Seminar über Vielteilchentheorie

S. Eggert
AG Grundlagen der Festkörper
und Vielteilchensysteme
Seminar über Vielteilchentheorie
Bosonization of the Spin-1/2 Chain
All are welcome
Mo. 27.4.
13:45, 46/576
Mo. 4.5.
13:45, 46/576
Mo. 11.5.
13:45, 46/576
Mo. 18.5.
13:45, 46/576
Mo. 25.5.
Introduction (based on [3])
Sebastian Eggert
Mo. 1.6.
13:45, 46/576
Mo. 8.6.
13:45, 46/576
Mo. 15.6.
13:45, 46/576
Mo. 22.6.
13:45, 46/576
Mo. 29.6.
13:45, 46/576
Mo. 6.7.
13:45, 46/576
Mo. 13.7.
13:45, 46/576
Mo. 20.7.
13:45, 46/576
The Hamiltonian of the XXZ chain [2,4]
Shijie Hu
XX-Chain [2,4]
Kevin Jägering
Bosonic fields [3]
Martin Kübler, Martin Bonkhoff
Bosonization of Spin Operators [2,4]
Imke Schneider
Correlation functions [2,4]
Guixin Tang
Correlation functions at finite T and L [5]
Dominik Straßel
Structure factor
Annabelle Bohrdt
Renormalization Group basics [1]
Axel Pelster
Renormalization Group applications [2,4]
Xue Feng Zhang
Coupled Chains
Denis Morath
1.) Senechal, arXiv:cond-mat/9908262
2.) Giamarchi, textbook
3.) Eggert, arXiv:0708.0003
4.) Affleck, Les Houches lecture notes
5.) Mattsson, Phys. Rev. B 56, 15615 (1997)