10.07.2015 - Hans Eisenmann Zentrum

HEZ Visiting Scientists‘ Day
Freitag, den 10. Juli 2015 / on Friday, July 10th 2015
Hörsaal 17/ lecture hall 17, Liesel-Beckmann-Str. 1, 85354 Freising
10:00 Welcome
Prof. W. Windisch (Director Hans Eisenmann-Zentrum)
10:15 Max Schönleutner Award 2015 for Incoming Scientists
Dr. J. Bosch (Max-Schönleutner-Gesellschaft)
10:30 Talk 1
Conservation and sustainable use of Brazil’s non-forest ecosystems – the case of
South Brazilian grasslands
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Overbeck, recipient of the Max Schönleutner Award 2015
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul,
Instituto de Biociências, Departamento de Botânica, Laboratory for Grassland Vegetation
11:45 Talk 2
Transgenic Virus Resistant Papaya: From Hope to Reality for Controlling Papaya
Ringspot Virus in Hawaii
Prof. Dr. Dennis Gonsalvas
Director of the ARS-USDA Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center (PBARC) in Hilo,
ab 14:00 „Tag der Agrarwissenschaften“ im Zentralen Hörsaal Gebäude (ZHG)
[Studienfakultät für Agrar- und Gartenbauwissenschaften]