2010 年 7 月 1 日 海事記者会 各位 社団法人 日本船主協会 (総務部

2010 年 7 月 1 日
海事記者会 各位
社団法人 日本船主協会
アジア船主フォーラム(ASF)海賊対策 国連/IMO事務局長宛書状について
今般、ASF事務局(シンガポール)より、海賊対策に関するプレスリリースを受領しました。 添
付の通り配布いたしますので、お取り計らいくださるようお願い申し上げます。 同プレスリリ
ースは 6月30日、シンガポール国内外紙に発表されたとのことです。
に深刻な懸念を示した書状を 6月28日、国連・IMO両事務局長*宛に送付した。 同書状では、
* 国連 事務局長: Mr Ban Ki Moon/ IMO事務局長: Mr Efthimios Mitropoulos
Mr Johnson W Sutjipto (ASF議長): 海賊問題の根幹に対応するには団結した大胆なアプ
Mr S S Teo(SNEC委員長): 増大する身代金、保険料等、海運業界への理不尽なコスト負
工藤泰三氏(SERC委員長): アデン湾は中東発アジア向けのULCCにとって重要な海域で
Mr Li Shanmin (SC委員長): 船員の人命と家族への安心を守ることが必須。船員の供給不
園田裕一氏 (ASF事務局長): 海運業界と世界貿易の円滑な物流にとって耐え難い脅威を
以 上
企 画 部
企画部部長(国際担当) 石川
総 務 部
田中 初穂
FAX: (同上)
2010Jun PR 送付状 Piracy2.doc
10 Anson Road
#28-01A, International Plaza,
Singapore 079903
Tel: (65) 6325 4737 Fax: (65) 6325 4451
General Email: [email protected]
Website: www.asianshipowners.org
30 June 2010
On 28 June 2010, the Asian Shipowners’ Forum (ASF) has sent a same letter to both
the UN Secretary General Mr Ban Ki – Moon and the IMO Secretary General Mr
Efthimios Mitropoulos highlighting the serious concerns and continuing problem of
piracy and ship hijacks in the Gulf of Aden, the Somali Basin and in the Indian Ocean.
The letter expressedly condemns the criminal acts and dangers of Somali pirates on
maritime security and the safety of international shipping and trade, The ASF strongly
urges the UN and IMO, both in their individual and collective capacities, to act within
their supreme power immediately to counter the state of lawlessness and to restore the
safety of maritime navigation in the Gulf of Aden and off the coast of Somalia and in the
Indian Ocean.
Mr Johnson W. Sutjipto, the Chairman of the ASF said, “The situation has gotten out of
hand – the lack of action on the part of the international community has resulted in an
almost 500% increase in the number of attacks over the past 3 years. As such, the
ASF views this as a matter of extreme urgency, and strongly urges the adoption of a
united and dynamic approach to deal with the root of the piracy problem in the Gulf of
Aden and off the coast of Somalia. ”
Mr S S Teo, the Chairman of the ASF Safe Navigation and Environment Committee,
remarked, “Many ships and crews have been kidnapped in these 2 years by those
Somali pirates for extorting heavy ransom from shipowners to secure their release. In
addition to the massive ransoms paid by the shipping community, the financial burdens
associated with maritime piracy include, among other things, excess fuel costs and
higher insurance premiums. This is an utterly unreasonable burden and cost to the
shipping industry - more decisive action must be taken immediately! ”
Mr Yasumi Kudo, Chairman of the ASF Shipping Economics Review Committee,
added, “Given the inherent volatility of some commodity markets, high profile incidents
of maritime piracy can have serious economic impacts far beyond their immediate
target. The Gulf of Aden is an important stretch of waters where many fully laden ultra
large crude oil carriers (ULCC) transit from the Middle East to Asia. These pirate
attacks, if allowed to persist, can result in serious environmental consequences and
also cause further fluctuations in the global price of crude oil.”
Mr Li Shanmin, the Chairman of the ASF Seafarers Committee also commented, “We
must also consider the immeasurable human cost. We must protect the innocent lives
of our seafarers and to give their families a peace of mind when their close-kin sail the
sea. We need the UN and IMO to take immediate steps to counter this problem as it
has also aggravated the shortage of seafarers’ supply with such a situation. Many
potential seafarers are now afraid to go to sea!”
Mr Yuichi Sonoda, the ASF Secretary General, echoed, “The Asian shipping industry
as well as the global shipping industry is extremely concerned about the situation. The
current lawlessness and the lack of a credible deterrent appears to have encouraged
the spread of pirate attacks to other areas of Africa and elsewhere. The ASF wants the
UN and IMO to take urgent and effective action to remove the intolerable threats on
international shipping and their effects on the smooth flow of global trade.”
For further information, please contact Mr Yuichi Sonoda, Secretary General of the
Asian Shipowners’ Forum, at the contact address shown in the header. Please also
visit ASF’s website www.asianshipowners.org.
The Asian Shipowners’ Forum (ASF) is a voluntary organisation of shipowner associations and its aim is
to promote the interests of the Asian shipping industry. It is estimated that the ASF represents about 50%
of the world's cargo carrying fleet.
The ASF consists of the following 8 members:
Australian Shipowners Association
China Shipowners’ Association
Federation of ASEAN Shipowners’ Associations*
Hong Kong Shipowners Association
Indian National Shipowners’ Association
Japanese Shipowners’ Association
Korea Shipowners’ Association
National Association of Chinese Shipowners
*FASA is composed of:
Filipino Shipowners’ Association
Indonesian National Shipowners’ Association
Malaysian Shipowners’ Association
Myanmar Five Star Line
Singapore Shipping Association
Thai Shipowners’ Association
Vietnam Shipowners’ Association
Between the ASF AGMs, the ongoing work is carried out by the five Standing Committees;
Seafarers Committee
Shipping Economics Review Committee
Ship Insurance and Liability Committee
Safe Navigation and Environment Committee
Ship Recycling Committee