at the exhibition Member..................................................................... HallBooth KISTERS AG................................................................... 3.2304 KSB Aktiengesellschaft.................................................. 4.2422 LAR Process Analysers AG............................................. 2.2200 LIT UV ELEKTRO GmbH................................................. 2.2408 Membrana GmbH......................................................... 2.2406 NBB Nord Bohr und Brunnenbau GmbH........................ 4.2207 Neutralox Umwelttechnik GmbH................................... 5.2305 NIVUS GMBH................................................................ 3.2206 OTT Hydromet GmbH.................................................... 3.2401 p2m berlin GmbH.......................................................... 2.2400 »»ATB Umwelttechnologien GmbH »»Bilfinger Water Technologies GmbH »»G.I.S.S. GmbH »»HAMBURG WASSER »»inge GmbH »»Kary-Planaqua GmbH »»Leibniz-Institut für Plasmaforschung und Technologie (INP Greifswald) »»MARTIN Membrane Systems AG »»MICRODYN-NADIR GmbH »»Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. »»newterra GmbH »»Nordic Water GmbH »»OTT Hydromet GmbH »»REMONDIS Aqua International GmbH »»Rudolph Messner Umwelttechnik AG »»Speetect GmbH »»STS Sensoren Transmitter Systeme GmbH »»Von Roll BHU Umwelttechnik GmbH »»WILO SE Meet our members Member..................................................................... HallBooth Joint booth 3S Antriebe GmbH........................................................ 4.2123 3.2b, 318 & 407 AKUT Umwelttechnik GmbH......................................... 2.2200 AWA-Institut Gesellschaft für angewandte Wasserchemie mbH Halle............................................ 2.2206 BARTHAUER SOFTWARE GMBH.................................... 3.2231 Gebr. Bellmer GmbH Maschinenfabrik........................... 5.2303 beton & rohrbau C.-F. Thymian GmbH & Co. KG........... 1.2311 BINDER GmbH............................................................... 3.2315 BLM Gesellschaft für Bohrlochmessungen mbH............ 4.2209 Blücher GmbH............................................................... 2.2431 Bohrlochmessung-Storkow GmbH................................. 4.2217 Ludwig Pfeiffer Hoch- und Tiefbau GmbH & Co. KG..... 1.2508 Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)..... 5.2202 pigadi GmbH................................................................. 2.2400 Bürkert GmbH & Co. KG Fluid Control Systems.............. 3.2305 Rainer Kiel Kanalsanierung GmbH................................. 1.2406 CUTEC-Institut GmbH.................................................... 5.2202 REHAU AG & CO........................................................... 1.2203 Delta Umwelt Technik GmbH........................................ 2.2200 ribeka GmbH................................................................. 3.2312 DHI-WASY GmbH......................................................... 3.2304 Salzgitter Mannesmann Line Pipe GmbH....................... 1.2404 SEBA Hydrometrie GmbH & Co. KG............................... 3.2223 Exhibition Tour with German Water Partnership Hermann Sewerin GmbH............................................... 3.2319 ................................................................................... 3.2414 Siemens AG................................................................... 3.2303 STAR Kunststoffverarbeitungs GmbH............................ 1.2400 Steinzeug-Keramo GmbH.............................................. 1.2117 Sülzle Klein GmbH......................................................... 2.2301 SÜLZLE KOPF Anlagenbau GmbH.................................. 2.2301 bo int Technische Universität Dresden..................................... 1.2212 DWA Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V............................................. 5.2201 F.A.S.T. GMBH............................................................... 3.2408 Fraunhofer-Institut für Grenzflächen- und Bioverfahrenstechnik IGB............................................ 2.2422 ot h , 318 3.2b Jo Technische Universität Berlin......................................... 2.2200 Duktus Rohrsysteme Wetzlar GmbH.............................. 1.2405 figawa e.V..................................................................... 4.2206 WASSER BERLIN INTERNATIONAL 2015 March 24–27, 2015 STÜWA Konrad Stükerjürgen GmbH.............................. 4.2219 DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag GmbH............................ 2.2216 7 & 40 Graf GmbH.................................................................... 2.2322 GSTT German Society for Trenchless Technology e.V..... 1.2217 HACH LANGE GmbH..................................................... 3.2208 Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH – UFZ..... 5.2306 TRACTO-TECHNIK GmbH & Co.KG Halle....................... 1.2204 Herrenknecht AG.......................................................... 1.2205 Trojan Technologies Deutschland GmbH....................... 2.2415 HOBAS Rohre GmbH..................................................... 1.2214 VEGA Grieshaber KG Halle............................................ 3.2124 HUBER SE...................................................................... 5.2208 For further information and contact details please visit our website: As of March 5th, 2015. Subject to change. Photos: HydroGroup.................................................................. 4.2211 IFAT 2016 (Messe München GmbH)............................... 2.2215 Ingenieurgesellschaft Prof. Dr. Sieker mbH.................... 2.2200 Invent Umwelt- und Verfahrenstechnik AG.................... 5.2104 Jäger Umwelt-Technik GmbH & Co. KG......................... 5.2203 Kettler Utility Communication GmbH............................ 4.2100 Programme with German Water Partnership TUESDAY, MARCH 24 WEdNESDAY, MARCH 25 12:00 GWP-Informationsveranstaltung „Gute Vernetzungen zahlen sich aus“ o ot h 8 & 407 3.2b, 31 Jo in t b WEdNESDAY, MARCH 25 10:00–12:00, International Forum Hall 5.2 Challenges in North America Chairperson: Anja Rach, German Water Partnership 10:00 Welcome and Introduction 10:05 The Changing Water Industry in Canada – New Opportunities for German Companies 10:35 Water challenges faced by the largest municipalities in Ontario 11:05 Kow-how transfer and exchange of experience in the field of well services and – management – Successful cooperation between Germany and USA 11:35 Alberta‘s Water Challenges and Opportunities 12:00 End of session Simultaneous interpreting: German/English WEdNESDAY, MARCH 25 THURSDAY, MARCH 26 01:00–03:00, International Forum Hall 5.2 03:30–05:30, International Forum Hall 5.2 10:00–12:00, International Forum Hall 5.2 Innovative solutions in the MENA region Future-compliant municipal water management German-Romanian Forum – Water and Wastewater in Romania Chairperson: Dr Gabriele Stich, BDZ – Bildungs- und Demonstrationszentrum für dezentrale Abwasserbehandlung Chairman: Dipl.-Ing. Peter Köstner, Münchner Stadtentwässerung Chairmen: Dr Azmi Ghneim, German Water Partnership & Mustafa Nasereddin, ACWUA 01:00 Welcome and Introduction 01:05 Contract with MEW Kuwait Challenges with regard to: Special technical requirements, Logistics “door to door”, Partial local production of pipes for special application trenchless laying method “Jacking” and Training of young MEW Engineers 01:25 Sludge Management in Egypt: The Energy, Food and Climate Change Nexus 01:45 BIO-CEL® Submerged Module for Innovative Membrane Bio Reactors (MBR) 02:05 The Challenges Facing Development of Wastewater Sector In Palestine toward 2025 02:25 Nile Basin Decision Support System 02:45 Achievements of the Water Sector and Jordan German Technical Cooperation 03:30 Welcome and Introduction 03:35 Vacuum technology as a key component of sustainable and water-saving municipal water management 04:00 Integrated real-time control and warning for urban areas and receiving waters 04:25 Financing mechanism in the water sector: changes and challenges 04:50 River (re-)balanced! – Why are the small parts in the water so important? 05:15 HOBAS CSO Chamber – New design for Combined Sewer Overflows 05:30 End of session 10:00 Welcome and Introduction 10:05 Implementation of the German inputs by the GermanRomanian environmental foundation Aquademica – problems and solutions 10:20 Economical perspectives of a German entrepreneur (Aquademica member) residing in Romania 10:40 Demand for vocational training for skilled workers in the water and wastewater field in Romania 11:10 Success story – WECF-school project in Romanian schools 11:25 Long-term experiences in a German high technology Wastewater treatment plant (in Romania) 11:40 Brain-drain in EU direction – how to stop it? 12:00 End of session Simultaneous interpreting: German/English Simultaneous interpreting: German/English 03:00 End of session 02:30–05:20, Exhibition area, Hall 6.3, room A Simultaneous interpreting: German/English Water management in South East Europe Get-together of German Water Partnership March 25, 05:30 h o ot 8 & 407 , b 3.2 31 Jo in t b 02:30 Registration of participants 03:00 Welcome 03:10 Overview – Current Situation and needs in the region 03:25 Waste water management and energy savin measures in the water supply in South West Kosovo 03:40 Field Report 03:55Capacity Development as key for implementation of EU standards and distribution of modern technologies 04:10 Discussion 05:00 Presentation Regional flood management 05:20 End of session Simultaneous interpreting: German/English
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