LSZBAD2-1 AIP SWITZERLAND 30 APR 2015 LSZB-BERN.BELP LSZB AD 2.1 AERODROME LOCATION INDICATOR AND NAME LSZB-BERN-BELP LSZB AD 2.2 AERODROME GEOGRAPHICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA ARP coordinates and site at Aerodrome 46 54 44N 007 29 578 - Intersection RWY and TWY C 2 Direction and distance from the CITY 9 km SE Bern 3 Elevation/Reference temperatu rê 1673 ft - 23.5'C 4 MAG VAR/Annual change 2' 5 AD Administration, address, telephone, telefax, telex, AFS Post: E (2013.4) / 0'1 1' eastwards Phone: Fax: AFS: Email: Flughafen Bern AG Flugplatzstrasse 31 CH-3123 Belp +41 (0) 31 96021 11 (Authority) +41 (0) 31 96021 12 (Authority) TSZBYDYX LSZBZPZX (ARO) inf o@flu g h afe 6 Types of traffíc perm¡tted (lFR/VFR) IFRA/FR 7 Remarks Geodetic undulation reference forARP: 163.4 ft LSZB AD 2.3 OPERATIONAL HOURS 1 AD Administration Refer to LSZB AD 2.20.1 2 Customs and imm¡grat¡on MON-FRI: 0600 - 21 00 (0500 - 2000) SAT (HlV): 0600 - HRH, but closure 1700 at the earliest SAT (ETE): 0500 - 1900 SUN: 0700 - 2100 (0600 - 2000) Scheduled FLT: REF LSZB AD 2, HRH = Day and night lim¡ts. REF: GEN 2.7. 3 Health and sanitation AD OPR HR 4 AIS Briefing Office AD OPR HR E ATS Reporting Office (ARO) CTC ARO Zurich; TEL +41 (0) 43 931 61 61 o MET Briefing Office AD OPR HR 7 ATS HX I I Fuelling AD OPR HR Handling AD OPR HR 10 Security AD OPR HR 11 De-¡c¡ng AD OPR HR 12 Remarks NIL LSZB AD 2.4 HANDLING SERVICES AND FACILITIES 1 Cargo handling fac¡lit¡es 2 Fuel/o¡l types Forklift (2000 kg). Nearest ra¡lway sid¡ng: Kehrsatz 1.8 km Jet 41, AVGAS lOO LL 80, w 100, 15 w-50 w J Fuelling facilities/capacity AVGAS 1OO LL: 1 Ford transit - 2000 litres 1 Volvo - 7400 litres Jet A1: 1 MAN 311 - 10000 lihes 1 MB 314 - 19000 litres 1 MB 315 - 20000 litres 4 De-¡c¡ng facil¡ties Bern Airport AG SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF AMDT 005 2015 LSZB AD 2.2 30 APR 2015 AIP SWITZERLAND 5 Hangar space available for visiting aircraft NIL o Repa¡r facilities for visiting aircraft Hangar, major ACFT repa¡rs and major engine repa¡rs for ACFT up to 5700 kg and additional types as follows: DO2281328,5A226t227. C441, C500, C550, RC690, J3l 7 Remarks Ground handling agent and parking permission: compulsory for scheduled and charter FLTs and all taxi FLTs and non commercial air transport with ACFT above 3.5 tonnes MTOM to and from Schengen destinations for all ACFT to and from Non-Schengen destinations Ground Services Bern Phone: +41 (0) 31 960 21 31 . . Fax: SITA: FREQ: RTF: Email: LSZB AD 2.5 +41 (0) 31 96021 41 BRNKKXHFREQ 135.750 MHz (Ground Services Bern) GROUND SERVICES BERN g roundservices@flug hafen PASSENGER FACILITIES Hotels ln the city 2 Restaurants At AD and in the city 3 Transportat¡on Buses, taxis and car rental from AD 4 Medical facilities Ambulance O/R; hospital at Belp and in the city O/R 5 Bank and Post Office Cash dispenser, stamps available at AD within AD OPS HRS 6 Tourist Office Tourist Offìce and Convention Bureau of Berne main railway station P.O. Box 3001 Berne CH-3008 Berne Phone: +41 (0) 31 328 12 12 +41 (0) 31 3281277 1 Post: Fax: 7 lnadm¡ssible persons Remarks Due to limited infrastructure AVBL for the custody and care of inadmissible persons such passengers can stay at the facilities of the AP for a per¡od of no longer than 24 hrs. ln all circumstances, persons found inadm¡ss¡ble have to be removed by the operator the day after the ARR of such passengers us¡ng its own services or by alternate removal arrangements, at the latest. The operator will have to bear all costs in relation to such removal as apportioned to operators in accordance with applicable rules of public international ând national law. LSZB AD 2.6 RESCUE AND FIRE FIGHTING SERVICES AD category for fire fighting Category 4 Higher category O/R 3 HR before ETA,/ETD, for scheduled traffic category 4 or higher according to a¡rcraft type 2 Rescue equipment 4 fire engines, 1 ramp-control vehicle 3 Capability for removal of disabled aircraft Lifiing bags and electrical jacks available 4 Remarks NIL 1 LSZB AD 'l 2.7 SEASONAL AVAILAB¡LITY. CLEARING Type(s) of clearing equ¡pment 2 towed jet sweeper, 3 snow ploughs, I wiper, 2 RWY de-icers, 2 ACFT de-icers 2 Glearance priorit¡es AMDT 005 2015 1. RWY ASPH 2. 3. 4. 5. TWY C b. Other TWYK&F TWY A, B, D Apron SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF LSZB AD 2 .3 30 APR 2015 AIP SWITZERLAND 3 Remarks LSZB AD RDF: Basic Solutions Runway De¡cing Fluid GEN3 6-4 Aircraft De-icing Fluid: Typ I = Clairant Safewing MP I 1938 (80) Typ ll = Clairant Safewing MP ll Flight De-icing Trucks: I JBT Tempest ll 1 JBT Tempest AirFirst 2.8 APRONS, TAXIWAYS AND CHECK LOCATIONS/POSITIONS DATA 1 Apron surface and strength ASPH . PCN 46 FICXTT 2 Taxiway width, surface and strength Widths: TWY A: 7.5 m. TWY B: 15.5 m. TWY C: 18.0 m. TWY D: ',l0.0 m. TWY E: 9.0 m. TWY F:20.5 m. TWY K: BTN TWY B - TWY C 14.0 m. TWY C - Stand Y7 16.0 m. Stand Y7 - TWY E 10.0 m. TWY E - TWY F 18.0 m. TWY G: 7.5 m. Surface: TWY A and E: ASPH, max. 5.7 t MTOM. TWY B, C, D, F and K: ASPH, PCN 46 FICiXN, TWY G: GRASS. Wingspan: TWY A: max. wingspan 13.0 m. TWY B: max. wingspan 21.5 m. TWY K: max. wingspan 21.5 m except 34.3 m BTN Stand Y3 and Stand Y7. Max. outer ma¡n gear wheel span: TWY B - TWY C 8.3 m. TWY C - Stand Y7 9.3 m. Stand Y7 - TWY E 6.0 m. TWY E - TWY F 9.3 m. 3 ACL location and elovation AtapronlSl0m/1673ft 4 VOR/lNS checkpoints NIL 5 Remarks NIL LSZB AD 2.9 SURFACE MOVEMENT GUIDANCE, CONTROL SYSTEM AND MARKINGS Use of aircraft stand lD s¡gns, TWY guide lines and visual docking/parking guidance system of aircraft stands Taxiing guidelines and signs at all TWY lNT. On the apron, wing tip clearance ¡s guaranteed if the centre of the ACFT is maintained over the CL markings. Specific blue and green guideline markings for ACFT taxiing / parking in sectors BLUE or GREEN. Restr¡ctions: see ACFT PRKG Chart LSZB LSZB AD 2.24.2. 2 RWY/TWY markings and LGT RWY, TWY and hotd¡ng PSN markings. TWY edge lights: TWY C and F J Stop bars NIL 4 Remarks NIL 1 LSZB AD 2,10 AERODROME OBSTACLES ln approach/TKOF areas ln circling area and at aerodrome 1 2 3 Obstacle type Elevation Markings/LGT Go-ordinates Obstacle type Elevation Markings/LGT Co-ordinates RMK affected a b c a b c RWY/Area ft AOc 14 (1) Pole 1 682 465424N Antenna LGTD I 873 E 465422N Antenna 1703 007 30 23 AOC 14 (2) Antenna 1 684 007 30 19 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF E marked/LGTD 465345N 007 29 45 E 465502N 007 29 39 E AMDT 005 2015 LSZB AD 2 .4 30 APR 2015 AIP SWITZERLAND ln circling area and at aerodrome ln approach/TKOF areas 2 1 RWY/Area affected Obstacle type Elevation Markings/LGT Co-ordinates b c a Antenna a Tree/Trees 1 695 465422N Antenna 1 721 Building 1 726 AOC 14 (6) High Voltage line 1 757 Tree/Trees 1 892 Tree/Trees 1903 Tree/Trees 1977 AOC 14 (10) Tree/Trees 1 AOC 14 (12) Tree/Trees Tree/Trees 1 987 1995 741 201 I 1 729 E 32208 465416N B1 01 2/09 465606N 465508N 007 29 20 E 1713 465432N 007 29 45 E N E 465452N 007 30 21 E E 2500 LGTD 2697 465210N 3223É 465210N Antenna 007 3226Ê marked/LGTD 465208N Wind cone E 465257N 007 31 14 E 2556 465622N 007 31 45 E LGTD 465213N Chimney oo7 3220 E LGTD 465656N 007 30 08 marked/LGTD 465214N Antenna 007 AOC 14 (11) c 007 29 26 E 465216N Antenna 007 32 18 983 1 E 465303N Antenna 007 31 35 AOC 14 (e) Pole marked/LGTD 465306N Tree/Trees 007 31 31 AOC 14 (8) E 465405N Tree/Trees 007 30 59 AOC 14 (7) b 007 30 49 E 465413N Antenna 007 30 45 2044 E 465414N 007 30 43 AOC 14 (5) RMK ft 007 30 20 AOC 14 (4) Co-ordinates Markings/LGT ft AOC 14 (3) 3 Obstacle type Elevation 2037 465556N 007 30 37 E 007 AOC 14 (13) AOC 14 (14) TreeÆrees Treeffrees 2045 2125 007 3225 AOC 14 (15) Tree/Trees 21 51 E 465207N 3351 1726 1994 007 3226 E AOC 14 (16) Tree/Trees 2163 AOC 14 (17) Tree/Trees 2357 Tree/Trees 2379 35428 AOC 14 (1e) TreeÆrees 2402 Aoc 32 (2) Fence Pole 1 1 674 683 Pole 1 684 marked/LGTD 465515N Anemometer AOC 32 (4) Pole 1702 AOC 32 (5) Tree/Trees 17 59 Aoc 32 (7) Tree/Trees Tree/Trees 1 1 784 844 465540N Crane/Cranes Tree/Trees 1 855 028 709 marked/LGTD B0232t11 80820/05 E 465256N 80468/06 E 465509N 80506/06 E 465519N 80997/1 4 E 465430N 8061 6/07 007 30 21 E 1702 465500N 8061 5/07 oo7 29 43 E 1743 465454N 007 29 57 1 685 80826/07 E 465422N 007 30 21 E 1706 465501N 007 29 40 marked/LGTD 465533N Chimney 007 29 09 E LGTD 007 29 AOc 32 (8) E 465445N 007 29 18 mârked/LGTD 465526N Antênna oo7 29 17 Aoc 32 (6) E 684 marked/LGTD 465525N Antenna oo7 29 17 465502N 007 26 13 marked/LGTD 465517N Antenna E 2937 1 Anemometer E 80493/1 0 28258 007 31 14 1 N oo7 29 17 2710 Mobile Crane LGTD 465511 E 465639N 007 30 07 marked/LGTD oo7 29 29 oo7 29 19 AOC 32 (3) Ê 1772 marked/LGTD 465047N Antenna 007 35 47 AOC 32 (1) E 80538/03 007 29 39 E marked/LGTD 465049N Antenna 007 35 48 1703 marked/LGTD 465047N Antenna 007 AOC 14 (r8) E 465448N 007 465202N Anlenna 007 32 31 80 1 07/09 007 30 01 E LGTD Building 465402N 007 26 03 E 2042 80231t11 E 465706N 8O542t12 007 24 51 E 2067 465533N 80799t14 oo7 27 20 E 465539N 007 28 55 E AMDT 005 2015 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF LSZB AD 2 .5 30 APR 2015 AIP SWITZERLAND In circling area and at aerodrome ln approach/TKOF areas 2 1 3 Go-ordinates Obstacle type Elevation Markings/LGT Co-ordinates RMK affected Obstacle type Elevation Markings/LGT a b c a b c RWY/Area ft AOC 32 (9) Tree/Trees 1 881 465542N Crane/Cranes 465531 2020 007 28 55 E marked/LGTD AOC 32 (10) Tree/Trees 1 920 Tree/Trees 1 925 E 465604N Crane/Cranes 1 465516N 871 007 28 37 E mârkediLGTD Tree/Trees AOC 32 (12) 1 936 2084 Building 007 30 01 80863/r4 E 465604N 007 28 36 AOC 32 (13) 8t4 465603N 007 28 39 AOC 32 (11) 8061 N 007 27 24 E E 465650N 007 27 04 E Refer also to LSZB AOC charts LSZB AD 2.24.4 Number in brackets is equivalent to identifìcation number on AOC LSZB AD 2.11 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION PROVIDED I Assoc¡ated MET Office MeteoSwiss 2 Hours of sêrv¡ce H24 3 Office responsible for TAF preparation Periods of validity I 4 Type of landing forecast Trend; issuance: HH+20, HH+50 5 Briefing/consultation provided Self Briefing Service ( 6 Flight documentation Language(s) used Digital and hard copy En, Ge, Fr 7 Charts and other information ava¡lablê for br¡êfing or consultation All area FCST charts AVBL worldwide I Supplementary equipment available for providing lnformat¡on Weather radar, lnfoNeFTerminal I ATS units prov¡ded w¡th ¡nformation BeTn TWR / APP 10 Addit¡onal informat¡on (l¡mitation of service, etc.) TEL: Weather brief¡ng: 0900 162 737 (Ge); accessible within Switzerland LSZB AD 2.12 Designations RWY NR 1 14 TRUE & MAG BRG 2 140" GEO Dimensions of RWY (m) Strength (PCN) and surface of RWY and SWY REF AD 1.1.6 32L THR COORD and highest elevation oÍfDZ of precision APP Slope of RWY.SWY RVVY 3 4 5 6 PCN 46/F/C/X/T ASPH 46 55 04.58N 007 29 32.98E 1668 ft +0.15% 46 54 26.60N 007 30 19.30E 1675ft -0.15% NIL NIL 320" GEO 140'GEO 138'MAG THR elevat¡on 1730 x 30 318'MAG 14R hours RUNWAY PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS 138'MAG 32 MeteoSwiss, Zurich 650 x 30 0.25 MPa 7 NIL GRASS 320" GEO 318" MAG SKYGUIDE, CH-8602 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF AMDT 005 2015 LSZBAD2-6 AIP SWITZERLAND 30 APR 2015 Des¡gnations SWY CWY RWY NR dimensions dimensions Strip dimensions (m) (m) (LM) oFz Remarks REF: AD 1 I 9 t0 11 12 14 NIL 60 x 150 1850 x 150 NIL Non ¡nstrument RWY; RESA: 90 m (both sides) FCT: 0.65/0.56grooved 1730 m (full RWY length) 32 Non instrument RWY; RESA: 90 m (both sides) FCT: 0.68/0.60grooved 1730 m (full RWY length) NIL 14R NIL NIL NIL Not applicable 32L LSZB AD 2.I3 DECLARED DISTANCES TORA (m) RWY GRASS TODA (m) ASDA (m) LDA (m) Remarks Designator 3 730 1790 1 730 1 090 1 150 1 090 910 32 \- fit 1å É.'õ o 6 970 910 730 1730 1730 1270 1270 1270 1490 I 490 1 1510 1 1 510 5 1 6 Not applicable 1 730 lntersection DELTA lntersection ECHO (ACFT MrOM 5.7 0 490 lntersection FOXTROTT 1510 650 650 32L 650 650 650 650 lntensity Full length Not applicable 650 ALS Type Length, lntersection ALPHA lntersection BRAVO 650 2.14 Full length 530 14R LSZB AD o 4 2 1 1 14 Grass Runway APPROACH AND RUNWAY LIGHTING THR LGT VASIS Colour lntensity WBAR (MEHr) TDZ LGT PAPI Length RCLL Length, Spacing, Colour, lntensity REDL RENL SWY Length Spacing, Golour, Colour LGT WBAR Length, RMK Colour lntensity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 14 Calvert RTHL G LIH PAPt 4.0" NIL NIL 200 m,60 m R NIL Turn pad R, LIH/LIL; m, 60 m, LIH/LIL; m, 60 m, L (13.07 m) 660 m, 954 W, 576 Y, RTIL LIH FLG W 32 RTHL G LIH NIL PAPt 3.4" NIL RTIL FLG W Y, LIH/LIL (12.78 m) LSZB AD 2.15 LIH/LIL 154 m, 60 m, W, LIH/LIL; 576 m, 60 m 1 L LGT, B, LIL R NIL Turn pad, LGT, B, LIL OTHER LIGHTING, SECONDARY POWER SUPPLY 1 ABN/IBN location, characteristics and hours of operation NIL 2 LDI location and LGT NIL Anemometêr location and LGT J TWY edge and centre line lighting TWYC+FedgeLGT 4 Secondary power supply/switch-over time AVBL 5 Remarks Obstruction mark¡ng and lighting: partly AMDT 005 2015 / 12 sec SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF LSZB AD 2 .7 30 APR 2015 AIP SWITZERLAND LSZB AD 2.'16 HELICOPTER LANDING AREA 1 Coordinates TLOF or THR of FATO NIL 2 TLOF and/or FATO elevation M/FT 510m/1673ft 3 TLOF and FATO area dimens¡ons, surface, strength, 2 HEL stands, marked c¡rcles with diameter 8.0 m ASPH and GRASS. Max. OAL or OAW 16.0 m. Distance between HEL stands centres: 24 m. marking 4 True and MAG BRG of FATO RWY 14: 140'GEO / 138'MAG R\¡/Y 32: 320'GEO / 318'MAG 5 Declared distance ava¡lable NIL o APP and FATO lighting NIL 7 Rêmarks NIL LSZB AD 2.17 ATS AIRSPACE Designation and lateral limits Bern CTR 47 04 26N 007 28 03E - 46 58 18 N 007 35 15E arc of circle 5.02 NM on 46 55 09N 007 29 328 - clockwise 46 52 00N 007 23 50E - 46 58 10N 007 16 358 47 04 26N 007 28 03E 2 Vertical limits 5000 3 Airspace classificatlon D 4 ATS unit call s¡gn Language(s) Bern TWR / En, Ge 5 Transition alt¡tude 6000 ft 6 Remarks ACT: HX - REF LSZB AD 2.3 and ATIS (monitoring compulsory) 1 LSZB AD 2.18 ATS COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Gallsign Service designation ft AMSL (1500 m) Frequency 2 1 Hours of Operation Remarks 4 5 3 APPA/DF Bern Arrival 127.325 MHz APPA/DF Bern Departure 127.325 MHz HX REF: LSZB AD 2.3 HX REF:!$ZB:\LL3 ATIS TWRA/DF LSZB AD Bêrn Tower 2.19 Type ID rLs 14-LOC CAT I H24 121.025 MHz HX 119.700 MHz. 121.500 MHz.. REF:tüE:\L2-3 REF: GEN 3.3. Phone: Service: +41 (0) 22 417 40 76 .Alternate FREQ **EMERG RADIO NAVIGATION AND LANDING AIDS Frequency Category (Variation) 1 125.125 MHz Hours of operat¡on Site of transmitting Elevation of antenna coordinates transmitting antenna 6 2 3 4 5 IBE 110.10 MHz H24 46 54 22.5N 007 30 24.3E SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF Remarks DME 7 LOC PSN 165 m FM THR 32 RWY 14: LOC course 138'MAG. Front course sector angle 5.0'. Restricted coverage (published procedures covered): at 25 NM -10" E to +10'Wfrom CL above 6000 ft AMSL at I 7 NM -29' E to +26' W from CL above 4800 ft AMSL. AMDT 005 20r5 LSZB AD 2 .8 30 APR 2015 AIP SWITZERLAND Type Category Frequency ID Hours of operation Site of Elevation of transmitting DME (Variation) 2 1 GP 14 antenna transmitting coordinates antenna 6 3 4 5 334.40 MHz H24 46 55 00.9N 007 29 40.48 38X H24 46 54 22.0N 007 30 20.7E Remarks 7 GP Angle 4.0". PSN:187 m FM THR 14. GP HGTTHR 14: 43ft113.2r¡ DME 14 IBE 1684ft DME PSN: 1656 m FM THR 14, 77mWofCL. Zero range at DME station. Restricted coverage (published procedures covered): at25 NM -10' Eto NM +10'Wfrom CL above 6000 ft AMSL. at 1 7 NM -18' E to +22' W from CL ahove 4800 ft AMSL. BERN NDB BER LSZB AD 1. I 2.20 335 kHz H24 46 53 56.82N 007 30 37 -748 PSN: 155" MAG, 0.7 NM FM ARP EM: N0N / A2A Service range 25 NM LOCAL TRAFFIC REGULATIONS Localflying restrict¡ons and remarks AP operating HR Scheduled FLT: Summer: MON - SUN 0400 - 2100 for LDG No APCH clearance will be issued to ACFT which have not reached the DIST of 8 NM from the AP (DME IBE) at 2045. DEPs of scheduled FLTs are only permitted TIL 2030, at the latest, if the ACFT is ready for TAX at 2015, at the latest. Winter: MON - SUN 0500 -2200 for LDG I NM from the AP (DME IBE) at 2'145. DEPs of scheduled FLTS are only permitted TIL 21 30, at the latest, ¡f the ACFT is ready for TAX at 2115, at the latest. No APCH clearance will be ¡ssued to ACFT which have not reached the DIST of Other FLT: Summer: MON . FRI SAT SUN 0500 0500 - 0500 0500 - 0600 0600 - 800 for TKOF - 2000 for LDG 0600 0600 - 0600 - 900 for TKOF - 21 00 for LDG - 1 800 for TKOF 2000 for LDG SS (max 1800) for TKOF (max 1900) for LDG -SS 1 Winter: MON - FRI SAT SUN 0700 0700 - 900 for TKOF for LDG SS (min 1700) for TKOF/LDG 1 21 00 1 See also NOTAM for changes to operating HR. 2. Procedure for non based ACFT and HEL PPR for non based ACFT below 3.5 tonnes MTOW and non based HEL on Phone: +41 (0) 31 960 21 11 +41 (0) 31 96021 12 Fax: Freq: 3. 122.75Q MHz Procedure for IFR departure For lFR, SVFR or NVFR FLT, the REQ of a start-up clearance on FREQ 121.025 to BERN ïWR, with an indication of ATIS desígnator, is compulsory. AMDT 005 2015 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF LSZB AD 2 AIP SWITZERLAND .9 30 APR 201 5 4. 4.1 I General Taxiing on the APRON is at the PIC's discretion. No ATC service is provided. TWR will issue ADVS, as far as practicable. 4.2 I ACFT guidance on apron Area of responsibility The exact BDRY of responsibility is shown on the charts LSZB AD 2. 4.3 Operational hours HX; REF: LSZB AD 2. 4.4 Procedure for arriving/departing AGFT Arriving ACFT with MTOW > 3.5 tonnes will be guided by a marshaller to their parking PSN. Arriving ACFT with MTOW < 3.5 tonnes shall TAX independently to the parking PSN or as instructed by TWR. ln certain cases, the final guidance will be assured by marshaller. Departing ACFT shall TAX from the parking PSN, as instructed by TWR. School- and training FLTs may be restricted or refused by ATC in accordance with the AP authority traffic handling priority list. 4.5 I Ground run-ups are subject to a prior AUTH by the AP authority (Ramp Control), Phone: +41 (0) 31 960 21 11. 5. I Maintenance High-visibility jacket All persons walking in the movement area must wear a high-visibility jacket which complies with the EN471 standard class 2 or 3. lPersonsnotwearingahigh-visibilityjacketmustaskfortheassistanceofahandlingagent(seelistunderLSZBAD2.4)for the transportation of crew members and passengers. LSZB AD 2.21 NOISE ABATEMENT PROCEDURES 1. Measures for ACFT noise abatement 1.1 IFR approaches for school and training flights IFR APCHs for school and training FLTs are authorised only on working days between 0700 and 1830 (0600 and 1730). Successive APCHs (MAX 2 per AGFT) are only authorised between 0700 and 1 1 1 5 (0600 and 1 015) as well as between 1245 and 1830 (1 145 and 1730). Between two series of APCHs, at least one HR interruption shall be interposed. For training IFR APCHs without a LDG at LSZB, an OCA/H of 300011327 shall be applied (irrespective of the type of APCH carried out). On final APCH into LSZB, One Engine lnoperative (OEl) EXER are not permitted. For ACFT noise abatement measures for VFR FLTs, refer to VFR-Manual, LSZB AD INFO. For training FLTs, a MAX of 1 APCH allowed. O/R 2 succeeding APCHs, may be granted by ATC. 1.2 Visual circling for RWY 32 CITY circling assigned for noise abatement. 1.3 I VFR flights The climb shall be continuously CONT after TKOF, up to a MAX of 4500 ft AMSL. 1.4 Restrictions for jet aeroplanes The following aeroplane types are permitted subject to special permiss¡on from the AP Authority (REF: LSZB AD 2.2) [such a permission will, as a rule, and should the case arise, only be granted forworking days in the periods between 0700 and 1 1 15 (0600 and 1015) and between 1245 and 1730 (1 145 and 1630)l: SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF AMDT 005 2015 LSZBAD2-10 A¡P SWITZERLAND 30 APR 2015 - AC-1121 Jet Commander 1 - Boeing 8-727 - BAC 1 -1 - Falcon Series-2o - Fokker (CF-700) F-28 - Gate Lear Jet Series - Gulfstream 20 ll/lll - HFB-320 Hansa Jet - NA-265 Sabreliner 40/60 - HS-1 25 non Turbofan - Piaggio PD-808 Vespa Jet - lAl-1 123 Westwind - SE-210 Caravelle 1 f - llyushin lL-62 - Tupolev - Lockheed 1329 Jetstar Mk. 1/2 - Yakovlev Yak-40142 U-1341154 - MDC DC-g - Morane MS-760 Paris as well as: . civil-registered MIL fighter jets and training aeroplanes. This restriction is also valid for APCH without LDG. Requests for special permiss¡on shall be submitted to the AP Authority at least 24 HR before the FLT For special conditions for VFR FLTs, refer to VFR Manual, LSZB AD INFO. For IFR and SVFR FLT, the REQ for a start-up clearance on FREQ 121.025 to BERN TWR, with indication of ATIS designator, is compulsory. L5 I I I I Holidays On the following HOL the same restr¡ctions as on SUN apply: New Yeafs Day, 2 JAN, Good FRl, Easter MON, Whit MON, 1 AUG, Ascension Day, Federal Prayday (3rd SUN in SEP), Christmas Day and DEC 26. On Good FRl, Whit SUN, Federal Prayday (3rd SUN in SEP) and Christmas Day, the following apply in addition to SUN restrictions: TIL 0930 (0830) TKOF for non-commercial FLT are only authorised if the ACFT's certified nolse level is MAX 65 dB (A). 1.6 Use of RWY system BTN 0500 - 0600 (0400 - 0500) and BTN 2100 - 2200 (2000 - 2100), the LDG/DEP R\ly'Y assigned for noise abatement will preferably be used with changing directions on a day-to-day basis. Chosen RWY directions are maintained as long as practicable beyond the above mentioned times. '1.7 Use of reverse thrust For deceleration it is recommended to use the entire R\ly'Y LEN AVBL; use of reverse thrust shall be limited unless particular safety or operational reasons require it. 1.8 I | | Auxiliary Power Units (APU) Primarily, AP owned mobile ground PWR units (GPU) shall be used. Alternatively, as well as for additional use, APU may be used. The following regulations are applicable to the use of APU: - 30 MIN before off-block time, at a MAX, and 20 MIN after on-block time, at a MAX - The use of APU for MAINT shall be restricted to a MNM DUR. 2. Prescriptions and procedures 2.1 General 2.1.1 Approach and departure procedures in general APCHs and DEPs are to be conducted in accordance with the procedures published in LSZB STAR/SID and lAC. Other clearances and dispositions of APP or TWR for the purpose of safety, traffic flow or noise abatement are reserved. 2.2 Supplementary provisions regarding IFR flights 2.2.1 IFR Departures For IFR DEPs, the MNM climb gradients and acceleration ALTs indicated in LSZB SID: LSZB AD 2. shall be OBS. lf they cannot be complied with, the ATC shall be notified and another SID route shall be requested. 2.2.2 Supplementary provisions regarding VFR flights Refer to VFR Manual, LSZB AD INFO. AMDT 005 2015 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF LSZB AD 2 .11 30 APR 2015 AIP SWITZERLAND LSZB AD I 2.22 FLIGHT PROCEDURES 1. Special regulations for Control Zone (GTR) and Terminal Control Area (TMA) 1.1 IFR procedure Procedures to be followed by arriving and departing ACFT are contained on the charts LSZB STAR and SlD, REF: LSZB AD 2. 1.2 SID Descriptions 1.2.1 StD RWY 32 Visual Conditions for departure: SID are allocated only if the relevant hill tops for the visual part are clearly visible by TWR. StD RVyY 32 - NON RNAV RWY 32 (see chart LSZB AD 2.24.7 - 11 ROUTE DESIGNATOR AMRID 2A Vertical Lateral Climb straight ahead. At 3000ftturn left (MAX IAS 180kt during turn). Proceed to BER (south of runway 32). lntercept QDR 042 BER. At 07.6 IBE turn left (MAX IAS 21Okt during turn). lntercept R237 WlL. Procêed to AMRID- INITIAL CLIMB CLEARANCE 5OOOfr. Cross BER at 5000ft or INITIAL CLIMB CLEARANCE 5OOOfr. Cross AMRID al 8000ft MEBOX 28 Climb shaight ahead. At 5000frturn right (MAX IAS PDG 7.4% to 3300ft 1 80kt during turn). lntercept R244 WlL. Proceed to MEBOX. INITIAL CLIMB CLEARANCE sOOOfr. Cross MEBOX at6000ft PDG 7.4% lo 3300ft Remark Maintain visual ground contact to 3600ft. above. Cross 28520 at 5500ft ot above, AMRID al 8000ft or above. Climb straight ahead. At 6000ft\un left (turn altitude to reach within D12.2lBE, MAX IAS 180kt during turn). Proceed to AMRID. AMRID 28 Contact NIL NIL or above. NIL or above. MONIN 2B PDG 7.4o/o to 3300ft Climb straight ahead. A15000ft turn right (MAX IAS 180kt during turn) to intercept QDM 160 BER. Proceed to BER. Turn left to intercept QDR 121 BER. Proceed to MONIN. INITIAL CLIMB CLEARANCE 5OOOfr. Cross BER at 6000ft or above, D 4.0 IBE at 7000ft ot aboue,ZB527 at 1 1 000ft or above, NIL D17 IBE at 16000ft ot above RAMOK 2A Climb straight ahead. At 3000ft\vn left (MAX IAS 180kt during turn). Proceed to BER (south of runway 32). lntercept R222WlL. Proceed to RAMOK. SKYGU¡DE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF . INITIAL CLIMB CLEARANCE 5OOOft. Cross BER al 5000ft ot NIL Maintain visual ground contact to 3600ft. above. Cross 28520 al 5500ft. or above, RAMOK at 6000ft or above. AMDT 005 2015 LSZB AD 2 -12 30 APR 2015 AIP SWITZERLAND SrD RWy 32 - NON RNAV (LOCAL) RWY 32 (see chart LSZB AD 2.24.7 - 5l ROUTE DESIGNATOR BERN 2A Vertical Lateral Climb straight ahead. At 3000ftlurn left (MAX IAS 180kt during turn). Proceed to BER (south of runway 32). lntercept QDR 042 BER. At D7.6 IBE turn left (MAX IAS 180kt during turn). lntercept QDM 186 BER. Proceed to BER and hold. (BER2A) INITIAL CLIMB Contact NIL CLEARANCE sOOOff. Cross BER al 5000ft ot above. Cross 28520 at 5500ft or above. Enter BER holding pattern at 6000ft or Remark Maintain visual ground contact to 3600ft. above. BERN 28 Climb straight ahead. At 5000frturn right (MAX IAS (BER2B) 180kt dur¡ng turn). Proceed to BER and hold. PDG 7.4% lo 3300ft INITIAL CLIMB NIL CLEARANCE 5OOOft. Enter BER holding pattern at 6000ft or above. BIRKI 28 PDG 7 .4% lo 3000ft Climb straight ahead. lntercept QDR 319 BER. Proceed to BIRKI and hold INITIAL CLIMB CLEARANCE 5OOOfr. Enter BIRKI holding pattern at 4000ft or NIL above. 1.2.2 StD RWY 14 lf not able to fly PROGEDURE CLIMB GRADIENT (PDG): VIS 1500m, ceiling 1300ft, maintain visual contact for departure and initial turn. SID RWY 14. NON RNAV RWY 14 (see chart LSZB AD 2.24.7 -3) ROUTE DESIGNATOR Lateral Vertical AMRID 2S PDG 7.0% to 3500ft Climb on track 123, but not before the departure end of runway 14 (DER 14).4t2600ftor D'1 .6 lBE, whichever ¡s later, turn left (CAT A: MAX IAS '120kt, MNM BANK ANGLE 15" / CAT B&C: MAX IAS 180kt, MNM BANK ANGLE 25"). Establ¡sh TR357 to intercept R222WlL (QDR 042 BER). At D7.6 IBE turn left (MAX IAS 21Okt during turn). lntercept R237 WlL. Proceed to AMRID. INITIAL CLIMB CLEARANCE FL8O. Cross 28520 at 5500ftor above, AMRID al 8000ft Climb on track 123, but not before the departure end of runway 14 (DER 14). Al2600ftot D1.6 lBE, whichever is later, turn left (CAT A: MAX IAS 120kt, MNM BANK ANGLE 15'l CAT B&C: MAX IAS 'l80kt, MNM BANK ANGLE 25'). Establish TR357 to intercept R222WlL (QDR 042 BER). At D7.6 IBE turn left (MAX IAS 180kt during turn). lntercept QDM 186 BER. Proceed to BER. At BER turn left to intercept QDR 121 BER. Proceed to INITIAL CLIMB CLEARANCE FL8O. Cross 28520 at 5500ft or above, cross BER at 6000ft ot above. Cross D4 IBE at 7000ft or above, D6.5 IBE at 9000fr or above, MONIN. above, D17 IBE at MONIN 25 PDG 7.0% lo 3500ft AMDT 005 2015 Remark NIL or above. NIL 28527 at11000ftor 1 Climb on tack 123, but not before the departure PDG 7.O% to 3500ft end of runway 14 (DER 14). Al2600ft or D1.6 lBE, whichever is later, turn left (CAT A: MAX IAS 120kt, MNM BANK ANGLE 15'/ CAT B&C: MAX IAS 180kt, MNM BANK ANGLE 25'). Establish TR357 to intercept R222WlL (QDR 042 BER). Proceed to RAMOK. RAMOK 25 Gontact 6000ft ot aboue. INITIAL CLIMB CLEARANCE FL8O. Cross 28520 at 5500ft or NIL above, RAMOK a|6000ft or above. SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF LSZBAD2.I3 AIP SWITZERLAND 30 APR 2015 SrD RWY r4 - NON RNAV (LOCAL) RWY 14 (see chart LSZB AD 2.24.7 -7l. ROUTE Lateral Vertical Climb on hack 123, but not before the departure end ofrunway 14 (DER 14). A12600ft01 D1.6 lBE, whichever is later, turn left (CAT A: MAX IAS 120kt, MNM BANK ANGLE 15" / CAT B&C: MAX IAS l80kt, MNM BANK ANGLE 25"). Establish TR357 to intercept R222W|L (QDR 042 BER). At D7.6 IBE turn left (MAX IAS 180kt during turn). lntercept QDM 186 BER. Proceed to BER. INITIAL CLIMB CLEARANCE 6000Í. Cross 28520 al 5500ft or Climb on track 123, but not before the departure end ofrunway l4 (DER 14). Al2600ftot D1.6 lBE, whichever ¡s later, turn left (CAT A: MAX IAS 120kt, MNM BANK ANGLE 15" / CAT B&C: MAX IAS l70kt, MNM BANK ANGLE 25"). Establish TR357 to intercept R222WlL (ODR 042 BER). At D7.6 IBE turn left (MAX IAS l70kt during turn). lntercept R244 WlL. Proceed to BIRKI and hold. INITIAL CLIMB CLEARANCE 6OOOfr. Cross 28520 al 550jft ot DESIGNATOR BERN 2S (BER2S) PDG 7.0o/o to 3500ft BIRKI 2S PDG 7.0% to 3500ft 1.3 STAR Descriptions 1.3.1 STAR TO BIRKI . NON RNAV Contact Remark NIL above. Enter BER holding pattern at 6000ft ot above. NIL above. STAR TO BIRKI - NON RNAV (see chart LSZB AD 2.24.9 - 1l ROUTE DESIGNATOR FRIBOURG 2M Lateral Vertical At FRI intercept R022 FRl. Proceed via AMRID to BIRKI Refer to chart MONIN 2M At MONIN intercept QDM30l BER. Proceed via 28636 to BER. At BER intercept QDR319 BER. Proceed to BlRKl. Refer to chart ROTOS 2M From ROTOS proceed on TR238 to BELAR. lntercept R255 WlL. Proceed via 28695 to LARDO. At LARDO turn left (MAX IAS 21Okt during turn). Establish TR186 to intercept LOC Refer to chart (FRr2M) Remark IBE RW14 or RNAV approach TR138. Proceed to BIRKI. ROTOS 2N From ROTOS proceed on TR238 to BELAR. lntercept R255 WlL. Proceed via 28695 to LARDO. At LARDO turn lefi (MAX IAS 21Okt during turn). Establish TR186 to intercept final approach track QDM143 BER of NDB RWY 14 approach. Refer to chart TELNO 2M From TELNO proceed on TR012 to AMRID. lntercept R022 FRl. Proceed via AMRID to BIRKI Refer to chart wlLLISAU 2M At WIL intercept R255 WlL. Proceed via BELAR , 28695 to LARDO. At TARDO turn left (MAX IAS 21 okt during turn). Establish TRl86 to intercept LOC IBE RW14 or RNAV approach TR1 38. Refer to chart (wrL2M) Proceed to BlRKl. WILLISAU 2N (wrL2N) At WIL intercept R255 WlL. Proceed via BELAR, 28695 to LARDO. At LARDO turn left (MAX IAS 21Okt during turn). Establish TR'186 to ¡ntercept fìnal approach track QDM 143 BER of NDB RWY I WILLISAU 2P (wrL2P) Refer to chart 4 approach. At WIL intercept R244 WlL. Proceed via MEBOX, 28608 to BIRKI SKYGUIDE, CH-8602 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF Refer to chart AMDT 005 2015 LSZBAD2.14 AIP SWITZERLAND 30 APR 2015 1.4 Approachprocedures: 1.4.1 Procedure description of RNAV (GNSS) RWY Waypoint Path 14 (see chart LSZB AD 2.24.10 - 5l Flyover From BIRKI Altitude (ft) terminator 1.5 IF BIRKI N +4000 TF ZB61 9 N +4000 TF RW14 DF 28620 DF 28621 TF RAMOK DF ZB6O8 N TF BIRKI N Speed limit (kt) 160 Track Distance (NM) 138" (140.0"T) 2.1 138'(140.1"T) 5.4 138'(140.1"T) 1.1 042" (O44.0"r) 5,'l 243" (245.3'r) 5.3 +5500 N 210 +4000 VFR procedure Refer to VFR Manual, LSZB AD INFO 2. RWY Minima for IFR departures (TKOF minima) ACFT CAT RVR (m) / Ceiling (ft AGL) No LGT AVBL REDL or RCLL AVBL Ail B AMDT 005 2015 800/--- 400t--- 800/--- 400t--- 800/--- 400t--- RMK REDL and RCLL AVBL NIL SKYGUIDE, CH-8602 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF AIP SWITZERLAND LSZB AD 2. I5 30 APR 2015 LSZB AD 1. 2.23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION List of significant points (Terminal) NAV point COORD WGS84 LAT Purpose LONG 2 1 3 BELAR N 47 07 30.0 E 007 33 49.7 NON RNAV STAR LSZB LARDO N 47 05 37.2 E 007 21 57.6 NON RNAV STAR LSZB RW14 N 46 55 04.6 E 007 29 33.0 IAC LSZB ZB5O5 N 47 03 02.0 E 007 29 42.0 NON RNAV SID LSZB 28520 N 46 57 40.0 E 007 35 52.0 NON RNAV SID LSZB 28527 N 46 48 12.0 E 007 43 28.0 NON RNAV SID LSZB 28608 N 47 03 02.0 8 007 29 42.0 NON RNAV STAR, IAC LSZB ZB6O9 N 47 01 29.8 8007 21 42.3 IAC LSZB Z8619 N 46 59 11.8 E 007 24 31 .0 IAC LSZB 28620 N 46 54 12.5 E 007 30 36.5 IAC LSZB 28621 N 46 57 40.0 E 007 35 52.0 IAC LSZB 28636 N 46 48 12.3 8007 4327.8 NON RNAV STAR LSZB 28695 N 47 06 15.0 E 007 25 55.0 NON RNAV STAR LSZB 28700 N 46 57 58.1 E 007 25 56.8 IAC LSZB ZBSOO N 46 56 35.5 E007 27 37.9 IAC LSZB 2. ILS 14 approach versus JAR-OPS I lThelLSl4APCHhastobeconsideredaslLSCATlwith'intermediatefacilities'inaccordancewithJAR-OPS'1 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF ,1.430 AMDT 005 2015 LSZBAD2-16 AIP SWITZERLAND 30 APR 2015 LSZB AD 2.24 CHARTS RELATED TO AN AERODROME Name Page Aerodrome Chart LSZB AD 2.24.1 - 1 Aircrafi Parking Chart LSZB AD 2.24.2 - 1 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart - Type A - RWY 32 LSZB AD 2.24.4 - 1 Aerodrome Obstacle Chart - Type A - RWY 14 LSZB AD 2.24.4 - 3 Area Chart - Transit Routes (RAMOK / MEBOX / AMRID) LSZB AD 2.24.6 - SID RWY 32. NON RNAV LSZB AD 2.24.7 1 .1 SID RWY 14. NON RNAV LSZB AD 2.24.7 - 3 srD RWY 32 - NON RNAV (LOCAL) LSZB AD 2.24.7 - 5 SID RWY 14. NON RNAV (LOCAL) LSZB AD 2.24.7 STAR TO BIRKI - NON RNAV LSZB AD 2.24.9 - IAC ILS RWY 14 LSZB AD 2.24.10 - IAC LOC RWY 14 LSZB AD 2.24.10 IAC RNAV (GNSS) RWY 14 LSZB AD 2.24.10 - 5 IAC NDB RWY 14 LSZB AD IAC CITY Circling LOC/RNAV RWY 32 LSZB AD 2.24.10 - IAC ROMEO Circling LOC/RNAV RWY 32 LSZB AD 2.24.10 - 11 IAC CITY Circling NDB RWY 32 LSZB AD 2.24.10 - 13 IAC ROMEO Circling NDB RWY 32 LSZB AD 2.24.10 - 15 Minimum VECTORING ALTITUDE CHART (AD temperatures - 20'to -5'C) Minimum VECTORING ALTITUDE CHART (AD temperatures - 4" C and above) AMDT 005 2015 -7 I I -3 2.24,10.7 LSZB AD 2.24.13 - I 1 LSZB AD 2.24.13 - 3 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF AIP SWITZERLAND LSZB AD 2.24.1 - 1 02 APR 2015 Aerodrome Chart AtS BWY LGT RTHt VASIS RTI L PAPI 14 [¡EHI ]3.07 RCLt EDL R YCZ 576 m PAPt 3.4" [rEHI 12.¡8 m 32 ø RTZL 4" 576 REN L r r 2$"r0' !01 AD ELEV ft 1673 LSZB wGs-84 ARP 46" 54' 44" N / 00i" 29',57" E l4 46' 05" N / 007' 29',33^ E 't668 32 46" 54' 27" N / 007'30' 1S" E 1675 55', THR 00i, 30 20" TWY LGT C,F EOGE 'i. I N For 08ST see AIP LSZB AD 2.10 RÏIL I GP .ù À ¡ TWYA: ir:ì" 5li a wing span: l3 5.7 f 4.0' 5Ìt \.. ., t) airc¡alt t A Touchdown I \ Hân(Jars i B ACF¡ PRKG 0 LszB Ao 2,24.2.1 [4AtN MAX ân: 21.5 m r TWR VDF G i _'- c TWY C: ,Ì6 5.1', ,10' t-engine ACFT shall not vacato RWY via lNï C unless inslructed ATC ÏWY K: MAX wing span 21.5 ,5d D 40" a (ó m I âÒ ËXC 34.3 m BTN Y3 and â a 9,. Þ" REGA ø \2 Torchd own 1-en e PAPI 3.4" Surface ADror cwY x150m ASPH, GRASS "É ASPH fìRASS J'61' -Ø ,1 HEL it" \ 51' 'l( l:75û0 r00 COR: 100 withdr¿wn BLDG 2Aû r.ìrll' : lr0 400 íìl ,19 40- SKYGUIDE, CH-8602 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF i,IAINÏ ,lll' I ,'l3 li¡ ?0 ¿r C 0ù/" 30' 0û7' 30 2û', AMDT 004 2015 LSZB AD 2.24.1 02 APR 2015 -2 AIP SWITZERLAND THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AMDT 004 20r5 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF LSZB AD 2.24.2 - 1 02 APR 2015 AIP SWITZERLAND Aircraft Parking Chart LSZB Û I TWY LGT F L, EDGE __ I Aproì Ntt t673 INS NIL Nrt .!.1- lffi=::-1--:::]::::::l 0 50 û 1{10 ilr LEGEND rb ÏAXI YELLOW ß ".* lârmìnel E l;2500 liJ I fI 46" 54', 44" N / 007" 29', 57" û ('l ELEV WGS-84 lanp '..û tij N TAXI GREEN TAXI BtUE /\ I SAFETY LINE APRON SDRY AIRPORT BDRY s \i,^ uv-uv d$o t' ç.b w VDF cl\ n W \rQ 1\ \*J clb û* fi9 sl û 'ß Ê ,f- ÏWY I{: MAX wing span 21,5 m -1\ EXC 34.3 nr BTN Y3 and \"J \$ I Y7 G5 I ,r"" '.3 @ 2 Touchdown I -enqine ACFT o + $ d ra É ñ \ 5.7 MTOM t + REGÀ Wingspan PRKG Rema¡k 21.5 m Y1 Desrgned Tor .ñ Efu1B 1 Y1A.Y2 Deslaned for 3328 285m Y3 ACFT 34.3 m Y4 .Y7 opcrator appllf;ablc 20.0 ûl G1 fi4ax length 20.0 nr 12 0 m Sector Eluc 21 0m G5 0verall !tN/WlD 16.0 m specific restrictl0ns acc0rdin¡1 AD PAPI HEL PRKG u[i. 35 Lcç¡acy 3.4" \ Remark 1 fl[:t.2 No simultanerors hovnr 0perati0ns ailowcd COn: SKYGUIDE, CH-8602 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF wilhdr¡wn Rt DG AMDT 004 2015 LSZB AD 2.24.2 02 APR 2015 -2 AIP SWITZERLAND ÏHIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY AMDT 004 2015 LEFT BLANK SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF AIP SWIZERLAND LSZB AD 2.2¿.¿ - Aerodroms Ob¡lacle Chart - Type A - RWY 32 I 24 JUL 2014 lr *-ìã¡,-F,- +_ ( It i I , I $ ,PÁ ,ç .*+ )-.+--' RWY: 32 @ ronrr*ron.,.r., O I Pold,rôt!ó..ptd,on¡snn,,oro. /\ nWY 14 DECLAnED OISÍANCÈS ¡n TÀKE.OF' 8UN AVÂIú3 IAKE.OFF DISANCE ÀVAIUBTE Buildlñ0.ràtso.rucùÌo ACCTL[ÅATE.STOP rôril¡ pinoroilns rbda¡.ilon m LE ls0 prôño DISfÀÑCÈ ÀVAIIABLÊ UNOING OISTANCE ÀVAIUBE RWY 32 1d 17S 'ï rc 0^o fi[tutßtMÊ¡6 oÂoER oF Áccun^¿Y ^ccoflDrÀc SKYoUIDE, cH{602 IIt.lANoEN BEI DOBENDoRF AM0T 008 2014 LSZB A9 2,24,4 21 JUt 2011 AIP SWTZERLAND -2 THIS PAGE INTEÑfìONALLY AMDT 008 2014 LEFT BUNK SKYGUIDE, CHS602 WANGEN BEI DIJBENDORF o r'6,--"{, ..,,.r,.../..., ^ -t,,-,, /\{ I V, ,ê tl l \ r{1I vrt I 4;.- --: Y:i' !? -.rt ' -¿ú - :.. LSZB AD 2.24.6 -1 AIRAC 06 FEB 2OI4 AIP SWITZERLAND AREA CHART - ICAO TRANSITION AFTER DEPARTURE BERNE-BELP LSZB ROUTES RAMOK / MEBOX / AMRID c0 = € E 2 Þ: óÊ EÞõ o= ao o .58Ë ,l t 1 I i J.-.i.. .-.-.1".i øQt eal-:i u Go El l oiqS EBrt r1l L 1..,i Ee ooL -l + Õ @ É (3 I Ë I I 9s*' x(Þ st QI to u vC' õr a: Õt i r. , ., I r .r r '¿:. - æ, À ; u bt ¡q z¡c u lrrlr l ã 'þ.. E 6t E I 3.'È- tÈ i :i.. .Ll e iËE ðoE I ,l L i 1, -r l. ]_-L_i_ Ê ^G =u ó l¡> + ou c eø!9 ãqt= 'I a ,.,s¡Ù- Eeg sËx .øqx .. .t. EI .. .1..-._i ,i ir',:I '¿' s¿ :¡ 1, Éõr 2<9 B¡\¡ 3', <õl =Ri Et4 "-1") \\¡\s:- o('* OJ u Íd ø ci üt ¡É É ,t : G 5l QI al Õì aa¡ \,,-. I r t r r..i .. r I.L| I :i ,- I ,9-. ' i , r ', r-A < Pt |,' : >ol u'n Ø r ill .: 'is 'a il I = r'. Ø t:= '. 'rã í\ .& ,. '- È=É2íì ãã=a I EU Ø(l uØ ¡*\ Õ -o ì',\.}r TJJ ì o -þ\' .'.-1. 1r$" c c o I - c *ff.J''YY¡ o O RMK: Aeronaut¡cal lnformation f0r terr¡tor¡es outs¡d8 of Swiúerland are publìshed with reservation. SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF AIRAC AMDT OO12014 LSZB AD 2.24.6 -2 AIRAC 06 FEB 2014 AIP SWITZERLAND THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIRAC AMDT OO12014 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF q, à a o g o Jn o J- rwL-l voR 116.sû R244t013.5 WrL l= lR ¡tAñt1!ûs, itÁi(sÀr\c 60aI I nÁ0n$ ÀR! riÀûirEItt | nffi IBE IBE o> -z c)> >! o9 2 Ø n but no ¡ater than IBE RAMOK \s I @ o, AMßID 28 É Þ 0uter Circle: 25 N¡,4 l¡ner Cir¡ler 10 NM 0tstÂriis[]ilM ¡¿¡iUrÉSl{"¡¡ o N 6u1 MSA BE8 Ð nn¡eox R222lD13 A 11* 289 z o m z L NÛI TÛ SCATE c WtL 6400 m z--t a m ID -t Aìrspace Class m 2í19 o c o tll cJJ E. VFR traffic without radio communication c) - and nrìthout Transponder must be expected zæ3 l R2221018 -Tt v F zg JJ CAUTI0N: Part of the procedure is leading through AMRID -{ = N m T taa' D7,6 IBE z0 o v ! U' A --l IBE WIL 55AA LSZB R02ZiÐ10 FRr RAMOK 2A R2371028 WrL AMRIO 2A 8400 For rûut¡ng after MEBOX / frAMOK / AMRID refer to ISZB AD 2.24.6-t. BFR HLD 3%9 tNBÐ 319'. 1nirr, MA,X D5 lBE, MAX IAS r80kl; , + æ 6000 -FL110 t8/3 zØ CL0SE-|N-0BST: R¡ght 0f track up to t850 shortiy after end of RWY 32. DMË r'r0.10 æ z. Ø = O O z z= O4IBÊ 7û04 NDB 335 - + = c a 6L0! 0 Õ RAMOK 2A: 5000 sa AMRID 2A: 5000 O 2IJ527 ODR121 BÊRID11 IBE o A C 1 t00a ,9 7 o o É o O 9. vOR 110.85 017 IBÊ i COMMUNICATION FAILURE PROCEDURE: 0 = I o o t\, o à - - 0 ! I Set transponder on code 7600. Cross M0NIN / RAM0K / MEB0X / AMRID cl¡mb¡nq to/at last assigned and acknowledged FL but not below MCA*. - Continue climb to FPL FL. *) Leave last received and acknowledged FL or ALT earliest three minutes after airborne. t6000 ã* <m NOT TO SCALE I 012345678S10KM 1 .,01234sNM IBÊ cùn NZ ,m Zæ Om z\ JJ- zu) >N <æ 7cn >N OI! oÞ clr g ll! ¡¡ tN B\ è,r LSZB AD 2.24.7 -2 AIRAC 06 FEB 2OI4 AIP SWITZERLAND THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIRAC AMDT OO12014 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF cn x o c MSA BER ll I-WlLVOR r 16.90 BiÂnlliû5, Ì?'rlil(S A|jD i¡lÂLS Ânã o o I b Jn í,iAiìiltÌlI 'ISÍAI\iîES ALNI'JD:S Ii\] ¡¡il II'I Fi 0uter Circle: 25 Niú l3E lnner Circle: i0 i\¡ú l3E I næ RAMOK U> 6tl0A .$\ I @ o) '1,' l\ o N ã Ut O> *z 'o (-)> >¡ oo 2 r{0T T0 I 8222/D13 WtL 7: -{ $ T c m z! E ID m Airspace Class E. VFR - u -l ODFO42 BER/05.1 IBE For routing after RAM0K / AhlRl0 refer to tszB Ao 2.24.6-1. R222l018 WtL Etn^ AMRIO R022/0i0 Fßt R237l028 WtL 8000 BEBNE.BET.P LSZB H CI-0SE-|N-08ST: Right of track up 10 l/80 shortly after end of RWY 1 4. Dr.6 BE NDB 335 Ø 27lA ll OÕ z.z ÞF -< D4,IBE /aaa 2 =m z o BER HLDG 4 6 tNB0 319". lmin, MAX Ð5188, MAX IAS r80kt <; o o 6A00 nô.5 rBF 9AAA Ëci 5 -FLltt 28527 ODR121 ; t c A ui ó v o BESiDil IBE ta00 00,grr. .,e& q o ü o o v0R L 11û.85 a ¡IOT TÛ SCALF COMMUITICATION FAII.URE PROCEDURE: o = o o @ l\, o s - - l+ ææ z. z. ØØ DMË 110.10 È o m c) traffic wilhout radio commìrnicat¡on za52a o 7 .ll tz ct CAUTIoN: Pan 0f the procedure is leading thr0ugh and rv¡thout Transponder must be expected c0ID m zo = N m n --t RAMOK 25 AMRIO 2S M0NF¡ 25 z U' U m T 7 z o m È ! Set transponder on code 7600. Cross RAM0K / M0NIN / AMRID climb¡ng to/at last assigned and acknowledged FL but not below MCA*. - Continue climb to FPL FL. *) Leave last received and acknowledged FL or ALT earliest three minutes after airborne. 0123456789r0KM 0tz345r¡M D17IBE MONIN t6aa0 ODR]21 BER/D24.1 IBE R098/032 FRI A 3 ã<m Þz ã$ !> z\ ÈF oË 'm Zæ om ZØ >N <@ È: AO' LSZB AD 2.24.7 - 4 AIRAC 21 AUG 2014 AIP SWITZERLAND THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIRAC AMDT OO8 2014 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF U, x I o g o Fr o J- I ll= Ai_rtitiis t1{ ¡l.ii tN ít iBE lBi o> -z von r @ I o N ã 0 a o) Þ rÞ zg m z--{ U m ;¡ ! cn m ìNBD 138", ln¡rn. MAX û12 lBE. MAX IAS l70kt: o ct! Ð c ì BIRKI HLDG E m -i v ruüTTO SIALE u, {=N oc, 2 U) rWIL--I ls- z o m z @ (-)> t!Åfi[!0s,ÌtÂits.ii!Ð 1ÀltÂts Àt! i¡A6t\!Ic ilstANcÉs IT l:a MSA BER 0uier Cìrcie: 25 ¡ii\4 innef Circle: 10 Ni\¡ c) EIRKI :E F0221û15.5 Ffit 4000 rû18 H2441023.S \¡il1 --l ODF319 BEfi/D8.3 IBE m 4040 zo rll, -1a- *a o 7 .Tt -Ð07.6 IBE t¡' z. z. ØØ =Þ; OO ñ -$l$ as' =m zBs20 OORO42 BER/D5,] IBË R222lD18W'. 5540 pì ë BERNË-BEtP LSZS COR: VAF COMMUI¡ICATION FAITUBE PROCEDURE: - a r) - = 0 + o o (., N o (¡t Settransponder on code 7600. Cross BER/BlRKl climbing to/at last assigned and acknowledged FL but not below MCA*. Proceed to BIRKI. At last rece¡ved or acknowledged EAT or. if no EAT has been received or acknowledged at FPL EAI descend in BIFKI HLDG païemþ 4400 fL CATTY OUt A STANDARD INSTRUMENTAPCH tO RWYl4, if needed followed by a circling to R\l1/Y32. ") Leave last received and acknowledged FL or ALT earliest three m¡nutes after airborne. . n t\l0Ï voR 1 10.85 2710 BElllqE ln U tNSD 319', TO SIALE ) lmin. MAX U5 lBE. MAX IAS t80k1: tt000 .FL110 DME 110.10 I!Uó IJf, ã CTOSE-IN-0BST: Right of track up to lB50 shortly after end of RWY 32. BER 2A:5O0! N zñgl '7 ft12345618Si0(M û123451ìlM uz Zm >J<H iìT YØ IN Þ ã$ 3> ã[ Ër (¡, (rl LSZB AD 2.24.7 -6 AIRAC 07 MAR 2013 AIP SWTZERLAND THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIRAC AMDT OO3 2013 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF U, x 7:. (h MSA BTR t o g o In o ll= t¡* Utu 0nter Circle: 25 l\M lnnefCìfcle: 10 Nñ1 EåÅllXeS.ifiÀi(s Âfit IBE U> *z ! Ø C)> lA0lÀLsArE tiÁeilEili 2ø ¡tsiÀticts ll! fi¡J AlJtiUríS lBÊ ü'iä >:É ou 2 f_E (n -WlL-_ Ivonroso I I @ -l :r c I 0 ø) o N ã = z = N m 7 F zg -{ U z o m z L .rulN ut m tNBD 138'. lmin, MAX D12lBE, MAX IAS 170kc 400t - FLÌ10 fD m z ¡ Ë c-1v c) EIRKI F0//t¡t ¡t 5 Fñl ß244lD23,9 WtL BIRKI HLDG tlc m I!ûT TO STALF I -t 008319 BERIO8.3 iBE o o A v-Tt 07,6 IBÊ ++ pæ zz. ØØ -= AO -< A =m Uq za5z0 OORO42 BER/85.1 IBE R222l018 WIL 55u0 -l 8o s 1772 BERNE.BELP tszE '1.6 tBE DME 'r10.1 COMMUNICAÏION FAILURE PROCEDUBE: v o o = + o o ø N o J à - - Set transponder on code 7600. Cross BER/BlRKl climb¡ng to/at last assigned and acknowledged FL but not below MCA*. Proceed to BlRKl. - At last received or acknowledged EAT oç if no ÊAT has been received or acknowledged at FPL EAT, descend in BIRKI HLDG patlernro 4000 ft. - Carry out a STANDARD INSTRUMENT APCH t0 RWY14, if needed followed by a circling to RWY32. *) Leave last received and acknowledged FL or ALT earliest three minutes after airborne. Ø r CI0SE-|N-08ST: Right of track up to tZ8, shortly åfter end of RWY 14. NDB 335 v0R 110.85 À 6000 - = BER HLDG NOT TO SCALE .. .. . I li u € I .ìi' 9H tNBD 319þ. 812345678S10(M az Zm Pn 012345¡iM o: lnin, MAX 05lBE. MAX IAS I80k1; 6000 -tL110 Ai¡¡ { ¡.J l-F äff l> ÈF ox Ër à{ LSZB AD 2.24.7 -8 AIRAC 21 AUG 2014 AIP SWITZERLAND THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIRAC AMDT OO8 2OI4 SKYGU¡DE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF U, MSA BER ^ o c 0üter Circler 25 NM lnrei Circl€: l0 i\\4 i3E sil¡liris, g b o JI D;SÌA¡{CiS ll fii 72d' Ulll AliüdÐEsiüFi ROTOS @ -WlLI vont,o.go .BEIAR o) o N É Þ R255/020 lVIt WtL t Ë:Ljr CAUï|0N: Part of the procedure is leading through Airspace Class E. VFR traff¡c wrth0ul radio communicati0n /\ r.-,ìi¡$ MIBOX î BIRKI HLDG INBD 138", lrn¡n. l\¡AX 012 lBE. MAX IAS ITOKt; 4000 4400 læ5 BERNE-BELP tszB ØØ 40aa == OO z.z AMRID B4 IBE R022/010 FRi -i-< 7\aa DME 110.10 8000 28636 NDB 335 -FRllvon ''o ss 1 rNB0 3rs". D17IBE lnin, MAX D5lBE, t6004 MAX tAs 180kr; TELNO 6l/00 F|]1o 86AA or hy AIC f098trf_ _ _ COR:Caution note ' * N - Settransponder on code 7600. tarry out a STANDARD INSTRUMENT APCH to RWYl4, if needed followed by a circling to RWY32. MONIN 0DN/Ì301 BERID24.1 IBE 'R098r032 FRI (n --t { COMMUNICAÏION FAITURE PROCEOURE: Proceed via NON RNAV STAR to BlRKl. ACFT on November arrival proceed after LARD0 direct to BlRKl. At last received or acknowledged EAT or, if no EAT has been received or acknowledqed at FPL ËTA, descend in the BIBKI HLDG pattern to 4000 ft. =- ¡Bt BER HLDG + l 0Du301 BER/Dl t t00a sJ A n -l 04.4 IBÊ R2441D23.9 WtL - - 6AAA ROz?JD1 5,5 FRI o = -{ o o a) ,FL1lß BIBKI - r and w¡thout Trânsponder musl be expected 8244iD13.5 Wrr OOB319 BER/D8,3 IBE o 5 o z z-J - MAX IAS zIf} Kl " -ii o o 7 -Tt o m c I 4004 z v J Ð + = N m 7 r >v o= (n 28695 LARTO R2551D22.7 o tr cot! m È Ø JO U 82551014.5 WIL z o m z ! J¡ nÁcru Âtit RÀCIA|S Afri [1Ai¡ia fn 1À Ø, @@ =m E -5rB 05 10 15 20KM l0 ¡tM ,mz. om z\ tz'ut >N <@ 7t u, >N otD o> o, if I ¡.¡ -l tN Bio l¡ rÞ¡ I LSZB AD 2.24-9 -2 AIRAC 06 FEB 2014 AIP SWITZERLAND THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIRAC AMDT OO12014 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF LSZB AD 2.24.10 - 1 AIRAC 06 FEB 2014 AIP SWITZERLAND lnstrument Approach Chart ELEV I673fI I l, llll P Bi¡Rll.J{ìS TRÂC(SÀIJD n,ror¡Ls¡n¡r,r¡cr.nn onr¡rc.sllru 0f the procedure is ìeading lhrouch ATIS 125.125 APP 121.325 anrl without Iansp0nder musl be expected. TWR 121.025 P¿rrt BERN-BELP LSZB ILS RWY 14 ACFT CAT A/B/C/H bv ATC TRANSITION ALIITUDT á'O'O Airspace Class E. VFIì traffìc withorit radio c0mmuniciltì0n CAUTI0N: i LEVIL TRANSITI0N ilAC) - |CAO MSA BER 0uter Circler 25 Nl\,4 lUI lnner Crrcle: 10 Nl\,4 ¡¿llrur¡sr,,rn 72N il* ti :. I s-' BIRKI 8022/D15.5 FRI R244l023,9 WIL ]DR3I9 BEB/08.3 IBE 0c IBE 138V08.3 tBE 4000 .:::tti' ,1,¡.t¡1:i lBl . a ; , FAP 06.3 IBË 4000 B:RKI HLDG INBD 138'; 1min, MAX Dl2lBE; ÍMAX IAS li0ktj 4000. Ft110 DtvlE il0.10 NDB 335 0 BER HLDG 0 tN BD 319"; 1mìn, [4AX 05 ¡BE; MAX tAS t80kt; l - Ft110 6000 MISSED APPROACH BIRKI IAP 08.3 IBE 06.3 IBE DME IBE BER lnitial climb clearance 6000. 03.4 IBT 'l 4004 2787 IrLS-rip"ir 4-r li ìr l ! I 119 ' I UfVIE reads llU.9 lBt 11S" â1 THR ELEV 1668 THR RWY 14 I I 7 5 3 ? 1 0 I I I I I ¡ I I APCH STRAIGHT-IN APPROACH climb gradient urremenl OBSTACTE CLEARANCE ALTITUTE {HEIGHT) A 2.5o/o 5.0% up to 3600 1 .lok ,rp to 3600 pressu re aft¡meter c B 2.\Yo upto 3600 7.0o/o up ro 3600 GS Kt pressu re 2660 19921 2675 11007ll 2227 15591 2244 15761 2259 1591], 2204 \5361 2098 {.4301 2t 14 14461 2t29 {461l. 2075 \407) allimeter 269s l.1025l, 27t0 2277 2294 16261 1'6091 2t 68 90 Il0 130 140 119 920 oo NN¡ rnoM nH¡r rsr ,| DME IBE 6.3 6 5 4 3 2 DISTTHR 5.4 5.1 4,1 11 2.1 1.1 4000 3877 3452 3028 1bIt.J ALT FT bytrees up to l900ftAMSL. MAX GS 140k1 in final approach to avoid R0D ïhis is not a standard a >1O00fVnrin. roach an le. REMARK 2309 \6411 Uncategorised ILS approach RWY14 due t0 runway type: non-instrumenl runway. lLSl4 sìgnal fulfills lCA0 Annex 10, CAT ì specifications. Circling according to specific approach charts. Traininu ILS anoroach: DA(Hl 3000ft {r 332ír) 1 0.1 0.7NM BtR THRl4 visual segment surface (VSS) penetrated 2725 \10511 2t79 \511]| 1'500]| 637 ROD FT|MIN 110421 I CAUTIO N 264s 1975]' DECISION ALTITUDE (HEIGHT) 5.00k H Climb straight ahead. At BEF (ABM BER) turn left (l\/AX IAS l60kt durìng turn,l lntercept RzzzwrL(ûDRo42 BER). cross 78621 al 5500 or aboue. Proceed to RAM0K. At RAlVl0K turn left. lntercept R244 WlL. Proceed to BIRKI and hold. COR: Caution not8 SKYGUIDE, CH-8602 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF A¡RAC AMDT OO12014 LSZB AD 2.24.10 -2 AIRAC 06 FEB 2014 AIP SWITZERLAND THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIRAC AMDT OO12014 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF LSZB AD 2.24.10 -3 A¡RAC 06 FEB 2OI4 AIP SWITZERLAND INSTRUMENT APPROACH CHART ICAO ELEV 1673 ft BERNE-BELP ATIS 125.'t25 APP 127.325 LOC RìAÍYI4 TWR 121.025 ACFT CAT A/B/C 0' BIRKI HLDG erf BIRKI ) *99- - - -!r. \ R022D15.5 FRt |NBD 138', 1 MIN. MAX D12 IBE. MAX tAS l70kt, 4000 - FL110 R244lD23.9 WtL ODR3'19 BER/D8.3 IBE LOC IBE 1 38"iO8.3 .Ìl\l IBE/, 7200 ¡[o!r-o-sc]!E-1 \ I IBE / 4000 ï ,f-ôo ,#\ 594 D2.5 IBE 46" ./t BY ATC BEAR¡NGS AND TRACKS VARIATION DISTANCES ALTITUDES magnetic 2" E (13.4) BIRKI ALT QDRO42 BEFYDs.1 IBE 5500 ',uo*, 277J BER HLDG tNBD 319" 1 MIN, I\4AXD5 IBE, MAX IAS 18OKt. 6000 - FL110 46' 6000 ft NM NM ft MAPt 02.5 IBE FAF D6.3 IBE D8.3 IBE Transltlon 6000 ,./ "*,o, BERN 335 BER TRANSITION LEVEL TRANSITION ALTITUDE z,B,621 R222tD18WtL I ¡\zas DME 110.10 t8E 47' RAMOK R222tD13W|L fi81 MAPt GAUTION: Part of the procedure is leading through Airspace Class E. VFR traffic without radio communication and without Transponder must be expected. ( FAF ^r- 47' 10700 IBE DME 4000 <- I MDAJH 1!9'- MISSED APPROAGH Climb straight ahôad. At BER (ABM BER) turn left (MAX IAS 160kt durlng turn). lntercept R222WlL (ODR042 BER). Cross Z862'l al 5500ft ot above. Proceed to RAMOK. At RAMOK turn left. lntercept R244 WlL. Procêed to BIRKI and hold. Climb to 6000fr. BER - THR RWY 14 ELEV 1668ft NIV FROI\¡ DI\¡E IBE STRAIGHT.IN APPROACH I 7 I I OCA/H Missed APCH climb gradient B requirement 2650 /980 2400 /730 2460 /790 1 0 1 2 I I I I I 5.0% up c 1040 2 I to 3600ft MDAJH / 3 I 2.5% STRAIGHT.IN APPROACH 2710 4 I Missed APCH cllmb gradient requirêm6nl 2.5% DME IBE 6.3 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dlst THR 5.4 5.1 4.1 3.1 2.1 1.1 0.1 ALT 4000 3880 3460 3040 2610 REMARKS; CTN: 0.7NM BFR THRl4 vlsual segment surface (VSS) penelrated by lroes up lo 1900ft AMSL, CIN: thls ls not a standard approach angl€. Runway 14 is a nonlnalrum€nl runway. Clrcllng âccordlng to spêclflc approach chart6. Tralnlng LOC APCH: MDA/H 30001 5.0% up lo 360qft DME rêads D0,9 IBE at THR / 1330ft. GS Kt 90 110 130 140 FTIMIN 637 779 s20 991 ROD COR: Caution Note SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF AIRAC AMDT OO12014 LSZB AD 2.24.10 - 4 AIRAC 06 FEB 2OI4 AIP SWITZERLAND THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIRAC AMDT OO12014 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF LSZB AD 2.24.10 - 5 AIRAC 06 FEB 2OI4 AIP SWITZERLAND lnstrument Approach Chart (rAC) - rcAo TRANSITION El.l:v t673ft TEVEL TRANSITION AITITTJDF BERN.BELP LSZB RNAV (GNSS) RWY 14 ACFT CAT A/B/C by ATC 6Û" I il ATIS 125.125 EGNOS APP t¿t.J¿5 fWB 121.025 ct1 72326 E 144 lil MSA BER 0utar Circkr: 25 Nlvl lBI lnn{r Cicl{r: 10 NÌv1 IB[j 7200 BIRKI HLDG tNBD 138'{140.0'T) l rnin, W0 4.tì NN¡ MAX tAS r70kr; 4000-F1110 CAUTI0N: Pad 0f the proceclure ìs leadìng ihrough Airspace Class E. VFR traffic without radi0 c0mnrunication and without Trans must be expected. N/}ISSED APPBOACH BIBKI RWl4 (MAP1) 28619 {FAF) ì- 4000 IBijH''-5il 28620 lnitial climb clearance 600t Climb straight ahead. \t / 138" 0cA At 28620 turn left (l\/AX IAS l60ktl Proceed viaZ862l to RAM0K. Cross 28621 at 5500or above. At RAI\¡0K turn left {MAX IAS 210k1), Proceed via 28608to BIRKI a nd hold. ELEU 166B THR BWY 14 I 6 1 Missed APCH climb gradient 2 DIST THR STRAIGHT.IN APPROACH ALT OCA(H) LNAV req uireme nÎ IA 2890 \1220) 5.0% 2630 (960) 7.0% 2560 189Ðl CORì 2678 11010]| 2694 110261 5.0% 225416261' 231 7.0% 22t Caution note I 15501 t 1643) 22s5 (567) 2 1 NN/ f:RO[/ TI'IR RWY14 5.4 5.0 4.0 3.0 4000 3840 3420 3000 2.0 1.0 90 110 130 140 / 779 920 99r ROD FTIMIN b.J CAUTI ON OCA(H) LPV 2.5% 0 GS Kt c B 2.5% 1 2708 11040) 2324 16561 2248 15801. 0.2 NM BFR THRl4 on right hand side visual segment surface {VSSì penetrated by rrees up to 1750ft AMSL. This is not a standard approach angle. 0n 4" APCH angle and GS>l40kt resulting R0D>1000ft/min. RWY 14 ìs a non-instrument runwa EMARK Circling according to spec¡fic approach charts. Traininq RNAV APCH: 0CA (H) 3000fti'1330t11, SKYGUIDE, CH-8602 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF AIRAC AMDT OO12014 LSZB AD 2.24.10 -6 AIRAC 06 FEB 2OI4 AIP SWITZERLAND fnput tlata Parameters Ualu*s üperatr*n Trrp* 58.45 Frpvirler Årrpo:-t identifier fl Q.xnrvay 14 Runway Dårectç*n Apprnach, Ferfc,rnra nce Desi gn atnn Rsute trndicatctr F.efener¡ce FaLh Ðata Sele*tor Referencr Fath Identifl er fl ttP/** 1 tszs fì rì r14Å 4655û4.583üf{ Latåtude *ü7293?..97ñüE 557 46542ñ"595üH LTF/FTF Lc,ngitude LTF/'Ffp EäE*psaàdal !-leight {r*etr*si FPÅF l-atitude Delta FPAF Latitude {secoc-*ds} FFÂF Lcnçitude Drlta FFåF Lonçlta.rde {se*rnds.l Thresh*old *r**sing Heiçå':t TC!-l å-3nitç Seiector Glldep¿th Ångle {degreEs} Cçurse Width (metres) Length üffset {nretre*'} -37.*&?0 #*73*1q.3St0e 46.3260 5t t 4 1ü5 [J HA{- 4ü V,4L 5t Output Data Data Blocf< l-t *t !3Ë Calculated tRtI l/alue LTP tG ëil gl- 3å 1å 4 a -n IT s5 ðü sF ¿¿ åt. *? EE ÀI- b :t tã EÞ. I S t-L t4 Õ'J tr J_ bìJ ¿t r'{ :-* -}J ü1 31" U.5 \.-¿ ¿5 s* ßl Ë'{ tlSLLtrUl-U 0rthometric Height 508.26m AIRAC AMDT OO12014 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF LSZB AD 2.24.10 - 5 AIRAC 06 FEB 2014 AIP SWITZERLAND lnstrument Approach Chart (rAC) - rcAo TBANSITI0N fl.[v AT|S LEVEL BERN.BELP LSZB by ATC RNAV (GNSS) RWY 14 ACFÏ CAT A/B/C TRANSITION AL-IITUDE 6OOO .i APP TWR t\ t673ft ir25.r25 EGNOS lt21 325 cH72326 ir21.025 Fl 4A i'' MSA BER 0uter Circle: 25 NM lnrer Cidr): 10 Nivl lUË lBÊ 7200 28608 I MAX tAS 210kr attt' I I 28609 ..tiiíj --p2 ,;i).;{¡ ,':;|:,: rBlRKl 4000 il r'\ B¡RKI HLDG ) 28619 (FA INBD r38" (r4o.o.f) 1min, W0 4.6 NM MAX tAS 170kr; 4000 - FL110 .: . A 29ß CAUï|ON: Pan 0f the procedure is leading through Airspace Class Ë, VFR traffic without r¿di0 c0,nmrn¡cation and 0 with0ut Transp0nder must be expected. 5 N tvt i ' ,..t, i'l' L iir':l ' N4ISSED APPROACH RWl4 (MAPI) 2861e {FAF) BIRKI 28620 l-- 4000 lnitial climb clearance 6004 Climb straight ahead. I / 0cA At 28620 turn left (N4AX IAS 160ktl. Proceed viaZ8621 to RAM0K. Cross 28621 at 55000r above, At RAMOK IUrn IeIt {MAX IAS 210ktl. Proceed via 28608 to BIRKI and hold. ELEU 1668 THR RWY 14 8 N[/ Missed APCH climb gradient req u DIST ÏHR STBAIGHT.IN APPROACH ALT OCA(H) LNAV ireme nt A B 5.4 5.0 4,0 3,0 2.0 4000 3840 3420 3000 2570 GS kt C TROl\/ THR RWY14 ROD FT/MIN ] 1.0 90 1r0 130 140 OST 119 920 9S1 2.5% 2890 i'12201 5.0% 2630 (960]l TAUTION 7.0% 2560 1890]| 0.2 Nlvl BFR ïHR14 on right hand side visuâl segment surface (VSSì penetrated by trees up to 1750ft AMSL. OCA(H} LPV 2.s% 2678 11010]| 2694 11026J 5.0% 2294 \626], 231 1.0% 22t8 CORr Caut¡on note \'su t 2708 110401 16431 2324 i'656l| 223s 1587]| 2248 1580]. This is not a standard approach angle. 0n 4" APCH angle and GS>1 40kt resuhìng R0D>l 000fVmin. RWY 14 is a non-instrument EMARK Circling according to specific approach charts. Traininq RNAV APCH: 0CA {H) 3000ft{1330ft1. SKYGUIDE, CH-8602 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF AIRAC AMDT OO12014 LSZB AD 2.24.10 - 6 AIRAG 06 FEB 2OI4 AIP SWTZERLAND Input Data Para¡neter= Values üper,ati*n T'vpe 5&Â,5 Fr*vider ,AirpCIrt Identifier 0 Runway R.unway tirectrpn 14 1 t_5zs t t Appr*arfu Perf*rru,ance Designal*r R*ute Xndicatc¡r F"efereg":¡e Path üats Selector R*ferer**e Sath Id*ntifi er rì r14Å 4655ü4.58ä0Í{ LTF/FTF LstÉtude LTPIfTF L*argitude LTFlfTp FFÅF ËãåÈpsaådal l-lei üüf293t.976flr ght (rnetres) 557 465426,.595ttd -s7,9ü70 L*titudr Delta FP&F Latitude isecondsl FP,{F Langrtude Drlta #ü73019.3ü3ür 4ü.3260 FFAF LonESt*de {secondsJ 5t Thresh*ld Cnc*sing Heiçht Tf,H r-inits SelectotGlidepath å,ngle {degrees} Course Vri;dth (metresj LenEth üffset inretres) t 4 1*5 $ I.IAL 4ü v,qL 5t 0utput Drta It Ðä L4 å3 itt ËE n* üt ü1 34 31" r35 t{: 8F :!. l_{ 6û ?Ë 3? ÐS çË ã3 3"ê. *? ra ã,c 63 $t r{ ü1 tB û1 Ë,4 ü0 cs Fã 55 cc 6ü L,t] D¿ta Slo*k C¡lculated LTP tRt Value r rñ^Fñ r a, SJLL õU AU 0rthometric Height 508.26m AIRAC AMDT OO12014 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF LSZB AD 2.24.10 AIP SWITZERLAND -7 AIRAC 06 FEB 2OI4 INSTRUMENT APPROACH CHART ICAO ELEV 1673 ATIS 125.125 APP 't27.325 121.025 TWR BIRKI HLDG ,I ft e"y BIRKI ) R022lD15.5 FRt tNBD 138', MIN, N¡AX D12IBE, MAX tAS 170kt, 4000 - FL'110 ?a>¿ ODR3'I9 BEFVD8,3 IBE 06.3 IBE QDR323 BER 4000 :lz -I- ss+ /ltf^ì"' ¡t oQ' /5rr-rr\ I MAPt D2.9 IBE ArÀ DME 110.1018E BY ATC BEARINGS AND TRACKS VARIATION DISTANCES ALTITUDES magnetic 2" E (13.4) ,I tNBD 319' MIN, MAX D5 IBE ,18OKI, 46" 6000 ft NM ft NM FAF MAPt D6.3 IBE D2.9 IBE + / 1320 MDAJH B ',t440 G I 143' 2425 I 7 I I 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 I I I I I I I I Missed APCH climb gradient requirement 2.5% STRAIGHT-IN APPROACH MISSED APPROACH Cllmb on ODM143 BER. Proceed to BER. At BER turn left (MAX IAS 160kt during turn). lntercept QDR042 BER (R222 WIL). Cross 28621 at 5500fr or above. Proceed to RAMOK. At RAMOK turn left. lntercept R244 WlL. Procsed to BIRKI and hold. Climb to 6000f. IBE BER DME MDA"/H THR RWY 14 ELEV 1668I / R222tD1BwtL ODRO42 BEF/Os.1 IBE 5500 MAX IAS 6000 - FL110 4000 3110 z:F,621 BER HLDG ALT 2990 00' R222to13wtL 277J Transltlon 6000 B 47' RAMoK la**,o"ruor,, BERN 335 BER TRANSITION LEVEL TRANSITION ALTITUDE OCA,/H _.1 \ /\ X^ on /"\ STRAIGHT.IN APPROACH _scllE d' FAF 47' 46' r_o L', ,r GAUTION: Part of the procedure is leading through Airspace Class E. VFR traffic without radio commun¡cation and without Transponder must be expected. ¡ \ol \ IBE¿t LOC tBE 138'/D8.3 NDB RWY14 ACFT CAT A/B/C $\L - !r' .^.¡ùl / R244lÞ23.9 WIL BERNE.BELP M¡ssed APCH cllmb gradlent requ¡rement 2.5% DME IBE 6.3 Dist THR 5.4 ALT 4000 6 3880 5 4 4.1 J. I 3 2 2.1 1.1 OME reads D0.9 IBE el THR 0.1 3460 REMARKS: CTN: 0.7NM BFR THR14 visual segment surface (VSS) penetrated by trees up to 1900ft AMSL. CTN: this ¡s not a standârd approach angle. Runway 14 is a non-lnstrument runway Clrcling accordlng to speclfic approach charts. ROD COR : Caut¡on Note SKYGUIDE, CH-8602 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF GS Kt 90 110 '130 140 FTIMIN 637 775 920 991 AIRAC AMDT OO12014 LSZB AD 2.24.10 -8 AIRAC 06 FEB 2014 AIP SWITZERLAND THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIRAC AMDT OO12014 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF LSZB AD 2.24.10 -9 AIRAC 07 MAR 2013 AIP SWITZERLAND CITY CIRCLING LOC/RNAV RWY 32 007" 007" 1l 00 000 2a9Q I ¡ I g55 ELEVÃfl0N5 in ,'t; remganen I II ft '6rl ¡G 2540 04.7 .:,ç 58', U to, p ¡ Vechigen 2244 ' .::t ¡l¡ 2720 56 Gurta 2Bt5 55', Kshrsatz 54', R .3100. zstt :l¿ 'y') '+ BelP 3t89 .,1 * T MAX IAS 150kt 40. e: PROCEDURE ASSIGNED FOR NOISE ABATEMENT Belpberg a-r rt ,, ii .2!26 ..r. CAT A CAT B CAT C Circling RWY 32 OCA"/H 5I' { Circlinq MDA/H NSING t742 a. 3080 / 1 410 3110 /1440 3:t00 /1630 4000 /2330 4000 /2334 4000 /233a Ê !Þherørf,OUt RWY 32 Visibility m 51' 5000 5000 5000 ì 1 50' 007' SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF AIRAC AMDT OO3 2OI3 LSZB AD 2.24.10 - 10 AIRAC 07 MAR 2013 AIP SWITZERLAND THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIRAC AMDT OO3 2OI3 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF AIP SWITZERLAND LSZB AD 2.24.10 - 11 AIRAC 07 MAR 2OI3 ROMEO CIRCLING LOCIRNAV RWY 32 30' 33', 007' 007" 007" 34' 007" 3s', 1:100 0$0 26eQ ELEVAflqNS inlt 1955 46' Brßmgarten 'a 59 2940 iqen 58' 58', ,0, 46' e Aentenberg 57', tt Vechigen 2244 '"2720 46" l¡ ¡ ltt' ,l:þ Gu ^'n rt 55', 4 Ên ên { 54', ng ....3100. Rubi 27t0x 53', 53', Circling speed MAX IAS 150kt li r, , Belpberg j¡ .2g26 CAÏ A CAT B CAT Circlinq RWY 32 OCAIH 51', Visibility 3A$ /1410 31t0 5000 m /1440 5000 3300 / 1630 3465 ell p b e r g. 2408 5000 51', .: 8ütschelegg o "ta C rfingen. ' 007" SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF 29' 007" 30' 007" AIRAC AMDT OO3 2OI3 LSZB AD 2.24.10 - 12 AIRAC 07 MAR 2OI3 AIP SWITZERLAND THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIRAC AMDT OO3 2OI3 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF LSZB AD 2.24.10 - 13 AIRAC 07 MAR 2OI3 AIP SWITZERLAND CITY CIRCLING NDB RWY 32 007" n llm 34' û07" 000 ELEVAil0NS ht ft 46' ï.r, 58' 2t4û / 46' 56' 2815 55', Avoid Ç3t89zim i * 53', Circling speed MAX IAS 150kt 46. ç, \"' rl PROCËDURE ASSIGNED FOR NOISE ABATEMENT .jeza'.O CAT A CAT B CAT C Circling RWY 32 OCA/H 3080 /1410 3110 / 1 440 ßM/1634 4000 /2330 4N0 /233A 40M/2334 elp,barg 2408 ,) 46. Circìing RWY 32 5t' MDA/H Visibility m 5000 5000 5000 50' 007. 26', 007" 27', 007' SKYGUIDE, CH-8602 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF 007' AIRAC AMDT OO3 2OI3 LSZB AD 2.24.10 - 14 AIRAC 07 MAR 2OI3 AIP SWITZERLAND THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIRAC AMDT OO3 2OI3 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF LSZB AD 2.24.10 - 15 AIRAC 07 MAR 2OI3 AIP SWITZERLAND ROMEO CIRCLING NDB RWY 32 007. 007' 3l' 007" 007' 007" 1100 m0 I !.5 26sQ ELEVAfl0NS in lt t955 Bremga rten ,c 5S' 2940 58', a ,0, 46' 57' AenbnbGrg a a Vechtgen 2244 'u Güm 2720 a 56 t¡ lIa¡ I 6u rt 55', Kehrsatz 54' 54' ...3100 . vill 287t ". :1,i A '":eulP nl0:X 3189 Zin erwald L s Õ MAX IAS 150kt NSING 46" 1742 .2926\. CAÏA Circlinç¡ RWY 32 ÕCAiH Visibilitv 3080 / 1410 5000 m CAT B 3110 / 1444 5000 CAT C 3300 / 1æA 5000 ¡., olpber q .. 2408.' 51', 50' 007' 27' 00r" SKYGUIDE, CH-8602 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF 00t' 34', AIRAC AMDT 007' 35', OO3 2OI3 LSZB AD 2.24.10 - 16 AIRAC 07 MAR 2013 AIP SWITZERLAND THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AIRAC AMDT OO3 2013 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF LSZB AD 2.24.13 - 1 30 APR 2015 AIP SWITZERLAND ATC SURVEILLANCE MINIMUM ALTITUDE CHART (ADTËMPERATURES -20'TO -5"C) _r --ã c: c) c\ I Þ ã C¡ N a sN (Õ õ N -2. = Õ (¡' (ô E a ) f) riì ss ã õ Õ õ N b o o \ ¿ ¡¡ v, o F 6 Y ô o É s5 õ N c: e 5 (o I ', a a s(o Õ õ E I .É scl Ò (o L, t.. "\ i¡; ) !r ss lÕ Õ, s i ',' N s s -g Lr r:i: I E¡ "t. IJ¡ .ss s s sF) b õ Ot Cl \ Õ s6 ao Õ (õ I I I .r_uÞts- Õ N I I J I ã Fs!'.i8 --'a=Þ #<-.={ =:6 I I çwJ,¿HvÁ :r: iri i .<---:. I i ',i!: ÍÌ !¡ l or$ d)o) ,i,io-r o)H G:-e .! o¡ ìT o .3/ O >-tfcç Ë!>3ff E -È 9-õcooN E c; c È ø 9vl'" Õ cÕ f > (/, ¡¿¡ c) z. :io Câ õ< t*¿: 'ÕØ¿ o:o¡o PP.n1L 6OY-- > E O '=-G;ío () .Ë+ -Fs ØÃa sÇ =J P CaO.ñ P O .!øo3Ë> cE€€.9ã O O: ö Øv ss ü Øã l-.-- o,; = Ø G¡: >'eE co= o->='o) tr?B o E cõ Fro).E rc! " g.?€ OñØO c=Øo F-Oõ> -z U) J Ø õo) .t g ;13 >9<S ;s¿"o oeLe s CJ ó N -ÕØ Li c() 'õ c 6 f- )i, >- u È*3å 'i=--<n -= Øô(u o) L c^ _dFU = >.oØ .=.!()< .c t<ô- ã9!iø SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF o3 PCØ a=0J o) t 0): E 9-'Ë e a9*,i T,^6L _G oåiø9 ø!3Ë o:-?Lc E Ìõ'- Pl .t o) Õ6 ãPFJ È ñ ç Ør^ ì o):i -C i:i o- > 1ø = C>UJA =-e-3 c\¡ FñOs ¿.8 ,z> bn o* ã C-) õ -o -i =Sä 0) cr? EËTco 't¡ .!: E C6- rg; o cE eoc) aYØ 0).= -Õ G ç./) Ð Ø E o O AMDT 005 2015 LSZB AD 2.24.13 30 APR 2015 -2 AIP SWITZERLAND THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AMDT 005 2015 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF AIP SWITZERLAND LSZB AD 2.24.13 - 3 30 APR 2015 ATC SURVEILLANCE MINIMUM ALTITUDE CHART (ADTEMPERATURES .4"C AND ABOVE) : cl Õ i ã I Cl N õ (o b sb b 6 Õ s5 õ F\ ã' s J 5 6 = (¡ CJ 3 q õ s(ô kt È¿ ct E o o t/, Õ cÊ Õ S) ¡- :E e s s É ss Ò c5 ( c5 Õ (õ x(:' N i,, ., ; l::' R G 6 6 c5 N t rÐ c) b õ È oo .'I (-_ sN t' ñ Êl 6 lJ. Õ 5 Õ h N c: ss \ lr ti I Õ I X:ízÈ <==ø I l N J u :+s=ì . < 9n¿l I "¿,tv^ : 0.J ÐE o,) gp*:s ddP-' oi: o) * a¡ o¡j Õ>Ec* r; -È 9ãcooN q b c ø P9?'" :>:JÕO u, l¿¡ l- ç) 2, uL ã¡l- c- > ó O Lî!.='õ G: :ç5: -cs: l-- o,E P r" E O P o I Øñ ü Øã Ø 6 ¡: >-'uE CÕ= :Ê s CJ to> d N U) J (ô *>Ë'o) Õ LÊ-AJ -CD>: I ; Í3 ô'; o Ësb o)=ã (/) õ< o-Õ-oo 5ãG d) .L 5e-ì.oF g ËoJ<f -F+ Ø=a -ÕØt õ cË Ðs .ç+ o o).= u ß.zP q)ñØO -cl:Øo) FoG> z" Ø õc) .e g LÈáì >.9<9 ISøæ ^aJ-o Eã*å ti 'z--U) c O :€ Ø G t-- : H Ëå >rC)?l = Éã=2. .=.r o .L:<È < ã.9!2ø SKYGUIDE, CH-8602 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF Þ 6)€CO :.s ØFJ o)(, Ø -E¡lØ=J 3L:J .Ë P'õ õLU -çcci -tt {Y Õ (l) P- =FØ oõ) =* >€åë ßea óE!a: .--u E.= ñ .lØ- c õo t<c) =>a) -2. b6 C$: 33õ () C-r:, €GO) 3þß (t) -é þ ! 5 õ o ü o O AMDT 005 2015 LSZB AD 2.24.13 - 4 30 APR 2015 AIP SWITZERLAND THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK AMDT 005 2015 SKYGUIDE, CH.86O2 WANGEN BEI DUBENDORF
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