国別化学規格Country Chemical Inventory

TRONOX® titanium dioxide
Country Chemical Inventory
TRONOX® 酸化チタン顔料とその構成物は各国の以下の規格に記載しております。
・オーストラリア (AICS=Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances )
・カナダ (DSL=Domestic
Substance List)
・中国(IECSC=Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China)
・ヨーロッパ(REACH=Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of CHemicals)
(EINECS=the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances)
・日本 (ENCS=Existing and New Chemical Substances Inventory / ISHL=Industry Safety and Health Law)
・韓国(KESI=Korea Existing Chemicals Inventory)
・メキシコ(INSQ= National Inventory of Chemical Substances =Inventario Nacional de Sustancias Químicas)
・ニュージーランド(NZIoC= New Zealand Inventory of Chemicals)
・フィリピン(PICCS=Philippines Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances)
・台湾(ECN=Guidance for Existing Chemical Substance Nomination)
・トルコ(By-Law= By-Law on Inventory and Control of Chemicals)
・アメリカ合衆国(TSCA= Toxic Substances Control Act)
TRONOX® 酸化チタン顔料は食品に直接食品、医薬品、化粧品に用いられる事はございません。
TRONOX® 酸化チタン顔料は人体の延命、救命目的の埋め込み型医療機器には用いられません。
Tronox® is a registered trademark
The information set forth herein is furnished free of charge and based on technical data that Tronox believes to be reliable, to the best of knowledge. It is intended for use by person having technical skills, at their
own risk. Since conditions of use are outside our control, we make no warranties, expressed or implied and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing herein is to be taken as
license to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patents.
3301 NW 150th Street. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73134