Japan-Norway Energy Science Week 2015, May 27-28 The Plaza Heisei, Tokyo International Exchange Center, Tokyo, Japan DEVELOPMENT OF ZERO ENERGY BUILDINGS IN JAPAN -Dream and reality- Hiroshi Yoshino President-appointed Extraordinary Professor, Emeritus Professor, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan 1 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Residential buildings ・Energy use ・Indoor environment ・Insulation level and low energy houses ・Energy use of zero energy houses 3. Commercial buildings ・Energy use of ordinary buildings ・Energy use of low energy buildings ・Example of zero energy building 4. Conclusions 2 CO2 emission in the world (2012) China 28% Others 33% Total 32.6 Gt- CO2 Canada 1% World total: 29.0Gt CO2 Mexico 1% UK 1% South Korea 2% Germany 2% USA 16% Japan 4% Russia 6% India 6% These top 10 emitting countries account for about two-thirds of the world CO2 emission. China and Japan are the 1st and 5th highest in CO2 emissions. (CO2 Emissions From Fuel Combustion Highlights (2013 Edition) , International Energy Agency) 3 GHG emission in each sector on 1990 basis Industrial sector: steady Building sector: greatly increased 181.1% 1.8 81% up 1.6 (Compared with 1990) 1.4 8% up 1.2 100.0% 108.9% 1.0 0.8 85.4% 15% down 0.6 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Transition of GHG emissions according to sector (Base year = 1990 =1.0) 2.0 (National GHGs Inventory Report of JAPAN (NIR)) 4 CO2 emission from buildings in Japan 40% of CO2 related to buildings 1.3Gt-CO2 in 2005 New construction Operation Renovation 13.5% Residential bldgs 3.4% 1.1% Commercial bldgs 3.2% 18.0% 0.9% Design Material Production Construction Operation Renovation by T. Ikaga Demolition Ikaga Lab, Keio University 5 Change of energy use and related factors # of families GJ/unit・ ×million year 10^16J 150 140 130 120 Total primary energy use for residential sector Floor area 10^6m MJ/m2・ year 10^16J 500 2 5000 450 4500 400 4000 350 3500 350 300 3000 300 250 2500 200 2000 200 150 1500 150 100 1000 100 500 Total primary energy use for commercial sector 450 400 110 100 90 80 70 60 Energy use/ family Energy use/ floor area 250 50 30 20 10 Number of families 0 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 0 50 500 Total floor area 0 50 0 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 40 Change of primary energy use for residential buildings Change of primary energy use for commercial buildings (Based on EDMC energy and economic statistics book) (Based on EDMC energy and economic statistics book) By courtesy of Prof. Takashi Kurabuchi, Tokyo University of Science 6 Revision of energy conservation std. 1973 The first oil crisis 1980 The energy conservation standard (Level 1) for residential buildings 1992 New energy conservation standard (Level 2) for residential buildings 1997 COP3 - The Kyoto Protocol 1999 The next generation energy conservation std. (Level 3) for residential buildings 2011 The East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 2013 Revision of energy conservation std. (Total energy use in primary energy base) 2020 Energy conservation std. to be compulsory ZEH and ZEB in standard new buildings 2030 ZEH and ZEB in ordinary new buildings 7 What is Zero Energy Building? Primary energy supply by renewable energy resources Technologies for low energy buildings ・Super insulation ・Super window ・Airtightness ・Ventilation with heat exchanger ・Task and ambient lighting ・Task and ambient airconditioning ・・・ Low energy buildings Normal buildings Primary energy demand 8 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Residential buildings ・Energy use ・Indoor environment ・Insulation level and low energy houses ・Energy use of zero energy houses 3. Commercial buildings ・Energy use of ordinary buildings ・Energy use of low energy buildings ・Example of zero energy building 4. Conclusions 9 Change of residential energy consumption and end use 50 Annual energy consumption per house [GJ/unit/year] 45 Electric appliance, lighting and others 40 35 30 25 Hot water supply 20 15 Space cooling 10 Space heating 5 0 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 (Jyukankyo Research Institute) 住環境計画研究所、家庭用エネルギー統計年報 10 Annual energy use of detached houses in different region Lighting ・Other Cook ing Hotwater Supply Heating Cooling Hokkaido(N=34) Tohoku(N=45) Hokuriku(N=29) Kanto(N=472) Chubu(N=170) Kinki(N=230) Chugoku(N=39) Shikoku(N=21) Kyushu(N=35) Okinawa(N=0) Average(N=1075) Energy consumption [GJ/household・year] 11 (Hasegawa and Inoue, 2004) 11 Residential energy comparison in main countries Energy consumption[GJ/household・year] 12 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Residential buildings ・Energy use ・Indoor environment ・Insulation level and low energy houses ・Energy use of zero energy houses 3. Commercial buildings ・Energy use of ordinary buildings ・Energy use of low energy buildings ・Example of zero energy building 4. Conclusions 13 Measurement of indoor environment 14 Measured house in rural area 15 Measured temperature (℃) 25 Living room 1m high 居間床上1m 20 グローブ温度 Globe temp. Temperature 15 温 度 Living居間床上5cm room 5 cm 10 5 Bedroom 寝室 0 便所 -5 -10 Lavatory 4 6 8 Outdoor air 外気温 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 2 4 (時) Time 16 Death toll by a kind of accident in houses (in 2012) Total More than 65 yrs old 15,343 12,675 Accidental drowning in a bathtub 5,498 4,984 Accidentally suffocated 4,329 3,686 Falling down 2,745 2,293 Exposed with smoke, fire 1,195 767 Carbon monoxide or other poisoning 464 127 Contact with high temperature 115 108 5,781 3,113 Death toll by accident in houses Death toll by traffic accident データ:厚生労働省・人口動態統計(平成24年度) 図表作成:2014.6HK. 17 Blood pressure change while taking a bath Startle response Blood pressure Living room Brain hemorrhage Bathing (Hot bath) Begin to bath Perspiration Undressing Stand up Cerebral infarction Enter the room Cerebral anaemia (Yutaka TOCHIHARA, The Japanese Bathing Style: Its Merits and Demerits; Workshop for Safety and Comfort for Bathing, 21th Century Global CEO Program, Kyushu University) 18 Recovery ratio related to the house insulation level 80% Recovery recovered after moving to the new house = Ratio suffered people in the former house 60% Bronchial asthma気管支喘息 Sore throat 喉の痛み Cough 咳 Atopic dermatitis アトピー性皮膚炎 Cold Hand/Foot 手足の冷え Skin itch 肌の痒み Eye itch 目の痒み Allergic conjunctivitis 40% アレルギー性結膜炎 20% 0% Allergic rhinitis アレルギー性鼻炎 3 4 5 The insulation level of new house 19Prof. Atsushi Iwamae, Kinki University Faculty of Architecture KINKI University 19 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Residential buildings ・Energy use ・Indoor environment ・Insulation level and low energy houses ・Energy use of zero energy houses 3. Commercial buildings ・Energy use of ordinary buildings ・Energy use of low energy buildings ・Example of zero energy building 4. Conclusions 20 Sendai Aizuwaka matsu Iwaki Fukushima Sakata Yamagata Yokote Akita Miyako Morioka Hachinohe Aomori Sapporo Annual kerosene consumption, L/a Kerosene consumption in well insulated houses Ordinary houses in Tohoku (1992) Well insulated houses 21 Calculation methods and conditions for space heating load • Unsteady state calculation of heat transfer using response factor method • Mutual radiation exchange between surfaces • Ventilation exchange between rooms ④ ⑤ 台所 玄関・階段室 洗面所・ 浴室 3,640 2,730 ⑨ ⑤ ⑧ 予備室 階段室 子供室2 ③ ⑥ ⑦ 居間 和室 主寝室 子供室1 ※ ⑩ 小屋裏 5,005 3,640 4,095 ① 3,185 ② 2,275 22 Space heating load calculated in Sendai Space heating load in January [Gcal] Energy consumption is smaller in a house with insulation of R2000 level (where all rooms are heated all day long) than that in a normal house with low level insulation (where limited room is heated intermittently). 4.5 4 4.2 3.5 3 2.5 2.9 2 1.9 1.5 1.5 1 0.8 0.5 1.2 0.9 0 Normal house Based on with low 1980 Std. insulation Based on 1992 Std. Based on 1999 Std. All rooms heated in all day long Based on Normal Based on Canada R2000 house with low 1980 Std. insulation Intermittently heated in limited room Hasegawa,K, Yoshino,H:Numerica analysis on heating loads of well-insulated and airtight houses in Tohoku District, Architectural Institute of Japan, 1997 23 Energy consumption of R2000 level house Others Hot water Space heating All Japan All Tohoku House S House S Hokkaido Annual energy use 24 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Residential buildings ・Energy use ・Indoor environment ・Insulation level and low energy houses ・Energy use of zero energy houses 3. Commercial buildings ・Energy use of ordinary buildings ・Energy use of low energy buildings ・Example of zero energy building 4. Conclusions 25 Subsidy for promotion of renovated low energy technologies for buildings by METI Operating Agent: Sustainable open Innovation Initiative Supporting project for ZEH 1) Budget: 12M$ ⇒ 1039 houses (2013) 2) Requirement: Annual primary energy use by guaranteed calculation method is less than zero. 3) Energy use: Heating, cooling, ventilation, water heating, lighting 4) Subsidy: 1/2 of additional cost for PV, high performance building materials and equipment, control system or less than 30,000$ Demonstration project for ZEB 1) Budget: 33M$ ⇒ 98 building(2013) 2) Requirement: 30% decrease in annual primary energy for new building 25% decrease for retrofitting 3) Subsidy: 1/3 or less than 40,000$ 26 Measured results of energy supply and demand for ZEH (Sustainable open Innovation Initiative) Annual primary energy production by PV system (MJ/m2) ・Energy included space heating, cooling, ventilation, water heating and lighting ・73% houses satisfied zero energy in total. ・Only 25% houses in cold climate satisfied zero. Annual primary energy use (MJ/m2) 27 Annual CO2 emission (CO2 reduction in case of solar energy use) LCCM(Life Cycle Carbon Minus) House LCCM House certificated by IBEC (Institute of Building and Energy Conservation) since 2011. 43 houses certificated. Energy saving during operation by low energy technologies CO2 emission at construction cancelled by energy production Lighting , others Cooking Water heating Cooling Energy production by solar Heating Before Retrofit LCCM House After retrofit Solar power generation Existing houses 28 Design features ・Heavy insulation ・Passive solar ・Natural ventilation ・Solar cell Interior view Outside view Demonstration house in Building Research Institute LCCM House Development Committee in IBEC (Chair: Shuzo Murakami, President of Institute of Building and Energy Conservation), Designed by Prof.Masao Koizumi, Metropolitan University of Tokyo) 2929 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Residential buildings ・Energy use ・Indoor environment ・Insulation level and low energy houses ・Energy use of zero energy houses 3. Commercial buildings ・Energy use of ordinary buildings ・Energy use of low energy buildings ・Example of zero energy building 4. Conclusions 30 Trend of energy use in commercial buildings 2,851 Others Restaurant Wholesale & retail trade Hospital School Theater & amusement facility Hotel Department Office Handbook of energy & economic statistics in Japan, The Institute in Energy Economics, Japan 31 Energy consumption per floor area of different commercial building MJ/㎡・Year 12872 16000 21859 Annual Report of FY 2009 on Database for Energy Consumption on Commercial Building, JSBC 32 Annual energy use per floor area by district [MJ/㎡・Year] Annual energy consumption per floor area N=1392 11 248 21 373 201 206 184 149 4500 4000 3500 Max 75% 3000 Ave 2500 2000 25% 1500 1000 Min 500 0 In Kanto, annual energy consumption per floor area is higher than the others. In Tohoku and Chugoku・Shikoku, it was lower. Annual Report of FY 2009 on Database for Energy Consumption on Commercial Building, JSBC 33 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Residential buildings ・Energy use ・Indoor environment ・Insulation level and low energy houses ・Energy use of zero energy houses 3. Commercial buildings ・Energy use of ordinary buildings ・Energy use of low energy buildings ・Example of zero energy building 4. Conclusions 34 Subsidy for promotion of renovated low energy technologies for buildings by METI Operating Agent: Sustainable open Innovation Initiative Supporting project for ZEH 1) Budget: 12M$ ⇒ 1039 houses (2013) 2) Requirement: Annual primary energy use by guaranteed calculation method is less than zero. 3) Energy use: Heating, cooling, ventilation, water heating, lighting 4) Subsidy: 1/2 of additional cost for PV, high performance building materials and equipment, control system or less than 30,000$ Demonstration project for ZEB 1) Budget: 33M$ ⇒ 98 building(2013) 2) Requirement: 30% decrease in annual primary energy for new building 25% decrease for retrofitting 3) Subsidy: 1/3 or less than 40,000$ 35 Primary energy use of different building before and after retrofitting with reference By courtesy of Prof. Takashi Kurabuchi, Tokyo University of Science 16000 14663 Primary energy use [MJ/m2・a] 14431 DECC SII(導入前) before SII(導入後) after 14000 12000 DECC:Results by Committee of Data Base of Energy Use for Non-Residential Buildings, Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation 10997 10000 8000 6150 6000 5011 4448 4000 2000 Detached houses: Energy Handbook for Housing 6177 1762 1500 965 1183 842 643460 513.6 268 4030 2977 2804 2485 2432 17561755 1407 1987 397250179 1220 1107 837 971 696 0 36 Energy production and energy demand for applied buildings net0 1800 net-400 Office Welfare 1400 Case mostly near to ZEB 600 400 200 School Complex Univ. 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Warm bath Sports 800 Office : 1762MJ/m2・a in average 1000 Commercial: 1906MJ/m2・a in average PEB 1200 Exhibition Energy production [MJ/m2・a] 1600 × Hospital DIY store Restaurant Food supply 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 Annual primary energy use [MJ/m2・a] By courtesy of Prof. Takashi Kurabuchi, Tokyo University of Science 37 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Residential buildings ・Energy use ・Indoor environment ・Insulation level and low energy houses ・Energy use of zero energy houses 3. Commercial buildings ・Energy use of ordinary buildings ・Energy use of low energy buildings ・Example of zero energy building 4. Conclusions 38 ZEB Demonstration Building, Taisei Technology Center Location:Yokohama (Japan) Number of stories:3 aboveground floors, and 1 penthouse floor Total floor area:1,277 ㎡ Structure:Reinforced concrete structure Construction:May 2014 By courtesy of TAISEI CORPORATION 39 Key Technologies PV at the roof Power generation (Fuel cell,Cogeneration) Battery 40 By courtesy of TAISEI CORPORATION 40 Lighting system Task and ambient アンビエント 点 灯 タスクライト 点 灯 アンビエント タスクライト 減 光 消 灯 By courtesy of TAISEI CORPORATION 41 Air conditioning system Task and ambient By courtesy of TAISEI CORPORATION 42 ZEB: net Zero Energy Building By courtesy of TAISEI CORPORATION 43 Conclusions 1. Energy use and policies related to global warming mitigation were overviewed. 2.Space heating energy use of Japanese houses is very small compared to US and EU countries. Thermal comfort level is not enough in these houses. 3. Thermal insulation is very important for healthy life as well as energy conservation. 4. Energy use in commercial buildings were presented. Real ZEB is difficult and limited to lowrise buildings. 44 Thank you!
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