mexico, September 27th-October 1st, 2010. 2010 “Colonial Legal Polyphony: Caciques and the Construction of Legal Arguments in the Andes, 1550-1640.” Paper presented at the International Seminar on the History of the Atlantic World, 1500-1825, Justice: Europe in America 1500-1830 held at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 2-10, 2010. 2010 “Colonial Legal Culture in the Silver City: Lawyers, Procurators, and Litigation in the Villa Imperial de Potosí.” Paper presented at the Southwestern Historical Association Meeting, Houston, Texas, March 31-April 3, 2010. 2010 “Legal Polyphony and Pluralistic Legal Rhetoric in the Colonial Andean Courts.” Presentation delivered at Florida International University, History Department, Miami, Florida, March 11, 2010. 2010 “Litigation Masters in the Colonial Andes: Procurators and Lawsuits in Lima and Potosí, 1550-1670.” Paper delivered at the 124th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, San Diego, California, January 7-10, 2010. 2009 ‘Hacia una historia de las profesiones jurídicas en Lima y Potosí durante la era de los Habsburgos.” Paper presented at the Segundas Jornadas Chileno-Peruanas de Historia del Derecho, Valparaíso, Chile, October 22, 2009. 2009 “Litigación de caciques y el acceso a los servicios legales en los Andes coloniales, 1550-1650.” Paper presented at the XXVIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 11-14, 2009. 2009 “Caciques as Legal Benefactors: Cacical Legal Offensive in the Andes, 1552-1572.” Paper delivered at the 123rd Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, New York City, New York, January 2-5, 2009. Session organizer with Caterina Pizzigoni of the panel “Colonial Caciques as Native Leaders and Go-Betweens in Mesoamerica and the Andes.” 2008 “Colonial Appropriations of Law: Litigating Caciques and Legal Reforms in the Andes, 1550-1650.” Paper presented at Global Encounters: Legacies of Exchange and Conflict 1000-1700, University of North Carolina at Chapell Hill, North Carolina, November 14-15, 2008. 6 2008 “Cultura legal y litigación en la Villa Imperial de Potosí, 1570-1670.” Paper presented at the 16th Congress of the Instituto Internacional de Historia del Derecho Indiano, Santiago, Chile, September 29-October 3, 2008. 2008 “Los caciques y la centuria litigiosa: Caciques y facilitadores legales en la Audiencia de Lima, 1550-1600.” Paper delivered at the VII Congreso Internacional de Etnohistoria, Lima, Peru, August 4-7, 2008. 2007 Panel discussant of the session “Latin American Public Law,” Annual Meeting of the American Society for Legal History, Tempe, Arizona, October 25-28, 2007. 2007 “Los caciques y las pruebas: El uso de las testimoniales en las disputas por cacicazgos en la Audiencia de Lima, 1550-1610.” Paper presented at the XI Jornadas Interescuelas, Universidad Nacional del Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina, September 1921, 2007. 2007 “Cultura legal y percepciones de la litigación en Castilla y los Andes en los siglos XVI y XVII.” Paper delivered at The 38th Internacional Congress of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Miami Beach, Florida, April 19-22, 2007. 2007 “Caciques and their Legal Facilitators in the Audiencia of Lima, 1552-1610.” Paper presented at The Sixteenth Annual Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Interdisciplinary Symposium ‘Questioning Colonialism’ University of Miami, Miami, Florida, February 22-24, 2007. 2006 “Litigación y justicia local en la Villa Imperial de Potosí, 1550-1670.” Paper delivered at the 52 International Congress of Americanists, Seville, Spain, July 17-21, 2006. Community Lectures 2014 “El licenciado Polo Ondegardo y el virrey Antonio de Mendoza” delivered at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, Mexico, June 30, 2014. 2014 “Una visión general sobre los indígenas y el Derecho colonial en los Andes, 15401800” delivered at the Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile, Valparaíso, Chile, May 28, 2014. 2014 “Legislación e ideas sobre el patrimonio cultural peruano (1822-1929)” presented at the workshop “Investigación histórica jurídica de la evolución de la posesión y la propiedad predial en el ámbito del santuario histórico de Machu Picchu,” Cuzco, Peru, March 28, 2014. 2013 “Pedro Cieza de León y la temprana etnografía sobre la sexualidad indígena” presented at the MHOL (Movimiento Homosexual de Lima), Lima, October 11, 2013. 7 2013 “Justice, Legal Services, and Lawyers in Contemporary Latin America” presented at the Asheboro Rotary Club, Asheboro, North Carolina, September 17, 2013. 2013 “La profesión legal en la Lima del siglo XVI” presented at the Instituto RivaAgüero, Lima, Peru, July 16, 2013. 2011 “La protección del patrimonio cultural eclesiástico en el Perú: Una aproximación legal” presented at the Universidad Tecnológica del Perú, Lima, Peru, July 4, 2011. 2009 “Hacia una historia de las profesiones legales en Los Andes coloniales” delivered at the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, Brazil, June 16, 2009. Fellowships 2005 Tinker Foundation/Florida International University Travel Grant for research in Bolivia and Peru. Dissertation: A Legalistic Society: Lawyers, Procurators and the Making of a Colonial Legal Culture in Lima and Potosí, 1540-1670 2003-2004 Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos-Florida International University, housing grant in Seville, May-June 2003, and June-July, 2004. 2002 Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos-Instituto Riva-Agüero, housing grant in Seville, May-July, 2002. 1997 Instituto Riva-Agüero Scholarship, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Research with Carlos Ramos Núñez on the Peruvian legal historiography 1854-1937. Professional Membership American Historical Association (AHA) American Society for Legal History (ASLH) Bolivian Studies Association (BSA) Conference on Latin American History (CLAH) Instituto Internacional de Historia del Derecho Indiano Instituto Latinoamericano de Historia del Derecho Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Languages: Spanish (native speaker) and English (second language). Reading only: Latin and Portuguese. M.A. Thesis Committees (M.A. in History) 8 Susan Shumate, “Resisting Desegregation: The Impact of Forced Integration on Education, Self-Determination, and Federal Recognition of the Lumbee Tribe,” [Current]. Committee Member. Anthony Jacob Jones, “The Effects of the War of Jenkin’s Ear on Colonial Agency in North Carolina and Virginia, 1739-1748,” [2015]. Committee Member. Traci Chisholm, “Engineering Xenophobia: Stalin’s Methodology for Legitimizing Internal Terror and Oppression in the Borderlands,” [2013]. Committee Member. Thomas Nora, “Prince Eugene of Savoy, the Master of Kleine Krieg: A Reassessment of the Prince’s Italian Campaigns of 1701-1702,” [2012]. Committee Member. Julio Pando Jr. “Chile’s Total War of the Pacific, 1879-1883,” [2010]. Major Professor, Chair. Teaching Interests (syllabi upon request) Introductory Courses Taught History of Colonial Latin America History of Modern Latin America Latin American Civilization Latin America through Cinema Western Civilization to the Enlightenment Western Civilization since the Enlightenment Upper Level Courses Taught Cultural Property (in Law School) History of the Incas History of Brazil History of Mexico Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas: Pre-Columbian Civilizations Museums and Memory in Latin America Roman Law I (in Law School) Roman Law II (Obligations and ius commune) (in Law School) Practicum Model United Nations (I and II) Graduate Courses Taught Chronicles and Chroniclers of the New World 9 History of Science and Medicine in Latin America Seminar on Latin American Legal History (Pre-Columbian, Colonial, and Modern) Sociology of Law (in Law School) The Colonial Andes, 16th-18th Centuries (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru) Other courses of interest Upper Level Courses Consumption, Environment, and Material Culture in Latin America Folk Law, Local Knowledge, and Traditional Medicine in Latin America Intellectual History in Colonial and Modern Latin America Law, Legal Pluralism, and Society in Latin America Peoples of the Mountains: The Himalayas and the Andes Natives Peoples of Latin America Seminars (reading/research courses) Colonial Mesoamerica Medieval and Early Modern European Legal History Medieval and Early Modern Spain: From the Visigoths to the Habsburgs 10
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