Professor Andreas Thiel (Ph.D.) List of Publications Monographs 1. Thiel, A. (2009), Environmental Policy Integration and the development of water use in the Algarve, since Portugal’s accession to the EU. Aachen: Shaker. 2. Thiel, A. (2012) Developing Institutional Economics for the Analysis of Social-ecological Systems. (Habilitationsschrift) Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Edited special issues 1. Farrell, K. N. and Thiel, A., Nudging Evolution? Critical exploration of the potential and limitations of the concept of institutional fit for the study and adaptive management of social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society. (Impact Factor: 2.669; 5yr impact Factor: 3.889) (concluded) [link] 2. Thiel, A., Mukhtarov, F. and Zikos, D., Crafting or designing? Science and politics for purposeful institutional change in Social-Ecological Systems. Environmental Science and Policy, (Impact Factor: 3.514; 5yr impact Factor: 3.948) (in progress) Articles in peer-reviewed journals 1. Thiel, A. (2015) Constitutional state structure and scalar re-organisation of natural resource governance: the transformation of polycentric water governance in Spain, Portugal and Germany. Land Use Policy. (Impact Factor: 3.134; 5yr impact Factor: 3.314) [link] 2. Thiel, A. (2014) Developing an analytical framework for reconstructing the scalar reorganisation of water governance as institutional change: the case of Southern Spain. Ecological Economics. (Impact Factor: 2.517; 5yr impact Factor: 4.002) [link] 3. Villamayor-Tomas, S.; Fleischman, F.; Perez Ibarra, I.; Thiel, A.; van Laerhoven, F. (2014) Conceptualizing large scale common pool resources through the SES framework: resource and institutional dynamics in the Rhine watershed. International Journal of the Commons. (Impact factor: 1,538) [link] 4. Thiel, A. (2014) The scalar reorganisation of resource governance as institutional change: analysing the transformation of water governance in Southern Spain. Accepted by Environmental Policy and Governance. (Impact factor: 1.117) 5. Farrel, K. N. and Thiel, A (2013) Guest Editorial - Nudging Evolution? Critical exploration of the potential and limitations of the concept of institutional fit for the study and adaptive management of social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society. (Impact Factor: 2.669; 5yr impact Factor: 3.889) [link] 6. Thiel, A. (2013) Scalar reorganisation of marine governance in Europe? The implementation of the marine strategy framework directive in Spain, Portugal and Germany. Marine Policy 39,pp. 322–332. (Impact Factor: 2.621; 5yr impact Factor: 2.948) [link] 7. Zikos, D. und Thiel, A. (2013) Action Research’s Potential to Foster Institutional Change for Urban Water Management. Water 5 (2),pp. 356–378. (Impact factor: 0.937) [link] 8. Thiel, A.; Schleyer, C. und Plieninger, T. (2012): Wolves are Mobile, While Fruit Trees are not! How Characteristics of Resources and Supranational Regulatory Frameworks Shape the Provision of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Germany. In Environmental Policy and Governance 22 (3),pp. 189–204. (Impact factor: 1.117), no. of citations: 2 [link] 9. Meyer C. und Thiel, A. (2012), Institutional change in water management collaboration: implementing the European Water Framework Directive in the German Odra river basin. 1 Professor Andreas Thiel (Ph.D.) Water Policy 14,pp. 625–646. (Impact Factor: 0.867; 5yr impact Factor: 0.904), no. of citations: 5 [link] 10. Thiel A. und Egerton, C. (2011), Re-scaling of Resource Governance as institutional change: The case of water governance in Portugal. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 54(3),pp. 383-402. (Impact Factor: 1.455; 5yr impact Factor: 1.696), no. of citations: 11 [link] 11. Thiel, A. (2010), Institutions Shaping Coastal Ecosystems: The Algarve Case. Coastal Management 38(2),pp. 144-164. (Impact Factor: 1.013; 5yr impact Factor: 1.282), no. of citations: 2 [link] 12. Thiel, A. (2010), Ecological modernisation and the scalar level of contradictions in Southern European water politics: the case of the Odelouca Dam in Portugal. Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy 28(3),pp. 492-511. (Impact Factor: 1.220; 5yr impact Factor: 1.463), no. of citations: 3 [link] 13. Thiel, A. (2010), Constructing a Strategic, National Resource: European Policies and the Up-Scaling of Water Services in the Algarve, Portugal. Environmental Management 46(1),p. 44-59. (Impact Factor: 1.648; 5yr impact Factor: 2.335), no. of citations: 12 [link] 14. Thiel, A. (2009), The use of ex-ante modelling tools in European Impact Assessment: What role does land use play? Land Use Policy 26(4),pp. 1138-1148. (Impact Factor: 3.134; 5yr impact Factor: 3.314), no. of citations: 21 [link] 15. Plieninger, T.; Thiel, A.; Bens, O. und Hüttl, R. F. (2009), Pathways and pitfalls of implementing the use of woodfuels in Germany's bioenergy sector. Biomass & Bioenergy 33(3),pp. 384-392. (Impact Factor: 3.411; 5yr impact Factor: 4.164), no. of citations: 2 [link] 16. Thiel, A. (2009), Europeanization and the rescaling of water services: Agency and state spatial strategies in the Algarve, Portugal. Water Alternatives 2(2),pp. 225-244. (no impact factor), no. of citations: 11 [link] 17. Thiel, A. (2008), Changing administrative culture and political debate? A review of Impact Assessment practices in the European Commission. Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik & Umweltrecht 31(1),pp. 5-28. (no impact factor) [link] 18. Thiel, A. (2004), Transboundary resource management in the EU: transnational welfare maximization and transboundary water sharing on the Iberian peninsula?. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 47(3),pp. 331-350. (Impact Factor: 1.455; 5yr impact Factor: 1.696), no. of citations: 7 [link] Articles in peer-reviewed journals, under review 1. Thiel, A.; Adamseged, M. E.; Baake, C. Learning for design: an evaluation of the application of Ostrom’s Social-ecological Systems Framework. Minor corrections submitted Environmental Science and Policy. (Impact Factor: 3.514; 5yr impact Factor: 3.948) 2. Hamidov, A.; Thiel, A.; Zikos, D. Institutional design in transformation: Comparative study of local irrigation governance in Uzbekistan. Re-submitted at Environmental Science and Policy. (Impact Factor: 3.514; 5yr impact Factor: 3.948) 3. Thiel, A. Towards polycentric, functionalist water governance: reconstructing recent scalar reorganisation in the federal state of Germany. Submitted Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. (Impact Factor: 1.455; 5yr impact Factor: 1.696) 4. Thiel, A. From polycentricity theory to the polycentricity lens and back again. Submitted : Global Environmental Change. (Impact Factor: 6.000; 5yr impact Factor: 8.046) Book chapters 2 Professor Andreas Thiel (Ph.D.) 1. Thiel, A. Dynamics towards Domestic Territorialization of Water Governance in the EU: The case of Southern Spain. (2015) Negotiating Water Governance: Why the Politics of Scale Matter. Aldershot Ashgate. 2. Thiel, A.; Guerreiro de Brito, A. (2014) Emergence, performance and transformation of Portuguese water institutions in the age of River Basin Organisations. In: Huitema, D. and Meijerink, S. The Politics of River Basin Organizations. Edward Elgar. 3. Hagedorn, K.; Thiel, A. Der Ernährung-Ressourcen-Nexus als institutionelle Forschungsund Gestaltungsaufgabe, in: Jahresgabe der Humboldt-Universitäts Gesellschaft 2012/13 Forschung zu Klimafolgen und Landnutzungswandel: Berlin 4. Thiel, A. und Egerton, C. (2011), Explaining top-down institutional design: the introduction of River Basin Management in Portugal, in: Theesfeld, I. and Pirscher, F. (eds), Perspectives on Institutional Change – Water Management in Europe. Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe 58. Halle (Saale): IAMO, pp. 85-107. 5. Thiel, A. (2009), Impact Assessment and quantitative modelling in European policy development, in: Guimaraes Pereira, A. und Funtowicz, S. (eds), Science for Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 293-311. 6. Plieninger, T.; Thiel, A.; Bens, O. und Huettl, R. F. (2008), From public goals to private action – Actor constellations in the nascent bioenergy sector, in: Sikor, T. (ed), New Publics. London: Earthscan, pp. 149-166. 7. Thiel, A. (2008), Public and Private in Water Service Provision in the Algarve, Portugal, in: Sikor, T. (ed), New Publics. London: Earthscan,pp. 61-81. 8. Thiel, A. und König, B. (2008): An institutional analysis of the use of modelling tools within the European Commission, in: Helming, K. und Wiggering, H. (eds) Sustainability Impact Assessment of land use policies. Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 55-76. 3 Professor Andreas Thiel (Ph.D.) Working papers, discussion papers 1. Thiel, A. (2012) The politics of problem solving: a perspective on change in Socialecological Systems governance. UFZ Discussion Papers, 09/2012 - ISSN 1436-140X [link] 2. Thiel, A. (2006), Institutions of Sustainability and multifunctional landscapes: lessons from the case of the Algarve. ICAR Working Paper no.13/6, Berlin: Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin. [link] Conference papers, contributions to workshops and seminars 1. Thiel, A. (2014) Evaluating Water Governance through the Polycentricity Lens. Polycentric Governance. Session - Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop no. 5; 20. Juni 2014 2. Roggero, M.; Thiel, A. (2014) Adapting Governance - Institutions and Climate Change Adaptation. Session: Beyond Truisms: Exploring the Contributions of Institutional Analysis to the Study of Climate Change Adaptation? Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop no. 5; 19. Juni 2014 [link] 3. Thiel, A. (2013) Towards understanding the scalar re-organisation of natural resource governance: factors derived from water governance in Spain, Portugal and Germany. 53. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e. V. - Wie viel Markt und wie viel Regulierung braucht eine nachhaltige Agrarentwicklung? 25.-27. September 2013, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin [link] 4. Thiel, A. (2013) Die Institutionenökonomie der Klimawandelanpassung. Talk as part of scientific Colloquium, Habilitation procedure at Landwirtschaftlich-Gärtnerischen Fakultät of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin for attaining the venia legendi in Resource Economics, Berlin, 26. June 2013 5. Thiel, A.; Schleyer, C.; Hinkel, J.; Schlüter, M.; Bisaro, S. Boboyonov, I.; Hamidov, A. Hagedorn, K. (2013) Transactions in Social-ecological Systems: complementing SES analysis through a transaction cost perspective? The 14th Global Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC 2013) Mt. Fuji/ Japan, 3. – 7. June 2013 6. Thiel, A.; Villamayor Tomas, S.; Amblard, L. Blanco, E.; Zikos, D. (2013) Understanding policy-driven collective action to address challenges of European water management. The 14th Global Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC 2013) Mt. Fuji/ Japan, 3. – 7. June 2013 7. Villamayor-Tomas, S.; Fleischman, F.; Perez Ibarra, I.; Thiel, A.; van Laerhoven, F. (2013) Conceptualizing large scale common pool resources through the SES framework: resource and institutional dynamics in the Rhine watershed. The 14th Global Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC 2013) Mt. Fuji/ Japan, 3. – 7. June 2013 8. Roggero, M.; Thiel, A. (2013) Institutional (Climate) Change. Ecological Economics and Institutional Dynamics, 10th biennal conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, Lille, 18.-21. June 2013 9. Thiel, A.; Villamayor Tomas, S.; Amblard, L. Blanco, E.; Zikos, D. (2013) Understanding policy-driven collective action to address challenges of European water management. Ecological Economics and Institutional Dynamics, 10th biennal conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, Lille, 18.-21. June 2013 10. Roggero, M.; Thiel, A. (2013) Locating the drivers of climate adaptation through the institutional analysis of socio-ecological systems, European Climate Change Adaptation Conference 2013, Hamburg, 18.-20. March 2013 11. Thiel, A. (2013) Towards understanding the scalar re-organisation of natural resource governance: factors derived from water governance in Spain, Portugal and Germany. Symposium on Scale in Environmental Governance: Power Reconfiguration, Democratic 4 Professor Andreas Thiel (Ph.D.) Legitimacy and Institutional (Mis-) Fit. Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin, 7-8 March 2013 12. Schleyer, C. ; Thiel, A.; Theesfeld, I.; Abdullaev, I.; Dombrowsky, I.; Herrfahrdt-Pähle, I.; Muller, M., Ozerol, G. Houdret, A. (2013) Re-scaling, reform, reality: dimensions of success and failure in scalar reorganisation of water governance. Symposium on Scale in Environmental Governance: Power Reconfiguration, Democratic Legitimacy and Institutional (Mis-) Fit. Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Berlin, 7-8 March 2013 13. Thiel, A.; Guerreiro de Brito, A. (2012), Emergence, performance and transformation of Portuguese water institutions in the age of River Basin Organisations. Workshop on River Basin Organisations, Free University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam/Niederlande, 28. October 2012. 14. Thiel, A. (2012), Towards theorizing the scalar organisation of natural resource governance: factors derived from water governance in Spain, Portugal and Germany. Siebte Wasserwerkstatt des GDI, DIE/GDI, Bonn/Deutschland, 18-19. Oktober 2012. 15. Hagedorn, K.; Thiel, A. (2012), Incommensurable Frameworks? Towards integrating approaches to the analysis of SETS. SES Club, München/Deutschland, 8. November 2012. 16. Thiel, A.; Villamayor Tomas, S.; Amblard, L.; Blanco, E.; Zikos, D. (2012) Policy-driven collective action in farming-related European water management. Cooperative Responses to Global Challenges, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin 21. - 23. March 2012. 17. Thiel, A. (2011), Incentives, tradeoffs and political priorities in the scalar organisation of social-ecological system’s governance. Workshop Integrated Environmental Governance: Opportunities and Constraints, Hebrew University Jerusalem and FFU (Forschungszentrum für Umweltpolitik)/FU Berlin, Hebrew/Israel, 6.-7. December 2011. 18. Thiel, A. (2011), Gradual dynamics, windows of opportunity and power: the scalar reorganisation of water governance in Southern Spain. IASC (International Association for the Study of the Commons), IASC, Plovdiv/Bulgarien, 14.-17. September 2011. 19. Thiel, A.; Zikos, D. (2011), Deep understanding for better design: grounding institutional design for social ecological systems. IASC (International Association for the Study of the Commons), Sustaining Commons: Sustaining our Future, IASC, Plovdiv/Bulgarien, 14.17. September 2011. 20. Thiel, A., Schleyer, C.; Plieninger, T. (2011), Characteristics of resources and the provision of biodiversity and ecosystem services in Germany: the cases of scattered fruit tree meadows and wolf protection. European Association for Agricultural Economics (EAAE) 2011 Congress: Change and Uncertainty Challenges for Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, ETH Zurich, Zürich/Schweiz, 30. August-2. September 2011. [link] 21. Thiel, A. (2011), Social-ecological System governance for whom and what: a role for scalar alignment of environmental governance in Europe? Mini Conference/Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University/Bloomington Campus, Indiana/USA, 3. May 2011. 22. Thiel, A. (2011), Fit for whom or what – discretionary alignment of water governance in Europe? Resilience 2011: Resilience, Innovation, Sustainability, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona/USA, 11.-16. March 2011. 23. Thiel, A. (2011), The scalar organization of environmental governance: an institutionalist research perspective on the transformation of water and marine governance in the European Union. Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University/Bloomington Campus, Wednesday Colloquium Series, Indiana/USA, 2. March 2011. 24. Thiel, A.; Sampedro, D.; Schröder, C. (2011), Explaining re-scaling and differentiation of water management on the Iberian Peninsula. VII. Congreso Iberico sobre gestión y 5 Professor Andreas Thiel (Ph.D.) planificación del agua, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha/Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Talavera de la Reina/Spanien, 16.-19. February 2011. [link] 25. Thiel, A. (2011), Conceptualizing re-scaling of water governance in Portugal, Spain and Germany. IASC 2011 (International Association for the Study of the Commons) – Sustaining Commons: Sustaining our Future, Hyderabad/Indien, 11.-14. January 2011. 26. Meyer, C.; Thiel, A. (2011), Institutional change in water management cooperation: implementing the European Water Framework Directive in the Eastern German Odra basin. IASC 2011 (International Association for the Study of the Commons) – Sustaining Commons: Sustaining our Future, Hyderabad/Indien, 11.-14. January 2011. 27. Thiel, A.; Schleyer, C.; Plieninger, T. (2010), Wolves are mobile, fruit trees are not! How characteristics of resources shape governance. XI. Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE), International Society for Ecological Economics, Bremen-Oldenburg/Deutschland, 22.-25. August 2010. 28. Thiel, A. (2010), New boundaries, better fit? Explaining re-scaling of water governance in Andalucia, Spain. XI. Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE), Bremen-Oldenburg/Deutschland, 22.-25. August 2010. 29. Thiel, A.; Egerton, C. (2009), Re-scaling of resource governance as institutional change: The case of water governance in Portugal. Critical Economics Studies Summer School, Universidad de Coimbra, Aldeia das Dez/Portugal, 6.-9. July 2009. 30. Thiel, A.; Egerton, C. (2009), Re-scaling of resource governance as institutional change: The case of water governance in Portugal. 8th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE), University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana/Slovenien, 29. June-2 July 2009. 31. Farrell, K. N.; Thiel, A. (2009), The social construction of resources and the need for methodological pluralism in agricultural economics. Mini-symposium “Qualitative Agricultural Economics”/XXVII International Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, IAAE, Beijing/China, 16.-22. August 2009. 32. Farrell, K. N.; Thiel, A. (2009), Deconstructing “what is a natural resource”. 8th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE), University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana/Slovenien, 29. June-2. July 2009. 33. Thiel, A. (2008), Traditional Paradigms meeting ecological modernisation: The contradictory double dividend of the Odelouca dam in the Algarve, Portugal. 2008 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change: Long-Term Policies: Governing Social-Ecological Change, FFU (Forschungszentrum für Umweltpolitik)/FU Berlin, Berlin/Deutschland, 22.-24. February 2008. [link] 34. Thiel, A. (2006), An institutional analysis of land use modelling in the European Commission. 9th Biennial Conference of ISEE (International Society for Ecological Economics) – Ecological Sustainability & Human Well-Being, ISEE, Delhi/Indien, 15.-19. December 2006. 35. Thiel, A. (2006), Institutional changes in water management in the Algarve: actors and crises due to contradictions of capitalism. III. Conference Nueva Cultura Del Agua, La Fundación Nueva Cultura del Agua, Faro/Portugal, 4.-8. December 2006. 36. Thiel, A. (2006), Institutions of Sustainability and multifunctional landscapes: lessons from the case of the Algarve. First Workshop on Landscape Economics, National Institute for Horticulture, Angers/Frankreich, 9.-10. June 2006. 37. Thiel, A. (2006), Public and private in water service provision for economic accumulation: the case of the Algarve, Portugal. Blankensee Colloquium, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Potsdam/ Deutschland, 13.-15. January 2006. 38. Plieninger, T.; Thiel, A. (2006), From public goals to private action: pathways and pitfalls of implementing bioenergy policies in forestry. Blankensee Colloquium, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Potsdam/Deutschland, 13.-15. January 2006. 6 Professor Andreas Thiel (Ph.D.) 39. Thiel, A. (2005), Researching Environmental Policy Integration: a strategic relational approach to the role of EPI in socio-ecological interactions. The 2005 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimension of Global Environmental Change: International Organisations and Global Environmental Governance, European Conferences on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Berlin-Potsdam/Deutschland, 2.-3. December 2005. [link] 40. Thiel, A. (2005), Researching Environmental Policy Integration: a strategic relational approach to the role of EPI in socio-ecological interactions. 3rd ECPR (European Consortium for Polticial Research) Conference, ECPR, Budapest/Ungarn, 9.-11. October 2005. 41. Thiel, A. (2005), Institutions and multifunctional landscapes: lessons from the case of the Algarve for Institutions of Sustainability. International Conference. „Multifunctional land use: meeting future demands for landscape goods and services“, University of Tartu, Tartu/Estland, 26.-28. May 2005. 42. Thiel, A. (2004), Environmental Policy Integration and the Odelouca dam in the Algarve, Portugal. The 2004 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change: Greening of Policies – Interlinkages and Policy Integration, European Conferences on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Berlin/Deutschland, 3.-4. December 2004. 43. Thiel, A. (2004), The role of the European Commission in the restructuring of water services in Portugal: the case of the Algarve. IV. Congresso Nueva Cultura del Agua, La Fundación Nueva Cultura del Agua, Tortosa/Spanien, 8.-12. December 2004. 44. Thiel, A. (2004), Power and Context in Implementation theory. 54th Annual Conference of Political Science Association, Political Science Association, Lincoln/Großbritannien, 68. April 2004. 45. Thiel, A. (2002), The role of the EU in water use development in the Algarve, Portugal. II. Congresso Nueva Cultura del Agua, La Fundación Nueva Cultura del Agua, Seville/Spanien, 13.-17. November 2002. 46. Thiel, A. (2001), Transnational welfare maximisation in the EU? The case of European Water Policy. 2nd Oxford Planning Theory Conference, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford/Großbritannien, 20.-21. June 2001. 7 Professor Andreas Thiel (Ph.D.) Presentations upon invitation 1. Thiel, A. (2014) Constitutional state structure and scalar organisation of European river management: factors derived from Spain, Portugal and Germany. Public lecture as part of lecture series, School of Public Policy, University of Arizona. Tucson 30.1.2014 2. Thiel, A. (2014) Transaction-centred frameworks in SE(T)S research. Colloquium, Center for the Study of Institutional Diversity. Arizona State University, 27.1.2014 3. Thiel, A. (2013) Interrelating actor- and transaction-centred frameworks in SE(T)S research. Public lecture as part of lecture series, Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis. Indiana University, 2.12.2013 4. Thiel, A. (2013) Towards understanding the scalar re-organisation of natural resource governance: factors derived from water governance in Spain, Portugal and Germany. Public lecture as part of lecture series, School of Environment and Natural Resources, Ohio State University. 10.10.2013 5. Thiel, A. (2013) Towards understanding the scalar re-organisation of natural resource governance: factors derived from water governance in Spain, Portugal and Germany. Public lecture as part of lecture series, Department of Geography, Indiana University, Bloomington Campus, 20.09.2013 6. Thiel, A (2010) Panelist Round table - World Social Forum 2010 “Gemeingüter als Alternative?”, organized by Project Commons Marburg, Marburg, 10. November 2010 7. Thiel, A (2010) Institutional Analysis – how to design institutions for collective action? Presentation at Marie Curie Summer School "Architectures for Earth System Governance. The Distributional Implications of Environmental Change and Governance", 4.-13. October 2010 8. Thiel, A (2010) Institutional change in Re-scaling of Water Governance Europe, Seminar, Centro de Estudos Sociais, Universidade de Coimbra, Lissabon, Portugal, 17. October 2010 9. Thiel, A (2010) Re-scaling of water service provision in Southern Portugal, Seminar, Instituto das Ciencias Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, 22. September 2010 10. Thiel, A (2010) Governing the commons: Institutionen und Nachhaltigkeit -, Universität Darmstadt, lecture as part of lecture series "Global Challenges III - Global Commons", TU Darmstadt, 26. May 2010 11. Thiel, A (2010) Re-scaling of resource governance as institutional change. Presentation at GoverNat Final Conference, Leipzig, Germany, 19. - 22. January 2010 12. Thiel, A (2009) Re-scaling of water governance in the Algarve, Portugal. Seminar, ISEG (Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão) - Workshop on Water politics and governance, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 4. Mai 2009 13. Thiel, A (2009) Institutions shaping European Impact Assessment. Presentation at Final conference of Sensor Integrated Project, Brüssel, Belgium, 21. April 2009 14. Thiel, A (2007) Institutions shaping coastal ecosystems. Presentation as part of training course “Sustainable rural development”, University of the Algarve, Faro, Portugal, 7. March 2007 15. Thiel, A (2006) Institutional analysis of modeling tool use in the European Union. Seminar - Research on Impact Assessment in the European Union, Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 14. February 2006 8 Professor Andreas Thiel (Ph.D.) Not considered in h-index because of database problems: 1. Roggero M, Thiel A (2014) Fallstudien zur Klimaanpassung. econCCadapt Arbeitspaket 2.2. Research project funded by German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), online resource: 2. Roggero M, Thiel A (2014) Komparative Analyse. econCCadapt Arbeitspaket 2.3 Research project funded by German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), online resource: 3. Roggero M (2013) Literaturübersicht zu Klimaanpassung und Institutionenökonomie. econCCadapt Arbeitspaket 2.1. Research project funded by German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), online resource: 4. Roggero M, Thiel, A (2012) Institutionen, Akteure und normative Aspekte der Klimaanpassung. econCCadapt Arbeitspaket 1.3 - Teil I. Research project funded by German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), online resource: 5. Roggero M, Thiel A (2012) Anpassungsstrategien econCCadapt Arbeitspaket 1.3 - Teil II. Research project funded by German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), online resource: 6. Thiel, A. (2007), Institutional Analysis: the use of ex-ante modelling tools in the European Commission. Final report – Work Package 7.2 – Sensor Integrated Project under 6th framework programme of the European Commission. 7. Tegner, H.; Thiel, A.; Spiess, P. (1999), Private Fernverkehrswegefinanzierungsmöglichkeiten in Deutschland. Gutachten des FAV (Forschungs- und Anwendungsverbund) Berlin for Hochtief AG Berlin, 23/01/2015 9
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