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22nd Focus Meeting
“Organic Nanotechnology – From Switchable Molecules to Membranes”
March 27, 2015, 02:00 pm – 05:15 pm
01:30 – 02:00 pm
02:00 – 02:15 pm
Arrival and registration
Welcome address
Prof. Franz Faupel
Chairman of the Norddeutsche Initiative Nanotechnologie
Schleswig-Holstein e.V.
02:15 – 02:45 pm
02:45 – 03:15 pm
03:15 – 03:45 pm
03:45 – 04:15 pm
04:15 – 04:45 pm
04:45 – 05:15 pm
05:15 pm
Prof. Rainer Herges
Speaker of Collaborative Research Center SFB 677 Function by
Switchable molecular magnets as smart contrast agents for MRI
Prof. Rainer Herges
Otto Diels Institute of Organic Chemistry,
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel
Flexible solar cells
Prof. Morten Madsen / Prof. Horst-Günter Rubahn,
Mads Clausen Institute, University of Southern Denmark
Coffee break and networking
Structure formation of block copolymer membranes with
narrow pore size distribution
Prof. Volker Abetz
Institute for Polymer Research, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht and
Institute for Physical Chemistry, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg
Liquid Crystal Windows
Prof. Peer Kirsch
Director Performance Materials/ Liquid Crystals R&D,
Merck KGaA, Freiburg
Guided tour through Otto Diels Institute of Organic Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Rainer Herges, Otto Diels Institute / Institute for Organic Chemistry,
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Otto-Hahn-Platz 4, 24089 Kiel
Max-Eyth Lecture Hall, Max-Eyth Str. 6, 24089 Kiel
Registration: by March 25, 2015, at
[email protected] Keyword: NINa-SH, 22. SPT
40 € (5 € for students),
Förde Sparkasse, IBAN: DE57 2105 0170 1002 2947 99
BIC NOLADE21KIE, Keyword: NINa-SH, 22. SPT
or cash at the evening
Norddeutsche Initiative Nanotechnologie Schleswig‐Holstein e.V., www.nina‐sh.de 1. Vorstandsvorsitzender: Prof. Dr. Franz Faupel, Lehrst. Materialverbunde, Tech. Fak. der CAU Kiel, Kaiserstr. 2, 24143 Kiel Kontakt: Dr. Jens Urny, Fon: 040 31812027, Email: urny@nina‐sh.de