The Crane The newsletter of Hiroshima International School Dates to note Tuesday-‐Thursday, 9th-‐11th June -‐ Grades 6-‐10 Camp – Sandankyo Friday, 12th June – Grade 5 PYP Exhibition and Grade 5 Graduation Sports Day ‘Nice weather for ducks’ is one British saying that would have captured the feeling at the HIS Sports Day on Friday: the weather gods did not smile upon us and although the morning ‘Track and Field’ events were successfully completed, the afternoon ‘Team Challenge’ had to be cancelled as the rain became heavier. Still, it was clear that the students were thoroughly enjoying the competition in the morning, and certainly not letting a little rain diminish their enthusiasm and competitiveness. The plan is to complete the Team Challenge at HIS in the last week of semester, and then make sure that all the individu-‐ al and team awards are handed out in the as-‐ semblies we have planned. The fun will continue! 6th June 2015 MEXT Seminar on IB Diploma Admission Pro-‐ cesses at Japanese Universities From August Ayako Kurokawa, our new Visual Arts teacher, will also be taking on responsibility for counselling IB Diploma students about op-‐ portunities at Japanese universities, a role that she has already been undertaking at her current school, Ritsumeikan Uji SHS. As part of preparing for taking on such a role at HIS, this week she attended a seminar in Tokyo organised by the Japanese Ministry of Education designed to al-‐ low Japanese universities to explain their IB Di-‐ ploma Programme admissions processes to school counsellors. Below is her report from the seminar: “With the growing number of IB Diploma Ayaka Kurokawa (right), Dr. Makoto Tahara (centre), Vice PresiProgram schools within and outside of Japan, dent and Director of the Admissions Centre at Okayama UniversiJapanese universities are quickly developing ty, and Professor Beverley Anne Yamamoto (left) of Osaka University, at the MEXT seminar. the “IB entrance system” which aims to ac-‐ cept more IBDP students to a variety of departments in Japanese universities. It is still at their early stage of the implementation so we can witness some inconsistency in the evaluation process and ap-‐ plication materials between different universities; however, the progress is being made and it is still limited but more options will be prepared for the future IB students. Professor Beverley Anne Yama-‐ moto from Osaka University was confident that their G30 programs (Human Sciences International Undergraduate Degree Program and Chemistry Biology Combined Major Program) give great learning opportunities for IBDP students as they find the curriculum, teaching methods, assessment and learn-‐ ing outcomes are similar to the ones in an IBDP education. 日本国内、国外で IB 校の数が増えて行く中、日本の大学でも様々な学部で「IB 特別入試」を 設置する大学が増えています。この入学申請方式はまだ始まったばかりですので、大学間で 入学申請書類や入学選考方法にばらつきが見えますが、今後徐々に整備されていくものと考 えられます。セミナーを行った大学の1つ、大阪大学の山本ビバリーアン教授は、「大阪大 学の G30 プログラム(英語で行う学部、人間科学コース、化学・生物学複合メジャーコース )は IB ディプロマプログラムにカリキュラム、教育方法、評価方法、学習成果が似ており、 IB ディプロマプログラムを履修し、入学した学生は G30 プログラムに非常に円滑に適応でき ている」と話していました。” Parents’ Coffee Morning and PTA Matters Most of Thursday’s Coffee Morning was spent looking at the summary of results from the Parents’ Satisfac-‐ tion Survey and then following up on parents’ questions. This was followed by a quick reflection on the school year based on the following three questions: • What do we do that you want us to do more of? • What do we do that you want us to do less of? • What don’t we currently do that you would like us to do? If you were not able to get to the meeting please feel free to send your answers to these prompts to the principal, Mark Exton, at mexton@hiroshima-‐ 2 It was also the last PTA meeting of the year, and so this is the appropriate time to say a huge ‘Thank you’ to this year’s PTA Planning Committee, all of whom are standing down at the end of this school year. So, Eriko, Jackie, Maga-‐ li, Miyoko, Takaco and Tracy, thank you so much for all the hours of work you have put in for the benefit of our com-‐ munity – you really are Team Awesome! Of course, with everyone standing down there is a need for replacements. Unfortunately, no one has yet come forward to be part of next year’s PTA Planning Committee: the nom-‐ ination process will remain open until such time as some-‐ one does. Please, do not be shy: just let me know at mexton@hiroshima-‐ and we can start the pro-‐ cess with a chat about what is required. Honestly, it’s not as onerous as it might seem! Helping Nepal A quick update on the activities being undertaken to support earthquake relief in Nepal: -‐ The bake and stationery sale by our Early Childhood class raised a phenomenal JPY15,000! -‐ Grade 6 has been collecting items for Monday’s Yard Sale but you can still bring more 100 and 200 yen items in first thing on Monday and take to the G6 homeroom in the Science Lab. -‐ Grade 11 continues to sell crushed ice on the last day of the week, every week. -‐ Grades 4/5 are planning their Crazy Hair Day for Wednesday, 17th June – start thinking about what your hair will look like! Grades 6-‐10 Camp This coming Tuesday through to Thursday will see all students in Grades 6-‐10 heading off to the Osorakan Ecology Camp for a three-‐ day experiential learning adventure designed to build teamwork and leadership skills through challenging them to work outside their cmfort zones and in a wholly foreign environment. Ziplining, hiking, cooking, journaling and team-‐building will all feature across the three days. Working at HIS Currently, HIS has full-‐time vacancies in the following positions for the new school year in August • Japanese language teacher (maternity cover) • EAL Teacher/Coordinator • Early Childhood Teaching Assistant More information regarding these positions will be availble on the school website shortly or can be ob-‐ tained from the Principal at mexton@hiroshima-‐ 3 Yearbook Orders The HIS yearbook is a hard-‐cover book with 88 pages of photographs from throughout the school year. It costs ¥4500 per copy. A limited number of copies have been ordered to arrive by the end of the school year. Therefore, please order your copy early to avoid disappointment! Download the order form from the Newsletter page of the school’s website. From the PTA Main Points • Sports Day Potluck スポーツデイでのポトラックランチ • PTA Meeting PTA ミーティング • Next year’s PTA 来年度の PTA • Duckie Dollar Shop アヒル・1 ドルショップ • Year End BBQ 年度末バーベキュー Thank you! ありがとうございました! A huge thank you to all who brought along tasty treats for the potluck table at yesterday’s Sports Day. Rain may have stopped play before the results were in, but the kids got the energy needed to get through their challenges at the very thought of the delicious spread waiting for them at lunchtime! Thanks to Mr B and the staff from the parents for your hard work making a fun day for us all. スポーツデイでのポトラックテーブルにランチをお持ち寄りくださいました皆さま、本当にあり がとうございました。最終的には雨で中止をせざる得ない状況になってしまいましたが、子ども たちは午前中ポトラックテーブルに並んだ美味しそうなランチを食べるのを楽しみに待ちながら 、頑張って力を発揮してくれたのではないかと思います! Mr B、並びに教職員のみなさま、楽し い一日を本当にありがとうございました。 PTA Meeting PTA ミーティング Thanks to those who attended Thursday’s final PTA meeting of the year. We concentrated mainly on on sharing the results of the surveys handed out to the whole community, including the students, about the recent HIS Carnival and how it compares to International Festival. In brief we could confirm what we al-‐ ready knew: • practically everyone enjoyed the Carnival • everyone also loves International Festival • in an ideal world we all want International Festival to continue • Carnival was less stressful and more relaxing for everyone from the point of view of working • the most popular solution in the current circumstances was holding IF and Carnival on alternate years. 先日、木曜日の PTA 最終ミーティングにご参加くださいました皆さま、ありがとうございました 。主に、皆さまにご協力いただきました HIS カーニバルに関するアンケートの結果のご報告を行 いました。生徒を対象にした同様のアンケートや、インターナショナルフェスティバルとの比較 の結果も公表しました。簡単にご紹介しますと、アンケート結果は私たちの予想を肯定するもの となりました。 • 事実上、みんながカーニバルを楽しんだ。 4 • • • • みんな、通常のインターナショナルフェスティバルもまた、大好きである。 理想上では、みんなインターナショナルフェスティバルを継続してほしい。 手伝いの視点から見ると、カーニバルの方がストレスが少なく、みんなリラックスして手伝 えた。 現状における、解決方法として意見が最も多かったのは、インターナショナルフェスティバ ルとカーニバルを交互に行う、というものであった。 If anyone would like to see the detailed results of the survey, including everyone’s comments, please con-‐ tact us at pta@hiroshima-‐ and we will arrange for you to see them. 皆さまのコメントを含むアンケートの結果の詳細を見たいとのご希望がございましたら、 pta@hiroshima-‐ までご連絡ください。皆さまにご覧いただけるよう対応させていただきま す。 NO PTA NEXT YEAR? 来年度の PTA 活動は・・・? Sadly, the nominating committee was unable to conduct the election of next year’s PTA Planning Commit-‐ tee at Thursday’s meeting as no volunteers had come forward at the time the deadline passed last Sun-‐ day. As Mr Exton explained, this means that the election of the new PTA Committee will have to be post-‐ poned until the beginning of the new school year. If no-‐one comes forward before the end of this year, it will entail starting the whole process after the next term starts, and in practical terms this means that it will take a couple of weeks to get the new team in place. 残念ながら、先週日曜日の締め切り日が過ぎても、次期 PTA 役員への立候補がありませんでした ので、推薦委員は木曜日のミーティングにおいて新役員の選挙を実行することができませんでし た。Exton 校長先生よりご説明がありましたように、これにより新役員の選挙は来年度初めまで 持ち越されることになります。今年度末までにどなたからも立候補がない場合、当然ながらすべ てのプロセスを次の学期が始まってからスタートさせる必要があります。その結果、新チームが 揃うのに二週間はかかってしまうことになります。 From experience, the current team knows that waiting until then to start the process of planning for the rush of Autumn events: Halloween, Bonfire Night etc., makes the work that much more challenging for all concerned. For this reason, we would urge you to contact the nominating committee or Mr Exton before the end of the year, if you are even slightly considering stepping up. While PTA does take up some of your time, I’m sure this year’s team will all agree that it has also been very rewarding in many ways. The smiles of the kids are a powerful reason to do this job! WIth no committee, it will be very challenging to run the major events that the kids look forward to every year! Go on, why not make this YOUR year? 私たちの過去の経験からお話ししますと、新学期まで待つということはその後のハロウィーンや ボンファイヤナイトなどの秋のイベント企画のプロセスのスタートを急ぐ必要が出てくるという ことであり、さまざまな準備がより大変になってしまうということです。それが故に、役員にな られることを少しでもお考えの方は、今年度が終わるまでに、急いで推薦委員や Exton 校長先生 にご連絡されることをお勧めいたします。PTA 役員になると皆さまの時間が必要になってくると は思いますが、あらゆる意味でとてもやりがいのある仕事だと、今年度のチームは間違いなくみ な口をそろえて言うと思います。子どもたちの笑顔・・・それがこの仕事に向かわせてくれるに 十分で強力な動機なんです。 役員チームなしでは、子供たちが毎年楽しみにしている大きなイベントを実行するのがとても大 変になってしまいます。さあ、今度は皆さんのお力を発揮してみませんか? 心よりお待ち申し上 げております。 5 DUCKIES FOR DOLLARS アヒル・1 ドルショップ The mission to get some new balls for the playground continues! We still have duckies, and we know you want to help this worthy cause! Now we are shifting to a more direct approach: Mrs Naruto will be running a Duckie Dollar Shop at school on Monday at lunchtime. You may choose your favourite duckie or other tasty treats and pay in your choice of currency: US $ bills or Japanese Yen. All items will be $1 or ¥120. Now is your chance to get rid of those random dollar bills you have leftover from your vacation!! Clear out your stocks and help buy the kids some balls! Sales will continue while stocks last! (Sorry, no other currencies, and paper bills only!) 子どもたちがグラウンドで使うボールを購入するためのミッションはまだ続いています。アヒル ちゃんがまだ私たちの手もとに残っています。 この度、少し方法を変えてみようと思います。Naruto さんが月曜日の学校のランチタイムに、ア ヒルの 1 ドルショップを開いてくださいます。今回は、お好きなアヒルちゃんを選んでいただけ ますし、アヒルではななくお菓子を選んでいただくこともできます。ドル紙幣か日本円のどちら かでお支払いいただけます。すべて、1 ドルもしくは 120 円です。 皆さんの過去の休暇で残っているドル札をようやく手放す時が来ました。引き出しの中で眠って いるドル札を引っ張り出し、子供たちのためにボールを買う手助けをしてくださいませんか? ア ヒルショップは、売り切れるまで続けられます。(注: 他の通貨は受け付けできません。また、ド ルは 1 ドル札のみ受け付けます。あしからず。。。) ぜひとも、よろしくお願いいたします。 FAREWELL BBQ, Seseragi Park, Tuesday June 23rd 年 度 末 お 別 れ バ ー ベ キ ュ ー 6 月 23 日 火 曜 日 せ せ ら ぎ 公 園 に て Another reminder to mark your calendars for the year end BBQ party on the last day of school, Tuesday June 23rd. Details below: 再度のお知らせになりますが、学校の最終日、6 月 23 日火曜日に年度末バーベキューパーティー を行います。忘れずに皆さまの予定に組み込んでおいてくださいね。詳細は下記の通りです。 TIME 時 間 : As soon as possible after school 学校終了後すぐ PLACE 場 所 : Seseragi Park, Yagi せせらぎ公園 in 八木‐13-‐25+Kawauchi,+Asaminami-‐ku,+Hiroshima-‐ shi,+Hiroshima-‐ken+731-‐ 0102/@34.4704285,132.4852753,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x355a9c10833e70f1:0x1706bbe957d 8f05e?hl=en FOOD & DRINK 食 べ 物 &飲 み 物 : Bring your own! Potluck BBQ party*. 各自で自分の BBQ 用の食べ物 ・飲み物持参してください。 * If you have a grill you could bring and share, please let us know. (pta@hiroshima-‐ If no one brings a grill it may be a potluck picnic! バーべキューグリルをお持ちの方で貸していただける方は、ぜひ pta@hiroshima-‐ までお知 らせくださいね。 WHAT 何 か す る ?: nothing planned….hang out and chat with friends. There is a river running through the park, into which children are prone to jump. A spare change of clothes and a towel may be useful! 特に何も計画していません。一緒におしゃべりを楽しみましょう! 小川が側を流れていますので 、子供たちは飛び込んで遊びたがると思われます。着替えとタオルがあるといいかもしれません ね。 6 BYO EVERYTHING (seats, picnic mats, tables, lanterns and lights, plates, cups, cutlery, food for grilling, etc etc, and please be prepared to take your own garbage home with you). 必 要 な 物 は す べ て お 持 ち く だ さ い ね 。 (敷物、椅子、テーブル、ランタン等の明かり、お皿、 コップ、お箸等、バーベキュー用の食べ物、などなど。また、出たゴミは必ず各自でお持ち帰り くださいね。) * Alternative plans will be announced nearer the date for the eventuality of bad weather. Please watch this space. * 悪天候の場合の代替案は、日が近づいてきてから、改めてお知らせさせていただきます。Crane をチェックしてくださいね。 We look forward to seeing you there! せせらぎ公園でお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。 From the PTA team 以上、PTA からのお知らせでした。 Young Americans Car Pooling (from Jackie) We are looking forward to seeing everyone who is taking part in the Young Americans workshop this year. (We still have a few places for secondary students!) As you know, the workshop starts at 4pm, and as none of the school bus routes go near Aster Plaza, it is always a challenge to get everyone there on time. We would like to organise a car pool to enable as many kids to get there in as few cars as possible, so that their parents can help at participant registration. If you plan to pick up your kids at school and would be able to fit some extra bodies, we would be very grateful. Please contact me, Jackie and let me know how many you can take! [email protected]‐ Also let me know if your kids need help getting there. If necessary priority will be given to those whose parents are volunteering for the first shift. Thank you! Hiroshima International School 3-‐49-‐1, Kurakake, Asakita-‐ku Hiroshima 739-‐1743 tel. (082) 843 4111 fax. (082) 843 6399 www.hiroshima-‐ 7
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