GI-Dissertationspreis 2014 – Kolloquiumsprogramm Letzte Aktualisierung: 29.4.2015 Das Kolloquium findet vom 11.–13.05.2015 auf Schloss Dagstuhl statt. Sonntag 10.05.2015 ist als Anreisetag vorgesehen. F¨ ur die Vortr¨ age der Kandidaten sind jeweils 15 Minuten Vortragszeit sowie 5 Minuten Diskussion vorgesehen. Zus¨ atzlich sind pro Vortrag 5 Minuten Toleranz eingeplant. Wenn Sie Muttersprachler in Deutsch sind, wird erwartet, dass die Vortr¨age und die Vortragsfolien auf Deutsch sind. Montag 11.05.2015 9:00 – 9:25 Begr¨ ußung 1. Auer, Christopher Planar Graphs and their Duals on Cylinder Surfaces 9:25–10:15 2. Berkholz, Christoph Lower Bounds for Heuristic Algorithms 10:15 – 10:45 Pause 3. Hoffmann, Steve Genome Informatics for High-Throughput Sequencing Data Analysis-Methods and Applications 10:45 – 12:00 4. Hufsky, Franziska Novel Methods for the Analysis of Small Molecule Fragmentation Mass Spectra 5. Kirchner, Elsa Andrea Embedded Brain Reading 12:00 – 14:00 Mittagspause 6. Klambauer, G¨ unter Machine Learning Techniques for the Analysis of High Throughput DNA and RNA Sequencing Data 14:00 – 15:15 7. Lawonn, Kai Illustrative Visualization of Medical Data Sets 8. Gisbrecht, Andrej Advances in Dissimilarity-based Data Visualisation 15:15 – 15:45 Pause 9. Linden, Sven The LIR Space Partitioning System applied to the Stokes Equitations 15:45 – 17:00 10. Schmidt, Melanie Coresets and Streaming Algorithms for the k-means Problem and Related Clustering Objectives 11. Bermbach, David Benchmarking Eventually Consistent Distributed Storage Systems 1 Dienstag 12.05.2015 12. Lanthaler, Markus Third Generation Web APIs: Bridging the Gap between REST and Linked Data 9:00–10:15 13. Ziller, Michael Johannes Dissecting Cellular States and Cell State Transitions through Integrative Analysis of Epigenetic Dynamics 14. Reuter, Christian Emergent Collaboration Infrastructures: Technology Design for Inter-Organizational Crisis Management 10:15 – 10:45 Pause 15. Angerer, Andreas Michael Object-oriented Software for Industrial Robots 10:45 – 12:00 16. Rohr, David On Development, Feasibility, and Limits of Highly Efficient CPU and GPU Programs in Several Fields: Fast Parallel SIMDized GPU-accelerated Reed-Solomon Encoding, Heterogeneous Linpack Benchmark, and Event Reconstruction for the ALICE Experiment 17. Manthey, Norbert Towards Next Generation Sequential and Parallel SAT Solvers 12:00 – 14:00 Mittagspause 18. Distler, Tobias Resource-efficient Fault and Intrusion Tolerance 14:00 – 15:15 19. Herrmann, Dominik Beobachtungsm¨ oglichkeiten im Domain Name System: Angriffe auf die Privatsph¨ are und Techniken zum Selbstdatenschutz 20. M¨ uhlbach, Sascha Reconfigurable Architectures and Design Automation Tools for Application-Level Network Security 15:15 – 15:45 Pause 21. Tschuggnall, Michael Intrinsic Plagiarism Detection and Author Analysis By Utilizing Grammar 15:45 – 17:00 22. Michels, Dominik L. Solving Stiff Cauchy Problems in Scientific Computing: An Analytic-numeric Approach 23. Rieke, Jan Dominik Model Consistency Management for Systems Engineering 2 Mittwoch 13.05.2015 24. Lemmerich, Florian Novel Techniques for Efficient and Effective Subgroup Discovery 9:00–10:15 25. Samek, Wojciech On Robust Spatial Filtering of EEG in Nonstationary Environments 26. Tauheed, Farhan Scalable Exploration of Spatial Data in Large-Scale Scientific Simulations 10:15 – 10:45 Pause 27. Bringmann, Karl Sampling from Discrete Distributions and Computing Fr´echet Distances 10:45 – 11:30 28. Sallinger, Emanuel Foundations of Information Integration: Analyzing, Managing and Reasoning about Schema Mappings ab 12:00 Mittagessen 3
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