Poster - ImmunoSensation

BFB CRISPR/Cas theme night:
Dr. Marc Beyer, LIMES, AG Schultze
Genome engineering to optimize generation of animal models
Mirco Brondolin, LIMES, AG Hoch
Generating a mutant zebrafish line using CRISPR/Cas9 system: tricks
and tips from A to Z
Thomas Ebert, IMM, AG Hornung
Gearing up to high throughput KO generation
Jonathan Schmid-Burgk, IMM, AG Hornung Online genotyping of knock-out cell lines
Thursday March 19 2015
6 pm s.t.
Seminar room, Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
Nussallee 11, Entrance across the yard Katzenburgweg
During the meeting: pizza and beverages. Register at [email protected]
BFB Koordination: Dr. Kathrin Sommer ▪ c/o Institut für Pathologie ▪ Sigmund-Freud-Str. 25 ▪D-53127 Bonn ▪ Tel.: 0228 287 11375 ▪
[email protected]
Vorstand: Prof. Dr. W. Witke, Institut für Genetik (1. Sprecher);
Prof. Dr. T. Tüting, Klinik und Poliklinik für Dermatologie (2.
Sprecher); Prof. Dr. I. Förster, LIMES Immunology and
Environment; Prof. Dr. M. Hölzel, Institut für klin.Chemie und
klin. Pharmakologie; Prof. G. Mayer, LIMES Chemical Biology