Kinetic Resolution of Amines B4 Rumiko Shimabara optical resolution crystallization preferential crystallization (優先晶出法) inclusion complex (包接錯体法) preferential enrichment (優先富化) diastereomeric methods diastereomereric salt formation covalent diastereomeric derivatives enzymatic methods chiral column chromatography kinetic resolution preferential enrichment Kinetic Resolution Me NH2 acylating reagent Me N H Me O R + NH2 1組のエナンチオマーのそれぞれで反応速度が異なる不斉反応を利用 し,反応性の低い方のエナンチオマーを未反応のままで残す手法 速度論的光学分割は 1899年に Marckwald と McKenzie によって最初に 観察された carboxylic acid O HO OH OH O O HO HO + O OH (S)-mandelic acid amine Me NH2 chiral reagent (0.25 eq) Me ! rt O O N H CH3 N O H N 48%ee s=3 25% conv. O chiral reagent K. Kondo, T. Kurosaki, Y. Murakami, Synlett 1998, 725 Dynamic Kinetic Resolution NH2 R R' O enzyme, ROAc fast HN R CH3 R' cat. NH2 R R' O enzyme, ROAc slow HN R CH3 R' in situで反応速度の遅い方のエナンチオマーを金属触媒 などでラセミ化させることで, 50%を超える収率が可能 になる Kinetic Resolution methods enzymes stoichiometric chiral reagents small-molecule catalysts achiral nucleophiles + chiral hydrogen-bond donors enantiomeric exess (ee) ee = ¦R ‒ S¦/(R + S) 100 conversion (C) C = ees/(ees + eep) ees : ee of the recoverd substrate fraction eep : ee of the product fraction enantioselectivity factor (E) E = ln[(1 ‒ C)(1 ‒ ees)]/ln[(1 ‒ C)(1 + ees)] selectivity factor (s) s = kfast/kslow kfast : rate of fast-reaction enantiomer kslow : rate of slow-reacton enantiomer Charles J. Sih* et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1982, 104, 7294-7299 3t 3u COCH3 COn-C11H23 CH3 CH3 Figure 2. Structures of docked potential acyl donor candidates. mately 55% conversion decreased while E increased (see entries 10 , 40 , 60 ).25 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 GLY47/MET50 SER249 THR164/LYS170 THR244/ ARG247 ASP60/LYS94 ARG186 GLN10 4 3 2 2 À3.85 À3.39 À3.58 À3.61 À1.71 À1.64 À1.42 À2.12 1 1 1 À2.60 À3.03 À3.53 À1.28 À1.52 À1.47 3. Computational data site triad, that is, SER221/HIS64/ASP32 accounts for 43% of the conformations. The second most populated site (21%) is close to As aforementioned, automated docking was used to explore the LEU235. The third one (14%) is located around the LYS43/VAL44/ binding affinities of different acyl donors for Subtilisin Novo that 2828 A.-L. Bottalla et al. / Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 20 (2009) 2823–2834 PRO86 triad. The other eight sites account for 1–7% of the docked was selected as prototype for serine proteases. Blind docking sim26 conformations. For each site a mean binding free energy and the ulations were performed with the AUTODOCK 4.0 program with five minimum binding free energy are given. different structures of Subtilisin Novo issued from the Protein Data The three most populated sites correspond to the lowest miniBank (PDB). It has been shown recently that the docking approach mum free energy, and thus to the strongest interactions. could be used to predict protease specificities.18 Focusing our attention on the active site enabled a more accuFor sake of comparison, the docking of ligands like trifluoroethyl rate comparison of the various acyl donors. For each ligand in the N-dodecanoyl glycinate 3s, a peptide mimetic with a long hydroseries, the percentage of conformations docked in the active site, phobic chain, and trifluoroethyl butanoate 3j, trifluoroethyl penttheir average binding free energy, and the binding energy of the anoate 3k, or trifluoroethyl dodecanoate 3l, which are not Figure 8. Compared enantioselectivity of ligands 3g, and 3q for the selected most stable docked conformation are plotted in Figures 4–6, enzymes andwas subtilisin. peptide mimetics, also examined. In addition, potential peprespectively. Three groups can be distinguished. tide mimetics candidates bearing alkanoyl chains in C8, C9, C10, catalyzed reaction requires the ligands to dock in the active site For ligands with a short chain length (3b, 3c, 3e, 3h, 3j, 3k, 3t), and C11 with a terminal phenyl group, that is, 3i, 3n, 3o, 3g, 3q, with a preorganized structure27 close to that of the tetrahedral competition between the intermediate. In order to study more accurately the structures of 3r, were investigated with the purpose of evaluating the Figure interde10. Percentage of the preorganized docked conformations in the active site for active site and other binding sites is each ligand according to its structural features. the ligands docked near the catalytic triad, we performed new simnot in favor of the former [nconf (%) does not exceed 41%, Fig. 4]. pendence of binding subsites. structures of all ulations, where the ligands The were allowed to dock only near these the ac- additional tive site and not all over the enzyme as previously. within thisbyfirst group ligands are given in Figure 2. As the tetrahedralThus, intermediate is stabilized hydrogen bonds,of ligands, N-acetyl phenylalanine 3e The structures for which the distance between the carbon of the it was interesting to seems check if these interactions octoligand-receptor be the best ligand. The percentage of conformations Figure 3 shows views of the enzyme structure by shorter thanrepresented 3.5 Å ester group and SER221 oxygen atom (r1) was curred in the preorganized conformations (Fig. 9). Therefore, three were reckoned as preorganized conformations (Fig. 9). The number docked at the active site that peptide mimetics have more its Connelly surface. The active site can easily be locateddistances by the between the atoms susceptible to form hydrogen shows bonds of these preorganized conformations for each ligand is given in Figwere monitored: first, the distance between the ester carbonyl 28 affinity for the active site than simple ester derivatives. Ligands location of SER221 and the secondary binding sites are colored in ure 10. Compared to other similar studies, far less preorganized oxygen atom and the proton of the NH group of the ASN155 resiconformations were observed. Moreover, these conformations and which are the poorest ligands, are not peptide mimetics. second, the distance between the due in the oxyanion3j hole (r2),3k, pink. were not necessarily the ones with the strongest binding free enoxygen atom of SER125 carbonyl group and the glycine NH proton ergy (except ligand 4, 3g).on Nevertheless, wewhen have attempted to However, if one looks at the second group of ligands 3f, 3a, 3d, As summarized in for Table average, all ligands all (r3), and third, the distance between the oxygen atom in and the ligand analyze these results. the proton of SER221 hydroxyl 3m, proton the preference for peptide mimetics ofconforthe CF3CH2O group 3l,and3u, 3p, 3s, excluding enzyme structures were taken together, 99% of the docked The number of preorganized conformations increases with the (r4). In the docked structures for which r1 is less than or equal to chain length forin peptide mimetics ligands. TheDocking nature of thenear pep- the active can be offset by thewhile influence of chain length. Octanoyl glymations were located 11 binding sites. long nearly (4.4 Å in average over all ligands), 3.5 Å, hr3i is relatively Bacillus subtilis tide shows a higher frequency of preorganized conformations in the order PHE < ALA < GLY which points to the influence of hydrophobic interactions in the specificity pocket. Among the ligands with a phenyl group at the end of the acyl chain, the ones with a chain of 9 carbons (3n and 3q) are favored. The evolution of the free energy for these preorganized conformations according to the structural features of the ligands shows the same tendency as observed in the blind docking (see Fig. 5). hr2i and hr4i are shorter (3.2 Å and 3.5 Å, respectively). Moreover, in about half of these structures r2 and r4 are shorter than 3.5 Å at the same time, suggesting that water molecules are not absolutely necessary to mediate proton transfers. The relatively small number of preorganized conformations for each ligand makes the statistical approach difficult and therefore, it was not possible to evaluate the effect of the chain length or of the nature of the peptide mimic on parameters r2, r3, and r4. It was possible, however, to observe that within the ligands bearing a terminal phenyl group in the GLY series (3g, 3q, 3r), ligand 3q showed the shortest distances hr2i and hr4i, thus prefiguring its greater affinity. However, docking simulations in the active site did not help us to discriminate the ligands more accurately. 4. Conclusion The screening of a large panel of commercially available proteases for the resolution of 3-amino-1-phenylbutane resulted in the selection of four serine proteases which were used to determine the best acyl donor from a series of trifluoroethyl esters. The most efficient donors happened to be trifluoroethyl esters derived from N-acyl a-amino acids bearing an aliphatic acyl chain 8 or 9 carbon long. Blind automated docking enabled a rapid selection of the most promising ligands, by looking at their binding affinity for Subtilisin Novo. A noteworthy increase in the enantiomeric ratio was observed with alkaline protease by replacing the glycine moiety by alanine (3a/3f; E factor up to 99). 5. Experimental Figure 9. Preorganized docked conformation of 3q in the active site. Stabilizing hydrogen bonding interactions occurs between the ligand amide NH and SER125, the ester carbonyl oxygen atom and ASN155 in the oxyanion hole. The 1H and 13C NMR spectra were recorded at 200 or 300 MHz and 50 or 75 MHz, respectively. Chemical shifts are reported in ppm, and Figure 3. Connelly surface views of the two faces of Subtilisin Novo structure showing the active site (SER221), the S1–S4 channel (blue), and secondary binding sites (pink). Subtilisin Novo S. Queyroy*, G. Gil* et al. Tetrahedron Asymmetry 2009, 20, 2823-2834 Subtilisin Novo (6 mg) acyl donor (1.0 eq) NH2 O HN 3-methyl-3-pentanol (0.25 M) rt Ph R R1 NH2 + Ph R2 Ph 1 H 1N H N (R)-1 (S)-2 O (S) O CF3 R2 acyl donor acyl donor a b c d e f g h i R1 COn-C7H15 COCH3 COPh COn-C7H15 COCH3 COn-C7H15 COn-C7H14Ph Ph COn-C8H16Ph R2 H H H CH2Ph CH2Ph CH3 H H H entry acyl donor time (min) 1 ee (%) 2 ee or dr (%) C (%) E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i 60 50 150 20 30 25 90 50 240 52.2 62.9 46.7 77.3 89.6 86.8 73.2 64.5 62.0 83.3 77.8 76.3 88.5 72.1 92.5 59.7 62.2 84.7 38.5 44.7 38.0 46.6 55.4 48.4 55.0 50.9 42.3 19 15 11 39 18 73 8 8 22 Me Me O N H tBuO Peptide NHBoc N H N O O O Base N N H OtBu Acid OtBu OtBu Me Me N H O Peptide O 4 3 O Me O O tBuO O (±)-2 O N H Me H Boc N H 5 2 NHBoc N H Me 1 N N Scott J. Miller*, et al. J.Am.Chem.Soc. 2010, 132, 2870-2871 Scott J. Miller O H Me Boc2O (0.6 eq) catalyst (10 mol%) O N H H Me N H Boc CDCl3 (0.3 M), 4 Å MS 25 ºC, 36 h O Me Me N H O N O HN Ph O NH NH Ac Me N + 6d β-turn H (S)-2 entry catalyst i–1 i+1 i+2 i+3 i+4 s-factor 1 2 3 4 5 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e Boc Boc Boc Ac Boc D-Pro D-Pro D-Pip D-Pro D-Pro Sp6 Aib Aib Aib Aib L-Val L-Val L-Val L-Phg L-Phg D-Phe-OMe D-Phe-OMe D-Phe-OMe D-Phe-OMe NMe2 4.6 7.8 5.3 9.6 3.2 OMe Ph N O N H 4 (±)-2 H Me O O CO2H NH D-Pip NH2 Ph CO2H L-Phg H2N CO2H Aib NH2 CO2H Sp6 Kinetic Resolution methods enzymes stoichiometric chiral reagents small-molecule catalysts achiral nucleophiles + chiral hydrogen-bond donors NH2 Ph Me 1 (0.5 eq) solvent, rt NHAc ! Ph Me Tf N NH2 + ! Ph Me N H Ac Tf (1S,2S)-1 chiral reagent solvent ee (%) s-factor toluene CHCl3 DMF DMPU 58 (R) 56 (R) 72 (S) 84 (S) 6.6 6.1 13.1 30.3 Wagner, A.*; Mioskowski, C.* et al. J Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 6138-6139 Wagner, A.*; Mioskowski, C.* et al. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 3314 –3317 N N DMPU O Tf N N H Tf N Ac Tf Ac Tf N Me (1S,2S)-2 (1S,2S)-1 (1S,2S)-1 O Tf NHAc NN H Me Tf NH2 Ph ! Ph NH2 + Me ! Ph Me Me (1S,2S)-2 O Tf NN Me Me Tf Tf Tf N NMe Me O Me NN O Tf Tf Me Me Tf N N Tf Me O 1 (0.5 eq) NH2 Ph salt (1 M) THF, rt Me NHAc ! Ph Me NH2 + ! Ph entry time (min) salt (1 M) ee (%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 60 20 10 10 10 20 10 20 20 20 10 20 20 10 LiBr LiClO4 TFSI-Li n-BuPyBr n-Et4NBr n-Et4NCl n-Bu4NCl n-Bu4NBr n-Bu4NI n-Bu4NBF4 n-Bu4PCl n-Bu4PBr n-Oct3NMeCl 42 (R) 42 (S) 68 (S) 54 (S) 68 (S) 22 (S) 74 (S) 82 (S) 88 (S) 54 (S) 76 (S) 44 (S) 70 (S) 90 (S) Me Li Tf N Tf TFSI-Li 1 (0.5 eq) NH2 Ph NHAc n-Oct3NMeCl (1 M) solvent, temp. Me Ph entry temp. (ºC) solvent eec/eed (%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 25 25 25 25 –20a –20b THF 1,4-dioxane CH2Cl2 toluene THF THF 90e (S)/42 (R) 72 (S)/50 (R) 76 (S)/40 (R) 78 (S)/58 (R) 94 (S) 95 (S) NH2 Ph Me 1 (0.5 eq) n-Oct3NMeCl THF, rt entry conc. (M) salt:1 eea (%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 - 25:1 2.5:1 1:4 1:40 1:400 0 90 (S)b 80 (S) 30 (S) 0 26 (R) 42 (R) NH2 + ! Me ! Ph a) 0.5 eq of 1 (s = 115, 50% conversion) b) 0.33 eq of 1 (s = 62, 33% conversion) c) Enantiomeric exess of the acetamide determined by HPLC analysis using a chiral phase column. d) Enantiomeric exess observed without using a salt. e) Absolute configuration of the major enantiomer. NHAc ! Ph Me Me NH2 + ! Ph Me a) Enantiomeric exess of the acetamide determined by HPLC analysis using a chiral phase column. b) Enantiomeric exess observed without using a salt. Kinetic Resolution methods enzymes stoichiometric chiral reagents small-molecule catalysts achiral nucleophiles + chiral hydrogen-bond donors OAc tBu O (0.65 eq) N Ph 5% (–)-1 R1 R1 N H + R1 N Ac N H LiBr (1.5 eq) 18-crown-6 (0.75 eq) toluene N N R R R O (–)-1 (–)-2 (–)-3 (–)-4 R R OMe O tBu Fe R = 3,5-dimethylphenyl Me Ph 3,5-diethylphenyl O (0.65 eq) N 2-naphthyl NH2 Ar R O NH2 10% (–)-2 CHCl3, –50 ºC Ar + HN OMe R Ar R s = 11-27 Gregory C. Fu*, Yutaka I. Chem. Commun. 2000, 119-120 Gregory C. Fu*, Forrest O. Arp J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 14264-14265 Gregory C. Fu N N O tBu O N O N R OMe O N 2-naphthyl Fe R MeO R R R NH2 R Ar R tBu O Fe O HN N R R O 2-naphthyl R R ion pair Ar OMe R OAc tBu O (0.65 eq) N Ph 5% (+)-1 Me N H Me + N H LiBr (1.5 eq) 18-crown-6 (0.75 eq) toluene, 0 ºC, 5 days Me N Ac optimized conditions entry N N R Fe R R = 3,5-dimethylphenyl Me Ph 3,5-diethylphenyl R R R (–)-1 (–)-2 (–)-3 (–)-4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 change from optimized conditions none (+)-2 instead of (+)-1 (+)-3 instead of (+)-1 (+)-4 instead of (+)-1 15-crown-5 instead of 18-crown-6 12-crown-4 instead of 18-crown-6 no 18-crown-6 no LiBr Bu4NBr instead of LiBr/18-crown-6 LiCl instead of LiBr LiI instead of LiBr room temp. instead of 0 ºC (2 days) conv. (%) s-factor 54 4 48 58 54 43 16 55 49 43 12 49 23 <2 10 19 20 3 6 <2 2 14 12 11 OAc tBu O (0.65 eq) N Ph R1 R1 5% (–)-1 R1 R R N H s-factor ee of resolved indoline (%) conv. (%) R = Me Ph CH2CH2Ph CH2OTBS 25 26 18 14 94 90 98 90 55 53 60 56 n n=1 2 9.8 31 91 91 64 51 Me cis trans 18 9.5 91 94 55 64 19 95 58 13 11 92 90 60 60 entry indoline R N H 5 6 N H Me 7 8 N H CO2Et MeO 9 Me N H X 10 11 Me N H X = OMe Br R N Ac N H LiBr (1.5 eq) 18-crown-6 (0.75 eq) toluene, –10 ºC to rt 1 2 3 4 + Kinetic Resolution methods enzymes stoichiometric chiral reagents small-molecule catalysts achiral nucleophiles + chiral hydrogen-bond donors current approach to nucleophilic catalyst R' O R' O X R' N N R* R' O O N O R' O O NMe2 NMe2 NMe2 acyl pyridinium chiral by virtue of cation in situ generation of chiral acyl pyridinium salts R' O N NMe2 achiral X S R N H N H R* R' O N S R NMe2 N H N H X chiral by virtue of anion D. Seidel* et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 17060-17061 R* Ph + Me Ph O O O X X R 1a: X = S, R = CF3, R' = H 1b: X = O, R = CF3, R' = H 1c: X = S, R = H, R' = H 1d: X = S, R = H, R' = CF3 NH HN R' NH HN R 1 Ph catalyst + NMe2 6a R R' R Ph S S NH HN Ar NH HN Ar S S NH HN Ar NH 2 HN Ar 3 S N H H N N H H N Ar S Ar Ar N H CF3 N H S 4 O N NH2 5 OH Ar = CF3 HN toluene, 4 Å MS –78 ºC, 1 h entry catalyst (mol%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1a (20) 1a (20) 1a (20) 1a (20) 1a (20) 1a (20) 1a (20) 1a (20) 1a (20) 1a (20) 1a (15) 1a (10) 1a (5) none none 1a (20) 1b (20) 1c (20) 1d (20) 2 (20) 3 (20) 4 (20) 5 (20) Ph Me DMAP conversion (mol%) conc. (M) (%) 50 50 50 50 50 40 30 20 10 5 15 10 5 none 20 none 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.005 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 47 47 47 45 44 47 47 45 43 44 46 46 44 <1 <2 40 40 43 21 44 42 30 38 s-factor 5.5 7.0 8.6 9.5 9.4 9.4 10 10 8.5 7.7 9.0 9.0 8.5 N/A N/A 1.4 8.6 4.5 4.1 7.2 3.7 1.2 1.5 CF3 CF3 S N H F3C S N H F3C HN S Ph HN O O CF3 N H O O Ph O O N H N Ph HN S HN CF3 Ph CF3 absence of DMAP NMe2 CF3 presence of DMAP (PhCO)2O (0.5 eq) DMAP (20 mol%) catalyst 1a (20 mol%) NH2 Ar O HN toluene (0.01 M), 4 Å MS –78 ºC, 1 h R Ar Ph R 6 NH2 NH2 NH2 Me Me Me Me NH2 Me Me Me 6a NH2 Me F 6c 6b NH2 NH2 NH2 Me Me 6d Cl Cl 6e NH2 Me NH2 Me Me Cl Br 6g 6f NH2 NH2 6h 6j 6i NH2 NH2 6m 6n Me 6k 6l entry amine conv. (%) s-factor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 6g 6h 6i 6j 6k 6l 6m 6n 45 45 46 49 43 42 47 49 48 48 46 45 45 47 10 7.2 7.1 17 16 20 20 18 13 24 13 15 7.7 15 Summary アミンの高い求核性がエナンチオ選択性の低下を招く 立体選択性は溶媒,塩の添加,温度に依存する 様々な不斉源を利用したKRがある
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