Global Approaches to Coastal Resilience 沿岸地域のレジリエンスに関するグローバルな取り組み Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 第三回国連防災世界会議 Public Forum Side Event Tuesday, March 17, 2015 | 17:00-20:00 | Tohoku University C102 | Sendai, Japan 2015年3月17日 | 17:00 – 20:00 | 東北大学 C102 | 仙台 Global Approaches to Coastal Resilience 17:00 – 17:05 Welcoming Remarks and Introduction • 17:05 – 17:15 • Ms. Irene Hirano Inouye アイリーン・ヒラノ・イノウエ氏 Madam Akie Abe 安倍昭恵氏 Panel: International Experts パネル:国際専門家 • • 19:50 – 20:00 Mr. Akinari Abe, Mr. Tomoyuki Miura, Mr. Yorio Takahashi, Ms. Kiyoko Abe, and Mr. Takashi “Junior” Yamamoto (moderator) 阿部晃成氏、 三浦友幸氏、 高橋頼雄氏、 阿部紀代子氏 モデレーター:山本隆氏 Keynote 基調講演 • 18:50 – 19:50 Mr. Masuharu Abe 阿部正春氏 Introduction of Keynote Speaker 基調講演の紹介 • 18:20 – 18:50 東北沿岸部の防災 Moderated Community Discussion 地域住民意見交換 • 18:15 – 18:20 Mr. Takashi “Junior” Yamamoto 山本隆氏 Overview of Coastal Protection Efforts in Tohoku Region • 17:15 – 18:15 開会挨拶 Dr. Holly Bamford, Dr. Michael Beck, Dr. Ritesh Kumar, Dr. Fabrice Renaud, and Ms. Jainey Bavishi (moderator) Dr. ホリー・バムフォード、 Dr. マイケル・ベック、 Dr. リテッシュ・クマール、 Dr. ファブリース・レノー モデレーター: ジェイニー・ブァビシ氏 Closing Remarks 閉会挨拶 • Ms. Jainey Bavishi ジェイニー・ブァビシ氏 Coastal Vulnerabilities and Risk Coastal storms and tsunamis Changing sea levels and coastal flooding Increased offshore development and coastal development Increasing demand on natural areas and ocean resources Increasing demands on our marine transportation system and aging infrastructure Incorporation of Natural and Built Infrastructure Incorporation of Natural and Built Infrastructure Rebuild by Design Approaches Risk Reduction- Many Steps Risk Transfer/ Insurance Benefit/Cost Benefit: Cost Analysis – Measures for Climate Adaptation Averted Damages over 20 years ($ Billions) Building Coastal Resilience for coastal risk reduction and climate adaptation Dr. Michael Beck The Nature Conservancy Risk Reduction- Many Steps Risk Transfer/ Insurance Benefit/Cost Benefit: Cost Analysis – Measures for Climate Adaptation Averted Damages over 20 years ($ Billions) Flood Reduction: Reef Restoration vs Current Situation Grenville, Grenada % Flood Reduction (100 yr) <0 0- 5 5- 10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 Guidelines for Coastal and Marine Ecosystem Accounting: Incorporating the Coastal Protection Values of Coral Reefs And mangroves in National Wealth Accounts Summary • Quantifying Reef Coastal Protection Benefits • Globally, regionally and locally • Nature-based defenses can be cost-effective • Opportunity to re-focus Billions in Risk & Adaptation $$ Implication of coastal buffer zones in Sri Lanka after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
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