CURRICULUM VITAE ANGELOS KORNILAKIS CONTENTS: I. PERSONAL DATA II. STUDIES AND SCIENTIFIC CAREER III. SCIENTIFIC WORK IV. TEACHING EXPIRIENCE V. PUBLICATIONS I. PERSONAL DATA NAME: AngelosKornilakis DATE OF BIRTH: 17 April 1972 PLACE OF BIRTH: Thessaloniki, Greece II. STUDIES AND SCIENTIFIC CAREER Under-graduate Studies June 1997 Graduation from the Faculty of Law of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (8,48/10) Post-graduate Studies June 2001 PhD on Civil Law, thesis: «Wesen und Funktion der VerjährungimRahmen des deutschen und englischenSchuldrechts»(“The limitation of actions in German and English contract and Tort Law”) at the J.W.Goethe University of Frankfurt under Prof. Dr. M.Wolf and Prof. Dr. E. Rehbinder as second examiner (Note: Summa cum laude). Scientific Career February 2005 Lecturer for Civil Law at the Department of Civil, Civil Procedural and Labour Law of the Faculty of Law of AUTH May 2010 Assist. Prof. for Civil Law at the Department of Civil, Civil Procedural and Labour Law of the Faculty of Law of AUTH April 2015 Assoc. Prof. for Civil Law at the Department of Civil, Civil Procedural and Labour Law of the School of Law of AUTH Foreign Languages English (Proficiency, Cambridge University) German (PhD Thesis In German) French, Spanish (ability to read and use French and Spanish literature) III. SCIENTIFIC WORK September 2002 Lecture on “The Modern Trends of the Law on the Limitation of Actions in Europe” November 2005 Lecture on the greek institution of “Estoppel” February 2007 Lecture entitled: “Breach of contract as infringement of the right to personality” May 2007 Participation in the 6th Greek-Swiss Seminar on “Kreditsicherung” under Prof. Dr. A. Koutsouradis and Prof. Dr. Meier May 2009 Co-organizer together with Prof. Dr. A. Koutsouradis,Prof. Dr. N. Psouniand Prof. Dr. I.Meierof the 7th Greek-Swiss Seminar on “Erwachsenenschutzrecht (Vormundschaftsrecht) und Persönlichkeitsrecht”. October 2011 Co-organizertogetherwith Prof. Dr. A. Koutsouradis, Prof. Dr. N. Psouniand Prof. Dr. I.Meierofthe 7thGreek-Swiss Seminar on “Zahlungsunfähigkeit und Überschuldung im schweizerischen, griechischen und europäischen Zivil- und Zivilverfahrensrecht” October 2013 Lecture at the Greek – German Scientific Symposium held by the School of Law of the University of Athens and DAAD in Athens, entitled: “Vertragsauslegungals Instrument zurKrisenbewältigung” November 2013 Lecture at the University of Nicosia entitled: “Property Aggregates and Civil Law – Property and Firm” January 2014 Lecture at the Conference held by the International Hellenic University, entitled: “Unconscionability of guaranty due to bank credit to an ab initio insolvent debtor without knowledge of the guarantor.” February 2014 Lecture at the University of Nicosia entitled: “Breach of bilateral Contract – an economic analysis” March 2014 Co-founder of the Interdisciplinary Research Group at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on Commons and Social and Solidarity Economy May 2014 Lecture at the University of Nicosia entitled: “Usufruct – economic and social function” March 2015 Lecture at the law School of A.U.TH. in cooperation with the Research Group on Commons and Social & Solidarity Economy entitled: “Historical evolution of the juridical persons from ancient times to modernity” IV. TEACHING EXPERIENCE J.W. Goethe Universität-Frankfurt Winter Semester 1999/2000 and Spring Semester 2000, Faculty of Law of the J.W. Goethe University of Frankfurt: „Einführung in das griechischeRecht und Rechtsterminologie“ University Macedonia Winter Semester 2003/2004: „Civil Law I“,Spring Semester 2004: “Civil Law II”, Faculty of Finance National School of Judges From 2004 to 2012: “German Legal Terminology” Faculty/School of Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki A) Under-graduate - General Principles of Civil Law - Law of Juridical Acts - Law of Obligation – General Part - Property Law - Foundations of Civil Law B) ERASMUS - Introduction to Greek Contract Law - GriechischesDelikts- und Bereicherungsrecht Faculty of Finance, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Winter Semester 2005/2006, 2006/2007: “Elements of Law” International Hellenic University • June 2013, Workshop on the “Economic Analysis of Law” (Post-graduate) • September 2013, October 2014:«Introduction to Civil Law» (Post-graduate) University of Zurich October 2014: TeachingAppointmet (Lehrauftrag) from the Faculty of Law of the University of Zurichas co-organizer together with Prof. A. Koutsouradis, Prof. K. Makridou and Prof. Is. Meier of the 9thGreek – Swiss Seminar entitled: «Die juristischen Personen im nationalen und internationalen Zivil- und Zivilverfahrensrecht» V. PUBLICATIONS 1. “Wesen und Funktion der Verjährung im Rahmen des deutschen und englischen Schuldrechts”, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2002 2. «Η αποδυνάμωση δικαιώματος στο ιδιωτικό δίκαιο» (Estoppel in private law), Sakkoula, Thessaloniki, 2004 3. «Νέες τάσεις του δικαίου της παραγραφής στον ευρωπαϊκό χώρο» (New trends on theLimitation ofActions in Europe), ENOBE, Is. 49, 2003, p. 11 – 31 4. «Η κακόπιστη συμπεριφορά ως προϋπόθεση της ευθύνης απόδιαπραγματεύσεις» (Malafides Contactas Prerequisite of Precontractual Liability), Armenopoulos 2003, p. 471 – 483 5. «Η νομική φύση των σχέσεων της τράπεζας με τον πελάτη της και τον λήπτη εγγυητικής επιστολής» (On the legal nature of the relations of the bank with the client and the receiver of a Letter of Credit), Armenopoulos 2004, p. 501 – 516 6. «Η αθέτηση της αμφοτεροβαρούς σύμβασης, Δικαιοσυγκριτική, οικονομική και δικαιοπολιτική Comparative,economic προσέγγιση» and jurisprudential (Breachofbilateralcontract. approach), Sakkoula, Thessaloniki, 2009 7. “Erfüllungs- oder Schadensersatzanspruch wegen Nichterfüllung? Die Frage nach dem „adäquaten” Rechtsbehelf“, FS Kerameus, Sakkoulas, Athens, 2009, p. 605 – 620 8. «Η αθέτηση της σύμβασης ως προσβολή προσωπικότητας» (Breach of contract as infringement of the right to personality), ΕπισκΕΔ 2007, p. 23 – 32 9. «Το πρόβλημα του αιτιώδους συνδέσμου στην περιβαλλοντική ζημία» (The problem of causality in environmental damages), Essays in Honour of M. Stathopoulos, Vol. I, Sakkoula, Athens, 2010, p. 1143 – 1157 10. “Das griechische Gesetz 3869/2010 über die Schuldenbereinigung überschuldeter natürlicher Personen – eine ökonomische Analyse im Vergleich zur Verbraucherinsolvenz der §§ 304 ff InsO.», ZZP Int 2011, p. 135 – 168 11. Comments on Art. 1142 – 1191 AK (ususfructus)”, Concise Commentary of the Greek Civil Code, Vol. II, Sakkoula, Athens, 2013 12. «Επικαρπία» (Ususfructus), Sakkoula, Thessaloniki, 2013 13. «Η ακύρωση της δικαιοπραξίας λόγω μονομερούς πλάνης ως προς τις ιδιότητες του πράγματος» (Annulment of contract due to unilateral mistake concerning the properties of the object), ΕπισκΕΔ2013, Is. 3, p. 530 – 550. 14. «Αντίθεση της σύμβασης εγγύησης στα χρηστά ήθη λόγω τραπεζικής πίστωσης αρχικώς αναξιόχρεου οφειλέτη» (Unconscionability of guaranty contract due to bank credit to an initially insolvent debtor), ΕλλΔνη 2013, Is. 6, p. 1577 – 1583. 15. «Vertragsauslegung als Instrument zur Krisenbewältigung», in: Tröger/Karampatzos (Hrsg.), Gestaltung und Anpassung von Verträgen in Krisenzeiten, Mohr Siebeck, 2014, p. 155 - 164. 16. Privatautonomie, Treu und Glauben und “effiziente” Vertragsauslegung“, FS Meier, Zürich, (forthcoming) 17. Comments on Art. 248 – 254 and 271 – 278 (limitation of actions)”, Georgiadis/Stathopoulos (ed.), Commentary of the Greek Civil Code, 2nd Ed., (forthcoming)
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