9th European Conference on Medical Law INVITATION „European Integration on Health Care“ on 12 June 2015 Federal Ministry of Health Radetzkystraße 2, 1030 Wien 09.30 Uhr - Opening – Welcoming of Participants Prof. Dr. Alfred Radner, President President Dr. med. Günther Jonitz, ÄK Berlin President Univ.Prof.Dr. Thomas Szekeres, Wr. ÄK Mayor of Vienna Dr.Michael Häupl or rep. Parl. State Secretary Annette Widmann-Mauz MdB, Berlin Abgeord. EU Parlament Karin Kadenbach, Brüssel - Wien Abgeord. EU Parlament Dr. Othmar Karas, Brüssel - Wien BM für Justiz Dr. Wolfgang Brandstetter, Wien or rep. – Part 1. – 10.00 am - „Surgical Site Infection – fateful or a preventable risk?“ Prof. Dr. Ojan Assadian, President of the ASIC – Austrian Society for Infection Control, Wien „Biosimilars – Challenges around Pricing and Reimbursement“ Mag. iur. Hanns Kratzer, General Manager PERI Consulting GmbH, Wien 10.45 am - „Patient Safety in individual EU Member States and countries which are candidates for accession“ Senatsrat Dr. Leopold-Michael Marzi, Antikorruptionsbeauftragter, Leiter der Rechtsabteilung AKH Wien 11.15 am - „EU law and allocation of health fund contracts - Is EU law rendering the national guidelines on the allocation of health fund contracts obsolete?“ RA Dr. Karl Newole, M.A. Johns Hopkins Univ. (USA), Wien – Triest – Paris – Istanbul 11.45 am - „Breakthrough or intermediate step? Evaluating the recent changes to the Austrian Reproductive Medicine Act in the light of English law“ Mag. iur. Adrian Zwettler, MA, Wien 12.15 pm - „European specialist examinations through private organisations? – Example Ophthalmology“ Univ. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Radner, Vorstandsmitglied der ÄK für Wien 12.45 pm - „The influence of international public law and medical law in general and drug liability in special“ Prof. DDr. Erwin Deutsch, Universität Göttingen 13.15 pm - L U N C H – Part 2. – „Standardization of health services in the EU“ 14.15 pm - Panel discussion with audience participation - Moderation: Gen. Sekr. Dr. Gerald Radner „Meaning, purpose and borders of standardization in public health systems“ Annette Widmann-Mauz, MdB, Federal Ministery of Health, Parliamentary State Secretary, Berlin „Healthcare Policy at the European Level – exemplified by Patient Safety and Standardization“ Dr. med. Günther Jonitz, Präsident Ärztekammer Berlin „Legal Framework for European Standardization“ Dr. Silvia Türk, Abt. Leiterin Qualität im Gesundheitssystem, BM für Gesundheit, Wien „European Standards for health care services – Who is drafting them, which are coming and how they can provide for more confidence and quality“ Dr. Karl Grün, Director Standards Development, Austrian Standards Institute, Wien „European Norming: ‚against’ „the Ill and the Ugly“?!“ Prof. Dr. Johann-Wilhelm Weidringer, Bayerische Landesärztekammer, München „To what extent ist the standardization of medical services permissible?“ Univ.-Prof. DDr. Jürgen Ensthaler, TU Berlin expected end ca. 17.30 Uhr Europäische Gesellschaft für Medizinrecht, Altenbergerstrasse 52, 1. OG, 4040 Linz Tel.: 0043 732 2468 3790, Fax: 0043 732 2468 7146, Email: [email protected] * SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION: GERMAN-ENGLISCH * Academy of doctors: 9 DFP (Diplom continuing education) 20.00 Uhr - Reception by the Mayor of the City of Vienna Dr. Michael Häupl in Neustift am Walde, a traditional Viennese „Heuriger“ with a stylish atmosphere and live music s’Pfiff Rathstraße 4, 1190 Wien Prof. Dr. Alfred Radner President HR MR Univ.-Prof. DDr. Hans Erich Diemath Vice-President - Wien-Salzburg RA Matthias Teichner Vice-President – Hamburg REGISTRATION - 0043 / (0)732 / 24 68-7146 Registration by Mail – [email protected] Conference Fee: € 390,00 (Mwst.-frei). After having paid the registration fee you will receive an invoice. For members of the "Austrian Society for Medical Law" , the Green Cross, the " German Society for Law and Policy in Health Care" and the " German Society for Medical Law " , as well as for Attorney trainees and members of the Association of court-appointed experts reduced this price to 10%. In justified cases, special arrangements are available on request. If you register by fax or e-mail ([email protected]) please send this registration form by 3 of June 2015. Special prices and conditions have been arranged with certain hotels. Please see our website: http://www.medizinrecht-europa.eu. Please tick the appropriate box: □ I confirm my participation and will bring ...... other persons with me to the reception. I also agree to be informed of future events by email, and understand that this agreement can be revoked at any time. □ I cannot attend, but am interested in being informed of future events by email and understand that this agreement can be revoked at any time. □ Suggestions as to when future events should be held: Weekday: MON □ TUES □ WED □ THURS □ When should they begin: morning. □ afternoon □ evening FRI □ SAT □ Suggested topics for future events::……………………………………………………………… Name: ………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………. Address: …………………………………….………………………………………………………....................... E-Mail: ……………………………………………………………………………………………........................ Institution: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Member of ÖGM □ DGM □ GRPG □ RA-Konzipient □ Grünes Kreuz □ …….……………………………………………. Date and Signature Europäische Gesellschaft für Medizinrecht, Altenbergerstrasse 52, 1. OG, 4040 Linz Tel.: 0043 732 2468 3790, Fax: 0043 732 2468 7146, Email: [email protected]
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