Yoshiko Higurashi, Ph.D. Japanese 212, p.1 Spring 2015 JAPANESE 212: Second Year Japanese II Spring 2015 Text: Elementary Functional Japanese: Intercultural Communication, Volume Three Yoshiko Higurashi, 2000, Tokyo: ALC Press (Copies are available at Aztec Shops) Supplementary Materials: Required packet of materials is available at Cal Copy (5187 College Avenue 619-582-9949) Class Hours: Section 1: M & W 1:00 p.m. – 1:50 p.m. / Tu & Th 12:30 p.m. -1:45 p.m. EBA-443 Prerequisite: Japanese 211 (3rd semester Japanese) or equivalent Proof of Completion required Instructor: Section 1: Dr. Yoshiko Higurashi (日暮嘉子) Professor and Director, Japanese Language Program Director, Japan International Programs (Storm Hall West - 219, 594-1005, [email protected]) Office Hours: Tu & W 2:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Additional office hours by appointments. Department: Department of Linguistics and Asian/Middle Eastern Languages (Storm Hall West – 214, 594-5268) 1. COURSE OBJECTIVES The aim of Second Year Japanese II is to continue to provide basic training in all intermediate language skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing, and cross-cultural understanding) so that you will be able to handle your need adequately in predictable everyday situations. Although the primary focus will continue to be placed on the development of oral communicative skills, this course prepares students for advanced level language training. More specifically, here are some of the things you should be able to do at the end of each lesson: Lesson 22 ✰ use various units to express duration (minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years) ✰ describe frequency ✰ handle customers on the telephone and in a store ✰ use more kinds of counters to express quantities ✰ explain why you made a mistake ✰ apologize “from your heart” ✰ have a clear understanding of relationships among company employees ✰ describe actions accompanied by emotions ✰ understand how Japanese customers see you and your store Yoshiko Higurashi, Ph.D. Japanese 212, p.2 Spring 2015 Lesson 23 ✰ use more frequently words ✰ handle situations in which you encounter someone you know ✰ recognize the patterns of Japanese-style expressions of modesty ✰ understand karaoke ✰ describe actions from the viewpoint of someone who does the action ✰ describe actions from the viewpoint of someone who is affected by the action or receives the action ✰ describe situations that affect a person indirectly ✰ form analogies using verb phrases Lesson 24 ✰ understand the traditions of Girls’ Day and Boys’ Day ✰ function as a guest at a party: express appreciation for an invitation, introduce yourself to someone you have never met, signal that you are leaving, explain the reason why you must leave, thank your host, and say farewell to the remaining guests ✰ functions as a host at a party: express appreciation for your guests’ coming, introduce guests to each other, respond to guests who are leaving, and say farewell ✰ decline an offer ✰ express conditional situations ✰ describe how and where you got to know someone ✰ describe actions taken a moment ago ✰ respond to praise ✰ discuss your abilities and inabilities ✰ offer a choice Lesson 25 ✰ thank someone for accommodating your request ✰ respond politely when you are thanked ✰ understand the hoshuko system and the concern Japanese parents living abroad have for their children’s education ✰ describe actions you compel or allow others to do ✰ describe actions you were forced or allowed to do ✰ apply another kind of superlative comparison ✰ issue imperative requests ✰ explain the reasons or purposes of actions Lesson 26 ✰ request permission for something you want to do ✰ describe what you let someone do ✰ describe what someone else did for you ✰ tell what you look forward to ✰ describe an action that you concentrate on exclusively ✰ indicate how you prepare for a possible disaster ✰ describe actions you feel like doing ✰ describe illness ✰ understand some of the tough aspects of the Japanese education system ✰ use more contracted forms in casual conversation Yoshiko Higurashi, Ph.D. Japanese 212, p.3 Spring 2015 Lesson 27 ✰ understand Japanese “common sense” when seeing someone in the hospital ✰ visit a hospital patients: know how to cheer up the patient, express sympathy to his family, present a gift, and exchange appropriate greetings when entering or leaving the room ✰ know what to say when a close family member is hospitalized: welcome guests, inform the patient of visitors or gifts, and thank the guests as they leave ✰ handle friends who come to see you at the hospital ✰ use reference words properly ✰ express your guesses based upon what you see, hear, and read ✰ describe actions that you are about to take ✰ use passive forms as honorific forms ✰ describe actions that you are forced to do ✰ use expressions to describe surprise 2. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES Since the development of language skills depends largely on daily classroom performance and the completion of assignments, it is up to each student to be mindful of this important fact (see Grading Policy). 3. GRADING POLICY Quizzes (Treated as one Lesson Examination) Lesson Examinations 200 - The lowest Lesson Exam score will Midterm Examinations (2) 400 be dropped. Proficiency Examinations (in lieu of Final Exam). - No quizzes or exams may be made up. Attendance 100 - Lab Hours: Storm Hall 2nd Floor Assignments 100 M, Tu, W, F 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Language Lab 50 Th 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Oral Examination 50 Closed weekends. Skit Presentations (2) 100 Total………………………………...…… 1, 000 Ø It is students’ responsibility to calculate how many minutes they worked in the Language Laboratory (50 minutes per week x 15 weeks = 750 minutes). For those who choose the CR/NC options, C performance is the minimum basis for a grade of CR. 4. ATTENDANCE POLICY If you miss 15% of the classes, you lose the total score allotted to attendance. One day is worth 5 points. Be aware of the direct relationship between daily work and attendance and your success in language training. Yoshiko Higurashi, Ph.D. Japanese 212, p.4 Spring 2015 かり よてい ひょう 5. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE (仮予定表) Small quizzes will be given frequently. January 一月 21 (水) 22 (木) 26 27 28 29 February 二月 (月 ) (火 ) (水 ) (木 ) 2 (月 ) 3 (火 ) 4 (水 ) 5 (木 ) 9 10 11 12 (月 ) (火 ) (水 ) (木 ) しゅくだい Assignments(宿題) * Assignments should be handed in on the day listed. * Late assignments will be accepted only one class day after due date. These late assignments will receive half credit. * More will be assigned in class. Orientation + Review しっぱい Lesson 22 (ジ ェ イ ソ ン の 失 敗 ) ほんぶんしょしゃ 本文書写 Lesson 22 (cont’d) Lesson 22 Exam Lesson 23 ( あ あ 、 け ん そ ん ) 漢字シート 本文書写 ほんぶんしょしゃ Lesson 23 (cont’d) Lesson 23 Exam Lesson 24 (ひ な ま つ り ) 漢字シート 本文書写 ほんぶんしょしゃ 16 17 18 19 (月 ) (火 ) (水 ) (木 ) Lesson 24 (cont’d) 23 24 25 26 (月 ) (火 ) * (水 ) * (木 ) * L. 24 Exam Review Review Review * Skit Advising Sessions 漢字シート ちゅうかんしけん March 三月 2 (月 ) 3 (火 ) Midterm Examination #1 (中 間 試 験 (Lessons 22-24) )<Part 1> Midterm Examination #1 (中 間 試 験 )(Lessons 22-24) <Part 2> 4 (水) 5 (木 ) 6 (金 ) Lesson 25 (家 庭 教 師 の ア ル バ イ ト ) かていきょうし Field Trip to a Japanese Restaurant??? ほんぶんしょしゃ 本文書写 Yoshiko Higurashi, Ph.D. Japanese 212, p.5 Spring 2015 はっぴょう March 三月 9 10 11 12 (月 ) (火 ) (水 ) (木 ) Skit #1 Presentationsス キ ッ ト 発 表 Skit #1 Presentations Lesson 25 (cont’d) 16 17 18 19 (月 ) (火 ) (水 ) (木 ) Lessons 25 (cont’d) Lesson 25 Exam Lessons 26 (ゴ ー ル デ ン ウ ィ ー ク ) Script & Vocab List Script & Vocab List 漢字シート 本文書写 ほんぶんしょしゃ April 四月 23 24 25 26 (月 ) (火 ) (水 ) (木 ) Lesson 26 (cont’d) 30 31 1 2 (月 ) (火 ) (水 ) (木 ) á はるやす Spring Break (春 休 み ! ) â 6 (月 ) 7 (火 ) 8 (水 ) 9 (木 ) Lesson 26 (cont’d) 13 14 15 16 (月 ) (火 ) (水 ) (木 ) Lesson 27 (cont’d) 20 21 22 23 (月 ) (火)** (水)** (木)** Lesson 27 Exam Review Review Review ** Skit Advising Sessions Lesson 26 Exam にゅういん Lesson 27 (お じ さ ん の 入 院 ) 漢字シート 本文書写 ほんぶんしょしゃ 漢字シート 漢字シート ちゅうかんしけん May 五月 27 (月) Midterm Examination #2 (中 間 試 験 ) (Lessons 25-27) <Part 1> 28 (火) Midterm Examination #2(中 間 試 験 ) (Lessons 25-27) <Part のうりょくしけん 29 (水) Proficiency Examination 能力試験 <Part 1> 30 (木) Proficiency Examination 能力試験 <Part 2> 1 (金) Field Trip to a Japanese Restaurant??? Yoshiko Higurashi, Ph.D. Japanese 212, p.6 Spring 2015 のうりょくしけん 4 (月) *** Proficiency Examination 能力試験 <Part 3> *** Language Lab card due during class. It is students’ responsibility to calculate how many minutes they worked in the Language Laboratory (50 minutes per week x 15 weeks = 750 minutes). 5 (火 ) Related Activities 6 (水 ) Oral Exam 7 (木 ) Oral Exam May 五月 Final Examination 8 (金 ) Final Examination 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Skit #2 Presentation ス キ ッ ト 発 表 (はっぴょう) & Party (Main: Causative Passive + Everything) Script + Vocab List 台本 語彙リスト だいほん ご い すんげき ✰寸劇(スキット)について く かい わ 二人で組む(会話なので) しょよう 所要時間5分 だいほん あんき おぼ 台本を暗記する(= 覚える) て が だいほん ていしゅつ だ 手書きの台本を提出する(= 出す) はっぴょう とき ご い さくせい はいふ くば 発表する時に、語彙リストを作成し、コピーして配布する(= 配る)
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