Course Descriptions and Registration Form

Toyota Language Center
4 月 21 日‐5 月 21 日
午前 10 時‐午後 1 時 または 午後 2 時‐5 時
は 多 少 の 経 験 の み を お 持 ち の 方 を 対 象 と し ま す 。 講 座 修 了 後 は
ジャパン・ソサエティー トヨタ語学センターは米国最大の日本語教育機関として、多くのレベルに
授業料のほかに教科書2冊: Japanese for Busy People, Volume I (Revised 3rd Edition Romanized)
及び同教科書の Teacher’s Manual (for the Revised 3rd Edition)
小切手の宛先は Japan Society にお願いいたします。クレジット・カードでお支払いご希望の方は
American Express, Visa, 又は MasterCard の番号、有効期限、請求先の郵便番号をお忘れなく
能です。 のホームページにある Language Center から指示に従って、情報を入力し
ィスでお買い求めください。ご不明の点がございましたら(212) 715-1256 又は(212) 715-1293 までお問い
合わせ下さい。なお、授業料は一度納められましたら、4 月 20 日の午後 12 時以降、返金いたしません。
April 21 – May 21, 2015
Tuesdays & Thursdays
10 am – 1 pm or 2 – 5 pm
Japan Society will offer a 30-hour intensive teacher training session for native or fluent speakers of Japanese. The
program is a practical course for those who wish to learn essential classroom teaching skills in order to teach Japanese
in classroom or individual settings, and for those who have had little or no formal training in teaching Japanese as a
foreign language. This program is an introductory course in Japanese-language teaching, so no prior teaching
experience is required. Participants who complete this program may have the opportunity to become teaching assistants
at the Toyota Language Center. Currently, approximately half of our instructors are graduates of the Teacher Training
The program will focus on practical techniques such as planning lessons, the use of drills, audio and visual aids,
classroom activities and the teaching of kana and kanji. Due to student demand, there will be two different class times
this spring. Sessions will be held twice weekly, either from 10 am - 1 pm or from 2 - 5 pm, from April 21 through May
21, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The textbooks used in this course are Japanese for Busy People, Volume I (Revised
3rd Edition, Romanized), edited by AJALT (Association of Japanese Language Teachers) and Teacher’s Manual (for
the Revised 3rd Edition) of Japanese for Busy People, Volume I.
The Japanese-language instructors teaching this course are:
Ms. Yuko Aizawa has taught at the Sendagaya Japanese Institute in Tokyo, Japan and at the Royal
Hawaiian Academy in the United States. She has been teaching at Japan Society since 1994. She
will supervise student practice sessions.
Ms. Mami Miyashita earned a Japanese Teaching License in Japan, a certificate of Teaching
Japanese as a Foreign Language from Ohio State University and a Master’s Degree from West
Chester University. She has worked in foreign language education for more than twenty years,
including at the University of Delaware from 1999 to 2005.
Tuition: $400 for Japan Society members, $440 for nonmembers.
(additional $40 may apply for textbooks; books may be purchased at the Language Center)
Please register online at
Please return this registration form with full payment. Checks should be made payable to Japan Society and sent to
Japan Society, 333 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017, Attn: Toyota Language Center. If you are paying by
credit card or would like more information, please call (212) 715-1256 or (212) 715-1293.
For more details, please call (212) 715-1256 or (212) 715-1293. 日本語の説明は裏面をごらんください
------------------------------------------REGISTRATION FORM-----------------------------------------JAPANESE-LANGUAGE TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAM
Tuesdays and Thursdays, April 21 – May 21, 2015
Please check next to the class you wish to take:
Class A:
Class B:
Please complete in either English or Japanese.
10 am – 1 pm
2 pm – 5 pm
Name: Mr./Mrs./Ms.__________________________________ Home Tel: _________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________ Cell/Work Tel: _____________________________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________________ Email: ____________________________________
Are you a native speaker of Japanese?
If no, please describe your proficiency in spoken and written Japanese:
Membership status:
I am currently a member or my company is a corporate member. Please write membership number or company name.
Tuition: □ $400 (without textbooks)
I do not wish to join and will pay at the non-member rate.
Tuition: □ $440 (without textbooks)
□$440* (with textbooks)
□$480* (with textbooks)
* Textbooks: Japanese for Busy People, Volume I (Revised 3rd Edition Romanized) and
Revised 3rd Edition) of Japanese for Busy People, Volume I.
Enclosed is my check for $__________ OR please charge $__________ to my
Card Number
Expiration Date
Teacher’s Manual (for the
Billing Zip Code
Please note: Because of the concentrated nature of the program, it is essential that participants attend every class.
Please make sure that your schedule will allow you to attend all sessions.
Important Notice: Cancellation Policy
Please note that there will be no refund or cancellation for tuition after 12 pm, Mon, April 20, 2015. All refunds are subject
to a $20 service charge, including those requested by the deadline date. No partial registration or auditing is permitted.
Cancellations are accepted by phone or in person only. Cancellations via e-mail are not accepted. By registering for a
course, I accept and agree to the above terms of the cancellation policy.