愛知教育大学研究報告, 55 (自然科学編), pp.39∼44, March, enopis Control of spiking in Application of Mineral Salts and Regulators Mam CHANSEAN Asuka Department NAKAN0 of Science ( Biology), Aicht and 2006 in Phala by Plant Growth Syoichi ICHIHASHI University o f Education, 448-8542, Kariya Japan Abstract (NH4)2S04 a nd NH4NO3 Plants, which halaenopisis. received month. and K2SO4 were 5 me KNO3 growth regulators of Phala四opisis. Naphthalene depending one Drop of flower month. received (PGRs) NH.-N were Benzyl showed slightly compare resources (BA) sodium showed spiking about The one num- to the control. spiking affected the reproductive negative P of Phalaenopisis. to control to the plant. NAA of delayed decreased adenine higher were development other that applied weekly and flower acetic acid (NAA) However, buds that inhibits spiking ・ 1・1of (NH4)2S04 or NH4NO3 on the concentration ing about of nitrogen did not inhibit spiking ber of flowers in plants, which Plant the resources and flower growth induction of Phalaenopisis salt, lOOOppm delayed spik- no clear effects on spiking. correlation with night relative humidity・ Introduction Reproductive growth of Phalaenoがsis is induced for plants to induce inflorescences and flower tive growth and Sakanishi., 1977). Therefore, (Ishida to control the flower induction ing higher with low and spiking heating control by heating becomes be controlled and rather Although PGRs easy seem by application to have we reconfirmed spiking investigated. control were and imported plastic pots with house kept from 100C cated some is needed flowers in winter. In order is required. But heating the production factors (Ichihashi, of NH.-N under spiking cost is becom- cost, an alternative method lower 2003). It was temperature suggested (Horio by fertilization. Another potential to affect spiking, few papers the effects of nitrogen (Kinu White Phalaenopisis from Indonesia sphagnum August November 3 and used Eight application 90% shaded shading was was between data were recorded Coffee x Kinu White as plant materials. potted All pots were under and 4O''C and humidity 24 (3 trays). The were moss. 11,2004. for the first l week started from 250C 25''C inhibits reproduc- alternatives described on spiking that spiking and Ichihashi, of 2003). are control by the control by them。 and potentiality of PGRs on Methods Clone plants of which under than plants produce control by heating costly. To reduce practice to control In this research, Materials Phalaenopisis Temperature temperature cost is required。 Pkalαenopisis could PGRs. temperature. and the higher in winter, temperature spiking of Pkoloewobsiswas affected by some It is practical by low buds, plants were poured 8%and weekly plants arranged 200 ml of fungicide condition changed The Beer) and then to 60%. The 100% and 1 Graduate student, Aichi University of Education 2 student, Aichi University of Education −39 changed with had average been leaf number 5.57 and potted in 10 cm-diameter in a plastic tray and cultivated in greenand sprayed to 78% temperature during (Fig.l). In the experiments, the position of each bactericides. Plants were condition. Heating was shaded experiment each tray was treatment changed. was between were repli- Mam CHANSEAN, Experiment 1. In this experiment, meり‘1 of K2SO4 NH4NO3 K2SO4, 5.05g of KNO,, 3.38g Experiment 2. NAA deionized then stock plant was and SyoichiI CHIHASHI applied 1, 10, 100, and 100, and concentrations 1000 by adding precipitation 1000 ppm ppm were deionized of BA week】y 300ml of solution, (4) 5 me・l to April 12,2005. These of (NH4)2S04,and 4.0g of NH4NO3 solution, solutions, KNO3 16, 2004 distilled water.BA, adjusted In BA each solution, (3) 5 me・1 solution ft‘om August Asuka NAKANO were prepared prepared observed. by dissolving by dissolving solutions Before were (2) 5 ・ 1‘l of 4.35g of respectively. NAA BA application me by dissolving into 10 liters of tap water distil!ed water. Stock (control), of(NH4)2S04,and(5)5 solution were also prepared crystals were of (1) tap water sodium salt into into ethanol first and kept in a refrigerator. it was shaken well and used.. Two hundred m1 (400 the axils of the 3rd and experiment were applied ml per plant) of each 4th leaf of each weekly solution plant at August with 300ml distilled water 17, September 22, and (control) October was applied to 21. A11 plants in this of tap water. 5040302010 ︵p︶QEβ Weekly Max 0 or deionized Min Temperature →−MaχTemp .J。罵・・J, 1.●●..J.。 ‥`○‥・MinTsmp ゛W ”●●轟轟 − ..仙7’’審’’’岫゛ 似 ● ̄’ ゛ (ッyy、 、 ぺ゛≒叫へmJミOOOOOOom2゛八ぺぐ〉oび り W ,ll・・.. I ..・.|・・I.III・.|・・・II・... I・・III・IIII・I・.|. 120 0 0 0 0 00 08642 1 ︵S︶Ajmiiunu Wse kly Max Min Humidity ........ kム▲▲A▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ ▲羞 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼y▼▼▼・●7ぶ ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ A 甲 マ ●に゛ →'― MaxHumid −‥◇‥・MinHumid ,、、 fχバ〉《机へ仙へ 八八 ∧A.N^ n ∧ ・ V X/町`K/ ∩〉9恂汐四w 泌洲へ 心 ◇‰ T 恰`悟◇〈/〉<〉ヮ゛ 9 ,,I・・・・|・・III・・・ ■■・■■・●・l・・I・・・I I I I ■ I I ■・・III・・II, 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 61 ・ Month、2004-2005 Fig. 1.Maximum and minimum temperature and relativeh umidity duringeχperiments. Results Experiment 1、Development (NH4)2S04 application application. Spiking application (Table delayed of primary 1). Spiking of inflorescence spiking is shown in Fig. 2. Primary a little.Start of primary spiking was spiking delayed inflorescence was inhibited significantly at November of secondary inflorescence started after October Table l. Effects of mineral salts on Phalaenopsis spiking。 started after October about 4 weeks g by NH.NO, 26 in K2SO4 Table 2. Effects of plant growth 12. by NH4NO3 and (NH4)2S04 application regulator on月halaenopsis first fol- spiking. Percent Treatments △ 9-NOU-05 18-Jan-05 Treatments 9-NOV-05 18-Jan-05 Pnmary Secondaiy Pnmary Secondary Pnmary Secondaiy Pnmaty Secondary Control 6`゛ 0.0b 100' 0.0b NAA lppm KNOj 58.3* O.O'' 91.7' 37、5` N八AlOppm (NHASO, 17.4'' 0.0b 詣。31 17.4* NAA 1 OOppm NAAlOOOppm BA lOOppm Duncan's multiple range test(Pく0.05) 00 ・Diffe。nt letterwithin columns represent agnificant differenceby *i_ NH4N0√ Ob OO*" 87.5' 8、? ■ CZ) ij^ 57307 6 KjSO, 82、6゛: 8し? 95.? 21.7* 8 6 Control 69 o£spiking 一い一PびPPぐ一 Percent of spiking 95.5`b 27.3≫ 95.7* 8.7由 100* 4.3`b 95.? 73.9* 95、7゛ 13.0* 0、Ob 26、1` BAlOOt]ppm 56.6* 4.3' 73.りt 17.4* *Differentletterwithin columns represent significantdifferenceby Duncan's multiple range test(Pく0.05). 40 桂一 ・(gO‘0>d)lsal aSuvi 'ju!J3M0g ・(SO-O>d) Jss; gSuBj aid!linui S UBこiunQ Aq aauajaj j!P lUED!J!u3!sluasajdsj sjBq aAoqB uo uo!lul】!]ddB SJIES IBJ9U!va JO S}33Jja I (uidd) w kj s,uB3unQ sjBq 3A0qB '3u!J9M0IJ UO UO!JBDIlddB 咽U Aq aouajaj jansT juajgjj!(I。 SJIBS IBjau!m JO spang ・£ -sm PsrUid (wBali> IOJ).UOQ OS^M a h t t p : / / Iw Iww.b. o Eqnx BON*HN >os≪<ヤUN) P≪riod <w&elO -・ o^≫ikal<x>D^^o (uidd)va Wr ̄ ̄て双 ald!Wai j!p 1UB3IJ!u3is juasajdaj J9H3I 1USJ3JJ!a 。 t^ ︱ a 8 ㎝ ︵XI ︱■ lo M http://wwwu .i oo . Dropped flomer bud3 ︱ o lo A. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dropped flower bud (K> u 0^。> z’﹄mber A a of 0) a ≪a o ^ spike qo 0 flowBrs.。p;i≫-' Flower number per ls≫ -≫ ‘加pl!ds S!sdoit皿秤'uj uo jojEinSaj mt^OiS ■ddoooiva-B- ■■MnoLVa-d- ■■Mod IV¥筒一令− "*>OIVVM一卒− ■mlvvn一9− │・jl・・0→− jubicJ puB sjtbs rej9uiai jo spajjg 'Z‘爽E【 ""MOOOUfVH→− EON^HN一々- ≫OSZ(≫H間−ローSOHJ-JT- JO`、5 10/12 10/26 u 11/2 11/9 11/16 11/2! 11/30 12/ 12/14 12/21 12/28 1/、4 1/11 1/1B oi aンり en lojiuoo→一 CD ro cji -k^KlMMU* 0909e SI露∼SS罫SS富 富 S SI a = 22==;= B S a B =SMMSg S 一一 芯芯芯-。二1二ご二1一-。芯66一 -^ *^くむなこ2祀む旨こlくく々こ2?こzQ くχ)-aム│∽I -* £l、■J o cLj *OSZ!I-O- tn s0 0 0 M N3 Jk g g ≪> CB g S 9 a − 0 0 0 一 算 I a S (001 ■(op J3AV01J paua^joqs Vfl JO uo!;Bj}uaDuoo qS!M inq ‘AI!AaSuoT J9AV0n p叩U91X9 WN 'g!j)心!AaSuoi JO uo!lEJiuaouoこ5 qg!H ■(qrS!j) p9AJ3SqO SEM 30U3J3JJ!p lun!J!uj!s (juinq sjuauijeaji IllJu !p3AJ9sqo DUE 脚dd WN 0001 PaA!339J UDIUAV SlUBld u! SS3T pue '(Z spang Xjo;!q!qu!叫工゛(qZ pal!q!Ilu!uo!1BJJU3DU00 ・(DC-Si丿戸ONうI aaug!H ゛OSでHN)u! ssaT pUB IloJluoj)u! p3dOI3A9p pUB S1U9UIJB9J; SUOUIE Pa訪lap UO!叩月uaj)uo;)sl! uo 3u!puadap S}U13ldu□ajjous s;u9uiiEaa; SBAV心!人aSuoi IP u! p9Aj9sqo SUOIUE dojp pnq J9AV0lJ-(町角j)va P9J3JJ!p spnq J3AV0n radd 0001 JO jaquinfj alqE1)suo叩Jluaこ)U00叫luo 2iu!pu9dap luE)リ!u2i!s sjaAV WN '3!j)甲uo田auo u明1 aaoui SUIM!ds PjA!aoaa u! Ug!IIAIluo!J!uj!spUB S1U3UHE3JJ SBM jaMO]j SBAV dojp pnq PaJaJJ!p ぶjuaosajojju!叩n SBAV aouaosajonu!心uPuoこ39S ON WN JO uidd PuEsnotlDuO‘IPIA 3u!4!ds SUIM!ds aqx JO Pal!q!tlu!VV肢‘7 ludm!Ud4x3 '(qり拓I卜ON}I paAiaoaj tlこ)!UAV SlUEjd J3M0IこI'(呪‘万旧)sluauJ19JドON゛HNpm? u! paonpojd spnq jaMojj JO J9quin^ ゛sluaul坪aJnOSg(゛HN)puu sON゛HN ‘sONχ Xq pSMOI sjo司nj明叩MOJDI皿ld pUB SMBS [BjamjAl JO UOpE:)!lddv心り巾部∂mvi4j u!Suupdc 10 lojjuoこ) Mam CHANSEAN, nd Asuka NAKANO SyoichiI CHIHASHI a Discussions The main interest of this investigation was inhibition trol.Inhibitory effects of nitrogen on spiking ry effects were specific to NH.-N and inhibitory effects of NH^-N inhibitory effect of NH4-N be inhibited more than non have not long one month. To already shown specific to NOj-N and no inhibitory was of spiking make to be easy much other than 2003). Among and Ichihashi, on spiking seemed our method (Ichihashi, (Horio effects of NOs-N lasting and by methods were temperature con- nitrogen, inhibito- 2003). In this experiment, confirmed canceling. again. However, Because practical, continuing spiking inhibitory an could not effects on spik- ing are required。 Applications investigated, Spiking of PGRs no inhibitory is a phenomenon modify apical dominance. iment, NAA application on apical dominance be another might and of spiking may be the reason that BA to have spiking BA longer is required was affected spiking physiological inhibition to establish Effects NAA effects of GAj of NAA and close relations showed BA and BA not high 0n spiking to apical dominance. BA and NAA and precipitation have are not clear yet. are the well known no clear effects on spiking. was PGRs In this exper- supposed to affect Solubility of BA was to observed may in stock not effective。 but these processes where and PGRs of both Although and it is reasonable. inhibitory of spiking be effective. Application investigation seems However, to clarify the effects of nitrogen To attain much NAA Process of apical dominance. to plant axils suppressed NH.NO, spiking. (Chenet al., 1994). by a decline of spiking undergo is required known to control of uneχpected results. Solubility of BA Both NAA that process effect was choice caused antagonistically. reason solutions. This and are the other chemicals both are not homologous. chemicals It suggests affect inhibitory. Much research on spiking。 under lower NH4NO3 temperature, and NAA simultaneous application is the next step to be investigated. a stable and reliable method to control spiking by application of NH4-N But much of chemi- cals in Phalaenopsis。 Flower longevity experiment flower plants which been indicated might experiment flower bud night humilities of the most dropped KNO, (Ichihashi, of KNOj much The buds received Application KNO3 is one important characteristics and early flower defoliation (Fig. 3b). The 2003). inhibitory Nitrogen affect on flower and affected decreased flower production. Phalaenopsis observed effects of nitrogen application texture were of in all treatments, application flower especially in the on flower longevity stalk texture flower longevity. In this To and became confirm weaker. the effects of is required。 drop might and number be caused of flower also by low bud drop were humidity. because observed (Fig.5). Higher higher negative correlations night humidity between is an important 120 O O O O O 0 8 6 4 2 1 spnq jeMOU psddojp \eio\ 0 50 90 60 70 80 AvQrapniaht Fig. 5- Correlation between Total have dropped humidity 100 50 (S) 弓0 70 80 90 Msximurn nisht humidity 100 (≫} flower bud drop and humidity. flower bud number of alltreatments in each week −42 − and relative humidity of the week were analyzed. Control of Spiking in Pdoloenoftis by Application factor for the healthy development Mechanical of Mineral Salts and Plant Growth Regulators of flower buds. stress by the change of pot position, mineral salts application and watering may also be the cause of flower buds defoliation. Acknowledgement I thank Mr. S. Fujita,Ekakarya Japan, and Mr. Yamaguchi, FT. Ekakariya, Indonesia for their gift of plant materials and kind advices on this research. Literature Chen, Cited , W-S, ering Horio, H-Y S. and Soc. Liu, ZH Liu, L. Yang in S. Ichihashi. Hort. Sci. 72(Suppl. 2003. Ishida, Univ. Edu.. 52 (Natural G. and Y. Sakanishi. Autumn W-H Chen. 1994. Gibberellin and temperature influrnce carbohydrate content and flow- Control Meet.:298 of spiking in by Phalaenopsis nitrogen fertilization under lower temperature. J. Japan. 2):223. (In Japanese). Ichihashi, alaenopsisis. S. 2003. Effects of nitrogen Aichi and Physiol. Phalaenopsis. Plantr. 90:391-395. application on leaf growth, Science):35 inflorescence development and flowering in Bull. Ph − 42. 1974. Effects of temperature on the flowering − 299. (In Japanese). 43 behavior of Phalaenopisis. Abstr. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. Mam CHANSEAN, Asuka NAKANO and SyoichiI CHIHASHI 無機塩と植物生長調節剤施用による花序発生の制御 マム チャンセン・中野明日香・市橋正一 愛知教育大学理科教育講座生物領域 448-8542 刈谷市井ヶ谷町広沢1 摘要 (NH4)2S04とNH4N03はファレノプシ・スの花序発生を抑制した。 5me・1-1の(NH4)2S04あるいは NH4NO3を毎週施用することによって花序の発生はおおよそ1ヶ月抑制された。K2S04とKN03は花 序の発生と開花を抑制しなかった。NH4-Nを施用した株では小花数が多少減った。 植物生長調節剤(PGRs)よってのファレノプシスの花序と花蕾の発生が抑制された。ナフタレン酢酸 (NAA)の施用濃度によっても生殖生長は影響された。 1000ppmのNAAナトリュウム塩の施用によって 花序の発生はおおよそ1ヶ月遅延した。しかしベンジルアデニン(BA)の施用は花序の発生に影響しな かった。 花蓄の落下と夜間の湿度の間には高い負の相関が見られた。 (平成17年9月16日受理) −44 −
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