価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 R001C R001CM R050B RR001C RR01CM RR042B RR300B RR350B RR420A RR420B RR420L RR420S RR420W RR42LR RR42WR RR820A RR820B RR820L RR820S RR820W RR82LR RR82WR 1001A 1001B 1002A 1002B 1004A 1004B 1005A 1005AH 1005B 1005BH 1009A 1009B 1010A 1010AH 1010B 1010BH 1012A 1012B 1019A 1019B 1020A 1020B 1021A 1021AH 1021B 1021BH 1022A 1022B 1023A 1023B 1024A 1024B 1025A 1025B 1027A 1027B 1028A 1028B 1034A 1034AH 1034B 1034BH 1035A 1035B 1037A 1037AH 1037B 1037BH 1038A 1038B 1039A R001C R001CM R050B RR001C RR01CM RR042B RR300B RR350B RR420A RR420B RR420L RR420S RR420W RR42LR RR42WR RR820A RR820B RR820L RR820S RR820W RR82LR RR82WR 1001A 1001B 1002A 1002B 1004A 1004B 1005A 1005AH 1005B 1005BH 1009A 1009B 1010A 1010AH 1010B 1010BH 1012A 1012B 1019A 1019B 1020A 1020B 1021A 1021AH 1021B 1021BH 1022A 1022B 1023A 1023B 1024A 1024B 1025A 1025B 1027A 1027B 1028A 1028B 1034A 1034AH 1034B 1034BH 1035A 1035B 1037A 1037AH 1037B 1037BH 1038A 1038B 1039A TaKaRa Taq TaKaRa Taq (Mg2+ free Buffer添付) PrimeSTAR GXL DNA Polymerase TaKaRa Ex Taq TaKaRa Ex Taq (Mg2+ free Buffer) TaKaRa LA Taq Hot Start Version EmeraldAmp PCR Master Mix SapphireAmp Fast PCR Master Mix SYBR Premix Ex Taq (Tli RNaseH Plus) SYBR Premix Ex Taq (Tli RNaseH Plus) SYBR Premix Ex Taq (Tli RNaseH Plus), Bulk SYBR Premix Ex Taq (Tli RNaseH Plus) SYBR Premix Ex Taq (Tli RNaseH Plus), Bulk SYBR Premix Ex Taq (Tli RNaseH Plus), ROX plus SYBR Premix Ex Taq (Tli RNaseH Plus), ROX plus SYBR Premix Ex Taq II (Tli RNaseH Plus) SYBR Premix Ex Taq II (Tli RNaseH Plus) SYBR Premix Ex Taq II (Tli RNaseH Plus), Bulk SYBR Premix Ex Taq II (Tli RNaseH Plus) SYBR Premix Ex Taq II (Tli RNaseH Plus), Bulk SYBR Premix Ex Taq II (Tli RNaseH Plus), ROX plus SYBR Premix Ex Taq II (Tli RNaseH Plus), ROX plus Acc I Acc I Acc II(FnuD II) Acc II(FnuD II) Alu I Alu I Apa I Apa I(高濃度) Apa I Apa I(高濃度) Bal I Bal I BamH I BamH I(高濃度) BamH I BamH I(高濃度) Ban II(HgiJ II) Ban II(HgiJ II) Bcn I(Cau II) Bcn I(Cau II) Bgl I Bgl I Bgl II Bgl II(高濃度) Bgl II Bgl II(高濃度) Bln I(Avr II) Bln I(Avr II) Bpu1102 I(Esp I) Bpu1102 I(Esp I) Bsp1286 I(Sdu I) Bsp1286 I(Sdu I) BstP I(BstE II, EcoO65 I) BstP I(BstE II, EcoO65 I) BstX I BstX I Bst1107 I(Sna I) Bst1107 I(Sna I) Cla I Cla I(高濃度) Cla I Cla I(高濃度) Cpo I(Rsr II) Cpo I(Rsr II) Dra I(Aha III) Dra I(Aha III)(高濃度) Dra I(Aha III) Dra I(Aha III)(高濃度) EcoT14 I(Sty I) EcoT14 I(Sty I) Eco52 I(Xma III) 1/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 231,000 231,000 110,000 260,000 260,000 93,000 66,000 66,000 42,000 80,000 42,000 8,400 165,000 42,000 165,000 42,000 80,000 42,000 8,400 165,000 42,000 165,000 9,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 9,800 38,800 38,800 8,800 34,800 6,700 6,700 26,400 26,400 8,800 34,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 7,200 7,200 28,800 28,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 8,800 34,800 9,800 38,800 8,800 34,800 10,800 43,200 8,800 8,800 34,800 34,800 8,800 34,800 9,800 9,800 38,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 8,800 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 1039B 1040A 1040AH 1040B 1040BH 1042A 1042AH 1042B 1042BH 1043A 1043B 1045A 1045B 1046A 1046B 1051A 1051AH 1051B 1051BH 1052A 1052B 1053A 1053AH 1053B 1053BH 1056A 1056B 1057A 1057B 1059A 1059AH 1059B 1059BH 1060A 1060AH 1060B 1060BH 1064A 1064B 1068A 1068AH 1068B 1068BH 1069A 1069B 1070A 1070B 1071A 1071AH 1071B 1071BH 1073A 1073AH 1073B 1073BH 1074A 1074B 1078A 1078AH 1078B 1078BH 1079A 1079B 1080A 1080AH 1080B 1080BH 1082A 1082B 1082BH 1084A 1084B 1085A 1039B 1040A 1040AH 1040B 1040BH 1042A 1042AH 1042B 1042BH 1043A 1043B 1045A 1045B 1046A 1046B 1051A 1051AH 1051B 1051BH 1052A 1052B 1053A 1053AH 1053B 1053BH 1056A 1056B 1057A 1057B 1059A 1059AH 1059B 1059BH 1060A 1060AH 1060B 1060BH 1064A 1064B 1068A 1068AH 1068B 1068BH 1069A 1069B 1070A 1070B 1071A 1071AH 1071B 1071BH 1073A 1073AH 1073B 1073BH 1074A 1074B 1078A 1078AH 1078B 1078BH 1079A 1079B 1080A 1080AH 1080B 1080BH 1082A 1082B 1082BH 1084A 1084B 1085A Eco52 I(Xma III) EcoR I EcoR I(高濃度) EcoR I EcoR I(高濃度) EcoR V EcoR V(高濃度) EcoR V EcoR V(高濃度) EcoO109 I(Dra II) EcoO109 I(Dra II) Fba I(Bcl I) Fba I(Bcl I) Fok I Fok I Hae III Hae III(高濃度) Hae III Hae III(高濃度) Hae II Hae II Hap II(Hpa II, Msp I) Hap II(Hpa II, Msp I)(高濃度) Hap II(Hpa II, Msp I) Hap II(Hpa II, Msp I)(高濃度) Hha I Hha I Hin1 I(Acy I, Bbi II) Hin1 I(Acy I, Bbi II) Hinc II(Hind II) Hinc II(Hind II)(高濃度) Hinc II(Hind II) Hinc II(Hind II)(高濃度) Hind III Hind III(高濃度) Hind III Hind III(高濃度) Hpa I Hpa I Kpn I Kpn I(高濃度) Kpn I Kpn I(高濃度) Mbo I(Sau3A I) Mbo I(Sau3A I) Mfl I(Xho II) Mfl I(Xho II) Mlu I Mlu I(高濃度) Mlu I Mlu I(高濃度) Pst I Pst I(高濃度) Pst I Pst I(高濃度) PshA I PshA I Sac I Sac I(高濃度) Sac I Sac I(高濃度) Sac II Sac II Sal I Sal I(高濃度) Sal I Sal I(高濃度) Sau3A I(Mbo I) Sau3A I(Mbo I) Sau3A I(Mbo I)(高濃度) Sca I Sca I Sma I タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 34,800 6,700 6,700 26,400 26,400 8,800 8,800 34,800 34,800 9,200 36,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 8,800 8,800 34,800 34,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 9,800 38,800 38,800 8,800 34,800 9,800 38,800 8,800 8,800 34,800 34,800 6,700 6,700 26,400 26,400 8,800 34,800 7,700 7,700 30,800 30,800 8,800 34,800 9,800 38,800 8,800 8,800 34,800 34,800 6,700 6,700 26,400 26,400 9,800 38,800 9,800 9,800 38,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 9,800 38,800 38,800 8,800 34,800 34,800 9,800 38,800 8,800 2/82 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 1085AH 1085B 1085BH 1086A 1086B 1088A 1088B 1090A 1090B 1093A 1093AH 1093B 1093BH 1094A 1094AH 1094B 1094BH 1095A 1095B 1107A 1107B 1108A 1108B 1109A 1109B 1111A 1111B 1112A 1112B 1113A 1113B 1116A 1116B 1118A 1118B 1119A 1119B 1120A 1120B 1123A 1123B 1124A 1124B 1125A 1125B 1131A 1131B 1135A 1135B 1145A 1145B 1150A 1150AH 1150B 1150BH 1153A 1153B 1155A 1155B 1160A 1160B 1160BH 1161A 1161B 1166A 1166B 1166BH 1168A 1168B 1177A 1177B 1183A 1183B 1085AH 1085B 1085BH 1086A 1086B 1088A 1088B 1090A 1090B 1093A 1093AH 1093B 1093BH 1094A 1094AH 1094B 1094BH 1095A 1095B 1107A 1107B 1108A 1108B 1109A 1109B 1111A 1111B 1112A 1112B 1113A 1113B 1116A 1116B 1118A 1118B 1119A 1119B 1120A 1120B 1123A 1123B 1124A 1124B 1125A 1125B 1131A 1131B 1135A 1135B 1145A 1145B 1150A 1150AH 1150B 1150BH 1153A 1153B 1155A 1155B 1160A 1160B 1160BH 1161A 1161B 1166A 1166B 1166BH 1168A 1168B 1177A 1177B 1183A 1183B Sma I(高濃度) Sma I Sma I(高濃度) Spe I Spe I Stu I Stu I Tth111 I Tth111 I Xba I Xba I(高濃度) Xba I Xba I(高濃度) Xho I Xho I(高濃度) Xho I Xho I(高濃度) Xsp I(Bfa I, Mae I) Xsp I(Bfa I, Mae I) Bsp1407 I Bsp1407 I Psp1406 I(Acl I) Psp1406 I(Acl I) PshB I(Vsp I) PshB I(Vsp I) Smi I(Swa I) Smi I(Swa I) Aat II Aat II Acc III(BspM II) Acc III(BspM II) Afa I(Rsa I) Afa I(Rsa I) Aor51H I(Eco47 III) Aor51H I(Eco47 III) BssH II(BseP I) BssH II(BseP I) Cfr10 I Cfr10 I Eae I(Cfr I) Eae I(Cfr I) Eam1105 I Eam1105 I EcoT22 I(Ava III) EcoT22 I(Ava III) Eco81 I(Sau I) Eco81 I(Sau I) EcoO65 I(BstE II, BstP I) EcoO65 I(BstE II, BstP I) Mbo II Mbo II Msp I(Hap II, Hpa II) Msp I(Hap II, Hpa II)(高濃度) Msp I(Hap II, Hpa II) Msp I(Hap II, Hpa II)(高濃度) Mun I(Mfe I) Mun I(Mfe I) Nae I Nae I Nco I Nco I Nco I(高濃度) Nde I Nde I Not I Not I Not I(高濃度) Nru I Nru I PmaC I PmaC I Sse8387 I Sse8387 I タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 8,800 34,800 34,800 8,800 34,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 9,300 9,300 36,800 36,800 7,700 7,700 30,800 30,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 10,800 43,200 9,800 38,800 21,600 86,400 8,800 34,800 9,800 38,800 8,800 34,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 10,800 43,200 7,200 28,800 10,800 43,200 9,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 8,800 34,800 9,300 36,800 10,800 10,800 43,200 43,200 9,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 9,300 36,800 36,800 8,800 34,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 3/82 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 1183BH 1185A 1185B 1189A 1189B 1193A 1193B 1196A 1196B 1207A 1207B 1223A 1223B 1224A 1224B 1225A 1225B 1226A 1226B 1231A 1231B 1232A 1232B 1234A 1235A 1235B 1236A 1236B 1237A 1237B 1238A 1238AH 1238B 1238BH 1241A 1241B 1242A 1242B 1243A 1243AH 1243B 1243BH 1244A 1244B 1245A 1245B 1246A 1246B 1247A 1247B 1248A 1248B SC910A SC910C Z0702N Z0703N Z6841N Z9101N Z9102N Z9105N Z9108N Z9110N Z9112N Z9114N Z9115N Z9116N Z9119N Z9120N Z9123N Z9124N Z9125N Z9132N Z9135N 1183BH 1185A 1185B 1189A 1189B 1193A 1193B 1196A 1196B 1207A 1207B 1223A 1223B 1224A 1224B 1225A 1225B 1226A 1226B 1231A 1231B 1232A 1232B 1234A 1235A 1235B 1236A 1236B 1237A 1237B 1238A 1238AH 1238B 1238BH 1241A 1241B 1242A 1242B 1243A 1243AH 1243B 1243BH 1244A 1244B 1245A 1245B 1246A 1246B 1247A 1247B 1248A 1248B SC910A SC910C 630702 630703 636841 639101 639102 639105 639108 639110 639112 639114 639115 639116 639119 639120 639123 639124 639125 639132 639135 Sse8387 I(高濃度) Ssp I Ssp I Taq I(TthHB8 I) Taq I(TthHB8 I) Van91 I(PflM I) Van91 I(PflM I) VpaK11B I(Ava II) VpaK11B I(Ava II) BmeT110 I(Ava I) BmeT110 I(Ava I) BspT107 I(HgiC I) BspT107 I(HgiC I) Aor13H I(BspM II, Acc III) Aor13H I(BspM II, Acc III) BspT104 I(Asu II, Nsp V) BspT104 I(Asu II, Nsp V) Nsb I(Avi II, Mst I) Nsb I(Avi II, Mst I) BmgT120 I(Cfr13 I, Asu I) BmgT120 I(Cfr13 I, Asu I) BciT130 I(EcoR II, Mva I) BciT130 I(EcoR II, Mva I) McrBC Dpn I Dpn I Afl II Afl II ApaL I ApaL I Hinf I Hinf I(高濃度) Hinf I Hinf I(高濃度) Nhe I Nhe I Pvu I Pvu I Pvu II Pvu II(高濃度) Pvu II Pvu II(高濃度) Sfi I Sfi I SnaB I SnaB I Sph I Sph I RspRS II(Mse I) RspRS II(Mse I) Dde I Dde I 25μl Smart Cycler 反応チューブ(100本) 25μl Smart Cycler 反応チューブ(1,000本) Transformer Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit Diversify PCR Random Mutagenesis Kit RNA/cDNA Quality Assay Advantage cDNA PCR Kit Advantage cDNA PCR Kit Advantage cDNA Polymerase Mix KlenTaq LA Polymerase Mix Advantage Genomic Polymerase Mix Advantage-GC cDNA Polymerase Mix Advantage-GC 2 Polymerase Mix Advantage-GC cDNA PCR Kit Advantage-GC cDNA PCR Kit Advantage-GC 2 PCR Kit Advantage-GC 2 PCR Kit Advantage-HF 2 PCR Kit Advantage-HF 2 PCR Kit Advantage UltraPure PCR Deoxynucleotide Mix (10 mM each dNTP) Advantage UltraPure dNTP Combination Kit (100 mM each dNTP) Advantage 10× cDNA PCR Buffer 4/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 38,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 10,800 43,200 9,800 38,800 8,800 34,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 8,800 34,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 9,800 38,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 38,000 9,800 9,800 38,800 38,800 8,200 32,800 9,800 38,800 9,800 38,800 10,300 41,200 10,300 41,200 10,800 98,000 94,500 127,100 74,600 67,200 23,100 45,200 44,100 39,900 49,400 39,900 75,600 20,000 67,200 17,900 63,000 17,900 11,600 38,900 22,100 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 Z9137N Z9138N Z9141N Z9142N Z9148N Z9152N Z9153N Z9201N Z9202N Z9206N Z9207N Z9208N Z9209N Z9210N Z9211N Z9231N Z9233N Z9234N Z9235N Z9238N Z9240N Z9241N Z9242N Z9243N Z9267N Z9276N Z9278N Z9280N Z9282N Z9298N Z9550N Z9553N Z9556N Z9567N Z9250N Z9251N Z9008N Z9009N Z9014N Z8313N Z8314N Z8315N Z8316N Z9519N Z9652N Z9653N Z9654N Z9655N Z9676N Z9503N Z9504N Z9505N Z9506N Z9522N Z9523N Z9524N Z9525N Z9527N Z9528N Z9529N Z9530N Z9531N Z9532N Z9533N Z9536N Z9537N Z9538N Z9541N Z9542N Z9543N Z9544N Z9545N Z9546N 639137 639138 639141 639142 639148 639152 639153 639201 639202 639206 639207 639208 639209 639210 639211 639231 639233 639234 639235 639238 639240 639241 639242 639243 639267 639276 639278 639280 639282 639298 639550 639553 639556 639567 639250 639251 639008 639009 639014 638313 638314 638315 638316 639519 639652 639653 639654 639655 639676 639503 639504 639505 639506 639522 639523 639524 639525 639527 639528 639529 639530 639531 639532 639533 639536 639537 639538 639541 639542 639543 639544 639545 639546 10× Advantage 2 PCR Buffer 10× Advantage 2 PCR Buffer 10× Titanium Taq PCR Buffer 10× Titanium Taq PCR Buffer 10× Advantage 2 SA PCR Buffer Advantage Genomic LA Polymerase Mix Advantage GC Genomic LA Polymerase Mix Advantage 2 Polymerase Mix Advantage 2 Polymerase Mix Advantage 2 PCR Kit Advantage 2 PCR Kit Titanium Taq DNA Polymerase Titanium Taq DNA Polymerase Titanium Taq PCR Kit Titanium Taq PCR Kit Taq Full Hot Start DNA Polymerase PCR Kit Taq Full DNA Polymerase Enzyme Mix Taq Full DNA Polymerase Enzyme Mix Taq Full DNA Polymerase PCR Kit GC-MELT REAGENT(5 M) Titanium DNA Amplification Kit Advantage HD Polymerase Mix Titanium Taq DNA Polymerase Titanium DNA Amplification Kit PCR Intro Pack High Yield PCR EcoDry Premix High Yield PCR EcoDry Premix High Fidelity PCR EcoDry Premix High Fidelity PCR EcoDry Premix CloneAmp HiFi PCR Premix Sprint Advantage 96 Plate Sprint Advantage Single Shots Sprint Advantage Single Shots Sprint Titanium 96 Plate TaqStart Antibody TaqStart Antibody Mouse β-Actin Control Amplimer Set Mouse G3PDH Control Amplimer Set Rat G3PDH Control Amplimer Set Mir-X miRNA First-Strand Synthesis Kit Mir-X miRNA qRT-PCR SYBR Kit Mir-X miRNA First-Strand Synthesis Kit Mir-X miRNA qRT-PCR SYBR Kit QTaq DNA One-Step qRT-PCR SYBR Kit QTaq DNA Polymerase Mix qPCR Human Reference cDNA, random-primed qPCR Human Reference cDNA, random-primed QTaq DNA Polymerase Mix SYBR Advantage qPCR Premix Titanium One-Step RT-PCR Kit Titanium One-Step RT-PCR Kit Advantage RT-for-PCR Kit Advantage RT-for-PCR Kit SMART MMLV Reverse Transcriptase SMART MMLV Reverse Transcriptase SMART MMLV Reverse Transcriptase Sprint RT Complete - Random Hexamer Sprint RT Complete - Random Hexamer Sprint RT Complete - Oligo (dT)18 Sprint RT Complete - Oligo (dT)18 Sprint RT Complete - Oligo (dT)18 Sprint RT Complete - Double PrePrimed Sprint RT Complete - Double PrePrimed Sprint RT Complete - Double PrePrimed SMARTScribe Reverse Transcriptase SMARTScribe Reverse Transcriptase SMARTScribe Reverse Transcriptase RNA to cDNA EcoDry Premix (Oligo dT) RNA to cDNA EcoDry Premix (Oligo dT) RNA to cDNA EcoDry Premix (Oligo dT) RNA to cDNA EcoDry Premix (Random Hexamers) RNA to cDNA EcoDry Premix (Random Hexamers) RNA to cDNA EcoDry Premix (Random Hexamers) 5/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 10,500 22,100 10,500 22,100 22,100 39,900 79,800 35,700 151,200 60,900 20,000 27,300 94,500 49,400 20,000 77,700 56,700 453,600 69,300 10,500 215,300 31,500 178,500 283,500 25,200 14,700 8,400 18,900 10,500 37,800 53,600 29,400 6,300 31,500 29,400 57,800 36,800 84,000 41,000 43,100 68,300 65,100 129,200 388,500 358,100 21,000 45,200 322,400 31,500 34,700 94,500 45,200 89,300 9,500 22,100 37,800 13,700 69,300 13,700 41,000 69,300 13,700 41,000 69,300 14,700 32,600 105,000 41,000 69,300 27,300 41,000 69,300 27,300 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 Z9547N Z9548N Z9549N Z8909N Z8910N Z8911N Z8912N Z8913N Z8914N Z8915N Z8916N Z8917N Z8918N Z8919N Z8920N Z0701N Z6763N Z6764N Z6765N Z6766N Z6767N Z4861N Z4862N Z4901N Z4913N Z4925N Z4926N Z4930N Z4931N Z4933N Z5001N Z4102N Z4138N Z4144N Z4159N Z6405N Z6742N Z6743N Z6745N Z6746N Z6747N Z6748N Z6751N Z6753N Z6754N Z6755N Z6757N Z7202N Z7203N Z7204N Z7205N Z7206N Z7207N Z7208N Z7209N Z7210N Z7212N Z7213N Z7214N Z7215N Z7216N Z7217N Z7218N Z7219N Z7220N Z7221N Z7222N Z7223N Z7224N Z7225N Z7226N Z7227N Z7228N 639547 639548 639549 638909 638910 638911 638912 638913 638914 638915 638916 638917 638918 638919 638920 630701 636763 636764 636765 636766 636767 634861 634862 634901 634913 634925 634926 634930 634931 634933 635001 634102 634138 634144 634159 636405 636742 636743 636745 636746 636747 636748 636751 636753 636754 636755 636757 637202 637203 637204 637205 637206 637207 637208 637209 637210 637212 637213 637214 637215 637216 637217 637218 637219 637220 637221 637222 637223 637224 637225 637226 637227 637228 RNA to cDNA EcoDry Premix (Double Primed) RNA to cDNA EcoDry Premix (Double Primed) RNA to cDNA EcoDry Premix (Double Primed) In-Fusion HD Cloning Plus In-Fusion HD Cloning Plus In-Fusion HD Cloning Plus In-Fusion HD EcoDry Cloning Plus In-Fusion HD EcoDry Cloning Plus In-Fusion HD EcoDry Cloning Plus In-Fusion HD EcoDry Cloning Plus In-Fusion HD Cloning Plus CE In-Fusion HD Cloning Plus CE In-Fusion HD Cloning Plus CE In-Fusion HD Cloning Plus CE In-Fusion HD Cloning Plus BMH 71-18 mutS Competent Cells Stellar Competent Cells Stellar Competent Cells (dam-/dcm-) Stellar Electrocompetent Cells Stellar Competent Cells Stellar Competent Cells (96 well plate) SMARTer Stranded Total RNA Sample Prep Kit - Low Input Mammalian SMARTer Stranded RNA-Seq Kit HT SMART cDNA Library Construction Kit Marathon cDNA Amplification Kit SMARTer PCR cDNA Synthesis Kit SMARTer PCR cDNA Synthesis Kit SMARTer Fluorescent Probe Amplification Kit SMARTer Pico Fluorescent Probe Amplification Kit In-Fusion SMARTer Directional cDNA Library Construction Kit SMART mRNA Amplification Kit Human Genomic Library Chicken Genomic Library Mouse 129S Genomic Library Zebrafish Genomic Library Universal GenomeWalker 2.0 Human MTC Panel I Human MTC Panel II Mouse MTC Panel I Human Digestive System MTC Panel Human Fetal MTC Panel Human Immune System MTC Panel Rat MTC Panel I Human Cell Line MTC Panel HeLa Apoptosis cDNA Panel MCF7 Apoptosis cDNA Panel MTC Mouse Panel III Human Brain, cerebral cortex QUICK-Clone cDNA Human HeLa QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Kidney QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Liver QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Lung QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Pancreas QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Placenta QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Testis QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Thymus QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Brain, cerebellum QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Heart QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Ovary QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Prostate QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Retina QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Spleen QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Stomach QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Aorta QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Fat Cell QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Fetal Brain QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Spinal Cord QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Lymph Node QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Colorectal Carcinoma (SW 480) QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Leukemia (MOLT-4) QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Lymphoma, Burkitt's (Raji) QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Fetal Heart QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Brain, hippocampus QUICK-Clone cDNA 6/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 41,000 69,300 27,300 47,400 170,000 267,800 38,100 97,900 175,100 252,400 45,300 159,700 257,500 247,200 257,500 52,500 31,900 31,900 42,200 104,000 72,100 618,000 1,112,400 215,300 173,000 196,700 315,200 228,700 289,400 250,300 127,700 161,700 157,600 154,500 154,500 139,100 121,500 121,500 117,400 121,500 121,500 121,500 117,400 121,500 121,500 121,500 121,500 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 Z7229N Z7230N Z7231N Z7232N Z7233N Z7234N Z7235N Z7236N Z7237N Z7239N Z7240N Z7241N Z7242N Z7243N Z7244N Z7248N Z7251N Z7254N Z7256N Z7257N Z7258N Z7259N Z7260N Z7301N Z7302N Z7303N Z7304N Z7305N Z7306N Z7307N Z7308N Z7309N Z7310N Z7311N Z7312N Z7313N Z7314N Z7315N Z7316N Z7317N Z7318N Z8901N Z9300N Z9301N Z9302N Z9303N Z9304N Z9305N Z9306N Z9307N Z9308N Z9309N Z9310N Z9311N Z9312N Z9313N Z9314N Z9315N Z9316N Z9317N Z9318N Z9319N Z9320N Z9321N Z9322N Z9324N Z9325N Z9326N Z9327N Z9328N Z9329N Z9331N Z9333N 637229 637230 637231 637232 637233 637234 637235 637236 637237 637239 637240 637241 637242 637243 637244 637248 637251 637254 637256 637257 637258 637259 637260 637301 637302 637303 637304 637305 637306 637307 637308 637309 637310 637311 637312 637313 637314 637315 637316 637317 637318 638901 639300 639301 639302 639303 639304 639305 639306 639307 639308 639309 639310 639311 639312 639313 639314 639315 639316 639317 639318 639319 639320 639321 639322 639324 639325 639326 639327 639328 639329 639331 639333 Human Fetal Kidney QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Fetal Liver QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Mammary Gland QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Pituitary Gland QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Salivary Gland QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Skeletal Muscle QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Small Intestine QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Thyroid Gland QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Uterus QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Bone Marrow QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Leukocyte QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Smooth Muscle QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Brain, whole QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Brain, thalamus QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Brain, amygdala QUICK-Clone cDNA Human XG Lung Carcinoma (LX-1) QUICK-Clone cDNA Human XG Prostatic Adenocarcinoma (PC-3) QUICK-Clone cDNA Human XG Burkitt's Lymphoma (Daudi) QUICK-Clone cDNA Human XG Renal Carcinoma (MRI-H-121) Tumor QUICK-Clone cDNA Human XG Glioblastoma (SF-295) QUICK-Clone cDNA Human XG Malignant Melanoma (A375) QUICK-Clone cDNA Human XG Prostatic Adenocarcinoma (MRI-H-1579) QUICK-Clone cDNA Human Universal QUICK-Clone cDNA II Mouse Brain QUICK-Clone cDNA Mouse Liver QUICK-Clone cDNA Mouse Testis QUICK-Clone cDNA Mouse Heart QUICK-Clone cDNA Mouse Spleen QUICK-Clone cDNA Mouse Kidney QUICK-Clone cDNA Mouse Smooth Muscle QUICK-Clone cDNA Mouse 7-day Embryo QUICK-Clone cDNA Mouse 11-day Embryo QUICK-Clone cDNA Mouse 15-day Embryo QUICK-Clone cDNA Mouse 17-day Embryo QUICK-Clone cDNA Rat Brain QUICK-Clone cDNA Rat Liver QUICK-Clone cDNA Rat Heart QUICK-Clone cDNA Rat Spleen QUICK-Clone cDNA Rat Testis QUICK-Clone cDNA Rat Kidney QUICK-Clone cDNA Rat Pancreas QUICK-Clone cDNA GenomeWalker Human Kit Human Brain, whole Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Brain, cerebellum Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Fetal Brain Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Fetal Liver Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Heart Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Kidney Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Leukocyte Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Liver Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Lung Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Mammary Gland Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Pancreas Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Placenta Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Spleen Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Skeletal Muscle Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Testis Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Thymus Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Bone Marrow Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Ovary Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Prostate Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Brain, hippocampus Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Brain, cerebral cortex Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Fetal Thymus Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Fetal Spleen Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Pituitary Gland Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Aorta Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Small Intestine Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Stomach Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Uterus Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Brain, hypothalamus Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Colon Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Fetal Lung Marathon-Ready cDNA 7/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 199,800 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 104,000 104,000 104,000 104,000 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 97,900 139,100 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 109,200 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 Z9334N Z9335N Z9336N Z9338N Z9339N Z9343N Z9345N Z9349N Z9350N Z9355N Z9358N Z9361N Z9364N Z9365N Z9400N Z9401N Z9402N Z9403N Z9404N Z9405N Z9407N Z9408N Z9409N Z9410N Z9411N Z9412N Z9414N Z9416N Z9417N Z9418N Z6101N Z6102N Z6103N Z6105N Z6106N Z6107N Z6108N Z6109N Z6110N Z6111N Z6112N Z6113N Z6114N Z6115N Z6117N Z6118N Z6119N Z6120N Z6121N Z6122N Z6124N Z6125N Z6126N Z6127N Z6128N Z6129N Z6132N Z6133N Z6134N Z6135N Z6137N Z6138N Z6139N Z6140N Z6141N Z6142N Z6143N Z6144N Z6145N Z6146N Z6147N Z6148N Z6149N 639334 639335 639336 639338 639339 639343 639345 639349 639350 639355 639358 639361 639364 639365 639400 639401 639402 639403 639404 639405 639407 639408 639409 639410 639411 639412 639414 639416 639417 639418 636101 636102 636103 636105 636106 636107 636108 636109 636110 636111 636112 636113 636114 636115 636117 636118 636119 636120 636121 636122 636124 636125 636126 636127 636128 636129 636132 636133 636134 636135 636137 636138 636139 636140 636141 636142 636143 636144 636145 636146 636147 636148 636149 Human Fetal Stomach Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Fetal Skeletal Muscle Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Fetal Adrenal Gland Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Fetus Marathon-Ready cDNA Human HeLa Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Leukemia, promyelocytic Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Lung Carcinoma Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Retina Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Thyroid Gland Marathon-Ready cDNA Human XG Lung Carcinoma (LX-1) Marathon-Ready cDNA Human XG Prostatic Adenocarcinoma (PC-3) Marathon-Ready cDNA Human XG Burkitt's Lymphoma (Daudi) Marathon-Ready cDNA Human XG Glioblastoma (SF-295) Marathon-Ready cDNA Human XG Malignant Melanoma (A375) Marathon-Ready cDNA Mouse Brain Marathon-Ready cDNA Mouse Liver Marathon-Ready cDNA Mouse Kidney Marathon-Ready cDNA Mouse Spleen Marathon-Ready cDNA Mouse Heart Marathon-Ready cDNA Mouse Testis Marathon-Ready cDNA Mouse 7-day Embryo Marathon-Ready cDNA Mouse 11-day Embryo Marathon-Ready cDNA Mouse 15-day Embryo Marathon-Ready cDNA Mouse 17-day Embryo Marathon-Ready cDNA Mouse Lung Marathon-Ready cDNA Rat Brain Marathon-Ready cDNA Rat Kidney Marathon-Ready cDNA Rat Heart Marathon-Ready cDNA Rat Testis Marathon-Ready cDNA Rat Skeletal Muscle Marathon-Ready cDNA Human Liver Poly A+ RNA Human Brain Poly A+ RNA Human Placenta Poly A+ RNA Human Lung Poly A+ RNA Human Fetal Brain Poly A+ RNA Human Fetal Kidney Poly A+ RNA Human Fetal Liver Poly A+ RNA Human Fetal Lung Poly A+ RNA Human Cell Line HL-60 Leukemia, Promyelocytic Poly A+ RNA Human Cell Line Daudi Lymphoma, Burkitt's Poly A+ RNA Human Cell Line K-562 Leukemia, Chronic myelogenous Poly A+ RNA Human Heart Poly A+ RNA Human Salivary Gland Poly A+ RNA Human Testis Poly A+ RNA Human Uterus Poly A+ RNA Human Kidney Poly A+ RNA Human Pancreas Poly A+ RNA Human Skeletal Muscle Poly A+ RNA Human Spleen Poly A+ RNA Human Brain, cerebellum Poly A+ RNA Human Prostate Poly A+ RNA Human Small Intestine Poly A+ RNA Human Stomach Poly A+ RNA Human Trachea Poly A+ RNA Human Thyroid Poly A+ RNA Human Adrenal Gland Poly A+ RNA Human Brain, caudate nucleus Poly A+ RNA Human Brain, corpus callosum Poly A+ RNA Human Brain, hippocampus Poly A+ RNA Human Brain, thalamus Poly A+ RNA Human Cell Line SW480 Colorectal Adenocarcinoma Poly A+ RNA Human Cell Line MOLT-4 Leukemia, Lymphoblastic Poly A+ RNA Human Cell Line Raji Lymphoma, Burkitt's Poly A+ RNA Human Cell Line G361 Melanoma Poly A+ RNA Human Cell Line A549 Lung Carcinoma Poly A+ RNA Human Spinal Cord Poly A+ RNA Human Lymph Node Poly A+ RNA Human Brain, hypothalamus Poly A+ RNA Human Adrenal Cortex Poly A+ RNA Human Colon Poly A+ RNA Human Colon, ascending Poly A+ RNA Human Stomach, cardia Poly A+ RNA Human Stomach, corpus Poly A+ RNA 8/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 120,500 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 187,500 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 131,800 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 Z6150N Z6152N Z6153N Z6154N Z6155N Z6156N Z6157N Z6158N Z6159N Z6160N Z6161N Z6162N Z6163N Z6164N Z6165N Z6166N Z6168N Z6170N Z6171N Z6172N Z6173N Z6174N Z6175N Z6176N Z6177N Z6178N Z6179N Z6180N Z6181N Z6182N Z6183N Z6184N Z6185N Z6201N Z6202N Z6203N Z6204N Z6205N Z6206N Z6207N Z6208N Z6209N Z6210N Z6211N Z6212N Z6213N Z6215N Z6216N Z6217N Z6218N Z6219N Z6220N Z6221N Z6222N Z6224N Z6225N Z6307N Z6309N Z6312N Z6313N Z6314N Z6315N Z6316N Z6401N Z6402N Z6404N Z6510N Z6512N Z6520N Z6524N Z6525N Z6526N Z6527N 636150 636152 636153 636154 636155 636156 636157 636158 636159 636160 636161 636162 636163 636164 636165 636166 636168 636170 636171 636172 636173 636174 636175 636176 636177 636178 636179 636180 636181 636182 636183 636184 636185 636201 636202 636203 636204 636205 636206 636207 636208 636209 636210 636211 636212 636213 636215 636216 636217 636218 636219 636220 636221 636222 636224 636225 636307 636309 636312 636313 636314 636315 636316 636401 636402 636404 636510 636512 636520 636524 636525 636526 636527 Human Dorsal Root Ganglion Total RNA Human Ovary Poly A+ RNA Human Aorta Poly A+ RNA Human Fetal Spleen Poly A+ RNA Human Brain, medulla oblongata Poly A+ RNA Human Fetal Heart Poly A+ RNA Human Pituitary Gland Poly A+ RNA Human Appendix Poly A+ RNA Human Fetal Adrenal Gland Poly A+ RNA Human Epididymus Poly A+ RNA Human Tongue Poly A+ RNA Human Adipose Tissue Poly A+ RNA Human Mammary Gland Poly A+ RNA Human Brain, cerebral cortex Poly A+ RNA Human Brain, frontal lobe Poly A+ RNA Human Brain, pons Poly A+ RNA Human Brain, temporal lobe Poly A+ RNA Human Blood, peripheral leukocytes Poly A+ RNA Human Heart, auricle dextra (right) Poly A+ RNA Human Heart, auricle sinistra (left) Poly A+ RNA Human Heart, ventricle (left) Poly A+ RNA Human Heart, ventricle (right) Poly A+ RNA Human Heart, pericardium Poly A+ RNA Human Bladder Poly A+ RNA Human Small Intestine, duodenum Poly A+ RNA Human Esophagus Poly A+ RNA Human Small Intestine, ileocecum Poly A+ RNA Human Small Intestine, ileum Poly A+ RNA Human Small Intestine, jejunum Poly A+ RNA Human Tonsil Poly A+ RNA Human Fetal Spinal Cord Poly A+ RNA Human Fetal Thymus Poly A+ RNA Human Fetus, Whole Poly A+ RNA Mouse Liver Poly A+ RNA Mouse Heart Poly A+ RNA Mouse Testis Poly A+ RNA Mouse Kidney Poly A+ RNA Mouse Spleen Poly A+ RNA Mouse Pancreas Poly A+ RNA Mouse Brain Poly A+ RNA Mouse Skeletal Muscle Poly A+ RNA Mouse Lung Poly A+ RNA Mouse Smooth Muscle Poly A+ RNA Rat Liver Poly A+ RNA Rat Brain Poly A+ RNA Rat Testis Poly A+ RNA Rat Spleen Poly A+ RNA Rat Heart Poly A+ RNA Rat Lung Poly A+ RNA Rat Kidney Poly A+ RNA Rat Retina Poly A+ RNA Rat Skeletal Muscle Poly A+ RNA Rat Smooth Muscle Poly A+ RNA Drosophila melanogaster, adult Poly A+ RNA Drosophila melanogaster, embryo Poly A+ RNA Rat Spinal Cord Poly A+ RNA Chicken Liver Poly A+ RNA Rabbit Brain Poly A+ RNA Saccharomyces cerevisiae Poly A+ RNA Human Cell Line NIH:OVCAR-3 Adenocarcinoma, Ovary Poly A+ RNA Human Cell Line HepG2 Hepatoblastoma, Liver Poly A+ RNA Human Cell Line MCF7 (Breast Adenocarcinoma) Poly A+ RNA Human Cell Line ZR75-1 (Breast Carcinoma) Poly A+ RNA Human Genomic DNA Mouse Genomic DNA Rat Genomic DNA Human Salivary Gland Total RNA Human Thymus Total RNA Human Small Intestine Total RNA Human Lung Total RNA Human Spleen Total RNA Human Fetal Brain Total RNA Human Placenta Total RNA 9/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 134,900 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 59,700 187,500 187,500 187,500 187,500 46,400 44,300 44,300 114,300 114,300 114,300 24,700 24,700 24,700 24,700 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 Z6528N Z6529N Z6530N Z6531N Z6532N Z6533N Z6534N Z6535N Z6536N Z6538N Z6539N Z6540N Z6543N Z6546N Z6547N Z6549N Z6550N Z6551N Z6552N Z6553N Z6554N Z6555N Z6558N Z6560N Z6561N Z6564N Z6567N Z6568N Z6570N Z6571N Z6572N Z6573N Z6574N Z6576N Z6577N Z6578N Z6581N Z6583N Z6584N Z6585N Z6588N Z6591N Z6592N Z6593N Z6601N Z6602N Z6603N Z6604N Z6605N Z6606N Z6607N Z6608N Z6609N Z6610N Z6611N Z6612N Z6615N Z6616N Z6617N Z6618N Z6619N Z6623N Z6624N Z6625N Z6626N Z6627N Z6628N Z6629N Z6631N Z6632N Z6633N Z6634N Z6635N 636528 636529 636530 636531 636532 636533 636534 636535 636536 636538 636539 636540 636543 636546 636547 636549 636550 636551 636552 636553 636554 636555 636558 636560 636561 636564 636567 636568 636570 636571 636572 636573 636574 636576 636577 636578 636581 636583 636584 636585 636588 636591 636592 636593 636601 636602 636603 636604 636605 636606 636607 636608 636609 636610 636611 636612 636615 636616 636617 636618 636619 636623 636624 636625 636626 636627 636628 636629 636631 636632 636633 636634 636635 Human Adrenal Gland Total RNA Human Kidney Total RNA Human Brain Total RNA Human Liver Total RNA Human Heart Total RNA Human Testis Total RNA Human Skeletal Muscle Total RNA Human Brain, cerebellum Total RNA Human Thyroid Total RNA Human Universal Reference Total RNA Human Small Intestine Total RNA Human Fetal Liver Total RNA Human HeLa Cell Total RNA Human Heart, aorta Total RNA Human Smooth Muscle Total RNA Human Thymus Total RNA Human Prostate Total RNA Human Uterus Total RNA Human Salivary Gland Total RNA Human Colon Total RNA Human Spinal Cord Total RNA Human Ovary Total RNA Human Adipose Tissue Total RNA Human Brain, substantia nigra Total RNA Human Brain, cerebral cortex Total RNA Human Brain, temporal lobe Total RNA Human Brain, corpus callosum Total RNA Human Brain, insula Total RNA Human Brain, occipital pole Total RNA Human Brain, parietal lobe Total RNA Human Brain, pons Total RNA Human Brain, postcentral gyrus Total RNA Human Brain, paracentral gyrus Total RNA Human Mammary Gland Total RNA Human Pancreas Total RNA Human Stomach Total RNA Human Heart, Diseased Total RNA Human Fetal Heart Total RNA Human Fetal Kidney Total RNA Human Fetal Spleen Total RNA Human Brain, dura mater Total RNA Human Bone Marrow Total RNA Human Blood, Peripheral Leukocytes Total RNA Human Brain, hippocampus Total RNA Mouse Brain Total RNA Mouse Heart Total RNA Mouse Liver Total RNA Mouse Lung Total RNA Mouse Spleen Total RNA Mouse Testis Total RNA Mouse 7-day Embryo Total RNA Mouse 11-day Embryo Total RNA Mouse 15-day Embryo Total RNA Mouse 17-day Embryo Total RNA Mouse Eye Total RNA Mouse Kidney Total RNA Mouse Smooth Muscle Total RNA Mouse Spinal Cord Total RNA Mouse Stomach Total RNA Mouse Thymus Total RNA Mouse Uterus Total RNA Rat Heart Total RNA Rat Kidney Total RNA Rat Liver Total RNA Rat Lung Total RNA Rat Colon Total RNA Human Uterus Tumor Total RNA Human Stomach Tumor Total RNA Human Ovary Tumor Total RNA Human Kidney Tumor Total RNA Human Lung Tumor Total RNA Human Colon Tumor Total RNA Human Breast Tumor Total RNA 10/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 24,700 24,700 24,700 24,700 24,700 24,700 24,700 40,200 24,700 168,900 24,700 24,700 24,700 24,700 24,700 24,700 24,700 24,700 24,700 24,700 24,700 134,900 134,900 134,900 40,200 40,200 40,200 40,200 40,200 40,200 40,200 40,200 40,200 24,700 24,700 24,700 24,700 24,700 24,700 24,700 40,200 30,900 30,900 30,900 49,400 49,400 49,400 49,400 49,400 49,400 49,400 49,400 49,400 49,400 49,400 49,400 49,400 49,400 49,400 49,400 49,400 49,400 49,400 49,400 49,400 49,400 51,500 51,500 51,500 51,500 51,500 51,500 51,500 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 Z6643N Z6644N Z6645N Z6646N Z6647N Z6649N Z6650N Z6651N Z6652N Z6653N Z6654N Z6655N Z6656N Z6657N Z6658N Z6659N Z6660N Z6661N Z6662N Z6663N Z6664N Z6665N Z6667N Z6669N Z6670N Z6672N Z6673N Z6674N Z6675N Z6676N Z6677N Z6678N Z6679N Z6680N Z6681N Z6682N Z6683N Z6684N Z6685N Z6686N Z6687N Z6690N Z6692N Z6693N Z7401N Z7402N Z7403N Z7404N Z4820N Z4823N Z4826N Z4828N Z4830N Z4832N Z4833N Z4836N Z4837N Z4838N Z4839N Z4848N Z4849N Z4850N Z4851N Z4852N Z4853N Z4922N Z4928N Z4936N Z4938N Z4940N Z4945N Z4946N Z4947N 636643 636644 636645 636646 636647 636649 636650 636651 636652 636653 636654 636655 636656 636657 636658 636659 636660 636661 636662 636663 636664 636665 636667 636669 636670 636672 636673 636674 636675 636676 636677 636678 636679 636680 636681 636682 636683 636684 636685 636686 636687 636690 636692 636693 637401 637402 637403 637404 634820 634823 634826 634828 634830 634832 634833 634836 634837 634838 634839 634848 634849 634850 634851 634852 634853 634922 634928 634936 634938 634940 634945 634946 634947 Human Total RNA Master Panel II Mouse Total RNA Master Panel Rat Kidney Total RNA Rat Liver Total RNA Rat Lung Total RNA Rat Placenta Total RNA Rat Prostate Total RNA Rat Adrenal Gland Total RNA Rat Mammary Gland Total RNA Rat Brain Total RNA Rat Colon Total RNA Rat Bladder Total RNA Rat Brain, cerebellum Total RNA Mouse Universal Reference Total RNA Rat Universal Reference Total RNA Mouse Brain, brainstem Total RNA Mouse Brain, cerebellum Total RNA Mouse Brain, cerebral cortex Total RNA Mouse Brain, frontal cortex Total RNA Mouse Brain, hippocampus Total RNA Mouse Brain, hypothalamus Total RNA Mouse Brain, medulla oblongata Total RNA Mouse Brain, thalamus Total RNA Mouse Colon Total RNA Mouse Mammary Gland Total RNA Mouse Placenta Total RNA Mouse Skeletal Muscle Total RNA Mouse Thyroid Total RNA Mouse Trachea Total RNA Rat Brain, brainstem Total RNA Rat Brain, cerebral cortex Total RNA Rat Brain, frontal cortex Total RNA Rat Brain, medulla oblongata Total RNA Rat Spleen Total RNA Rat Thymus Total RNA Rat Thyroid Total RNA Rat Trachea Total RNA Rat Stomach Total RNA Bovine Kidney Total RNA Bovine Liver Total RNA Bovine Lung Total RNA qPCR Human Reference Total RNA qPCR Human Reference cDNA, oligo(dT)-primed qPCR Human Reference cDNA, oligo(dT)-primed Clontech PCR-Select cDNA Subtraction Kit Clontech PCR-Select Differential Screening Blocking Solution Clontech PCR-Select Differential Screening Kit Clontech PCR-Select Bacterial Genome Subtraction Kit SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA for Illumina Sequencing - HV SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA for Illumina Sequencing - HV SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA for Illumina Sequencing - HV SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA for Illumina Sequencing - HV SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA for Illumina Sequencing - HV SMARTer Ultra Low RNA Kit for the Fluidigm C1 System, 2 IFCs SMARTer Ultra Low RNA Kit for the Fluidigm C1 System, 10 IFCs SMARTer Stranded RNA-Seq Kit SMARTer Stranded RNA-Seq Kit SMARTer Stranded RNA-Seq Kit SMARTer Stranded RNA-Seq Kit SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing - v3 SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing - v3 SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing - v3 SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing - v3 SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing - v3 SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing - v3 Universal Primer Mix SMARTer Pico PCR cDNA Synthesis Kit SMARTer Ultra Low RNA Kit for Illumina Sequencing SMARTer Universal Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing SMARTer Universal Low Input RNA Kit for Sequencing SMARTer Universal Low Input RNA Library Prep Kit SMARTer Universal Low Input RNA Library Prep Kit Low Input Library Prep Kit 11/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 182,300 111,200 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 21,600 140,100 140,100 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 47,400 38,100 20,600 44,300 216,300 34,000 87,600 216,300 267,800 494,400 803,400 1,236,000 4,923,400 185,400 628,300 206,000 391,400 669,500 1,112,400 267,800 494,400 803,400 1,236,000 2,060,000 4,923,400 24,700 280,200 1,256,600 234,800 469,700 391,400 782,800 236,900 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 Z8325N Z8504N Z1770N Z6055N Z6056N Z6058N Z6060N Z6061N Z6066N Z6069N Z6072N Z6073N Z6076N Z6079N Z6082N Z6087N Z6089N Z6090N Z6093N Z6094N Z6096N Z6251N Z6974N Z6975N Z6976N Z6977N Z1026N Z1027N Z1030N Z1032N Z1513N Z1528N Z1532N Z1533N Z1536N Z2250N Z2252N Z2264N Z2265N Z2266N Z2267N Z2268N Z2269N Z2270N Z2271N Z1453N Z1455N Z1456N Z1462N Z1463N Z1464N Z1465N Z1467N Z1469N Z1470N Z1471N Z1501N Z1503N Z1505N Z1507N Z1508N Z1509N Z1510N Z1511N Z1512N Z1514N Z1515N Z1516N Z1526N Z1527N Z1530N Z2455N Z2456N 638325 638504 631770 636055 636056 636058 636060 636061 636066 636069 636072 636073 636076 636079 636082 636087 636089 636090 636093 636094 636096 636251 636974 636975 636976 636977 631026 631027 631030 631032 631513 631528 631532 631533 631536 632250 632252 632264 632265 632266 632267 632268 632269 632270 632271 631453 631455 631456 631462 631463 631464 631465 631467 631469 631470 631471 631501 631503 631505 631507 631508 631509 631510 631511 631512 631514 631515 631516 631526 631527 631530 632455 632456 DNA Standards for Library Quantification SeqAmp DNA Polymerase QuickClean Enzyme Removal Resin CHROMA SPIN+STE-10 Columns CHROMA SPIN+STE-10 Columns CHROMA SPIN+STE-30 Columns CHROMA SPIN+STE-100 Columns CHROMA SPIN+STE-100 Columns CHROMA SPIN+TE-10 Columns CHROMA SPIN+TE-30 Columns CHROMA SPIN+TE-100 Columns CHROMA SPIN+TE-100 Columns CHROMA SPIN+TE-400 Columns CHROMA SPIN+TE-1000 Columns CHROMA SPIN+TE-200 Columns CHROMA SPIN-30+DEPC-H2O Columns CHROMA SPIN-100+DEPC-H2O Columns CHROMA SPIN-100+DEPC-H2O Columns CHROMA SPIN-1000+DEPC-H2O Columns CHROMA SPIN-1000+DEPC-H2O Columns CHROMA SPIN-200+DEPC-H2O Columns CHROMA SPIN 1000 HT 96-Well Plate DNA Amplification Clean-Up Kit DNA Amplification Clean-Up Kit Recovery Buffer (RB) DNA Amplification Clean-Up Kit Adeno-X System 1 Viral DNA (PI-Sce I/I-Ceu I digested) Adeno-X System 1 Accessory Kit Adeno-X System PCR Screening Primer Set Adeno-X Mega Purification Kit Adeno-X Expression System 1 Knockout Adenoviral RNAi System 1 Adeno-X Maxi Purification Kit Adeno-X Maxi Purification Kit Knockout Clone & Confirm Adeno RNAi Core System 1 Adeno-X Rapid Titer Kit Adeno-X qPCR Titration Kit Adeno-X Adenoviral System 3 (Universal, Green) Adeno-X Adenoviral System 3 (Universal, Red) Adeno-X Adenoviral System 3 (Universal) Adeno-X Adenoviral System 3 (CMV, Green) Adeno-X Adenoviral System 3 (CMV, Red) Adeno-X Adenoviral System 3 (CMV) Adeno-X GoStix Adeno-X 293 Cell Line Retro-X qRT-PCR Titration Kit Retro-X Concentrator Retro-X Concentrator pRetroX-SG2M-Cyan Vector pRetroX-G1-Red Vector pRetroX-SG2Mcyto-Red Vector pRetroX-SG2M-Red Vector Retro-X Integration Site Analysis Kit Amphotropic Receptor Booster CAR Receptor Booster Ecotropic Receptor Booster pLXIN Retroviral Vector pLNCX2 Retroviral Vector AmphoPack-293 Cell Line EcoPack 2-293 Cell Line Retro-X System pLXSN Retroviral Vector RetroPack PT67 Cell Line LRCX Retroviral Vector Set Pantropic Retroviral Expression System pQCXIN Retroviral Vector pQCXIX Retroviral Vector Retro-X Q Vector Set RNAi-Ready pSIREN-RetroQ Vector RNAi-Ready pSIREN-Shuttle Vector Retro-X Universal Packaging System RNAi-Ready pSIREN-RetroQ-ZsGreen Vector Knockout Clone & Confirm RetroQ RNAi System 12/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 45,300 20,600 30,900 31,900 62,800 62,800 31,900 62,800 62,800 62,800 31,900 62,800 62,800 62,800 62,800 68,000 34,000 68,000 34,000 68,000 34,000 91,700 29,900 68,000 6,200 373,900 183,300 49,400 82,400 258,500 198,800 181,300 88,600 258,500 162,700 103,000 81,400 200,900 200,900 177,200 200,900 200,900 177,200 43,300 65,900 108,200 34,000 124,600 94,800 94,800 94,800 94,800 139,100 42,200 42,200 42,200 99,900 99,900 190,600 190,600 210,100 99,900 190,600 147,300 216,300 99,900 99,900 147,300 67,000 67,000 165,800 68,000 179,200 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 Z2476N Z2505N Z2506N Z2507N Z2508N Z2520N Z2521N Z2567N Z2568N Z4401N Z1231N Z1232N Z1233N Z1234N Z1235N Z1237N Z1238N Z1239N Z1243N Z1244N Z1245N Z1246N Z1247N Z1249N Z1251N Z1254N Z1255N Z1256N Z1257N Z1258N Z1263N Z1746N Z2152N Z2153N Z2154N Z2155N Z2164N Z2177N Z2179N Z2180N Z2181N Z2182N Z2183N Z2187N Z2200N Z2557N Z2558N Z2559N Z2560N Z2561N Z2562N Z2563N Z2564N Z2565N Z2566N Z1305N Z1306N Z1307N Z1308N Z1309N Z1310N Z1311N Z1312N Z1317N Z1318N Z1320N Z1321N Z1323N Z1324N Z1331N Z1366N Z1435N Z0921N 632476 632505 632506 632507 632508 632520 632521 632567 632568 634401 631231 631232 631233 631234 631235 631237 631238 631239 631243 631244 631245 631246 631247 631249 631251 631254 631255 631256 631257 631258 631263 631746 632152 632153 632154 632155 632164 632177 632179 632180 632181 632182 632183 632187 632200 632557 632558 632559 632560 632561 632562 632563 632564 632565 632566 631305 631306 631307 631308 631309 631310 631311 631312 631317 631318 631320 631321 631323 631324 631331 631366 631435 630921 Knockout Clone & Confirm RetroQ RNAi Core System pRetroQ-AcGFP1-N1 Vector pRetroQ-AcGFP1-C1 Vector pRetroQ-DsRed-Monomer-N1 Vector pRetroQ-DsRed-Monomer-C1 Vector pRetroX-IRES-ZsGreen1 Vector pRetroX-IRES-DsRed-Express Vector pRetroQ-mCherry-C1 Vector pRetroQ-mCherry-N1 Vector MSCV Retroviral Expression System Lenti-X Concentrator Lenti-X Concentrator Lenti-X Maxi Purification Kit Lenti-X Maxi Purification Kit Lenti-X qRT-PCR Titration Kit pLVX-IRES-mCherry Vector pLVX-IRES-tdTomato Vector Lenti-X Provirus Quantitation Kit Lenti-X GoStix Lenti-X GoStix Lenti-X Maxi Purification Kit (with Rack) Collection Rack L Lenti-X HTX Packaging System Lenti-X HTX Packaging System Lenti-X HTX Ecotropic Packaging System Lenti-X Accelerator Starter Kit Magnetic Separator for Cell Culture Lenti-X Accelerator Lenti-X Accelerator Lenti-X HTX Packaging System (Integrase Deficient) Lenti-X Integration Site Analysis Kit Lenti-X Ready-To-Glow Secreted Luciferase Reporter System pLVX-DsRed-Monomer-N1 Vector pLVX-DsRed-Monomer-C1 Vector pLVX-AcGFP1-N1 Vector pLVX-AcGFP1-C1 Vector Lenti-X Expression System Lenti-X shRNA Expression System pLVX-shRNA2 Vector Lenti-X 293T Cell Line Lenti-X Bicistronic Expression System (Neo) Lenti-X Bicistronic Expression System (Hyg) Lenti-X Bicistronic Expression System (Puro) pLVX-IRES-ZsGreen1 Vector Lenti-X p24 Rapid Titer Kit pLVX-AmCyan1-C1 Vector pLVX-AmCyan1-N1 Vector pLVX-DsRed Express2-C1 Vector pLVX-DsRed Express2-N1 Vector pLVX-mCherry-C1 Vector pLVX-mCherry-N1 Vector pLVX-tdTomato-N1 Vector pLVX-tdTomato-C1 Vector pLVX-ZsGreen-N1 Vector pLVX-ZsGreen-C1 Vector Puromycin Puromycin G418 G418 Hygromycin B Anhydrotetracycline Doxycycline CalPhos Mammalian Transfection Kit Xfect Transfection Reagent Xfect Transfection Reagent Xfect mESC Transfection Reagent Xfect mESC Transfection Reagent Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent Xfect Protein Transfection Reagent Xfect siRNA Transfection Reagent Xfect Single Shots (Midi) Xfect MicroRNA Transfection Reagent Tet-Off Gene Expression System 13/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 162,700 87,000 87,000 87,000 87,000 99,900 143,200 115,400 115,400 216,300 34,000 124,600 44,300 85,500 108,200 166,900 166,900 81,400 36,100 78,300 91,700 13,400 150,400 308,000 150,400 140,100 105,100 60,800 122,600 150,400 139,100 297,700 166,900 166,900 166,900 166,900 297,700 297,700 183,300 65,900 297,700 297,700 297,700 166,900 85,500 166,900 166,900 166,900 166,900 166,900 166,900 166,900 166,900 166,900 166,900 18,500 42,200 24,700 97,900 48,400 10,300 33,000 48,400 28,800 67,000 36,100 82,400 44,300 94,800 30,900 49,400 41,200 183,300 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 Z0925N Z0926N Z0930N Z0933N Z0934N Z1003N Z1004N Z1005N Z1006N Z1007N Z1008N Z1009N Z1010N Z1011N Z1013N Z1014N Z1017N Z1018N Z1020N Z1021N Z1034N Z1051N Z1052N Z1053N Z1054N Z1055N Z1056N Z1059N Z1061N Z1062N Z1063N Z1065N Z1066N Z1067N Z1068N Z1069N Z1070N Z1103N Z1111N Z1112N Z1113N Z1114N Z1115N Z1116N Z1117N Z1118N Z1119N Z1120N Z1121N Z1131N Z1132N Z1133N Z1134N Z1136N Z1137N Z1139N Z1141N Z1142N Z1143N Z1144N Z1145N Z1146N Z1147N Z1148N Z1149N Z1150N Z1152N Z1153N Z1154N Z1156N Z1164N Z1165N Z1166N 630925 630926 630930 630933 630934 631003 631004 631005 631006 631007 631008 631009 631010 631011 631013 631014 631017 631018 631020 631021 631034 631051 631052 631053 631054 631055 631056 631059 631061 631062 631063 631065 631066 631067 631068 631069 631070 631103 631111 631112 631113 631114 631115 631116 631117 631118 631119 631120 631121 631131 631132 631133 631134 631136 631137 631139 631141 631142 631143 631144 631145 631146 631147 631148 631149 631150 631152 631153 631154 631156 631164 631165 631166 Knockout Tet RNAi System H Knockout Tet RNAi System P Tet-On Advanced Inducible Gene Expression System Knockout Single Vector Inducible RNAi System Tet-Off Advanced Inducible Gene Expression System pRevTet-Off Vector pBI-G Tet Vector pBI-L Tet Vector pBI Tet Vector pRevTet-On Vector pTRE2 Vector pTRE-6×HN Vector pTRE-Myc Vector pTet-tTS Vector pTRE2pur Vector pTRE2hyg Vector pTet-Off Vector pTet-On Vector RevTet-Off System RevTet-On System pRetroX-Tight-Hyg Vector pTRE2hyg2-HA Vector pTRE2hyg2-Myc Vector pTRE2hyg2-6×HN Vector pTRE2pur-HA Vector pTRE2pur-Myc Vector pTRE2pur-6×HN Vector pTRE-Tight Vector pTRE-Tight-DsRed2 Vector pTRE-Tight-ZsGreen1 Vector pTRE-Tight-AcGFP1 Vector pTRE-Tight-BI-DsRed Express Vector pTRE-Tight-BI-AcGFP1 Vector pTRE-Tight-BI-ZsGreen1 Vector pTRE-Tight-BI Vector pTet-On Advanced Vector pTet-Off Advanced Vector pTRE2 Sequencing/PCR Primers TetR Polyclonal Antibody Tet-On Advanced IRES Fluorescent Vector Set Tet-Off Advanced IRES Fluorescent Vector Set pTRE-Dual1 Vector pTRE-Cycle1 Vector pTRE-Cycle2 Vector pTRE-Cycle3 Vector Mir-X Inducible miRNA System (Red) pmRi-mCherry Vector Mir-X Inducible miRNA System (Green) pmRi-ZsGreen1 Vector TetR Monoclonal Antibody (Clone 9G9) TetR Monoclonal Antibody (Clone 9G9) CHO AA8 Tet-Off Cell Line PC12 Tet-Off Cell Line Saos-2 Tet-Off Cell Line PC12 Tet-On Cell Line MEF/3T3 Tet-Off Cell Line HT-1080 Tet-Off Cell Line CHO-K1 Tet-On Cell Line U2-OS Tet-On Cell Line T-47D Tet-On Cell Line T-47D Tet-Off Cell Line HEK 293 tTS Cell Line HeLa tTS Cell Line MCF7 tTS Cell Line HEK 293 Tet-On Advanced Cell Line HepG2 Tet-On Advanced Cell Line HEK 293 Tet-Off Advanced Cell Line MCF7 Tet-On Advanced Cell Line MCF7 Tet-Off Advanced Cell Line HeLa Tet-Off Advanced Cell Line Tet-On 3G Inducible Expression System (with ZsGreen1) Tet-On 3G Inducible Expression System (with mCherry) Tet-On 3G Inducible Expression System (Bicistronic Version) 14/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 183,300 183,300 191,600 215,300 191,600 91,700 91,700 91,700 91,700 91,700 91,700 91,700 91,700 91,700 91,700 91,700 91,700 91,700 195,700 195,700 114,300 111,200 111,200 111,200 111,200 111,200 111,200 111,200 140,100 100,900 100,900 140,100 100,900 100,900 111,200 114,300 114,300 49,400 116,400 122,600 122,600 111,200 111,200 126,700 126,700 191,600 89,600 191,600 70,400 44,300 116,400 115,400 115,400 115,400 115,400 115,400 115,400 115,400 115,400 115,400 115,400 120,500 120,500 120,500 133,900 133,900 133,900 133,900 133,900 133,900 224,500 224,500 211,200 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 Z1167N Z1168N Z1169N Z1170N Z1171N Z1172N Z1177N Z1178N Z1180N Z1181N Z1182N Z1183N Z1188N Z1190N Z1195N Z1197N Z1337N Z1338N Z1339N Z1340N Z1341N Z1342N Z1343N Z1344N Z1345N Z1346N Z1347N Z1348N Z1466N Z1750N Z2104N Z2105N Z2162N Z2163N Z4301N Z4304N Z4307N Z1037N Z1072N Z1073N Z1074N Z1079N Z1081N Z1083N Z1085N Z1087N Z1089N Z1091N Z1093N Z1095N Z1748N Z1751N Z1753N Z2167N Z2168N Z2171N Z2172N Z2173N Z2175N Z2188N Z2189N Z2190N Z2191N Z2192N Z2196N Z5051N Z5052N Z5053N Z5054N Z5055N Z5056N Z5057N Z5058N 631167 631168 631169 631170 631171 631172 631177 631178 631180 631181 631182 631183 631188 631190 631195 631197 631337 631338 631339 631340 631341 631342 631343 631344 631345 631346 631347 631348 631466 631750 632104 632105 632162 632163 634301 634304 634307 631037 631072 631073 631074 631079 631081 631083 631085 631087 631089 631091 631093 631095 631748 631751 631753 632167 632168 632171 632172 632173 632175 632188 632189 632190 632191 632192 632196 635051 635052 635053 635054 635055 635056 635057 635058 Tet-On 3G Inducible Expression System (EF1alpha Version) Tet-On 3G Inducible Expression System Tet-Express Inducible Expression System Tet-Express Inducible Expression System (Bicistronic Version) Tet-Express Inducible Expression System (with mCherry) Tet-Express Inducible Expression System (with ZsGreen1) Tet-Express Tet-Express Adeno-X Adenoviral System 3 (Tet-On 3G Inducible) Jurkat Tet-On 3G Cell Line HEK 293 Tet-On 3G Cell Line HeLa Tet-On 3G Cell Line Retro-X Tet-On 3G Inducible Expression System Retro-X Tet-Express Inducible Expression System CHO Tet-On 3G Cell Line NIH/3T3 Tet-On 3G Cell Line Tet-On 3G Bidirectional Inducible Expression System Tet-On 3G Bidirectional Inducible Expression System (with mCherry) Tet-On 3G Bidirectional Inducible Expression System (with ZsGreen1) Tet-On 3G Bidirectional Inducible Expression System (EF1alpha Version) Tet-On 3G Bidirectional Inducible Expression System (EF1alpha mCherry) Tet-On 3G Bidirectional Inducible Expression System (EF1alpha ZsGreen1) Tet-Express Inducible Expression System (Bidirectional Version) Tet-Express Inducible Expression System (Bidirectional mCherry) Tet-Express Inducible Expression System (Bidirectional ZsGreen1) Tet-On 3G Inducible Expression System (EF1alpha, Bicistronic) Tet-On 3G Inducible Expression System (EF1alpha, mCherry) Tet-On 3G Inducible Expression System (EF1alpha, ZsGreen1) pTRE-CellCycle Vector pTK-Hyg Vector Retro-X Tet-On Advanced Inducible Expression System Retro-X Tet-Off Advanced Inducible Expression System Lenti-X Tet-On Advanced Inducible Expression System Lenti-X Tet-Off Advanced Inducible Expression System Tet-One Inducible Expression System Retro-X Tet-One Inducible Expression System Retro-X Tet-One Inducible Expression System (Puro) Shield1 ProteoTuner Shield System C DD Monoclonal Antibody Lenti-X ProteoTuner Shield System C NFκB DD Green Reporter System NFκB DD Red Reporter System NFκB DD Cyan Reporter System CRE DD Green Reporter System CRE DD Red Reporter System CRE DD Cyan Reporter System ProteoTuner Tag Kit Retro-X ProteoTuner Guard System N Retro-X ProteoTuner Guard System C Lenti-X DD Cyan Reporter System Lenti-X DD Green Reporter System Lenti-X DD Red Reporter System Retro-X ProteoTuner Shield System N (w/ ZsGreen1) ProteoTuner Shield System N (w/ AcGFP1) Retro-X ProteoTuner Shield System N ProteoTuner Shield System N Lenti-X ProteoTuner Shield System N Lenti-X ProteoTuner Shield System N (w/ ZsGreen1) Shield1 Shield1 DD-tdTomato Reporter System DD-AmCyan1 Reporter System DD-ZsGreen1 Reporter System ProteoTuner Quantitation System Guard1 Guard1 D/D Solubilizer D/D Solubilizer A/C Heterodimerizer A/C Heterodimerizer A/C Heterodimerizer B/B Homodimerizer 15/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 211,200 211,200 194,700 194,700 194,700 194,700 34,000 99,900 269,900 162,700 162,700 162,700 258,500 222,500 162,700 162,700 211,200 224,500 224,500 211,200 224,500 224,500 194,700 203,900 203,900 211,200 224,500 224,500 94,800 85,500 206,000 206,000 443,900 443,900 206,000 288,400 288,400 19,600 131,800 34,000 139,100 126,700 126,700 126,700 126,700 126,700 126,700 112,300 142,100 142,100 297,700 297,700 297,700 139,100 131,800 139,100 131,800 139,100 139,100 326,500 59,700 126,700 126,700 126,700 156,600 19,600 59,700 239,000 59,700 417,200 239,000 59,700 417,200 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 Z5059N Z5060N Z5065N Z5066N Z5067N Z5068N Z5069N Z5070N Z5081N Z5088N Z5089N Z5090N Z5091N Z1206N Z1207N Z1208N Z1210N Z1212N Z1213N Z5501N Z5502N Z5503N Z5504N Z5506N Z5507N Z5509N Z5510N Z5513N Z5601N Z5602N Z5603N Z5606N Z5607N Z5608N Z5611N Z5614N Z5616N Z5617N Z5619N Z5623N Z5624N Z5625N Z5626N Z5628N Z5631N Z5632N Z5634N Z5635N Z5636N Z5637N Z5638N Z5641N Z5643N Z5646N Z5647N Z5648N Z5649N Z5650N Z5651N Z5652N Z5653N Z5654N Z5655N Z5656N Z5657N Z5658N Z5659N Z5660N Z5661N Z5662N Z5663N Z5664N Z5665N 635059 635060 635065 635066 635067 635068 635069 635070 635081 635088 635089 635090 635091 631206 631207 631208 631210 631212 631213 635501 635502 635503 635504 635506 635507 635509 635510 635513 635601 635602 635603 635606 635607 635608 635611 635614 635616 635617 635619 635623 635624 635625 635626 635628 635631 635632 635634 635635 635636 635637 635638 635641 635643 635646 635647 635648 635649 635650 635651 635652 635653 635654 635655 635656 635657 635658 635659 635660 635661 635662 635663 635664 635665 B/B Homodimerizer B/B Homodimerizer iDimerize Reverse Inducible Expression System iDimerize Reverse Dimerization System iDimerize Inducible Heterodimer System iDimerize Inducible Homodimer System B/B Homodimerizer ProteoTuner Immunoprecipitation Kit iDimerize Regulated Transcription System B/B Washout Ligand DmrA Monoclonal Antibody DmrB Monoclonal Antibody DmrC Polyclonal Antibody c-Myc Monoclonal Antibody HA-Tag Polyclonal Antibody c-Myc Monoclonal Antibody-Agarose Beads 6×His mAb-HRP Conjugate 6×His Monoclonal Antibody (Albumin Free) 6×HN Polyclonal Antibody TALON Metal Affinity Resin TALON Metal Affinity Resin TALON Metal Affinity Resin TALON Metal Affinity Resin TALON Superflow Metal Affinity Resin TALON Superflow Metal Affinity Resin TALON CellThru Resin TALON CellThru Resin CellThru 10-ml Disposable Columns TALON Spin Columns TALON Spin Columns TALON Spin Columns TALON 2 ml Disposable Gravity Column Glutathione-Superflow Resin Glutathione-Superflow Resin Glutathione-Uniflow Resin Thiophilic-Uniflow Resin Thiophilic-Superflow Resin Thiophilic-Superflow Resin GST Purification Kit xTractor Buffer Kit Phosphoprotein Enrichment Kit xTractor Buffer Phosphoprotein Kit-Buffer A TALON Single Step Columns (5 ml) TALON Single Step Columns (5 ml) TALON Single Step Columns (20 ml) Phosphopeptide Enrichment Spin Columns Phosphopeptide Enrichment Buffer Kit TALON Magnetic Beads TALON Magnetic Beads TALON Magnetic Beads Buffer Kit TALON PMAC Magnetic Phospho Enrichment Kit Magnetic Phosphopeptide Enrichment Kit Mag-Trypsin Glycoprotein Enrichment Resin Glycoprotein Western Detection Kit HisTALON Superflow Cartridge Purification Kit HisTALON Superflow Cartridges HisTALON Buffer Set TALON Metal Affinity Resin TALON Metal Affinity Resin HisTALON Gravity Column Purification Kit HisTALON Gravity Columns xTractor Buffer His60 Ni Gravity Columns His60 Ni Gravity Column Purification Kit His60 Ni Superflow Resin His60 Ni Superflow Resin His60 Ni Superflow Resin His60 Ni Superflow Resin His60 Ni Superflow Resin His60 Ni Superflow Resin His60 Ni Buffer Set 16/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 239,000 59,700 188,500 188,500 188,500 188,500 1,049,600 72,100 188,500 59,700 60,800 60,800 60,800 46,200 48,300 76,700 98,700 100,800 72,500 22,100 50,400 176,400 396,900 62,000 218,400 27,300 191,100 15,800 18,900 41,000 75,600 14,700 42,000 299,300 263,600 168,000 27,300 205,800 65,100 41,000 60,900 43,100 28,400 49,400 8,400 49,400 56,700 25,200 29,400 67,200 50,400 66,200 55,700 20,800 29,400 29,400 48,300 18,900 34,700 551,300 877,800 44,100 16,800 15,800 12,600 38,900 18,900 39,900 148,100 351,800 605,900 1,127,700 34,700 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 Z5666N Z5668N Z5669N Z5670N Z5671N Z5673N Z5674N Z5675N Z5678N Z5679N Z5680N Z5681N Z5682N Z5683N Z5686N Z5687N Z5688N Z5689N Z5690N Z5691N Z5693N Z5694N Z5695N Z5696N Z1202N Z1205N Z1401N Z1402N Z1404N Z1406N Z1411N Z1414N Z1428N Z1429N Z1430N Z1431N Z1601N Z1604N Z1605N Z1619N Z1620N Z1621N Z1622N Z1625N Z1626N Z1628N Z1630N Z1631N Z1632N Z1633N Z0305N Z0306N Z0307N Z0308N Z0309N Z0310N Z0311N Z0312N Z0313N Z0314N Z0315N Z0316N Z0317N Z0318N Z0319N Z0320N Z0321N Z0322N Z0323N Z0324N Z0325N Z0402N Z0403N 635666 635668 635669 635670 635671 635673 635674 635675 635678 635679 635680 635681 635682 635683 635686 635687 635688 635689 635690 635691 635693 635694 635695 635696 631202 631205 631401 631402 631404 631406 631411 631414 631428 631429 631430 631431 631601 631604 631605 631619 631620 631621 631622 631625 631626 631628 631630 631631 631632 631633 630305 630306 630307 630308 630309 630310 630311 630312 630313 630314 630315 630316 630317 630318 630319 630320 630321 630322 630323 630324 630325 630402 630403 Phosphoprotein Enrichment Starter Kit TALON Superflow Metal Affinity Resin TALON Superflow Metal Affinity Resin TALON Superflow Metal Affinity Resin xTractor Buffer ProteoGuard EDTA-Free Protease Inhibitor Cocktail His60 Ni Superflow Cartridge Purification Kit His60 Ni Superflow Cartridges His60 Ni Superflow Cartridge Purification Kit His60 Ni Superflow Cartridges His60 Ni Superflow Cartridge HisTALON Superflow Cartridge Purification Kit HisTALON Superflow Cartridges HisTALON Superflow Cartridge Anti-DYKDDDDK Beads Immunoprecipitation Buffer Set pCMV-DYKDDDDK Vector Set pCMV-Myc Vector Set pCMV-HA Vector Set Anti-DYKDDDDK Antibody His60 Ni Magnetic Beads Magnetic DYKDDDDK Immunoprecipitation Kit Anti-DYKDDDDK Magnetic Beads Magnetic Beads Immunoprecipitation Buffer Set pHAT20 Vector HAT Protein Expression & Purification System BacPAK6 DNA (Bsu36 I digest) BacPAK Baculovirus Expression System BacPAK Grace's Basic Medium BacPAK Baculovirus Rapid Titer Kit IPLB-Sf21 Insect Cells BacPAK qPCR Titration Kit pET Express & Purify Kit-His60 (In-Fusion Ready) pET Express & Purify Kit-HisTALON (In-Fusion Ready) pET Express & Purify Kit-HisTALON pET Express & Purify Kit-His60 pPUR Vector pCMV-Myc & pCMV-HA Vector Set pIRES Vector pIRESpuro3 Vector pIREShyg3 Vector pIRESneo3 Vector pIRESbleo3 Vector Linear Hygromycin Marker Linear Puromycin Marker ProLabel Quantitative Expression Vector Set pBI-CMV1 Vector pBI-CMV2 Vector pBI-CMV3 Vector pBI-CMV4 Vector Matchmaker Mammalian Assay Kit 2 YPDA Broth YPDA with Agar SD/-Trp Broth SD/-Trp with Agar SD/-Leu Broth SD/-Leu with Agar SD/-His Broth SD/-His with Agar SD/-Ura Broth SD/-Ura with Agar SD/-Leu/-Trp Broth SD/-Leu/-Trp with Agar SD/-His/-Leu/-Trp Broth SD/-His/-Leu/-Trp with Agar SD/-Leu/-Trp/-Ura Broth SD/-Leu/-Trp/-Ura with Agar SD/-Ade/-His/-Leu/-Trp Broth SD/-Ade/-His/-Leu/-Trp with Agar SD/-His/-Leu/-Trp/-Ura Broth SD/-His/-Leu/-Trp/-Ura with Agar GAL4 AD Monoclonal Antibody GAL4 DNA-BD Monoclonal Antibody 17/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 11,600 1,249,500 701,400 416,900 29,400 15,800 55,700 26,300 100,800 77,700 18,900 119,700 99,800 22,100 48,300 71,400 69,300 67,200 67,200 33,600 18,900 73,500 48,300 24,200 54,600 96,800 108,200 136,000 20,600 92,700 19,600 81,400 110,200 116,400 109,200 103,000 67,000 70,000 71,100 71,100 71,100 71,100 71,100 31,900 31,900 64,900 111,200 111,200 111,200 154,500 122,600 17,500 20,600 17,500 25,800 17,500 25,800 17,500 25,800 17,500 25,800 17,500 25,800 17,500 25,800 17,500 25,800 17,500 25,800 17,500 25,800 80,300 80,300 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 Z0404N Z0407N Z0409N Z0410N Z0411N Z0412N Z0413N Z0414N Z0415N Z0416N Z0417N Z0418N Z0419N Z0420N Z0421N Z0422N Z0423N Z0424N Z0425N Z0426N Z0427N Z0428N Z0429N Z0430N Z0431N Z0433N Z0439N Z0440N Z0441N Z0442N Z0443N Z0457N Z0462N Z0463N Z0464N Z0465N Z0466N Z0467N Z0468N Z0470N Z0471N Z0474N Z0476N Z0477N Z0478N Z0479N Z0480N Z0481N Z0482N Z0483N Z0484N Z0485N Z0486N Z0487N Z0488N Z0489N Z0490N Z0491N Z0492N Z0493N Z0494N Z0495N Z0496N Z0497N Z0498N Z1851N Z8802N Z8805N Z8808N Z8811N Z8813N Z8816N Z8820N 630404 630407 630409 630410 630411 630412 630413 630414 630415 630416 630417 630418 630419 630420 630421 630422 630423 630424 630425 630426 630427 630428 630429 630430 630431 630433 630439 630440 630441 630442 630443 630457 630462 630463 630464 630465 630466 630467 630468 630470 630471 630474 630476 630477 630478 630479 630480 630481 630482 630483 630484 630485 630486 630487 630488 630489 630490 630491 630492 630493 630494 630495 630496 630497 630498 631851 638802 638805 638808 638811 638813 638816 638820 pBridge Vector X-α-Gal YPD Medium YPD Agar Medium Minimal SD Base Minimal SD Agar Base -Trp DO Supplement D276 -Leu DO Supplement -His DO Supplement -Ura DO Supplement -Leu/-Trp DO Supplement -His/-Leu DO Supplement -His/-Leu/-Trp DO Supplement Minimal SD Base/Gal/Raf Minimal SD Agar Base/Gal/Raf -His/-Ura DO Supplement -His/-Leu/-Ura DO Supplement -His/-Trp/-Ura DO Supplement -His/-Leu/-Trp/-Ura DO Supplement -Leu/-Trp/-Ura DO Supplement -Trp/-Ura DO Supplement -Ade/-His/-Leu/-Trp DO Supplement -His/-Leu/-Met/-Trp DO Supplement -Leu/-Met/-Trp DO Supplement -Met/-Trp DO Supplement Matchmaker AD LD-Insert Screening Amplimer Set Yeastmaker Yeast Transformation System 2 Yeastmaker Carrier DNA Yeastmaker Yeast Plasmid Isolation Kit pGADT7 AD Vector pGBKT7 DNA-BD Vector Y187 Yeast Strain X-α-Gal X-α-Gal YPDA Medium YPDA Agar Medium Aureobasidin A Easy Yeast Plasmid Isolation Kit Mate & Plate Library - Human Liver Mate & Plate Library - Human Testis Mate & Plate Library - Human Heart Mate & Plate Library - Human Ovary Mate & Plate Library - Mouse Embryo 17-day Mate & Plate Library - Human Bone Marrow Mate & Plate Library - Mouse Embryo 11-day Mate & Plate Library - HeLa S3 (Normalized) Mate & Plate Library - Universal Human (Normalized) Mate & Plate Library - Universal Human (Normalized) Mate & Plate Library - Universal Mouse (Normalized) Mate & Plate Library - Universal Mouse (Normalized) Mate & Plate Library - Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell (Normalized) Mate & Plate Library - Universal Drosophila (Normalized) Mate & Plate Library - Human Brain (Normalized) Mate & Plate Library - Universal Arabidopsis (Normalized) Mate & Plate Library - Mouse Brain (Normalized) Matchmaker Gold Yeast Two-Hybrid System Make Your Own “Mate & Plate” Library System Matchmaker Gold Yeast One-Hybrid Library Screening System Yeast Media Set 1 Yeast Media Set 1 Plus Yeast Media Set 2 Yeast Media Set 2 Plus Matchmaker Insert Check PCR Mix 1 Matchmaker Insert Check PCR Mix 2 Y2HGold Yeast Strain Quick & Easy Yeast Transformation Mix Human Liver Matchmaker cDNA Library Human Fetal Liver Matchmaker cDNA Library Human Erythroleukemia Matchmaker cDNA Library Human Mammary Gland Matchmaker cDNA Library Human Aorta Matchmaker cDNA Library Human Kidney Matchmaker cDNA Library Human Pancreas Matchmaker cDNA Library 18/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 108,200 31,900 22,700 33,000 33,000 48,400 12,400 12,400 12,400 12,400 12,400 12,400 12,400 40,200 70,000 12,400 12,400 12,400 12,400 12,400 12,400 12,400 12,400 12,400 12,400 86,500 75,200 70,000 70,000 91,700 91,700 77,300 44,300 63,900 19,600 24,700 22,700 33,000 184,400 184,400 184,400 184,400 184,400 184,400 184,400 184,400 184,400 90,600 90,600 184,400 184,400 184,400 184,400 184,400 184,400 144,200 223,500 241,000 40,200 65,900 43,300 87,600 25,800 25,800 83,400 35,000 171,000 171,000 171,000 171,000 171,000 171,000 171,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 Z8821N Z8824N Z8825N Z8826N Z8827N Z8830N Z8832N Z8834N Z8836N Z8843N Z8844N Z8847N Z8852N Z8856N Z8864N Z8869N Z0050N Z2402N Z2403N Z2404N Z2405N Z2406N Z2407N Z2408N Z2409N Z2410N Z2411N Z2412N Z2413N Z2415N Z2416N Z2418N Z2419N Z2420N Z2421N Z2422N Z2423N Z2424N Z2425N Z2426N Z2428N Z2429N Z2430N Z2431N Z2432N Z2433N Z2434N Z2435N Z2436N Z2437N Z2440N Z2441N Z2442N Z2443N Z2444N Z2445N Z2446N Z2447N Z2448N Z2449N Z2450N Z2451N Z2453N Z2464N Z2465N Z2466N Z2467N Z2468N Z2469N Z2470N Z2473N Z2478N Z2479N 638821 638824 638825 638826 638827 638830 638832 638834 638836 638843 638844 638847 638852 638856 638864 638869 630050 632402 632403 632404 632405 632406 632407 632408 632409 632410 632411 632412 632413 632415 632416 632418 632419 632420 632421 632422 632423 632424 632425 632426 632428 632429 632430 632431 632432 632433 632434 632435 632436 632437 632440 632441 632442 632443 632444 632445 632446 632447 632448 632449 632450 632451 632453 632464 632465 632466 632467 632468 632469 632470 632473 632478 632479 Human Leukocyte Matchmaker cDNA Library Human Spleen Matchmaker cDNA Library Human Lymph Node Matchmaker cDNA Library Human Fetal Kidney Matchmaker cDNA Library Human Thymus Matchmaker cDNA Library Pretransformed Human Liver Matchmaker cDNA Library Pretransformed Human Testis Matchmaker cDNA Library Pretransformed Human Kidney Matchmaker cDNA Library Pretransformed Human Ovary Matchmaker cDNA Library Mouse Liver Matchmaker cDNA Library Mouse 7-day Embryo Matchmaker cDNA Library Mouse Kidney Matchmaker cDNA Library Pretransformed Mouse Testis Matchmaker cDNA Library Rat Liver Matchmaker cDNA Library Pretransformed Mouse 17-day Embryo Matchmaker cDNA Library Pretransformed Human Fetal Brain Matchmaker cDNA Library Reef Coral Fluorescent Protein Vector Set pTimer Vector pTimer-1 Vector pDsRed2 Vector pDsRed2-1 Vector pDsRed2-N1 Vector pDsRed2-C1 Vector pDsRed2-Nuc Vector pDsRed2-ER Vector pHcRed1 Vector pHcRed1-1 Vector pDsRed-Express Vector pDsRed-Express-1 Vector pHcRed1-C1 Vector pCMV-DsRed-Express Vector pDsRed2-Peroxi Vector pDsRed2-Bid Vector pIRES2-DsRed2 Vector pDsRed2-Mito Vector pHcRed1-DR Vector pDsRed-Express-DR Vector pHcRed1-N1/1 Vector Proteasome Sensor Vector AcGFP1 Vector Set pZsGreen1-DR Vector pDsRed-Express-N1 Vector pDsRed-Express-C1 Vector pAcGFP1-Nuc Vector pAcGFP1-Mito Vector pHcRed1-Nuc Vector pHcRed1-Mito Vector pIRES2-AcGFP1 Vector rDsRed2 Protein rDsRed-Express Protein pAmCyan Vector pAmCyan1-C1 Vector pAmCyan1-N1 Vector pZsYellow Vector pZsYellow1-C1 Vector pZsYellow1-N1 Vector pZsGreen Vector pZsGreen1-C1 Vector pZsGreen1-N1 Vector pAsRed2-N1 Vector pAsRed2-C1 Vector pAsRed2 Vector pAcGFP1-Actin Vector pAcGFP1-Golgi Vector pDsRed-Monomer-N1 Vector pDsRed-Monomer-C1 Vector pDsRed-Monomer Vector pAcGFP1 Vector pAcGFP1-N1 Vector pAcGFP1-C1 Vector pZsGreen1-1 Vector pIRES2-ZsGreen1 Vector pDsRed-Monomer-Actin Vector 19/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 171,000 171,000 171,000 171,000 171,000 212,200 212,200 212,200 212,200 171,000 171,000 171,000 212,200 171,000 212,200 212,200 672,000 70,400 70,400 100,800 100,800 100,800 100,800 100,800 100,800 70,400 70,400 100,800 100,800 70,400 100,800 100,800 100,800 100,800 100,800 70,400 100,800 70,400 70,400 158,400 70,400 100,800 100,800 70,400 70,400 70,400 70,400 70,400 43,200 43,200 70,400 70,400 70,400 70,400 70,400 70,400 70,400 70,400 70,400 70,400 70,400 70,400 70,400 70,400 100,800 100,800 100,800 70,400 70,400 70,400 70,400 70,400 100,800 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 Z2480N Z2481N Z2482N Z2483N Z2484N Z2485N Z2487N Z2488N Z2489N Z2490N Z2491N Z2492N Z2493N Z2494N Z2495N Z2497N Z2498N Z2499N Z2500N Z2501N Z2502N Z2503N Z2509N Z2510N Z2511N Z2512N Z2513N Z2514N Z2515N Z2522N Z2523N Z2524N Z2525N Z2526N Z2527N Z2528N Z2529N Z2530N Z2531N Z2532N Z2533N Z2534N Z2535N Z2536N Z2537N Z2538N Z2539N Z2540N Z2541N Z2542N Z2544N Z2545N Z2546N Z2548N Z2549N Z2550N Z2553N Z2554N Z2555N Z2556N Z2570N Z2571N Z2572N Z2573N Z2574N Z2575N Z2583N Z2584N Z2585N Z2588N Z2589N Z2590N Z2591N 632480 632481 632482 632483 632484 632485 632487 632488 632489 632490 632491 632492 632493 632494 632495 632497 632498 632499 632500 632501 632502 632503 632509 632510 632511 632512 632513 632514 632515 632522 632523 632524 632525 632526 632527 632528 632529 632530 632531 632532 632533 632534 632535 632536 632537 632538 632539 632540 632541 632542 632544 632545 632546 632548 632549 632550 632553 632554 632555 632556 632570 632571 632572 632573 632574 632575 632583 632584 632585 632588 632589 632590 632591 pDsRed-Monomer-Golgi Vector pAcGFP1-C2 Vector pAcGFP1-C3 Vector pAcGFP1-N2 Vector pAcGFP1-N3 Vector pAcGFP1-N Vector Set RNAi-Ready pSIREN-RetroQ-DsRed Express Vector pAcGFP1-Tubulin Vector pAcGFP1-Hyg-N1 Vector pAcGFP1-Endo Vector pAcGFP1-Mem Vector pAcGFP1-Hyg-C1 Vector pDsRed-Monomer-F Vector pDsRed-Monomer-Hyg-N1 Vector pDsRed-Monomer-Hyg-C1 Vector pAcGFP1-1 Vector pDsRed-Monomer-N In-Fusion Ready Vector pDsRed-Monomer-C In-Fusion Ready Vector pAcGFP1-C In-Fusion Ready Vector pAcGFP1-N In-Fusion Ready Vector rAcGFP1 Protein rDsRed-Monomer Protein pAcGFP1-Mem Hyg Vector pAcGFP1-F Hyg Vector pAcGFP1-F Vector pDsRed-Monomer-Mem Vector pDsRed-Monomer-Mem Hyg Vector pDsRed-Monomer-F Hyg Vector pIRES2-AcGFP1-Nuc Vector pmCherry Vector pmCherry-N1 Vector pmCherry-C1 Vector pmCherry-1 Vector pmRaspberry Vector pmPlum Vector pmBanana Vector pmOrange Vector pmStrawberry Vector ptdTomato Vector ptdTomato-N1 Vector ptdTomato-C1 Vector pCMV-tdTomato Vector pDsRed-Express2 Vector pDsRed-Express2-1 Vector pDsRed-Express2-N1 Vector pDsRed-Express2-C1 Vector pCMV DsRed-Express2 Vector pIRES2 DsRed-Express2 Vector pmR-ZsGreen1 Vector pmR-mCherry Vector pDendra2 Vector pDendra2-N Vector pDendra2-C Vector pmOrange2 Vector pmOrange2-N1 Vector pmOrange2-C1 Vector pE2-Crimson Vector pE2-Crimson N1 Vector pE2-Crimson C1 Vector pCMV-E2 Crimson Vector CherryPicker Assay Kit CherryPicker Assay Kit CherryPicker Cell Capture System CherryPicker Cell Capture System (IRES) Lenti-X CherryPicker Cell Capture System Lenti-X CherryPicker Cell Capture System (IRES) pAutophagSENSE Vector pPAmCherry-N1 Vector pPAmCherry-C1 Vector pPAmCherry-Mem Vector pPAmCherry-Actin Vector pPAmCherry-Tubulin Vector pPAmCherry-Mito Vector 20/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 100,800 70,400 70,400 70,400 70,400 158,400 52,800 70,400 70,400 70,400 70,400 70,400 100,800 100,800 100,800 70,400 100,800 100,800 70,400 70,400 43,200 43,200 70,400 70,400 70,400 100,800 100,800 100,800 70,400 89,600 89,600 89,600 89,600 89,600 89,600 89,600 89,600 89,600 89,600 89,600 89,600 89,600 100,800 100,800 100,800 100,800 100,800 100,800 70,400 89,600 70,400 70,400 70,400 89,600 89,600 89,600 78,400 78,400 78,400 78,400 51,200 97,600 79,200 79,200 85,600 85,600 70,400 89,600 89,600 89,600 89,600 89,600 89,600 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 Z2312N Z2370N Z1704N Z1715N Z1717N Z1736N Z1737N Z1738N Z1726N Z1727N Z1728N Z1729N Z1730N Z1731N Z1732N Z1734N Z1735N Z1739N Z1740N Z1743N Z1745N Z1755N Z1757N Z1758N Z1781N Z1707N Z1709N Z1712N Z1713N Z1719N Z1721N Z1780N Z1901N Z1903N Z1906N Z1907N Z1908N Z1909N Z1910N Z1916N Z1920N Z1922N Z1923N Z1924N Z1925N Z1926N Z1927N Z1936N Z1938N Z1939N Z1946N Z1949N Z1952N Z1953N Z1955N Z1959N Z1960N Z0108N Z0109N Z0110N Z0117N Z0118N Z0202N Z0205N Z0209N Z0210N Z0212N Z0215N Z0216N Z0217N Z0221N Z0225N Z1962N 632312 632370 631704 631715 631717 631736 631737 631738 631726 631727 631728 631729 631730 631731 631732 631734 631735 631739 631740 631743 631745 631755 631757 631758 631781 631707 631709 631712 631713 631719 631721 631780 631901 631903 631906 631907 631908 631909 631910 631916 631920 631922 631923 631924 631925 631926 631927 631936 631938 631939 631946 631949 631952 631953 631955 631959 631960 630108 630109 630110 630117 630118 630202 630205 630209 630210 630212 630215 630216 630217 630221 630225 631962 pGFPuv Vector pGFP Vector Great EscAPe SEAP Fluorescence Detection Kit pSEAP2-Basic Vector pSEAP2-Control Vector Great EscAPe SEAP Chemiluminescence Kit 2.0 Great EscAPe SEAP Chemiluminescence Kit 2.0 Great EscAPe SEAP Chemiluminescence Kit 2.0 Ready-To-Glow Secreted Luciferase Reporter Assay Ready-To-Glow Secreted Luciferase Reporter Assay Ready-To-Glow Secreted Luciferase Reporter Assay Ready-To-Glow Secreted Luciferase pMetLuc Vector Kit Ready-To-Glow Secreted Luciferase Reporter System Ready-To-Glow Secreted Luciferase Reporter System Ready-To-Glow Secreted Luciferase Reporter System Ready-To-Glow Dual Secreted Reporter Assay Ready-To-Glow Dual Secreted Reporter Vector Kit Ready-To-Glow Automation Kit Ready-To-Glow Automation Kit Ready-To-Glow NFκB Secreted Luciferase Reporter System Ready-To-Glow CRE Secreted Luciferase Reporter System RNAiMonitor Bidirectional Secreted Luciferase System In Vivo Luciferase Imaging Kit Ready-To-Glow MetLuc Monoclonal Antibody pLacZ-Basic Vector pLacZ-Control Vector Luminescent β-galactosidase Detection Kit II Luminescent β-galactosidase Reporter System 3 pCMV-LacZ Vector X-GLUC Beta-Galactosidase Staining Kit pSRE-SEAP Vector pAP1-SEAP Vector pAP1(PMA)-TA-Luc Vector pAP1(PMA)-SEAP Vector pTAL-SEAP Vector pTAL-Luc Vector Pathway Profiling SEAP System TransFactor NFκB p50 Colorimetric Kit Pathway Profiling SEAP System 2 p53 Dominant-Negative Vector Set IκBα Dominant-Negative Vector Set Ras Dominant-Negative Vector Set CREB Dominant-Negative Vector Set Raf Dominant-Negative Vector Set Kinase Expression Vector Set TransFactor Profiling Kit-Oncogenesis 1 TransFactor Profiling Kit-Oncogenesis 3 TransFactor Family Colorimetric Kit-HIF 1α,β TransFactor Whole Cell Extraction Kit TransFactor NFκB p52 Colorimetric Kit TransFactor STAT3 Chemiluminescent Kit TransFactor Colorimetric Kit-STAT3 TransFactor NFATc1 Chemiluminescent Kit (2 Plates) TransFactor Universal STAT1 Specific Kit TransFactor Universal C-Jun Specific Kit ApoAlert DNA Fragmentation Assay Kit ApoAlert Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Kit ApoAlert Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Kit LDH Cytotoxicity Detection Kit Premixed WST-1 Cell Proliferation Reagent ApoAlert 10× Annexin V Binding Buffer ApoAlert Caspase-1 Inhibitor, YVAD-cmk (1 mM) ApoAlert Caspase-8 Inhibitor, IETD-fmk (1 mM) PARP Monoclonal Antibody (IgG1, C-2-10) ApoAlert Caspase-9/6 Fluorescent Assay Kit ApoAlert Caspase-3 Fluorescent Assay Kit ApoAlert Caspase-3 Colorimetric Assay Kit ApoAlert Caspase-3 Colorimetric Assay Kit ApoAlert Caspase-8 Colorimetric Assay Kit ApoAlert Caspase Profiling Plate EpiXplore Methylated DNA Enrichment Kit 21/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 70,400 70,400 105,100 85,500 85,500 45,300 93,700 170,000 19,600 71,100 100,900 57,700 65,900 109,200 133,900 136,000 102,000 146,300 313,100 65,900 65,900 62,800 124,600 110,200 77,300 94,800 85,500 86,500 110,200 94,800 82,400 29,900 90,600 90,600 90,600 90,600 90,600 90,600 145,200 173,000 145,200 126,700 126,700 126,700 126,700 126,700 126,700 224,500 224,500 206,000 37,100 173,000 145,200 173,000 145,200 81,400 81,400 131,800 49,400 157,600 74,200 74,200 35,000 19,600 19,600 91,700 139,100 139,100 49,400 139,100 157,600 74,200 63,900 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 Z1963N Z1964N Z1965N Z1966N Z1969N Z1970N Z1971N Z1972N Z1973N Z1974N Z1975N Z1976N Z1977N Z1978N Z1979N Z1980N Z1981N Z1991N Z1992N Z2009N Z2010N Z2012N Z2013N Z2014N Z2015N Z2016N Z2017N Z4705N Z4706N Z5302N Z5303N Z5304N Z5307N Z5308N Z5309N Z5310N Z5311N Z5312N Z5313N Z5314N Z5315N Z5316N Z5317N Z5318N Z5319N Z5320N Z5321N Z5322N Z5323N Z5324N Z5325N Z5326N Z5327N Z5328N Z5329N Z5330N Z5331N Z5332N Z5333N Z5334N Z5335N Z5336N Z5337N Z5338N Z5339N Z5340N Z5341N Z5342N Z5343N Z5344N Z5346N Z5349N Z5350N 631963 631964 631965 631966 631969 631970 631971 631972 631973 631974 631975 631976 631977 631978 631979 631980 631981 631991 631992 632009 632010 632012 632013 632014 632015 632016 632017 634705 634706 635302 635303 635304 635307 635308 635309 635310 635311 635312 635313 635314 635315 635316 635317 635318 635319 635320 635321 635322 635323 635324 635325 635326 635327 635328 635329 635330 635331 635332 635333 635334 635335 635336 635337 635338 635339 635340 635341 635342 635343 635344 635346 635349 635350 EpiXplore Methylated DNA Enrichment Kit Magnetic Stand (2 tubes) Pluripotency Check PCR Kit Pluripotency Check PCR Primer Set pEF1α-mCherry-N1 Vector pEF1α-IRES Vector pEF1α-IRES-AcGFP1 Vector pEF1α-mCherry-C1 Vector pEF1α-AcGFP1-N1 Vector pEF1α-AcGFP1-C1 Vector pEF1α-tdTomato Vector pEF1α-IRES-ZsGreen1 Vector pEF1α-DsRed-Monomer-C1 Vector pEF1α-DsRed-Monomer-N1 Vector pEF1α-DsRed-Express2 Vector pEF1α-IRES-DsRed-Express2 Vector pEF1α-E2-Crimson Vector pEF1α-Myc Vector pEF1α-HA Vector iPS Efficiency Check qPCR Kit iPS Efficiency Check qPCR Primer Set EpiXplore ChIP Assay Kit: Protein G EpiXplore Co-Immunoprecipitation Kit EpiXplore Nuclear Co-Immunoprecipitation Kit EpiXplore ChIP Assay Kit: Anti-mouse IgG MirTrap System MirTrap Isolation Kit Glass Approved DMSO Glass Hybridization Chamber Human Heart Protein Medley Human Kidney Protein Medley Human Lung Protein Medley Human Placenta Protein Medley Human Ovary Protein Medley Human Testis Protein Medley Human Aorta Protein Medley Human Small Intestine Protein Medley Human Spleen Protein Medley Human Stomach Protein Medley Human Thyroid Protein Medley Human Adrenal Gland Protein Medley Human Lymph Node Protein Medley Human Brain, amygdala Protein Medley Human Brain, frontal lobe Protein Medley Human Brain, hippocampus Protein Medley Human Brain, hypothalamus Protein Medley Human Brain, temporal lobe Protein Medley Human Brain, thalamus Protein Medley Human Brain, cerebral cortex Protein Medley Human Spinal Cord Protein Medley Human Brainstem Protein Medley Human Brain, cerebellum Protein Medley Human Trachea Protein Medley Human Tongue Protein Medley Human Esophagus Protein Medley Human Duodenum Protein Medley Human Jejunum Protein Medley Human Ileum Protein Medley Human Smooth Muscle Protein Medley Human Cecum Protein Medley Human Bladder Protein Medley Human Prostate Protein Medley Human Uterus Protein Medley Human Uterus (no endometrium) Protein Medley Human Vagina Protein Medley Human Fetal Brain Protein Medley Human Fetal Kidney Protein Medley Human Fetal Liver Protein Medley Human Fetal Lung Protein Medley Human Mammary Gland Protein Medley Human Brain, medulla oblongata Protein Medley Human Platelets Protein Medley Human Thymus Protein Medley 22/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 36,100 9,300 111,200 59,700 90,600 99,900 90,600 90,600 90,600 90,600 90,600 90,600 90,600 90,600 90,600 90,600 90,600 76,200 76,200 111,200 59,700 142,100 124,600 126,700 87,600 278,100 166,900 12,400 7,200 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 Z5353N Z5354N Z5355N Z5356N Z5357N Z6831N Z6832N Z6833N Z6839N D20001 D20002 D20003 D20004 D20005 D20006 D20007 D20008 D20009 635353 635354 635355 635356 635357 636831 636832 636833 636839 PK-AB577-3002 PK-AB577-3004 PK-AB577-3008 PK-AB577-3010 PK-AB577-3012 PK-AB577-3015 PK-AB577-3015P PK-AB577-3016 PK-AB577-3016P Human Small Intestine, mucosa Protein Medley Human Testis, spermatic cord Protein Medley Human Skin Protein Medley Human Pharynx Protein Medley Human Kidney Cortex Protein Medley ExpressHyb Hybridization Solution ExpressHyb Hybridization Solution ExpressHyb Hybridization Solution RNase Blaster Solution Rabbit Anti-Human PARP, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human/Mouse Caspase-3, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human/Mouse/Dog FADD, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase-7 (IgG1, clone B4-G2), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat NFkB p65, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase 3 (active), Polyclonal Caspase-3 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Hamster/Rabbit/Pig/Bovine Caspase 9, Polyclonal Caspase-9 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Bovine/Rabbit/Hamster/Monkey/Horse/Guinea Pig Apaf1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase 1, Polyclonal Caspase-1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Rabbit/Monkey/Bovine Caspase 8, Polyclonal Caspase-8 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat Caspase 11, Polyclonal Caspase-11 Antibody Blocking Peptide Mouse-Anti-DYKDDDDK Tag, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Cytochrome c, Polyclonal Cytochrome c Antibody Blocking Peptide Mouse Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Cytochrome c, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase 2 (CT), Polyclonal Caspase-2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase-4, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Rabbit/Monkey/Bovine/Hamster Caspase 5, Polyclonal Caspase-5 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Monkey Bad, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Monkey Bax (Bcl-2 Associated X Protein), Polyclonal Bax Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Dog/Rabbit p53, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat p53, Monoclonal p53 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat NFkB p65, Polyclonal NFkB Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat FADD, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Monkey Bok, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat Peripheral-type Benzodiazepine Receptor, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Lamin B1, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human/Mouse SSEA-1, Monoclonal Rat Anti-Human/Mouse SSEA-3, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Fas-1 (Apo-1), Polyclonal Fas1/Apo1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Monkey/Pig/Dog/Horse CD40, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Granzyme B, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human SSEA-4, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Hamster/Bovine Calcineurin A, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human TRA-1-60, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human TRA-1-81, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Dog/Horse Cytochrome P450, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Sheep/Chicken Erk1/2/MAPK, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Monkey Heat Shock Protein 27, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Heat Shock Protein 27, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Heat Shock Protein 60, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Hamster/Monkey/Rabbit/Bovine Hsc70, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Hamster/Monkey/Rabbit/Bovine Heat Shock Protein 70, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Hamster/Monkey/Rabbit/Bovine Heat Shock Protein 70, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Hamster/Monkey/Rabbit/Bovine Heat Shock Protein 90, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Dog/Bovine MAPKAPK-2, Polyclonal MAPKAPK-2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Mouse Anti-Human C-Peptide, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Phospho-IRS (Ser616), Monoclonal D20010 PK-AB577-3018 D20011 D20012 D20013 D20014 D20015 D20016 D20017 D20018 D20019 D20020 D20021 D20022 D20023 D20024 D20025 D20026 D20027 D20028 D20029 D20030 D20031 D20032 D20033 D20034 D20035 D20036 D20037 D20038 D20039 D20040 D20041 D20042 D20043 D20044 D20045 D20046 D20047 D20048 D20049 D20050 D20051 D20052 D20053 PK-AB577-3019 PK-AB577-3019P PK-AB577-3020 PK-AB577-3020P PK-AB577-3021 PK-AB577-3021P PK-AB577-3022 PK-AB577-3025 PK-AB577-3025P PK-AB577-3026 PK-AB577-3027 PK-AB577-3027P PK-AB577-3028 PK-AB577-3029 PK-AB577-3029P PK-AB577-3030 PK-AB577-3032 PK-AB577-3032P PK-AB577-3036 PK-AB577-3036M PK-AB577-3036P PK-AB577-3038 PK-AB577-3038P PK-AB577-3039 PK-AB577-3043 PK-AB577-3044 PK-AB577-3046 PK-AB577-3063 PK-AB577-3065 PK-AB577-3070 PK-AB577-3070P PK-AB577-3072 PK-AB577-3073 PK-AB577-3074 PK-AB577-3075 PK-AB577-3079 PK-AB577-3082 PK-AB577-3084 PK-AB577-3085 PK-AB577-3092 PK-AB577-3093 PK-AB577-3094 PK-AB577-3095 D20054 PK-AB577-3096 D20055 PK-AB577-3097 D20056 PK-AB577-3098 D20057 D20058 D20059 D20060 PK-AB577-3100 PK-AB577-3100P PK-AB577-3103 PK-AB577-3105 23/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 34,000 35,000 62,800 93,700 11,300 50,000 50,000 53,000 50,000 55,000 53,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 53,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 53,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 53,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 53,000 26,500 26,500 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 26,500 50,000 26,500 26,500 50,000 50,000 53,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 53,000 50,000 53,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D20061 D20062 D20063 D20064 D20065 D20066 D20067 D20068 D20069 D20070 D20071 D20072 D20073 D20074 D20075 D20076 D20077 PK-AB577-3106 PK-AB577-3108 PK-AB577-3109 PK-AB577-3110 PK-AB577-3112 PK-AB577-3113 PK-AB577-3114 PK-AB577-3114P PK-AB577-3115 PK-AB577-3115P PK-AB577-3116 PK-AB577-3116P PK-AB577-3118 PK-AB577-3119 PK-AB577-3120 PK-AB577-3120P PK-AB577-3122 D20078 PK-AB577-3125 D20079 D20080 D20081 D20082 D20083 D20084 D20085 D20086 D20087 PK-AB577-3125P PK-AB577-3128 PK-AB577-3130 PK-AB577-3133 PK-AB577-3133P PK-AB577-3136 PK-AB577-3136P PK-AB577-3138 PK-AB577-3138P D20088 PK-AB577-3146 D20089 D20090 D20091 PK-AB577-3147 PK-AB577-3149 PK-AB577-3151 Mouse Anti-Human/Bovine/Pig Pro-Insulin, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse AMPK-beta, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse AMPK-gamma, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse AMPK-alpha 1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human AMPK1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human AMPK-alpha, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat p38 MAP Kinase, Polyclonal p38 MAP Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Bovine Protein Kinase A, Polyclonal PKA Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Raf1, Polyclonal Raf1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse AMPK2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4-alpha, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Wee1, Polyclonal Wee1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Mouse Anti-Human/Mouse PTP-1B, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Rabbit/Monkey/Hamster/Pig/Bovine/Canine TNFReceptor 1, Polyclonal TNF-R1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human ASK1/MAPKKK5, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Hamster DNA-PK, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Stat1, Polyclonal Stat1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase 9, Polyclonal Caspase-9 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase 3, Polyclonal Caspase-3 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human PI3K-beta (phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase, catalytic subunit beta, NT) (NT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase-7 (active), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Caspase 9 (active), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Caspase 9 (active), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human PI3K-beta (phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase, catalytic subunit beta, CT) (CT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Akt2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase 6 (active), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Caspase 8, Polyclonal Caspase-8 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Akt3 (NT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Akt3 (CT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Akt3, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human SOX4, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse AMPK-alpha 2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human PTP-1B (CT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Bid, Polyclonal Bid Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse PTP-1B (NT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse BLK, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat CD40 Ligand, Polyclonal CD40L Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human IKK-alpha/IKK-1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Bovine/Pig/Rabbit Calpain 1, Polyclonal Calpain 1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Cathepsin B, Polyclonal Cathepsin B Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Cathepsin D, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Cathepsin L, Polyclonal Cathepsin L Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Dog/Hamster NIK, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TrkA, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Mek1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human B-cell Activating Factor in TNF Family (BLyS), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase 13 (CT), Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human Cathepsin L (IgG1, clone CLP 1/36), Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Bovine Akt/PKB, Polyclonal Akt Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human PAK1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Toll-Like Receptor 4, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse IkB-alpha, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Toll-Like Receptor 4 (NT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase 6, Polyclonal Caspase-6 Antibody Blocking Peptide D20092 PK-AB577-3152 D20093 D20094 D20095 D20096 D20097 D20098 D20099 D20101 D20102 D20103 D20104 D20105 D20106 D20107 D20108 D20109 D20110 D20111 D20112 D20113 D20114 D20115 D20116 D20117 D20118 D20119 D20120 D20121 D20122 D20123 D20124 D20125 D20126 D20127 D20128 D20129 D20130 D20131 PK-AB577-3155 PK-AB577-3156 PK-AB577-3158 PK-AB577-3158P PK-AB577-3159 PK-AB577-3162 PK-AB577-3164 PK-AB577-3168 PK-AB577-3169 PK-AB577-3171 PK-AB577-3172 PK-AB577-3172P PK-AB577-3174 PK-AB577-3175 PK-AB577-3178 PK-AB577-3178P PK-AB577-3185 PK-AB577-3189 PK-AB577-3189P PK-AB577-3190 PK-AB577-3190P PK-AB577-3191 PK-AB577-3192 PK-AB577-3192P PK-AB577-3193 PK-AB577-3194 PK-AB577-3196 PK-AB577-3203 PK-AB577-3207 PK-AB577-3230 PK-AB577-3247 PK-AB577-3247P PK-AB577-3248 PK-AB577-3251 PK-AB577-3252 PK-AB577-3253 PK-AB577-3256 PK-AB577-3256P 24/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 50,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 53,000 53,000 50,000 22,000 53,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 22,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 50,000 22,000 53,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D20132 D20133 D20134 D20135 D20136 D20137 D20138 D20139 D20140 D20141 D20142 D20143 D20144 D20145 D20146 D20147 D20148 D20149 D20150 D20151 D20152 D20153 D20154 D20155 D20156 D20157 D20158 D20159 D20160 D20161 D20162 D20163 D20164 D20165 D20166 D20168 D20169 D20170 D20171 D20172 D20173 D20174 D20175 D20176 D20177 D20178 D20179 D20180 D20181 D20182 D20183 D20184 D20185 D20186 D20187 D20188 D20189 D20190 D20191 D20192 D20193 D20194 D20195 D20196 D20197 D20198 D20199 D20200 D20201 D20202 D20203 D20204 D20205 PK-AB577-3257 PK-AB577-3258 PK-AB577-3259 PK-AB577-3259P PK-AB577-3267 PK-AB577-3269 PK-AB577-3270 PK-AB577-3278 PK-AB577-3282 PK-AB577-3282P PK-AB577-3293 PK-AB577-3305 PK-AB577-3312 PK-AB577-3312P PK-AB577-3315 PK-AB577-3322 PK-AB577-3328 PK-AB577-3342 PK-AB577-3342P PK-AB577-3352 PK-AB577-3352P PK-AB577-3353 PK-AB577-3353P PK-AB577-3354 PK-AB577-3354P PK-AB577-3355 PK-AB577-3355P PK-AB577-3357 PK-AB577-3357P PK-AB577-3359 PK-AB577-3360 PK-AB577-3360P PK-AB577-3361 PK-AB577-3361P PK-AB577-3362 PK-AB577-3362P PK-AB577-3362RP PK-AB577-3363 PK-AB577-3364 PK-AB577-3365 PK-AB577-3365P PK-AB577-3366 PK-AB577-3366G PK-AB577-3366P PK-AB577-3367G PK-AB577-3368 PK-AB577-3368P PK-AB577-3369 PK-AB577-3370 PK-AB577-3371 PK-AB577-3371P PK-AB577-3372 PK-AB577-3373 PK-AB577-3375 PK-AB577-3376 PK-AB577-3377 PK-AB577-3381 PK-AB577-3383 PK-AB577-3384 PK-AB577-3387 PK-AB577-3388 PK-AB577-3389 PK-AB577-3389P PK-AB577-3390 PK-AB577-3393 PK-AB577-3393P PK-AB577-3397 PK-AB577-3398 PK-AB577-3398P PK-AB577-3399 PK-AB577-3404 PK-AB577-3404P PK-AB577-3408 Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Akt, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human Caspase-8 (active; IgG1, clone C502S), Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat Caspase 8 (active), Polyclonal Caspase-8 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Lamin A, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Bad, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Phospho-AFX, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Phospho-MSK1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase 12, Polyclonal Caspase-12 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat RIP-like Protein Kinase 3, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Chk2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Bcl-xL, Polyclonal Bcl-xL Antibody Blocking Peptide Mouse Anti-Human IkB-alpha, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Caspase-2 (IgG1, clone B22), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Caspase-4 (IgG1, clone D44), Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Oct-1, Polyclonal Oct-1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Rat Cytochrome c, Polyclonal Cytochrome c Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Bovine Cytochrome c, Polyclonal Cytochrome c Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat NFkB p50, Polyclonal NFkB p50 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human ALK, Polyclonal ALK Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Annexin V, Polyclonal Annexin V Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-ATF-2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat CREB, Polyclonal CREB Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Cox-1, Polyclonal Cox-1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Bovine/Sheep/Horse Cox-2, Polyclonal Cox-2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Cox-2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat CD22 (BLCAM), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat BRCA-1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Cadherin, Polyclonal Cadherin Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Cathepsin S, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Cathepsin S, Polyclonal Cathepsin S Antibody Blocking Peptide Goat Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Cathepsin H, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Cathepsin K, Polyclonal Cathepsin K Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Cathepsin P, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Cathepsin G, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Cathepsin F, Polyclonal Cathepsin F Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Calpain 2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Calpain 3, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Calpain 5, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Calpain 6, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Calpain 7, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-b-Catenin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat CaMKII, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-CaMKII P, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Elk-1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Elk-1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Heat Shock Protein 90, Polyclonal Hsp90 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Heat Shock Protein 105, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Homing Cell Adhesion Molecule (CD44), Polyclonal HCAM Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Erk5, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Etk/BMX, Polyclonal Etk/BMX Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat FAK, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat AFX, Polyclonal AFX Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Bcl-6, Polyclonal 25/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 53,000 53,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 53,000 50,000 53,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 53,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 53,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 53,000 50,000 53,000 50,000 53,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D20206 D20207 D20208 D20209 D20210 D20211 D20212 D20213 D20214 D20215 D20216 D20217 D20218 D20219 D20220 D20221 D20222 D20223 D20224 D20225 D20226 D20227 D20228 D20229 D20230 D20231 D20232 D20233 D20234 D20235 D20236 D20237 D20238 D20239 D20240 D20241 D20242 D20243 D20244 D20245 D20246 D20247 D20248 D20249 D20250 D20251 D20252 D20253 D20254 D20255 D20256 D20257 D20258 D20259 D20260 D20261 D20262 D20263 D20264 D20265 D20266 D20267 D20268 D20269 D20270 D20271 D20272 D20273 D20274 D20275 D20276 D20277 D20278 PK-AB577-3408P PK-AB577-3409 PK-AB577-3409P PK-AB577-3410 PK-AB577-3411 PK-AB577-3412 PK-AB577-3414 PK-AB577-3419 PK-AB577-3419P PK-AB577-3422 PK-AB577-3422P PK-AB577-3423 PK-AB577-3424 PK-AB577-3426 PK-AB577-3429 PK-AB577-3430 PK-AB577-3433 PK-AB577-3434 PK-AB577-3438 PK-AB577-3441 PK-AB577-3442 PK-AB577-3443 PK-AB577-3443P PK-AB577-3444 PK-AB577-3444P PK-AB577-3445 PK-AB577-3445P PK-AB577-3446 PK-AB577-3447 PK-AB577-3449 PK-AB577-3449P PK-AB577-3450 PK-AB577-3450P PK-AB577-3451 PK-AB577-3452 PK-AB577-3453 PK-AB577-3459 PK-AB577-3461 PK-AB577-3461P PK-AB577-3462 PK-AB577-3464 PK-AB577-3464P PK-AB577-3465 PK-AB577-3467 PK-AB577-3468 PK-AB577-3468P PK-AB577-3469 PK-AB577-3470 PK-AB577-3470P PK-AB577-3471 PK-AB577-3471P PK-AB577-3472 PK-AB577-3472P PK-AB577-3473 PK-AB577-3473P PK-AB577-3474 PK-AB577-3475 PK-AB577-3476 PK-AB577-3478 PK-AB577-3479 PK-AB577-3481 PK-AB577-3482 PK-AB577-3485 PK-AB577-3488 PK-AB577-3489 PK-AB577-3493 PK-AB577-3494 PK-AB577-3494P PK-AB577-3495 PK-AB577-3496 PK-AB577-3498 PK-AB577-3498P PK-AB577-3499 Bcl-6 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat Caspase 9, Polyclonal Caspase-9 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase-10, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human Cathepsin V (IgG1, clone 55-1C5), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Cathepsin W (IgG2b, clone 39-2B6), Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Monkey CC-Chemokine Receptor 1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human CXC-Chemokine Receptor 5, Polyclonal CXCR5 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Intracellular Adhesion Molecule 1, Polyclonal ICAM-1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat ILK1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat IRS-1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat eNOS, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat MSH2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Mixed Lineage Kinase 3, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat LIMK1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Phospho-MAPKAPK-2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-p38 MAPK, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Erk1/2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Erk2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Rabbit PAK2, Polyclonal PAK2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Hamster PAK4, Polyclonal PAK4 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Toll-Like Receptor 3, Polyclonal TLR3 Antibody Blocking Peptide Goat Anti-Human Toll-Like Receptor 1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Dog/Horse PAR4, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat PDK1, Polyclonal PDK1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat PKC, Polyclonal PKC Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-PKC, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Hamster/Bovine/Chicken/Rabbit PKG, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human Tau-13, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat SGK, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Smad1, Polyclonal Smad1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Smad2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Smad4, Polyclonal Smad4 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Smad5, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Phospho-Stat1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Stat2, Polyclonal Stat2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Phospho-Stat2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Stat3, Polyclonal Stat3 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Stat4, Polyclonal Stat4 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Pig/Bovine Stat5, Polyclonal Stat5 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Stat6, Polyclonal Stat6 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Stat3, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Phospho-Stat5, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Phospho-Stat6, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-JKK/SEK1/MKK4, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat PTEN, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Presenilin 1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Presenilin 2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat p70 S6 Kinase, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Dnmt2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Cell Growth Factor-EG, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat GSK-3 alpha, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat GSK-3 beta, Polyclonal GSK-3 beta Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-GSK-3 beta, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Chicken Heat Shock Protein 47, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Chicken Lck, Polyclonal Lck Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Lck, Polyclonal 26/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 53,000 53,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 53,000 50,000 53,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 53,000 50,000 22,000 53,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 53,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 53,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) タカラバイオ株式会社 TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D20279 D20280 D20281 D20282 D20283 D20284 D20285 D20286 D20287 D20288 D20289 D20290 D20291 D20293 D20294 D20295 D20296 D20297 D20298 D20299 D20300 D20301 D20302 D20303 D20304 D20306 D20307 D20308 D20309 D20310 D20311 D20312 D20313 D20314 D20315 D20316 D20317 D20318 D20319 D20320 D20321 D20322 D20323 D20324 D20325 D20326 D20327 D20328 D20329 D20330 D20331 D20332 D20333 D20334 D20335 D20336 D20337 D20338 D20339 D20340 D20341 D20342 D20343 D20344 D20345 D20346 D20347 D20348 D20349 D20350 D20351 D20352 D20353 PK-AB577-3501 PK-AB577-3502 PK-AB577-3503 PK-AB577-3504 PK-AB577-3505 PK-AB577-3515 PK-AB577-3516 PK-AB577-3518 PK-AB577-3519 PK-AB577-3523 PK-AB577-3523G PK-AB577-3523P PK-AB577-3528 PK-AB577-3528P PK-AB577-3529 PK-AB577-3531 PK-AB577-3532 PK-AB577-3532P PK-AB577-3533 PK-AB577-3533P PK-AB577-3537 PK-AB577-3542 PK-AB577-3545 PK-AB577-3546 PK-AB577-3549 PK-AB577-3552 PK-AB577-3555 PK-AB577-3557 PK-AB577-3558 PK-AB577-3558M PK-AB577-3559 PK-AB577-3564 PK-AB577-3566 PK-AB577-3567 PK-AB577-3568 PK-AB577-3569 PK-AB577-3570 PK-AB577-3570P PK-AB577-3571P PK-AB577-3572P PK-AB577-3572R PK-AB577-3574P PK-AB577-3574R PK-AB577-3575 PK-AB577-3575P PK-AB577-3576 PK-AB577-3576P PK-AB577-3584 PK-AB577-3588 PK-AB577-3588P PK-AB577-3589 PK-AB577-3591 PK-AB577-3591P PK-AB577-3593 PK-AB577-3594 PK-AB577-3594P PK-AB577-3598 PK-AB577-3601 PK-AB577-3601P PK-AB577-3602 PK-AB577-3602P PK-AB577-3603 PK-AB577-3603P PK-AB577-3604 PK-AB577-3604C PK-AB577-3604P PK-AB577-3605 PK-AB577-3605P PK-AB577-3606 PK-AB577-3606P PK-AB577-3607 PK-AB577-3607P PK-AB577-3608 Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-c-Myc, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-c-Jun, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-TrkA, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Raf, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Rabbit Phospho-p70 S6 Kinase, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-p53, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-GSK-3 alpha, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Mek1/2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Mek1/2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Horse/Rabbit Matrix Metalloproteinase 3, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Matrix Metalloproteinase 3, Polyclonal MMP-3 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Matrix Metalloproteinase 8, Polyclonal MMP-8 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Matrix Metalloproteinase 9, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Matrix Metalloproteinase 11, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Matrix Metalloproteinase 12, Polyclonal MMP-12 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Matrix Metalloproteinase 13, Polyclonal MMP-13 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Matrix Metalloproteinase 17, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat p42/44 MAPK, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human/Mouse ROCK-1 (cleaved), Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat RSK2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Chicken/Bovine Tau, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Monkey Toll-Like Receptor 2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Toll-Like Receptor 5, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Toll-Like Receptor 7, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Toll-Like Receptor 8, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human Toll-Like Receptor 8, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Pig Toll-Like Receptor 9, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human TWEAK-R, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TRAF6 (TNF Receptor Associated Proteins), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-cyclic AMP, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-cyclic GMP, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human Toll-Like Receptor 2, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Wnt-6, Polyclonal Wnt-6 Antibody Blocking Peptide Wnt-1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Wnt-2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Wnt-2, Polyclonal Wnt-4 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Wnt-4, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Oct-2, Polyclonal Oct-4 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Bovine/Pig Oct-4, Polyclonal Oct-4 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat LIMK2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Rat Cathepsin K, Polyclonal Cathepsin K Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-JNK/SAPK, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Galectin-3, Polyclonal Galectin-3 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Chicken TrkB, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Pig/Rabbit/Bovine VDAC/Porin, Polyclonal VDAC/Porin Antibody Blocking Peptide Mouse Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Pig/Sheep/Chicken/Rabbit/Bovine beta-Actin, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Histone Deacetylase 1, Polyclonal HDAC-1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Chicken/Hamster/Dog Histone Deacetylase 2, Polyclonal HDAC-2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Chicken Histone Deacetylase 3, Polyclonal HDAC-3 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Histone Deacetylase 4, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Chicken Histone Deacetylase 4, Polyclonal HDAC-4 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Histone Deacetylase 5, Polyclonal HDAC-5 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Histone Deacetylase 6, Polyclonal HDAC-6 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Histone Deacetylase 7, Polyclonal HDAC-7 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Histone Deacetylase 8, Polyclonal 27/82 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 50,000 53,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 53,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 53,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 53,000 50,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 53,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 53,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 53,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D20354 D20355 D20356 D20357 D20358 D20359 D20360 D20361 D20362 D20363 D20364 D20365 D20366 D20367 D20368 D20369 D20370 D20371 D20372 D20373 D20374 D20375 D20376 D20377 D20378 D20379 D20380 D20381 D20382 D20383 D20384 D20385 D20386 D20387 D20388 D20389 D20390 D20391 D20392 D20393 D20394 D20395 D20396 D20397 D20398 D20399 D20400 D20401 D20402 D20403 D20404 D20405 D20406 D20407 D20408 D20409 D20410 D20411 D20412 D20413 D20414 D20415 D20416 D20417 D20418 D20419 D20420 D20421 D20422 D20423 D20424 D20425 D20426 PK-AB577-3608P PK-AB577-3609 PK-AB577-3609P PK-AB577-3610 PK-AB577-3610P PK-AB577-3611 PK-AB577-3611P PK-AB577-3621 PK-AB577-3622 PK-AB577-3623 PK-AB577-3624 PK-AB577-3630 PK-AB577-3631 PK-AB577-3631P PK-AB577-3632 PK-AB577-3632P PK-AB577-3633 PK-AB577-3633P PK-AB577-3634 PK-AB577-3634P PK-AB577-3636 PK-AB577-3638 PK-AB577-3638P PK-AB577-3643 PK-AB577-3643P PK-AB577-3644 PK-AB577-3644P PK-AB577-3646 PK-AB577-3648 PK-AB577-3648P PK-AB577-3649 PK-AB577-3650 PK-AB577-3659 PK-AB577-3659RP PK-AB577-3661G PK-AB577-3662 PK-AB577-3662P PK-AB577-3664 PK-AB577-3664P PK-AB577-3667 PK-AB577-3667P PK-AB577-3670 PK-AB577-3674 PK-AB577-3675 PK-AB577-3681P PK-AB577-3682 PK-AB577-3686 PK-AB577-3686P PK-AB577-3687 PK-AB577-3687P PK-AB577-3689 PK-AB577-3689P PK-AB577-3692 PK-AB577-3692P PK-AB577-3701 PK-AB577-3701P PK-AB577-3702 PK-AB577-3707 PK-AB577-3707P PK-AB577-3708 PK-AB577-3708P PK-AB577-3712 PK-AB577-3712P PK-AB577-3714 PK-AB577-3714P PK-AB577-3719 PK-AB577-3732 PK-AB577-3732P PK-AB577-3741 PK-AB577-3741P PK-AB577-3746 PK-AB577-3763 PK-AB577-3773 HDAC-8 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Histone Deacetylase 9, Polyclonal HDAC-9 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Histone Deacetylase 10, Polyclonal HDAC-10 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Histone Deacetylase 11, Polyclonal HDAC-11 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Histone H2A, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Histone H2B, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Histone H3, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Histone H4, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Fibronectin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat E-Selectin, Polyclonal E-Selectin Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human L-Selectin (CD62L), Polyclonal L-Selectin Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat P-Selectin, Polyclonal P-Selectin Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Bovine/Chicken Vimentin, Polyclonal Vimentin Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat PAX6, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Cox-4, Polyclonal Cox-4 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Hamster Syndecan-1 (CD138), Polyclonal Syndecan-1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Syndecan-4, Polyclonal Syndecan-4 Antibody Blocking Peptide Mouse Anti-His-Tag, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Cysteine-rich Angiogenic Inducer 61, Polyclonal Cyr61 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-Tyrosine Hydroxylase, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-MARCKS, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat LOX-1, Polyclonal LOX-1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Goat Anti-Human Apolipoprotein B, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rabbit beta-Actin, Polyclonal beta-Actin Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat JNK Interacting Protein 1, Polyclonal JIP-1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat MST-1/Krs-2, Polyclonal MST-1/Krs-2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Smad7, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-BRCA1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat BRCA-2, Polyclonal RACK1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TAB1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat PAK3, Polyclonal PAK3 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse Cox-3, Polyclonal Cox-3 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Histone Acetyltransferase 1, Polyclonal HAT-1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Histone Acetyltransferase 2, Polyclonal HAT-2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat JNK, Polyclonal JNK Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat c-Jun, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Histone Acetyltransferase 3, Polyclonal HAT-3 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Tubulin, Polyclonal Tubulin Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Cathepsin V, Polyclonal Cathepsin V Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat LRP-5/6 (beta-catenin), Polyclonal LRP-5/6 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Phospho-VASP C566, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Matrix Metalloproteinase 12, Polyclonal MMP-12 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Cathepsin L (cleaved), Polyclonal Cathepsin L (Cleaved) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse SLK, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse HEC-1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human SRC3, Polyclonal 28/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 53,000 50,000 22,000 53,000 53,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 53,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 53,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D20427 D20428 D20429 D20430 D20431 D20432 D20433 D20434 D20435 D20436 D20437 D20438 D20439 D20440 D20441 D20442 D20443 D20444 D20445 D20446 D20447 D20448 D20449 D20450 D20451 D20452 D20453 D20454 D20455 D20456 D20457 D20458 D20459 D20460 D20461 D20462 D20463 D20464 D20465 D20466 D20467 D20468 D20469 D20470 D20471 D20472 D20473 D20474 D20475 D20476 D20477 D20478 D20479 D20480 D20481 D20482 D20483 D20484 D20485 D20486 D20487 D20488 D20489 D20490 D20491 D20492 D20493 D20494 D20495 D20496 D20497 D20498 D20499 PK-AB577-3776 PK-AB577-3778 PK-AB577-3782 PK-AB577-3783 PK-AB577-3784 PK-AB577-3785 PK-AB577-3786 PK-AB577-3787 PK-AB577-3787P PK-AB577-3789 PK-AB577-3801 PK-AB577-3801P PK-AB577-3802 PK-AB577-3802P PK-AB577-3805 PK-AB577-3809 PK-AB577-3809P PK-AB577-3810 PK-AB577-3812 PK-AB577-3819 PK-AB577-3822 PK-AB577-3822P PK-AB577-3823 PK-AB577-3824 PK-AB577-3824P PK-AB577-3827 PK-AB577-3827P PK-AB577-3831 PK-AB577-3831P PK-AB577-3842G PK-AB577-3847 PK-AB577-3847P PK-AB577-3848G PK-AB577-3850 PK-AB577-3850P PK-AB577-3851 PK-AB577-3851P PK-AB577-3858 PK-AB577-3861 PK-AB577-3861P PK-AB577-3871 PK-AB577-3881 PK-AB577-3881P PK-AB577-3886 PK-AB577-3889 PK-AB577-3889P PK-AB577-3892 PK-AB577-3892P PK-AB577-3893 PK-AB577-3893P PK-AB577-3894 PK-AB577-3894P PK-AB577-3897 PK-AB577-3897P PK-AB577-3926 PK-AB577-3926P PK-AB577-3927 PK-AB577-3927P PK-AB577-3928 PK-AB577-3928P PK-AB577-3929 PK-AB577-3930 PK-AB577-3931 PK-AB577-3931P PK-AB577-3932 PK-AB577-3932P PK-AB577-3938 PK-AB577-3938P PK-AB577-3991 PK-AB577-3992 PK-AB577-3993 PK-AB577-3994 PK-AB577-3995 Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TAO Kinase 1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human CSE1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse HER2/ErbB2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse JIK, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse LOK, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TOR (Target of Rapamycin), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat PIM1, Polyclonal PIM1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Rho Kinase alpha, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human/Mouse LRP-5/6 (beta-catenin), Monoclonal LRP-5/6 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat DKK2, Polyclonal DKK2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Prohibitin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma, Polyclonal PPAR Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat AAK1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Heat Shock Factor 1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Lipocalin-2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Sox-1, Polyclonal Sox-1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein 13, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Chicken Syndecan-3, Polyclonal Syndecan-3 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Galectin-9, Polyclonal Galectin Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Myeloperoxidase (MPO), Polyclonal Myeloperoxidase (MPO) Antibody Blocking Peptide Goat Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Rabbit Lactate Dehydrogenase, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Brk, Polyclonal Brk Antibody Blocking Peptide Goat Anti-Luciferase (Firefly), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat beta-Actin, Polyclonal beta-Actin Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat DKK1, Polyclonal DKK1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Luciferase, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human SOCS1, Polyclonal SOCS1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Dog SEK1/JNNK, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Notch 1, Polyclonal Notch 1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Pig/Bovine APG5/ATG5, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Pig/Dog/Sheep/Bovine Sox-2, Polyclonal Sox-2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat FoxH1, Polyclonal FoxH1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat DKK3, Polyclonal DKK3 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat DKK4, Polyclonal DKK4 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat NFkB p105, Polyclonal NFkB p105 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat ICAM-2, Polyclonal ICAM-2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Pig/Horse PAK6, Polyclonal PAK6 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Dog PAK5/PAK7, Polyclonal PAK5/PAK7 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat PINK1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Bovine/Dog/Cat Bmi-1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Toll-Like Receptor 11, Polyclonal TLR11 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Bovine Toll-Like Receptor 10, Polyclonal TLR10 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat ALK-7 (ACVR1C), Polyclonal ALK-7 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Yellow Fluorescent Protein, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Green Fluorescent Protein, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Red Fluorescent Protein, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Red Fluorescent Protein (dsRed), Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Myc-Tag, Polyclonal 29/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 53,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 53,000 50,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D20500 D20501 D20502 D20503 D20504 D20505 D20506 D20507 D20508 D20509 D20510 D20511 D20512 D20513 D20514 D20515 D20516 D20517 D20518 D20519 D20520 D20521 D20522 D20523 D20524 D20525 D20526 D20527 D20528 D20529 D20530 D20531 D20532 PK-AB577-3995P PK-AB577-3996 PK-AB577-3996B PK-AB577-3996F PK-AB577-3997 PK-AB577-3998 PK-AB577-3999 PK-AB577-5004 PK-AB577-5015 PK-AB577-5023 PK-AB577-5028 PK-AB577-5029 PK-AB577-5060 PK-AB577-5082 PK-AB577-5088 PK-AB577-5098 PK-AB577-5098P PK-AB577-5120 PK-AB577-5128 PK-AB577-5172 PK-AB577-5179 PK-AB577-5179P PK-AB577-5180 PK-AB577-5202 PK-AB577-5210 PK-AB577-5211 PK-AB577-5225 PK-AB577-5246 PK-AB577-5249 PK-AB577-5253 PK-AB577-5323 PK-AB577-5324 PK-AB577-5329 Myc-Tag Antibody Blocking Peptide Mouse Anti-Hemagglutinin-Tag (clone 2C16), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Hemagglutinin-Tag (biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Hemagglutinin-Tag (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-GST-Tag, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-His-Tag, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Green Fluorescent Protein (wild-type & derivatives), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (wild-type & derivatives), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat CD40 Ligand, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Epithelial Growth Factor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Eotaxin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Eotaxin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 10, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 18, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Fractalkine, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Glial Derived Neurotropic Factor, Polyclonal GDNF Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse Insulin-Like Growth Factor I, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin-1 beta, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Interleukin 15, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 18, Polyclonal IL-18 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse Interleukin 18, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat IFN-gamma Inducible Protein 10, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse CC-Chemokine receptor 10 (HIV & Chemokine Receptor), Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat Growth Regulated Oncogen (CXCL1), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1 (JE, MCAF), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1-alpha, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1-beta, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat RANTES (CCL5), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Apolipoprotein Serum Amyloid A, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Stem Cell Factor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Pig/Dog/Sheep Transforming Growth Factor beta-2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Transforming Growth Factor beta-3, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Transforming Growth Factor beta-3, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Thrombopoietin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human 4-1BB Receptor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Lymphotactin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Lymphotactin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Stromal Cell Derived Factor 1-beta, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat Stromal Cell Derived Factor 1-beta, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Liver & Activation Regulated Chemokine, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat Macrophage Derived Chemokine, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Secondary Lymphoid Tissue Chemokine, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat CXC-Chemokine Receptor 4, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat CXCR4, Polyclonal CXCR4 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 19, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 19, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human C3-alpha Receptor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse B-Lymphocyte Chemoattractant, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Connective Tissue Growth Factor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin-21 Receptor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Pig Transforming Growth Factor beta-2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat/Pig Transforming Growth Factor beta-1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Matrix Metalloproteinase 2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Matrix Metalloproteinase 9, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat DAP12 (KARAP), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Pig/Bovine Mesoderm Inducing Factor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat Macrophage-specific Gene (MSG, MPS-1), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein 14, Polyclonal BMP-14 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein 10, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Leptin Receptor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 20, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interferon alpha, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat Interferon alpha, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human T-cell Cytokine Receptor, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Rat Transforming Growth Factor beta Receptor 1, Polyclonal D20533 PK-AB577-5343 D20534 D20535 D20536 D20537 D20538 D20539 D20540 D20541 D20542 D20543 D20544 D20545 D20546 D20547 D20548 D20549 D20550 D20551 D20552 D20553 D20554 D20555 D20556 D20557 D20558 D20559 D20560 D20561 D20562 D20563 D20564 D20565 D20566 D20567 D20568 D20569 D20570 D20571 PK-AB577-5344 PK-AB577-5344G PK-AB577-5351 PK-AB577-5370 PK-AB577-5376 PK-AB577-5377 PK-AB577-5390 PK-AB577-5393 PK-AB577-5521 PK-AB577-5531 PK-AB577-5534 PK-AB577-5540 PK-AB577-5541 PK-AB577-5541P PK-AB577-5542 PK-AB577-5542G PK-AB577-5543 PK-AB577-5550 PK-AB577-5553 PK-AB577-5554 PK-AB577-5559 PK-AB577-5560 PK-AB577-5562 PK-AB577-5565 PK-AB577-5570 PK-AB577-5571 PK-AB577-5576 PK-AB577-5579 PK-AB577-5580 PK-AB577-5580P PK-AB577-5581 PK-AB577-5582 PK-AB577-5589 PK-AB577-5595 PK-AB577-5596 PK-AB577-5603 PK-AB577-5633 PK-AB577-5636 30/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 22,000 53,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D20572 D20573 D20574 D20575 D20576 D20577 D20578 D20579 D20580 D20581 D20582 D20583 D20584 D20585 D20586 D20587 D20588 D20589 D20590 D20591 D20592 D20593 D20594 D20595 D20596 D20597 D20598 D20599 D20600 D20601 D20602 D20603 D20604 D20605 D20606 D20607 D20608 D20609 D20610 D20611 D20612 D20613 D20614 D20615 D20616 D20617 D20618 D20619 D20620 D20621 D20622 D20623 D20624 D20625 D20626 D20627 D20628 D20629 D20630 D20631 D20632 D20633 D20634 D20635 D20636 D20637 D20638 D20639 D20640 D20641 D20642 D20643 D20644 PK-AB577-5636P PK-AB577-5642G PK-AB577-5647 PK-AB577-5648 PK-AB577-5648P PK-AB577-5651 PK-AB577-5651P PK-AB577-5673 PK-AB577-5673G PK-AB577-5673P PK-AB577-5674 PK-AB577-5674P PK-AB577-5675 PK-AB577-5675P PK-AB577-5676 PK-AB577-5677 PK-AB577-5677G PK-AB577-5678G PK-AB577-5693 PK-AB577-5699 PK-AB577-5745 PK-AB577-5760 PK-AB577-5769 PK-AB577-5772 PK-AB577-5775 PK-AB577-5781 PK-AB577-5823 PK-AB577-5872 PK-AB577-5893 PK-AB577-5900 PK-AB577-5907 PK-AB577-5908 PK-AB577-5909 PK-AB577-5986 PK-AB577-5990 PK-AB577-5991 PK-AB577-5992 PK-AB577-5994 PK-AB577-5995 PK-AB577-5997 PK-AB577-5998 PK-AB577-5999 PK-AB577-6008 PK-AB577-6201 PK-AB577-6202 PK-AB577-6203 PK-AB577-6401 PK-AB577-6402 PK-AB577-6403 PK-AB704-03351 PK-AB704-03352 PK-AB704-60062 PK-AB704-60062B PK-AB704-60196 PK-AB704-60196B PK-AB704-60196F PK-AB704-60266 PK-AB704-60266B PK-AB704-60266F PK-AB704-60406RM PK-AB704-60586 PK-AB704-60706 PK-AB704-60706B PK-AB704-60706F PK-AB704-60706MR PK-AB704-60706RM PK-AB704-60806 PK-AB704-61106MM PK-AB704-61126 PK-AB704-61126F PK-AB704-61206 PK-AB704-61206RM PK-AB704-61216 TGF-beta Receptor I Antibody Blocking Peptide Goat Anti-Human Transforming Growth Factor beta Receptor 3, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Galectin-7, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human T-cell Antigen Receptor alpha, Polyclonal TCR-alpha Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat T-cell Antigen Receptor beta, Polyclonal TCR-beta Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Bone Morphogenetic Protein 3, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein 3, Polyclonal BMP-3 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Rabbit/Chicken Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4, Polyclonal BMP-4 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Bone Morphogenetic Protein 5, Polyclonal BMP-5 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Bone Morphogenetic Protein 6, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Bone Morphogenetic Protein 7, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Bone Morphogenetic Protein 7, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein 8, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Apolipoprotein A1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human ApoE4, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Trefoil Factor Peptide 2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Apo E2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Growth Hormone (GH), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Insulin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Noggin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Matrix Metalloproteinase 1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human MART-1 (Melan-A), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Growth & Differentiation Factor 9 (BMP-15), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Trefoil Factor Peptide 1, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Adiponectin (clone BV801), Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Dog Visfatin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Visfatin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Visfatin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Cyan Fluorescent Protein, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Ghrelin (NT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Cat/Dog Ghrelin (CT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Ghrelin (CT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Blue Fluorescent Protein, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human C5a, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Resistin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Bovine Serum Albumin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Resistin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat/Bovine Synapsin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat GDNF Receptor alpha-1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat GDNF Receptor alpha-2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat GDNF Receptor alpha-3, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG conjugated to horseradish peroxidase, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse IgG conjugated to horseradish peroxidase, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG conjugated to horseradish peroxidase, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human Bax (Bcl-2 Associated X-Protein), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Bax (Bcl-2 Associated X-Protein), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 (biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human p185 (Human EGF Receptor 2), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human p185 (Human EGF Receptor 2; biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human p185 (Human EGF Receptor 2; FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human VE-Cadherin (CD144), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human VE-Cadherin (CD144, Biotin), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human VE-Cadherin (CD144, FITC), Polyclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interferon alpha, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interferon gamma, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interferon gamma (biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interferon gamma (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Rat Interferon gamma, Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Interferon gamma, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interferon omega, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Mouse Interleukin 1-alpha, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 1-beta, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 1-beta (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 2, Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Interleukin 2, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 2 Receptor, Monoclonal 31/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 22,000 53,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 22,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 53,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 46,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 50,000 50,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 46,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) タカラバイオ株式会社 TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D20645 D20646 D20647 D20648 D20649 D20650 D20651 D20652 D20653 D20654 D20655 D20656 D20657 D20658 D20659 D20660 D20661 D20662 D20663 D20664 D20665 PK-AB704-61406 PK-AB704-61406F PK-AB704-61506RM PK-AB704-61606F PK-AB704-61606R PK-AB704-61606RM PK-AB704-61636 PK-AB704-61636B PK-AB704-61806 PK-AB704-61806F PK-AB704-62006 PK-AB704-62006F PK-AB704-62206 PK-AB704-62306 PK-AB704-62306F PK-AB704-63105 PK-AB704-63106 PK-AB704-63106B PK-AB704-63106F PK-AB704-63106HM PK-AB704-63317 D20666 PK-AB704-63317B D20667 PK-AB704-63317F D20668 D20669 D20670 D20671 D20672 PK-AB704-63318 PK-AB704-63318B PK-AB704-63318F PK-AB704-63319 PK-AB704-63325 D20673 PK-AB704-63325B D20674 PK-AB704-63325F D20675 D20676 D20677 D20678 D20679 D20680 D20681 D20682 D20683 D20684 D20685 D20686 D20687 D20688 D20689 D20690 D20691 D20692 D20693 D20694 D20695 D20696 D20697 D20698 D20699 D20700 D20701 D20702 D20703 D20704 D20705 D20706 D20707 D20708 D20709 D20710 D20711 D20712 D20713 PK-AB704-63334 PK-AB704-63334B PK-AB704-63334F PK-AB704-63339 PK-AB704-63339B PK-AB704-63339F PK-AB704-63348 PK-AB704-63348B PK-AB704-63348F PK-AB704-63349 PK-AB704-63349B PK-AB704-63349F PK-AB704-63350-10 PK-AB704-63350-3 PK-AB704-63350-3B PK-AB704-63350-310 PK-AB704-63350-4 PK-AB704-63350-4F PK-AB704-63350-5 PK-AB704-63350-5B PK-AB704-63350-6 PK-AB704-63350-6B PK-AB704-63350-6F PK-AB704-63350-6RM PK-AB704-63350-7 PK-AB704-63350-7F PK-AB704-63350-78 PK-AB704-63350-78B PK-AB704-63350-78F PK-AB704-63351-6 PK-AB704-63351-6B PK-AB704-63351-6F PK-AB704-63352-4RM PK-AB704-63353 PK-AB704-63353B PK-AB704-63353F PK-AB704-63356 PK-AB704-63356B PK-AB704-63356F Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 4, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 4 (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Interleukin 5, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 6 (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Human Interleukin 6, Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Interleukin 6, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 6 Receptor, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 6 Receptor (biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 8, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 8 (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 10, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 10 (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 12, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 13, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 13 (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD40, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD40 Ligand, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD40 Ligand (biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD40 Ligand (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Hamster Anti-Mouse CD40 Ligand, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Lymphocyte Function Associated Antigen 1-alpha (CD11a), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Lymphocyte Function Associated Antigen 1-alpha (CD11a; biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Lymphocyte Function Associated Antigen 1-alpha (CD11a; FITClabeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Macrophage Antigen 1-alpha (CD11b), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Macrophage Antigen 1-alpha (CD11b; biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Macrophage Antigen 1-alpha (CD11b; FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD11c (p150,95), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Lymphocyte Function Associated Antigen 1-beta (CD18), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Lymphocyte Function Associated Antigen 1-beta (CD18; biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Lymphocyte Function Associated Antigen 1-beta (CD18; FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD26, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD26 (biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD26 (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Platelet Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule 1, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Platelet Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 (biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Platelet Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 (FITC-labeled), Mouse Anti-Human CD44std (clone SFF304), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44std (clone SFF304; biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44std (clone SFF304; FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44std (clone SFF-2), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44std (clone SFF-2; biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44std (clone SFF-2; FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44var (v10), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44var (v3), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44var (v3; biotinylated), Monoclonal Goat Anti-Human CD44var (v3-v10), Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44var (v4, clone VFF-11), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44var (v4, clone VFF-11; FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44var (v5), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44var (v5; biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44var (v6, clone VFF-18), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44var (v6, clone VFF-18; biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44var (v6, clone VFF-18; FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse CD44var (v6), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44var (v7), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44var (v7; FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44var (v7-v8), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44var (v7-v8; biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44var (v7-v8; FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44var (v6, clone VFF-7), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44var (v6, clone VFF-7; biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD44var (v6, clone VFF-7; FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse CD44var (v4, clone 10D1), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Intracellular Adhesion Molecule 3, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Intracellular Adhesion Molecule 3 (biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Intracellular Adhesion Molecule 3 (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Intracellular Adhesion Molecule 1, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Intracellular Adhesion Molecule 1 (biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Intracellular Adhesion Molecule 1 (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal 32/82 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 44,000 46,000 44,000 46,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 46,000 44,000 46,000 44,000 46,000 44,000 44,000 46,000 44,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 46,000 44,000 46,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 44,000 46,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D20714 D20715 D20716 D20717 D20718 D20719 D20720 D20721 D20722 D20723 D20724 D20725 D20726 D20727 D20728 D20729 D20730 D20731 D20732 D20733 D20734 D20735 D20736 D20737 D20738 D20739 D20740 D20741 D20742 D20743 D20744 D20745 D20746 D20747 D20748 D20749 D20750 D20751 D20752 D20753 D20754 D20755 D20756 D20757 D20758 D20759 D20760 D20761 D20762 D20763 D20764 D20765 D20766 D20767 D20768 D20769 D20770 D20771 D20772 D20773 D20774 D20775 D20776 D20777 D20778 D20779 D20780 D20781 D20782 D20783 D20784 D20785 D20787 PK-AB704-63367 PK-AB704-63367B PK-AB704-63367F PK-AB704-63706 PK-AB704-63706RM PK-AB704-63729 PK-AB704-63736 PK-AB704-63736F PK-AB704-64426 PK-AB704-65390M PK-AB704-68500MR PK-AB704-68505 PK-AB704-68510 PK-AB704-68520 PK-AB704-68530 PK-AB704-68540 PK-AB704-68540B PK-AB704-68550 PK-AB704-68560 PK-AB704-69006 PK-AB704-69006B PK-AB704-69006F PK-AB704-69056 PK-AB704-69066 PK-AB704-69066B PK-AB704-69066F PK-AB704-69076 PK-AB704-69086 PK-AB704-69098 PK-AB704-69098F PK-AB704-69106 PK-AB704-69206 PK-AB704-69207 PK-AB704-69207B PK-AB704-69207F PK-AB704-69208 PK-AB704-69208B PK-AB704-69208F PK-AB704-69209 PK-AB704-69216 PK-AB704-69216B PK-AB704-69216F PK-AB704-69218 PK-AB704-69218B PK-AB704-69218F PK-AB704-69226 PK-AB704-69226B PK-AB704-69226F PK-AB704-69227 PK-AB714-60015 PK-AB714-60020 PK-AB714-60028 PK-AB714-60058 PK-AB714-60058MPC PK-AB714-60058PC PK-AB714-60058RM PK-AB714-60195 PK-AB714-60240 PK-AB714-60264 PK-AB714-60266 PK-AB714-60350 PK-AB714-61115RM PK-AB714-61116RM PK-AB714-62120 PK-AB714-62212 PK-AB714-62212RM PK-AB714-63021 PK-AB714-63022 PK-AB714-63025 PK-AB714-63026RM PK-AB714-63027 PK-AB714-63028RM PK-AB714-63120 Mouse Anti-Human Intracellular Adhesion Molecule 2, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Intracellular Adhesion Molecule 2 (biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Intracellular Adhesion Molecule 2 (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha, Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor (60 kDa), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Tumor Necrosis Factor beta, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Tumor Necrosis Factor beta (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1 (clone Flt-19), Rabbit Anti-Mouse Endothelial/Monocyte Activating Polypeptide II, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Rat Epithelial Aminopeptidase P (clone JG12C9C10), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human EndoGlyx 1, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human MadCAM-1, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human EpCAM-1, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Fibroblast Activation Protein, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Plectin, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Plectin (biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human P-selectin Glycoprotein Ligand, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat ssDNA (APOSTAIN), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Annexin V, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Annexin V (biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Annexin V (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human B-cell Lymphoma/Leukemia 2, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Cathepsin L (clone 33/1), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Cathepsin L (biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Cathepsin L (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Caspase 8/FLICE, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Caspase 9, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human Manganese Superoxide Dismutase, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Manganese Superoxide Dismutase (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Cytochrome c, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Apoptosis Antigen 1/Fas (clone SM1/1), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Apoptosis Antigen 1/Fas (clone SM1/23), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Apoptosis Antigen 1/Fas (clone SM1/23; biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Apoptosis Antigen 1/Fas (clone SM1/23; FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Apoptosis Antigen 1/Fas (clone APO-1-1), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Apoptosis Antigen 1/Fas (clone APO-1-1; biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Apoptosis Antigen 1/Fas (clone APO-1-1; FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Apoptosis Antigen 1/Fas (clone 2R2), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human E-selectin, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human E-selectin (biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human E-selectin (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human L-selectin, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human L-selectin (biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human L-selectin (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Human Fas Ligand (clone H11), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Human Fas Ligand (biotinylated), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Human Fas Ligand (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Fas Ligand (clone 14C2), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Angiopoietin-1, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Angiopoietin-2, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human EPO Receptor, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human soluble CD105 (Endoglin; clone MJ7/18), Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse sCD105 (Endoglin), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human sCD105 (Endoglin), Polyclonal Rat Anti-Mouse soluble CD105 (Endoglin), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (basic FGF), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human E-cadherin (Clone 21E9), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human VE-cadherin (CD144), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 5, Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Interleukin 1 Receptor (Clone 11B7), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Interleukin 2 Receptor, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 11, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 12, Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Interleukin 12, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor AA, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor BB, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor alpha, Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor alpha, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor beta (CD140b), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor beta (CD140b), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Stem Cell Factor, Monoclonal 33/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 44,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 46,000 44,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 44,000 46,000 44,000 46,000 44,000 77,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 46,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 46,000 46,000 77,000 88,000 88,000 44,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 44,000 44,000 53,000 53,000 44,000 53,000 53,000 44,000 53,000 53,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 44,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) タカラバイオ株式会社 TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D20788 D20793 D20795 D20797 D20801 D20802 D20803 D20804 D20805 D20806 D20807 D20808 D20809 D20810 D20811 D20812 D20813 D20814 D20815 D20816 D20817 D20818 D20819 D20820 D20821 D20822 D20823 D20824 D20825 D20826 D20827 D20828 D20829 D20830 D20831 D20832 D20833 PK-AB714-63200 PK-AB714-63339 PK-AB714-63342 PK-AB714-63355 PK-AB714-63550 PK-AB714-63550RM PK-AB714-63551 PK-AB714-63551RM PK-AB714-63601 PK-AB714-63725HM PK-AB714-63727HM PK-AB714-63755 PK-AB714-64050 PK-AB714-64050HM PK-AB714-64050MR PK-AB714-64050PC PK-AB714-64104 PK-AB714-64110 PK-AB714-64111 PK-AB714-64113 PK-AB714-64115 PK-AB714-64116 PK-AB714-64117 PK-AB714-64118 PK-AB714-64128 PK-AB714-64130 PK-AB714-64410 PK-AB714-64410MPC PK-AB714-64412 PK-AB714-64412RPC PK-AB714-64415 PK-AB714-64415MPC PK-AB714-64420 PK-AB714-64420RM PK-AB714-64421 PK-AB714-64422 PK-AB714-64423 D20834 PK-AB714-64425 D20835 D20836 PK-AB714-64426 PK-AB714-64426PC D20837 PK-AB714-64427 D20838 D20839 D20840 D20841 D20842 D20843 PK-AB714-64428 PK-AB714-64429RM PK-AB714-64430 PK-AB714-64430PC PK-AB714-64431 PK-AB714-64432RM D20844 PK-AB714-64470 D20845 PK-AB714-64470PC D20846 PK-AB714-64471 D20847 PK-AB714-64472 D20848 PK-AB714-64473RM D20849 PK-AB714-64474 D20850 PK-AB714-64475 D20851 D20852 D20853 D20854 D20855 D20856 D20857 D20858 D20859 D20860 D20861 D20862 D20863 PK-AB714-64530 PK-AB714-65320 PK-AB714-65722 PK-AB714-65724 PK-AB714-65811 PK-AB714-66021 PK-AB714-66021RM PK-AB714-66130 PK-AB714-66670 PK-AB714-67314 PK-AB714-67318 PK-AB714-67355 PK-AB714-67355MPC Mouse Anti-Human soluble Receptor Activator of NF-Kappa B Ligand, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD31 (clone 158-2B3), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD34 (clone 34C02), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Intracellular Adhesion Molecule 1, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human TGF-beta Receptor Type I (ALK-1), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse TGF-beta Receptor Type I (ALK-1), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human TGF-beta Receptor Type I (ALK-5), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse TGF-beta Receptor Type I (ALK-5), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human TNF-Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand, Monoclonal Hamster Anti-Mouse TNF Receptor I, Monoclonal Hamster Anti-Mouse TNF Receptor II, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human B-cell Activating Factor in TNF Family, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Podoplanin (Clone 4D5aE5E6), Monoclonal Hamster Anti-Mouse Podoplanin, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Rat Podoplanin (Clone LF3B7D5B3), Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Podoplanin, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human Matrix Metalloproteinase 3, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Matrix Metalloproteinase 7, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Matrix Metalloproteinase 8, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Matrix Metalloproteinase 10, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Matrix Metalloproteinase 12, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Matrix Metalloproteinase 13, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Matrix Metalloproteinase 14, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Matrix Metalloproteinase 15, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Matrix Metalloproteinase 25, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human RANTES (CCL5), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor B, Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor B, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C (flt-4 Ligand), Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor D, Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor D, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A (clone 1), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A (clone 3), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A (clone 3C5), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A (clone 7G7), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1 (clone EWC), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1 (clone EIC), Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1 (flt-1), Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1 (clone EWF), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1 (clone EWI), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 1 (clone 5F13), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 3 (clone 1), Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 3 (flt-4), Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 3 (clone 3), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 3 (flt-4), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 (KDR, CD309; clone 3), Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 (KDR, CD309), Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 (KDR, CD309; clone 4), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 (KDR, CD309; clone 2F66), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 (FLK-1), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 (KDR, CD309; clone EIC), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 (KDR, CD309; clone EWC), Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human Eotaxin 3 (CCL26), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Macrophage/Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 2, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Macrophage/Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 4, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human MIG (Monokine Induced by IFN gamma, CXCL9), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Placenta Growth Factor, Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Placenta Growth Factor, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Nerve Growth Factor beta, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Resistin, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein 7, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human sLYVE-1, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse sLYVE-1, Polyclonal 34/82 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 44,000 33,000 33,000 50,000 57,500 57,500 57,500 57,500 44,000 53,000 53,000 44,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 46,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 44,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 46,000 50,000 50,000 53,000 53,000 46,000 53,000 53,000 50,000 46,000 50,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 46,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 53,000 53,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 53,000 46,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) タカラバイオ株式会社 TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D20864 D20865 D20866 D20867 D20868 D20869 D20870 D20871 D20872 D20873 D20874 D20875 D20879 D20880 D20881 D20882 D20883 D20884 D20887 D20888 D20889 D20890 D20891 D20892 D20893 D20894 PK-AB714-67355PC PK-AB714-67355RM PK-AB714-67400 PK-AB714-67830 PK-AB714-67910 PK-AB714-68014 PK-AB714-68020 PK-AB714-68025 PK-AB714-68026 PK-AB714-68028 PK-AB714-68029 PK-AB714-68030 PK-AB714-68558 PK-AB714-68560 PK-AB714-68561 PK-AB714-68562 PK-AB714-68563 PK-AB714-69206 PK-AB718-1007 PK-AB718-1007P PK-AB718-1009 PK-AB718-1009P PK-AB718-1012 PK-AB718-1012P PK-AB718-1021 PK-AB718-1021P Rabbit Anti-Human sLYVE-1, Polyclonal Rat Anti-Mouse sLYVE-1, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Prox-1, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human Liver Expressed Chemokine (NCC-4, CCL16), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Macrophage Derived Chemokine, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor (clone 6B13), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Thymus Expressed Chemokine (CCL25), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human TIE-1 (clone 6F12), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human TIE-1 (clone 8C9), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human TIE-2 (TEK, clone 2), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human TIE-2 (TEK, clone 9), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human TIE-2 (TEK, clone 16), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Megalin (LRP2; clone CD7D5), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloprotease-1, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloprotease-2, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloprotease-3, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloprotease-4, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Fas (clone 12J3), Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat IL-1R Associated Kinase (CT), Polyclonal Human IRAK (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse CX3C-Chemokine Receptor 4 (HIV Receptor) (NT), Polyclonal Human CXCR4 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse CX3C-Chemokine Receptor 4 (HIV Receptor) (EL), Polyclonal Human CXCR4 (EL) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat STAT1 (JAK Activated Transcription) (CT), Polyclonal Human STAT1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat CC-Chemokine receptor 3 (HIV & Chemokine Receptor) (CT), Polyclonal Human CCR3 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human p62DOK (Tyrosine Kinase Substrate p62DOK) (CT), Polyclonal Human DOK (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat CC-Chemokine receptor 3 (HIV & Chemokine Receptor) (NT), Polyclonal Human CCR3 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human CC-Chemokine receptor 5 (HIV & Chemokine Receptor) (NT), Polyclonal Human CCR5 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human TNF Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand (Ligand for DR4 & DR5) (CT), Polyclonal Human TRAIL (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human RAIDD (Adaptor Molecule with Death Domain) (IN), Polyclonal Human RAIDD (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human RAIDD (Adaptor Molecule with Death Domain) (CT), Polyclonal Human RAIDD (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Death Receptor 3 (CT), Polyclonal Human DR3 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Neurturin (Ligand for GFRa-2), Polyclonal Human NTN (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Eotaxin (CCR3 Ligand) (CT), Polyclonal Human Eotaxin Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat SIRP-alpha (Tyrosine Kinase Substrate) (CT), Polyclonal Human SIRP_alpha (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase 10 (CT), Polyclonal Human Caspase-10 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human NF-kB Inducing Kinase (CT), Polyclonal Human NIK (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TNF-alpha Converting Enzyme (CT), Polyclonal Human TACE (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat GDNF Receptor alpha-1 (IN), Polyclonal Human GFR alpha-1 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat GDNF Receptor alpha-2 (IN), Polyclonal Human GFR alpha-2 / GDNFR beta (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat GDNF Receptor alpha-3 (IN), Polyclonal Human GFR alpha-3 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Death Receptor 4 (CT), Polyclonal Human DR4 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human DNA Fragmentation Factor 45 (Inhibitor of CAD) (CT), Polyclonal Human DFF45 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human DNA Fragmentation Factor 45 (Inhibitor of CAD) (NT), Polyclonal Human DFF45/35 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat MAP Kinase Activating Death Domain Protein (Activator of MAPK Pathway) (CT), Polyclonal Human MADD (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human ASK1 (Apoptosis Signal Regulating Kinase) (CT), Polyclonal D20895 PK-AB718-1105 D20896 D20897 D20898 PK-AB718-1105P PK-AB718-1107 PK-AB718-1107P D20899 PK-AB718-1109 D20900 PK-AB718-1109P D20901 PK-AB718-1112 D20902 PK-AB718-1112P D20903 PK-AB718-1113 D20904 D20905 D20906 D20907 D20908 D20909 D20910 D20911 D20912 D20913 D20914 D20915 D20916 D20917 D20918 D20919 D20920 D20921 D20922 D20923 D20924 D20925 D20926 D20927 D20928 D20929 D20930 D20931 D20932 D20933 D20934 PK-AB718-1113P PK-AB718-1115 PK-AB718-1115P PK-AB718-1117 PK-AB718-1117P PK-AB718-1120 PK-AB718-1120P PK-AB718-1121 PK-AB718-1121P PK-AB718-1123 PK-AB718-1123P PK-AB718-1125 PK-AB718-1125P PK-AB718-1128 PK-AB718-1128P PK-AB718-1129 PK-AB718-1129P PK-AB718-1131 PK-AB718-1131P PK-AB718-1133 PK-AB718-1133P PK-AB718-1135 PK-AB718-1135P PK-AB718-1137 PK-AB718-1137P PK-AB718-1139 PK-AB718-1139P PK-AB718-1141 PK-AB718-1141P PK-AB718-1148 PK-AB718-1148P D20935 PK-AB718-1150 D20936 D20937 PK-AB718-1150P PK-AB718-1151 35/82 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 46,000 57,500 46,000 44,000 44,000 53,000 44,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D20938 D20939 D20940 D20941 D20942 D20943 D20944 D20945 D20946 PK-AB718-1151P PK-AB718-1156 PK-AB718-1156P PK-AB718-1158 PK-AB718-1158P PK-AB718-1159 PK-AB718-1159P PK-AB718-1161 PK-AB718-1161P D20947 PK-AB718-1163 D20948 D20949 D20950 D20951 D20952 D20953 D20954 D20955 D20956 D20957 D20958 D20959 D20960 D20961 D20962 D20963 D20964 D20965 D20966 D20967 D20968 D20969 D20970 D20971 D20972 D20973 D20974 D20975 D20976 D20977 D20978 D20979 D20980 D20981 D20982 D20983 D20984 D20985 D20986 D21065 D21066 D21067 D21068 D21069 D21070 D21071 D21072 D21073 D21074 D21075 D21076 D21077 D21078 D21079 D21080 D21081 D21082 D21083 D21084 D21085 D21086 D21087 PK-AB718-1163P PK-AB718-1166 PK-AB718-1166P PK-AB718-1167 PK-AB718-1167P PK-AB718-1170 PK-AB718-1170P PK-AB718-1201 PK-AB718-1202 PK-AB718-1203 PK-AB718-1204 PK-AB718-1205 PK-AB718-1206 PK-AB718-1207 PK-AB718-1208 PK-AB718-1209 PK-AB718-1210 PK-AB718-1211 PK-AB718-1212 PK-AB718-1213 PK-AB718-1214 PK-AB718-1215 PK-AB718-1216 PK-AB718-1217 PK-AB718-1218 PK-AB718-1219 PK-AB718-1220 PK-AB718-1221 PK-AB718-1223 PK-AB718-1224 PK-AB718-1225 PK-AB718-1226 PK-AB718-1282 PK-AB718-1283 PK-AB718-1284 PK-AB718-1285 PK-AB718-1286 PK-AB718-1287 PK-AB718-1288 PK-AB718-1401 PK-AB718-1401-0 PK-AB718-1401-14 PK-AB718-1401-7 PK-AB718-1402 PK-AB718-1402-0 PK-AB718-1402-14 PK-AB718-1402-7 PK-AB718-1403 PK-AB718-1403-0 PK-AB718-1403-14 PK-AB718-1403-7 PK-AB718-1404 PK-AB718-1404-0 PK-AB718-1404-14 PK-AB718-1404-7 PK-AB718-1405 PK-AB718-1405-0 PK-AB718-1405-14 PK-AB718-1405-7 PK-AB718-1406 PK-AB718-1406-14 PK-AB718-1406-7 Human ASK1 / MAPKKK5 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse FLICE Inhibitory Protein (CT), Polyclonal Mouse FLIP (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Death Receptor 3, Polyclonal Human DR3 (ED) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat FLICE Inhibitory Protein (NT), Polyclonal Human FLIP (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat FLICE Inhibitory Protein (CT), Polyclonal Human FLIP (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Daxx (Death Associated Protein, Adaptor Molecule) (CT), Polyclonal Human Daxx (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Death Receptor 3 (NT), Polyclonal Human DR3 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Death Receptor 4 (NT), Polyclonal Human DR4 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Bonzo (HIV Coreceptor) (CT), Polyclonal Human Bonzo (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide HeLa Whole Cell Lysate A431 Whole Cell Lysate A549 Whole Cell Lysate K562 Whole Cell Lysate Jurkat Whole Cell Lysate MOLT4 Whole Cell Lysate Raji Whole Cell Lysate THP-1 Whole Cell Lysate HL60 Whole Cell Lysate 293 Whole Cell Lysate HepG2 Whole Cell Lysate 3T3 (Balb) Whole Cell Lysate T24 Whole Cell Lysate SW1353 Whole Cell Lysate U937 Whole Cell Lysate PC-3 Whole Cell Lysate MDA-MB-361 Whole Cell Lysate HT-29 Whole Cell Lysate MCF7 Whole Cell Lysate SK-N-SH Whole Cell Lysate SW480 Whole Cell Lysate Caco-2 Whole Cell Lysate Daudi Whole Cell Lysate Ramos Whole Cell Lysate WI-38 Cell Lysate 3T3 (NIH) Cell Lysate RAW 264.7 Cell Lysate L1210 Cell Lysate C2C12 Cell Lysate P815 Cell Lysate EL4 Cell Lysate A-20 Cell Lysate Heart Tissue Lysate, mouse Heart Tissue Lysate (0 days old), mouse Heart Tissue Lysate (14 days old), mouse Heart Tissue Lysate (7 days old), mouse Lung Tissue Lysate, mouse Lung Tissue Lysate (0 days old), mouse Lung Tissue Lysate (14 days old), mouse Lung Tissue Lysate (7 days old), mouse Brain Tissue Lysate, mouse Brain Tissue Lysate (0 days old), mouse Brain Tissue Lysate (14 days old), mouse Brain Tissue Lysate (7 days old), mouse Liver Tissue Lysate, mouse Liver Tissue Lysate (0 days old), mouse Liver Tissue Lysate (14 days old), mouse Liver Tissue Lysate (7 days old), mouse Kidney Tissue Lysate, mouse Kidney Tissue Lysate (0 days old), mouse Kidney Tissue Lysate (14 days old), mouse Kidney Tissue Lysate (7 days old), mouse Spleen Tissue Lysate, mouse Spleen Tissue Lysate (14 days old), mouse Spleen Tissue Lysate (7 days old), mouse 36/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 28,500 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D21088 D21089 D21090 D21091 D21092 D21093 D21094 D21095 D21096 D21097 D21098 D21099 D21100 D21101 D21102 D21103 D21104 D21105 D21106 D21107 D21108 D21109 D21110 D21111 D21112 D21113 D21114 D21115 D21116 D21117 D21118 D21119 D21120 D21121 D21122 D21123 D21124 D21125 D21126 D21127 D21128 D21129 D21130 D21131 D21132 D21133 D21134 D21135 D21136 D21137 D21138 D21139 D21140 D21141 D21142 D21143 D21144 D21145 D21146 D21147 D21148 D21149 D21150 D21151 D21152 D21153 D21154 D21155 D21156 D21157 D21158 PK-AB718-1407 PK-AB718-1408 PK-AB718-1409 PK-AB718-1409-14 PK-AB718-1409-7 PK-AB718-1410 PK-AB718-1411 PK-AB718-1412 PK-AB718-1413 PK-AB718-1414 PK-AB718-1415 PK-AB718-1415-0 PK-AB718-1415-14 PK-AB718-1415-7 PK-AB718-1416 PK-AB718-1417 PK-AB718-1418 PK-AB718-1419 PK-AB718-1419-0 PK-AB718-1419-14 PK-AB718-1419-7 PK-AB718-1420 PK-AB718-1420-0 PK-AB718-1420-14 PK-AB718-1420-7 PK-AB718-1451-F14 PK-AB718-1451-F7 PK-AB718-1461 PK-AB718-1462 PK-AB718-1463 PK-AB718-1464 PK-AB718-1465 PK-AB718-1466 PK-AB718-1467 PK-AB718-1468 PK-AB718-1469 PK-AB718-1470 PK-AB718-1471 PK-AB718-1472 PK-AB718-1473 PK-AB718-1474 PK-AB718-1475 PK-AB718-1476 PK-AB718-1477 PK-AB718-1478 PK-AB718-1479 PK-AB718-1480 PK-AB718-2001 PK-AB718-2001P PK-AB718-2003 PK-AB718-2003P PK-AB718-2007 PK-AB718-2007P PK-AB718-2011 PK-AB718-2011P PK-AB718-2013 PK-AB718-2013P PK-AB718-2015 PK-AB718-2015P PK-AB718-2019 PK-AB718-2019P PK-AB718-2021 PK-AB718-2021P PK-AB718-2025 PK-AB718-2025P PK-AB718-2051 PK-AB718-2051P PK-AB718-2055 PK-AB718-2055P PK-AB718-2059 PK-AB718-2059P D21159 PK-AB718-2065 Skeletal Muscle Tissue Lysate, mouse Small Intestine Tissue Lysate, mouse Thymus Tissue Lysate, mouse Thymus Tissue Lysate (14 days old), mouse Thymus Tissue Lysate (7 days old), mouse Bladder Tissue Lysate, mouse Colon Tissue Lysate, mouse Cerebellum Tissue Lysate, mouse Cerebrum Tissue Lysate, mouse Pancreas Tissue Lysate, mouse Stomach Tissue Lysate, mouse Stomach Tissue Lysate (0 days old), mouse Stomach Tissue Lysate (14 days old), mouse Stomach Tissue Lysate (7 days old), mouse Testis Tissue Lysate, mouse Adrenal Tissue Lysate, mouse Adipose Tissue Lysate, mouse Skin Tissue Lysate, mouse Skin Tissue Lysate (0 days old), mouse Skin Tissue Lysate (14 days old), mouse Skin Tissue Lysate (7 days old), mouse Eye Tissue Lysate, mouse Eye Tissue Lysate (0 days old), mouse Eye Tissue Lysate (14 days old), mouse Eye Tissue Lysate (7 days old), mouse Fetus Lysate (14 day fetus), mouse Fetus Lysate (7 day fetus), mouse Heart Tissue Lysate, rat Lung Tissue Lysate, rat Brain Tissue Lysate, rat Liver Tissue Lysate, rat Kidney Tissue Lysate, rat Spleen Tissue Lysate, rat Skeletal Muscle Tissue Lysate, rat Small Intestine Tissue Lysate, rat Pancreas Tissue Lysate, rat Adrenal Tissue Lysate, rat Thymus Tissue Lysate, rat Colon Tissue Lysate, rat Cerebellum Tissue Lysate, rat Cerebrum Tissue Lysate, rat Stomach Tissue Lysate, rat Testis Tissue Lysate, rat Adipose Tissue Lysate, rat Bladder Tissue Lysate, rat Eye Tissue Lysate, rat Skin Tissue Lysate, rat Rabbit Anti-Mouse Inhibitor of CAD (NT), Polyclonal Mouse ICAD (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse Inhibitor of CAD (CT), Polyclonal Mouse ICAD (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat CAD (Caspase Activated DNase), Polyclonal Mouse CAD (I17) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse CAD (Caspase Activated DNase) (CT), Polyclonal Mouse CAD (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Apoptosis Protease Activating Factor 1 (NT), Polyclonal Human Apaf-1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Apoptosis Protease Activating Factor 1 (CT), Polyclonal Human Apaf-1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Death Receptor 5, Polyclonal Human DR5 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat DcR2 (Decoy Receptor 2 for TRAIL), Polyclonal Human DcR2 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human IkB Kinase alpha, Polyclonal Human IKK-alpha (C1) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human TNF-alpha Converting Enzyme (CT), Polyclonal Human ADAM10 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human FLICE Inhibitory Protein (CT), Polyclonal Human FLIPs (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human DNase II (Involved in Apoptosis) (CT), Polyclonal Human DNase II (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Bim (Bcl-2 Interacting Mediator of Cell Death) (IN), Polyclonal 37/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) タカラバイオ株式会社 TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D21160 D21161 D21162 D21163 D21164 D21165 D21166 D21167 D21168 D21169 D21170 D21171 D21172 D21173 D21174 D21175 D21176 PK-AB718-2065P PK-AB718-2067 PK-AB718-2067P PK-AB718-2071 PK-AB718-2071P PK-AB718-2073 PK-AB718-2073P PK-AB718-2075 PK-AB718-2075P PK-AB718-2081 PK-AB718-2081P PK-AB718-2085 PK-AB718-2085P PK-AB718-2089 PK-AB718-2089P PK-AB718-2091 PK-AB718-2091P D21177 PK-AB718-2093 D21178 D21179 D21180 PK-AB718-2093P PK-AB718-2097 PK-AB718-2097P D21181 PK-AB718-2099 D21182 PK-AB718-2101 D21183 PK-AB718-2101P D21184 PK-AB718-2107 D21185 D21186 D21187 D21188 D21189 D21190 D21191 D21192 D21193 D21194 D21195 D21196 D21197 D21198 D21199 D21200 D21201 D21202 D21203 D21204 D21205 PK-AB718-2107P PK-AB718-2115 PK-AB718-2115P PK-AB718-2117 PK-AB718-2117P PK-AB718-2121 PK-AB718-2121P PK-AB718-2123 PK-AB718-2123P PK-AB718-2125 PK-AB718-2125P PK-AB718-2127 PK-AB718-2127P PK-AB718-2129 PK-AB718-2129P PK-AB718-2131 PK-AB718-2131P PK-AB718-2133 PK-AB718-2133P PK-AB718-2136 PK-AB718-2136P Human Bim (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat ZIP Kinase (Apoptosis Inducing Kinase) (IN), Polyclonal Human ZIPK (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase 9 (IN1), Polyclonal Human Caspase-9 (IN1) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Caspase 9 (IN2), Polyclonal Human Caspase-9 (IN2) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat RIP-Like Interacting CLARP Kinase (NT), Polyclonal Human RICK (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Apoptosis Repressor with CARD Domain (CT), Polyclonal Human ARC (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Cell Death Inducing DFF-Like Effector A (CT), Polyclonal Human CIDE-A (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse Cell Death Inducing DFF-Like Effector A (CT), Polyclonal Mouse CIDE-A (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse Cell Death Inducing DFF-Like Effector B (CT), Polyclonal Mouse CIDE-B (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat CX3C-Chemokine Receptor 1 (HIV & Chemokine Receptor) (NT), Polyclonal Human CX3CR1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human CC-Chemokine receptor 8 (HIV & Chemokine Receptor) (EL), Polyclonal Human CCR8 (EL) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse CX3C-Chemokine Ligand 1 (CX3CR1 Ligand, Neurotactin, Fractalkine), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat G-Protein Coupled Receptor 15 (HIV Coreceptor) (NT), Polyclonal Human GPR15 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat DNA Fragmentation Factor 40 (Caspase Activated Dnase), Polyclonal Mouse DFF40 / CAD (I18) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human IkB Kinase alpha, Polyclonal Human IKKa (C2) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human IkB Kinase alpha, Polyclonal Human IKK-alpha (C3) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human IkB Kinase beta, Polyclonal Human IKK-beta (C3) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human IL-1R Associated Kinase 2, Polyclonal Human IRAK2 (C2) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human MyD88 (Adaptor in IL-1 & LPS Signaling) (IN), Polyclonal Human MyD88 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat MyD88 (Adaptor in IL-1 & LPS Signaling) (CT), Polyclonal Human MyD88 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human IL-1R Accessory Protein, Polyclonal Human IL-1RAcP (C2) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human IL-1R Accessory Protein, Polyclonal Human IL-1RAcP (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Amyloid Protein Precursor, Polyclonal Human APP (AbNT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Amyloid Protein Precursor (CT), Polyclonal Human APP (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat DcR3 (Decoy Receptor for FASL and LIGHT) (NT), Polyclonal Human DcR3 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Silencer of Death Domains (NT), Polyclonal Human SODD (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human DRAK1 (DAPK Related Apoptosis Inducing Kinase 1) (NT), Polyclonal Human DRAK1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human DRAK2 (DAPK Related Apoptosis Inducing Kinase 2) (CT), Polyclonal Human DRAK2 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human DNA Fragmentation Factor 40 (Caspase Activated Dnase) (NT), Polyclonal Human DFF40 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human DNA Fragmentation Factor 40 (Caspase Activated Dnase) (IN), Polyclonal Human DFF40 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Death Receptor 6 (NT), Polyclonal Human DR6 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human B-cell Lymphoma/Leukemia 10 (Involved in Apoptosis and Tumor Genesis) (NT), Polyclonal Human Bcl-10 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat DcR1 (Decoy Receptor 1 for TRAIL) (ED), Polyclonal Human DcR1 (ED) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human RIP-Like Interacting CLARP Kinase (CT), Polyclonal Human RICK (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide D21206 PK-AB718-2140 D21207 D21208 D21209 D21210 D21211 D21212 D21213 PK-AB718-2140P PK-AB718-2143 PK-AB718-2143P PK-AB718-2147 PK-AB718-2147P PK-AB718-2149 PK-AB718-2149P D21214 PK-AB718-2153 D21215 PK-AB718-2153P D21216 PK-AB718-2155 D21217 D21218 D21219 PK-AB718-2155P PK-AB718-2157 PK-AB718-2157P D21220 PK-AB718-2161 D21221 D21222 D21223 D21224 D21225 PK-AB718-2161P PK-AB718-2179 PK-AB718-2179P PK-AB718-2183 PK-AB718-2183P 38/82 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D21226 D21227 PK-AB718-2185 PK-AB718-2185P D21228 PK-AB718-2201 D21229 D21230 D21231 D21232 D21233 D21234 D21235 D21236 D21237 D21238 D21239 D21240 D21241 D21242 D21243 D21244 PK-AB718-2201P PK-AB718-2209 PK-AB718-2209P PK-AB718-2213 PK-AB718-2213P PK-AB718-2215 PK-AB718-2215P PK-AB718-2217 PK-AB718-2217P PK-AB718-2219 PK-AB718-2219P PK-AB718-2221 PK-AB718-2221P PK-AB718-2223 PK-AB718-2223P PK-AB718-2225 D21245 PK-AB718-2227 D21246 D21247 D21248 D21249 D21250 D21251 D21252 D21253 D21254 D21255 D21256 D21257 D21258 D21259 D21260 D21261 D21262 D21263 D21264 D21265 D21266 D21267 D21268 D21269 D21270 D21271 D21272 D21273 PK-AB718-2227P PK-AB718-2233 PK-AB718-2233P PK-AB718-2235 PK-AB718-2235P PK-AB718-2237 PK-AB718-2237P PK-AB718-2239 PK-AB718-2239P PK-AB718-2241 PK-AB718-2241P PK-AB718-2245 PK-AB718-2245P PK-AB718-2247 PK-AB718-2247P PK-AB718-2249 PK-AB718-2249P PK-AB718-2253 PK-AB718-2253P PK-AB718-2255 PK-AB718-2259 PK-AB718-2261 PK-AB718-2265 PK-AB718-2267 PK-AB718-2267P PK-AB718-2271 PK-AB718-2271P PK-AB718-2273 D21274 PK-AB718-2279 D21275 D21276 D21277 D21278 D21279 D21280 D21281 D21282 D21283 D21284 D21285 D21286 D21287 D21288 D21289 D21290 D21291 D21292 D21293 D21294 D21295 PK-AB718-2279P PK-AB718-2283 PK-AB718-2283P PK-AB718-2285 PK-AB718-2287 PK-AB718-2287P PK-AB718-2289 PK-AB718-2289P PK-AB718-2299 PK-AB718-2299P PK-AB718-2301 PK-AB718-2301P PK-AB718-2309 PK-AB718-2319 PK-AB718-2321 PK-AB718-2323 PK-AB718-2323P PK-AB718-2325 PK-AB718-2325P PK-AB718-2327 PK-AB718-2327P Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Apoptosis Repressor with CARD Domain (NT), Polyclonal Human ARC (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human CX3C-Chemokine Receptor 1 (HIV & Chemokine Receptor) (EL), Polyclonal Human CX3CR1 (EL) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Bonzo (HIV Coreceptor), Polyclonal Human Bonzo (NT2) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human IL-1R Associated Kinase 2 (CT), Polyclonal Human IRAK2 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Acinus (Inducer of Chromatin Condensation), Polyclonal Human Acinus (CP) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Acinus (Inducer of Chromatin Condensation) (CT), Polyclonal Human Acinus (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Acinus (Inducer of Chromatin Condensation) (IN), Polyclonal Human Acinus (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat B-cell Activating Factor in TNF Family (BLyS) (CT), Human BAFF (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human APRIL (Member of the TNF Family) (ED), Polyclonal Human APRIL (ED) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Nop30, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat DED Associated Factor (Novel Regulator of Apoptosis), Polyclonal Human DEDAF Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Survivin (Inhibitor of Apoptosis) (NT), Polyclonal Human Survivin (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Survivin (Inhibitor of Apoptosis) (CT), Polyclonal Human Survivin (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse Survivin (Inhibitor of Apoptosis) (CT), Polyclonal Mouse Survivin Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Apoptosis Inducing Factor (NT), Polyclonal Human AIF (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Acinus (Inducer of Chromatin Condensation), Polyclonal Human Acinus (NP) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase 13 (Evolutionarily Related ICE), Polyclonal Human Caspase-13 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat beta-Site APP Cleaving Enzyme 2 (NT), Polyclonal Human BACE2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse beta-Site APP Cleaving Enzyme 2 (CT), Polyclonal Human BACE2 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse beta-Site APP Cleaving Enzyme (CT), Polyclonal Human BACE (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat SnoN, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Ski, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat SkiP, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Nephrin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Apoptosis Inducing Factor (IN), Polyclonal Human AIF (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human FLICE Associated Huge Protein (Homolog of CED4) (CT), Polyclonal Human FLASH (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Toso (Fas Apoptotic Inhibitory Molecule 3), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat F1A alpha (Novel Death Receptor Binding Protein) (CT), Polyclonal Human F1A alpha Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat Receptor Interacting Protein 3, Polyclonal Mouse RIP3 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat LFG, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human ASC (Novel CARD-Containing Adaptor Protein), Polyclonal Human ASC Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Bnip3L (Member of the Bcl-2 Family) (IN), Polyclonal Human Bnip3L (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat DcR1 (Decoy Receptor 1 for TRAIL) (ED2), Polyclonal Human DcR1 (ED2) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Apoptosis Inducing Factor (CT), Polyclonal Human AIF (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse FAIM, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat CIDE-B (C2), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat CIDE-B (IN), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Death Associated Protein Kinase 2, Polyclonal Human DAP kinase 2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase 12 (NT), Polyclonal Mouse Caspase-12 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase 12 (IN), Polyclonal Mouse Caspase-12 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide 39/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) タカラバイオ株式会社 TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D21296 D21297 D21298 D21299 D21300 D21301 D21302 D21303 D21304 D21305 D21306 D21307 D21308 D21309 D21310 D21311 D21312 D21313 D21314 D21315 D21316 D21317 D21318 D21319 D21320 D21321 PK-AB718-2329 PK-AB718-2329P PK-AB718-2335 PK-AB718-2335P PK-AB718-2337 PK-AB718-2345 PK-AB718-2347 PK-AB718-2347P PK-AB718-2349 PK-AB718-2349P PK-AB718-2351 PK-AB718-2351P PK-AB718-2355 PK-AB718-2355P PK-AB718-2383 PK-AB718-2383P PK-AB718-2391 PK-AB718-2391P PK-AB718-2395 PK-AB718-2395P PK-AB718-2397 PK-AB718-2397P PK-AB718-2409 PK-AB718-2409P PK-AB718-2411 PK-AB718-2411P Rabbit Anti-Human IkB Kinase epsilon (CT), Polyclonal Human IKKe / IKK-i (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat IkB Kinase gamma (NT), Polyclonal Human IKK-gamma / NEMO (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse IKK Complex Associated Protein (IKBKAP), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TP1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human DC-SIGN (Novel HIV Binding Protein) (CT), Polyclonal Human DC-SIGN (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human DC-SIGN (Novel HIV Binding Protein), Polyclonal Human DC-SIGN (ED) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse NF-kB Activating Kinase (CT), Polyclonal Human NAK / TBK1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat IL-1R Associated Kinase M, Polyclonal Human IRAK-M Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat p53R2 (Novel Ribonucleotide Reductase) (NT), Polyclonal Human p53R2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Chk2 (Novel Check Point Kinase) (NT), Polyclonal Human Chk2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human TACI (Receptor for BAFF & APRIL), Polyclonal Human TACI Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human B-cell Maturation Protein (Receptor for BAFF & APRIL), Polyclonal Human BCMA Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Smac (IAPs Binding Protein) (CT), Polyclonal Human Smac / DIABLO (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat mSmac (IAPs Binding Protein) (CT), Polyclonal Mouse Smac / DIABLO (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Aven (Apoptosis Caspase Activation Inhibitor) (CT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse APRIL (Member of the TNF Family) (ED2), Polyclonal Human APRIL (ED2) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Aven (Apoptosis Caspase Activation Inhibitor) (NT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Noxa (p53 Target Gene), Polyclonal Human Noxa / PMAIP1 / APR Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat PID (Involved in p53 Deacetylation), Polyclonal Human PID / MTA2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human MTBP (MDM2 Binding Protein) (IN2), Polyclonal Human MTBP (IN2) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human p53AIP1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human PERP (Mediator of p53 Induced Apoptosis), Polyclonal Human PERP Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 21 (IN), Polyclonal Human IL-21 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Interleukin 21 Receptor (ED), Polyclonal Human IL-21R (ED) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Interleukin 21 Receptor (NT), Polyclonal Human IL-21R (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human MCG10, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human T-cell Cytokine Receptor (NT), Polyclonal Human TCCR (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human T-cell Cytokine Receptor (CT), Polyclonal Human TCCR (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Rat Interleukin 22 Receptor (CT), Polyclonal Human IL-22R (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat KappaB ras, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse KappaB ras1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat KappaB ras2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Rat Interleukin 22 Receptor (NT), Polyclonal Human IL-22R (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human CIKS (NF-kB Activator) (CT), Polyclonal Human CIKS / Act1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human CIKS (NF-kB Activator) (NT), Polyclonal Human CIKS / Act1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Livin (Novel Member in IAP Family), Polyclonal Human Livin Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase 14 (Mini Interleukin-1 Converting Enzyme), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Nucleotide-binding Oligomerization Domain Protein 2 (New CARD Containing Protein) (NT), Polyclonal Human NOD2 / CARD15 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Nucleotide-binding Oligomerization Domain Protein 2 (New CARD Containing Protein) (CT), Polyclonal Human NOD2 / CARD15 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human CARD9 (Caspase Recruitment Domain Containing Protein 9), Polyclonal D21322 PK-AB718-2413 D21323 D21324 PK-AB718-2415 PK-AB718-2415P D21325 PK-AB718-2417 D21326 D21327 D21328 D21329 D21330 D21331 D21332 D21333 D21334 D21335 D21336 D21337 D21338 D21339 D21340 D21341 D21342 D21343 D21344 D21345 D21346 D21347 D21348 D21349 D21350 D21351 D21352 D21353 D21354 D21355 D21356 D21357 D21358 PK-AB718-2437 PK-AB718-2437P PK-AB718-2443 PK-AB718-2443P PK-AB718-2447 PK-AB718-2447P PK-AB718-2449 PK-AB718-2451 PK-AB718-2451P PK-AB718-2465 PK-AB718-2465P PK-AB718-2469 PK-AB718-2469P PK-AB718-2471 PK-AB718-2471P PK-AB718-2479 PK-AB718-2481 PK-AB718-2481P PK-AB718-2483 PK-AB718-2483P PK-AB718-2489 PK-AB718-2489P PK-AB718-2491 PK-AB718-2493 PK-AB718-2495 PK-AB718-2497 PK-AB718-2497P PK-AB718-2499 PK-AB718-2499P PK-AB718-2501 PK-AB718-2501P PK-AB718-2505 PK-AB718-2505P D21359 PK-AB718-2509 D21360 PK-AB718-2511 D21361 PK-AB718-2511P D21362 PK-AB718-2513 D21363 D21364 PK-AB718-2513P PK-AB718-2515 40/82 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) タカラバイオ株式会社 TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D21365 D21366 D21367 D21368 D21369 D21370 D21371 PK-AB718-2515P PK-AB718-3001 PK-AB718-3001P PK-AB718-3005 PK-AB718-3005P PK-AB718-3009 PK-AB718-3009P D21372 PK-AB718-3013 D21373 D21374 D21375 D21376 D21377 D21378 D21379 D21380 D21381 D21382 D21383 D21384 D21385 D21386 D21387 D21388 D21389 D21390 D21391 D21392 D21393 D21394 D21395 D21396 D21397 D21398 D21399 D21400 D21401 D21402 PK-AB718-3013P PK-AB718-3015 PK-AB718-3015P PK-AB718-3017 PK-AB718-3017P PK-AB718-3023 PK-AB718-3023P PK-AB718-3025 PK-AB718-3025P PK-AB718-3027 PK-AB718-3029 PK-AB718-3029P PK-AB718-3031 PK-AB718-3031P PK-AB718-3035 PK-AB718-3035P PK-AB718-3037 PK-AB718-3037P PK-AB718-3039 PK-AB718-3039P PK-AB718-3041 PK-AB718-3041P PK-AB718-3043 PK-AB718-3043P PK-AB718-3045 PK-AB718-3045P PK-AB718-3051 PK-AB718-3051P PK-AB718-3053 PK-AB718-3053P D21403 PK-AB718-3071 D21404 D21405 D21406 D21407 D21408 D21409 D21410 D21411 D21412 D21413 D21414 D21415 D21416 D21417 D21418 D21419 D21420 D21421 D21422 D21423 D21424 D21425 D21426 D21427 D21428 D21429 D21430 PK-AB718-3073 PK-AB718-3075 PK-AB718-3077 PK-AB718-3091 PK-AB718-3091P PK-AB718-3097 PK-AB718-3097P PK-AB718-3107 PK-AB718-3107P PK-AB718-3109 PK-AB718-3109P PK-AB718-3117 PK-AB718-3117P PK-AB718-3119 PK-AB718-3119P PK-AB718-3125 PK-AB718-3125P PK-AB718-3129 PK-AB718-3129P PK-AB718-3135 PK-AB718-3135P PK-AB718-3141 PK-AB718-3141P PK-AB718-3145 PK-AB718-3145P PK-AB718-3147 PK-AB718-3147P D21431 PK-AB718-3149 D21432 PK-AB718-3149P D21433 PK-AB718-3151 Human CARD9 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Lano (Member of the LAP Family), Polyclonal Human Lano Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Modulator of Apoptosis 1 (IN), Polyclonal Human MAP1 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Nudel (Protein Involved in Neuronal Development), Polyclonal Human Nudel Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse CARD10 (Caspase Recruitment Domain Containing Protein 10), Polyclonal Human CARD10 / CARMA3 / Bimp1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Rat Kelch-like 1 Protein, Polyclonal Human KLHL1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat IAP-like Protein 2 (Member in IAP Family), Polyclonal Human ILP-2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Bcl-rambo (Member of the Bcl-2 Family) (IN), Polyclonal Human Bcl-rambo / Mil1 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human ARTS (Apoptosis Related Protein), Polyclonal Human ARTS Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat NALP2 (Caspase Interacting Protein), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Bmf (Member of the Bcl-2 Family) (CT), Polyclonal Human Bmf (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Bmf (Member of the Bcl-2 Family) (NT), Polyclonal Human Bmf (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Endonuclease G, Polyclonal Human EndoG Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human NALP1 (Caspase Interacting Protein), Polyclonal Human NALP1 / CARD7 / DEFCAP Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Rabbit Anti-Apoptotic Transcription Factor, Polyclonal Human ATF Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse PUMA (Novel Member in Bcl-2 Family) (CT), Polyclonal Human PUMA (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human PUMA (Novel Member in Bcl-2 Family) (NT), Polyclonal Human PUMA (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat p53DINP1 (Apoptosis Associated p53 Target), Polyclonal Human p53DINP1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human OMI (IAP Inhibitor) (C2), Polyclonal Human OMI / HtrA2 (C2) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Tetratricopeptide Repeat Containing Protein 5, Polyclonal Human TTC5 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat DNA Binding Death Effector Domain Containing Protein 2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human p21-Activated Kinase 6, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human p21-Activated Kinase 5, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human p21-Activated Kinase 4, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Activation Induced Cytidine Deaminase, Polyclonal Human AID Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat BAFF Receptor (CT), Polyclonal Human BAFF-R (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Ipaf (ICE Protease Activating Factor), Polyclonal Human Ipaf / CARD12 / CLANA Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TNF-like 1A (DR3 Ligand) (NT), Polyclonal Human TL1A (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Anthrax Receptor (IN), Polyclonal Human ATR / TEM8 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Anthrax Receptor (CT), Polyclonal Human ATR / TEM8 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human IL-1R Associated Kinase 4, Polyclonal Human IRAK4 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TNF Receptor Associated Factor 6 (CT), Polyclonal Human TRAF6 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Toll-Like Receptor 2 (NT), Polyclonal Human TLR2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Toll-Like Receptor 4 (NT), Polyclonal Human TLR4 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse PHAP I (Regulator of Mitochondrion Apoptosis) (IN), Polyclonal Human PHAP I (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat PHAP III (Regulator of Mitochondrion Apoptosis), Polyclonal Human PHAP III Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat PHAP (Regulator of Mitochondrion Apoptosis) (NT), Polyclonal Human PHAP (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat PHAP I (Regulator of Mitochondrion Apoptosis) (CT), Polyclonal 41/82 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) タカラバイオ株式会社 製品コード 製品名 D21434 PK-AB718-3151P D21435 PK-AB718-3152 D21436 D21437 D21438 PK-AB718-3152P PK-AB718-3155 PK-AB718-3155P Human PHAP I (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat PHAP (Regulator of Mitochondrion Apoptosis) (CT), Polyclonal Human PHAP (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human TIRAP (Toll-Like Receptor Adaptor Protein) (IN), Polyclonal Human TIRAP / MAL (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TIRAP (Toll-Like Receptor Adaptor Protein) (CT), Polyclonal Mouse TIRAP (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Bcl-B (Member of the Bcl-2 Family), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Bcl-G (Member of the Bcl-2 Family) (CT), Polyclonal Human Bcl-G (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse PARC (p53 Associated Parkin-Like Cytoplasmic Protein), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human TRIF (Toll-Like Receptor Adaptor Protein), Polyclonal Human TRIF / TICAM-1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human CARD8 (Caspase Recruitment Domain Containing Protein 8), Polyclonal Human CARD8 / Cardinal / TUCAN Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse CARMA1 (Lymphocyte Activating CARD Containing Protein), Polyclonal Human CARMA1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase 12 (Irg), Polyclonal Mouse Caspase-12 (large) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase 12 (sml), Polyclonal Mouse Caspase-12 (small) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat IAP-like Protein Interacting Protein (IN), Polyclonal Human ILPIP (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human IAP-like Protein Interacting Protein (CT), Polyclonal Human ILPIP (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Toll/Interleukin-1 Receptor (Toll-Like Receptor Adaptor Protein) (CT), Polyclonal Human TIRP (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse XIAP Associated Factor 1 (Inhibitor of XIAP) (CT), Polyclonal Human XAF-1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 (SARS Receptor) (IN1), Polyclonal Human ACE2 (IN1) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 (SARS Receptor) (CT), Polyclonal Human ACE2 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-SARS Virus Membrane Protein (NT), Polyclonal Viral SARS Spike (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-SARS Virus Membrane Protein (IN1), Polyclonal Viral SARS Spike (IN1) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-SARS Virus Membrane Protein (IN2), Polyclonal Viral SARS Spike (IN2) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-SARS Virus Membrane Protein, Polyclonal Viral SARS Spike (IN3) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 (SARS Receptor) (NT), Polyclonal Human ACE2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 (SARS Receptor) (IN2), Polyclonal Human ACE2 (IN2) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human TRIM5-gamma (Retroviral Restriction Factor), Polyclonal Human TRIM5-gamma Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human TRIM5-delta (Retroviral Restriction Factor), Polyclonal Human TRIM5-delta Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human TRIM5-alpha (Retroviral Restriction Factor) (IN1), Polyclonal Human TRIM5-alpha (IN1) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human TRIM5-alpha (Retroviral Restriction Factor) (CT), Polyclonal Human TRIM5-alpha (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human TRIM5-alpha (Retroviral Restriction Factor) (IN2), Polyclonal Human TRIM5-alpha (IN2) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human APOBEC3G (HIV Restriction Factor) (NT), Polyclonal Human APOBEC3G (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Toll-Like Receptor 7 (IN), Polyclonal Mouse TLR7 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Toll-Like Receptor 10 (IN), Polyclonal Human TLR10 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse Toll-Like Receptor 11 (CT), Polyclonal Mouse TLR11 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Toll-Like Receptor 8 (IN), Polyclonal Human TLR8 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse Toll-Like Receptor 11 (IN), Polyclonal Mouse TLR11 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat MD-2 (Toll-Like Receptor Adaptor Protein) (IN), Polyclonal TaKaRa Code D21439 PK-AB718-3157 D21440 D21441 D21442 D21443 PK-AB718-3157P PK-AB718-3163 PK-AB718-3165 PK-AB718-3165P D21444 PK-AB718-3171 D21445 D21446 D21447 D21448 PK-AB718-3173 PK-AB718-3173P PK-AB718-3187 PK-AB718-3187P D21449 PK-AB718-3189 D21450 D21451 D21452 D21453 D21454 D21455 D21456 D21457 D21458 PK-AB718-3189P PK-AB718-3195 PK-AB718-3195P PK-AB718-3197 PK-AB718-3197P PK-AB718-3199 PK-AB718-3199P PK-AB718-3201 PK-AB718-3201P D21459 PK-AB718-3206 D21460 D21461 D21462 PK-AB718-3206P PK-AB718-3207 PK-AB718-3207P D21463 PK-AB718-3215 D21464 D21465 D21466 D21467 D21468 D21469 D21470 D21471 D21472 D21473 D21474 D21475 D21476 D21477 D21478 D21479 D21480 D21481 D21482 D21483 D21484 D21485 D21486 D21487 D21488 D21489 D21490 D21491 D21492 D21493 D21494 D21495 D21496 D21497 D21498 D21499 D21500 D21501 PK-AB718-3215P PK-AB718-3217 PK-AB718-3217P PK-AB718-3219 PK-AB718-3219P PK-AB718-3221 PK-AB718-3221P PK-AB718-3223 PK-AB718-3223P PK-AB718-3225 PK-AB718-3225P PK-AB718-3227 PK-AB718-3227P PK-AB718-3229 PK-AB718-3229P PK-AB718-3239 PK-AB718-3239P PK-AB718-3241 PK-AB718-3241P PK-AB718-3247 PK-AB718-3247P PK-AB718-3249 PK-AB718-3249P PK-AB718-3251 PK-AB718-3251P PK-AB718-3257 PK-AB718-3257P PK-AB718-3269 PK-AB718-3269P PK-AB718-3275 PK-AB718-3275P PK-AB718-3277 PK-AB718-3277P PK-AB718-3281 PK-AB718-3281P PK-AB718-3285 PK-AB718-3285P PK-AB718-3289 42/82 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D21502 D21503 D21504 PK-AB718-3289P PK-AB718-3295 PK-AB718-3295P Human MD-2 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse SARM (Toll-Like Receptor Adaptor Protein) (CT), Polyclonal Viral SARM (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Toll/Interleukin-1 Receptor (Toll-Like Receptor Adaptor Protein), Polyclonal Human TIRP (C2) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse ARMER (Inhibitor of Apoptosis) (CT), Polyclonal Human ARMER / ARL6IP / AIP1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse DAD1 (Defender Against Apoptotic Death), Polyclonal Human DAD1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Neuronal Apoptosis Inhibitor Protein (CT), Polyclonal Human NAIP (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human OMI (IAP Inhibitor), Polyclonal Human OMI / Htr2A Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Phosphoinositide 3 Kinase Enhancer (Apoptosis Inhibitor) (CT), Polyclonal Human PIKE / Centaurin gamma 1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse cIAP (Cellular Inhibitor of Apoptosis) (CT), Polyclonal Human cIAP (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse X-linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein (CT), Polyclonal Human XIAP (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse B-cell Lymphoma/Leukemia 2 (NT), Polyclonal Human Bcl-2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human B-cell Lymphoma/Leukemia 2 (IN), Polyclonal Human Bcl-2 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Bcl-xL (Member of the Bcl-2 Family), Polyclonal Human Bcl-xL Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Bad (Bcl-2 Family Member), Polyclonal Human Bad Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Bak (Bcl-2 Antagonist/Killer) (NT), Polyclonal Human Bak (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Bax (Bcl-2 Associated X Protein) (NT), Polyclonal Human Bax (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Bid (Member of the Bcl-2 Family) (CT), Polyclonal Human Bid (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Bid (Member of the Bcl-2 Family) (IN), Polyclonal Human Bid (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse NADE (Novel Apoptosis Related Protein), Polyclonal Human NADE Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse ST2 (TLR Inhibitor) (NT), Polyclonal Mouse ST2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse SIGIRR (TLR Inhibitor) (CT), Polyclonal Mouse SIGIRR (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse TRIAD3A (TLR Ubiquitinating Enzyme), Polyclonal Human TRIAD3A Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme 13, Polyclonal Human UBC13 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme, Polyclonal Human UEV1A Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse ECSIT (Intermediate in the TLR & Bmp Signaling Pathways) (CT), Polyclonal Human ECSIT (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TGF-beta Activated Protein Kinase 1 (NT), Polyclonal Human TAK1 / MAP3K7 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse TAB1 (TAK1 Binding Protein), Polyclonal Human TAB1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase (NT), Polyclonal Human BTK / ATK / BPK (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Interferon Regulatory Factor 3 (CT), Polyclonal Human IRF3 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Interferon Regulatory Factor 3 (IN), Polyclonal Human IRF3 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Interferon Regulatory Factor 8, Polyclonal Human IRF8 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Bim (Bcl-2 Interacting Mediator of Cell Death), Polyclonal Human Bim (IN2) (Bod) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human XIAP Associated Factor 1 (Inhibitor of XIAP) (IN), Polyclonal Human XAF-1 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Anthrax Protective Antigen (IN), Polyclonal Bacterial Anthrax PA (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Anthrax Protective Antigen (CT), Polyclonal Bacterial Anthrax PA (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Anthrax Lethal Factor (IN), Polyclonal D21505 PK-AB718-3299 D21506 D21507 D21508 D21509 D21510 D21511 D21512 D21513 D21514 PK-AB718-3299P PK-AB718-3305 PK-AB718-3305P PK-AB718-3313 PK-AB718-3313P PK-AB718-3315 PK-AB718-3315P PK-AB718-3319 PK-AB718-3319P D21515 PK-AB718-3321 D21516 D21517 D21518 D21519 D21520 D21521 D21522 D21523 D21524 D21525 D21526 D21527 D21528 D21529 D21530 D21531 D21532 D21533 D21534 D21535 D21536 D21537 D21538 D21539 D21540 D21541 D21542 D21543 D21544 D21545 D21546 D21547 D21548 PK-AB718-3321P PK-AB718-3325 PK-AB718-3325P PK-AB718-3331 PK-AB718-3331P PK-AB718-3335 PK-AB718-3335P PK-AB718-3337 PK-AB718-3337P PK-AB718-3341 PK-AB718-3341P PK-AB718-3343 PK-AB718-3343P PK-AB718-3347 PK-AB718-3347P PK-AB718-3351 PK-AB718-3351P PK-AB718-3353 PK-AB718-3353P PK-AB718-3355 PK-AB718-3355P PK-AB718-3359 PK-AB718-3359P PK-AB718-3363 PK-AB718-3363P PK-AB718-3367 PK-AB718-3367P PK-AB718-3371 PK-AB718-3371P PK-AB718-3373 PK-AB718-3373P PK-AB718-3375 PK-AB718-3375P D21549 PK-AB718-3377 D21550 D21551 D21552 D21553 D21554 D21555 D21556 D21557 D21558 D21559 D21560 D21561 D21562 D21563 D21564 D21565 D21566 D21567 D21568 D21569 D21570 D21571 PK-AB718-3377P PK-AB718-3385 PK-AB718-3385P PK-AB718-3387 PK-AB718-3387P PK-AB718-3395 PK-AB718-3395P PK-AB718-3397 PK-AB718-3397P PK-AB718-3399 PK-AB718-3399P PK-AB718-3401 PK-AB718-3401P PK-AB718-3405 PK-AB718-3405P PK-AB718-3409 PK-AB718-3409P PK-AB718-3411 PK-AB718-3411P PK-AB718-3413 PK-AB718-3413P PK-AB718-3415 43/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) タカラバイオ株式会社 TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D21572 D21573 D21574 D21575 D21576 D21577 D21578 D21579 D21580 D21581 D21582 D21583 D21584 D21585 D21586 D21587 D21588 D21589 D21590 D21591 D21592 D21593 D21594 D21595 D21596 D21597 D21598 PK-AB718-3415P PK-AB718-3417 PK-AB718-3417P PK-AB718-3419 PK-AB718-3419P PK-AB718-3421 PK-AB718-3421P PK-AB718-3423 PK-AB718-3423P PK-AB718-3425 PK-AB718-3425P PK-AB718-3427 PK-AB718-3427P PK-AB718-3429 PK-AB718-3429P PK-AB718-3431 PK-AB718-3431P PK-AB718-3433 PK-AB718-3433P PK-AB718-3435 PK-AB718-3435P PK-AB718-3437 PK-AB718-3437P PK-AB718-3439 PK-AB718-3439P PK-AB718-3441 PK-AB718-3441P D21599 PK-AB718-3447 D21600 D21601 D21602 D21603 D21604 D21605 D21606 D21607 D21608 D21609 D21610 D21611 D21612 D21613 D21614 D21615 D21616 D21617 D21618 D21619 D21620 D21621 D21622 D21623 D21624 D21625 D21626 D21627 D21628 D21629 D21630 D21631 D21632 D21633 D21634 D21635 D21636 D21637 D21638 D21639 D21640 D21641 D21642 D21643 PK-AB718-3447P PK-AB718-3451 PK-AB718-3451P PK-AB718-3453 PK-AB718-3453P PK-AB718-3455 PK-AB718-3455P PK-AB718-3457 PK-AB718-3457P PK-AB718-3459 PK-AB718-3459P PK-AB718-3463 PK-AB718-3463P PK-AB718-3465 PK-AB718-3465P PK-AB718-3467 PK-AB718-3467P PK-AB718-3469 PK-AB718-3469P PK-AB718-3471 PK-AB718-3471P PK-AB718-3473 PK-AB718-3473P PK-AB718-3475 PK-AB718-3475P PK-AB718-3477 PK-AB718-3477P PK-AB718-3479 PK-AB718-3479P PK-AB718-3481 PK-AB718-3481P PK-AB718-3485 PK-AB718-3485P PK-AB718-3489 PK-AB718-3489P PK-AB718-3491 PK-AB718-3491P PK-AB718-3493 PK-AB718-3493P PK-AB718-3495 PK-AB718-3495P PK-AB718-3499 PK-AB718-3499P PK-AB718-3501 Bacterial Anthrax LF (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Anthrax Lethal Factor (CT), Polyclonal Bacterial Anthrax LF (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Anthrax Edema Factor, Polyclonal Bacterial Anthrax EF Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Avian Flu H5N1 Neuramidase (IN), Polyclonal Viral Neuramidase (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Avian Flu H5N1 Neuramidase (CT), Polyclonal Viral Neuramidase (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Avian Flu H5N1 Hemagglutinin (IN), Polyclonal Viral Hemagglutinin (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Avian Flu H5N1 Hemagglutinin (NT), Polyclonal Viral Hemagglutinin (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-West Nile Virus Matrix Protein (IN), Polyclonal Viral WNV Matrix (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-West Nile Virus Matrix Protein (CT), Polyclonal Viral WNV Matrix (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-West Nile Virus Core Protein (NT), Polyclonal Viral WNV Core (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-West Nile Virus Core Protein (CT), Polyclonal Viral WNV Core (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-West Nile Virus Envelope Protein (IN), Polyclonal Viral WNV Env (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-West Nile Virus Envelope Protein (NT), Polyclonal Viral WNV Env (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-West Nile Virus Envelope Protein (CT), Polyclonal Viral WNV Enve (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Caspase 2 (Induced by ER Stress & DNA Damage) (NT), Polyclonal Human Caspase-2 / ICH-1 / Nedd2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Caspase 2 (Induced by ER Stress) (NT), Polyclonal Human Caspase-4 / ICH-2 / ICE rel II / Mih1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Caspase 2 (Induced by ER Stress) (IN), Polyclonal Human Caspase-4 / ICH-2 / ICE rel II / Mih1 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Caspase 5 (Inflammatory Subfamily) (NT), Polyclonal Human Caspase-5 / ICH-3 / ICE rel III (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Caspase 5 (Inflammatory Subfamily) (IN), Polyclonal Human Caspase-5 / ICH-3 / ICE rel III (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Caspase 1 (Inflammatory Subfamily) (CT), Polyclonal Human Caspase-1 / ICE / IL-1 beta converting enzyme (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Caspase 1 (Inflammatory Subfamily) (IN), Polyclonal Human Caspase-1 / ICE / IL-1 beta converting enzyme (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase 7 (Executioner Caspase) (CT), Polyclonal Human Caspase-7 / ICELAP3 / Mch3 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase 7 (Executioner Caspase) (NT), Polyclonal Human Caspase-7 / ICELAP3 / Mch3 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Caspase 6 (Executioner Caspase) (IN), Polyclonal Human Caspase-6 / Mch2 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Caspase 6 (Executioner Caspase) (NT), Polyclonal Human Caspase-6 / Mch2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Caspase 8 (Initiator Caspase) (CT), Polyclonal Human Caspase-8 / FLICE, MACH / Mch5 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Caspase 8 (Initiator Caspase) (IN), Polyclonal Human Caspase-8 / FLICE, MACH / Mch5 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Mcl-1 (Bcl-2 Protein Family Member) (CT), Polyclonal Human Mcl-1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Mcl-1 (Bcl-2 Protein Family Member) (NT), Polyclonal Human Mcl-1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Mcl-1 (Bcl-2 Protein Family Member) (IN), Polyclonal Human Mcl-1 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse TOR (Target of Rapamycin), Polyclonal Human TOR / mHuman TOR / FRAP / RAFT / RAPT Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse Raptor (Member of the TOR Signaling Pathway) (CT), Polyclonal Mouse Raptor (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Raptor (Member of the TOR Signaling Pathway) (NT), Polyclonal Human Raptor (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Raptor (Member of the TOR Signaling Pathway) (IN), Polyclonal Human Raptor (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat G-beta-L (Member of the TOR Signaling Pathway), Human GbL Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Rheb (Ras Homolog Enriched in Brain) (NT), Polyclonal Human Rheb (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Rheb (Ras Homolog Enriched in Brain) (IN), Polyclonal 44/82 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) タカラバイオ株式会社 製品コード 製品名 D21644 PK-AB718-3501P D21645 PK-AB718-3503 D21646 PK-AB718-3503P Human Rheb (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Tuberous Sclerosis Complex 1 (Member of the TOR Signaling Pathway) (CT), Polyclonal Human TSC1 / Hamartin (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Tuberous Sclerosis Complex 1 (Member of the TOR Signaling Pathway) (IN), Polyclonal Human TSC1 / Hamartin (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Tuberous Sclerosis Complex 2 (Member of the TOR Signaling Pathway) (CT), Polyclonal Human TSC2 / Tuberin (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Tuberous Sclerosis Complex 2 (Member of the TOR Signaling Pathway) (NT), Polyclonal Human TSC2 / Tuberin (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human RPS6K1 (Kinase Involved in Cell Growth & Metabolism), Polyclonal Human RPS6K1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse 4E-BP1 (Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor), Polyclonal Human 4E-BP1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse PTEN / MMAC / TEP-1 (CT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse PTEN / MMAC / TEP-1 (NT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Akt1 (Serine/Threonine Kinase), Polyclonal Human Akt1 / PKB Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse IRS-1 (Scaffolding Protein Important for Insulin Receptor Signaling), Polyclonal Human IRS-1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-SARS Virus Membrane Protein (CT), Polyclonal Viral SARS Spike (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-SARS Virus Membrane Protein (NT), Polyclonal Viral SARS M (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-SARS Virus Membrane Protein (CT), Polyclonal Viral SARS M (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-SARS Virus Envelope Protein (NT), Polyclonal Viral SARS E (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-SARS Virus Envelope Protein (CT), Polyclonal Viral SARS E (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Adipokine (CT), Polyclonal Human Adiponectin / Acrp30 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Adipokine (NT), Polyclonal Human Adiponectin / Acrp30 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse C1q/Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha Related Protein 1 (Novel Adipokine) (IN), Polyclonal Human CTRP1 / GIP (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat C1q/Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha Related Protein 1 (Novel Adipokine) (NT), Polyclonal Human CTRP1 / GIP (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse C1q/Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha Related Protein 2 (Novel Adipokine) (IN), Polyclonal Human CTRP2 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse C1q/Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha Related Protein 2 (Novel Adipokine) (NT), Polyclonal Human CTRP2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse C1q/Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha Related Protein 3 (Novel Adipokine) (IN), Polyclonal Human CTRP3 / CORS26 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat C1q/TNF-alpha Related Protein 4 (Adipokine-related) (CT), Polyclonal Human CTRP4 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human C1q/TNF-alpha Related Protein 4 (Adipokine-related) (NT), Polyclonal Human CTRP4 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Rat C1q/TNF-alpha Related Protein 5 (Adipokine-related) (NT), Polyclonal Human CTRP5 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat C1q/TNF-alpha Related Protein 5 (Adipokine-related) (IN), Polyclonal Human CTRP5 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse C1q/TNF-alpha Related Protein 6 (Adipokine-related) (CT), Polyclonal Human CTRP6 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat C1q/TNF-alpha Related Protein 6 (Adipokine-related) (IN), Polyclonal Human CTRP6 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat C1q/TNF-alpha Related Protein 7 (Adipokine-related) (CT), Polyclonal Human CTRP7 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat C1q/TNF-alpha Related Protein 7 (Adipokine-related) (NT), Polyclonal Human CTRP7 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide TaKaRa Code D21647 PK-AB718-3505 D21648 PK-AB718-3505P D21649 PK-AB718-3507 D21650 PK-AB718-3507P D21651 PK-AB718-3509 D21652 D21653 D21654 D21655 D21656 D21657 D21658 D21659 D21660 PK-AB718-3509P PK-AB718-3511 PK-AB718-3511P PK-AB718-3513 PK-AB718-3513P PK-AB718-3515 PK-AB718-3517 PK-AB718-3519 PK-AB718-3519P D21661 PK-AB718-3521 D21662 D21663 D21664 D21665 D21666 D21667 D21668 D21669 D21670 D21671 D21672 D21673 D21674 D21675 D21676 PK-AB718-3521P PK-AB718-3525 PK-AB718-3525P PK-AB718-3527 PK-AB718-3527P PK-AB718-3529 PK-AB718-3529P PK-AB718-3531 PK-AB718-3531P PK-AB718-3533 PK-AB718-3533P PK-AB718-3551 PK-AB718-3551P PK-AB718-3553 PK-AB718-3553P D21677 PK-AB718-3555 D21678 PK-AB718-3555P D21679 PK-AB718-3557 D21680 PK-AB718-3557P D21681 PK-AB718-3559 D21682 PK-AB718-3559P D21683 PK-AB718-3561 D21684 PK-AB718-3561P D21685 PK-AB718-3565 D21686 PK-AB718-3565P D21687 PK-AB718-3567 D21688 D21689 D21690 PK-AB718-3567P PK-AB718-3569 PK-AB718-3569P D21691 PK-AB718-3571 D21692 PK-AB718-3571P D21693 PK-AB718-3573 D21694 PK-AB718-3573P D21695 PK-AB718-3575 D21696 PK-AB718-3575P D21697 PK-AB718-3577 D21698 PK-AB718-3577P D21699 PK-AB718-3579 D21700 PK-AB718-3579P D21701 PK-AB718-3581 D21702 PK-AB718-3581P 45/82 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D21703 D21704 PK-AB718-3583 PK-AB718-3583P D21705 PK-AB718-3587 D21706 PK-AB718-3587P D21707 PK-AB718-3589 D21708 D21709 D21710 D21711 D21712 D21713 D21714 D21715 D21716 D21717 D21718 D21719 D21720 D21721 D21722 D21723 D21724 D21725 D21726 D21727 D21728 D21729 D21730 D21731 D21732 D21733 D21734 PK-AB718-3589P PK-AB718-3591 PK-AB718-3593 PK-AB718-3595 PK-AB718-3595P PK-AB718-3597 PK-AB718-3597P PK-AB718-3599 PK-AB718-3599P PK-AB718-3601 PK-AB718-3601P PK-AB718-3603 PK-AB718-3603P PK-AB718-3605 PK-AB718-3605P PK-AB718-3607 PK-AB718-3607P PK-AB718-3609 PK-AB718-3609P PK-AB718-3611 PK-AB718-3611P PK-AB718-3613 PK-AB718-3613P PK-AB718-3615 PK-AB718-3615P PK-AB718-3617 PK-AB718-3617P D21735 PK-AB718-3623 D21736 PK-AB718-3623P Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse T-cadherin (Cell Adhesion Molecule) (NT), Polyclonal Human T-cadherin / Cadherin-13 precursor (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Precerebellin (Neuromodulatory Protein Precursor) (CT), Polyclonal Human Precerebellin / Cbln1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Precerebellin (Neuromodulatory Protein Precursor) (IN), Polyclonal Human Precerebellin / Cbln1 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Glucocorticoid Induced TNF Receptor Ligand, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Nerve Growth Factor Receptor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse IL-1R Associated Kinase 2 (CT), Polyclonal Mouse IRAK2 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse IL-1R Associated Kinase 2, Polyclonal Mouse IRAK2 (C2) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse TNF Receptor Associated Factor 3 (CT), Polyclonal Human TRAF3 / CD40BP (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TNF Receptor Associated Factor 3 (NT), Polyclonal Human TRAF3 / CD40BP (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Bcl-2 Inhibitor of Transcription 1 (NT), Polyclonal Human Bit1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Bcl-2 Inhibitor of Transcription 1 (IN), Polyclonal Human Bit1 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Amino Terminal Enhancer of Split (CT), Polyclonal Human AES / GRG / ESP1 / TLE5 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Amino Terminal Enhancer of Split (NT), Polyclonal Human AES / GRG / ESP1 / TLE5 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Beclin-1 (Autophagy Related Protein) (CT), Polyclonal Human Beclin-1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Beclin-1 (Autophagy Related Protein) (NT), Polyclonal Human Beclin-1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse APG7 (Autophagy Related Protein) (CT), Polyclonal Human APG7 / ATG7 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse APG7 (Autophagy Related Protein) (NT), Polyclonal Human APG7 / ATG7 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Collapsin Response Mediator Protein (Involved in NT3 Induced Neurite Outgrowth) (CT), Polyclonal Human CRMP1 / DRP-1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Collapsin Response Mediator Protein (Involved in NT3 Induced Neurite Outgrowth) (IN), Polyclonal Human CRMP1 / DRP-1 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Lysosome Associated Membrane Glycoprotein 2 (Autophagy Related Protein), Polyclonal Human LAMP-2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Lysosome Associated Membrane Glycoprotein 1 (Autophagy Related Protein), Polyclonal Human LAMP-1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat PIST (Autophagy Related Protein) (CT), Polyclonal Human PIST / GOPC (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse PIST (Autophagy Related Protein) (IN), Polyclonal Human PIST / GOPC (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Toll-Like Receptor 1 (NT), Polyclonal Human TLR1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Toll-Like Receptor 1 (IN), Polyclonal Human TLR1 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Toll-Like Receptor 3 (CT), Polyclonal Human TLR3 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Toll-Like Receptor 3 (NT), Polyclonal Human TLR3 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Toll-Like Receptor 5 (IN), Polyclonal Human TLR5 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Toll-Like Receptor 5 (CT), Polyclonal Human TLR5 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Toll-Like Receptor 6 (NT), Polyclonal Human TLR6 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Toll-Like Receptor 6 (IN), Polyclonal Human TLR6 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat IRE1p (Endoplasmic Reticulum-to-Nucleus Signaling 1) (CT), Polyclonal Human IRE1p / ERN1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat IRE1p (Endoplasmic Reticulum-to-Nucleus Signaling 1) (NT), Polyclonal Human IRE1p / ERN1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human IRE1p (Endoplasmic Reticulum-to-Nucleus Signaling 1) (IN), Polyclonal Human IRE1p / ERN1 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide D21737 PK-AB718-3625 D21738 PK-AB718-3625P D21739 PK-AB718-3627 D21740 PK-AB718-3627P D21741 PK-AB718-3629 D21742 D21743 D21744 D21745 D21746 D21747 D21748 D21749 D21750 D21751 D21752 D21753 D21754 D21755 D21756 D21757 D21758 D21759 D21760 D21761 D21762 PK-AB718-3629P PK-AB718-3631 PK-AB718-3631P PK-AB718-3633 PK-AB718-3633P PK-AB718-3639 PK-AB718-3639P PK-AB718-3641 PK-AB718-3641P PK-AB718-3643 PK-AB718-3643P PK-AB718-3645 PK-AB718-3645P PK-AB718-3647 PK-AB718-3647P PK-AB718-3649 PK-AB718-3649P PK-AB718-3651 PK-AB718-3651P PK-AB718-3653 PK-AB718-3653P D21763 PK-AB718-3655 D21764 PK-AB718-3655P D21765 PK-AB718-3657 D21766 D21767 D21768 PK-AB718-3657P PK-AB718-3659 PK-AB718-3659P 46/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D21769 D21770 D21771 D21772 D21773 D21774 D21775 D21776 D21777 D21778 PK-AB718-3661 PK-AB718-3661P PK-AB718-3663 PK-AB718-3663P PK-AB718-3665 PK-AB718-3665P PK-AB718-3667 PK-AB718-3667P PK-AB718-3669 PK-AB718-3669P D21779 PK-AB718-3671 D21780 PK-AB718-3673 D21781 D21782 D21783 D21784 D21785 D21786 D21787 D21788 D21789 D21790 D21791 D21792 D21793 D21794 D21795 D21796 D21797 D21798 D21799 D21800 D21801 D21802 PK-AB718-3675 PK-AB718-3675P PK-AB718-3677 PK-AB718-3677P PK-AB718-3679 PK-AB718-3679P PK-AB718-3681 PK-AB718-3683 PK-AB718-3685 PK-AB718-3687 PK-AB718-3737 PK-AB718-3737P PK-AB718-3739 PK-AB718-3739P PK-AB718-3741 PK-AB718-3741P PK-AB718-3743 PK-AB718-3743P PK-AB718-3745 PK-AB718-3747 PK-AB718-3749 PK-AB718-3751 D21803 PK-AB718-3755 D21804 D21805 D21806 D21807 D21808 D21809 D21810 D21811 PK-AB718-3757 PK-AB718-3759 PK-AB718-3761 PK-AB718-3763 PK-AB718-3765 PK-AB718-3767 PK-AB718-3771 PK-AB718-3773 D21812 PK-AB718-3775 D21813 D21814 D21815 D21816 D21817 D21818 D21819 D21820 D21821 PK-AB718-3777 PK-AB718-3777P PK-AB718-3779 PK-AB718-3779P PK-AB718-3781 PK-AB718-3781P PK-AB718-3783 PK-AB718-3783P PK-AB718-3789 D21822 PK-AB718-3791 D21823 D21824 D21825 D21826 D21827 D21828 D21829 D21830 D21831 D21832 D21833 D21834 PK-AB718-3793 PK-AB718-3793P PK-AB718-3795 PK-AB718-3795P PK-AB718-3797 PK-AB718-3797P PK-AB718-3799 PK-AB718-3799P PK-AB718-3805 PK-AB718-3805P PK-AB718-3807 PK-AB718-3807P D21835 PK-AB718-3809 D21836 PK-AB718-3809P Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TNF Receptor Associated Factor 2 (CT), Polyclonal Human TRAF2 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TNF Receptor Associated Factor 2 (NT), Polyclonal Human TRAF2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat B-cell Receptor Associated Protein 31 (CT), Polyclonal Human BAP31 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat B-cell Receptor Associated Protein 29 (IN), Polyclonal Human BAP29 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat B-cell Receptor Associated Protein 29, Polyclonal Human BAP29 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat C1q/Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha Related Protein 2 (Novel Adipokine), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat C1q/TNF-alpha Related Protein 7 (Adipokine-related), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat B-cell Receptor Associated Protein 31 (IN), Polyclonal Human BAP31 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse ASK1 (Apoptosis Signal Regulating Kinase), Polyclonal Human ASK1 / MAPKKK5 (C2) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse ASK1 (Apoptosis Signal Regulating Kinase) (NT), Polyclonal Human ASK1 / MAPKKK5 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Activating Transcription Factor 6 (CT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Activating Transcription Factor 6 (NT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat X-box Binding Protein 1 (CT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human X-box Binding Protein 1 (NT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Toll-Like Receptor 9 (CT), Polyclonal Human TLR9 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Toll-Like Receptor 9 (IN), Polyclonal Human TLR9 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Toll Interacting Protein (CT), Polyclonal Human TOLLIP (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Toll Interacting Protein (IN), Polyclonal Human TOLLIP (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse Interleukin 31 (NT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Interleukin 31 (IN), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Interleukin 32 (CT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Interleukin 32 (IN), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat BMI-1 (Polycomb Group RING Finger Protein 4, RNF51) (IN), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Dead-box Polypeptide 3 X-linked (DBX) (NT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Dead-box Polypeptide 3 X-linked (DBX) (IN), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Lysine Specific Histone Demethylase 1 (NT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Lysine Specific Histone Demethylase 1 (IN), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling 1 (CT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling 1 (NT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Harakiri (Neuronal Death Protein DP5), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Herpes Virus Entry Mediator (CT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily 14 (NT), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat beta-Actin (CT), Polyclonal Human b-actin (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat beta-Actin (NT), Polyclonal Human b-actin (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat GAPDH / G3PDH / GAPD (CT), Polyclonal Human GAPDH / G3PDH / GAPD Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat GAPDH / G3PDH / GAPD (NT), Polyclonal Human GAPDH / G3PDH / GAPD (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse TNF-like 1A (DR3 Ligand), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TNF-like Weak Inducer of Apoptosis (TNF-alpha Related Protein), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Interleukin 23 (CT), Polyclonal Human IL-23 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Interleukin 23 (NT), Polyclonal Human IL-23 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Interleukin 27 (NT), Polyclonal Human IL-27 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Interleukin 27 (IN), Polyclonal Human IL-27 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Apoptosis Inhibitor of Macrophages (CD5L) (CT), Polyclonal Human AIM (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Apoptosis Inhibitor of Macrophages (CD5L) (NT), Polyclonal Human AIM (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse T-cell Immunoglobulin & Mucin Domain Containing Protein 1 (NT), Polyclonal Human TIM-1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide 47/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D21837 PK-AB718-3811 D21838 PK-AB718-3811P D21839 PK-AB718-3813 D21840 PK-AB718-3813P D21841 PK-AB718-3815 D21842 D21843 D21844 D21845 D21846 D21847 D21848 D21849 D21850 D21851 D21852 D21853 D21854 D21855 D21856 D21857 D21858 D21859 D21860 D21861 D21862 D21863 D21864 D21865 D21866 D21867 D21868 D21869 D21870 D21871 D21872 D21873 D21874 PK-AB718-3815P PK-AB718-3817 PK-AB718-3817P PK-AB718-3819 PK-AB718-3819P PK-AB718-3841 PK-AB718-3841P PK-AB718-3843 PK-AB718-3843P PK-AB718-3845 PK-AB718-3845P PK-AB718-3847 PK-AB718-3847P PK-AB718-3851 PK-AB718-3851P PK-AB718-3855 PK-AB718-3856 PK-AB718-3859 PK-AB718-3859P PK-AB718-3861 PK-AB718-3861P PK-AB718-3863 PK-AB718-3863P PK-AB718-3865 PK-AB718-3865P PK-AB718-3869 PK-AB718-3869P PK-AB718-3871 PK-AB718-3871P PK-AB718-3873 PK-AB718-3873P PK-AB718-3875 PK-AB718-3875P D21875 PK-AB718-3877 D21876 D21877 D21878 D21879 D21880 D21881 D21882 D21883 D21884 D21885 D21886 D21887 D21888 D21889 D21890 D21891 D21892 PK-AB718-3877P PK-AB718-3879 PK-AB718-3879P PK-AB718-3881 PK-AB718-3881P PK-AB718-3883 PK-AB718-3883P PK-AB718-3885 PK-AB718-3885P PK-AB718-3887 PK-AB718-3887P PK-AB718-3895 PK-AB718-3895P PK-AB718-3897 PK-AB718-3897P PK-AB718-3899 PK-AB718-3899P D21893 PK-AB718-3901 D21894 PK-AB718-3901P D21895 PK-AB718-3903 D21896 D21897 D21898 D21899 D21900 D21901 D21902 D21903 D21904 PK-AB718-3903P PK-AB718-3905 PK-AB718-3905P PK-AB718-3909 PK-AB718-3909P PK-AB718-3911 PK-AB718-3911P PK-AB718-3913 PK-AB718-3913P Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat T-cell Immunoglobulin & Mucin Domain Containing Protein 1 (IN), Polyclonal Human TIM-1 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat T-cell Immunoglobulin & Mucin Domain Containing Protein 4 (CT), Polyclonal Human TIM-4 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse T-cell Immunoglobulin & Mucin Domain Containing Protein 4 (IN), Polyclonal Human TIM-4 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Bax Interacting Factor 1 (Endophilin B1), Polyclonal Human Bif Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Bcl-2 Interacting Killer (Apoptosis Inducer NBK), Polyclonal Human Bik Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Radioprotective 105 (CD180 Antigen Precursor) (CT), Polyclonal Human RP105 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Radioprotective 105 (CD180 Antigen Precursor) (NT), Polyclonal Human RP105 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Radioprotective 105 (CD180 Antigen Precursor) (IN), Polyclonal Human RP105 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human MD-1 (Lymphocyte Antigen 86) (CT), Polyclonal Human MD-1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat MD-1 (Lymphocyte Antigen 86) (IN), Polyclonal Human MD-1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human X-linked Ectodysplasin-A2 Receptor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Clusterin (Apolipoprotein J), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Uracil-DNA Glycosylase 2 (UDG2) (NT), Polyclonal Human UNG2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Uracil-DNA Glycosylase 2 (UDG2) (IN), Polyclonal Human UNG2 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Uracil-DNA Glycosylase 1 (UDG1) (CT), Polyclonal Human UNG1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Uracil-DNA Glycosylase 1 (UDG1) (NT), Polyclonal Human UNG1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Bcl-2 Binding Athanogene 1 (CT), Polyclonal Human BAG-1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Bcl-2 Binding Athanogene 1 (NT), Polyclonal Human BAG-1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Bfl-1 (Bcl-2 Related Protein A1) (CT), Polyclonal Human Bfl-1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Bfl-1 (Bcl-2 Related Protein A1) (NT), Polyclonal Human Bfl-1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TRAF Family Member Associated NF-kappaB Activator (CT), Polyclonal Human TANK (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human TRAF Family Member Associated NF-kappaB Activator (NT), Polyclonal Human TANK (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Rat Tail Interacting Protein 47 (CT), Polyclonal Human TIP47 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Tail Interacting Protein 47 (NT), Polyclonal Human TIP47 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat p21-Activated Kinase 2 (PAK65) (CT), Polyclonal Human PAK2 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat p21-Activated Kinase 2 (PAK65) (NT), Polyclonal Human PAK2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Transient Receptor Potential Channel 3 (NT), Polyclonal Human TRPC3 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Transient Receptor Potential Channel 6 (CT), Polyclonal Human TRPC6 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Transient Receptor Potential Channel 6 (NT), Polyclonal Human TRPC6 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat SHP2 (Tyrosine Protein Phosphatase Non-Receptor Type 11) (CT), Polyclonal Human SHP2 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat SHP2 (Tyrosine Protein Phosphatase Non-Receptor Type 11) (NT), Polyclonal Human SHP2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Transient Receptor Potential Channel 3 (CT), Polyclonal Human TRPC3 Antibody Blocking Peptide Goat Anti-Avian Flu Hemagglutinin 2 (Avian Influenza H5N1), Polyclonal Avian Influenza Hemagglutinin 2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Goat Anti-Avian Flu Hemagglutinin 3 (Avian Influenza H5N1), Polyclonal Avian Influenza Hemagglutinin 3 Antibody Blocking Peptide Goat Anti-Avian Flu Hemagglutinin 4 (Avian Influenza H5N1), Polyclonal Avian Influenza Hemagglutinin 4 Antibody Blocking Peptide 48/82 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D21905 D21906 D21907 D21908 D21909 D21910 D21911 D21912 D21913 D21914 D21915 D21916 PK-AB718-3915 PK-AB718-3915P PK-AB718-3917 PK-AB718-3917P PK-AB718-3925 PK-AB718-3925P PK-AB718-3941 PK-AB718-3941P PK-AB718-3943 PK-AB718-3943P PK-AB718-3945 PK-AB718-3945P D21917 PK-AB718-3947 D21918 PK-AB718-3947P D21919 PK-AB718-3949 D21920 PK-AB718-3949P Rabbit Anti-Nonstructural Protein 1, Polyclonal Avian Influenza Nonstructural Protein 1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Nonstructural Protein 2 (Nuclear Export Protein), Polyclonal Avian Influenza Nonstructural Protein 2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Goat Anti-Avian Flu Hemagglutinin 1 (Avian Influenza H5N1), Polyclonal Avian Influenza Hemagglutinin 1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Interferon Regulatory Factor 7 (CT), Polyclonal Human IRF7 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Interferon Regulatory Factor 7 (IN), Polyclonal Human IRF7 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human ATM (Mutated in Ataxia-Telangiectasia), Polyclonal Human ATM Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat PKR (Interferon Inducible RNA Dependent Protein Kinase) (CT), Polyclonal Human PKR (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat PKR (Interferon Inducible RNA Dependent Protein Kinase) (NT), Polyclonal Human PKR (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Fn14 (Fibroblast Growth Factor Inducible 14, TWEAK Receptor), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Retinoic Acid Inducible Gene 1 Protein, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Neural Crest Transcription Factor Slug, polyclonal Human Slug (ID 1) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Neural Crest Transcription Factor Slug, Polyclonal Human Slug (ID 2) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat sRANK Ligand (TNFSF11, TRANCE, OPGL), Polyclonal Human sRANK-L Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Lipe (Hormone Sensitive Lipase), Polyclonal Human Lipe Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Casitas B-lineage Lymphoma Proto-Oncogene, Polyclonal Human Cbl Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Sumo (Small Ubiquitin-Like Modifier 1), Polyclonal Human Sumo Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat PDCD4 (CT), Polyclonal Human PDCD4 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Presenilin Enhancer Protein 2 (gamma-Secretase Subunit) (CT), Polyclonal Human PEN2 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Presenilin Enhancer Protein 2 (gamma-Secretase Subunit) (NT), Polyclonal Human PEN2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Nicastrin (Anterior Pharynx Defective 2, APH-2) (CT), Polyclonal Human Nicastrin (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Nicastrin (Anterior Pharynx Defective 2, APH-2) (IN), Polyclonal Human Nicastrin (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse LKB1, Polyclonal Human LKB1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Blimp-1 (CT), Polyclonal Human Blimp-1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Blimp-1 (NT), Polyclonal Human Blimp-1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat FAF1 (CT), Polyclonal Human FAF1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TMP21 (CT), Polyclonal Human TMP21 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TMP21 (IN), Polyclonal Human TMP21 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse APH1 (NT), Polyclonal Human APH1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat APH1 (IN), Polyclonal Human APH1 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse TRBP1 (IN), Polyclonal Human TRBP1 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat RPA Interacting Protein (CT), Polyclonal Human RPA Interacting Protein (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat RPA Interacting Protein (NT), Polyclonal Human RPA Interacting Protein (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse BANF1 (CT), Polyclonal Human BANF1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat BANF1 (NT), Polyclonal Human BANF1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human TSLP (CT), Polyclonal D21921 PK-AB718-3951 D21922 D21923 D21924 D21925 D21926 D21927 D21928 D21929 D21930 D21931 D21932 D21933 D21934 D21935 D21936 PK-AB718-3953 PK-AB718-3957 PK-AB718-3957P PK-AB718-3959 PK-AB718-3959P PK-AB718-3963 PK-AB718-3963P PK-AB718-3965 PK-AB718-3965P PK-AB718-3967 PK-AB718-3967P PK-AB718-3969 PK-AB718-3969P PK-AB718-3975 PK-AB718-3975P D21937 PK-AB718-3979 D21938 PK-AB718-3979P D21939 PK-AB718-3981 D21940 PK-AB718-3981P D21941 PK-AB718-3983 D21942 PK-AB718-3983P D21943 PK-AB718-3985 D21944 D21945 D21946 D21947 D21948 D21949 D21950 D21951 D21952 D21953 D21954 D21955 D21956 D21957 D21958 D21959 D21960 D21961 D21962 D21963 D21964 D21965 D21966 D21967 D21968 D21969 D21970 D21971 PK-AB718-3985P PK-AB718-3987 PK-AB718-3987P PK-AB718-3989 PK-AB718-3989P PK-AB718-3991 PK-AB718-3991P PK-AB718-3993 PK-AB718-3993P PK-AB718-3997 PK-AB718-3997P PK-AB718-3999 PK-AB718-3999P PK-AB718-4001 PK-AB718-4001P PK-AB718-4003 PK-AB718-4003P PK-AB718-4011 PK-AB718-4011P PK-AB718-4013 PK-AB718-4013P PK-AB718-4015 PK-AB718-4015P PK-AB718-4017 PK-AB718-4017P PK-AB718-4019 PK-AB718-4019P PK-AB718-4021 49/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 50,000 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D21972 D21973 D21974 D21975 D21976 D21977 D21978 D21979 D21980 D21981 D21982 D21983 D21984 D21985 D21986 D21987 D21988 D21989 D21990 D21991 D21992 D21993 D21994 D21995 D21996 D21997 D21998 D21999 D22000 D22001 D22002 D22003 D22004 D22005 D22006 D22007 D22008 D22009 D22010 D22011 D22012 D22013 D22014 D22015 D22016 D22017 D22018 D22019 D22020 D22021 D22022 D22023 D22024 D22025 D22026 D22027 D22028 D22029 D22030 D22031 D22032 D22033 D22034 D22035 D22036 D22037 D22038 D22039 D22040 D22041 D22042 D22043 D22044 PK-AB718-4021P PK-AB718-4023 PK-AB718-4023P PK-AB718-4025 PK-AB718-4025P PK-AB718-4027 PK-AB718-4027P PK-AB718-4029 PK-AB718-4029P PK-AB718-4031 PK-AB718-4031P PK-AB718-4033 PK-AB718-4033P PK-AB718-4035 PK-AB718-4035P PK-AB718-4037 PK-AB718-4037P PK-AB718-4039 PK-AB718-4039P PK-AB718-4041 PK-AB718-4041P PK-AB718-4043 PK-AB718-4043P PK-AB718-4045 PK-AB718-4045P PK-AB718-4049 PK-AB718-4049P PK-AB718-4051 PK-AB718-4051P PK-AB718-4053 PK-AB718-4053P PK-AB718-4055 PK-AB718-4055P PK-AB718-4059 PK-AB718-4059P PK-AB718-4063 PK-AB718-4063P PK-AB718-4065 PK-AB718-4065P PK-AB718-4067 PK-AB718-4067P PK-AB718-4069 PK-AB718-4069P PK-AB718-4071 PK-AB718-4071P PK-AB718-4073 PK-AB718-4073P PK-AB718-4077 PK-AB718-4077P PK-AB718-4079 PK-AB718-4079P PK-AB718-4081 PK-AB718-4081P PK-AB718-4083 PK-AB718-4083P PK-AB718-4085 PK-AB718-4085P PK-AB718-4087 PK-AB718-4087P PK-AB718-4089 PK-AB718-4089P PK-AB718-4101 PK-AB718-4101P PK-AB718-4105 PK-AB718-4105P PK-AB718-4107 PK-AB718-4107P PK-AB718-4109 PK-AB718-4109P PK-AB718-4111 PK-AB718-4111P PK-AB718-4117 PK-AB718-4117P Human TSLP (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse TSLP (IN), Polyclonal Human TSLP (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse/Rat TSLP (IN), Polyclonal Mouse TSLP Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat CRTH2 (NT), Polyclonal Human CRTH2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat CRTH2 (IN), Polyclonal Human CRTH2 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Emerin, Polyclonal Human Emerin Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat DRAM (CT), Polyclonal Human DRAM (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat DRAM (NT), Polyclonal Human DRAM (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse MDA5 (CT), Polyclonal Human MDA5 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse MDA5 (IN), Polyclonal Human MDA5 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse ORAI1 (NT), Polyclonal Human ORAI1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat SCO1, Polyclonal Human SCO1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human SCO2, Polyclonal Human SCO2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TIGAR (IN1), Polyclonal Human TIGAR (ID 1) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse TIGAR (IN2), Polyclonal Human TIGAR (ID 2) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat VISA (NT), Polyclonal Human VISA (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat VISA (IN), Polyclonal Human VISA (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat PDL-1 (Ligand for PDCD1), Polyclonal Human PDL-1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat PDL-2 (Ligand for PDCD1), Polyclonal Human PDL-2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Programmed Cell Death Protein 1 (CT), Polyclonal Human PDCD1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Programmed Cell Death Protein 1 (IN), Polyclonal Human PDCD1 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat DARC (CT), Polyclonal Human DARC (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human DARC (NT), Polyclonal Human DARC (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat KAI1 (CT), Polyclonal Human KAI1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat MAPKAP1 (NT), Polyclonal Human MAPKAP1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat MAPKAP1 (IN) (IN), Polyclonal Human MAPKAP1 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat BRSK1 (CT), Polyclonal Human BRSK1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat BRSK1 (IN), Polyclonal Human BRSK1 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse BRSK2, Polyclonal Human BRSK2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat NogoA (NT), Polyclonal Human NogoA (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat NogoA (IN), Polyclonal Human NogoA (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Neuritin, Polyclonal Human Neuritin Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Neurotrypsin (NT), Polyclonal Human Neurotrypsin (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat NPAS3 (NT), Polyclonal Human NPAS3 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat NPAS3 (IN), Polyclonal Human NPAS3 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse ORAI2 (CT), Polyclonal Human ORAI2 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat ORAI3 (NT), Polyclonal Human ORAI3 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide 50/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D22045 D22046 D22047 D22048 D22049 D22050 D22051 D22052 D22053 D22054 D22055 D22056 D22057 D22058 D22059 D22060 D22061 D22062 D22063 D22064 D22065 D22066 D22067 D22068 D22069 D22070 D22071 D22072 D22073 D22074 D22075 D22076 D22077 D22078 D22079 D22080 D22081 D22082 D22083 D22084 D22085 D22086 D22087 D22088 D22089 D22090 D22091 D22092 D22093 D22094 D22095 D22096 D22097 D22098 D22099 D22100 D22101 D22102 D22103 D22104 D22105 D22106 D22107 D22108 D22109 D22110 D22111 D22112 D22113 D22114 D22115 D22116 D22117 PK-AB718-4119 PK-AB718-4119P PK-AB718-4123 PK-AB718-4123P PK-AB718-4125 PK-AB718-4125P PK-AB718-4203 PK-AB718-4203P PK-AB718-4205 PK-AB718-4205P PK-AB718-4207 PK-AB718-4207P PK-AB718-4209 PK-AB718-4209P PK-AB718-4211 PK-AB718-4211P PK-AB718-4213 PK-AB718-4213P PK-AB718-4215 PK-AB718-4215P PK-AB718-4217 PK-AB718-4217P PK-AB718-4227 PK-AB718-4227P PK-AB718-4229 PK-AB718-4229P PK-AB718-4231 PK-AB718-4231P PK-AB718-4235 PK-AB718-4235P PK-AB718-4237 PK-AB718-4237P PK-AB718-4239 PK-AB718-4239P PK-AB718-4243 PK-AB718-4243P PK-AB718-4247 PK-AB718-4247P PK-AB718-4249 PK-AB718-4249P PK-AB718-4251 PK-AB718-4251P PK-AB718-4255 PK-AB718-4255P PK-AB718-4259 PK-AB718-4259P PK-AB718-4261 PK-AB718-4261P PK-AB718-4265 PK-AB718-4265P PK-AB718-4267 PK-AB718-4267P PK-AB718-4269 PK-AB718-4269P PK-AB718-4271 PK-AB718-4271P PK-AB718-4273 PK-AB718-4273P PK-AB718-4275 PK-AB718-4275P PK-AB718-4277 PK-AB718-4277P PK-AB718-4279 PK-AB718-4279P PK-AB718-4281 PK-AB718-4281P PK-AB718-4283 PK-AB718-4283P PK-AB718-4285 PK-AB718-4285P PK-AB718-4287 PK-AB718-4287P PK-AB718-4289 Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat STIM1, Polyclonal Human STIM1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat STIM2 (CT), Polyclonal Human STIM2 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat STIM2 (IN), Polyclonal Human STIM2 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Presenilin1, Polyclonal Human Presenilin1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat HAP1, Polyclonal Human HAP1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human TSLP Receptor, Polyclonal Human TSLP Receptor Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse TSLP Receptor, Polyclonal Mouse TSLP Receptor Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Cyclin-dependent Kinase Inhibitor 2A, Polyclonal Human CDKN2A Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat ARF-Binding Protein 1, Polyclonal Human ARF-BP1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse ORAI3 (CT), Polyclonal Human ORAI3 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Strep-tag II (IN), Polyclonal Strep-tag II (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Bub3 (CT), Polyclonal Human Bub3 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Bub1 (NT), Polyclonal Human Bub1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human TBC1D1 (CT), Polyclonal Human TBC1D1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse op18 (CT), Polyclonal Human Op18 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat op18 (NT), Polyclonal Human Op18 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Rat Bub1 (CT), Polyclonal Human Bub1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse IFN-beta (IN), Polyclonal Human IFN-beta Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse IEX-1, Polyclonal Human IEX-1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse SLPI, Polyclonal Human SLPI Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Mouse SLPI, Polyclonal Mouse SLPI Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse NK3R (IN), Polyclonal Human NK3R (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human FABP7 (IN), Polyclonal Human FABP7 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse MICA, Polyclonal Human MICA Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat FEZ1, Polyclonal Human FEZ1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Carabin (CT), Polyclonal Human Carabin (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Carabin (NT), Polyclonal Human Carabin (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human IL-33 (NT), Polyclonal Human IL-33 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat IL-33 (IN), Polyclonal Human IL-33 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat MORF4, Polyclonal Human MORF4 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse ADAP (CT), Polyclonal Human ADAP (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human ADAP (NT), Polyclonal Human ADAP (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat ORAI1 (CT), Polyclonal Human ORAI1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TDP43 (NT), Polyclonal Human TDP43 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TDP43 (IN), Polyclonal Human TDP43 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat LIS1, Polyclonal Human LIS1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat KIF5 (CT), Polyclonal 51/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D22118 D22119 D22120 D22121 D22122 D22123 D22124 D22125 D22126 D22127 D22128 D22129 D22130 D22131 D22132 D22133 D22134 D22135 D22136 D22137 D22138 D22139 D22140 D22141 D22142 D22143 D22144 D22145 D22146 D22147 D22148 D22149 D22150 D22151 D22152 D22153 D22154 D22155 D22156 D22157 D22158 D22159 D22160 D22161 D22162 D22163 D22164 D22165 D22166 D22167 D22168 D22169 D22170 D22171 D22172 D22173 D22174 D22175 D22176 D22177 D22178 D22179 D22180 D22181 D22182 D22183 D22184 D22185 D22186 D22187 D22188 D22189 D22190 PK-AB718-4289P PK-AB718-4291 PK-AB718-4291P PK-AB718-4293 PK-AB718-4293P PK-AB718-4295 PK-AB718-4295P PK-AB718-4297 PK-AB718-4297P PK-AB718-4299 PK-AB718-4299P PK-AB718-4303 PK-AB718-4303P PK-AB718-4305 PK-AB718-4305P PK-AB718-4307 PK-AB718-4307P PK-AB718-4311 PK-AB718-4311P PK-AB718-4313 PK-AB718-4313P PK-AB718-4315 PK-AB718-4315P PK-AB718-4317 PK-AB718-4317P PK-AB718-4321 PK-AB718-4321P PK-AB718-4325 PK-AB718-4325P PK-AB718-4327 PK-AB718-4327P PK-AB718-4329 PK-AB718-4329P PK-AB718-4331 PK-AB718-4331P PK-AB718-4333 PK-AB718-4333P PK-AB718-4335 PK-AB718-4335P PK-AB718-4337 PK-AB718-4337P PK-AB718-4339 PK-AB718-4339P PK-AB718-4341 PK-AB718-4341P PK-AB718-4343 PK-AB718-4343P PK-AB718-4345 PK-AB718-4345P PK-AB718-4347 PK-AB718-4347P PK-AB718-4349 PK-AB718-4349P PK-AB718-4351 PK-AB718-4351P PK-AB718-4353 PK-AB718-4353P PK-AB718-4355 PK-AB718-4355P PK-AB718-4357 PK-AB718-4357P PK-AB718-4359 PK-AB718-4359P PK-AB718-4361 PK-AB718-4361P PK-AB718-4363 PK-AB718-4363P PK-AB718-4367 PK-AB718-4367P PK-AB718-4369 PK-AB718-4369P PK-AB718-4371 PK-AB718-4371P Human KIF5 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat KIF5 (IN), Polyclonal Human KIF5 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse DISC1 (NT), Polyclonal Human DISC1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse DISC1 (IN), Polyclonal Human DISC1 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat PTK7 (CT), Polyclonal Human PTK7 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat PTK7 (NT), Polyclonal Human PTK7 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat STEAP1 (CT), Polyclonal Human STEAP1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat STEAP1 (IN), Polyclonal Human STEAP1 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse STEAP2, Polyclonal Human STEAP2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat STEAP3, Polyclonal Human STEAP3 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat STEAP4, Polyclonal Human STEAP4 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse TRIM25 (CT), Polyclonal Human TRIM25 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human TRIM25 (NT), Polyclonal Human TRIM25 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse CCDC98 (NT), Polyclonal Human CCDC98 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse RAP80 (CT), Polyclonal Human RAP80 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse RAP80 (NT), Polyclonal Human RAP80 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat BRCC45, Polyclonal Human BRCC45 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat BRCC36, Polyclonal Human BRCC36 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Avian Influenza A M2 (H5N1 Membrane Ion Channel 2), Polyclonal Avian Influenza A M2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Strep-tag II (CT), Polyclonal Strep-tag II (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Strep-tag II (NT), Polyclonal Strep-tag II (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TEM7 (CT), Polyclonal Human TEM7 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TEM7 (IN), Polyclonal Human TEM7 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat CDNF (CT), Polyclonal Human CDNF (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat CDNF (NT), Polyclonal Human CDNF (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat MANF (CT), Polyclonal Human MANF (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat MANF (NT), Polyclonal Human MANF (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat LGP2 (CT), Polyclonal Human LGP2 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat LGP2 (NT), Polyclonal Human LGP2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat LGP2 (IN), Polyclonal Human LGP2 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TEM1 (CT), Polyclonal Human TEM1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TEM1 (NT), Polyclonal Human TEM1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TEM2 (CT), Polyclonal Human TEM2 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TEM2 (NT), Polyclonal Human TEM2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human TEM4 (IN), Polyclonal Human TEM4 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Rat TEM5 (CT), Polyclonal Human TEM5 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Rat TEM5 (IN), Polyclonal Human TEM5 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide 52/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D22191 D22192 D22193 D22194 D22195 D22196 D22197 D22198 D22199 D22200 D22201 D22202 D22203 D22204 D22205 D22206 D22207 D22208 D22209 D22210 D22211 D22212 D22213 D22214 D22215 D22216 D22217 D22218 D22219 D22220 D22221 D22222 D22223 D22224 D22225 D22226 D22227 D22228 D22229 D22230 D22231 D22232 D22233 D22234 D22235 D22236 D22237 D22238 D22239 D22240 D22241 D22242 D22243 D22244 D22245 D22246 D22247 D22248 D22249 D22250 D22251 D22252 D22253 D22254 D22255 D22256 D22257 D22258 D22259 D22260 D22261 D22262 D22263 PK-AB718-4373 PK-AB718-4373P PK-AB718-4375 PK-AB718-4375P PK-AB718-4377 PK-AB718-4377P PK-AB718-4379 PK-AB718-4379P PK-AB718-4381 PK-AB718-4381P PK-AB718-4383 PK-AB718-4383P PK-AB718-4387 PK-AB718-4387P PK-AB718-4389 PK-AB718-4389P PK-AB718-4391 PK-AB718-4391P PK-AB718-4393 PK-AB718-4393P PK-AB718-4397 PK-AB718-4397P PK-AB718-4399 PK-AB718-4399P PK-AB718-4401 PK-AB718-4401P PK-AB718-4403 PK-AB718-4403P PK-AB718-4405 PK-AB718-4405P PK-AB718-4407 PK-AB718-4407P PK-AB718-4409 PK-AB718-4409P PK-AB718-4411 PK-AB718-4411P PK-AB718-4413 PK-AB718-4413P PK-AB718-4417 PK-AB718-4417P PK-AB718-4419 PK-AB718-4419P PK-AB718-4421 PK-AB718-4421P PK-AB718-4423 PK-AB718-4423P PK-AB718-4425 PK-AB718-4425P PK-AB718-4427 PK-AB718-4427P PK-AB718-4429 PK-AB718-4429P PK-AB718-4433 PK-AB718-4433P PK-AB718-4441 PK-AB718-4441P PK-AB718-4443 PK-AB718-4443P PK-AB718-4449 PK-AB718-4449P PK-AB718-4451 PK-AB718-4451P PK-AB718-4453 PK-AB718-4453P PK-AB718-4455 PK-AB718-4455P PK-AB718-4457 PK-AB718-4457P PK-AB718-4459 PK-AB718-4459P PK-AB718-4461 PK-AB718-4461P PK-AB718-4463 Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TOCA-1 (CT), Polyclonal Human TOCA-1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TOCA-1 (NT), Polyclonal Human TOCA-1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Nhe-1 (CT), Polyclonal Human Nhe-1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Nhe-1 (IN), Polyclonal Human Nhe-1(ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Grik1 (CT), Polyclonal Human Grik1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Grik1 (IN), Polyclonal Human Grik1 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Grik2 (C2), Polyclonal Human Grik2 (C-Terminus 2) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Grik3, Polyclonal Human Grik3 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Grik4 (CT), Polyclonal Human Grik4 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Grik4 (NT), Polyclonal Human Grik4 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Grik5, Polyclonal Human Grik5 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat ATG10, Polyclonal Human ATG10 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat ZBP1, Polyclonal Human ZBP1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat FEZ2 (CT), Polyclonal Human FEZ2 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat FEZ2 (IN), Polyclonal Human FEZ2 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat IPR1 (CT), Polyclonal Human IPR1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat IPR1 (NT), Polyclonal Human IPR1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat SAPAP3, Polyclonal Human SAPAP3 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat GSTP1, Polyclonal Human GSTP1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Plxdc2 (NT), Polyclonal Human Plxdc2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Plxdc2 (CT), Polyclonal Human Plxdc2 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat ATG12 (NT), Polyclonal Human ATG12 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat ATG12 (IN), Polyclonal Human ATG12 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat ATG16 (NT), Polyclonal Human ATG16 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat ATG16 (IN), Polyclonal Human ATG16 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Cathelicidin (CAP18, FALL39, LL37), Polyclonal Human Cathelicidin Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor 4, Polyclonal Human FGF-4 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat ATG5, Polyclonal Human ATG5 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human CXCR4-Lo (isoform of HIV & chemokine receptor), Polyclonal Human CXCR4-Lo Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat SCRAPPER (CT), Polyclonal Human SCRAPPER (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat SCRAPPER (NT), Polyclonal Human SCRAPPER (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Slitrk1 (CT), Polyclonal Human Slitrk1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Slitrk1 (IN), Polyclonal Human Slitrk1 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Slitrk2 (CT), Polyclonal Human Slitrk2 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Slitrk2 (IN), Polyclonal Human Slitrk2 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Slitrk3 (CT), Polyclonal Human Slitrk3 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Slitrk3 (IN), Polyclonal 53/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D22264 D22265 D22266 D22267 D22268 D22269 D22270 D22271 D22272 D22273 D22274 D22275 D22276 D22277 D22278 D22279 D22280 D22281 D22282 D22283 D22284 D22285 D22286 D22287 D22288 D22289 D22290 D22291 D22292 D22293 D22294 D22295 D22296 D22297 D22298 D22299 D22300 D22301 D22302 D22303 D22304 D22305 D22306 PK-AB718-4463P PK-AB718-4471 PK-AB718-4471P PK-AB718-4473 PK-AB718-4473P PK-AB718-4475 PK-AB718-4475P PK-AB718-4477 PK-AB718-4477P PK-AB718-4479 PK-AB718-4479P PK-AB718-4481 PK-AB718-4481P PK-AB718-4483 PK-AB718-4483P PK-AB718-4485 PK-AB718-4485P PK-AB718-4487 PK-AB718-4487P PK-AB718-4489 PK-AB718-4489P PK-AB718-4491 PK-AB718-4491P PK-AB718-4493 PK-AB718-4493P PK-AB718-4495 PK-AB718-4495P PK-AB718-4501 PK-AB718-4501P PK-AB718-4503 PK-AB718-4503P PK-AB718-4505 PK-AB718-4505P PK-AB718-4509 PK-AB718-4509P PK-AB718-4511 PK-AB718-4511P PK-AB718-4513 PK-AB718-4513P PK-AB718-4519 PK-AB718-4519P PK-AB718-4521 PK-AB718-4521P D22307 PK-AB718-4531 D22308 D22309 D22310 D22311 D22312 D22313 D22314 D22315 D22316 D22317 D22318 PK-AB718-4531P PK-AB718-4533 PK-AB718-4533P PK-AB718-4535 PK-AB718-4535P PK-AB718-4537 PK-AB718-4537P PK-AB718-4539 PK-AB718-4539P PK-AB718-4541 PK-AB718-4541P D22319 PK-AB718-4543 D22320 PK-AB718-4543P Human Slitrk3 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Rim3 (NT), Polyclonal Human Rim3 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Slitrk4 (NT), Polyclonal Human Slitrk4 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Slitrk5 (IN1), Polyclonal Human Slitrk5 (ID 1) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Slitrk5 (IN2), Polyclonal Human Slitrk5 (ID 2) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Slitrk6 (CT), Polyclonal Human Slitrk6 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Slitrk6 (IN), Polyclonal Human Slitrk6 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Slitrk4 (CT), Polyclonal Human Slitrk4 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat SIRT2 (CT), Polyclonal Human SIRT2 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat SIRT2 (NT), Polyclonal Human SIRT2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat LGI1 (IN), Polyclonal Human LGI1 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat LGI2 (NT), Polyclonal Human LGI2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat LGI3 (IN), Polyclonal Human LGI3 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat RTP801 (IN), Polyclonal Human RTP801 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat BRAL1, Polyclonal Human BRAL1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human BAP3 (NT), Polyclonal Human BAP3 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human BAP3 (NT2), Polyclonal Human BAP3 (NT 2) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat RTP801 (NT), Polyclonal Human RTP801 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat LGI4 (Leucine-rich, glioma inactivated 4) (CT), Polyclonal Human LGI4 (C-Terminus) Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat LGI4 (Leucine-rich, glioma inactivated 4) (IN), Polyclonal Human LGI4 (Intermediate Domain) Peptide Rabbit Anti-Rift Valley Fever Virus (IN), Polyclonal Rift Valley Fever Virus (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Rift Valley Fever Virus (CT), Polyclonal Rift Valley Fever Virus (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat LGI1 (Leucine-rich, glioma inactivated 1, epitempin, EPT) (NT), Polyclonal Human LGI1 (N-Terminus) Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse LGI2 (IN), Polyclonal Human LGI2 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat NIPSNAP (CT), Polyclonal Human NIPSNAP (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat NIPSNAP (IN), Polyclonal Human NIPSNAP (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat AIFM3 (NT), Polyclonal Human AIFM3 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat AIFM3 (IN) (IN), Polyclonal Human AIFM3 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat IRGM (Immunity related GTPase family, IFL1, IRGM1, LRG47) (NT), Polyclonal Human IRGM (NT) Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat IRGM (Immunity related GTPase family, IFL1, IRGM1, LRG47) (IN), Polyclonal Human IRGM (ID) Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat EVER1 (NT), Polyclonal Human EVER1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse EVER1 (IN), Polyclonal Human EVER1 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Unc93a, Polyclonal Human Unc93a Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Unc93b, Polyclonal Human Unc93b Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Ambra1 (Activating molecule in beclin-1-regulated autophagy, WDR94) (CT), Polyclonal Human Ambra1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide D22321 PK-AB718-4545 D22322 D22323 D22324 D22325 D22326 D22327 D22328 D22329 D22330 PK-AB718-4545P PK-AB718-4547 PK-AB718-4547P PK-AB718-4549 PK-AB718-4549P PK-AB718-4551 PK-AB718-4551P PK-AB718-4553 PK-AB718-4553P D22331 PK-AB718-4555 D22332 PK-AB718-4555P 54/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D22333 PK-AB718-4557 D22334 PK-AB718-4557P D22335 PK-AB718-4559 D22336 PK-AB718-4559P D22337 PK-AB718-4561 D22338 PK-AB718-4561P D22339 PK-AB718-4565 D22340 D22341 D22342 PK-AB718-4565P PK-AB718-4569 PK-AB718-4569P Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Ambra1 (Activating molecule in beclin-1-regulated autophagy, WDR94) (NT), Polyclonal Human Ambra1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat CAPS1 (Calcium-dependent secretion activator 1, CADPS1) (CT), Polyclonal Human CAPS1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat CAPS1 (Calcium-dependent secretion activator 1, CADPS1) (NT), Polyclonal Human CAPS1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat CAPS2 (Calcium-dependent secretion activator 2, CADPS2) (IN), Polyclonal Human CAPS2 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat RGP1 (Retrograde golgi transport homolog 1) (NT), Human RGP1 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat ELOVL6 (Elongation of very long chain fatty acids protein 6, FACE, LCE), Polyclonal Human ELOVL6 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat NPTX2 (Neuronal pentraxin 2, NP2, NARP), Polyclonal Human NPTX2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human RGPD5 (RANBP2-like & GRIP domain-containing protein 5, RGP5) (NT), Polyclonal Human RGPD5 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat GRTP1 (Growth hormone regulated TBC protein 1) (NT), Polyclonal Human GRTP1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat VPS53 (Vacuolar protein sorting 53, HCCS1) (CT), Polyclonal Human VPS53 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat VPS53 (Vacuolar protein sorting 53) (IN), Polyclonal Human VPS53 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TNPO3 (Transportin-3, Importin-12) (NT), Polyclonal Human TNPO3 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat TNPO3 (Transportin-3, Importin-12), Polyclonal Human TNPO3 (NT 2) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat CSN8 (COP9 signalosome complex subunit 8) (CT), Polyclonal Human CSN8 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat EVER2 (Transmembrane channel-like protein 8, TMC8) (IN), Polyclonal Human EVER2 (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Slc35D1 (Solute carrier family 35 member D1) (CT), Polyclonal Human Slc35D1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Rim2 (Rab3-interacting molecule 2), Polyclonal Human Rim2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat VGF (Neurosecretory protein, nerve growth factor inducible), Polyclonal Human VGF Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat GPAT1 (Glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 1, GPAM), Polyclonal Human GPAT1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat UROP11 (Upregulated obese product 11), Polyclonal Human UROP11 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Syntaphilin (SNPH) (NT), Polyclonal Human Syntaphilin (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Wnt-10b (Wnt12), Polyclonal Human Wnt-10b Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat LIMP2 (Lysosomal integral membrane protein 2, CD36L2), Polyclonal Human LIMP2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat SAPAP1 (SAP90/PSD-95-associated protein 1), Polyclonal Human SAPAP1 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat SAPAP2 (SAP90/PSD-95-associated protein 2), Polyclonal Human SAPAP2 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat SATB2 (DNA-binding protein SATB2) (NT), Polyclonal Human SATB2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat SATB2 (DNA-binding protein SATB2) (CT), Polyclonal Human SATB2 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat SATB1 (DNA-binding protein SATB1) (CT), Polyclonal Human SATB1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Syntaphilin (SNPH) (IN), Polyclonal Human Syntaphilin (ID) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Wnt-10a, Polyclonal Human Wnt-10a Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Glycoprotein 120 (NT), Polyclonal Viral gp120 (NT) Antibody Blocking Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Nanos2 (CT), Polyclonal D22343 PK-AB718-4571 D22344 D22345 D22346 PK-AB718-4571P PK-AB718-4573 PK-AB718-4573P D22347 PK-AB718-4585 D22348 PK-AB718-4585P D22349 PK-AB718-4589 D22350 PK-AB718-4589P D22351 PK-AB718-4593 D22352 D22353 D22354 D22355 D22356 D22357 D22358 PK-AB718-4593P PK-AB718-4595 PK-AB718-4595P PK-AB718-4597 PK-AB718-4597P PK-AB718-4599 PK-AB718-4599P D22359 PK-AB718-4601 D22360 PK-AB718-4601P D22361 PK-AB718-4605 D22362 D22363 D22364 D22365 D22366 PK-AB718-4605P PK-AB718-4607 PK-AB718-4607P PK-AB718-4609 PK-AB718-4609P D22367 PK-AB718-4611 D22368 PK-AB718-4611P D22369 PK-AB718-4613 D22370 D22371 D22372 D22373 D22374 D22375 D22376 PK-AB718-4613P PK-AB718-4615 PK-AB718-4615P PK-AB718-4617 PK-AB718-4617P PK-AB718-4619 PK-AB718-4619P D22377 PK-AB718-4621 D22378 D22379 D22380 D22381 D22382 D22383 D22384 D22385 D22386 D22387 D22388 D22389 D22390 D22391 D22392 D22393 D22394 D22395 PK-AB718-4621P PK-AB718-4623 PK-AB718-4623P PK-AB718-4625 PK-AB718-4625P PK-AB718-4627 PK-AB718-4627P PK-AB718-4629 PK-AB718-4629P PK-AB718-4631 PK-AB718-4631P PK-AB718-4635 PK-AB718-4635P PK-AB718-4639 PK-AB718-4639P PK-AB718-4641 PK-AB718-4641P PK-AB718-4645 55/82 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) タカラバイオ株式会社 TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D22396 D22397 D22398 PK-AB718-4645P PK-AB718-4647 PK-AB718-4647P Human Nanos2 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Nanos2 (NT), Polyclonal Human Nanos2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Slc35D1 (Solute carrier family 35 member D1) (NT), Polyclonal Human Slc35D1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Slc22A17 (Solute carrier family 22 member 17), Polyclonal Human Slc22A17 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Nanos3 (CT), Polyclonal Human Nanos3 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse LIMP2 (Lysosomal integral membrane protein 2), Polyclonal Human LIMP2 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat EVER2 (Transmembrane channel-like protein 8, TMC8) (NT), Polyclonal Human EVER2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat CLIP170 (CYLN1, Restin, RSN), Polyclonal Human CLIP170 Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse Bst2 (Bone marrow stromal cell antigen 2, CD317) (NT), Polyclonal Human Bst2 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat BICD1 (Bicaudal D homolog 1) (CT), Polyclonal Human BICD1 (CT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat SATB1 (Special AT-rich sequence-binding protein 1) (NT), Polyclonal Human SATB1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Nanos1 (NT), Polyclonal Human Nanos1 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human/Mouse/Rat Nanos1 (NOS1) (IN), Polyclonal Human Nanos1 (ID) Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 34 (NT), Polyclonal Human Interleukin 34 (NT) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 34 (IN), Polyclonal Human Interleukin 34 (IN) Antibody Blocking Peptide Rabbit Anti-Chicken IgG conjugated to Horseradish Peroxidase (H&L, minimum crossreactivity), Polyclonal Goat Anti-Chicken IgG conjugated to Texas Red (H&L), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Chicken IgG conjugated to Alkaline Phosphatase (H&L), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG conjugated to Horseradish Peroxidase (H&L, minimum crossreactivity), Polyclonal Donkey Anti-Goat IgG conjugated to Fluorescein (H&L), Polyclonal Donkey Anti-Goat IgG conjugated to Texas Red (H&L), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG conjugated to Alkaline Phosphatase (H&L, minimum cross-reactivity), Polyclonal Goat Anti-Rat IgG conjugated to Horseradish Peroxidase (H&L, minimum cross-reactivity), Polyclonal Goat Anti-Rat IgG conjugated to Alkaline Phosphatase (H&L, minimum cross-reactivity), Goat Anti-Mouse IgG conjugated to Horseradish Peroxidase (H&L, minimum crossreactivity), Polyclonal Goat Anti-Mouse IgG conjugated to Biotin (H&L, minimum cross-reactivity), Polyclonal Goat Anti-Mouse IgG conjugated to Fluorescein (H&L, minimum cross-reactivity), Polyclonal Goat Anti-Mouse IgG conjugated to Texas Red (H&L), Polyclonal Goat Anti-Mouse IgG conjugated to Alkaline Phosphatase (H&L, minimum cross-reactivity), Polyclonal Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG conjugated to Horseradish Peroxidase (H&L, minimum crossreactivity), Polyclonal Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG conjugated to Biotin (H&L, minimum cross-reactivity), Polyclonal Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG conjugated to Fluorescein (H&L, minimum cross-reactivity), Polyclonal Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG conjugated to Texas Red (H&L), Polyclonal Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG conjugated to Alkaline Phosphatase (H&L, minimum cross-reactivity), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Apo E3, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Artemin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse B-71, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Epidermal Growth Factor, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Mouse Epidermal Growth Factor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Epidermal Growth Factor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor 9, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human basic Fibroblast Growth Factor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 4, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 10, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Granulocyte/Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Granulocyte/Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor, Polyclonal D22399 PK-AB718-4649 D22400 D22401 D22402 D22403 D22404 D22405 D22406 PK-AB718-4649P PK-AB718-4651 PK-AB718-4651P PK-AB718-4653 PK-AB718-4653P PK-AB718-4655 PK-AB718-4655P D22407 PK-AB718-4657 D22408 D22409 D22410 PK-AB718-4657P PK-AB718-4659 PK-AB718-4659P D22411 PK-AB718-4661 D22412 D22413 D22414 PK-AB718-4661P PK-AB718-4663 PK-AB718-4663P D22415 PK-AB718-4679 D22416 D22417 D22418 D22419 D22420 D22421 D22422 D22423 D22424 PK-AB718-4679P PK-AB718-4683 PK-AB718-4683P PK-AB718-4685 PK-AB718-4685P PK-AB718-4779 PK-AB718-4779P PK-AB718-4781 PK-AB718-4781P D22425 PK-AB718-9120 D22426 D22427 PK-AB718-9170 PK-AB718-9180 D22428 PK-AB718-9320 D22429 D22430 PK-AB718-9360 PK-AB718-9370 D22431 PK-AB718-9380 D22432 PK-AB718-9520 D22433 PK-AB718-9580 D22434 PK-AB718-9720 D22435 PK-AB718-9740 D22436 PK-AB718-9760 D22437 PK-AB718-9770 D22438 PK-AB718-9780 D22439 PK-AB718-9920 D22440 D22441 D22442 PK-AB718-9940 PK-AB718-9960 PK-AB718-9970 D22443 PK-AB718-9980 D22444 D22445 D22446 D22447 D22448 D22449 D22450 D22451 D22452 D22453 D22454 D22455 D22456 D22457 PK-AB815-60018 PK-AB815-60030 PK-AB815-60090M PK-AB815-60170 PK-AB815-60170GM PK-AB815-60170R PK-AB815-60220M PK-AB815-60240 PK-AB815-60340 PK-AB815-60345 PK-AB815-60415G PK-AB815-60420 PK-AB815-60420M PK-AB815-60431M 56/82 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 50,000 19,800 38,000 37,600 37,600 39,000 37,600 37,600 37,600 38,000 39,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 37,600 39,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 37,600 39,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D22458 D22459 D22460 D22461 D22462 D22463 D22464 D22465 D22466 D22467 D22468 D22469 D22470 D22471 D22472 D22473 D22474 D22475 D22476 D22477 D22478 D22479 D22480 D22481 D22482 D22483 D22484 D22485 D22486 D22487 D22488 D22489 D22490 D22491 D22492 D22493 D22494 D22495 D22496 D22497 D22498 D22499 D22500 D22501 D22502 D22503 D22504 D22505 D22506 D22507 D22508 D22509 D22510 D22511 D22512 D22513 D22514 D22515 D22516 D22517 D22518 D22519 D22520 D22522 D22523 D22524 D22525 D22526 D22527 D22528 D22529 D22530 D22531 PK-AB815-60434 PK-AB815-60442 PK-AB815-60442GM PK-AB815-60460G PK-AB815-60470 PK-AB815-60470G PK-AB815-60580G PK-AB815-60590 PK-AB815-60724M PK-AB815-60725 PK-AB815-60725GR PK-AB815-60732 PK-AB815-60840 PK-AB815-60840GM PK-AB815-60848 PK-AB815-60850 PK-AB815-60855 PK-AB815-60960 PK-AB815-61112 PK-AB815-61112GR PK-AB815-61112M PK-AB815-61120R PK-AB815-61122M PK-AB815-61220M PK-AB815-61240 PK-AB815-61240G PK-AB815-61320 PK-AB815-61340M PK-AB815-61342GR PK-AB815-61410 PK-AB815-61410M PK-AB815-61420R PK-AB815-61520 PK-AB815-61620 PK-AB815-61620G PK-AB815-61620GR PK-AB815-61630R PK-AB815-61632M PK-AB815-61710M PK-AB815-61712 PK-AB815-61830 PK-AB815-61920 PK-AB815-61920M PK-AB815-62012 PK-AB815-62012M PK-AB815-62012R PK-AB815-62120 PK-AB815-62212G PK-AB815-62212GM PK-AB815-62312 PK-AB815-62312M PK-AB815-62510M PK-AB815-62512 PK-AB815-62611 PK-AB815-62710 PK-AB815-62710G PK-AB815-62712 PK-AB815-62712M PK-AB815-62715 PK-AB815-62718 PK-AB815-62815GM PK-AB815-62910 PK-AB815-62920G PK-AB815-62921M PK-AB815-62922 PK-AB815-62922M PK-AB815-62950 PK-AB815-62958 PK-AB815-63021 PK-AB815-63022 PK-AB815-63095 PK-AB815-63100 PK-AB815-63100G Rabbit Anti-Human Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Mouse Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 16, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 17, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 17, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Interferon alpha, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interferon beta, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Interferon gamma, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interferon gamma, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Rat Interferon gamma, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interferon lambda-2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Insulin-Like Growth Factor I, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Mouse Insulin-Like Growth Factor I, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 5, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 7, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Insulin-Like Growth Factor II, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 1-alpha, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Rat Interleukin 1-alpha, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Interleukin 1-alpha, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Interleukin 1-beta, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Interleukin 1-beta, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Interleukin 2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 2, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Interleukin 2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 3, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Interleukin 3, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Rat Interleukin 3 beta, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 4, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Interleukin 4, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Interleukin 4, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 5, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 6, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Interleukin 6, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Rat Interleukin 6, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Interleukin 6, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Interleukin 6, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Interleukin 7, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 7, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 8, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 9, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Interleukin 9, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 10, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Interleukin 10, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Interleukin 10, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 11, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Interleukin 12, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Mouse Interleukin 12, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 13, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Interleukin 13, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Interleukin 15, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 15, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 16, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 17A, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Interleukin 17A, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 17B, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Murine Interleukin 17A, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 17E, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 17F, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Mouse Interleukin 18 Binding Protein, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 19, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Interleukin 20, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Interleukin 21, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 22, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Interleukin 22, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 31, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Interleukin 33, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor AA, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor BB, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human CD22 Ligand, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human CD40 Ligand, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human CD40 Ligand, Polyclonal 57/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D22532 D22533 D22534 D22535 D22536 D22537 D22538 D22539 D22540 D22541 D22542 D22543 D22544 D22545 D22546 D22547 D22548 D22549 D22550 D22551 D22552 D22553 D22554 D22555 D22556 D22557 D22558 D22559 D22560 D22561 D22562 D22563 D22564 D22565 D22566 D22567 D22568 D22569 D22570 D22571 D22572 D22573 D22574 D22575 D22576 D22577 D22578 D22579 D22580 D22581 D22582 D22583 D22584 D22585 D22586 D22587 D22588 D22589 D22590 D22591 D22592 D22593 D22594 D22595 D22596 D22597 D22598 D22599 D22600 D22601 D22602 D22603 D22604 PK-AB815-63120 PK-AB815-63120G PK-AB815-63120GR PK-AB815-63120M PK-AB815-63140G PK-AB815-63200 PK-AB815-63200G PK-AB815-63200M PK-AB815-63201 PK-AB815-63535 PK-AB815-63600 PK-AB815-63601 PK-AB815-63610G PK-AB815-63620M PK-AB815-63720 PK-AB815-63720G PK-AB815-63720GM PK-AB815-63720M PK-AB815-63720R PK-AB815-63731 PK-AB815-63735 PK-AB815-63745 PK-AB815-63750 PK-AB815-63755G PK-AB815-63760 PK-AB815-63770 PK-AB815-63780 PK-AB815-63790 PK-AB815-63820 PK-AB815-64030 PK-AB815-64030M PK-AB815-64030R PK-AB815-64130 PK-AB815-64130M PK-AB815-64130R PK-AB815-64320 PK-AB815-64320G PK-AB815-64325 PK-AB815-64330G PK-AB815-64335 PK-AB815-64413G PK-AB815-64420 PK-AB815-64420G PK-AB815-64420M PK-AB815-64420RPC PK-AB815-65020 PK-AB815-65112G PK-AB815-65230 PK-AB815-65240 PK-AB815-65250G PK-AB815-65251 PK-AB815-65258 PK-AB815-65259 PK-AB815-65265 PK-AB815-65330G PK-AB815-65330GM PK-AB815-65330M PK-AB815-65340G PK-AB815-65340M PK-AB815-65390G PK-AB815-65420M PK-AB815-65420R PK-AB815-65430 PK-AB815-65430M PK-AB815-65430R PK-AB815-65440 PK-AB815-65450 PK-AB815-65520 PK-AB815-65620 PK-AB815-65722 PK-AB815-65722M PK-AB815-65723 PK-AB815-65723G Rabbit Anti-Human Stem Cell Factor, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Stem Cell Factor, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Rat Stem Cell Factor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Stem Cell Factor, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Stem Cell Growth Factor beta, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human soluble Receptor Activator of NF-kB Ligand, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human soluble Receptor Activator of NF-kB Ligand, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse soluble Receptor Activator of NF-kB Ligand, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human soluble Receptor Activator of NF-kB Receptor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Transforming Growth Factor alpha, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Tumor Necrosis Factor Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor-I, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human TNF Related Weak Inducer of Apoptosis, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Murine Interleukin 25 (SF20), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Mouse Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Tumor Necrosis Factor beta, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Activation Induced TNFR Member Ligand, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human APRIL (Member of the TNF Family), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Osteoprotegerin, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human B-cell Activating Factor in TNF Family, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor-II, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Vaspin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human RANTES (CCL5), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse RANTES (CCL5), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat RANTES (CCL5), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Neutrophil Activating Protein 2, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Neutrophil Activating Protein 2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Nanog, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Neuropilin 1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Nephroblastoma Overexpressed Gene, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-EG, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Oncostatin M, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Thrombopoietin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Epithelial Neutrophil Activating Peptide 78, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human B-cell Attracting Chemokine 1, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human beta-Defensin 2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human beta-Defensin 1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human beta-Defensin 3, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human beta-Defensin 4, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Neuroserpin, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Eotaxin 2, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Mouse Eotaxin 2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse C-10, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Eotaxin 3, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse IFN-gamma Inducible Protein 10, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Endothelial/Monocyte Activating Polypeptide II, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Growth Regulated Oncogen (CXCL1), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Growth Regulated Oncogen (CXCL1), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Growth Regulated Oncogen alpha (CXCL1), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 2 (CXCL2), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Growth Regulated Oncogen beta (CXCL2), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Growth Regulated Oncogen beta (CXCL2), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Growth Regulated Oncogen gamma (CXCL3), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human IFN-gamma Inducible Protein 10, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Lymphotactin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 3, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 3, Polyclonal 58/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) タカラバイオ株式会社 TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D22605 D22606 D22607 D22608 D22609 D22610 D22611 D22612 D22613 D22614 D22615 D22616 D22617 D22618 D22619 D22620 D22621 D22622 D22623 D22624 D22625 D22626 D22627 D22628 D22629 D22630 D22631 D22632 D22633 D22634 D22635 D22636 D22637 D22638 D22639 D22640 D22641 D22642 D22643 D22644 D22645 D22646 D22647 D22648 D22649 D22650 D22651 D22652 D22653 D22654 D22655 D22656 D22657 D22658 D22659 D22660 D22661 D22662 D22663 D22664 D22665 D22666 D22667 D22668 D22669 D22670 D22671 D22672 D22673 D22674 D22675 D22676 D22677 PK-AB815-65723GM PK-AB815-65724 PK-AB815-65724G PK-AB815-65725M PK-AB815-65811 PK-AB815-65815 PK-AB815-65818 PK-AB815-65822 PK-AB815-65822M PK-AB815-65833G PK-AB815-65833M PK-AB815-65833R PK-AB815-65840G PK-AB815-65844M PK-AB815-65860 PK-AB815-65866 PK-AB815-65877 PK-AB815-65888 PK-AB815-65890G PK-AB815-65930 PK-AB815-66021 PK-AB815-66130 PK-AB815-66210 PK-AB815-66210R PK-AB815-66212 PK-AB815-66312 PK-AB815-66320 PK-AB815-66421 PK-AB815-66425 PK-AB815-66425G PK-AB815-66426 PK-AB815-66426G PK-AB815-66512 PK-AB815-66512M PK-AB815-66520M PK-AB815-66550 PK-AB815-66551G PK-AB815-66580 PK-AB815-66610 PK-AB815-66610GM PK-AB815-66620G PK-AB815-66630 PK-AB815-66630G PK-AB815-66660M PK-AB815-66665 PK-AB815-66665M PK-AB815-66670G PK-AB815-66670GM PK-AB815-66690G PK-AB815-66720 PK-AB815-67110 PK-AB815-67220 PK-AB815-67220GM PK-AB815-67310 PK-AB815-67318 PK-AB815-67320G PK-AB815-67323 PK-AB815-67360 PK-AB815-67410 PK-AB815-67510 PK-AB815-67610 PK-AB815-67710 PK-AB815-67720 PK-AB815-67810 PK-AB815-67820 PK-AB815-67830G PK-AB815-67910 PK-AB815-67910M PK-AB815-67950 PK-AB815-67953 PK-AB815-67958 PK-AB815-68010 PK-AB815-68014 Goat Anti-Mouse Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 3, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 4, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Mouse Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 4, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 5, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Monokine Induced by IFN gamma, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Melanoma Inhibitory Activity Protein, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Melanoma Inhibitory Activity Protein 2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1-beta, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1-beta, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1-alpha, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1-alpha, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1-alpha, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human LD78 beta, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1-gamma, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3-alpha, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3-beta, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 4 (PARC), Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 5, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Platelet Factor 4, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Placenta Growth Factor 1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Nerve Growth Factor beta, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Rat Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Glial-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Persephin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Novel Neurotrophin-1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Neurotrophin-3, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Neurotrophin 3, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Neurotrophin-4, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Neurotrophin 4, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Exodus 2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Exodus 2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Lipopolysaccharide Induced CXC Chemokine (CXCL5), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human 4-1BB Ligand, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human 4-1BB Receptor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human BRAK (CXCL14), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human CXC Ligand 16, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Mouse CXCL16, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Fas Ligand (Apo1L), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Adipolean Variant, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human globular Acrp30 (Adipolean), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Resistin Like Molecule alpha, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Resistin Like Molecule beta, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Resistin Like Molecule beta, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Resistin, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Mouse Resistin, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Transmembrane Activator and CAML Interactor (TNFRSF13B), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human LIGHT (Member of the TNF Family), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Fms-Related Tyrosine Kinase 3 Ligand, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Stromal Cell Derived Factor 1-alpha, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Mouse Stromal Cell Derived Factor 1-alpha, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein 7, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Stromal Cell Derived Factor 1-beta, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Growth & Differentiation Factor 3, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Betacellulin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Cardiotrophin 1 (CT-1), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Fractalkine, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Granulocyte Chemotactic Protein 2, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Hemofiltrate CC Chemokine 1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Follistatin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human I-309, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human IFN Inducible T-cell alpha Chemoattractant, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Human Liver Expressed Chemokine, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Macrophage Derived Chemokine, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Macrophage Derived Chemokine, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Midkine, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Galectin 1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Galectin 3, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Thymus & Activation Regulated Chemokine, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor, Polyclonal 59/82 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D22678 D22679 D22680 D22681 D22682 D22683 D22684 D22685 D22686 D22687 D22688 D22689 D22690 D22691 D22692 D22693 D22694 D22695 D22696 D22697 D22698 D22699 D22700 D22701 D22702 D22703 D22704 D22705 D22706 D22707 D22708 D22709 D22710 D22711 D22712 D22713 D22714 D22715 D22716 D22717 D22718 D22719 D22720 D22721 D22722 D22723 D22724 D22725 D22726 D22727 D22728 D22729 D22730 D22731 D22732 D22733 D22734 D22735 D22736 D22737 D22738 D22739 D22740 D22741 D22742 D22743 D22744 D22745 D22746 D22748 D22749 D22750 D22751 PK-AB815-68018 PK-AB815-68020 PK-AB815-68110 PK-AB815-68120M PK-AB815-68230M PK-AB815-68232 PK-AB815-68232GR PK-AB815-68250 PK-AB815-68306 PK-AB815-68316 PK-AB815-68318 PK-AB815-68560 PK-AB913-100 PK-AB913-101 PK-AB913-102 PK-AB913-103 PK-AB913-104 PK-AB913-105 PK-AB913-106 PK-AB913-107 PK-AB913-108 PK-AB913-109 PK-AB913-110 PK-AB913-111 PK-AB913-112 PK-AB913-113 PK-AB913-114 PK-AB913-115 PK-AB913-117 PK-AB913-118 PK-AB913-119 PK-AB913-120 PK-AB913-121 PK-AB913-122 PK-AB913-123 PK-AB913-124 PK-AB913-125 PK-AB913-126 PK-AB913-127 PK-AB913-128 PK-AB913-129 PK-AB913-130 PK-AB913-131 PK-AB913-132 PK-AB913-133 PK-AB913-134 PK-AB913-135 PK-AB913-136 PK-AB913-137 PK-AB913-138 PK-AB913-139 PK-AB913-140 PK-AB913-141 PK-AB913-142 PK-AB913-143 PK-AB913-144 PK-AB913-145 PK-AB913-146 PK-AB913-147 PK-AB913-148 PK-AB913-149 PK-AB913-150 PK-AB913-151 PK-AB913-152 PK-AB913-153 PK-AB913-154 PK-AB913-155 PK-AB913-156 PK-AB913-157 PK-AB913-159 PK-AB913-160 PK-AB913-161 PK-AB913-163 Rabbit Anti-Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor-Like Protein (WISP-2), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Thymus Expressed Chemokine, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Neurturin (Ligand for GFR-alpha2), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte Associated Antigen 4, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Mouse Leptin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Leptin, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Rat Leptin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human TNF-Like 1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Endostatin, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Wnt-1, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Wnt-3a, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloprotease-1, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human Insulin (clone 7F8), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 1-beta, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 2, Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Interleukin 2 Receptor, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 2 Receptor, Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Interleukin 2, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 3, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 4, Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Interleukin 4, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 6, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 7, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 8, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 10, Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Interleukin 10, Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Interleukin 12-p40, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 15, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Neurotrophin 4, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1-alpha (CCL3), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Macrophage/Monocyte Chemotactic & Activating Factor, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Macrophage/Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 3, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3 (CCL23), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interferon alpha, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interferon gamma, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Eotaxin 1, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Eotaxin 2, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Chlamydia LPS, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD8-FITC, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD4 (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse CD80 (B7-1), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD8 (biotinylated), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse CD11a, Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse CD11b (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD3 (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD3 (biotinylated), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse B220 (B-cell specific isoform of CD45, CD45R; clone mB220), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse CD90 (Thymus Cell Antigen 1.1), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse CD90 (Thymus Cell Antigen 1.2), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse CD90 (Thymus Cell Antigen 1), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Dengue Type 2 (Envelope), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD3, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD4, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-FLAG Peptide, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin beta Core, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD8, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Hen Egg Lysozyme, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Hepatitis B (AD & AY Antigens), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-HIV-I gp120 (PND), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-HIV-I gp24, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-HIV-II gp39, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Heparanase 1 (3/17), Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human Heparanase-1, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-HCV NS3, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-SARS Spike Protein, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-HIV-I gp41, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human HIV-I Glycoprotein 41, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Human HIV-II Glycoprotein 39, Polyclonal Goat Anti-Hepatitis B Surface Antigen A, Polyclonal 60/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 46,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 77,000 77,000 106,000 125,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D22752 D22753 D22754 D22755 D22756 D22757 D22758 D22759 D22760 D22761 D22762 D22763 D22764 D22765 D22766 D22767 D22768 D22769 D22770 D22771 D22772 D22773 D22774 D22775 D22776 D22777 D22778 D22779 D22780 D22781 D22782 D22783 D22784 D22785 D22786 D22787 D22788 D22789 D22790 D22791 D22792 D22793 D22794 D22795 D22796 PK-AB913-164 PK-AB913-165 PK-AB913-166 PK-AB913-167 PK-AB913-168 PK-AB913-169 PK-AB913-170 PK-AB913-171 PK-AB913-172 PK-AB913-173 PK-AB913-174 PK-AB913-175 PK-AB913-176 PK-AB913-177 PK-AB913-178 PK-AB913-179 PK-AB913-180 PK-AB913-181 PK-AB913-182 PK-AB913-183 PK-AB913-184 PK-AB913-185 PK-AB913-186 PK-AB913-187 PK-AB913-189 PK-AB913-190 PK-AB913-193 PK-AB913-196 PK-AB913-197 PK-AB913-199 PK-AB913-200 PK-AB913-201 PK-AB913-202 PK-AB913-203 PK-AB913-204 PK-AB913-205 PK-AB913-206 PK-AB913-207 PK-AB913-209 PK-AB913-210 PK-AB913-211 PK-AB913-214 PK-AB913-215 PK-AB913-216 PK-AB913-217 D22797 PK-AB913-220 D22798 D22799 D22800 D22801 D22802 D22803 D22804 D22805 D22806 D22807 D22808 D22809 D22810 D22811 D22812 D24001 D24002 D24003 D24004 D24005 D24006 D24007 D24008 D24009 D24010 D24011 PK-AB913-222 PK-AB913-223 PK-AB913-224 PK-AB913-225 PK-AB913-226 PK-AB913-229 PK-AB913-230 PK-AB913-231 PK-AB913-240 PK-AB913-241 PK-AB913-245 PK-AB913-246 PK-AB913-247 PK-AB913-249 PK-AB913-250 PK-EL-KB1140 PK-EL-KB20082 PK-EL-KB20412 PK-EL-KB20432 PK-EL-KB20452 PK-EL-KB20872 PK-EL-KB20892 PK-EL-K1012 PK-EL-K1013 PK-EL-K1016 PK-EL-K2109 Mouse Anti-Glutathione-S-Transferase (GST), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse CD4, Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Interferon gamma, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD4 (biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Transforming Growth Factor beta, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Epidermal Growth Factor, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Neutrophil Activating Protein 2, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD5, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Leptin, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human IgG-Fc, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human IgA Secretory Component, Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse CD3, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human 2K, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Maltose Binding Protein, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-SARS Nucleocapsid Protein, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-SARS Spike Protein, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-SARS Nucleocapsid Protein, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Anthrax Lethal Factor, Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Anthrax Protective Antigen, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interferon beta, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Neisseria Gonorrhea, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Erythropoietin, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Glutathione-S-transferase (GST), Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Glutathione-S-transferase (GST), Affinity Purified, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human Heparanase-1 (clone HP130), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Erythropoietin (clone NYRhEPO), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Growth Hormone (clone NYRhGH), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Proteolipid Protein of Myelin, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human IgA (1&2), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Ig Kappa Light Chain, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Ig Lambda Light Chain, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Fas (CD95, blocking), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Fas (CD95, activating), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD1A (T6, LEU6), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD2 (T11, LFA-2), Monoclonal Rat Anti-Mouse Interleukin 12-p75, Monoclonal Rabbit Anti-Human HIV-I Glycoprotein 120, Polyclonal Mouse Anti-Human c-Myc (clone NYRhc-myc), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Influenza-A Hemagglutinin H1N1 (clone IA-H1N1), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Influenza-A Hemagglutinin H3N2 (clone IA-H3N2), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Influenza-A Hemagglutinin H5N1 (clone IA-H5N1), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Influenza-B (clone IB-53-99), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Glutathione-S-Transferase (GST, peroxidase-conjugated; clone PGSTHRPSHG), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-FLAG Peptide (clone PFLAGSHG), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Myc (clone PMYCSHG), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Myc (peroxidase-conjugated; clone PMYCHRPSHG), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Hemagglutinin Tag (clone PHASHG), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Hemagglutinin Tag (peroxidase-conjugated; clone PHAHRPSHG), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Factor IX (clone NYRhFIX), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Growth Hormone (clone PG3H5AT), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Epstein-Barr Virus EBNA1 (clone P1B5AT), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vimentin, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vimentin, biotinylated, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Vimentin, FITC-labeled, Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 1-beta (biotinylated), Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Interleukin 1-beta (FITC-labeled), Monoclonal Endothelin (1-21) ELISA Kit, human Big Endothelin ELISA Kit, human DKK-1 ELISA Kit, human Cathepsin K ELISA Kit, human sRANKL ELISA Kit, human NT-proCNP ELISA Kit, human NT-proANP 1-98 ELISA Kit, human Myostatin ELISA Kit, human Urotensin II ELISA Kit, human sRANKL (total) ELISA Kit, human Vitamin D (direct) ELISA Kit, human 61/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 106,000 106,000 106,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 50,000 33,000 68,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 68,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 53,000 44,000 44,000 53,000 44,000 53,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 53,000 53,000 44,000 44,000 97,000 97,000 136,000 136,000 136,000 136,000 97,000 179,000 175,000 188,000 84,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D24012 D24013 D24014 D24015 D24016 D24017 D24018 D24019 D24020 D24021 D24022 D24023 D24024 D24025 D24026 D24027 D24028 D24029 D24030 D24031 D24032 D24033 D24034 D24035 D24036 D24037 D24038 D24039 D24040 D24041 D24042 D24043 D24044 D24045 D24046 D24047 D24048 D24049 D24050 D24051 D24052 D24054 D24055 D24056 D24057 D24058 D24059 D24060 D24061 D24062 D24063 D24064 D24065 D24066 D24067 D24068 D24069 D24070 D24071 D24072 D24073 D24074 D24075 D24076 D24078 D24079 D24081 D24082 D24083 D24084 D24085 D24086 D24087 PK-EL-K2112 PK-EL-K2112SB PK-EL-K2112SE PK-EL-K2112SV PK-EL-K2314 PK-EL-K3001 PK-EL-K4220 PK-EL-K4230 PK-EL-K5600 PK-EL-K6110 PK-EL-K6510 PK-EL-K6511 PK-EL-K6610 PK-EL-K6631 PK-EL-K6710 PK-EL-K6750 PK-EL-K6810 PK-EL-K6935 PK-EL-K7510 PK-EL-K7510A PK-EL-K7810 PK-EL-K7812 PK-EL-K9210 PK-EL-K9410 PK-EL-K9510 PK-EL-K9520 PK-EL-K9710S PK-EL-K9810 PK-EL-60015 PK-EL-60022 PK-EL-60046 PK-EL-60052 PK-EL-60062 PK-EL-60062M PK-EL-60080 PK-EL-60080M PK-EL-60090 PK-EL-60170 PK-EL-60170D PK-EL-60170DM PK-EL-60170DR PK-EL-60187 PK-EL-60196 PK-EL-60240 PK-EL-60240D PK-EL-60240L PK-EL-60266 PK-EL-60266MK PK-EL-60345 PK-EL-60360 PK-EL-60390 PK-EL-60406 PK-EL-60406M PK-EL-60406R PK-EL-60420D PK-EL-60420DM PK-EL-60434 PK-EL-60434D PK-EL-60434DM PK-EL-60434M PK-EL-60442 PK-EL-60442DM PK-EL-60510 PK-EL-60510L PK-EL-60706 PK-EL-60706M PK-EL-60706R PK-EL-60707L PK-EL-60707ML PK-EL-60725D PK-EL-60725DM PK-EL-60725DR PK-EL-60806 1,25-Dihydroxy Vitamin D ELISA Kit, human 1.25-(OH)2 Vitamin D Silica Cartridge 1.25-(OH)2 Vitamin D Chromabond Column 1.25-(OH)2 Vitamin D Extraction Rack VDBP ELISA Kit, human ADMA direct ELISA Kit, mouse/rat BSP ELISA Kit, human Osteonectin (ON) ELISA Kit, human Zonulin ELISA Kit, human RBP ELISA Kit, human Immunglobulin G [IgG] ELISA Kit, human Immunglobulin E [IgE] ELISA Kit, human a2-Macroglobulin (a2-M) ELISA Kit, human Myeloperoxidase (MPO) ELISA Kit, human a1-Microglobulin (a1-M) ELISA Kit, human a1-Antitrypsin ELISA Kit, human EDN (EPX) ELISA Kit, human Calprotectin (MRP 8/14) ELISA Kit, human Thyreoglobulin (hTG) ELISA Kit, human Thyreoglobulin (hTG, recovery) ELISA Kit, human Oxidized LDL (oxLDL) ELISA Kit, human ADMA ELISA Kit, human Relaxin ELISA Kit, human BAFF ELISA Kit, human Thymosin alpha-1 ELISA Kit, human Thymosin beta-4 ELISA Kit, human CRP ELISA Kit, human Thymulin ELISA Kit, human Angiopoietin-1 ELISA Kit, human EPO ELISA Kit, human LIF ELISA Kit, human sLIF-R (gp190) ELISA Kit, human sVCAM-1 / CD106 ELISA Kit, human sVCAM-1 / CD106 ELISA Kit, mouse AXL ELISA Kit, human AXL ELISA Kit, mouse Angiostatin ELISA Kit, human EGF ELISA Kit, human EGF ELISA Development Kit, human EGF ELISA Development Kit, mouse EGF ELISA Development Kit, rat EGF-R ELISA Kit, human sp185 / sHER-2 ELISA Kit, human FGF-2 / FGF-b ELISA Kit, human FGF-2 / FGF-b ELISA Development Kit, human FGF-2 / FGF-b ELISA Kit, human sVE-Cadherin / CD144 ELISA Kit, human sVE-Cadherin / CD144 ELISA Kit, monkey FGF-4 ELISA Kit, human FGF-6 ELISA Kit, human FGF-9 ELISA Kit, human GM-CSF ELISA Kit, human GM-CSF ELISA Kit, mouse GM-CSF ELISA Kit, rat GM-CSF ELISA Development Kit, human GM-CSF ELISA Development Kit, mouse G-CSF ELISA Kit, human G-CSF ELISA Development Kit, human G-CSF ELISA Development Kit, mouse G-CSF ELISA Kit, mouse M-CSF ELISA Kit, human M-CSF ELISA Development Kit, mouse GITR ELISA Kit, human GITR ELISA Kit, human IFN-gamma ELISA Kit, human IFN-gamma ELISA Kit, mouse IFN-gamma ELISA Kit, rat IFN-gamma ELISA Kit, human IFN-gamma ELISA Kit, mouse IFN-gamma ELISA Development Kit, human IFN-gamma ELISA Development Kit, mouse IFN-gamma ELISA Development Kit, rat IFN-omega ELISA Kit, human 62/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 88,000 37,600 37,600 97,000 114,000 167,000 195,000 195,000 195,000 114,000 53,000 68,000 70,000 93,000 59,500 77,000 134,000 108,000 64,000 77,000 112,000 136,000 195,000 110,000 188,000 188,000 68,000 188,000 77,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 77,000 77,000 77,000 77,000 77,000 57,500 57,500 57,500 77,000 97,000 77,000 57,500 77,000 97,000 97,000 77,000 77,000 77,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 57,500 57,500 77,000 57,500 57,500 77,000 77,000 57,500 77,000 77,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 77,000 77,000 57,500 57,500 57,500 97,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D24088 D24089 D24090 D24091 D24092 D24093 D24094 D24095 D24096 D24097 D24098 D24099 D24100 D24101 D24102 D24103 D24104 D24105 D24106 D24109 D24110 D24111 D24112 D24113 D24114 D24115 D24116 D24117 D24118 D24119 D24120 D24121 D24122 D24123 D24124 D24125 D24126 D24127 D24128 D24129 D24130 D24131 D24132 D24133 D24134 D24135 D24136 D24137 D24138 D24139 D24140 D24141 D24142 D24143 D24144 D24145 D24146 D24147 D24148 D24149 D24150 D24151 D24152 D24153 D24154 D24155 D24156 D24157 D24158 D24159 D24160 D24161 D24162 PK-EL-60840 PK-EL-60840DM PK-EL-60842 PK-EL-60845 PK-EL-60848 PK-EL-60849 PK-EL-60853M PK-EL-61106 PK-EL-61106M PK-EL-61106R PK-EL-61107L PK-EL-61112D PK-EL-61112DM PK-EL-61112DR PK-EL-61120DM PK-EL-61120DR PK-EL-61122 PK-EL-61122D PK-EL-61122L PK-EL-61126MK PK-EL-61126R PK-EL-61127ML PK-EL-61206 PK-EL-61206DR PK-EL-61206M PK-EL-61206MK PK-EL-61206R PK-EL-61216 PK-EL-61240D PK-EL-61240DM PK-EL-61330D PK-EL-61330DM PK-EL-61406 PK-EL-61406M PK-EL-61406R PK-EL-61420D PK-EL-61420DM PK-EL-61506 PK-EL-61506M PK-EL-61520D PK-EL-61606 PK-EL-61606M PK-EL-61606MK PK-EL-61606R PK-EL-61607L PK-EL-61607ML PK-EL-61620D PK-EL-61620DM PK-EL-61620DR PK-EL-61636 PK-EL-61712 PK-EL-61712D PK-EL-61712M PK-EL-61806 PK-EL-61806MK PK-EL-61807L PK-EL-61830D PK-EL-61920D PK-EL-61920M PK-EL-62006 PK-EL-62006M PK-EL-62006MK PK-EL-62006R PK-EL-62012D PK-EL-62012DM PK-EL-62120 PK-EL-62206M PK-EL-62212D PK-EL-62212DM PK-EL-62215 PK-EL-62216 PK-EL-62216M PK-EL-62216MK IGF-I ELISA Kit, human IGF-I ELISA Development Kit, mouse IGF-BP1 ELISA Kit, human IGF-BP2 ELISA Kit, human IGF-BP3 ELISA Kit, human IGF-BP4 ELISA Kit, human IGF-BP6 ELISA Kit, mouse IL-1 alpha ELISA Kit, human IL-1 alpha ELISA Kit, mouse IL-1 alpha ELISA Kit, rat IL-1 alpha ELISA Kit, human IL-1 alpha ELISA Development Kit, human IL-1 alpha ELISA Development Kit, mouse IL-1 beta ELISA Development Kit, rat IL-1 beta ELISA Development Kit, mouse IL-1 alpha ELISA Development Kit, rat IL-1 RA ELISA Kit, human IL-1RA ELISA Development Kit, human IL-1 RA ELISA Kit, human IL-1 beta ELISA Kit, monkey IL-1 beta ELISA Kit, rat IL-1 beta ELISA Kit, mouse IL-2 ELISA Kit, human IL-2 ELISA Development Kit, rat IL-2 ELISA Kit, mouse IL-2 ELISA Kit, monkey IL-2 ELISA Kit, rat sIL-2R ELISA Kit, human IL-2 ELISA Development Kit, human IL-2 ELISA Development Kit, mouse IL-3 ELISA Development Kit, human IL-3 ELISA Development Kit, mouse IL-4 ELISA Kit, human IL-4 ELISA Kit, mouse IL-4 ELISA Kit, rat IL-4 ELISA Development Kit, human IL-4 ELISA Development Kit, mouse IL-5 ELISA Kit, human IL-5 ELISA Kit, mouse IL-5 ELISA Development Kit, human IL-6 ELISA Kit, human IL-6 ELISA Kit, mouse IL-6 ELISA Kit, monkey IL-6 ELISA Kit, rat IL-6 ELISA Kit, human IL-6 ELISA Kit, mouse IL-6 ELISA Development Kit, human IL-6 ELISA Development Kit, mouse IL-6 ELISA Development Kit, rat sIL-6R ELISA Kit, human IL-7 ELISA Kit, human IL-7 ELISA Development Kit, human IL-7 ELISA Kit, mouse IL-8 ELISA Kit, human IL-8 ELISA Kit, monkey IL-8 ELISA Kit, human IL-8 ELISA Development Kit, human IL-9 ELISA Development Kit, human IL-9 ELISA Kit, mouse IL-10 ELISA Kit, human IL-10 ELISA Kit, mouse IL-10 ELISA Kit, monkey IL-10 ELISA Kit, rat IL-10 ELISA Development Kit, human IL-10 ELISA Development Kit, mouse IL-11 ELISA Kit, human IL-12 (p40+p70) ELISA Kit, mouse IL-12 ELISA Development Kit, human IL-12 ELISA Development Kit, mouse IL-12 (p40) ELISA Kit, human IL-12 (p70) ELISA Kit, human IL-12 (p70) ELISA Kit, mouse IL-12 (p70) ELISA Kit, monkey 63/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 77,000 57,500 77,000 77,000 77,000 77,000 77,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 77,000 57,500 57,500 57,500 57,500 57,500 77,000 57,500 77,000 97,000 97,000 77,000 97,000 57,500 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 57,500 57,500 57,500 57,500 97,000 97,000 97,000 57,500 57,500 97,000 97,000 57,500 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 77,000 77,000 57,500 57,500 57,500 97,000 77,000 57,500 77,000 97,000 97,000 77,000 57,500 57,500 77,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 57,500 57,500 77,000 97,000 57,500 57,500 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D24163 D24164 D24165 D24166 D24167 D24168 D24169 D24170 D24171 D24172 D24173 D24174 D24176 D24177 D24178 D24180 D24181 D24182 D24183 D24184 D24185 D24186 D24187 D24188 D24189 D24190 D24191 D24192 D24193 D24194 D24195 D24196 D24197 D24198 D24199 D24200 D24201 D24202 D24203 D24204 D24205 D24206 D24207 D24208 D24209 D24210 D24211 D24212 D24213 D24214 D24215 D24216 D24217 D24218 D24219 D24220 D24222 D24223 D24224 D24225 D24226 D24227 D24228 D24229 D24230 D24231 D24233 D24234 D24235 D24236 D24237 D24238 D24239 PK-EL-62306 PK-EL-62306M PK-EL-62312D PK-EL-62312DM PK-EL-62512 PK-EL-62512DM PK-EL-62710D PK-EL-62710DM PK-EL-62715D PK-EL-62716 PK-EL-62716M PK-EL-62718D PK-EL-62816P PK-EL-62920D PK-EL-62921 PK-EL-62921DM PK-EL-62922 PK-EL-62922D PK-EL-62922M PK-EL-62950 PK-EL-62950D PK-EL-62958 PK-EL-62958D PK-EL-63006 PK-EL-63006M PK-EL-63022 PK-EL-63022D PK-EL-63022L PK-EL-63100D PK-EL-63105 PK-EL-63106 PK-EL-63106M PK-EL-63120 PK-EL-63120D PK-EL-63120DM PK-EL-63120DR PK-EL-63120M PK-EL-63150 PK-EL-63200D PK-EL-63200DM PK-EL-63310 PK-EL-63330 PK-EL-63334 PK-EL-63335 PK-EL-63338 PK-EL-63339 PK-EL-63339MK PK-EL-63349 PK-EL-63350-5 PK-EL-63350-6 PK-EL-63353 PK-EL-63356 PK-EL-63356D PK-EL-63356MK PK-EL-63367 PK-EL-63396 PK-EL-63506M PK-EL-63506R PK-EL-63508 PK-EL-63535 PK-EL-63600D PK-EL-63606 PK-EL-63610D PK-EL-63706M PK-EL-63706R PK-EL-63707 PK-EL-63708MK PK-EL-63720D PK-EL-63720DM PK-EL-63720DR PK-EL-63726 PK-EL-63728 PK-EL-63729MK IL-13 ELISA Kit, human IL-13 ELISA Kit, mouse IL-13 ELISA Development Kit, human IL-13 ELISA Development Kit, mouse IL-15 ELISA Kit, human IL-15 ELISA Development Kit Kit, mouse IL-17A ELISA Development Kit, human IL-17A ELISA Development Kit, mouse IL-17E ELISA Development Kit, human IL-17A ELISA Kit, human IL-17 ELISA Kit, mouse IL-17F ELISA Development Kit, human IL-18 ELISA Kit, pig IL-20 ELISA Development Kit, human IL-21 ELISA Kit, human IL-21 ELISA Development Kit, mouse IL-22 ELISA Kit, human IL-22 ELISA Development Kit, human IL-22 ELISA Kit, mouse IL-31 ELISA Kit, human IL-31 ELISA Development Kit, human IL-33 ELISA Kit, human IL-33 ELISA Development Kit, human IL-23 ELISA Kit, human IL-23 ELISA Kit, mouse PDGF-BB ELISA Kit, human PDGF-BB ELISA Development Kit, human PDGF-BB ELISA Kit, human sCD40L ELISA Development Kit, human sCD40 ELISA Kit, human sCD40L ELISA Kit, human CD40L ELISA Kit, mouse SCF ELISA Kit, human SCF ELISA Development Kit, human SCF ELISA Development Kit, mouse SCF ELISA Development Kit, rat SCF ELISA Kit, mouse sgp130 ELISA Kit, human sRANKL ELISA Development Kit, human sRANKL ELISA Development Kit, mouse sCD8 ELISA Kit, human sCD23 ELISA Kit, human sCD26 ELISA Kit, human sCD28 ELISA Kit, human sCD30 ELISA Kit, human sPECAM-1 / CD31 ELISA Kit, human sPECAM-1 / CD31 ELISA Kit, monkey sCD44std ELISA Kit, human sCD44var (v5) ELISA Kit, human sCD44var (v6) ELISA Kit, human sICAM-3 / CD50 ELISA Kit, human sICAM-1 / CD54 ELISA Kit, human ICAM-1 ELISA Development Kit, human sICAM-1 / CD54 ELISA Kit, monkey sICAM-2 / CD102 ELISA Kit, human sCTLA-4 / CD152 ELISA Kit, human TGF-beta 1 ELISA Kit, mouse TGF-beta 1 ELISA Kit, rat TGF-beta 2 ELISA Kit, human TGF-alpha ELISA Kit, human sTRAIL / APO2L ELISA Development Kit, human TRAIL ELISA Kit, human TWEAK ELISA Development Kit, human TNF-alpha ELISA Kit, mouse TNF-alpha ELISA Kit, rat TNF-alpha ELISA Kit, human TNF-alpha (total) ELISA Kit, monkey TNF-alpha ELISA Development Kit, human TNF-alpha ELISA Development Kit, mouse TNF-alpha ELISA Development Kit, rat sTNF-R (60 kDa) ELISA Kit, human sTNF-R (80 kDa) ELISA Kit, human sTNF-R I ELISA Kit, monkey 64/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 97,000 97,000 57,500 57,500 77,000 57,500 57,500 57,500 57,500 97,000 97,000 57,500 97,000 57,500 97,000 57,500 97,000 57,500 97,000 97,000 57,500 97,000 57,500 97,000 97,000 77,000 57,500 77,000 57,500 97,000 97,000 97,000 77,000 57,500 57,500 57,500 77,000 77,000 57,500 57,500 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 57,500 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 77,000 57,500 97,000 57,500 97,000 97,000 77,000 97,000 57,500 57,500 57,500 97,000 97,000 97,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D24240 D24241 D24242 D24243 D24244 D24245 D24246 D24247 D24248 D24249 D24250 D24251 D24252 D24253 D24254 D24255 D24256 D24257 D24258 D24259 D24260 D24261 D24262 D24263 D24264 D24265 D24266 D24267 D24268 D24269 D24270 D24271 D24272 D24273 D24275 D24276 D24277 D24278 D24279 D24280 D24281 D24282 D24283 D24284 D24285 D24286 D24287 D24288 D24289 D24290 D24291 D24292 D24293 D24294 D24295 D24296 D24297 D24298 D24299 D24300 D24301 D24302 D24303 D24304 D24305 D24306 D24307 D24308 D24309 D24310 D24311 D24312 D24313 PK-EL-63736 PK-EL-63750 PK-EL-63760 PK-EL-63770D PK-EL-63790 PK-EL-63790D PK-EL-63906 PK-EL-64006 PK-EL-64006M PK-EL-64006R PK-EL-64006RL PK-EL-64030D PK-EL-64030DM PK-EL-64030DR PK-EL-64102 PK-EL-64104 PK-EL-64106 PK-EL-64111 PK-EL-64113 PK-EL-64130 PK-EL-64130D PK-EL-64130DM PK-EL-64130DR PK-EL-64206 PK-EL-64320 PK-EL-64320D PK-EL-64328 PK-EL-64335D PK-EL-64406 PK-EL-64406M PK-EL-64407L PK-EL-64407ML PK-EL-64407R PK-EL-64407RL PK-EL-64416R PK-EL-64420D PK-EL-64420DM PK-EL-64420DR PK-EL-64426 PK-EL-64428 PK-EL-64470 PK-EL-64530 PK-EL-64530L PK-EL-65112 PK-EL-65112D PK-EL-65112M PK-EL-65240 PK-EL-65240DR PK-EL-65240M PK-EL-65250D PK-EL-65251D PK-EL-65260D PK-EL-65265D PK-EL-65318D PK-EL-65320D PK-EL-65320M PK-EL-65330 PK-EL-65340D PK-EL-65420DM PK-EL-65430D PK-EL-65430DM PK-EL-65440D PK-EL-65520 PK-EL-65520D PK-EL-65520DR PK-EL-65520M PK-EL-65722 PK-EL-65723DM PK-EL-65725M PK-EL-65811 PK-EL-65811D PK-EL-65822 PK-EL-65833D TNF-beta ELISA Kit, human OPG ELISA Kit, human sTNF-Receptor II ELISA Kit, human TSLP ELISA Development Kit, human PAI-1 ELISA Kit, human PAI-1 ELISA Development Kit, human t-PA ELISA Kit, human MCP-1 ELISA Kit, human MCP-1 ELISA Kit, mouse MCP-1 ELISA Kit, rat MCP-1 ELISA Kit, rat MCP-1 (MCAF, CCL2) ELISA Development Kit, human MCP-1 (JE, CCL2) ELISA Development Kit, mouse MCP-1 (CCL2) ELISA Development Kit, rat MMP-1 ELISA Kit, human MMP-3 ELISA Kit, human MMP-9 ELISA Kit, human MMP-8 ELISA Kit, human MMP-10 ELISA Kit, human RANTES ELISA Kit, human RANTES (CCL5) ELISA Development Kit, human RANTES (CCL5) ELISA Development Kit, mouse RANTES (CCL5) ELISA Development Kit, rat MMP-13 ELISA Kit, human NAP-2 ELISA Kit, human NAP-2 (CXCL7) ELISA Development Kit, human PARC ELISA Kit, human NOV ELISA Development Kit, human VEGF-A ELISA Kit, human VEGF-A ELISA Kit, mouse VEGF-A ELISA Kit, human VEGF-A ELISA Kit, mouse VEGF ELISA Kit, rat VEGF ELISA Kit, rat VEGF-C ELISA Kit, rat VEGF ELISA Development Kit, human VEGF ELISA Development Kit, mouse VEGF ELISA Development Kit, rat VEGF-R I ELISA Kit, human VEGF-R III ELISA Kit, human VEGF-R II ELISA Kit, human HGF ELISA Kit, human HGF ELISA Kit, human TPO ELISA Kit, human TPO (MDGF) ELISA Development Kit, human TPO ELISA Kit, mouse BLC ELISA Kit, human GRO (KC, CXCL1) ELISA Development Kit, rat BLC ELISA Kit, mouse BD-2 ELISA Development Kit, human BD-1 ELISA Development Kit, human BD-4 ELISA Development Kit, human Neuroserpin ELISA Development Kit, human MIA-2 ELISA Development Kit, human Eotaxin (CCL11) ELISA Development Kit, human Eotaxin ELISA Kit, mouse Eotaxin-2 ELISA Kit, human Eotaxin-3 ELISA Development Kit, human KC (GRO-alpha, CXCL1) ELISA Development Kit, mouse GRO-alpha (MGSA, CXCL1) ELISA Development Kit, human MIP-2 (GRO-beta, CXCL2) ELISA Development Kit, mouse GRO-beta (MIP-2, CXCL2) ELISA Development Kit, human IP-10 ELISA Kit, human IP-10 ELISA Development Kit, human IP-10 ELISA Development Kit, rat IP-10 ELISA Kit, mouse MCP-2 ELISA Kit, human MCP-3 (CCL7) ELISA Development Kit, mouse MCP-5 ELISA Kit, mouse MIG ELISA Kit, human MIG ELISA Development Kit, human MIP-1 beta ELISA Kit, human MIP-1 alpha (CCL3) ELISA Development Kit, human 65/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 97,000 77,000 77,000 57,500 97,000 57,500 97,000 97,000 97,000 77,000 77,000 57,500 57,500 57,500 77,000 77,000 97,000 77,000 77,000 77,000 57,500 57,500 57,500 97,000 77,000 57,500 77,000 57,500 97,000 97,000 77,000 77,000 77,000 77,000 97,000 57,500 57,500 57,500 97,000 97,000 77,000 77,000 77,000 77,000 57,500 77,000 77,000 57,500 77,000 57,500 57,500 57,500 57,500 57,500 57,500 97,000 77,000 57,500 57,500 57,500 57,500 57,500 77,000 57,500 57,500 97,000 77,000 57,500 77,000 77,000 57,500 77,000 57,500 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D24314 D24315 D24316 D24317 D24318 D24319 D24320 D24321 D24322 D24323 D24324 D24325 D24326 D24327 D24328 D24329 D24330 D24331 D24332 D24333 D24334 D24335 D24336 D24337 D24338 D24339 D24340 D24341 D24342 D24343 D24344 D24345 D24346 D24347 D24348 D24349 D24350 D24351 D24352 D24353 D24354 D24355 D24356 D24357 D24358 D24359 D24360 D24361 D24362 D24363 D24364 D24365 D24366 D24367 D24368 D24369 D24370 D24371 D24372 D24373 D24374 D24375 D24376 D24377 D24378 D24379 D24380 D24381 D24382 D24384 D24385 D24386 D24387 PK-EL-65833DM PK-EL-65833DR PK-EL-65833M PK-EL-65835 PK-EL-65835M PK-EL-65866 PK-EL-65866L PK-EL-66021D PK-EL-66130D PK-EL-66205M PK-EL-66210 PK-EL-66210D PK-EL-66210DR PK-EL-66212 PK-EL-66425 PK-EL-66519R PK-EL-66519RL PK-EL-66551D PK-EL-66556 PK-EL-66566 PK-EL-66590M PK-EL-66596 PK-EL-66596M PK-EL-66598M PK-EL-66610D PK-EL-66610M PK-EL-66635 PK-EL-66645 PK-EL-66670 PK-EL-66670D PK-EL-66690D PK-EL-66695D PK-EL-67110 PK-EL-67220 PK-EL-67220M PK-EL-67310D PK-EL-67314 PK-EL-67316 PK-EL-67318 PK-EL-67360D PK-EL-67510 PK-EL-67510R PK-EL-67510RL PK-EL-67511D PK-EL-67720 PK-EL-67720D PK-EL-67820D PK-EL-67910 PK-EL-67920DM PK-EL-67950D PK-EL-68014D PK-EL-68020M PK-EL-68028 PK-EL-68166 PK-EL-68232 PK-EL-68232D PK-EL-68232DM PK-EL-68232M PK-EL-68240 PK-EL-68350 PK-EL-68556 PK-EL-68559M PK-EL-68559R PK-EL-68559RL PK-EL-68560 PK-EL-68560D PK-EL-68561 PK-EL-68561M PK-EL-69006 PK-EL-69036 PK-EL-69046 PK-EL-69056 PK-EL-69066 MIP-1 alpha (CCL3) ELISA Development Kit, mouse MIP-1 alpha (CCL3) ELISA Development Kit, rat MIP-1 alpha ELISA Kit, mouse MIP-1 delta ELISA Kit, human MIP-2 ELISA Kit, mouse MIP-3 alpha ELISA Kit, human MIP-3 alpha ELISA Kit, human PLGF-1 ELISA Development Kit, human beta-NGF ELISA Development Kit, human 6-Ckine ELISA Kit, mouse CNTF ELISA Kit, human CNTF ELISA Development Kit, human CNTF ELISA Development Kit, rat BDNF ELISA Kit, human NT-3 ELISA Kit, human LIX ELISA Kit, rat LIX ELISA Kit, rat 4-1BB Receptor ELISA Development Kit, human 4-1BB / CD137 ELISA Kit, human sPSGL-1 / CD162 ELISA Kit, human CTACK ELISA Kit, mouse sCD153 / sCD30L ELISA Kit, human sCD30 Ligand ELISA Kit, mouse CRG-2 ELISA Kit, mouse CXCL16 ELISA Development Kit, human CXCL16 ELISA Kit, mouse Adiponectin ELISA Kit, human Angiogenin ELISA Kit, human Resistin ELISA Kit, human Resistin ELISA Development Kit, human TACI ELISA Development Kit, human TL-1A ELISA Development Kit, human flt-3 Ligand ELISA Kit, human SDF-1 alpha ELISA Kit, human SDF-1 alpha ELISA Kit, mouse BMP-2 ELISA Development Kit, human BMP-4 ELISA Kit, human BMP-6 ELISA Kit, human BMP-7 ELISA Kit, human Betacellulin ELISA Development Kit, human Fractalkine ELISA Kit, human Fractalkine ELISA Kit, rat Fractalkine ELISA Kit, rat Heregulin beta-1 ELISA Development Kit, human HCC-4 ELISA Kit, human Follistatin ELISA Development Kit, human I-TAC ELISA Development Kit, human MDC ELISA Kit, human MDC (CCL22) ELISA Development Kit, mouse Midkine (MK) ELISA Development Kit, human CTGF ELISA Development Kit, human TECK ELISA Kit, mouse TIE-2 ELISA Kit, human OX-40 / CD134 ELISA Kit, human Leptin ELISA Kit, human Leptin ELISA Development Kit, human Leptin ELISA Development Kit, mouse Leptin ELISA Kit, mouse beta2-Microglobulin ELISA Kit, human sVAP-1 ELISA Kit, human MSP ELISA Kit, human TIMP-1 ELISA Kit, mouse TIMP-1 ELISA Kit, rat TIMP-1 ELISA Kit, rat TIMP-1 ELISA Kit, human TIMP-1 ELISA Development Kit, human TIMP-2 ELISA Kit, human TIMP-2 ELISA Kit, mouse Annexin V ELISA Kit, human anti-Annexin V ELISA Kit, human APRIL ELISA Kit, human Bcl-2 ELISA Kit, human Cathepsin L ELISA Kit, human 66/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 57,500 57,500 77,000 77,000 77,000 77,000 77,000 57,500 57,500 77,000 77,000 57,500 57,500 77,000 77,000 77,000 77,000 57,500 97,000 97,000 77,000 97,000 77,000 77,000 57,500 77,000 77,000 77,000 97,000 57,500 57,500 57,500 77,000 77,000 77,000 57,500 77,000 77,000 77,000 57,500 77,000 77,000 77,000 57,500 77,000 57,500 57,500 77,000 57,500 57,500 57,500 77,000 97,000 97,000 77,000 57,500 57,500 77,000 77,000 97,000 77,000 77,000 77,000 77,000 97,000 57,500 77,000 77,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D24388 D24389 D24390 D24391 D24392 D24393 D24394 D24395 D24396 D24397 D24398 D24399 D24400 D24401 D24402 D24403 D24404 D24405 D24406 D24407 D25001 D25002 D25003 D25004 D25005 D25006 D25007 D25008 D25009 D25010 D25011 D25012 D25013 D25014 D25015 D25016 D25017 D25018 D25019 D25020 D25021 D25022 D25023 D25024 D25025 D25026 D25027 D25028 D25029 D25030 D25031 D25032 D25033 D25034 D25035 D25036 D25037 D25038 D25039 D25040 D25041 D25042 D25043 D25044 D25045 D25046 D25047 D25048 D25049 D25050 D25051 D25052 D25053 PK-EL-69076 PK-EL-69086 PK-EL-69096 PK-EL-69106 PK-EL-69126 PK-EL-69136 PK-EL-69146 PK-EL-69156 PK-EL-69167 PK-EL-69176 PK-EL-69186 PK-EL-69196 PK-EL-69206 PK-EL-69207L PK-EL-69216 PK-EL-69216MK PK-EL-69218 PK-EL-69220 PK-EL-69220M PK-EL-69226 PK-CA20-300-1000 PK-CA20-300-200 PK-CA20-700-20 PK-CA577-K101-100 PK-CA577-K101-25 PK-CA577-K101-400 PK-CA577-K102-100 PK-CA577-K102-25 PK-CA577-K102-400 PK-CA577-K103-100 PK-CA577-K103-25 PK-CA577-K103-400 PK-CA577-K104-100 PK-CA577-K104-25 PK-CA577-K104-400 PK-CA577-K105-100 PK-CA577-K105-200 PK-CA577-K105-25 PK-CA577-K105-400 PK-CA577-K106-100 PK-CA577-K106-200 PK-CA577-K106-25 PK-CA577-K106-400 PK-CA577-K107 PK-CA577-K108 PK-CA577-K109-100 PK-CA577-K109-25 PK-CA577-K109-400 PK-CA577-K110-100 PK-CA577-K110-200 PK-CA577-K110-25 PK-CA577-K110-400 PK-CA577-K111-100 PK-CA577-K111-200 PK-CA577-K111-25 PK-CA577-K111-400 PK-CA577-K112-100 PK-CA577-K112-200 PK-CA577-K112-25 PK-CA577-K112-400 PK-CA577-K113-100 PK-CA577-K113-200 PK-CA577-K113-25 PK-CA577-K113-400 PK-CA577-K114-100 PK-CA577-K114-200 PK-CA577-K114-25 PK-CA577-K114-400 PK-CA577-K115-100 PK-CA577-K115-200 PK-CA577-K115-25 PK-CA577-K115-400 PK-CA577-K116-100 Caspase-8/FLICE ELISA Kit, human Caspase-9 ELISA Kit, human Cu/ZnSOD ELISA Kit, human Cytochrome c ELISA Kit, human Fibronectin ELISA Kit, human Galectin-3 ELISA Kit, human Granzyme A ELISA Kit, human Granzyme B ELISA Kit, human Light ELISA Kit, human p53 ELISA Kit, human PMN-Elastase ELISA Kit, human s90K/Mac-2BP ELISA Kit, human sAPO-1/Fas ELISA Kit, human Fas ELISA Kit, human sE-selectin / CD62E ELISA Kit, human sE-selectin / CD62E ELISA Kit, monkey sL-selectin / CD62L ELISA Kit, human sP-selectin / CD62P ELISA Kit, human sP-selectin / CD62P ELISA Kit, mouse sFas Ligand ELISA Kit, human Colorimetric Cell Viability Kit III (XTT) Colorimetric Cell Viability Kit III (XTT) PCR Mycoplasma Test Kit II Annexin V-FITC Detection Kit Annexin V-FITC Detection Kit Annexin V-FITC Detection Kit Annexin V-Cy3 Detection Kit Annexin V-Cy3 Detection Kit Annexin V-Cy3 Detection Kit Annexin V-Cy5 Detection Kit Annexin V-Cy5 Detection Kit Annexin V-Cy5 Detection Kit Annexin V-EGFP Detection Kit Annexin V-EGFP Detection Kit Annexin V-EGFP Detection Kit Caspase-3 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-3 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-3 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-3 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-3 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-3 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-3 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-3 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-Family Inhibitor Set Caspase-Family Inhibitor Set II Annexin V-Biotin Detection Kit Annexin V-Biotin Detection Kit Annexin V-Biotin Detection Kit Caspase-1 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-1 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-1 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-1 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-1 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-1 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-1 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-1 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-8 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-8 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-8 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-8 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-8 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-8 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-8 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-8 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-6 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-6 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-6 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-6 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-6 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-6 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-6 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-6 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-2 Fluorometric Assay Kit 67/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 77,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 77,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 97,000 77,000 97,000 28,600 7,500 26,500 62,000 31,000 125,000 62,000 31,000 125,000 62,000 31,000 125,000 62,000 31,000 125,000 64,000 93,000 31,000 145,000 64,000 93,000 31,000 145,000 44,000 57,500 62,000 31,000 125,000 64,000 93,000 31,000 145,000 64,000 93,000 31,000 145,000 64,000 93,000 31,000 145,000 64,000 93,000 31,000 145,000 64,000 88,000 31,000 145,000 66,000 93,000 33,000 147,000 68,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D25054 D25055 D25056 D25057 D25058 D25059 D25060 D25061 D25062 D25063 D25064 D25065 D25066 D25067 D25068 D25069 D25070 D25071 D25072 D25073 D25074 D25075 D25076 D25077 D25078 D25079 D25080 D25081 D25082 D25083 D25084 D25085 D25086 D25087 D25088 D25089 D25090 D25091 D25092 D25093 D25094 D25095 D25096 D25097 D25098 D25099 D25100 D25101 D25102 D25103 D25104 D25105 D25106 D25107 D25108 D25109 D25110 D25111 D25112 D25113 D25114 D25115 D25116 D25117 D25118 D25119 D25120 D25121 D25122 D25123 D25124 D25125 D25126 PK-CA577-K116-200 PK-CA577-K116-25 PK-CA577-K116-400 PK-CA577-K117-100 PK-CA577-K117-200 PK-CA577-K117-25 PK-CA577-K117-400 PK-CA577-K118-100 PK-CA577-K118-200 PK-CA577-K118-25 PK-CA577-K118-400 PK-CA577-K119-100 PK-CA577-K119-200 PK-CA577-K119-25 PK-CA577-K119-400 PK-CA577-K120 PK-CA577-K121-5 PK-CA577-K122-100 PK-CA577-K122-200 PK-CA577-K122-25 PK-CA577-K122-400 PK-CA577-K123-100 PK-CA577-K123-200 PK-CA577-K123-25 PK-CA577-K123-400 PK-CA577-K124-100 PK-CA577-K124-25 PK-CA577-K125-100 PK-CA577-K125-25 PK-CA577-K126-100 PK-CA577-K126-200 PK-CA577-K126-25 PK-CA577-K127-100 PK-CA577-K127-200 PK-CA577-K127-25 PK-CA577-K128-100 PK-CA577-K128-25 PK-CA577-K128-400 PK-CA577-K129-100 PK-CA577-K129-25 PK-CA577-K129-400 PK-CA577-K130 PK-CA577-K131 PK-CA577-K132 PK-CA577-K133 PK-CA577-K134 PK-CA577-K135 PK-CA577-K136 PK-CA577-K137 PK-CA577-K138 PK-CA577-K139-100 PK-CA577-K139-25 PK-CA577-K140 PK-CA577-K141 PK-CA577-K142 PK-CA577-K143 PK-CA577-K144 PK-CA577-K145 PK-CA577-K151 PK-CA577-K152 PK-CA577-K153 PK-CA577-K154 PK-CA577-K155 PK-CA577-K156 PK-CA577-K157 PK-CA577-K158 PK-CA577-K159 PK-CA577-K160 PK-CA577-K163 PK-CA577-K167 PK-CA577-K170 PK-CA577-K172-100 PK-CA577-K172-25 Caspase-2 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-2 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-2 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-2 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-2 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-2 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-2 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-9 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-9 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-9 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-9 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-9 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-9 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-9 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-9 Colorimetric Assay Kit Apoptotic DNA Ladder Detection Kit I Apoptosis Inducer Set Caspase-5 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-5 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-5 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-5 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-5 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-5 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-5 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-5 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-10 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-10 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-10 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-10 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-4 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-4 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-4 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-4 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-4 Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-4 Colorimetric Assay Kit Annexin V-PE Detection Kit Annexin V-PE Detection Kit Annexin V-PE Detection Kit Annexin V-PE-Cy5 Detection Kit Annexin V-PE-Cy5 Detection Kit Annexin V-PE-Cy5 Detection Kit Apoptotic DNA Ladder Detection Kit I plus Caspase Fluorometric Substrate Set Caspase Colorimetric Substrate Set Caspase Fluorometric Substrate Set II Caspase Colorimetric Substrate Set II Caspase Fluorometric Substrate Set Plus Caspase Colorimetric Substrate Set Plus Caspase Fluorometric Substrate Set II Plus Caspase Colorimetric Substrate Set II Plus Caspase-12 Fluorometric Assay Kit Caspase-12 Fluorometric Assay Kit Cathepsin B Activity Assay Kit Cathepsin K Activity Assay Kit Cathepsin L Activity Assay Kit Cathepsin D Activity Assay Kit Cathepsin S Activity Assay Kit Cathepsin H Activity Assay Kit Caspase-1 Drug Screening Kit Caspase-2 Drug Screening Kit Caspase-3 Drug Screening Kit Caspase-4 Drug Screening Kit Caspase-5 Drug Screening Kit Caspase-6 Drug Screening Kit Caspase-7 Drug Screening Kit Caspase-8 Drug Screening Kit Caspase-9 Drug Screening Kit Caspase-10 Drug Screening Kit Caspase-3 Immunoassay Kit Caspase-7 Immunoassay Kit Apoptotic DNA Ladder Detection Kit II Green Caspase-12 Staining Kit Green Caspase-12 Staining Kit 68/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 95,000 33,000 149,000 70,000 97,000 33,000 151,000 68,000 93,000 33,000 151,000 70,000 95,000 33,000 151,000 57,500 53,000 68,000 95,000 33,000 149,000 70,000 97,000 33,000 151,000 68,000 33,000 70,000 33,000 70,000 99,000 33,000 70,000 99,000 35,000 62,000 33,000 125,000 73,000 37,600 156,000 62,000 84,000 84,000 104,000 104,000 106,000 106,000 125,000 125,000 70,000 33,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 73,000 73,000 73,000 73,000 73,000 73,000 73,000 73,000 73,000 73,000 90,000 90,000 62,000 77,000 33,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D25127 D25128 D25129 D25130 D25131 D25132 D25133 D25134 D25135 D25136 D25137 D25138 D25139 D25140 D25141 D25142 D25143 D25144 D25145 D25146 D25147 D25148 D25149 D25150 D25151 D25152 D25153 D25154 D25155 D25156 D25157 D25158 D25159 D25160 D25161 D25162 D25163 D25164 D25165 D25166 D25167 D25168 D25169 D25170 D25171 D25172 D25173 D25174 D25175 D25176 D25177 D25178 D25179 D25180 D25181 D25185 D25186 D25187 D25188 D25189 D25190 D25191 D25192 D25193 D25194 D25195 D25196 D25197 D25198 D25199 D25200 D25201 D25202 PK-CA577-K180-100 PK-CA577-K180-25 PK-CA577-K182-100 PK-CA577-K182-25 PK-CA577-K183-100 PK-CA577-K183-25 PK-CA577-K188-100 PK-CA577-K188-25 PK-CA577-K189-100 PK-CA577-K189-25 PK-CA577-K190-100 PK-CA577-K190-25 PK-CA577-K193-100 PK-CA577-K193-25 PK-CA577-K198-100 PK-CA577-K198-25 PK-CA577-K1999-1 PK-CA577-K199-100 PK-CA577-K199-25 PK-CA577-K200-100 PK-CA577-K200-25 PK-CA577-K201-100 PK-CA577-K201-25 PK-CA577-K201-400 PK-CA577-K202-100 PK-CA577-K202-25 PK-CA577-K202-400 PK-CA577-K203-100 PK-CA577-K203-25 PK-CA577-K203-400 PK-CA577-K210 PK-CA577-K220 PK-CA577-K240 PK-CA577-K250-100 PK-CA577-K250-25 PK-CA577-K251 PK-CA577-K252 PK-CA577-K253 PK-CA577-K254-1000 PK-CA577-K254-200 PK-CA577-K255 PK-CA577-K256-100 PK-CA577-K256-25 PK-CA577-K257 PK-CA577-K258 PK-CA577-K260 PK-CA577-K261 PK-CA577-K262 PK-CA577-K263 PK-CA577-K266-100 PK-CA577-K266-25 PK-CA577-K267 PK-CA577-K268 PK-CA577-K269 PK-CA577-K270 PK-CA577-K312 PK-CA577-K313 PK-CA577-K320 PK-CA577-K332 PK-CA577-K335 PK-CA577-K337 PK-CA577-K347 PK-CA577-K354 PK-CA577-K355 PK-CA577-K360 PK-CA577-K371 PK-CA577-K372 PK-CA577-K401 PK-CA577-K402 PK-CA577-K403 PK-CA577-K404 PK-CA577-K430 PK-CA577-K431 Green Multi-Caspase Staining Kit Green Multi-Caspase Staining Kit Green Caspase-2 Staining Kit Green Caspase-2 Staining Kit Green Caspase-3 Staining Kit Green Caspase-3 Staining Kit Green Caspase-8 Staining Kit Green Caspase-8 Staining Kit Green Caspase-9 Staining Kit Green Caspase-9 Staining Kit Red Multi-Caspase Staining Kit Red Multi-Caspase Staining Kit Red Caspase-3 Staining Kit Red Caspase-3 Staining Kit Red Caspase-8 Staining Kit Red Caspase-8 Staining Kit Magnetic Separator (re-usable) Red Caspase-9 Staining Kit Red Caspase-9 Staining Kit Caspase Screening Kit Caspase Screening Kit Annexin V-FITC Detection Kit Plus Annexin V-FITC Detection Kit Plus Annexin V-FITC Detection Kit Plus Annexin V-Cy3 Detection Kit Plus Annexin V-Cy3 Detection Kit Plus Annexin V-Cy3 Detection Kit Plus Annexin V-PE Detection Kit Plus Annexin V-PE Detection Kit Plus Annexin V-PE Detection Kit Plus Caspase-Family Inhibitor Set III Caspase-Family Inhibitor Set IV Calpain Activity Assay Kit Mitochondrial Apoptosis Staining Kit Mitochondrial Apoptosis Staining Kit Fluorometric Glutathione Detection Kit Fluorometric Nitric Oxide Assay Kit DNA Damage Detection Kit Bioluminescent Cell Viability Kit I (ATP) Bioluminescent Cell Viability Kit I (ATP) Bioluminescent Cell Viability Kit II (ADP/ATP) Mitochondria/Cytosol Fractionation Kit Mitochondria/Cytosol Fractionation Kit Cytochrome c Apoptosis Detection Kit Apoptotic Cell Isolation Kit Fluorometric GST Assay Kit Colorimetric Glutathione Detection Kit Colorimetric Nitric Oxide Assay Kit Colorimetric GST Assay Kit Nuclear/Cytosol Fractionation Kit Nuclear/Cytosol Fractionation Kit Cytosol/Particulate Fractionation Kit Membrane Protein Extraction Kit Mammalian Whole Cell Protein Extraction Kit Complete Cell Fractionation Kit AK Cytotoxicity Kit LDH Cytotoxicity Kit II Senescence Detection Kit HAT Activity Assay Kit SOD Assay Kit NAD/NADH Quantitation Kit NADP/NADPH Quantitation Kit Fluorometric & Colorimetric ATP Quantitation Kit Fluorometric & Colorimetric ADP Quantitation Kit Beta-Secretase Fluorometric Assay Kit cAMP Activity Assay Kit cGMP Activity Assay Kit Fluorometric DNA Fragmentation Detection Kit I (BrdU) Fluorometric DNA Fragmentation Detection Kit III (F-dUTP) Colorimetric DNA Fragmentation Detection Kit (IHC) Fluorometric DNA Fragmentation Detection Kit II (BrdU) JNK Activity Screening Kit JNK Activity Detection Kit 69/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 70,000 28,600 70,000 28,600 70,000 28,600 70,000 28,600 70,000 28,600 70,000 28,600 70,000 28,600 70,000 28,600 44,000 70,000 28,600 77,000 35,000 64,000 33,000 125,000 64,000 33,000 125,000 64,000 35,000 125,000 68,000 102,000 82,000 64,000 31,000 66,000 64,000 77,000 77,000 33,000 77,000 62,000 33,000 84,000 66,000 66,000 70,000 64,000 66,000 62,000 33,000 53,000 62,000 42,000 79,500 33,000 48,500 55,000 73,000 51,000 75,000 75,000 66,000 66,000 77,000 66,000 66,000 97,000 97,000 110,000 97,000 82,000 99,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D25203 D25204 D25205 D25206 D25207 D25208 D25209 D25210 D25211 D25212 D25213 D25214 D25215 D25216 D25217 D25218 D25219 D25220 D25221 D25222 D25223 D25224 D25225 D25226 D25227 D25228 D25229 D25230 D25231 D25232 D25233 D25234 D25235 D25236 D25237 D25238 D25239 D25240 D25241 D25242 D25243 D25244 D25245 D25246 D25247 D25248 D25249 D25250 D25251 D25252 D25253 D25254 D25255 D25256 D25257 D25258 D25259 D25260 D25261 D25262 D25263 D25264 D25265 D25266 D25267 D25268 D25269 D25270 D25271 D25272 D25273 D25274 D25275 PK-CA577-K435 PK-CA577-K761 PK-CA577-K815 PK-CA577-1001-1000 PK-CA577-1001-200 PK-CA577-1002-1000 PK-CA577-1002-200 PK-CA577-1003-100 PK-CA577-1003-1000 PK-CA577-1004-1000 PK-CA577-1004-200 PK-CA577-1005-100 PK-CA577-1006 PK-CA577-1007-1000 PK-CA577-1007-200 PK-CA577-1008-1000 PK-CA577-1008-200 PK-CA577-1009-100 PK-CA577-1009-20C PK-CA577-1010-100 PK-CA577-1010-20C PK-CA577-1011-100 PK-CA577-1011-20C PK-CA577-1012-100 PK-CA577-1012-20C PK-CA577-1013-1000 PK-CA577-1013-200 PK-CA577-1014-1000 PK-CA577-1014-200 PK-CA577-1015-1000 PK-CA577-1015-200 PK-CA577-1035 PK-CA577-1036-5MG PK-CA577-1036-50 PK-CA577-1036-50MG PK-CA577-1039-1 PK-CA577-1039-50MG PK-CA577-1039-500MG PK-CA577-1041-1 PK-CA577-1041-1G PK-CA577-1042-1 PK-CA577-1042-1G PK-CA577-1042-10G PK-CA577-1043-100 PK-CA577-1043-25MG PK-CA577-1043-250MG PK-CA577-1048-010 PK-CA577-1048-1 PK-CA577-1062-1000 PK-CA577-1062-200 PK-CA577-1063-1000 PK-CA577-1063-200 PK-CA577-1064-100 PK-CA577-1064-20C PK-CA577-1065 PK-CA577-1066-100 PK-CA577-1066-500 PK-CA577-1067-100 PK-CA577-1067-400 PK-CA577-1068-20 PK-CA577-1068-80 PK-CA577-1069-1000 PK-CA577-1069-200 PK-CA577-1070-1000 PK-CA577-1070-200 PK-CA577-1071-1000 PK-CA577-1071-200 PK-CA577-1072-1000 PK-CA577-1072-200 PK-CA577-1073-100 PK-CA577-1073-20C PK-CA577-1074-100 PK-CA577-1074-20C Akt Activity Detection Kit Colorimetric Glutathione Reductase Activity Kit GFP Reporter Assay Kit Annexin V-FITC Reagent Annexin V-FITC Reagent Annexin V-Cy3 Reagent Annexin V-Cy3 Reagent Annexin V-Biotin Reagent Annexin V-Biotin Reagent Annexin V-EGFP Reagent Annexin V-EGFP Reagent Annexin V Unlabeled Reagent 10X Annexin V Binding Buffer Caspase-3 Substrate DEVD-AFC Caspase-3 Substrate DEVD-AFC Caspase-3 Substrate DEVD-pNA Caspase-3 Substrate DEVD-pNA Caspase-3 Inhibitor Z-DEVD-FMK Caspase-3 Inhibitor Z-DEVD-FMK Caspase-Family Inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK Caspase-Family Inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK Caspase-6 Inhibitor Z-VEID-FMK Caspase-6 Inhibitor Z-VEID-FMK Caspase-1 Inhibitor Z-YVAD-FMK Caspase-1 Inhibitor Z-YVAD-FMK Annexin V-Cy5 Reagent Annexin V-Cy5 Reagent Annexin V-PE Reagent Annexin V-PE Reagent Annexin V-PE-Cy5 Reagent Annexin V-PE-Cy5 Reagent 1X Annexin V Binding Buffer Actinomycin D Actinomycin D (10 mM) Actinomycin D Camptothecin (2 mM) Camptothecin Camptothecin Cycloheximide (100 mM) Cycloheximide Dexamethasone (10 mM) Dexamethasone Dexamethasone Etoposide (10 mM) Etoposide Etoposide Staurosporine Staurosporine Caspase-8 Substrate IETD-AFC Caspase-8 Substrate IETD-AFC Caspase-8 Substrate IETD-pNA Caspase-8 Substrate IETD-pNA Caspase-8 Inhibitor Z-IETD-FMK Caspase-8 Inhibitor Z-IETD-FMK MitoCapture Incubation Buffer Dilution Buffer Dilution Buffer Cell Lysis Buffer Cell Lysis Buffer 2X Reaction Buffer 2X Reaction Buffer Caspase-6 Substrate VEID-AFC Caspase-6 Substrate VEID-AFC Caspase-6 Substrate VEID-pNA Caspase-6 Substrate VEID-pNA Caspase-2 Substrate VDVAD-AFC Caspase-2 Substrate VDVAD-AFC Caspase-2 Substrate VDVAD-pNA Caspase-2 Substrate VDVAD-pNA Caspase-2 Inhibitor Z-VDVAD-FMK Caspase-2 Inhibitor Z-VDVAD-FMK Caspase-9 Inhibitor Z-LEHD-FMK Caspase-9 Inhibitor Z-LEHD-FMK 70/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 99,000 64,000 57,500 175,000 64,000 175,000 64,000 53,000 390,000 175,000 64,000 42,000 26,500 106,000 53,000 106,000 53,000 28,600 28,600 28,600 28,600 28,600 28,600 28,600 28,600 175,000 64,000 175,000 64,000 175,000 66,000 17,600 17,600 15,400 77,000 15,400 17,600 57,500 15,400 22,000 15,400 22,000 97,000 15,400 17,600 77,000 17,600 57,500 104,000 53,000 104,000 53,000 28,600 28,600 24,200 17,600 39,800 17,600 39,800 17,600 39,800 104,000 53,000 104,000 53,000 106,000 53,000 108,000 53,000 28,600 28,600 28,600 28,600 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D25276 D25277 D25278 D25279 D25280 D25281 D25282 D25283 D25284 D25285 D25286 D25287 D25288 D25289 D25290 D25291 D25292 D25293 D25294 D25295 D25296 D25297 D25298 D25299 D25300 D25301 D25302 D25303 D25304 D25305 D25306 D25307 D25308 D25309 D25310 D25311 D25312 D25313 D25314 D25315 D25316 D25317 D25318 D25319 D25320 D25321 D25322 D25323 D25324 D25325 D25326 D25327 D25328 D25329 D25330 D25331 D25332 D25333 D25334 D25335 D25336 D25337 D25338 D25339 D25340 D25341 D25342 D25343 D25344 D25345 D25346 D25347 D25349 PK-CA577-1075-1000 PK-CA577-1075-200 PK-CA577-1076-1000 PK-CA577-1076-200 PK-CA577-1077-100 PK-CA577-1078-100 PK-CA577-1079-100 PK-CA577-1079-20C PK-CA577-1100-100 PK-CA577-1100-20C PK-CA577-1101-1000 PK-CA577-1101-200 PK-CA577-1102-1000 PK-CA577-1102-200 PK-CA577-1103-1000 PK-CA577-1103-200 PK-CA577-1104-1000 PK-CA577-1104-200 PK-CA577-1108-100 PK-CA577-1108-20C PK-CA577-1109-1000 PK-CA577-1109-200 PK-CA577-1110-1000 PK-CA577-1110-200 PK-CA577-1112-100 PK-CA577-1112-20C PK-CA577-1113-1000 PK-CA577-1113-200 PK-CA577-1114-1000 PK-CA577-1114-200 PK-CA577-1115-100 PK-CA577-1115-20C PK-CA577-1116-1000 PK-CA577-1116-200 PK-CA577-1117-1000 PK-CA577-1117-200 PK-CA577-1119 PK-CA577-1120-20C PK-CA577-1121-20C PK-CA577-1122-100 PK-CA577-1122-20C PK-CA577-1123-20C PK-CA577-1124-20C PK-CA577-1125-20C PK-CA577-1126-20C PK-CA577-1128-20C PK-CA577-1131-1 PK-CA577-1140-1 PK-CA577-1140-5 PK-CA577-1141-1 PK-CA577-1141-5 PK-CA577-1142-1 PK-CA577-1142-5 PK-CA577-1143-1 PK-CA577-1143-5 PK-CA577-1144-1 PK-CA577-1144-5 PK-CA577-1146-1 PK-CA577-1146-5 PK-CA577-1148-1 PK-CA577-1148-5 PK-CA577-1149-1 PK-CA577-1149-5 PK-CA577-1152-1 PK-CA577-1152-5 PK-CA577-1160-1 PK-CA577-1160-5 PK-CA577-1170-1 PK-CA577-1170-5 PK-CA577-1171-1 PK-CA577-1171-5 PK-CA577-1201-1 PK-CA577-1241-1 Caspase-9 Substrate LEHD-AFC Caspase-9 Substrate LEHD-AFC Caspase-9 Substrate LEHD-pNA Caspase-9 Substrate LEHD-pNA AFC (7-amino-4- trifluoromethyl-coumarin) pNA (p-nitroaniline) Caspase-12 Inhibitor Z-ATAD-FMK Caspase-12 Inhibitor Z-ATAD-FMK Caspase-5 Inhibitor Z-WEHD-FMK Caspase-5 Inhibitor Z-WEHD-FMK Caspase-5 Substrate WEHD-AFC Caspase-5 Substrate WEHD-AFC Caspase-5 Substrate WEHD-pNA Caspase-5 Substrate WEHD-pNA Caspase-1 Substrate YVAD-AFC Caspase-1 Substrate YVAD-AFC Caspase-1 Substrate YVAD-pNA Caspase-1 Substrate YVAD-pNA Caspase-4 Inhibitor Z-LEVD-FMK Caspase-4 Inhibitor Z-LEVD-FMK Caspase-4 Substrate LEVD-AFC Caspase-4 Substrate LEVD-AFC Caspase-4 Substrate LEVD-pNA Caspase-4 Substrate LEVD-pNA Caspase-10 Inhibitor AEVD-FMK Caspase-10 Inhibitor AEVD-FMK Caspase-10 Substrate AEVD-AFC Caspase-10 Substrate AEVD-AFC Caspase-10 Substrate AEVD-pNA Caspase-10 Substrate AEVD-pNA Caspase-13 Inhibitor LEED-FMK Caspase-13 Inhibitor LEED-FMK Caspase-13 Substrate LEED-AFC Caspase-13 Substrate LEED-AFC Caspase-12 Substrate ATAD-AFC Caspase-12 Substrate ATAD-AFC Granzyme B Inhibitor Ac-IEPD-CHO Caspase-Family Inhibitor Boc-D-FMK Biotin-IETD-FMK FMK Negative Control (for caspase inhibitors) (2mM) FMK Negative Control (for caspase inhibitors) (10mM) Biotin-VAD-FMK Biotin-DEVD-FMK Calpain Inhibitor Z-LLY-FMK Cathepsin B&L Inhibitor Z-Phe-Phe-FMK Granzyme B Inhibitor Z-AAD-CH2Cl D2R [(L-Asp)2 rhodamine 110] Caspase Family Inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK Caspase Family Inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK Caspase-1 Inhibitor Z-YVAD-FMK Caspase-1 Inhibitor Z-YVAD-FMK Caspase-2 Inhibitor Z-VDVAD-FMK Caspase-2 Inhibitor Z-VDVAD-FMK Caspase-3 Inhibitor Z-DEVD-FMK Caspase-3 Inhibitor Z-DEVD-FMK Caspase-4 Inhibitor Z-LEVD-FMK Caspase-4 Inhibitor Z-LEVD-FMK Caspase-6 Inhibitor Z-VEID-FMK Caspase-6 Inhibitor Z-VEID-FMK Caspase-8 Inhibitor Z-IETD-FMK Caspase-8 Inhibitor Z-IETD-FMK Caspase-9 Inhibitor Z-LEHD-FMK Caspase-9 Inhibitor Z-LEHD-FMK Caspase-12 Inhibitor Z-ATAD-FMK Caspase-12 Inhibitor Z-ATAD-FMK Caspase Family Inhibitor Boc-D-FMK Caspase Family Inhibitor Boc-D-FMK Caspase Family in vivo Inhibitor Q-VD-OPH Caspase Family in vivo Inhibitor Q-VD-OPH Q-VD-OPH Negative Control Q-VD-OPH Negative Control DTT (1 M) Oxidized Glutathione (GSSG) 71/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 106,000 53,000 108,000 53,000 15,400 15,400 33,000 33,000 28,600 28,600 106,000 53,000 108,000 53,000 106,000 53,000 106,000 53,000 28,600 28,600 106,000 53,000 108,000 53,000 28,600 28,600 106,000 53,000 108,000 53,000 28,600 28,600 106,000 53,000 184,000 73,000 22,000 28,600 64,000 26,500 26,500 53,000 64,000 28,600 35,000 31,000 33,000 44,000 127,000 53,000 127,000 53,000 136,000 53,000 136,000 53,000 136,000 53,000 136,000 53,000 127,000 53,000 125,000 57,500 156,000 31,000 82,000 44,000 136,000 37,600 112,000 15,400 17,600 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D25350 D25351 D25352 D25353 D25354 D25355 D25356 D25357 D25358 D25359 D25360 D25361 D25362 D25363 D25364 D25365 D25366 D25367 D25368 D25369 D25370 D25371 D25372 D25373 D25374 D25375 D25376 D25377 D25378 D25379 D25380 D25381 D25382 D25383 D25384 D25385 D25386 D25387 D25388 D25389 D25390 D25391 D25392 D25393 D25394 D25395 D25396 D25397 D25398 D25399 D25400 D25401 D25402 D25403 D25404 D25405 D25406 D25407 D25408 D25409 D25410 D25411 D25412 D25413 D25414 D25415 D25416 D25417 D25418 D25419 D25420 D25421 D25422 PK-CA577-1242-1 PK-CA577-1266-100 PK-CA577-1519 PK-CA577-1524-10 PK-CA577-1527-5 PK-CA577-1531-5 PK-CA577-1533-10 PK-CA577-1533-100 PK-CA577-1543-25 PK-CA577-1544-5 PK-CA577-1549-10 PK-CA577-1551 PK-CA577-1552-25 PK-CA577-1554-10 PK-CA577-1556-1 PK-CA577-1558-1 PK-CA577-1559-100 PK-CA577-1559-5 PK-CA577-1560-5 PK-CA577-1565-5 PK-CA577-1566-5 PK-CA577-1568-5 PK-CA577-1568-50 PK-CA577-1570-5 PK-CA577-1571-5 PK-CA577-1585-1 PK-CA577-1585-25 PK-CA577-1585-5 PK-CA577-1596-1 PK-CA577-1596-5 PK-CA577-1596-50 PK-CA577-1643-2 PK-CA577-1643-25 PK-CA577-1643-5 PK-CA577-1645-05 PK-CA577-1663-1 PK-CA577-1666-5 PK-CA577-1672-5 PK-CA577-1673-1 PK-CA577-1675-1 PK-CA577-1677-25 PK-CA577-1677-5 PK-CA577-1678-25 PK-CA577-1678-5 PK-CA577-1679-10 PK-CA577-1679-30 PK-CA577-1681-1 PK-CA577-1681-5 PK-CA577-1682-5 PK-CA577-1701 PK-CA577-1702 PK-CA577-1836-1 PK-CA577-1836-5 PK-CA577-1931-25 PK-CA577-1931-5 PK-CA577-1938-25 PK-CA577-1938-5 PK-CA577-7001 PK-CA577-7003 PK-CA577-7004 PK-CA577-7011 PK-CA577-7021 PK-CA577-7031 PK-CA577-7032 PK-CA577-7035 PK-CA577-7036 PK-CA577-7501-1 PK-CA577-7502-1 PK-CA578-B1091 PK-CA578-B1093 PK-CA578-F1044 PK-CA578-F1046 PK-CA578-F1052-1 Reduced Glutathione (GSSG) Caspase Staining Kit Wash Buffer Colchicine Daunorubicin.HCl Doxorubicin.HCl Forskolin Genistein Genistein Okadaic acid Phorbol-12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) Anisomycin Tamoxifen citrate Betulinic acid Pifithrin-alpha GST Inhibitor-2 (ethacrynic acid) Thapsigargin Rosiglitazone Rosiglitazone Brefeldin A Ionomycin (free acid) Ionomycin (calcium salt) Rapamycin Rapamycin Tyrphostin AG 490 Tyrphostin AG 1295 PD-184352 (CI-1040) PD-184352 (CI-1040) PD-184352 (CI-1040) Y-27632, dihydrochloride Y-27632, dihydrochloride Y-27632, dihydrochloride PD-0325901 PD-0325901 PD-0325901 SU5402 IQ-1 PD-98059 Purmorphamine BIO PD-173074 CHIR99021 CHIR99021 BIX 01294 BIX 01294 RG108 RG108 Thiazovivin Thiazovivin (+-)-Bay K8644 Akt Inhibitor Chk2 Inhibitor SU1498 SU1498 SU6668 SU6668 SU11274 SU11274 c-Jun (1-79)-GST Fusion Protein GSK-3a-GST Fusion Protein GSK-3b, human, recombinant L-JNK Peptide Inhibitor I L-JNKI1 Negative Control Peptide JNK Negative Control Cell Lysate JNK Activated Cell Lysate Akt Negative Control Cell Lysate Akt Activated Cell Lysate Beta-Secretase Inhibitor I Beta-Secretase Inhibitor II Bapta-FF (free acid) Bapta-FF AM Fura-2FF AM Fura-2FF (K+ salt) FFP-18 AM 72/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 17,600 19,800 17,600 17,600 17,600 15,400 17,600 44,000 22,000 24,200 22,000 22,000 17,600 24,200 17,600 22,000 62,000 17,600 19,800 64,000 57,500 48,500 184,000 22,000 48,500 15,400 153,000 57,500 22,000 68,000 390,000 33,000 184,000 57,500 33,000 31,000 24,200 31,000 24,200 15,400 136,000 42,000 93,000 28,600 28,600 57,500 37,600 118,000 37,600 31,000 28,600 13,200 33,000 90,000 31,000 97,000 31,000 26,500 26,500 57,500 33,000 24,200 53,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 44,000 26,500 28,600 28,600 33,000 26,500 49,500 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D25423 D25424 D25425 D25426 D25427 D25428 D25449 D25450 D25451 D25452 D25453 D25454 D25455 D25456 D25457 D25458 D25459 D25460 D25461 D25462 D25463 D25464 D25465 D25466 D25467 D25468 D25469 D25470 D25471 D25472 D25473 D25474 D25475 D25476 D25477 D25478 D25479 D25480 D25481 D25482 D25483 D25484 D25485 D25486 D25487 D25488 D25489 D25490 D25491 D25492 D25493 D25494 D25495 D25496 D25497 D25498 D25499 D25500 D25501 D25502 D25503 D25504 D25505 D25511 D25512 D25513 D25514 D25515 D25516 D25517 D25518 D25519 D25520 PK-CA578-F1054 PK-CA578-I1084 PK-CA578-I1086 PK-CA578-M1108-10 PK-CA578-M1108-100 PK-CA578-M1108-5 PK-CA707-00010-1 PK-CA707-00011 PK-CA707-00012 PK-CA707-00013 PK-CA707-00014 PK-CA707-00015 PK-CA707-00016 PK-CA707-00017 PK-CA707-10011 PK-CA707-10011-1 PK-CA707-10011-2 PK-CA707-10012 PK-CA707-10013 PK-CA707-10014 PK-CA707-10015 PK-CA707-10024 PK-CA707-10054 PK-CA707-10055 PK-CA707-10056 PK-CA707-10100 PK-CA707-10100-1 PK-CA707-10100-2 PK-CA707-10101 PK-CA707-10101-1 PK-CA707-10101-2 PK-CA707-10102 PK-CA707-10102-1 PK-CA707-10102-2 PK-CA707-10103 PK-CA707-10110 PK-CA707-10111 PK-CA707-10112 PK-CA707-10113 PK-CA707-10114 PK-CA707-10115 PK-CA707-10116 PK-CA707-10117 PK-CA707-10121 PK-CA707-10122 PK-CA707-10123 PK-CA707-10125 PK-CA707-10201 PK-CA707-10202 PK-CA707-10207 PK-CA707-10209 PK-CA707-10210 PK-CA707-10211 PK-CA707-10225 PK-CA707-30002 PK-CA707-30003-1 PK-CA707-30003-2 PK-CA707-30004-1 PK-CA707-30004-2 PK-CA707-30005-1 PK-CA707-30005-2 PK-CA707-30006 PK-CA707-30006-200 PK-CA707-30011-1 PK-CA707-30011-2 PK-CA707-30012-1 PK-CA707-30012-2 PK-CA707-30012-3 PK-CA707-30017 PK-CA707-30018 PK-CA707-30021 PK-CA707-30022 PK-CA707-30023 FIP-18 AM Indo-1FF AM Indo-1FF (K+ salt) Mitomycin C Mitomycin C Mitomycin C Alpha-Bungarotoxin (from Bungarus multicinctus) Fluorescein-alpha-bungarotoxin Tetramethylrhodamine-alpha-Bungarotoxin Fluorescein-alpha-bungarotoxin (special packaging) Tetramethylrhodamine-alpha- bungarotoxin (special package) Sulforhodamine 101-alpha-bungarotoxin Sulforhodamine 101-alpha- bungarotoxin (special package) Biotin-XX-alpha-Bungarotoxin X-Gal X-Gal X-Gal Red-beta-D-Gal Rose-beta-D-Gal Purple-beta-D-Gal Green-beta-D-Gal Chromogenic beta-Galactosidase Substrate Sampler Kit Resazurin, sodium salt Dihydrorhodamine 123 Dihydrorhodamine 123, dihydrochloride salt D-Luciferin, Free Acid D-Luciferin, Free Acid D-Luciferin, Free Acid D-Luciferin, Potassium Salt D-Luciferin, Potassium Salt D-Luciferin, Potassium Salt D-Luciferin, Sodium Salt D-Luciferin, Sodium Salt D-Luciferin, Sodium Salt DMNPE-caged D-Luciferin Coelenterazine (native) Coelenterazine h Coelenterazine cp Coelenterazine hcp Coelenterazine f Coelenterazine n Coelenterazine ip Coelenterazine fcp Coelenterazine i Coelenterazine, 2-methyl Coelenterazine Sampler Kit Coelenterazine 400a Cathepsin Substrate Z-FR-AMC (Z-FR-MCA) Caspase-3 Substrate Ac-DEVD-AMC Caspase-8 Substrate Z-IETD-R110 Cathepsin B & L Substrate Z-FR-R110 D2R Granzyme B Substrate Z-AAD-R110 R110-PEG (Rhodamine 110-PEG) Live/Dead Cell Staining Kit II Luciferase Reporter Assay Kit I (Firefly) Luciferase Reporter Assay Kit I (Firefly) Luciferase Reporter Assay Kit II (Renilla) Luciferase Reporter Assay Kit II (Renilla) Luciferase Reporter Assay Kit III (Firefly & Renilla) Luciferase Reporter Assay Kit III (Firefly & Renilla) Colorimetric Cell Viability Kit IV (MTT) Colorimetric Cell Viability Kit IV (MTT) Caspase-8 Fluorometric & Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-8 Fluorometric & Colorimetric Assay Kit Caspase-8 Fluorometric Assay Kit (HTS) Caspase-8 Fluorometric Assay Kit (HTS) Caspase-8 Fluorometric Assay Kit (HTS) Apoptotic/Necrotic Cells Detection Kit Apoptotic/Necrotic/Healthy Cells Detection Kit Green-fluorescent Cytoplasmic Membrane Staining Kit Orange-fluorescent Cytoplasmic Membrane Staining Kit Red-fluorescent Cytoplasmic Membrane Staining Kit 73/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 31,000 28,600 24,200 24,200 125,000 15,400 17,600 33,000 35,000 37,600 48,500 48,500 57,500 42,000 15,400 22,000 77,000 26,500 26,500 26,500 26,500 35,000 22,000 22,000 24,200 17,600 37,600 193,000 17,600 37,600 193,000 17,600 37,600 193,000 22,000 17,600 17,600 17,600 17,600 17,600 17,600 17,600 17,600 17,600 15,400 37,600 17,600 28,600 37,600 44,000 24,200 26,500 48,500 37,600 51,000 19,800 68,000 24,200 77,000 26,500 140,000 31,000 7,500 31,000 59,500 13,200 57,500 252,000 35,000 37,600 24,200 24,200 24,200 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D25521 D25522 D25523 D25524 D25525 D25526 D25527 D25528 D25529 D25530 D25531 D25532 D25533 D25534 D25535 D25536 D25537 D25538 D25539 D25540 D25541 D25542 D25543 D25544 D25545 D25546 D25547 D25548 D25549 D25550 D25551 D25552 D25553 D25554 D25555 D25556 D25557 D25558 D25559 D25560 D25561 D25562 D25563 D25564 D25565 D25566 D25567 D25568 D25569 D25570 D25571 D25572 D25573 D25574 D25575 D25576 D25577 D25578 D25579 D25580 D25581 D25582 D25583 D25584 D25585 D25586 D25587 D25588 D25589 D25590 D25591 D25592 D25593 PK-CA707-30024 PK-CA707-30025-0 PK-CA707-30025-1 PK-CA707-30025-2 PK-CA707-30026 PK-CA707-30027 PK-CA707-30028-0 PK-CA707-30028-1 PK-CA707-30028-2 PK-CA707-30028-3 PK-CA707-30037 PK-CA707-30050 PK-CA707-40009 PK-CA707-40010 PK-CA707-40011 PK-CA707-40012 PK-CA707-40014 PK-CA707-40016 PK-CA707-40017 PK-CA707-40037 PK-CA707-40039 PK-CA707-40042 PK-CA707-40043 PK-CA707-40044 PK-CA707-40045 PK-CA707-40046 PK-CA707-40047 PK-CA707-40050 PK-CA707-40051 PK-CA707-50000 PK-CA707-50000-1 PK-CA707-50001 PK-CA707-50002 PK-CA707-50003 PK-CA707-50004 PK-CA707-50005 PK-CA707-50006 PK-CA707-50007 PK-CA707-50008 PK-CA707-50010 PK-CA707-50011 PK-CA707-50012 PK-CA707-50013 PK-CA707-50014 PK-CA707-50015 PK-CA707-50016 PK-CA707-50020 PK-CA707-50021 PK-CA707-50022 PK-CA707-50023 PK-CA707-50024 PK-CA707-50029 PK-CA707-50030 PK-CA707-50031 PK-CA707-50032 PK-CA707-50033 PK-CA707-50033-1 PK-CA707-50034 PK-CA707-50035 PK-CA707-50036 PK-CA707-50037 PK-CA707-50038 PK-CA707-50039 PK-CA707-50040 PK-CA707-50041 PK-CA707-50042 PK-CA707-50043 PK-CA707-50043-1 PK-CA707-50044 PK-CA707-50045 PK-CA707-51009 PK-CA707-51010 PK-CA707-51011 Blue-fluorescent Cytoplasmic Membrane Staining Kit Fluorometric Cell Viability Kit I (Resazurin) Fluorometric Cell Viability Kit I (Resazurin) Fluorometric Cell Viability Kit I (Resazurin) Fluorometric Cell Viability Kit II (Calcein) Bacteria Live/Dead Staining Kit Luciferase Reporter HTS Assay Kit (Firefly) Luciferase Reporter HTS Assay Kit (Firefly) Luciferase Reporter HTS Assay Kit (Firefly) Luciferase Reporter HTS Assay Kit (Firefly) DiO/DPA Membrane Potential Detection Kit Cell Proliferation Kit I (CFSE) DAPI, dilactate Ethidium Homodimer I DAPI DMAO Ethidium Homodimer I Propidium Iodide (PI) Propidium Iodide (PI) Solution 7-AAD (7-aminoactinomycin D) Acridine Orange (AO) Solution Ethidium Bromide (EB) Solution DAPI Solution Hoechst 33258 Solution Hoechst 33258 Hoechst 33342 Solution Hoechst 33342 Ethidium Homodimer III Ethidium Homodimer III, 1 mM in DMSO Bapta AM Bapta AM (special packaging) Bapta (tetracesium salt) Bapta (tetrapotassium salt) Bapta (tetrasodium salt) 5,5'-dibromo-Bapta (tetrapotassium salt) 5,5'-difluoro-Bapta AM 5,5'-difluoro-Bapta (tetrapotassium salt) 5,5'-dimethyl BAPTA, AM ester 5,5'-dimethyl BAPTA (tetrapotassium salt) Fluo-3 (pentaammonium salt) Fluo-3 (pentapotassium salt) Fluo-3 (pentasodium salt) Fluo-3 AM (special packaging) Fluo-3 AM Fluo-3 AM Solution (1 mM in anhydrous DMSO) Fluo-3 AM (special packaging) Rhod-2 (triammonium salt) Rhod-2 (tripotassium salt) Rhod-2 (trisodium salt) Rhod-2 AM (special packaging) Rhod-2 AM Fura-2 AM Solution (1 mM in anhydrous DMSO) Fura-2 (pentaammonium salt) Fura-2 (pentapotassium salt) Fura-2 (pentasodium salt) Fura-2 AM (special packaging) Fura-2 AM (special packaging) Fura-2 AM Furaptra, tetrapotassium salt Furaptra, tetrasodium salt Furaptra, AM ester (special packaging) Furaptra, AM ester Furaptra, AM ester (special packaging) Indo-1 (pentaammonium salt) Indo-1 (pentapotassium salt) Indo-1 (pentasodium salt) Indo-1 AM (special packaging) Indo-1 AM (special packaging) Indo-1 AM Bis-Fura-2, hexapotassium salt BCECF AM Solution (1 mg/ml in DMSO) BCECF BCECF AM (special packaging) 74/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 33,000 6,600 26,500 57,500 48,500 53,000 9,400 22,000 97,000 498,000 39,800 24,200 13,200 33,000 15,400 46,000 33,000 15,400 11,000 17,600 13,200 13,200 15,400 24,200 22,000 24,200 22,000 53,000 51,000 26,500 33,000 33,000 26,500 26,500 26,500 33,000 31,000 31,000 17,600 28,600 28,600 28,600 33,000 31,000 33,000 35,000 28,600 28,600 28,600 33,000 31,000 28,600 24,200 24,200 24,200 28,600 31,000 26,500 28,600 28,600 33,000 33,000 37,600 24,200 24,200 24,200 28,600 31,000 26,500 28,600 17,600 15,400 17,600 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D25594 D25595 D25596 D25597 D25598 D25599 D25600 D25601 D25602 D25603 D25604 D25605 D25606 D25607 D25608 D25609 D25610 D25611 D25612 D25613 D25614 D25615 D25616 D25617 D25618 D25619 D25620 D25621 D25622 D25623 D25624 D25625 D25626 D25627 D25628 D25629 D25630 D25631 D25632 D25633 D25634 D25635 D25636 D25637 D25638 D25639 D25640 D25641 D25642 D25643 D25644 D25645 D25646 D25647 D25648 D25649 D25650 D25651 D25652 D25653 D25654 D25655 D25656 D25657 D25658 D25659 D25660 D25661 D25662 D25663 D25664 D25665 D25666 PK-CA707-51011-1 PK-CA707-51012 PK-CA707-51013 PK-CA707-51014 PK-CA707-51015 PK-CA707-51016 PK-CA707-51017 PK-CA707-51018 PK-CA707-51019 PK-CA707-51020 PK-CA707-51021 PK-CA707-51022 PK-CA707-51023 PK-CA707-51024 PK-CA707-52010 PK-CA707-52011 PK-CA707-52020 PK-CA707-52022 PK-CA707-59000 PK-CA707-59001 PK-CA707-59002 PK-CA707-59003 PK-CA707-59004 PK-CA707-59005 PK-CA707-59006 PK-CA707-59100 PK-CA707-60010 PK-CA707-60011 PK-CA707-60012 PK-CA707-60013 PK-CA707-60014 PK-CA707-60015 PK-CA707-60016 PK-CA707-60017 PK-CA707-60018 PK-CA707-60019 PK-CA707-60020 PK-CA707-60022 PK-CA707-60023 PK-CA707-60024 PK-CA707-60025 PK-CA707-60026 PK-CA707-60027 PK-CA707-60028 PK-CA707-60030 PK-CA707-60031 PK-CA707-60032 PK-CA707-60033 PK-CA707-60034 PK-CA707-60035 PK-CA707-60036 PK-CA707-60037 PK-CA707-60038 PK-CA707-61010 PK-CA707-61011 PK-CA707-61012 PK-CA707-61013 PK-CA707-61014 PK-CA707-61015 PK-CA707-61016 PK-CA707-61017 PK-CA707-61018 PK-CA707-61019 PK-CA707-70007 PK-CA707-70008 PK-CA707-70009 PK-CA707-70010 PK-CA707-70011 PK-CA707-70012 PK-CA707-70013 PK-CA707-70014 PK-CA707-70015 PK-CA707-70016 BCECF AM (special packaging) BCECF AM 5-(and-6)-Carboxyfluorescein 5(6)-CFDA 5-(and-6)-Carboxy-2',7'- dichlorofluorescein 5-(and-6)-Carboxy-2',7'- dichlorofluorescein diacetate 5-Carboxy-2',7'- dichlorofluorescein 5-CFDA 5-FAM 6-FAM 6-CFDA Flubida-2 5-Carboxy-2',7'- dichlorosulfonefluorescein Flubi-2 SPQ MQAE Zinquin ethyl ester Zinquin, free acid Pluronic F-127 A-23187 free acid EDC (EDAC) TPEN Pluronic F-127, 20% solution in DMSO Pluronic F-127, 10% solution in H2O 4-Bromo A-23187 free acid Calcium Calibration Buffer Kit DiI (or DiIC18(3)) DiO (or DiOC18(3)) DiOC14(3), hydroxyethanesulfonate DiA DiD (DiIC18(5)) Neuro-DiO Neuro-DiI DiR (DiIC18(7)) DiI in vegetable oil Neuro-DiO in vegetable oil Neuro-DiI in vegetable oil Biotin-DHPE Biotin-X-DHPE Fluorescein-DHPE NBD-DHPE Rhodamine-DHPE Texas Red-DHPE TRITC-DHPE NBD C6-ceramide NBD C6-sphingomyelin Biotin-AM3-25 Octadecyl Rhodamine B Chloride (R18) Dilinoleyl DiI Dilinoleyl DiO DiB DPA DiOC16(3) Di-4-ANEPPS DiBAC4(3) Di-8-ANEPPS Di-2-ANEPEQ (JPW1114) Di-8-ANEPPQ Di-12-ANEPPQ RH414 RH421 RH237 RH795 DiOC5(3) DiOC2(3) DiOC6(3) Rhodamine 123 JC-1 chloride Nonyl Acridine Orange (NAO) Tetrabromorhodamine 123, bromide JC-1 iodide DiIC1(5) TMRE 75/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 28,600 15,400 15,400 17,600 22,000 24,200 22,000 24,200 17,600 19,800 26,500 35,000 28,600 33,000 15,400 22,000 33,000 33,000 5,500 15,400 17,600 22,000 4,800 9,400 24,200 26,500 19,800 19,800 19,800 28,600 19,800 33,000 26,500 19,800 28,600 33,000 33,000 28,600 28,600 28,600 33,000 28,600 26,500 26,500 42,000 44,000 44,000 37,600 33,000 33,000 37,600 33,000 48,500 28,600 22,000 33,000 37,600 37,600 39,800 35,000 35,000 26,500 33,000 26,500 26,500 26,500 15,400 31,000 17,600 19,800 31,000 26,500 19,800 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D25667 D25668 D25669 D25670 D25671 D25672 D25673 D25674 D25675 D25676 D25677 D25678 D25679 D25680 D25681 D25682 D25683 D25684 D25685 D25686 D25687 D25688 D25689 D25690 D25691 D25692 D25693 D25694 D25695 D25696 D25697 D25698 D25699 D25700 D25701 D25702 D25703 D25704 D25705 D25706 D25707 D25708 D25709 D25710 D25711 D25712 D25713 D25714 D25715 D25716 D25717 D25718 D25719 D25720 D25721 D25722 D25723 D25724 D25725 D25726 D25727 D25728 D25729 D25730 D25731 D25732 D25733 D25734 D25736 D25737 D25738 D25739 D25740 PK-CA707-70017 PK-CA707-70018 PK-CA707-70019 PK-CA707-70020 PK-CA707-70021 PK-CA707-70022 PK-CA707-70023 PK-CA707-70024 PK-CA707-70025 PK-CA707-70026 PK-CA707-70027 PK-CA707-70028 PK-CA707-70029 PK-CA707-70030 PK-CA707-70031 PK-CA707-70031-1 PK-CA707-70032 PK-CA707-70034 PK-CA707-70035 PK-CA707-70036 PK-CA707-70037 PK-CA707-70038 PK-CA707-70040 PK-CA707-70041 PK-CA707-70042 PK-CA707-70043 PK-CA707-70044 PK-CA707-70045 PK-CA707-70046 PK-CA707-70047 PK-CA707-70048 PK-CA707-70049 PK-CA707-70050 PK-CA707-70051 PK-CA707-70054 PK-CA707-70055 PK-CA707-80011 PK-CA707-80011-1 PK-CA707-80011-2 PK-CA707-80011-3 PK-CA707-80012 PK-CA707-80013 PK-CA707-80014 PK-CA707-80015 PK-CA707-80016 PK-CA707-80017 PK-CA707-80018 PK-CA707-80019 PK-CA707-80021 PK-CA707-80022 PK-CA707-80023 PK-CA707-80024 PK-CA707-80025 PK-CA707-80100 PK-CA707-80101 PK-CA707-80102 PK-CA707-80104 PK-CA707-80105 PK-CA707-90040 PK-CA707-90041 PK-CA707-90055 PK-CA707-90057 PK-CA707-90060 PK-CA707-90062 PK-CA707-90075 PK-CA707-90082 PK-CA707-99902 PK-CA708-10100 PK-CA91-0112 PK-CA91-0117 PK-CA91-1024 PK-CA91-1048 PK-CA91-1096 TMRM DASPEI SynapseRed C2M (special packaging) SynapseGreen C4 (FM1-43) SynapseRed C2 (FM4-64) SynapseGreen C4 (special packaging) SynapseGreen C3 AM1-43 AM4-64 SynapseGreen C3 (special packaging) SynapseRed C2 (special packaging) SynapseRed C2M (FM5-95) ADVASEP-7 (sulfobutyl beta-cyclodextrin) Nerve Terminal Green Staining Kit I Nerve Terminal Green Staining Kit II Nerve Terminal Green Staining Kit III Nerve Terminal Green Staining Kit IV Nerve Terminal Red Staining Kit I Nerve Terminal Red Staining Kit II AM2-10 SCAS AM1-44 SynapseRed C1 (special packaging) SynapseRed C1 (special packaging) SynapseGreen C1 SynapseGreen C1 (special packaging) SynapseGreen C2 (FM2-10) SynapseGreen C2 (special packaging) SynapseGreen C5 (FM1-84) SynapseGreen C5 (special packaging) SynapseGreen C18 (FM3-25) SynapseGreen C18 (special packaging) AM4-66 AM3-25 MitoGreen MitoRed Calcein AM Calcein AM Solution (4 mM) Calcein AM Solution (1 mg/ml) Calcein AM (special packaging) DPX Calcein, high purity Hydroxystilbamidine Lucifer Yellow CH, lithium salt Lucifer Yellow CH, potassium salt Lucifer Yellow Cadaverine Biotin-X, dipotassium salt Lucifer Yellow Cadaverine Fluorescein-Biotin RuBPS Biotin-Rhodamine 110 Hydroxystilbamidine RuBP-2S RuBP-4S Sulforhodamine B Sulforhodamine 101 Sulforhodamine G DPA/Terbium for membrane fusion assay SDIP/Europium for membrane fusion assay 5-(and-6)-Carboxy-2',7'- dichlorofluorescein diacetate 5(6)-CFDA, SE (CFSE) Biocytin,epsilon-biotinoyl-L-lysine Biotin-Ethylenediamine, hydrobromide Biocytin-Hydrazide Biotin-4-Fluorescein Biotin-Ethylenediamine, hydrochloride DMSO, anhydrous 5X Annexin V Binding Buffer beta-Galactosidase Reporter Assay Kit Mycoplasma orale DNA Standard (for qPCR) Mycoplasma fermentans DNA Standard (for qPCR) PCR Mycoplasma Test Kit I/C PCR Mycoplasma Test Kit I/C PCR Mycoplasma Test Kit I/C 76/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 19,800 15,400 53,000 44,000 44,000 53,000 35,000 33,000 33,000 42,000 53,000 44,000 33,000 77,000 39,800 51,000 59,500 77,000 59,500 33,000 26,500 35,000 35,000 39,800 35,000 39,800 35,000 39,800 35,000 39,800 53,000 59,500 39,800 44,000 33,000 33,000 28,600 28,600 31,000 31,000 15,400 15,400 28,600 15,400 15,400 26,500 19,800 24,200 33,000 53,000 26,500 33,000 33,000 15,400 33,000 24,200 17,600 26,500 28,600 28,600 17,600 17,600 24,200 26,500 17,600 5,500 5,500 53,000 48,500 48,500 28,600 48,500 79,500 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード D25741 D25742 D25743 D25744 D25746 D25747 D25748 D25749 D25750 D25751 D25752 D25753 D25754 D25755 D25756 D25757 D25758 D25759 D25760 D25761 D25762 D25763 D25764 D25765 D25766 D25767 D25773 D25774 D25775 D25777 D25778 D25779 D25801 D25802 D25803 D25804 D25805 D25806 D25807 D25808 D25809 D25810 D25811 D25812 D25813 D25814 D25815 D25817 D25818 D25819 D25820 D25821 D25822 D25823 D25824 D25825 D25826 D25827 D25828 D25829 D25830 D25831 D25832 D25833 D25834 D25835 D25836 D25837 D25838 D25839 D25840 D25841 D25842 PCR Bacteria Test Kit PK-CA91-2024 PCR Bacteria Test Kit PK-CA91-2048 PCR Mycoplasma Test Kit I/RT; Variant A PK-CA91-3025A PCR Mycoplasma Test Kit I/RT; Variant B PK-CA91-3025B PK-CA-BIO-DATP-10P Biotin-dATP (PCR) PK-CA-BIO-DATP-50P Biotin-dATP (PCR) PK-CA-BIO-DCTP-1000 Biotin-dCTP (PCR) PK-CA-BIO-DCTP-200P Biotin-dCTP (PCR) PK-CA-BIO-DUTP-1000PBiotin-dUTP (PCR) PK-CA-BIO-DUTP-200P Biotin-dUTP (PCR) Biotin PCR Labeling Kit PK-CA-BIO-LK100 Biotin PCR Labeling Kit PK-CA-BIO-LK500 Aquaguard-1 (incubator) PK-CC01-867-1B Aquaguard-1 (incubator) PK-CC01-867-10B Aquaguard-2 (water bath) PK-CC01-916-1E Aquaguard-2 (water bath) PK-CC01-916-10E BIOMYC-1 PK-CC03-036-1B BIOMYC-1 PK-CC03-036-1C BIOMYC-1 PK-CC03-036-1D BIOMYC-2 PK-CC03-037-1B BIOMYC-2 PK-CC03-037-1C BIOMYC-2 PK-CC03-037-1D BIOMYC-3 PK-CC03-038-1B BIOMYC-3 PK-CC03-038-1C BIOMYC-3 PK-CC03-038-1D Mycoplasma-EX PK-CC91-4003 Mycoplasma Disinfection Kit II PK-CC91-5070 Pharmacidal Spray PK-CC-110100 Pharmacidal Spray PK-CC-110100-5L Mycoplasma-ExS Spray PK-CC91-5051 Mycoplasma-ExS Spray PK-CC91-5051-5L Mycoplasma Disinfection Kit I PK-CC91-5061 Caspases Set I, rHuman PK-RP577-K230 Caspases Set II, rHuman PK-RP577-K231 Caspases Set III, rHuman PK-RP577-K232 Caspases Set IV, rHuman PK-RP577-K233 Caspases Group I, rHuman PK-RP577-K241 Caspases Group II, rHuman PK-RP577-K242 Caspases Group III, rHuman PK-RP577-K243 Cathepsin B, human (native) PK-RP577-1021 Cathepsin D, human (native) PK-RP577-1022 Cathepsin H, human (native) PK-RP577-1023 Cathepsin S, human (native) PK-RP577-1025 Caspase-1, rHuman PK-RP577-1081-100 Caspase-1, rHuman PK-RP577-1081-25 Caspase-2, rHuman PK-RP577-1082-100 Caspase-2, rHuman PK-RP577-1082-25 Caspase-3, rHuman PK-RP577-1083-100 Caspase-3, rHuman PK-RP577-1083-25 Caspase-3, rHuman PK-RP577-1083-5 Caspase-4, rHuman PK-RP577-1084-100 Caspase-4, rHuman PK-RP577-1084-25 Caspase-5, rHuman PK-RP577-1085-100 Caspase-5, rHuman PK-RP577-1085-25 Caspase-6, rHuman PK-RP577-1086-100 Caspase-6, rHuman PK-RP577-1086-25 Caspase-7, rHuman PK-RP577-1087-100 Caspase-7, rHuman PK-RP577-1087-25 Caspase-8, rHuman PK-RP577-1088-100 Caspase-8, rHuman PK-RP577-1088-25 Procaspase-9, rHuman PK-RP577-1089P-50 Caspase-9, rHuman PK-RP577-1089-100 Caspase-9, rHuman PK-RP577-1089-25 PK-RP577-1090A-100 Caspase-10/a, rHuman Caspase-10/a, rHuman PK-RP577-1090A-25 PK-RP577-1090B-100 Caspase-10/b, rHuman Caspase-10/b, rHuman PK-RP577-1090B-25 Granzyme B, rHuman PK-RP577-1118 Calpain I, human, (native) PK-RP577-1134 Cathepsin L, human, recombinant PK-RP577-1135-100 Cathepsin L, human, recombinant PK-RP577-1135-5 HAT protein (P/CAF, active) PK-RP577-1137-100 Caspase-1, rMouse PK-RP577-1181-100 77/82 製品名 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 28,600 48,500 48,500 48,500 17,600 70,000 48,500 15,000 48,500 15,000 15,400 64,000 2,400 19,800 2,700 22,000 39,800 10,800 6,400 31,000 8,600 5,300 24,200 6,800 4,200 46,000 15,400 13,200 48,500 5,300 33,000 9,700 84,000 88,000 140,000 156,000 62,000 64,000 84,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 59,500 37,600 57,500 33,000 46,000 22,000 51,000 57,500 33,000 57,500 33,000 57,500 33,000 57,500 33,000 57,500 33,000 64,000 62,000 37,600 57,500 33,000 57,500 33,000 62,000 64,000 68,000 26,500 57,500 57,500 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 D25843 D25844 D25845 D25846 D25847 D25848 D25849 D25850 D25851 D25852 D25853 D25854 D25855 D25856 D25857 D25858 D25859 D25860 D25861 D25862 D25863 D25864 D25865 D25866 D25867 D25868 D25869 D25870 D25871 D25872 D25873 D25874 D25875 D25876 D25877 D25878 D25879 D25880 D25881 D25882 D25883 D25884 D25885 D25886 D25887 D25888 D25889 D25890 D25891 D25892 D25893 D25894 D25895 D25896 D25897 D25898 D25899 D25900 D25901 D25902 D25903 D25904 D25905 D25906 D25907 D28011 D28013 D28015 D28017 D28018 D28019 D28020 D28021 PK-RP577-1181-25 PK-RP577-1183P-5 PK-RP577-1183-100 PK-RP577-1183-25 PK-RP577-1188-100 PK-RP577-1188-25 PK-RP577-1243-1 PK-RP577-1283-100 PK-RP577-1283-25 PK-RP577-2120-100 PK-RP577-4802-100 PK-RP577-7701 PK-RP577-7702 PK-RP577-7703 PK-RP577-7704 PK-RP577-7705 PK-RP577-7706 PK-RP577-7707 PK-RP577-7708 PK-RP577-7709 PK-RP577-7710 PK-RP577-7711 PK-RP577-7712 PK-RP577-7713 PK-RP577-7714 PK-RP577-7715 PK-RP577-7716 PK-RP577-7717 PK-RP577-7718 PK-RP577-7719 PK-RP577-7720 PK-RP577-7721 PK-RP577-7722 PK-RP577-7723 PK-RP577-7724 PK-RP577-7725 PK-RP577-7726 PK-RP577-7727 PK-RP577-7728 PK-RP577-7729 PK-RP577-7730 PK-RP577-7731 PK-RP577-7732 PK-RP577-7733 PK-RP577-7735 PK-RP577-7736 PK-RP577-7737 PK-RP577-7738 PK-RP577-7739 PK-RP577-7740 PK-RP577-7741 PK-RP577-7742 PK-RP577-7743 PK-RP577-7744 PK-RP577-7745 PK-RP577-7746 PK-RP577-7747 PK-RP577-7748 PK-RP577-7749 PK-RP577-7750 PK-RP577-7751 PK-RP577-7752 PK-RP577-7753 PK-RP577-7754 PK-RP577-7755 PK-MB577-K901 PK-MB713-001P PK-MB713-002P PK-MB713-004-1 PK-MB713-004-10 PK-MB902-500-1000 PK-MB902-500-120 PK-MB902-500-500 Caspase-1, rMouse Procaspase-3, rMouse Caspase-3, rMouse Caspase-3, rMouse Caspase-8, rMouse Caspase-8, rMouse GST protein (active) Caspase-3, rRat Caspase-3, rRat Cytochrome c Superoxide Dismutase (SOD, human) Akt1, rHuman Akt2, rHuman Akt3, rHuman PKC-bII, rHuman PKCi, rHuman PDK1, rHuman PAK4, rHuman BRK, rHuman GRK5, rHuman ASK1, rHuman PKD2, rHuman CHK2, rHuman CAMK1d, rHuman PKCa, rHuman Lyn B, rHuman NEK6, rHuman NEK7, rHuman PKCz, rHuman NEK2, rHuman HCK, rHuman RSK1, rHuman CSK, rHuman BLK, rHuman FGR, rHuman p70 S6K, rHuman RAF1, rHuman PAK7, rHuman PKAcg, rHuman CAMK1b, rHuman PIM2, rHuman PKCeta, rHuman BMX, rHuman Lck, rHuman CHK1, rHuman CAMK1G, rHuman MAPKAP kinase 2, rHuman CK2a1, rHuman PKCd, rHuman CAMK4, rHuman ERK1, rHuman PIM1, rHuman PKAca, rHuman PKAcb, rHuman PKCm, rHuman PKCn, rHuman RIPK2, rHuman SGK1, rHuman SGK2, rHuman Src1, rHuman STK3, rHuman ZAP70, rHuman PKCe, rHuman P38d, rHuman MAPKAPK3, rHuman GelQuick Protein Gel Stain/Destaining Kit Prestained Protein Ladder I Prestained Protein Ladder II FluoProtein Gel Stain FluoProtein Gel Stain ECL Chemiluminescence Detection Kit ECL Chemiluminescence Detection Kit ECL Chemiluminescence Detection Kit 78/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 37,600 64,000 57,500 33,000 57,500 31,000 26,500 57,500 33,000 64,000 64,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 22,000 17,600 17,600 3,800 26,500 48,500 13,200 33,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 V3100 V3200 V3300 V3400 V3600 V3700 V3800 V3900 V4100 V6512 V6513 V6514 V6520 V6522 V6523 V6524 V7020 V7021 V8050 V8125 V8225 V8750 V8850 V9410 V9450 V2000 V2006T V2126 V2146 V2155 V2156 V2165T V2176T V2300 V2304T V2305T V2306T V2700 V2705 V2706 V2805 V2806 V2906 V50118 V50119 V50121 V50123 V5400 V5405 V5406 V5504 V5806 V6100 V6103 V6104 V6205 V6206 NG0319 NG0320 NG0326 NG0327 NG0335 NG0336 NG0340 NG0341 NG0344 NG1416 NG2212 NG3101 NG3106 NG3109 NG3312 NG3318 MIR3100 MIR3200 MIR3300 MIR3400 MIR3600 MIR3700 MIR3800 MIR3900 MIR4100 MIR6512 MIR6513 MIR6514 MIR6520 MIR6522 MIR6523 MIR6524 MIR7020 MIR7021 MIR8050 MIR8125 MIR8225 MIR8750 MIR8850 MIR9410 MIR9450 MIR2000 MIR2006 MIR2126 MIR2146 MIR2155 MIR2156 MIR2165 MIR2176 MIR2300 MIR2304 MIR2305 MIR2306 MIR2700 MIR2705 MIR2706 MIR2805 MIR2806 MIR2906 MIR50118 MIR50119 MIR50121 MIR50123 MIR5400 MIR5405 MIR5406 MIR5504 MIR5806 MIR6000 MIR6003 MIR6004 MIR6105 MIR6106 0319-32 0320-32 0326-32 0327-32 0335-32 0336-32 0340-32 0341-32 0344-32 1410-60 2210-24 12-00 3100-60 3100-A01 3312-24 3312-48 Label IT CX-Rhodamine Labeling Kit Label IT Fluorescein Labeling Kit Label IT Digoxin Labeling Kit Label IT Biotin Labeling Kit Label IT Cy3 Labeling Kit Label IT Cy5 Labeling Kit Label IT DNP Labeling Kit Label IT AMINE Modifying Kit Label IT TM-Rhodamine Labeling Kit Label IT FISH TM-Rhodamine Kit Label IT FISH Fluorescein Kit Label IT FISH Biotin Kit Label IT FISH Cy3 Kit Label IT FISH TM-Rhodamine Kit Label IT FISH Fluorescein Kit Label IT FISH Biotin Kit Label IT Tracker Cy3 Kit Label IT Tracker Cy5 Kit Label IT μArray Biotin Labeling Kit Label IT μArray Fluorescein/Biotin Labeling Kit Label IT μArray Cy3/Cy5 Labeling Kit Label IT μArray Cy3 Labeling Kit Label IT μArray Cy5 Labeling Kit Label IT miRNA Labeling Kit Version 2, Biotin Label IT miRNA Labeling Kit Version 2, Biotin TransIT-Express TransIT-Express TransIT-Jurkat TransIT-Neural Transfection Reagent TransIT-TKO TransIT-TKO TransIT-Oligo TransIT-CHO Transfection Kit TransIT-LT1 Transfection Reagent TransIT-LT1 Transfection Reagent TransIT-LT1 Transfection Reagent TransIT-LT1 Transfection Reagent TransIT-293 Transfection Reagent TransIT-293 Transfection Reagent TransIT-293 Transfection Reagent TransIT-Keratinocyte Transfection Reagent TransIT-Keratinocyte Transfection Reagent TransIT-HeLaMONSTER Transfection Kit Ingenio Electroporation Kit with 0.2 cm cuvettes Ingenio Electroporation Kit with 0.4 cm cuvettes Ingenio Cuvettes, 0.2 cm Ingenio Cuvettes, 0.4 cm TransIT-2020 Transfection Reagent TransIT-2020 Transfection Reagent TransIT-2020 Transfection Reagent TransIT-BrCa Transfection Reagent TransIT-3D Transfection Reagent TransIT-X2 Dynamic Delivery System TransIT-X2 Dynamic Delivery System TransIT-X2 Dynamic Delivery System TransIT-Insect Transfection Reagent TransIT-Insect Transfection Reagent Ovation Rapid DR Multiplex System 1-8 Ovation Rapid DR Multiplex System 9-16 Ovation Complete Prokaryotic RNA-Seq DR Multiplex System 1-8 Ovation Complete Prokaryotic RNA-Seq DR Multiplex System 9-16 Ovation Ultralow Methyl-Seq DR Multiplex System 1-8 Ovation Ultralow Methyl-Seq DR Multiplex System 9-16 Ovation Human FFPE RNA-Seq Multiplex System 1-8 Ovation Human FFPE RNA-Seq Multiplex System 9-16 Ovation Ultralow Library System V2 1-16 Prelude FFPE RNA Isolation Module Ovation qPCR System Ovation RNA Amplification System V2 Ovation RNA Amplification System V2 Ovation RNA Amplification System V2-AutoOvation PicoSL WTA System V2 Ovation PicoSL WTA System V2 79/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 83,000 83,000 83,000 83,000 98,000 98,000 83,000 98,000 83,000 121,000 121,000 121,000 59,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 38,000 38,000 175,000 175,000 211,000 211,000 211,000 52,000 193,000 51,000 411,000 467,000 467,000 294,000 543,000 273,000 467,000 50,000 33,000 205,000 383,000 55,000 238,000 438,000 238,000 445,000 467,000 118,000 118,000 29,000 29,000 66,000 285,000 530,000 38,000 422,000 85,000 21,000 52,000 186,000 341,000 187,000 187,000 457,000 457,000 430,000 430,000 475,000 475,000 288,000 75,000 264,000 160,000 700,000 1,080,000 155,000 294,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 NG3321 NG3326 NG3431 NG3501 NG4201 NG4214 NG7120 NG7150 NG7200 U0410B U0412B U0414C U0416A U0416B U0418A U0419A U0420A U0420B U0422A U0422B U0426A U0426B U0430B U0436A U0499A U0499B U0511A U0519A U0520A U0521A U0521B U0525A U0531B U0571A U0571B U0574A U0574B U0574C U0574D U0579A U0588A U0588B U0593A U0615B U0727C U0523A U0523B U3100B U0507A U0508A U0509A U0545A U0569B U0569C U0650A U0655A U0663B U0663C U0665C U0669B U0741C U0770A U0770B U0771A U0780B U0780C U0901A U0901B U0902A U0902B U0933A U0950A U0950B 42340 3302-60 42341 12-00 12-00 4210-48 42218 8-50 8-00 740410.50 740412.50 740414.100 740416.10 740416.50 740418.20 740419.20 740420.10 740420.50 740422.10 740422.50 740426.10 740426.50 740430.4 740436.10 740499.50 740499.250 740511 740519.20 740520.20 740521 740521.100 740525 740531.50 740571 740571.100 740574 740574.25 740574.50 740574.100 740579 740588.50 740588.250 740593 740615.250 740727.250 740523.50 740523.250 743100.10 740507 740508 740509 740545 740569.50 740569.250 740650 740655 740663.4 740663.24 740665.24 740669.5 740741.24 740770.50 740770.250 740771.20 740780.50 740780.250 740901.50 740901.250 740902.50 740902.250 740933.50 740950.10 740950.50 Ovation Pico WTA System V2 Ovation Pico WTA System V2 Ovation FFPE WTA System Ovation One-Direct System Encore Biotin Module Encore Biotin Module Ovation RNA-Seq System V2 Ovation RNA-Seq FFPE System Ovation 3'-DGE System NucleoBond Xtra Midi NucleoBond Xtra Midi Plus NucleoBond Xtra Maxi NucleoBond Xtra Maxi Plus NucleoBond Xtra Maxi Plus NucleoBond Finalizer Large NucleoBond Finalizer Large Plus NucleoBond Xtra Midi EF NucleoBond Xtra Midi EF NucleoBond Xtra Midi Plus EF NucleoBond Xtra Midi Plus EF NucleoBond Xtra Maxi Plus EF NucleoBond Xtra Maxi Plus EF NucleoBond 96 Xtra EF (4 x 96) NucleoBond Xtra BAC NucleoSpin Plasmid (NoLid) NucleoSpin Plasmid (NoLid) NucleoBond AX 20 NucleoBond Finalizer NucleoBond Finalizer Plus NucleoBond AX 100 NucleoBond AX 100 NucleoBond AX 2000 NucleoBond AX 500 NucleoBond PC 20 NucleoBond PC 20 NucleoBond PC 500 NucleoBond PC 500 NucleoBond PC 500 NucleoBond PC 500 NucleoBond BAC 100 NucleoSpin Plasmid NucleoSpin Plasmid NucleoBond PC 10000 NucleoSpin Plasmid QuickPure NucleoSpin Plasmid EasyPure NucleoSEQ NucleoSEQ NucleoFast 96 PCR Plates NucleoBond CB 20 NucleoBond CB 100 NucleoBond CB 500 NucleoBond AXG 100 NucleoSpin Blood QuickPure NucleoSpin Blood QuickPure NucleoBond RNA/DNA 80 NucleoTrap mRNA Mini NucleoSpin 96 Plant II NucleoSpin 96 Plant II NucleoSpin 96 Blood NucleoSpin 8 Plant II NucleoSpin 96 Tissue NucleoSpin Plant II NucleoSpin Plant II NucleoSpin Plant II Midi NucleoSpin Soil NucleoSpin Soil NucleoSpin Tissue XS NucleoSpin Tissue XS NucleoSpin RNA XS NucleoSpin RNA XS NucleoSpin RNA/Protein NucleoSpin Blood XL NucleoSpin Blood XL タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 193,000 900,000 241,000 399,000 129,000 111,000 234,000 240,000 200,000 63,000 78,800 270,000 36,400 171,000 11,000 17,600 21,900 97,000 27,600 121,800 56,700 259,000 310,000 39,900 10,700 49,800 14,700 11,000 17,600 25,200 115,000 43,000 126,000 14,000 62,800 28,000 63,000 121,000 235,000 38,600 10,700 50,000 58,000 36,700 36,700 18,700 78,000 76,000 26,000 41,800 54,600 29,500 20,000 95,000 28,000 41,800 165,000 900,000 980,000 235,000 980,000 24,300 110,000 22,000 43,000 178,500 30,000 135,000 48,500 220,000 56,000 21,500 98,000 80/82 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 U0954A U0956A U0956B U0966B U0966C U0969B U0969C U0982B U0982C U0983B U0983C U0305A U0306A U0316A U0317A U0325A U0329A U0348A U0359A U0360A U0363A U0364A U0375A U0385A U0385B U0387A U0394A U0417A U0427A U0475A U0476A U0477A U0478A U0478B U0479A U0479B U0481A U0481S U0482A U0488A U0488B U0505A U0505S U0506A U0516A U0517A U0518A U0527A U0528A U0529A U0547A U0553A U0561A U0562A U0563A U0577A U0595A U0595B U0596A U0597A U0598A U0600A U0601A U0603A U0614A U0640A U0654A U0685A U0730C U0800A U0810A U0911A U0912A 740954.20 740956.50 740956.250 740966.50 740966.250 740969.50 740969.250 740982.50 740982.250 740983.50 740983.250 740305.120 740306.100 740316.600 740317.1000 740325 740329.1000 740348.1000 740359.80 740360.25 740363.1000 740364.80 740375.1000 740385.50 740385.125 740387.1000 740394.22 740417 740427 740475 740476 740477 740478 740478.24 740479 740479.24 740481 740481EO 740482 740488 740488.24 740505 740505.50 740506 740516.1 740517.1 740518.1 740527.1 740528.1 740529.1 740547.5 740553.5 740561 740562 740563 740577 740595.150 740595.1 740596.100 740597 740598 740600 740601 740603 740614.100 740640 740654.100 740685 740730.48F 740800 740810 740911.1 740912.1 NucleoSpin Blood L NucleoSpin RNA Virus NucleoSpin RNA Virus NucleoSpin TriPrep NucleoSpin TriPrep NucleoSpin totalRNA FFPE XS NucleoSpin totalRNA FFPE XS NucleoSpin totalRNA FFPE NucleoSpin totalRNA FFPE NucleoSpin Virus NucleoSpin Virus Buffer NTI Buffer BE Buffer ELU Buffer EQU Buffer G1 Buffer LYS Buffer NEU Buffer RA2 Buffer RA3 concentrate Buffer RES Buffer RAW2 Buffer WASH Buffer RL1 Buffer RL1 Buffer LYS-EF Buffer BB NucleoBond Xtra Buffer Set I NucleoBond Xtra EF Buffer Set I Round-well Block with Cap Strips MN Square-well Block Rack of Tube Strips with Cap StripsRack of Tube Strips Cap Strips Cap Strips MN Wash Plate MN Wash Plate Square-well Block Square-well Block, ethylene oxide treated Round-well Block Low Culture Plate Culture Plate RNase A(凍結乾燥品) RNase A(凍結乾燥品) Proteinase K(凍結乾燥品) Buffer S1 Buffer S2 Buffer S3 Buffer N2 Buffer N3 Buffer N5 NucleoBond Bottle Top Filter Type 1 NucleoBond Bottle Top Filter Type 2 NucleoBond Folded Filters NucleoBond Rack Small NucleoBond Rack Large NucleoBond Folded Filters XL Buffer NTB Buffer NTB Buffer NT1 Buffer NT2 Buffer NT3 Concentrate Collection Tubes (2 mL) NucleoBond Buffer Set I NucleoBond Buffer Set III Buffer NT Rubber Pad Buffer NTC NucleoSpin Dummy Strips NucleoSpin Plasmid Filter Strips BIO-LAB-TOP(48×60 cm) BIO-LAB-TOP(0.48×50 m) Buffer A1 Buffer A2 81/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 21,000 28,700 127,000 58,800 254,000 48,500 210,000 46,000 197,000 31,000 140,000 8,000 5,000 10,500 16,500 5,500 14,000 14,000 6,500 5,500 14,000 5,500 16,500 5,500 10,500 15,000 5,500 11,000 11,000 11,500 5,500 13,000 5,500 24,500 5,500 28,000 6,500 6,500 8,000 6,000 29,500 13,500 8,000 14,300 7,000 7,000 7,000 8,300 15,400 8,300 13,000 15,000 8,300 8,500 15,000 8,800 6,600 25,400 5,800 5,800 5,800 15,000 8,500 23,500 7,000 5,000 6,800 8,000 28,000 15,500 22,500 13,000 13,000 価格改定製品リスト(2015年4月1日適用) TaKaRa Code 製品コード 製品名 U0913A U0914A U0916A U0917A U0920A U0921A U0922A U0923A U0930A U0932A U0934A U0934S U0935A U0936A U0936S U0940A U0953A U0961A U0963A U0967A U0967S U0979A U2111A U2115A U2125A U2131A U2138A U2139A U4866A U4868A U4869A U4870A U4871A 740913.1 740914.1 740916.1 740917.1 740920 740921 740922 740923 740930 740932 740934.500 740934.50 740935 740936.500 740936.50 740940.25 740953 740961 740963 740967.250 740967.50 740979.30 742111 742115 742125 742131 742138 742139 744866.80 744868.100 744869.100 744870.110 744871.40 Buffer A3 Buffer A4 Concentrate Buffer AW Buffer AE Buffer B3 Buffer B5 Concentrate Buffer BW Buffer BQ1 Buffer C1 Buffer CW Buffer RP1 Buffer RP1 Buffer Set C2/C3 Buffer RAP Buffer RAP Buffer T1 NucleoSpin Plasmid Buffer Set Buffer RA1 rDNase Set Protein Quantification Assay Protein Quantification Assay Decrosslink Buffer D-Link MN 218 B (580x600 mm, 100 sheets) MN 218 B (200x200 mm, 100 sheets) MN 440 B (580x600 mm, 100 sheets) MN 218 B (210x90 mm, 100 sheets) MN 218 B (150x200 mm, 100 sheets) MN 218 B (70x100 mm, 100 sheets) Buffer MV1 Buffer MV3 Buffer MV4 Buffer MV5 Buffer MV6 82/82 タカラバイオ株式会社 新価格(税別) 2015年4月1日~ 24,800 15,000 24,800 12,000 6,500 5,800 5,800 8,700 5,800 5,800 26,500 5,500 15,500 28,000 6,000 5,600 8,000 5,800 12,000 16,000 5,000 5,500 42,000 11,000 60,000 7,500 10,000 6,500 14,000 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,500
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