Holger Hoffmann Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation (INRES), Katzenburgweg 5, 53115 Bonn, Germany T: +49(0)228 73 2876 [email protected] http://www.hoffmann.wf Education 2013 2009 2007 Dr. rer. hort. – Biosystems Engineering, Leibniz Universität Hannover Subject: Abiotic impact of regional climate change on horticultural production Advisor: Prof. Dr. T. Rath M.Sc. Horticulture – Institute of Plant Nutrition, Leibniz Universität Hannover Subject: Arsenite toxicity and uptake in vivo by Oryza sativa Advisor: Prof. Dr. M. Schenk B.Sc. Horticulture – Institute of Plant Nutrition, Leibniz Universität Hannover Subject: Factors of arsenic uptake by Oryza sativa Advisor: Prof. Dr. M. Schenk Work Experience 2013 – present Postdoctoral researcher at INRES, University Bonn Research: Model scaling and climate impact uncertainty assessment 2009 – 2013 Network: MACSUR – Modelling European Agriculture with Climate Change for Food Security Network: AgMIP – Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project Network: LIAISE – Linking Impact Assessment Instruments to Sustainability Expertise Research Associate - Biosystems Engineering, Leibniz Universität Hannover Research: Future climate change impact and risk assessment in horticulture Network: KLIFF – climate impact research (Lower Saxony) 2008 – 2009 Student assistant – Biosystems Engineering, Leibniz Universität Hannover 2006 Internship – LUFA (Agricultural investigation and research institute) Internship – LVG Ahlem (Institute for horticultural education and research) 2005 Internship – Berggarten Hannover (Botanical Garden Hannover) 2000 Employee – Technical cooperation Germany - Paraguay Teaching 2012 – 2013 Teaching assignment at the Leibniz Universität Hannover 2010 – 2013 Mentoring of M.Sc.-student, Leibniz Universität Hannover Awards 2011 Grow Award, Landgard; 5,000 EUR 2010 1st Place Green Challenge, German Horticultural Society; 1,000 EUR 1/5 Holger Hoffmann 2/5 Publications, peer reviewed Hoffmann H, Zhao G, van Bussel LGJ, Enders A, Specka X, Sosa C, Yeluripati J, Tao F, Constantin J, Raynal H, Teixeira E, Grosz B, Doro L, Zhao Z, Wang E, Nendel C, Kersebaum K-C, Haas E, Kiese R, Klatt S, Eckersten H, Vanuytrecht E, Kuhnert M, Lewan E, Rötter R et al. Variability of aggregation effects of climate data on regional yield simulation by crop models. Clim Res; doi: 10.3354/cr01326. Pirttioja N, Carter TR, Fronzek S, Bindi M, Hoffmann H, Palosuo T, Ruiz-Ramos M, Tao F, Trnka M, Acutis M, Asseng S, Baranowski P, Basso B, Bodin P, Buis S, Cammarano D, Deligios P, Destain M-F, Dumont B, Ewert F, Ferrise R, François L, Gaiser T, Hlavinka P, Jacquemin I, Kersebaum K-C, Kollas C, Krzyszczak J, Lorite IJ, Minet J, Minguez MI, Montesino M, Moriondo M, Müller C, Nendel C, Öztürk I et al. A crop model ensemble analysis of temperature and precipitation effects on wheat yield across a European transect using impact response surfaces. Clim Res; doi: 10.3354/cr01322. Zhao G, Webber H, Hoffmann H, Wolf J, Siebert S, Ewert F, 2015. The implication of irrigation in climate change impact assessment: a European wide study. Glob Change Biol; doi: 10.1111/gcb.13008. Baranowski P, Krzyszczak J, Sławinski C, Hoffmann H, Kozyra J, Nieróbca A, Siwek K, Gluza A, 2015. Multifractal analysis of meteorological time series to assess climate impact on chosen regions of Europe. Clim Res; doi: 10.3354/cr01321. Zhao G, Hoffmann H, van Bussel LGJ, Enders A, Specka X, Sosa C, Yeluripati J, Tao F, Constantin J, Raynal H, Teixeira E, Grosz B, Doro L, Zhao Z, Nendel C, Kiese R, Eckersten H, Haas E et al., 2015. Effect of weather data aggregation on regional crop simulation for different crops, production conditions, and response variables. Clim Res; doi: 10.3354/cr01301. Kollas C, Kersebaum KC, Nendel C, Manevski K, Müller C, Palosuo T, Armas-Herrera CM, Beaudoin N, Bindi M, Charfeddine M, Conradt T, Constantin J, Eitzinger J, Ewert F, Ferrise R, Gaiser T, Garcia de Cotazar-Atauri I, Giglio L, Hlavinka P, Hoffmann H, Hoffmann MP, Launay M, Manderscheid R, Mary B, Mirschel W, Moriondo M, Olesen JE, Öztürk I, Pacholski A, Ripoche-Wachter D, Roggero PP, Roncossek S, Rötter RP et al., 2015. Crop rotation modelling a European model intercomparison. Eur J Agronom (accepted). Hoffmann H, Rath T, 2013. Future bloom and blossom frost risk for Malus domestica considering climate model and impact model uncertainties. PLoS ONE 8 (10): e75033. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0075033. Hoffmann H, Rath T, 2012. Meteorologically consistent bias correction of climate time series for agricultural models. Theor Appl Climatol 110, 129-141. Hoffmann H, Rath T, 2012. High resolved simulation of climate change impact on greenhouse energy consumption in Germany. Eur J Hortic Sci 77, 241-248. Hoffmann H, Schenk MK, 2011. Arsenite toxicity and uptake rate of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in vivo. Environ Pollut 159, 2398-2404. Book chapter Ewert F, van Bussel LGJ, Zhao G, Hoffmann H, Gaiser T, Specka X, Nendel C, Kersebaum K-C, Sosa C, Lewan E, Yeluripati J, Kuhnert M, Tao F, Rötter RP, Constantin J, Raynal H, Wallach D et al., 2015. Uncertainties in Scaling up Crop Models for Large Area Climate-change Impact Assessments. In C. Rosenzweig and D. Hillel, editors. Handbook of Climate Change and Agroecosystems: The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP). McDermid SP, Ruane AC, Rosenzweig C et al., 2015. The AgMIP Coordinated Climate-Crop Modeling Project (C3MP): Methods and Protocols. In C. Rosenzweig and D. Hillel, editors. Handbook of Climate Change and Agroecosystems: The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP). Holger Hoffmann 3/5 Publications, non-peer reviewed Hoffmann H, Zutz K, 2013. Climate-Change-Driven Beer Warming: Threats and Opportunities. The Journal of Irreproducible Results 52 (2), 26-27. ISSN 0022-2038. Hoffmann H, 2013. Wärmeres Klima - geringerer Energiebedarf? DEGA 2013/09. Hoffmann H, 2013. Der Einfluss des Klimawandels auf den Gartenbau des 21. Jahrhunderts. TASPO 21, 3. Hoffmann H, Rath T, 2013. KLIFF: climate change impact assessment. RRZN Clusterjahresbericht 2012, 38-41. Hoffmann H, Langner F, Rath T, 2012. Simulating the influence of climatic warming on future spring frost risk in northern German fruit production. Acta Hortic 957, 289-296. Duncker C, Fricke A, Rath T, Hoffmann H, 2012. Dynamic Modelling of Water Stress for Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata. Acta Hortic (accepted). Hoffmann H, Rath T, 2011. Verwendbarkeit simulierter Klimazeitreihen für Pflanzenwachstumsmodelle. DGGProceedings, Vol. 1, No. 2, p. 1-5. DOI: 10.5288/dgg-pr-01-02-hh-2011. Mudelsee M, Chirila D, Deutschländer T, Döring C, Haerter J, Hagemann S, Hoffmann H et al., 2010. Climate Model Bias Correction und die Deutsche Anpassungsstrategie. Mitteilungen DMG: 03 / 2010. ISSN 0177-8501. Hoffmann H, Rath T, 2009. Überregionale Simulationen zum zukünftigen Energieverbrauch von Gewächshäusern unter Berücksichtigung von IPCC-Szenarien. GIL 21, 61-64. ISBN 978-3-88579-236-9. Works in progress Van Bussel LGJ, Ewert F, Zhao G, Hoffmann H, Enders A, Wallach D, Constantin J, Raynal H, Klein C, Biernath C, Heinlein F, Priesack E, Tao F, Rötter R, Cammarano D, Asseng S et al. Spatial sampling of weather data for regional crop yield simulations. Agr For Met (under review). Webber H, Zhao G, Wolf J, Britz W, De Vries W, Gaiser T, Hoffmann1 H, Ewert F. Understanding likely scenarios of European crop yields under climate change: do we need to consider nitrogen limitation? Eur J Agronom (under review). Invited talk Hoffmann H, 2014. Risiken durch Wetterextreme im Gartenbau – Vulnerabilität und Langzeitverhalten. Kontaktstudientage Osnabrück zum Thema ’Auswirkungen extremer Witterungsbedingungen auf den Gartenbau’. Osnabrück, Germany, 7.11.2014. Presentations Hoffmann H, Zhao G, Constantin J, Raynal H, Wallach D, Coucheney E, Sosa C, Lewan E, Eckersten H, Specka X, Kersebaum K.-C., Nendel C, Grosz B, Dechow R, Kuhnert M, Yeluripati J, Kiese R, Haas E, Klatt S, Teixeira E, Bindi M, Trombi G, Moriondo M, Doro L, Roggero PP, Zhao Z, Wang E et al., 2015. Effects of soil and climate input data aggregation on modelling regional crop yields. MACSUR Science Conference 2015. Reading, UK, 09.04.2015 Hoffmann H, Zhao G, van Bussel L, Enders A, Specka X, Sosa C, Yeluripati J, Tao F, Constantin J, Teixeira E et al., 2014. Sensitivity of crop models to spatial aggregation of soil and climate data. 57. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften e.V., Vienna, Austria, 17.09.2014. Holger Hoffmann 4/5 Hoffmann H, Zhao G, van Bussel L, Enders A, Specka X, Sosa C, Yeluripati J, Tao F, Constantin J, Teixeira E et al., 2014. Effects of climate input data aggregation on modelling regional crop yields. FACCE MACSUR Mid-term conference, Sassari, Italy, 02.04.2014. Zhao G, Hoffmann H, van Bussel L, Enders A, Specka X, Sosa C, Yeluripati J, Tao F, Constantin J, Teixeira E et al., 2014. Weather data aggregation’s effects on simulation of cropping systems: a model, production system and crop comparison. FACC MACSUR Mid-term conference, Sassari, Italy, 02.04.2014. Hoffmann H, Zhao G, van Bussel L, Enders A, Specka X, Sosa C, Yeluripati J, Tao F, Constantin J, Teixeira E et al., 2014. Effects of climate input data aggregation on modelling regional crop yields. FACCE MACSUR CropM International Symposium and Workshop, Oslo, Norway, 12.02.2014. Hoffmann H, Rath T, 2013. Abschätzung zukünftiger Klimawandelfolgen im Gartenbau. 49. Jahrestagung DGG, Bonn, Germany, 28.02.2013. ISSN 1613-088X, BHGL-Schriftenreihe 29, 48. Hoffmann H, Langner F, Rath T, 2012. Simulating the influence of climatic warming on future spring frost in northern German fruit production. Hortimodel, Nanjing, China, 7.11.2012. Acta Hortic 957, 289-296. Hoffmann H, Langner F, 2012. Was bleibt, was kommt - Klimawandel und Simulation im Gartenbau. Vortrag zum Festkolloqium anlässlich des 80. Geburtstages von Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. Christian v. Zabeltitz. Hannover, Germany, 14.09.2012. Hoffmann H, Rath T, 2011. Verwendbarkeit simulierter Klimazeitreihen für Pflanzenwachstumsmodelle. 47th DGG, Hannover, Germany, 24.02.2012. BHGL-Schriftenreihe 28, 32. Hoffmann H, Rath T, 2009. Überregionale Simulationen zum zukünftigen Energieverbrauch von Gewächshäusern unter Berücksichtigung von IPCC-Szenarien. 29th GIL, Rostock, Germany, 10.03.2009. GIL 21, 61-64. ISBN 978-3-88579236-9. Hoffmann H, Rath T, 2009. Zukünftiger Energieverbrauch bundesdeutscher Gewächshäuser unter Berücksichtigung unterschiedlicher Klimaszenarien. 45th DGG, Berlin, Germany, 27.02.2009. BHGL-Schriftenreihe 26, 60. Posters See www.hoffmann.wf for a complete list Baranowski P, Krzyszczak J, Sławinski C, Hoffmann H, Kozyra J, Nieróbca A, Siwek K, Gluza A, 2015. Multifractal analysis of meteorological time series to assess climate impact on chosen regions of Europe. MACSUR Science Conference 2015. Reading, UK. Coucheney E, Eckersten H, Jansson PE, Ewert F, Gaiser F, Hoffmann H, Lewan E, 2015. Sensitivity of crop water and N stress to soil input data in regional crop yield simulations and the implications for data aggregation effects: a case study with the COUP-model. MACSUR Science Conference 2015. Reading, UK. Hoffmann H, Zhao G, van Bussel L, Enders A, Specka X, Sosa C, Yeluripati J, Tao F, Constantin J, Teixeira E, Grosz B, Doro L, Zhao Z, Nendel C, Cammarano D, Asseng S, Kiese R, Raynal H, Eckersten H, Haas E, Wang E, Kuhnert M, Lewan E, Bach M, Kersebaum K-C, Rötter R, Roggero P, Wallach D et al., 2014. Influence of climate input data aggregation on simulated yield. ESA, Debrecen, Hungary, 25-29.8.2013. Zhao G, Hoffmann H, van Bussel L, Enders A, Specka X, Sosa C, Yeluripati J, Tao F, Constantin J, Teixeira E, Grosz B, Doro L, Zhao Z, Nendel C, Cammarano D, Asseng S, Kiese R, Raynal H, Eckersten H, Haas E, Wang E, Kuhnert M, Lewan E, Bach M, Kersebaum K-C et al., 2014. Weather data aggregation’s effects on simulation of cropping systems: a model, production system and crop comparison. ESA, Debrecen, Hungary, 25-29.8.2013. Hoffmann H, Rath T, 2013. Abiotic impact of regional climate change on horticultural production in Lower Saxony. KLIFF conference: Climate impact and adaptation research in Lower Saxony. Göttingen, Germany, 2-3.9.2013. Abstract: KLIFF-Tagungsband, 94-95. Holger Hoffmann 5/5 Hoffmann H, Rath T, 2013. Estimating the sensitivity and variability of climate impact projections for horticultural models. European Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Hamburg, Germany. ISBN 978-92-79-26185-5, doi 10.2777/13121, p. 99-100. Hoffmann H, Rath T, 2012. Regional climate change impact on future energy consumption of greenhouses. Int. Conference on Agricultural Engineering (CIGR), Valencia, Spain. Hoffmann H, Rath T, 2011. New meteorologically consistent bias correction of simulated climate time series for multidimensional plant models. UNEP Int. Student Conference, Shanghai, China. Hoffmann H, Schenk MK, 2011. AsIII-toxicity and uptake by Oryza sativa. UNEP International Student Conference on Environment and Sustainability, Shanghai, China. Hoffmann H, Schenk MK, 2011. AsIII-Aufnahme und -Toxizität bei Oryza sativa. 47. Jahrestagung DGG, Hannover, Germany, 23-26.02.2011. Abstract: BHGL-Schriftenreihe 28, 152. Hoffmann H, Rath T, 2010. Abiotische Schäden in der Obst- und Gemüseproduktion. KLIFF-Statusseminar, Göttingen, Germany. Menke S, Hoffmann H, Zutz K, 2009. Energetische Bewertung eines geschlossenen Gewächshauses mit Aquiferspeicher. 45th conference DGG, Berlin, Germany. Journal articel reviewing Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Climate Research Environmental Modeling and Assessment Environmental Modelling & Software Environmental Pollution Environmental Science and Pollution Research Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution: Agroecology and Land Use Systems Frontiers in Environmental Science: Agroecology and Land Use Systems Frontiers in Environmental Science: Interdisciplinary Climate Studies PLOS one July 2015
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