Web 資料 Electronic Appendix 多田英行 (2015) 岡山県における越冬期のチュウヒとハイイロチュウヒの渡来時期と個体数の季節変動. Bird Research 11: A11-A20 Tada H (2015) Seasonal fluctuation of abundance and arrival period for wintering Eastern Marsh Harriers and Hen Harriers in Okayama Prefecture, Western Japan. Bird Research 11: A11-A20 Web 資料 1. 個体識別に用いたチュウヒの羽衣の色や模様の多様性 Electronic Appendix1.The color variations of Harrier plumages. (a-1)オス若鳥~成鳥 背側 (a-1)Male immature or adult Dorsal 風切羽や尾羽の青灰色の強弱や,上尾筒の白色の強弱の違いに注目. Notice the color variation of flight feathers, tail feathers, and tail coverts. (a-2)オス若鳥~成鳥 腹側 (a-2)Male immature or adult Ventral 下雨覆や胸部の褐色味や風切羽のタカ班の強弱の違いに注目. Notice the color variation of under wing coverts, breast and flight feathers. (b-1)オス幼鳥 背側 (b-1)Male juvenile Dorsal 雨覆や上尾筒の淡部の強弱の違いに注目. Notice the color variation of wing coverts and tail coverts. (b-2)オス幼鳥 腹側 (b-2)Male juvenile Ventral 喉の褐色の帯状の羽色の太さや,下雨覆の淡色部の形状の違いに注目. Notice the color variation of throat and under wing coverts. (c-1)メス若鳥~成鳥 背側 (c-1)Female immature or adult Dorsal 雨覆や上尾筒の淡部の強弱の違いに注目. Notice the color variation of wing coverts and tail coverts. (c-2)メス若鳥~成鳥 腹側 (c-2)Female immature or adult Ventral 下雨覆の淡色部の形状や胸部の淡色部の広さに注目. Notice the color variation of under wing coverts and breast. (d-1)メス幼鳥 背側 (d-1)Female juvenile Dorsal 雨覆や上尾筒の淡部の強弱の違いに注目. Notice the color variation of wing coverts and tail coverts. (d-2)メス幼鳥 腹側 (d-2)Female juvenile Ventral 喉の褐色の帯状の羽色の太さや,下雨覆の淡色部の形状の違いに注目. Notice the color variation of throat and under wing coverts.
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