CONGREGATION FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION EDUCATING TODAY AND TOMORROW A Renewing Passion Rome, 18-21 November 2015 PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME OPENING SESSION Paul VI Audience Hall – VATICAN CITY Wednesday 18 November Time 09.30 am – 01.00 pm 02.00 pm – 03.00 pm 03.30 pm 04.30 pm 06.30 pm Matriculation (Entrance of Paul VI Audience Hall) Prayer and Opening Session Greeting and introduction from the Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education Card. Giuseppe VERSALDI Conference by the Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life Card. João Braz DE AVIZ Musical Interlude Education: A Never-Ending Passion. From the Council to Today Fiftieth Anniversary of Gravissimum educationis and Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Ex corde Ecclesiae (Multimedia Presentation: PowerPoint or DVD) Experiences of some of those on the front-line Ø Prof. Étienne VERHACK, Consultor of the Congregation for Catholic Education Ø Rev. Pierre HURTUBISE, o.m.i., Director of the Centre for Research into the Religious History of Canada Musical Interlude New Scenarios in Education, from the responses to the Instrumentum laboris “Educating Today and Tomorrow. A Renewing Passion” Prof. Italo FIORIN, Director of the “Scuola di Alta Formazione” of the LUMSA (Rome) Conferences Ø Prof. Anne CUMMINS, Vice Rector of the Australian Catholic University (Australia)* Ø Dr. Philippe BOILLAT, Director of the Human Rights Division of the Council of Europe* Musical Interlude The Congress’s Aims and Procedures His Excellency Archbishop A. Vincenzo ZANI, Segretary of the Congregation for Catholic Education CLOSING SESSION Paul VI Audience Hall – VATICAN CITY Saturday 21 November Time 09.00 am 12.30 Working Together for Education Greeting from the Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education Artistic/Musical Interludes Educating Today and Tomorrow: The Forum Held at UNESCO (DVD) A Renewing Passion: Summing Up the Work of the Congress Fr. Pedro AGUADO, Sch.P. Guidelines and Suggestions for the Future of Education Prof. Nieves TAPIA – Fr. Antonio SPADARO, S.J. - Prof. Jan DE GROOF Link-up with the Various Continents Arrival and Speech of Pope Francis Conclusion 1 * not confirmed SEPARATE SESSIONS Session for UNIVERSITIES Centro Mariapoli (Castelgandolfo) Thursday 19 November Time 9.00 am – 12.30 03.30 pm – 07.00 pm IDENTITY AND MISSION Identity and Mission of Catholic Education Introductory Conference based on the Questionnaire Rev. Fr. J. H. PELÁEZ PIEDRAHITA, S.J., Rector of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogota) Nature and Duties of Educational Institutions in the Different Social and Cultural Contexts Experiences Ø Rev. Fr. G. BAÑAGA, Jr., C.M., President of Adamson University (Manila) Ø Dr. A. LEKKA-KOWALIK, Director of the John Paul II Centre (Lublin) Ø Rev. Fr. W. R. MOUSSA, O.M.M., President of Notre Dame University-Louaize (Lebanon) Catholic Educational Institutions in Dialogue with Other Formational Institutions Conferences by Leaders Ø His Excellency Bishop J. G. MOL GUIMARÃES, Rector of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte) * Ø Rev. Th. MAGNIN, Rector of the Université Catholique de Lyon (France), President of FUCE Ø Dr. J. J. DI GIOIA, President of Georgetown University (USA) SUBJECTS The Subjects of Education Introductory Conference based on the Questionnaire Dr. R. MIRENDA, President of Neumann University (USA) Duties and Responsabilities of the Various Subjects: Bishops, Religious Congregations, Lay people, Directors, Teachers, Students, Parents, Associations Experiences Ø Rev. Fr. J. I. JENKINS, C.S.C., President of the University of Notre Dame (USA) Ø Dr. Maria da Glória GARCIA, Rector of the Portugese Catholic University Ø Dr. Ch. TANG, President of Providence University in Taichung (Taiwan) Goals of Formation and the Educating Community Guidelines Ø Rev. M. A. FLORES RAMOS, Rector of the Universidad Pontificia de México Ø Rev. Fr. P. BÉRÉ, S.J., lecturer at Hekima College / Catholic University of Eastern Africa (Nairobi) and at the Institut Théologique de la Compagnie de Jésus (Abidjan) Ø Rev. D. St. MAVELY, S.D.B., President of the Assam Don Bosco University of Guwahati (India) Friday 20 November Time 9.00 am – 12.30 FORMATION The Formation of Formators Introductory Conference based on the Questionnaire Rev. Fr. H. DAGOHOY, O.P., Rector of the University of Santo Tomas (Manila) Initial Formation and On-Going Formation, Quality and Evaluation of Formators Experiences Ø Dr. A. SÁNCHEZ-TABERNERO, Rector of the Universidad de Navarra (Spain) * Ø Fr. P. R. FERREIRA OLIVEIRA, S.J., Rector of the Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (Brasil), President of IFCU Ø Dr. KI-BAE SEUNG, President of Seoul St Mary’s Hospital of the Catholic University of Korea Suggestions, Methods and Strategies Roundtable with experts Ø Fr. A. CASAMENTO, C.S.M.A., Director for Identity and Mission, Australian Catholic University Ø F. RUTECHURA, Vice Chancellor of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (Nairobi) Ø Fr. A. M. SOSA ABASCAL, S.J., former Rector of the Universidad Católica del Táchira (Venezuela), Delegate for the Interprovincial Jesuit Communities in Rome 2 Session for SCHOOLS Centro Mariapoli (Castelgandolfo) Thursday 19 November Time 9.00 am 10.00 am 11.00 am 11.30 am 03.30 pm 04.30 pm 05.30 pm 06.00 pm 07.00 pm IDENTITY AND MISSION Identity and Mission of Catholic Education (Introductory Conference based on the Questionnaire – 40 minutes) Sr. Yvonne REUNGOAT, Superior Generale SMA Educational Institutions in the Different Social and Cultural Contexts (Experiences - 15 minutes) Ø Rev. P. Joaquim MARTINEZ, s.j. Jesuit Refugee Service – International Education Coordinator (Jesuits) Ø Rev. Boutros AZAR, General Secretary for Catholic Schools (Lebanon) Ø Rev. Fr. Jean de Dieu TAGNE, General Coordinator of the "Association pour la Promotion et la Protection du Droit à l’Éducation pour Tous" (Blas - Cameroon) * Ø His Excellency Bishop Pero SUDAR, Auxiliary Bishop of Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Break Catholic Educational Institutions in Dialogue with Other Formational Institutions (Conference by Leaders - 15 minutes Ø Msgr. Aldo GERANZANI, Rector of the Collegio San Carlo (Milan – Italy) Ø Fr. Jòzsef URBÁN, Director of the Piarist Gimnázium (Budapest - Hungary) Ø Prof. José María DEL CORRAL and Prof. Enrique PALMEYRO, Scholas occurrentes Ø Ms. Joy BEDFORD, Principal of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Enfield, Australia SUBJECTS The Subjects of Education (Introductory Conference based on the Questionnaire – 40 minutes) Prof. Elinor R. FORD, Emerita Professor of Fordham University (New York - USA) Duties and Responsabilities of the Various Subjects: Bishops, Religious Congregations, Lay people, Directors, Teachers, Students, Parents, Associations Moderator: Etienne VERHACK Ø His Excellency Archbishop Gerard BERGIE, President of the Committee of Catholic education of Assemble of Catholic Bishops of Ontario-Canada Ø Fr. Pedro AGUADO, President of the Education Committee of the Union of Superiors General Ø Dr. Roberto GONTERO, National President of the Assocation of Parents for Catholic Schools (AGESC - Italy) Ø Dr. Guy BOURDEAUD'HUI, President of the World Union of Catholic Teachers (UMEC) Ø Ms. Christine ROCHE, President of the Office of the Administrative Council of the International Catholic Centre for Cooperation with UNESCO (CCIC) Ø Dr. Martino MERIGO, Association of Students of Catholic Schools (FIDAE - Latium) Break Goals of Formation and the Educating Community (Guidelines – 40 minutes) Ø Prof. Pascal BALMAND, General Secretary for Catholic Education (France) Ø Rev. Fr. Thomas CHATHAMPARAMPIL, Administrative Council IFCU – Asia Pacific * Conclusion Friday 20 November Ore 9.00 am 10.00 am 11.00 am 11.30 am FORMATION The Formation of Formators (Introductory Conference based on the Questionnaire – 40 minutes) Prof. Juan Carlos TORRE PUENTE (IFCU – ACISE, Paris)* Initial Formation and On-Going Formation, Quality and Evaluation of Formators (Experiences - 10 minutes) Fr. Paulo FOSSATTI, President of the National Assocation for Catholic Education (ANEC - Brasil) * Ø Sr. Inmaculada TUSET, President of Catholic Schools - FERE-CECA (Spain) * Ø Dr. Amelia G. RONQUILLO, Director of the Colegio de San Agustin, Makati (Philippines) Ø Dr. John LYDON, Director of the CCRS Programme, School of Education, Theology & Leadership, St. Mary’s University College Twickenham (London - England) Break Suggestions, Methods and Strategies (Roundtable with experts – 40 minutes) Ø Superior General of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Giovanna Antida Thouret Ø Rev. Vítor Hugo MENDES, Executive Secretary of the Department for Culture and Education, CELAM* Ø Dr. Christine MANN, President of the European Committee for Catholic Education (CEEC) of the International Office for Catholic Education (OIEC) (Europe)* 3 Session UNIVERSITIES AND SCHOOLS Centro Mariapoli (Castelgandolfo) Friday 20 November Ore 03.30 pm 04.30 pm 06.00 pm CHALLENGES AND OUTLOOK The Challenges of Today and Tomorrow (Introductory Conference based on the Questionnaire – 40 minutes) Prof. Angelo PALETTA, University of Bologna Outlook (Roundtable with experts) Ø Fundamental Rights in Education and Freedom of Choice Prof. António Pedro BARBAS HOMEM, Director of the Centre for Juridical Studies (Lisbon – Portugal) * Ø Charisms in Education Prof. Sr. Helen ALFORD, o.p., Vice-Dean Faculty of Social Sciences, Pontifical University Saint Thomas Aquinas – Angelicum (Rome) Ø Studies, Research and Programmes: “Scuola di Alta Formazione” (LUMSA) Prof. Italo FIORIN Conclusions His Excellency Archbishop Angelo Vincenzo ZANI 4 Session for OIEC Auditorium Conciliazione (Rome) (Via della Conciliazione 4 - Rome) HORA ACCIÓN 09:00 hrs. Diagnóstico 9:15hrs 10:05hrs Ponencia Diálogo 10:30 hrs. Testimonios 10:40 hrs. 11.10hrs 12:10 hrs. Mesa Redonda Diálogo 12.30hrs HORA 15:30hrs. ACCIÓN Diagnóstico JUEVES 19 IDENTIDAD Y MISIÓN DE LA ESCUELA CATÓLICA Resultados, análisis y conclusiones del Cuestionario, respecto al núcleo 1: Identidad y Misión de la Escuela Católica. Una Escuela Católica comprometida y transformadora: Su identidad y misión hoy y mañana VIERNES 20 LA FORMACION DE LOS DIRECTIVOS, DOCENTES Y PADRES Resultados, análisis y conclusiones del Cuestionario, respecto al núcleo 3: La formación de los directivos, docentes y padres. La formación de los docentes y de los directivos de las escuelas, pieza clave para el cambio y la mejora de la educación católica hoy y mañana. Breve intermedio I Breve intermedio III ¿Cómo se trabaja, desarrolla y perfecciona la identidad de la Escuela Católica en los diferentes contextos del mundo? Luces y dificultades. Experiencias y testimonios de lo importante y determinante que resulta la alta cualificación de los docentes y directivos de las escuelas. La calidad de la escuela es proporcional a la calidad de sus directivos y de sus docentes. La coherencia, la evangelización, la clase de religión y el diálogo interreligioso e intercultural en la Escuela Católica: amenazas, dificultades, orientaciones y retos. Programas, modalidades o estrategias de formación de los directivos, docentes y familias. Orientaciones y mínimos a tener en cuenta en las acciones formativas Almuerzo Almuerzo LOS SUJETOS DE LA EDUCACION DESAFIOS DE LA EDUCACION CATÓLICA HOY Y MAÑANA Resultados, análisis y conclusiones del Cuestionario, respecto al núcleo 4: Los desafíos de la educación católica hoy y mañana, globalmente y según contextos y sectores. Resultados, análisis y conclusiones del Cuestionario, respecto al núcleo 2: Los sujetos de la educación. 15:45hrs. Nuevo rol de los sujetos de la educación en la Era de la Colaboración: una escuela católica que da protagonismo a sus agentes, cuida sus relaciones y trabaja en red hacia dentro y fuera de la misma. Los cambios y las mejoras que se deben dar en la escuela católica, para mejor responder a sus desafíos hoy y mañana. Orientaciones y estrategias. 17:00 hrs. Breve intermedio II Breve intermedio IV ¿ Experiencias de nuevas formas de ejercer el liderazgo y la participación. Nuevas estructuras organizativas. Trabajo en red entre sujetos y/o entre instituciones. ¿ Experiencias de cambio, innovación y compromiso de la escuela católica en el mundo. La misión compartida, la participación y coordinación, la colaboración y el trabajo en red: exigencias, formación y orientaciones. Desafíos de la escuela católica, más urgentes, en los diferentes continentes del mundo. Claves y orientaciones para una respuesta creativa y comprometida. Ponencia Testimonios 17:15 hrs. 17:45hrs Mesa Redonda 5
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