Financial Services Switzerland is one of the world`s

Financial Services
Switzerland is one of the world's leading financial markets. Through their market
position and innovative power, Switzerland's banks, insurers, securities dealers and other financial services providers play
a major role in industry trends around the world. Walder Wyss contributes to the success of the Swiss financial services
industry. The members of our Financial Services team are active in industry associations and closely involved in legislation
projects, thereby influencing legislative developments in the sector. Our lawyers have a profound knowledge of and exten­
sive experience in legal advisory work, accompanying transactions across the entire spectrum of financial services
(banking, insurance, securities dealers, stock exchanges, collective investment schemes and other investment vehicles).
We advise domestic and foreign financial services firms, investors, and other companies on all issues relating to Swiss
banking, financial services, capital market, stock exchange and insurance law.
Financial Services
Walder Wyss
Walder Wyss is one of the leading law firms in Switzerland. Our clients include
national and international companies, public-law entities and individuals.
We have specialised in selected business sectors and product groups since Walder
Wyss was founded and we have maintained this focus, systematically expanding our
– Art, Entertainment & Sports
– Energy & Infrastructure
– Financial Services
– Healthcare & Life Sciences
– Industry & Commerce
– Information Technology &
– Insurance
– Media & Communications
– Private Clients
– Public Sector
– Real Estate
– Antitrust & Competition
– Arbitration
– Corporate & Commercial
– Corporate Crime & Investigations
– Corporate Finance & Capital Markets
– Data Protection
– Employment
– Financial Products
– Insolvency & Restructuring
– Intellectual Property & Technology
– Litigation
– Mergers & Acquisitions
– Notary
– Outsourcing
– Private Equity & Venture Capital
– Public Procurement
– Regulatory
– Tax
– Trade & Distribution
French and Italian Desk
A dedicated team of French-speaking and
Italian-speaking lawyers.
Financial Services
Products & experience
Our key areas of activity are:
– Advising on financial market regulatory
issues, including compliance (develop­
ment of internal regulations)
– Public takeover offers
– Collective investment schemes
– Structured products and derivative fi­
nancial instruments
– Representing financial services firms in
regulatory proceedings, e.g. licence ap­
plications, application and approval for
public distribution of collective invest­
ment schemes
– Securities lending and repo transactions
– Setting up financial services companies
and establishing branches or represen­
tative offices, as well as providing advi­
sory services for joint ventures
– Property financing
– Providing advice on acquiring financial
services companies or individual busi­
ness units
– Representing firms in dealings with the
Swiss stock exchange (as recognised
representative for admissions to SIX
Swiss Exchange)
– Disclosure of shareholdings in listed
– Financing transactions, including syndi­
– Acquisition and project finance
– Advising on public private partnerships
– Securitisations
– Capital market transactions (equities
and bonds), including IPOs
– Private equity and venture capital
– Advising on outsourcing of business
units or processes
– Tax advisory services in connection with
financial and insurance products
– Representing companies before state
courts and arbitral tribunals
– Corporate directorships
Financial Services
Publications & Presentations
Die neue Bankenverordnung
by Thomas Müller
in: "esisuisse Jahresbericht 2014" 2014
Grenzen von Upstream-Darlehen,
Studie zur positiven Verrechtlichung
des Leistungs- und Finanzverkehrs
verbundener Unternehmen, Diss. Bern
2014, Zürich/St. Gallen 2015 (= SSHW
by Patric Brand
Zürich/St. Gallen 2015 (DIKE-Verlag)
Swiss Supreme Court Sets Date for
Total Return Swap Case
co-authored by Marcus Desax and
Martin Busenhart
in: "Worldwide Tax Daily" 14 April 2015
Regulierung und Marktzutritt dritter
co-authored by Hans Rudolf Trüeb and
Barbara A. Keiser
in: Schulthess (Editor[s]), "Rechtliche
Herausforderungen durch webbasierte
und mobile Zahlungssysteme/
Publikationen aus dem Zentrum für
Informations- und Kommunikationsrecht
der Universität Zürich"
1. Auflage, Zürich 2015, pp. 161–180
2014: a very good year
by Luc Defferrard, Lukas Wyss and
Maurus Winzap
in: "IFLR (International Financial Law
Review), Switzerland Guide 2015"
12 March 2015
Der Vertrieb ausländischer Private
Equity-Fonds an qualifizierte Anleger in
der Schweiz
co-authored by David Hadad, Thomas
Müller and David Henseler
in: "Schweizerische Zeitschrift für
Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht
(GesKR)" 1/2015, pp. 114 ff.
Konzerninterne Darlehen –
Anmerkungen zum Urteil des
Bundesgerichts 4A_138/2014 vom 16.
Oktober 2014, zur Publikation
vorgesehen (Swisscargo Entscheid)
co-authored by Patric Brand and
Thomas Müller
in: "Jusletter" 15 December 2014
Kreditfähigkeitsprüfung nach
by David Henseler
in: "Aktuelle Juristische Praxis –
Pratique juridique Actuelle" 3/2015, pp.
Debt capital markets in Switzerland:
regulatory overview
by Thomas Müller
in: "Practical Law Multi-Jurisdictional
Guide 2014/15 CAPITAL MARKETS"
5 November 2014
Financial Services Newsletter 1:
Distribution of foreign investment funds
to Swiss qualified Investors
by Thomas Müller and David Hadad
March 2015
Newsletter 112: Supreme Court
Decision on Cash Pooling and IntraGroup Financing (Englische Fassung)
by Dominik Hohler and Simon Kehl
November 2014
Matières premières: oui à la
transparence – mais pas à tout prix
by Hubertus Hillerström
in: "Le Temps" 10 December 2014, p. 11
CFC Rules of The Russian Federation
Speakers: Martin Busenhart
Zurich 18 November 2014
Adjustments to the Swiss Corporate
Governance Framework
by Urs P. Gnos, Jan H. Hoffmann and
Alexander Nikitine
in: Wolters Kluwer (www.kluwerlaw.
com) (Editor[s]), "The Comparative Law
Yearbook of International Business"
Volume 36, 2014, pp. 135–154
Guide to the Financial Market
Infrastructure Act, Switzerland (Swiss
Speakers: Alexandre Both and Thomas
Zurich October 2014
Being Listed: The Consequences of the
Listing for the Company and for the
Speakers: Davide Jermini
CAS in Compliance Management
Geneva 10 October 2014
Financial Services
Transazioni immobiliari e riciclaggio di
denaro – Recenti sviluppi
Speaker: Davide Jermini
Selbstregulierungsorganisation des
Schweizerischen. Anwaltsverbandes
und des Schweizerischen
Lugano 15 October 2014
Asset-Backed Securitisation in der
co-authored by Johannes A. Bürgi and
Elisabeth Moskric
in: Thomas Reutter, Thomas Werlen
(Editor[s]), "Europa Institut Zürich Band
144, Kapitalmarkttransaktionen VIII"
Zurich/Basel/Geneva 2014, pp. 165–205
Joint Statement on the tax dispute
between Switzerland and the United
States: better to bake a painful break
than to draw out the agony
by Thomas Müller and Peter Hongler
in: "Banking Law News, Newsletter of
the International Bar Association Legal
Practive Division" September 2014, pp.
Kommentar zu Art. 990–1032 des
schweizerischen Obligationenrechts
by Elisabeth Moskric
in: Heinrich Honsell (Editor[s]),
"Kurzkommentar Obligationenrecht"
Basel 2014
Geschäftsmodelle: Regulated versus
non-regulated fund Business
by Thomas Müller, Neil Carnegie, Natalie
Epp, Gérard Fischer and Martin
in: "B2B Magazin" Nr. 50, September
2014, pp. 6–19
Newsletter 111: The relevance of FATCA
in Swiss finance transactions
by Lukas Wyss and Maurus Winzap
August 2014
Cross-Border Equity Capital Markets –
co-authored by Alexander Nikitine and
Sarah Schulthess
in: Thomson Reuters (Editor[s]), "PLC
Multi-Jurisdictional Guide 2014/2015:
Cross-Border Equity Capital Markets"
Newsletter 110: New Swiss Law on
Accounting and Financial Reporting – at
the Halfway Mark of the Implementation
by Simon Kehl and Dominik Hohler
April 2014
EmploymentNews 19: EU-Neuregelung
by Ueli Sommer and Simone Wetzstein
April 2014
Newsletter Special Edition: Sind die
unter dem DoJ-Programm den Banken
auferlegten Bussen steuerlich
by Peter Hongler and Fabienne
March 2014
Vertragsauflösung in der Insolvenz –
Besprechung des Urteils Az. IX ZR
169/11 des deutschen
Bundesgerichtshofes (BGH) vom
15. November 2012
co-authored by David Borer and Thomas
in: "Schweizerische Zeitschrift für
Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht
(GesKR)" 1/2014, pp. 77–81
Die Abzugsfähigkeit von DoJ-Bussen für
Schweizer Banken im Recht der
direkten Bundessteuer und aus
steuerharmonisierungsrechtlicher Sicht
by Peter Hongler and Fabienne
in: "Jusletter" 10 February 2014
Können Banken US-Bussen von der
Steuer absetzen?
co-authored by Peter Hongler and
Thomas Müller
in: "Der Bund" 26 February 2014, p. 10
Understanding Acquisition Finance in
co-authored by Maurus Winzap and
Lukas Wyss
in: LexisNexis (Editor[s]), "Mergers &
Acquisitions Law Guide 2015"
The 2nd Annual Guide to Practicing M&A
Law, 2014, pp. 71–82
Letter of Intent
by Alex Domeniconi
in: "GesKR 4/2013" 2013, p. 615
For a complete list of publications please
visit our website:
Financial Services
Micha Bühler
Telephone +41 58 658 55 61
[email protected]
Johannes A. Bürgi
Telephone +41 58 658 55 59
[email protected]
Luc Defferrard
Telephone +41 58 658 55 47
[email protected]
Enrico Friz
Telephone +41 58 658 55 99
[email protected]
Urs P. Gnos
Telephone +41 58 658 55 39
[email protected]
Florian Gunz Niedermann
Telephone +41 58 658 56 94
[email protected]
Dieter Hofmann
Telephone +41 58 658 56 90
[email protected]
Davide Jermini
Telephone +41 58 658 44 02
[email protected]
Jan Ole Luuk
Telephone +41 58 658 56 12
[email protected]
Thomas Meister
Telephone +41 58 658 55 73
[email protected]
Elisabeth Moskric
Telephone +41 58 658 56 21
[email protected]
Thomas Müller
Telephone +41 58 658 55 60
[email protected]
Alexander Nikitine
Telephone +41 58 658 56 32
[email protected]
Francis Nordmann
Telephone +41 58 658 55 96
[email protected]
Markus Pfenninger
Telephone +41 58 658 55 34
[email protected]
Peter Spori
Telephone +41 58 658 29 03
[email protected]
Financial Services
Daniel Staffelbach
Telephone +41 58 658 56 50
[email protected]
Christoph Stäubli
Telephone +41 58 658 55 30
[email protected]
Karin Valenzano Rossi
Telephone +41 58 658 44 10
[email protected]
Maurus Winzap
Telephone +41 58 658 56 05
[email protected]
Fabienne Anner
Telephone +41 58 658 56 72
[email protected]
Anna Baldenbach von Bröchen
Telephone +41 58 658 56 44
David Borer
Telephone +41 58 658 57 48
[email protected]
Alexandre Both
Telephone +41 58 658 29 27
[email protected]
Antonio Carbonara
Telephone +41 58 658 56 37
[email protected]
Janine Corti
Telephone +41 58 658 56 49
[email protected]
Alex Domeniconi
Telephone +41 58 658 44 06
[email protected]
Michael Feit
Telephone +41 58 658 55 08
[email protected]
Marco Galli
Telephone +41 58 658 44 11
[email protected]
David Hadad
Telephone +41 58 658 52 04
[email protected]
Christian Hagen
Telephone +41 58 658 55 76
[email protected]
Lucas Hänni
Telephone +41 58 658 56 33
[email protected]
Hubertus Hillerström
Telephone +41 58 658 55 82
Dominik Hohler
Telephone +41 58 658 56 25
[email protected]
Simon Kehl
Telephone +41 58 658 56 06
[email protected]
Barbara A. Keiser
Telephone +41 58 658 56 35
[email protected]
Samuel Lieberherr
Telephone +41 58 658 56 64
[email protected]
Christian Lütolf
Telephone +41 58 658 55 17
[email protected]
Jan Ole Luuk
Telephone +41 58 658 56 12
[email protected]
Fabian Meier
Telephone +41 58 658 55 68
[email protected]
Thomas Meister
Telephone +41 58 658 55 73
[email protected]
Martina Nüesch
Telephone +41 58 658 56 98
[email protected]
Dan Schmelzer
Telephone +41 58 658 52 82
[email protected]
Hans-Jürg Schmid
Telephone +41 58 658 56 28
[email protected]
Sarah Schulthess
Telephone +41 58 658 52 74
[email protected]
Katrin Speck
Telephone +41 58 658 56 34
[email protected]
Marco Stacher
Telephone +41 58 658 55 01
[email protected]
Tervel Stoyanov
Telephone +41 58 658 55 74
[email protected]
Lukas Wyss
Telephone +41 58 658 56 01
[email protected]
Walder Wyss Ltd.
Attorneys at Law
Telephone +41 58 658 58 58
Fax +41 58 658 59 59
[email protected]
Zurich, Basel, Berne, Lugano
15 August 2015 / © Walder Wyss Ltd.