Ark1 Please feel free to give me your observations 2015.04.26 Magazines for MP38 and MP40 On the internet: There are different types of magazines: 1) MP38 - no model marking and 2) the later type marked MP38u.40 We see also slabsided magazines and magazines with ribbed sides. According to a directive LVIB from March 23. 1942 all new magazines should have ribs. It's called type B magazines. The slab sided magazine is called type 0 magazines. The most interesting is that all slabsided magazines were to be altered to the new design. It's the type A magazine. The reason for that was that the ribbed type isn't so much affected by sand and dirt. It's reasonable to believe that the modification was done according to a special contract by Haenel and they used WaA387. It's possible to distinguish the type A (the "afterribbed" type) from the type B magazine because the ribs start a little below the reinforcement on the top of the magazine. The follower was altered too. The first has a dent in the back part of the follower. The last type a bulge out at the front part. The reason for the change must be the same as above. Thanks to: Frank Iannamico (Blitzkrieg), Arnt Ove Nedrebø and Leif Kallmayer. See codes below Magazines: Type Maker 38 - 0 Slabsided 38 122 39 122 40 27 40 98E 40 122 WaA 37 37 / 280 280 815 37 Finish Numb. reg. blue blue blue blue blue 2 3 2 1 0 38 - A Afterribbed 38 122 37 / 387 blue 39 122 37 / 387 blue 39 122 37 280 387blue 40 27 280 blue 40 27 280 / 387 blue 40 98E 815 / 387 blue 40 122 37 / 387 blue 5 1 3 1 1 7 0 Type Maker WaA 38u.40 - 0 Slabsided 40 27 280 40 27 280 40 98E 815 40 122 37 40 ayf 280 40 bte B37 Finish Numb. reg. blue phosphate blue blue blue blue 2 3 23 6 4 3 Side 1 Ark1 41 41 41 41 41 98E 98E ayf bte fxo 815 815 280 B37 37 38u.40 - A Afterribbed 40 27 280 40 27 280 / 387 40 98E 815 40 98E 815 / 387 40 122 37 / 387 40 ayf 280 40 ayf 280 / 387 40 ghn C10 Type 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 38u.40 - B 42 42 42 42 Type Maker 98E 98E 98E 98E 98E ayf ayf bte bte fxo fxo 98E fxo bte Ribbed 98E ayf bte fxo 42 42 42 42 Maker kur kur gqm gqm 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 ayf ayf bte bte gqm gqm kur kur blue phosphate blue blue blue 17 2 9 3 11 blue blue or bare blue blue or bare blue blue blue blue 1 34 5 20 21 1 7 3 WaA 815 815 815 / 37 815 / 387 815 / 387 280 280 / 387 B37 B37 / 387 37 37 / 387 815 37 B37 Finish blue phosphate blue blue phosphate blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue Numb. reg. 11 1 18 11 3 9 7 8 15 24 6 6 3 2 815 280 B37 37 blue blue blue blue WaA 815 815 145 A98 Finish blue phosphate blue some with swastika blue 280 280 B37 C86 A98 A98 815 815 blue phosphate blue blue blue phosphate blue phosphate 13 9 24 12 Numb. reg. 46 5 19 4 10 1 9 9 7 2 51 1 Side 2 Ark1 44 4 4 44 ayf ayf ayf gqm Type 280 280 280 A98 Maker WaA gqm A98 kur 815 4 44 MGC 1015 blue blue phosphate blue 1 1 2 2 Finish blue blue Numb. reg. 3 12 blue MGC: Model Gun Com. = Japanese repro blue blue blue Patent Schmeisser Patent Schmeisser Patent Schmeisser MP41 HAENEL HAENEL 37 122 37 40 *) *) *) *) 4 13 2 The first have WaA37 floorplate and WaA815 follower. The last two have only WaA37 parts Adapted for the Madsen submachinegun Org. MP38u.40 + MP41 magazines - welded See a photo here: Floorplates: Maker gqm gqm gqm ayf ayf - WaA A86 Finish blue blue 145 A98 37 280 280 280 / B43 C86 280 280 / B43 815 815 B37 blue blue blue blue blue phosphate blue blue blue blue blue phosphate blue Followers: Side 3 Ark1 Maker Dent at rear WaA Finish gqm 37 815 B37 145 blue blue blue blue gqm 815 145 blue blue Unknown type 98E gqm gqm gqm 145 280 C86 815 A98 416 blue blue blue blue blue blue Bulge at the front Magazine loaders: Maker No model 38 122 No model 39 122 No model 40 122 No model 40 98E MP38u.40 40 98E MP38u.40 40 122 MP38u.40 40 agp MP38u.40 40 ayf MP38u.40 40 ghn MP38u.40 41 98E MP38u.40 41 fxo MP38u.40 41 bte MP38u.40 42 98E MP38u.40 42 fxo MP38u.40 42 kur MP38u.40 43 agp MP38u.40 43 bte MP38u.40 43 kur MP41 HAENEL Codes: 27 122 Numb. reg. WaA 37 37 37 815 815 37 706 C10 C10 815 37 B37 815 37 815 C86 815 37 Finish blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue No model = MP38 WaA206, 708 ? Erma, B.Geibel GmbH Waffenfabrik, Mainzerhofplatz, Erfurt C.G.Haenel, Waffen- und Fahrradfabrik, Suhl Side 4 2 1 2 2 5 3 3 4 9 12 12 5 5 3 11 1 1 7 3 Ark1 98E aqr ayf bte CHN ctd cxt fxo gqm ghn jvd jvm kur tbv qlt qlv qlw qnw qlx 1001 Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG, Werk Graz, Fuhrhofgasse, Graz R. u. O. Lux Metallwaren und Maschinenfabrik AG, Marienthal-Bad Liebenstein / Thüringen Erma, B.Geibel GmbH Waffenfabrik, Mainzerhofplatz, Erfurt Frankische Eisenwerke AG, Adolfshütte, Niederscheid / Dilkreis Gebr. Reinhold, Maschinenfabrik und Eisengiesserei, Gera (?) Anton Reiche, Blechemballagen, Dresden. Waasia-Ofenwerk, Recke & Co., Haynay / Schlesien C.G.Haenel, Waffen- und Fahrradfabrik, Suhl Loch & Hartenberger, Metallwarenfabrik, Jdar-Oberstein Carl Ulrich, Oberschönau, Thüringen Erste Nordböhmische Metallwarenfabrik, Adolf Rössler, Niedereinsiedel / Sudentenland Brankaer Eisenwerke AG, Branka bei Troppau / Sudetenland Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG, Werk Graz, Fuhrhofgasse, Graz = kur ? = gqm ? = ayf an unknown but presumably Czech factory. Parts with code jvm and qlw are seen, so qlw = jvm ? unknown but in the area of Lübeck = fxo ? Ernst-Thälmann-Werke, Suhl, Thüringen (in DDR after the war) Side 5
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