Österreichische Rekorde gem. Sporting Code Sektion 7 Klasse O, Sub-Klasse O - I Stand 28.7.2015 FAI Sporting Code Section 7-D 3.2.1 Types of Record Allgemeineklasse Straight distance 778,8 km Manfred Ruhmer 2006 Damenklasse Tandemklasse Straight distance to a declared goal Declared distance around a triangular course 226,71 km Josef Brandtner 2000 Declared distance using up to 3 turn points Declared out-and-return distance 353 km Thomas Weissenberger 2013 Free distance around a triangular course Free distance using up to 3 turn points 202,2 km Johann Sulzbacher, 7.6.2015, Schießling Free out-and-return distance 339,9 km Thomas Weissenberger 2013 Speed around triangular courses of 25Km Speed around triangular courses of 50Km Speed around triangular courses of 100Km Speed around triangular courses of 150Km Speed around triangular courses of 200Km Speed around triangular courses of 300km Speed around triangular courses of 400km Speed over out-and-return courses of 100km 35,86 km/h Josef Brandtner 2000 28,26 km Martin Guggenbichler 1996 Österreichische Rekorde gem. Sporting Code Sektion 7 Klasse O, Sub-Klasse O - I FAI Sporting Code Section 7-D 3.2.1 Types of Record Allgemeineklasse Speed over out-and-return courses of 200km 35,2km/h Johann Sulzbacher, 7.6.2015, Schießling Damenklasse Speed over out-and-return courses of 300km Gain of height 2750m Harti Gföllner 1985 1365m Anna Maier (Rehrl) 1984 Tandemklasse Österreichische Rekorde gem. Sporting Code Sektion 7 Klasse O Sub-Klasse O - III Stand 28.7.2015 FAI Sporting Code Section 7-D 3.2.1 Types of Record Allgemeineklasse Straight distance 202,78 km Thomas Walder 2000 Straight distance to a declared goal 105,45 km Jürgen Stock 1999 Declared distance around a triangular course 203,63 km Heimhofer Klaus 2000 Declared distance using up to 3 turn points 155,2 km Thomas Leitner, Pilot; Katharina Babinsky 2014 Declared out-and-return distance 128,14 km Johann Hartl 1996 Free distance around a triangular course 250,7km Alois Resinger, 19.4.2015 Free distance using up to 3 turn points 279,9 km Bernhard Pessl, 1.7.2015 186,45 km Sylvia Steffan 2014 Free out-and-return distance 226,96km Alexander Robe 17.5.2015 125,05 km Sylvia Steffan 2014 Damenklasse Tandemklasse 105,37 km Jürgen Stock, Pilot; Sabine Kröll 1998 92,8 km Karin Wimmer 1998 110,7 km Alois Grugger, Pilot; Petra Lindpichler 2008 155,2 km Thomas Leitner, Pilot; Katharina Babinsky 2014 129,8 km Manuela Konold 2000 Speed around triangular courses 25Km Speed around triangular courses 50Km 21,4 km/h Alois Gruger, Pilot; Petra Lindpichler 2008 Speed around triangular courses100Km Speed around triangular courses 150Km 23,1km/h Harald Sturmann 18.5.2015 Embergeralm Speed around triangular courses 200Km 24,2km/h Alois Resinger, 19.4.2015 Speed around triangular courses 300km Speed around triangular courses 400km Österreichische Rekorde gem. Sporting Code Sektion 7 Klasse O Sub-Klasse O - III FAI Sporting Code Section 7-D 3.2.1 Types of Record Allgemeineklasse Damenklasse Speed over out-and-return courses of 100km 25,1 km/h Sylvia Steffan 20.5.2014 25,1 km/h Sylvia Steffan 20.5.2014 Speed over out-and-return courses of 200km 33,9 km/h Gröfler Thomas 21.7.2015, Sorica Speed over out-and-return courses of 300km Gain of height 2889m Stefan Gleinser, 22.4.2015, Grente Tandemklasse Österreichische Rekorde gem. Sporting Code Sektion 7 Klasse O, Sub-Klasse O - V Stand 28.7.2015 FAI Sporting Code Section 7-D 3.2.1 Types of Record Allgemeineklasse Straight distance Straight distance to a declared goal Declared distance around a triangular course 404,4 km Walter Geppert 2008 Declared distance using up to 3 turn points Declared out-and-return distance Free distance around a triangular course Free distance using up to 3 turn points 495,6 km Christopher Friedl 2014 Free out-and-return distance 407,9 km Christopher Friedl 2014 Speed around triangular courses of 25Km Speed around triangular courses of 50Km Speed around triangular courses of 100Km Speed around triangular courses of 150Km Speed around triangular courses of 200Km Speed around triangular courses of 300km 45,8 km/h Walter Geppert 2008 Speed around triangular courses of 400km 54,3 km/h Christopher Friedl 2014 (nicht gemeldet) Speed over out-and-return courses of 100km Damenklasse Tandemklasse Österreichische Rekorde gem. Sporting Code Sektion 7 Klasse O, Sub-Klasse O - V FAI Sporting Code Section 7-D 3.2.1 Types of Record Allgemeineklasse Speed over out-and-return courses of 200km 33,38 km/h Toni Raumauf 2000 Speed over out-and-return courses of 300km 40,6 km/h Martin Grössinger, 5.7.2015 Schießling Speed over out-and-return courses of 400km Gain of height Damenklasse Tandemklasse
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