Summer Schools 2015 Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl von Universitäten, die 2015 Summer Schools anbieten. Weitere Informationen hierzu finden Sie auf der jeweiligen Internetseite. Weiter unten gibt es eine kleine Auswahl von Winter Schools, die Anfang 2015 stattfinden. Summer Schools mit fachübergreifenden Angeboten ..................................... 2 Ingenieurwissenschaften..................................................................................... 5 Jura ........................................................................................................................6 Medizin .................................................................................................................6 Mathematik...........................................................................................................6 Physik .................................................................................................................... 7 Politikwissenschaft............................................................................................... 7 Wirtschaftswissenschaft ...................................................................................... 8 Sozialwissenschaften ......................................................................................... 10 Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften ................................................................... 10 Winter Schools 2015 ........................................................................................... 13 Summer Schools mit fachübergreifenden Angeboten o Summer Program, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City o 6 weeks from 29th May to 9th July 2015 o Application deadline: 27th March 2015 o “Latin America in an International Context” o o Summer University Programme, CIFE (Centre international de formation européenne), various places in Europe o Various one-week programmes from June to September o Various topics connected to European and International Studies o o Uppsala International Summer Session, Uppsala, Sweden o Various sessions between 14th June and 14th August 2015 o Swedish Language and Cultural Training o o Summer programmes, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, Italy o Three sessions during June and July o Topics: Business, Marketing, Media Communication or Italian Language and Culture o o Boğaziçi University Summer Term, Istanbul, Turkey o 18th June to 8th August 2015 o o Antwerp Summer University, University of Antwerp, Netherlands o Several programmes during July and August 2015 o tional-students/antwerp-summer-university/ o AU Summer University, Aarhus University, Denmark o 1st Juli to 14th August 2015 (Application deadline 15th March) o o Delightful Istanbul 2015, Istanbul Aydin University o Courses in Economics, Engineering and Health Sciences o 1st to 15th August 2015 o o International Summer Schools, University of Cambridge, UK o 5 July – 21 August 2015 o o Summer School, Université Paris Diderot, France o French language course plus cultural programme o 6th to 24th July 2015 o o Kulturprogramm “Krakau erleben” 2015, Deutsch-Polnische Akademische Gesellschaft, Krakau, Polen o 6 mögliche Termine von Juli bis September 2015 o Polnische Kultur und Geschichte o,33,0.html o Young European Citizens’ Convention, Cluny Abbey, France o Topic: “Europe on the menu: food, culture, agriculture - what recipes for the future?” o 9th to 19th July 2015 o Fees: 300€ o o International Summer Schools, University of Oxford, UK o Mostly two-week programmes in July and August o o Summer school, Utrecht, Netherlands o Mostly two-week programmes in July and August o o NTU Plus Academy, National Taiwan University, Taipei o Various programmes in July and August o o Summer Academy on Intercultural Experience, Karlsruhe, Germany o 20th to 31st July 2015 o o Green Summer Camp, Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany o Exploring Sustainability from an Intercultural Perspective (German/US-American exchange) o 2th to 19th August 2015 o o Summer Academy on Sustainability, Istanbul, Turkey o 3rd to 14th August 2015 o Intercultural Perspective o o Helsinki Summer School, University of Helsinki, Finland o 4th to 20th August 2015 o 21 different interdisciplinary programmes o Ingenieurwissenschaften o TECNUN Summer School, San Sebastián, Spain o Renewable Energy or Design and Robotics o Several program periods between 25th May and 30th July o o “United in Manchester”, University of Manchester, UK o 6th July to 7th August 2015 o Essential employability skills, development of new product ideas o directed at students who consider to pursue a full study course in the UK o o Summer Courses, University of Mons, Belgium o 6th to 10th July 2015 o Protective and Smart Coatings OR Neuro-Creativity o o Engineering Summer School, University of Deusto, Spain o 29.06. – 10.07.2015 o Advanced Innovative Automotive Technologies o n-drive Jura o Summer School, University of Strasbourg, France o 2nd to 10th July 2015 o Intellectual Property Law in Europe o o univie: International and European Studies, Lake Wolfgang (University of Vienna), Austria o 18th July to 15th August 2015 o European Studies, Austrian Arbitration Academy and German Language Classes o Medizin o Summer School Molecular Medicine, University Hospital Jena o Requirements: Master degree o 10th August to 10th September 2015 o Get familiar with current research and laboratory techniques o Mathematik o Summer School in Mathematics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary o 8th to 12th June 2015 o The legacy of Paul Erdös o Physik o Les Houches Physics School, France o 12.-17.April 2015 o Fundamentals of Aerodynamic Flow and Combustion Control by Plasmas o o Plasmant Summer School, University of Antwerp, Netherlands o 2. – 4. July 2015 o Plasma processing and technology o /summer-school/ o IPP Summer University, IPP Garching, Germany o 15 - 19 September 2014 o Plasma Physics and Fusion Research o Politikwissenschaft o Summer Program Costa Rica, Bridge Education Abroad Institute o 24th June to 4th July OR 5th to 15th July 2015 o Sustainable Development, international relations and security, diplomacy, and global leadership o o Summer Program Ireland, Bridge Education Abroad Institute o 26th July to 5th August 2015 OR 5th to 15th August 2015 o Ethno-national conflict and Irish identity, public policy, international relations and security, diplomacy, and global leadership o o Summer Program South Africa, Bridge Education Abroad Institute o During June, July, August 2015 o South Africa’s history, international politics, and economics o o EucA Cambridge Summer School, Cambridge, UK o 1st to 16th September 2015 o European Political Identity o Wirtschaftswissenschaft o Summer School, Izmir Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey o 28th June to 11th July 2015 o Application Deadline: 17th April 2015 o Management, Finance, HR, Economics, Foreign Policy o o Lisbon Summer School, ISCTE Business School, Lisbon, Portugal o 4 programmes during the time from June to August 2015 o Economics and Governance o o Summer School, LUISS Business School, Rome, Italy o Intended for Bachelor-degree students o 6th to 17th July 2015 o Topic: Management “Made in Italy” o o Ljubljana Summer School, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia o 6.-24. July 2015 o Mangament & Economics o o Europe Innovation Academy, Nice, France o 6. - 24. July 2015 o Innovation and entrepreneurship o o Summer University, Bangkok University School for Entrepreneurship & Management, Thailand o 9th – 29th August 2015 o Entrepreneurship in Asia o Sozialwissenschaften o Asia as the Global Future, Hong Kong, Beijing, Seoul o Organized by the University of Hong Kong o 21st June to 19th July 2015 o New application deadline: 10th April 2015 o Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften o Prague Spring and Summer University, Charles University, Czech Republic o 12th – 23th April 2015 OR 5th – 20th September 2015 o Reconfiguring Europe: An Old Continent in a New Millenium o o o Graz International Summer School, Seggau Castle, Austria o 28th June to 11th July 2015 o Application deadline: 19th March 2015 o Shifting Perspectives: Europe and the Americas o o Université d’été, Paris Sorbonne, France o Various topics o 4 weekly programmes during 29th June to 24th July 2015 o o Summer Courses, Alexandro Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania o 3rd to 24th July 2015 o Romania – Language and Culture o Full tuition grants available for RUB students o o Utrecht Network Summer School, Antwerp, Netherlands o 5.-11. July 2015 o Fraternity (First part of a cycle about „Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”) o o French Summer School, Lyon 3, France o 6th to 24th July 2015 / Date limite d’inscription: 6 April 2015 o Cours de français et de culture française o Frais: 2200 € o Contact: [email protected] o NCUU International Summer School, Taiwan o 6th July to 13th August 2015 o Various topics connected with East Asia o Scholarship possible for RUB students o o 21st Summer University of Hungarian Language and Culture, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary o 20th July to 15th August 2015 o o Summer Programme for Teachers, University of Liège, Belgium o 3rd to 21st August 2015 o Initial Teaching Training for French-Speakers o o Sommerschule der Altaier Staatlichen Universität, Barnaul, Russland o 22.08. – 06.09.2015 o „Multikultureller Raum der Altaier Region: Sprachen, Literatur, Geschichte und Kunst“ o Förderung durch das Go-East-Programm möglich o /goeast/ o Internationale Sommerschule der Staatlichen Universität Smolensk, Russland o 23.08. – 06.09.2015 o “Smolensk – das Erbe der Region im historisch-kulturellen Raum Russlands und Europas” o Förderung durch das Go-East-Programm möglich o Winter Schools 2015 o Short Term Program, Iberoamericana University, Mexiko City o 12. Januar bis 21. Februar 2015 o Latin America in an International Context o o RSU International Winter School 2015, Riga Stradins University, Litauen o 27. - 30. Januar 2015 o Hands-on basics of emergency medicine o o univie: Winter School for Cultural-Historical Studies, University of Vienna o 01. – 14. Februar 2015 o The Discovery of Modernity – Vienna around 1900 o
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