Master Environmental Engineering Time 8:00 - Monday Tuesday Bewirtschaftung von Kanalnetzen und Regenwassermanagement (RE, 6) BGU38011 0000000179 9:30 9:45 1601 Wednesday 2015 Thursday Friday Traffic Flow Sim- Material Flow Management ulation (E, 3) Modelling of Environmental Effects in Transportation (RE, 6) BV580008 Modelling of Environmental Effects in Transportation [2/2] 0000001351 part 1/2 of the module is offered in winter term 0120 - BV560007 821082795 Land Use and Transportation Modelling (E, 5) BV520008 Integrated Land-use and Transport Modelling [2/2] 820977020 11:15 11:30 13:00 13:15 14:45 SUMMER TERM FIELD OF STUDY 1 10:30 – 13:00 Advanced Water Treatment Engineering and Reuse (E,3) BGU38010 0000000194 9:45 – 12:00 WZ8017 820965088 Computer lab 8:15 - 12:00 N0199 Room H23 Building 4277 Freising 2770 2601 part 1/2 of the module is offered in winter term Project Appraisal and Planning Processes in Transportation (RE, 6) BV520009 Transport policies and Project Design [2/2] Course-No.: 820924087 part 1/2 of the module is offered in winter term 0602 Intelligent Transport Systems (RE,6) BV560023 Traffic Control – Extension [1/2] 240862491 Intelligent Vehicles (E, 3) BV560005 240915567 13:15 – 17:30 0120 2605 part 2/2 of the module is offered in winter term Angewandte Verkehrstechnik und Verkehrsplanung (E, 3) 15:00 16:30 BV560019 Rechnergestütztes Entwerfen [1/2] 820563650 for part 2/2 page 2 computer lab N0199 16:45 18:15 18:30 20:00 Verkehrsplanerische und verkehrstechnische Konzepte für Elektromobilität (E,3) BGU56041 0000000310 2760 Der öffentliche Verkehr - Katalysator der Stadtentwicklung (E,3) AR30213 0000000180 Externe Orte s. TUMonline Update: 26.03.2015 Master Environmental Engineering FIELD OF STUDY 1 Further modules in this term Applications for Urban Climate (RE, 6) BV380009 0000000697 Block course from 27.07. – 07.08. TUMonline for details Angewandte Verkehrstechnik und Verkehrsplanung (E, 3) BV560019 Praxis der Verkehrstechnik und Verkehrsplanung [2/2] 820024924 Visits to external locations TUMonline for details for part [1/2] page 1 Klärschlammbehandlung (E, 3) WZ8084 820012255 Block course from 20.07. – 22.07. in Garching TUMonline for details Modelling of Water Quality in Aquatic Systems (E, 3) BV180004 820963891 Block course 07.04.-10.04. in Garching TUMonline for details Verkehrswasserbau und Wasserstraßen (E, 3) BV460019 0000001776 6 courses TUMonline for details For the beginning dates of the courses and detailed weekly schedules please check TUMonline using the respective Course-No. For the registration for the exams please make sure you use the correct Module-No. SUMMER TERM 2015 Modules and Courses What is a Module? A module is a didactic unit consisting of one or more thematically related courses. The module is completed by the “module examination”, which is in most cases a single exam covering all of the module’s courses. The ECTS-credit points are granted for the whole module after a successful participation in the module examination. How to read the timetable:
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