Logistics in the Capital Region Berlin-Brandenburg THE GERMAN CAPITAL REGION excellence in mobility 2 Logistics Helsinki Logistics in Berlin-Brandenburg: well networked – centrally located Oslo Hamina Kotka Tallinn Örebro Stockholm Ventspils Riga Gothenburg Copenhagen Klaipeda Malmö Vilnius Trelleborg 10 significant benefits for your investment • Excellent infrastructure • Central focal point for European traffic and freight flows • Firmly integrated in the Trans-European Transport Network • Highly qualified employees • Good investment incentives • Top positioning in the German freight villages ranking • BIG5 logistics locations • Leading site for telematics and traffic management Lisbon • Universities with renowned logistics and IT chairs • Proximity to political decision-makers and associations Dublin Rostock Bremen Amsterdam Utrecht London Rotterdam Osnabrück Zeebrugge Brussels Hamburg Poznan Berlin Hannover Cologne Liege Prague Würzburg Nuremberg Luxembourg Warsaw Frankfurt (Oder) Magdeburg Paris Brno Vienna Munich Innsbruck Bratislava Budapest Arad Timişoara Verona Bucharest Craiova Burgas Bologna La Spezia Livorno Barcelona Madrid Sofia Ancona Rome Bari Naples Thessaloniki Taranto Igoumenitsa Palermo Gioia Tauro Athens/Piraeus Patras Valletta Qualified employees – flexible and high-performing In the German Capital Region Berlin-Brandenburg, logistics companies will find well educated and motivated employees. Thanks to the three-year professional training in logistics professions, from the highly specialized EDP specialist, to specialist for warehouse logistics, the quality of work is ensured. There are some 205,000 people employed in the sector. With comprehensive service packages, the Berlin Partner for Business and Technology and the ZAB Brandenburg Economic Development Board, support companies in the recruitment and further education of new employees, as well as in strengthening innovative forces. Leading in technology transfer More than 50 universities and over 100 further education research institutions with some 216,000 students form one of the densest research networks in Europe. Logistics professionals profit from special industry knowledge and expertise of the scientific institutes, including the Logistics department at the Technische Universität Berlin and the Technische Hochschule Wildau. Berlin and Brandenburg – “Urban Node” of the Trans-European Transport Network Three of the multi-modal core network corridors intersect here: The Oriental/East-Med corridor links the northern and Baltic Sea regions via Berlin to the Czech Republic– Slovakia–Hungary to the Black Sea (Bulgaria/Rumania) and the Mediterranean (Greece). The north-Baltic Sea corridor Bremerhaven/Rotterdam/ Antwerp–Berlin–Warsaw–Terespol/Kaunas links the ports in western Europe with terminals in Germany, Poland and Lithuania. The Scandinavian-Mediterranean corridor running along the north-south axis from Italy to Hamburg and Rostock and then on to Scandinavia. Quick links and attractive prices Located in the vicinity of the German sea ports, BerlinBrandenburg offers a strategically optimum location for distribution to the whole of Europe and to the traffic beyond the ports. Economic policies have created attractive frameworks for the promotion of investment goods, innovations and specialists. Logistics Logistics locations in Berlin-Brandenburg Hamburg Greifswald Rostock Prignitz Uckermark 19 11 Pritzwalk 11 OstprignitzRuppin 18 Wittenberge Oberhavel 3 Eberswalde Oranienburg 10 Havelland Lefkosia 17 Velten Rathenow Wustermark Schwedt/ Oder 16 Barnim 24 Limassol Szczecin (Stettin) 20 MärkischOderland 111 BERLIN 5 1 Küstrin-Kietz 10 13 Rüdersdorf b. Bln. 7 4-9, 1 Hoppegarten 11-13 113 Großbeeren Schönefeld Wildau Potsdam 3 Freienbrink 4 14 10 Ludwigsfelde 8 10 Brandenburg an der Havel Magdeburg Hannover 2 2 3 PotsdamMittelmark 9 115 Rangs- 12 dorf 12 7 Königs Wusterhausen 6 9 Mittenwalde TeltowFläming 4 Eisenhüttenstadt DahmeSpreewald Leipzig Frankfurt (Main) München ElbeElster Mühlberg/ Elbe Frankfurt (Oder) OderSpree 13 OberspreewaldLausitz Warszawa (Warschau) 2 2 Guben Cottbus 15 1 Wrocław 6 (Breslau) Forst Spree- (Lausitz) Neiße 13 Elsterwerda 5 15 Schwarzheide Dresden Praha (Prag) Güterverkehrszentrum mit Freight villages with terminal Terminal für den Kombinierten for combined freight loading Ladungsverkehr Logistics location Logistikstandort Logistics location with terminal for combined freight loading Logistikstandort mit Terminal für den Kombinierten Ladungsverkehr Scientific and researchWissenschafts- undFederal highway Forschungseinrichtung institution State highway Railroad Inland harbor Inland waterway with freight traffic Binnenhafen National border International airport Regional border Border crossing Internationaler Flughafen Siedlung Autobahn Bundesstrasse Bahnstrecke Binnenwasserstraße mit Güterverkehr Landesgrenze Grenzübergang Kreisgrenze 3 Logistics The network for your success Selected locations and players in the Berlin-Brandenburg logistics region Freight villages 1 BEHALA, Berlin www.behala.de 2 Freight village Frankfurt (Oder) www.gvz-ffo.de 3 Freight village Berlin East Freienbrink www.gvz-berlin.de 4 Freight village Berlin-South Großbeeren www.gvz-berlin.de 5 Freight village Berlin-West Wustermark/Brieselang www.gvz-berlin.de 6 Freight village Schönefelder Kreuz (in planning) Logistics locations 1 Business Park Berlin 2 Brandenburg an der Havel 3 Eberswalde 4 Eisenhüttenstadt 5 Elsterwerda 6 Forst 7 Königs Wusterhausen Scientific and research institutions Universities 1 Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU) www.b-tu.de 2 Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) www.europa-uni.de 3 Fachhochschule Brandenburg www.fh-brandenburg.de 4 Freie Universität Berlin www.fu-berlin.de 5 Technische Universität Berlin www.logistik.tu-berlin.de Further education 6 Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin www.beuth-hochschule.de 7 Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (HTW) www.htw-berlin.de 8 Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin (HWR) www.hwr-berlin.de 9 Steinbeis Hochschule Berlin/Transfer-Institut www.steinbeis-hochschule.de 10 Technische Hochschule Wildau (THW) www.th-wildau.de 8 Ludwigsfelde 9 Mittenwalde 10 Oranienburg 11 Pritzwalk Professional academies 11 Verwaltungs- und Wirtschafts-Akademie Berlin www.vwa-gruppe.de 12 Rangsdorf Research institutes 13 Rüdersdorf 12 Fraunhofer-Institute 14 Schönefeld 15 Schwarzheide 16 Schwedt 17 Velten 18 Wittenberge www.ipk.fraunhofer.de www.fokus.fraunhofer.de 13 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB) www.zib.de Logistics companies •A lfred Talke Logistic Services www.talke.com •A mazon www.amazon.de •B ertschi www.bertschi.com •B LG LOGISTICS GROUP www.blg-logistics.com •B SH Hausgeräte Service www.bsh-group.de •D achser www.dachser.com •D eutsche Bahn www.deutschebahn.com •D B Schenker www.dbschenker.com •D HL www.dhl.de •D PD (Deutscher Paketdienst) www.dpd.de •e Com Logistik www.ecomlogistik.de •E uba Logistic www.euba-logistic.de •F iege www.fiege.de •G efco www.gefco.de •K FZTeile24 Logistik www.kfzteile24.de •N agel-Group www.nagel-group.com •K uehne + Nagel www.kn-portal.com •L ekkerland www.lekkerland.de •L ION Spezialtransport GmbH www.lion-group.de •P SI www.psi.de •R eiCo Logistik www.reico-spedition.de •R henus Logistics www.rhenus.com •R ieck Logistik www.rieck-logistik.de •S iemens www.siemens.de •C . Spaarmann www.spaarmann.de •T oll Collect www.toll-collect.de •U PS www.ups.de •V W Original Teile Logistik www.volkswagen-otlg.de •Z alando www.zalando.de 4 Logistics Larger and globally oriented companies such as Siemens, Nokia Here, TomTom, T-Systems or Bosch Software Innovations have selected the region as their location for telematics activities. Toll Collect, the truck toll system is headquartered in Berlin. Personal and freight transport operators are users of modern traffic telematics systems and complete the value chain. High dynamics with top freight villages The logistics industry is a key pillar in the development of the Berlin-Brandenburg Capital Region. The close network of business with scientific and research centers in a cluster, strengthens the innovative force and thus the international competitiveness of the companies. When it comes to logistics, the topics green logistics, intermodal traffic and specialist staff are essential factors. The aim of the work of the cluster (transport, mobility and logistics) is to strengthen the leading position of Berlin-Brandenburg as one of the BIG5 logistics locations in Germany. Five freight villages (GVZ) in Brandenburg and Berlin are counted among the best 20 in the whole of Germany. The freight villages (GVZ) Berlin Süd Großbeeren is one of the best in the logistics industry. International comparisons show that it is one of the Top 10 locations in Europe. www.mobilitaet-bb.de Telematics from the Capital Region Traffic telematics has become one of the key elements of modern traffic management. The recording and assess ment of small-scale and large-scale traffic situations requires modern sensors, high-performing algorithms and robust simulation models. The cross-traffic use of data is required in order to promote intermodal transport links. Intelligent traffic systems control, for example, changing traffic information on overhead gantry signs and communication with cars and commercial vehicles via various end devices, such as smartphones and on-board units. Around 90 companies and 24 scientific establishments work in the telematics sectors. Established and specialized companies such as IVU Traffic Technologies, Kienzle Argo, Masternaut or PSI Logistics develop innovative hardware and software solutions for commercial traffic in the Capital Region. Traffic management in the German Capital Region is considered exemplary within Europe. With the aim of making commercial traffic more environmentally friendly, more efficient and safer by developing and employing modern solutions, the interface between telematics and logistics started the cooperation network IWiT – Intelligenter Wirtschaftsverkehr durch Telematik in Metropolregionen (intelligent commercial traffic by way of telematics in metropolitan regions) in July 2014. Partnership with perspectives LNBB | LogistikNetz Berlin-Brandenburg e. V. LogistikNetz Berlin-Brandenburg e. V. (LNBB) strengthens the Capital Region as a logistics and economic location. Here, production, trade and service companies find a central contact for all issues surrounding infrastructure, logistics solutions, business models and promotion options. LNBB promotes the networking of science and business and in order to position Berlin-Brandenburg as a leading logistics competence center. www.logistiknetz-bb.de 5 Capital Region Berlin-Brandenburg Location benefits, facts, service Valued investments Berlin-Brandenburg offers excellent and customized funding programs for innovations, investments and specialist qualifications. The funding programs pool resources from the EU, the German federal government and the states of Berlin and Brandenburg. Quadriga in front of the Reichstag High quality of life The region combines the international flair of the Berlin metropolis with the fascinating nature and historical sights of Brandenburg in a unique way. A singular club scene, renowned large events, more than 170 museums, 150 theaters as well as some 500 castles, churches and parks are available to visitors. Sporting and leisure activities such golf, riding, water sports and flying have no limits. The costs of living, infrastructure and leisure are considerably more affordable than in comparable metropolitan regions. Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam Investment made easy Excellent leisure opportunities in the region The two economic development corporations Berlin Partner for Business and Technology and the ZAB Brandenburg Economic Development Board provide comprehensive support in establishing your business: competently, quickly, without red tape, confidentially and free of charge. • Location: Facts and figures about the Berlin-Brandenburg economic region • Personnel: Support in the recruiting and qualification of new employees • Real estate: Help looking for properties for rent and purchase • Financing: Advice on promotional opportunities and financing methods •Contacts to: public authorities, banks, chambers of commerce, associations, company networks www.zab-brandenburg.de/en www.brandenburg-business-guide.de/en www.businesslocationcenter.de/logistik Your contact in Brandenburg: ZAB ZukunftsAgentur Brandenburg GmbH Steinstraße 104–106, 14480 Potsdam Ute Bankwitz Project manager for traffic, mobility and logistics Tel.: +49 331 660 3110 [email protected] www.zab-brandenburg.de Your contact in Berlin: Legal notice Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH Fasanenstraße 85, 10623 Berlin Marc Rohr Project manager for traffic, mobility and logistics Tel.: +49 30 46302426 [email protected] www.berlin-partner.de Publisher: ZAB Brandenburg Economic Development Board in cooperation with Berlin Partner for Business and Technology on behalf of the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy of the State of Brandenburg and the Berlin Senate Administration for the Economy, Technology and Research Layout: Bergmann & Partner Werbeagentur, Berlin Photos: Title, © hxdyl shutterstock.com; BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg (Till Budde); Telematics (ZAB/Amin Akhtar); © michaeljung shutterstock.com; Reichstagskuppel/ dome of the Reichstag Building (Berlin Partner GmbH/FTB-Werbefotografie); Schloss Sanssouci (Ministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie/Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy of the State of Brandenburg); Sailing ships on the Havel (Boettcher/TMB-Fotoarchiv) Dated: April 2015
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