REGISTRATION INFORMATION Date and Place: 28th April 2015 (Pernille Rudlin) Royal Over-Seas League, St James’ s Street, London SW1, UK 9 June 2015 (Emma Johnson) Manchester, UK th 17th June 2015 (Claudia Romberg) Düsseldorf Mercure Hotel, Germany 1st July 2015 (Claudia Romberg) Frankfurt Westin Grand Hotel, Germany JICについて ヨーロッパ人向け一日セミナー 日本人と一緒に円滑に働く方法 日本人と一緒に働いているヨーロッパ人の多くの方々は、母国と異な る日本の独特な文化、習慣、企業風土などに戸惑いがちです。その結 Seminar Fees Individual fee: £375 / €460 (£450 / €552 including VAT) Discounted fee (for 2 or more delegates from the same organisation): £325 / €400 (£390/ €480 including VAT) Payment Methods Payment by cheque: Please mail this form and cheque payable to Rudlin Consulting Ltd, including VAT if your organisation is based in the UK, or you are attending the London seminar, to St Georges House, 26 Princes Street, Norwich NR3 1AE, UK. 効果を下げるだけではなく、職場での調和や協調性を乱す原因にもな りかねません。 そのために「異文化ストレス」の対策として、今回のセミナーを計画い たしました。日本人の考え方や働き方を文化的側面からより良く知る ことで、参加者の理解を深め、職場における人間関係の向上を奨励す るものです。 日本のビジネス習慣と社会意識について、分かりやすく説明できる幅 Deadline for Registration and receipt of payment : 5 working days before the seminar __ Please register me for the 28th April London seminar __ Please register me for the 9th June Manchester seminar __ Please register me for the 17th June Düsseldorf seminar __ Please register me for the 1st July Frankfurt seminar __ I can’t attend this time, but let me know about future seminars. (please send further information) Working Effectively with Japanese Colleagues, Clients & Partners 広い経験と知識を持つ専門家が、このセミナーでヨーロッパ人の質問 にお答えします。日本式コミュニケーションのスタイル、言葉の壁を 乗り越えるテクニック、日本企業における意思決定のプロセス、そし て日本人との会議を効果的に運営する方法などのトピックが網羅され ています。 Understand Japanese culture in the workplace Learn how to best communicate with ぜひ、一緒に働いているヨーロッパ人の皆様方に、この機会をお薦め 下さいますよう、お願い申し上げます。 Payment by bank transfer: Please e-mail [email protected] for an invoice and bank details. A One-Day Seminar 果として、ストレスを感じ、一緒に働いている日本人との関係がスム Payment by credit card: Please visit events page or by phone on +44 1603 465 520. Presents ーズに行かない場合が生じます。この様なストレスは、仕事の効率や Time: 09:00 - 09:30 / Registration 09:30 - 17:00 / Seminar (lunch included) Japan Intercultural Consulting Japan Intercultural Consulting Europe St Georges House, 26 Princes Street, Norwich NR3 1AE, UK Phone: +44 1603 465 520 Contact: Pernille Rudlin European Representative of Japan Intercultural Consulting 担当者:パニラ・ラドリン ジャパン・インタ−カルチュラル・コンサルティング社、 ヨーロッパ代表 E-mail: [email protected] Japanese colleagues and customers Increase your efficiency and effectiveness 28th April 2015 London (in English) 9th June 2015 Manchester (in English) 17th June 2015 Düsseldorf (in German) 1st July 2015 Frankfurt (in German) FACILITATORS Claudia Romberg Senior Consultant, Germany Claudia is a specialist in the Toyota Production System and has worked as a consultant, trainer and coach for ten years with more than forty companies, joint ventures and M&As. She has lived in Japan for seven years, including two years of studying at Tokyo University. She was Assistant Professor of Japanese Religion at Amsterdam Free University and also worked in marketing for the German East Asiatic Society in Tokyo and as a consultant for Dentsu. She holds a certificate in Ericksonian coaching and an M.A. with a major in Japanese History of Religion from Leiden University. Emma Johnson Consultant, UK Emma has supported several Japanese companies in investing into the UK as well delivered a range of Japan-related business services in her roles as Inward Investment Manager for Yorkshire Forward and Associate Director at the Japan Centre North West. Prior to these positions she worked in Japan for 3 years and also for the Embassy of Japan in London. She has a BA in Linguistics from the University of Reading and a Master’s Degree in Japanese from Sheffield University. Pernille Rudlin European Representative of Japan Intercultural Consulting Pernille was brought up partly in Japan and partly in the UK. She spent nearly a decade at Mitsubishi Corporation working in their London operations and Tokyo headquarters in sales, HR and corporate planning, and three years as Director of External Relations, in the global marketing unit, for Fujitsu, the largest Japanese employer in the UK. She holds a BA in Modern History and Economics from Oxford University and an MBA from INSEAD, and is the author of many books and articles on Japanese corporate culture and business communications. SEMINAR ABOUT JIC Frequently asked questions " How can I get my Japanese colleagues to accept change? " Established in 1994 by Rochelle Kopp, Japan Intercultural Consulting is recognised as a premier training and consulting firm focused on Japanese business, with clients including leading multinationals in various industries. The firm’s headquarters are in Chicago, and in addition to a network of facilitators across Europe, it has branches in the USA, Japan, China and Mexico. " Is it OK in Japan for people to fall asleep in meetings? " We help firms improve their productivity through: " Why do Japanese people take so long to make decisions? " " How can I tell if there is agreement, understanding or disagreement? ” Cultural training for Europeans working with Japanese " Why do Japanese people work such long hours? ” Cultural and management skills training for Japanese " How can I tell a Japanese person that I disagree with them without offending them? " Topics Japanese communication style How Japanese society and companies have been changing How decisions are made in Japanese organisations Why Japanese business people avoid risk How to build strong working relationships with Japanese colleagues and partners * The seminars will also feature explanations of proper Japanese etiquette for meals and social activities. This seminar is also available as an in-house seminar in a variety of languages. Please contact [email protected] for further details. Cross-cultural teambuildings and management retreats In Europe we provide full day or half day training sessions for Europeans working in or with Japanese companies and Japanese staff who have been seconded to Europe. We have facilitators of various nationalities who conduct seminars in Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Switzerland, UAE and the UK. We also provide executive coaching and team development workshops designed to aid multi-cultural management teams to improve communication, build trust and better working relationships, increase motivation and achieve better business results.
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