AUSTRIAN SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS (ÖVK) INSTITUTE FOR POWERTRAINS AND AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY, VIENNA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY INVITATION to the 36th INTERNATIONAL VIENNA MOTOR SYMPOSIUM – New Otto and Diesel Engines – Real Driving Emissions (RDE) – Development Trends – Emission Control – Fuels – Engine Management – Commercial Vehicle Engines – Plug-In Powertrain – Le Mans / High Performance Engines – Combustion Processes – View to the Future Exhibition of New Engines and Components Thursday, 7 May 2015, 7.45 – 18.15 hrs. Friday, 8 May 2015, 8.00 – 17.45 hrs. Congress Center Hofburg Vienna Heldenplatz A-1014 Vienna Chairman: Univ.-Prof. Dr. H. P. Lenz TH FO E CO R M YO PL UR ET SM E P AR RO TP GR HO AM NE ME ! Cultural and Social Programme m siu o p m y /s at . k öv . w ww (Deckblatt vorne – innen) AVL-Werbung AVL Powertrain & Vehicle Engineering Designing The Future With You. AVL is a global expert partner to the worldwide automotive and mobility industry for the development of innovative powertrain and vehicle solutions. Unique synergies with AVL Instrumentation and Test Systems and AVL Advanced Simulation Technologies enable the development of highly creative, application-specific and production-mature solutions for OEMs in order that they meet their future market challenges. Engage with AVL. And experience the new AVL Digital website AVL Powertrain World App AUSTRIAN SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS (ÖVK) INSTITUTE FOR POWERTRAINS AND AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY, VIENNA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 36th INTERNATIONAL VIENNA MOTOR SYMPOSIUM 7– 8 May 2015 General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1 Programme (Lectures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3 Poster Presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11 Social Programme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 13 Registration Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 18 Technical Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (in sequence) – AVL List GmbH, Graz – Nemak Europe GmbH, Frankfurt/Main – AUDI AG, Ingolstadt – Daimler AG, Stuttgart – Continental Emitec GmbH, Lohmar – Schaeffler AG, Herzogenaurach – Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg WE ARE PLEASED TO INVITE YOU TO PARTICIPATE AT THE 36th INTERNATIONAL VIENNA MOTOR SYMPOSIUM AND KINDLY REQUEST YOU TO TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION THE FOLLOWING GENERAL INFORMATION: Lecture Duration: 20 minutes each, followed by 10 minutes discussion. Language of Lectures: German and English (simultaneous translation). Conference Papers: The complete collected edition of all lectures in paper version and on CD (German/ English), as well as the lists of participants and exhibitors. Conference Papers will be distributed to participants at the Registration Desk. Congress Venue: Congress Center Hofburg Vienna, Heldenplatz, A-1014 Vienna Telephone +43/1/536 44/223 to 225 (only in use during the symposium) Telefax +43/1/536 44/226 (only in use during the symposium) Bus Service: Thursday, 7 May 2015, 20.00 hrs. to Wine “Heuriger” and return (23.00 hrs. and 23.30 hrs.). Friday, 8 May 2015, 18.00 hrs. (at the end of the symposium): Congress Center Hofburg to Vienna Airport (Schwechat). Arrival Vienna Airport approx. 18.50 hrs. Please cross on Registration Form under point 2 and point 5, when applicable. Buses will be marked “Wiener Motorensymposium”. Organization of the Symposium: Univ.-Prof. Dr. H. P. Lenz, Chairman of the Austrian Society of Automotive Engineers (ÖVK) Elisabethstrasse 26, A-1010 Vienna Telephone +43/1/585 27 41/30 Mrs A. Neider 40 Mrs U. Riegler 20 Mrs B. Lampl 70 Mr R. Preiml Telefax +43/1/585 27 41/99 E-Mail: [email protected] 1 Registration: Please register online or send the registration form to: Austropa Interconvention, Lassallestrasse 3, A-1020 Vienna, Telephone +43/1/588 00/516, Telefax +43/1/588 00/520, E-Mail: [email protected] The registration form can be taken from this booklet; the form can also be downloaded from our homepage A separate form is required for each participant. Austropa Interconvention will confirm receipt of the online registration immediately, but this is not the authorization to participate at the symposium. A confirmation of participation or other information will follow in a few days. Vouchers, as ordered, as well as tickets and information about starting times of performances of the Vienna State Opera, Vienna Volksoper, Raimundtheater and Ronacher will be distributed at the Austropa Interconvention Counter at the Congress Center Hofburg Vienna on Thursday, 7 May 2015, 7.45 - 18.15 hrs., and on Friday, 8 May 2015, 8.00 - 14.00 hrs. Starting times of performances may be obtained at the counter of Austropa Interconvention. Conference Papers will be distributed to participants at the Registration Desk. Cancellation: Cancellations must be made in writing to Austropa Interconvention. For cancellation after 15 March 2015, we are obliged to request full payment of complete registration fees, as all orders will have been placed. For cancellation of hotel reservation between 16 March 2015 and 30 April 2015 a charge equivalent to the price of the first night at the hotel will be made. For cancellation after 30 April 2015 or non-occupancy of reserved rooms, the whole amount of the invoice will be charged. No reimbursement of tickets booked for the Vienna State Opera, Vienna Volksoper, Raimundtheater and Ronacher can be guaranteed. Payment: In order to guarantee the reservation, the invoice has to be settled within 2 weeks. Method of payment as indicated on the confirmation of participation/invoice issued by Austropa Interconvention. Student Registration: For the 36th Vienna International Motor Symposium we offer Austrian and foreign students a limited number of free student places. Certain conditions must be met if you wish to participate in the Symposium. For more detailed information, please visit our home page where you will find the application form. The period for submitting applications will end on January 31, 2015. 2 FESTSAAL ZEREMONIENSAAL 3 Thursday, 7 May 2015, Morning REGISTRATION 07:45 OFFICIAL OPENING Jc^k#"Egd[#9g#=#E#Lenz 08:30 PLENARY OPENING SESSION 8]V^gbVc/Jc^k#"Egd[#9g#=#E#Lenz Egd[#9g#EZiZgGutzmer! 9Zejin8:D!8]^Z[IZX]cdad\nD[ÒXZg8ID! HX]VZ[ÓZg6<!=Zgod\ZcVjgVX]/ The Future of Engines Is Strongly Influenced by Transmissions 08:45 9g#Gda[Bulander! BZbWZgd[i]Z7dVgYd[BVcV\ZbZci! GdWZgi7dhX]<bW=!Hijii\Vgi/ Powertrain Optimization Using a Comprehensive Systems Approach 09:05 ?d]cFuerst! K^XZEgZh^YZci:c\^cZZg^c\EdlZgigV^cHnhiZbh! 9Zae]^!7VhX]VgV\Z/ Smart and Cost-Effective Powertrain Strategies 09:25 BVhVcdg^Sugiyama! :mZXji^kZ<ZcZgVaBVcV\Zgd[:c\^cZ:c\^cZZg^c\;^ZaY! IdndiVBdidg8dgedgVi^dc!6^X]^!?VeVc/ TOYOTA’s Powertrain Philosophy for Customer’s Smile 09:45 Discussion of the lectures in this session 10:05 Coffee Break 10:30 FESTSAAL ZEREMONIENSAAL Thursday, 7 May 2015, Morning SESSION: NEW OTTO ENGINES 1 8]V^gbVc/Jc^k#"Egd[#9g#7#Geringer! K^ZccVJc^kZgh^ind[IZX]cdad\n PARALLEL SESSION: REAL DRIVING EMISSIONS (RDE) 1 8]V^gbVc/Jc^k#"Egd[#9g#<#Hohenberg! 9VgbhiVYiJc^kZgh^ind[IZX]cdad\n 11:30 9g#I#<#Vlachos!9g#E#Bonnel!9g#B#Weiss! :jgdeZVc8dbb^hh^dc!9<"?d^ciGZhZVgX]8ZcigZ?G8/ >:I">chi^ijiZ[dg:cZg\nVcYIgVchedgi!>hegV/ Evaluating Vehicles Real-Driving Emissions Performance: A Challenge for the Emissions Control Legislation 9g#6#Schamel!;dgY;dghX]jc\hoZcigjb!6VX]Zc0 9g#B#Scheidt!HX]VZ[ÓZg6<!=Zgod\ZcVjgVX]0 9^ea#">c\#8#Weber!;dgYLZg`Z<bW=!8dad\cZ0 9g#=#Faust!AJ@<bW=!7]a/ Is Cylinder Deactivation a Viable Option for a Downsized 3-Cylinder Engine? 12:00 Egd[#9g#">c\#?#Hadler!9^ea#">c\#8#Lensch-Franzen! 9g#">c\#B#Gohl!Egd[#9g#">c\#@#Kirsten! 6EAAVcYVj<bW=!AVcYVj0 9g#">c\#7#Kehrwald!>6K;<bW=!@Vgahgj]Z0 Egd[#9g#">c\#J#Spicher!BDI<bW=!@Vgahgj]Z/ Methods for the Development of a RDE-Capable Powertrain 9g#">c\#G#Wurms!9g#">c\#G#Budack!9g#">c\#B#Grigo! 9g#">c\#<#Mendl!9g#">c\#I#Heiduk!9g#">c\#H#Knirsch! 6J9>6<!>c\dahiVYi/ The New Audi 2.0l with Innovative Rightsizing – A Further Milestone in the TFSI Technology 12:30 9g#<#Fraidl!9g#E#Kapus!9g#E#Schöggl! 9^ea#">c\#H# Striok!9^ea#">c\#@#Vidmar! 9^ea#">c\#B#Weissbäck!6KAA^hi<bW=!<gVo/ RDE – Challenges and Solutions 13:00 Lunch at Congress Center 4 9g#B#Alt!I#Sutter!@#Fulton!C#Peralta!B#Damen! <#O’Daniel!H#Best!<ZcZgVaBdidgh:jgdeZ!GhhZah]Z^b/ The New 1.4l Central Direct Injected Turbo Gasoline Engine from General Motors Lunch at Congress Center FESTSAAL ZEREMONIENSAAL 5 Thursday, 7 May 2015, Afternoon SESSION: OTTO ENGINES 2 / DEVELOPMENT TRENDS 1 8]V^gbVc/Jc^k#"Egd[#9g#L#Eichlseder! BdciVcjc^kZgh^iVZiAZdWZc PARALLEL SESSION: REAL DRIVING EMISSIONS (RDE) 2 / EMISSION CONTROL 8]V^gbVc/Jc^k#"Egd[#9g#=#Eichlseder! <gVoJc^kZgh^ind[IZX]cdad\n @#Hikichi!>#Watanabe!I#Sinagawa!B#Kudo! IdndiVBdidg8dgedgVi^dc!IdndiV!?VeVc/ The New Toyota Inline 4 Cylinder 1.2L ESTEC D-4T Engine 14:45 9g#">c\#7#Holderbaum!9^ea#">c\#B#Kind!9^ea#">c\#I#Wittka! ;:K<bW=!6VX]Zc0<#VagnoniB#HX#!;:K>iVa^VH#g#a#!G^kda^0 ?#May7#HX#!B#HX#!88]Zb!9#BosteelsB#HX#!B76! 8#Favre!6hhdX^Vi^dc[dg:b^hh^dch8dcigdaWn8ViVanhi 6:88!7gjhhZah/ Potentials for EU6 Passenger Cars with SCR to Meet RDE Requirements 8#Jeon7#HX#!>#Hwang7#HX#!7#ShinB#HX#! =#LeeB#HX#!?#KimB#HX#!@#HwangB#HX#! =njcYV^@^VBdidg<gdje!CVbnVc\!Hdji]@dgZV0 9g#">c\#B#Winkler!7#=#MinE]#9#! =njcYV^Bdidg:jgdeZIZX]c^XVa8ZciZg<bW=!GhhZah]Z^b/ Hyundai-Kia’s New 3-Cyliner 1.0L Turbo GDI Engine 15:15 Egd[#?#Merkisz!Egd[#?#Pielecha!Egd[#E#Fuc’! EdocVcJc^kZgh^ind[IZX]cdad\n/ LDV and HDV Vehicle Exhaust Emission Indexes in PEMS-Based RDE Tests B#Hitomi!;Zaadld[i]Z?VeVcHdX^Zind[BZX]Vc^XVa:c\^cZZgh! BVoYVBdidg8dgedgVi^dc!=^gdh]^bV!?VeVc/ Our Direction for ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) – Consideration of Engine Displacement 15:45 9^ea#">c\#;=G#Brück!9^ea#">c\#I#Cartus! 9^ea#">c\#;=@#Müller-Haas!9g#gZg#cVi#9^ea#"E]nh#6#Schatz! :b^iZX<bW=!Ad]bVg/ „NOx-free Exhaust Gas“; The Key Issue Is the AdBlue Dosing Coffee Break 16:15 Coffee Break FESTSAAL ZEREMONIENSAAL Thursday, 7 May 2015, Afternoon SESSION: DEVELOPMENT TRENDS 2 PARALLEL SESSION: FUELS 8]V^gbVc/Jc^k#"Egd[#9g#=#E#Lenz 8]V^gbVc/9g#L#Böhme!DBK6<!K^ZccV 9g#L#Schöffmann!9g#=#Sorger!9^ea#">c\#;#Zieher! 9g#E#Kapus!9^ea#">c\#B#Weissbäck! 6KAA^hi<bW=!<gVo/ Realization of Gasoline and Diesel Top Performance Engines 16:45 :#IverfeldtB#HX#!E#StålhammarB#HX#!=#SarbyB#HX#! 8#IhrforsB#HX#!7#WestmanB#HX#!HXVc^V8K67!HYZgi~a_Z/ Sustainable Transportation by Using Ethanol in Diesel Engines ?#Grimm!H#Hoffmann!7#Unterberger! =njcYV^Bdidg:jgdeZIZX]c^XVa8ZciZg<bW=!GhhZah]Z^b0 B#Weissbäck!6KAA^hi<bW=!<gVo/ CO2 & Emission Potential of a 48V Hybrid System with an Electric Assisted Supercharger 17:15 9g#">c\#J#Kramer!9^ea#">c\#8#Weber!9^ea#">c\#G#Klein! 9^ea#">c\#8#Hofmann!9^ea#">c\#?#Dunstheimer! 9^ea#">c\#D#Berkemeier!;dgYLZg`Z<bW=!8dad\cZ0 9g#">c\#=#Baumgarten!9g#">c\#B#Thewes! 9g#">c\#I#Uhlmann!9g#">c\#?#Scharf!9g#">c\#?#Ewald! ;:K<bW=!6VX]Zc/ CNG-Specific Downsizing – Potentials and Challenges 9g#">c\#:#Achleitner!9^ea#"E]nh#?#Beer! 9^ea#">c\#;#Kapphan!9g#">c\#D#Maiwald! 9g#">c\#<#Roesel!9g#">c\#9#Schöppe!9g#">c\#=#Zhang! 9g#">c\#?#Ehrhard!8dci^cZciVa!GZ\ZchWjg\/ The Future of the Gasoline Engine 17:45 9g#L#Warnecke!;#BalthasarB#:c\#!H]Zaa=VbWjg\0 ?#Cadu!H]Zaa;gVcXZ0 G#Hunter!H]ZaaAdcYdc0 Egd[#<#?#Kramer!9g#8#Laurens!H]ZaaCZi]ZgaVcYh/ Routes for Future Automotive Fuels – Based on an Energy Perspective 18:15 End of Programme End of Programme 6 20:00 hrs., Transfer to Wine “Heuriger” 20:30 hrs., “Heuriger” Evening at the Invitation of the Mayor of Vienna. Please bring your invitation! hZZHdX^VaEgd\gVbbZVcYÆHZeVgViZ7gdX]jgZÇ FESTSAAL ZEREMONIENSAAL 7 Friday, 8 May 2015, Morning SESSION: NEW DIESEL ENGINES 8]V^gbVc/Jc^k#"Egd[#9g#7#Geringer! K^ZccVJc^kZgh^ind[IZX]cdad\n PARALLEL SESSION: ENGINE MANAGEMENT 8]V^gbVc/Jc^k#"Egd[#9g#<#Brasseur! <gVoJc^kZgh^ind[IZX]cdad\n C#Oikawa!9g#I#Fukuma!N#Hamamura!I#Yamamoto! =#Kaneko!<#Kishimoto!I#Toda! IdndiVBdidg8dgedgVi^dc!IdndiV!?VeVc/ The New Toyota Inline 4 Cylinder 2.8L ESTEC GD Diesel Engine 08:00 @#Takeuchi!N#Shinohara!6#Kojima! @#Ishizuka!@#Uchiyama! 9:CHDXdgedgVi^dc!6^X]^"@Zc!?VeVc0 B#Nakagawa!9g#">c\#D#:#Herrmann! 9:CHD6jidbdi^kZ9ZjihX]aVcY<bW=!LZ\WZg\/ Further Innovations for the Diesel Engine Management and Aftertreatment System =#Matsuura!N#Ishihara!D#Murakami!I#Tabuchi!N#Sasaki! ?#Hatano!=#Fukushima!H#Aoyagi!N#Matsuo! =dcYVG98d#!AiY#6jidbdW^aZG98ZcigZ!IdX]^\^!?VeVc/ New Generation 1.6l Diesel Engine for the Honda CR-V 08:30 9g#iZX]c#L#Piock!9#C#DaloB#HX#!?#<#SpakowskiB#HX#! 9g#">c\#<#Hoffmann!<#B#Ramsay7#HX#!9g#">c\#G#Millen! 9g#">c\#H#Schilling!9Zae]^6jidbdi^kZHnhiZbh! 7VhX]VgV\Z$GdX]ZhiZg!CN!JH6/ Delphi’s Engine Management Systems for Efficient and Clean Gasoline Engines with Direct Injection 9g#D#Ebelsheiser!9^ea#">c\#B#HX#A#Doleac! 9^ea#">c\#<#Crapanzano!9^ea#"E]nh#H#Zimmer! 9^ea#">c\#=#Schnüpke!9^ea#">c\#<#Langer! 9V^baZg6<!Hijii\Vgi/ OM626: The New Entry Type Diesel Engine for the Mercedes-Benz C-Class 09:00 9g#">c\#G#Busch!9^ea#">c\#?#Jennes!9g#">c\#B#Kropp! 7dhX]BV]aZIjgWdHnhiZbh<bW=8d#@<!Hijii\Vgi0 9^ea#">c\#?#Gerhardt!9g#">c\#B#Krüger!9^ea#">c\#9#Naber! GdWZgi7dhX]<bW=!Hijii\Vgi/ Emission and Fuel Consumption Optimized Turbo Charging of Passenger Car Diesel Engines 09:30 Coffee Break Coffee Break FESTSAAL ZEREMONIENSAAL Friday, 8 May 2015, Morning SESSION: COMMERCIAL VEHICLE ENGINES PARALLEL SESSION: PLUG-IN POWERTRAIN / TRANSMISSION 8]V^gbVc/Jc^k#"Egd[#9g#=#E#Lenz 8]V^gbVc/Jc^k#"Egd[#9g#<#Jürgens! <gVoJc^kZgh^ind[IZX]cdad\n 10:15 9g#C#Ardey!9g#B#Bollig!9g#B#Klüting!9g#8#Landerl! 9^ea#">c\#H#Juraschek!9^ea#">c\#=#"H#Braun! 7BL<gdje!Bjc^X]/ Plug and Drive – The New PHEV Powertrains from BMW 9^ea#">c\#;#Eichler!9^ea#">c\#?#Kahrstedt!9g#:#Pott! 9^ea#">c\#8#Thomfohrde!Kda`hlV\Zc6<!Lda[hWjg\/ The New Generation of EU6 Diesel Engines in Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles 10:45 9^ea#">c\#G#Straßer!9^ea#">c\#;=<#Schiele! 9^ea#">c\#H#Möhn!9^ea#">c\#L#Binder! 9^ea#">c\#B#Enzinger!9g#">c\#H#Knirsch! 6J9>6<!>c\dahiVYi$CZX`Vghjab/ The Powertrain of the New Audi Q7 e-tron 3.0 TDI 9^ea#">c\#C#Schatz!9g#">c\#J#Wiebicke! B6CIgjX`7jh6<!CjgZbWZg\0 9^ea#">c\#=#Klinger! B6CIgjX`7jhyhiZggZ^X]6<!HiZng/ Heavy Duty Truck Engine with Maximum Efficiency – The New 15.2l Engine D3876LF from MAN 11:15 9g#8#Dörr!K#Marx! 9V^baZg6<!Hijii\Vgi/ 9G-TRONIC, the Modular Automatic Transmission and Advantages in Mercedes-Benz Drivetrain 11:45 Lunch at Congress Center 8 Jc^k#"Egd[#9g#">c\#A#Eckstein!9^ea#">c\#7#Mohrmann! 9^ea#">c\#G#Hummel!GLI=6VX]ZcJc^kZgh^in0 9g#^g#?#Kessels!96;IgjX`h!:^cY]dkZc/ Hybridization and Downsizing for Longhaul Trucks – Results from the EU-Project CONVENIENT Lunch at Congress Center FESTSAAL ZEREMONIENSAAL 9 Friday, 8 May 2015, Afternoon SESSION: LE MANS / HIGH PERFORMANCE ENGINES 8]V^gbVc/Jc^k#"Egd[#9g#7#Geringer! K^ZccV Jc^kZgh^ind[IZX]cdad\n PARALLEL SESSION:COMBUSTION PROCESSES 8]V^gbVc/6hhdX#Egd[#9g#E#Hofmann! K^ZccVJc^kZgh^ind[IZX]cdad\n B#MatsumuraB#:c\#!8]^Z[DeZgVi^c\D[ÒXZg! C^hhVcBdidghedgih>ciZgcVi^dcVa8d#!AiY#! @VcV\VlV!?VeVc/ NISSAN / NISMO LMP2 Class ENGINE Development – VK45DE (V8 4.5 L Gasoline Engine) 13:30 9g#">c\#B#Brauer!9^ea#">c\#8#Schramm! 9^ea#">c\#B#Diezemann!9^ea#">c\#6#Werler! 9^ea#">c\#B#Kratzsch!9g#">c\#=#Neukirchner! 9^ea#">c\#<#Buschmann!9^ea#">c\#@#Blumenröder! >6K<bW=!7Zga^c$8]Zbc^io/ Continuously Variable Compression Ratio for Downsizing Diesel Engines – Approach to Improve Efficiency, Emissions and Performance L#Hatz!BZbWZgd[i]Z:mZXji^kZ7dVgYÄ GZhZVgX]VcY9ZkZadebZci! 9g#>c\#]#X#;#EdghX]Z6<!LZ^hhVX]/ 919 hybrid - Le Mans: The Future of the Sports Car 14:00 9g#gZg#cVi#6#Eilemann!B6=A:7Z]g<bW=8d#@<! Hijii\Vgi09g#">c\#E#Wieske!9g#hX#iZX]c#B#Warth! B6=A:>ciZgcVi^dcVa<bW=!Hijii\Vgi0 9^ea#">c\#?#Stehlig!B6=A:;^aiZghnhiZbZ<bW=!Hijii\Vgi/ Charge Air Subcooling? Enabler for Improved Driveability and Fuel Economy Egd[#9g#">c\#J#Hackenberg!BZbWZgd[i]Z7dVgYd[ BVcV\ZbZci!IZX]c^XVa9ZkZadebZci!6J9>6<!>c\dahiVYi/ Audi in Le Mans – The TDI Success Story 14:30 9^ea#">c\#A#@#Cloos!9g#8#Glahn!9^ea#">c\#6#Königstein! 6YVbDeZa6<!GhhZah]Z^b0 H#Shin!<BEdlZgigV^c!Edci^VX!B>!JH6/ Cooled Exhaust Gas Recirculation on Boosted SI-Engines – An In-Vehicle Technology Evaluation 9^ea#">c\#;#Eichler!=ZVYd[EdlZgigV^c9ZkZadebZci! 9g#L#Demmelbauer-Ebner!9g#?#Strobel! 9^ea#">c\#?#Kühlmeyer!Kda`hlV\Zc6<!Lda[hWjg\/ The New W12 TSI Engine of the Volkswagen Group – Perfection in Performance and Comfort Coffee Break 15:00 Egd[#C#Jackson!Egd[#6#Atkins!?#Eatwell!G^XVgYdeaX! H]dgZ]Vb"Wn"HZV09g#G#Morgan!Jc^kZgh^ind[7g^\]idc/ An Alternative Thermodynamic Cycle for Reciprocating Piston Engines 15:30 Coffee Break FESTSAAL ZEREMONIENSAAL Friday, 8 May 2015, Afternoon PLENARY CLOSING SESSION: VIEW TO THE FUTURE 8]V^gbVc/Jc^k#"Egd[#9g#=#E#Lenz &% Egd[#9g#">c\#I]dbVhWeber! BZbWZgd[i]Z7dVgYd[BVcV\ZbZci!<gdjeGZhZVgX] BZgXZYZh"7Zco8Vgh9ZkZadebZci!9V^baZg6<!Hijii\Vgi/ PLUG-IN Hybrids – Efficiency Meets Performance 16:00 @aVjh Fröhlich, BZbWZgd[i]Z7dVgYd[BVcV\ZbZci!9ZkZadebZci! 7BL6<!Bjc^X]/ Power eDrive – Sheer Driving Pleasure of Tomorrow. 16:20 Egd[#9g#BVgi^cWinterkorn! 8]V^gbVcd[i]Z7dVgY! Kda`hlV\Zc6<!Lda[hWjg\/ Has the Automobile Come to a Turning Point? Challenges and Solutions from a Volkswagen Perspective 16:40 Discussion of the lectures in this session 17:00 CLOSING ADDRESS: Jc^k#"Egd[#9g#=#E#Lenz 17:30 End of Programme 17:45 7jhIgVch[Zg[gdb=ZaYZceaVio8dc\gZhh8ZciZg=d[Wjg\Ä idK^ZccV6^gedgiHX]lZX]Vi 18:00 POSTER PRESENTATIONS Seite 12 in the breaks on the ground floor Dipl.-Ing. E. Ramschak, Dipl.-Ing. M. Oswald, Dipl.-Ing. F. Zieher, Dr. P. Schöggl, Prof. Dr. U. D. Grebe, AVL List GmbH, Graz; Ing. R. Breinl, qpunkt GmbH, Hart: Thermal Management – Comprehensive Approach Engine plus Vehicle Dipl.-Ing. J. Ogrzewalla, Dr.-Ing. M. Stapelbroek, Dr.-Ing. T. Hülshorst, Dipl.-Ing. M. Übbing, Dipl.-Ing. M. Jäger, FEV GmbH, Aachen: Combination of ePGS with Different Transmission Variants for Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles Dipl.-Ing. M. Kolczyk, Dr.-Ing. G.-M. Klein, Dipl.-Ing. G. Kraft, Dr.-Ing. H. Banzhaf, Dipl.-Ing. J. Reyinger, MANN+HUMMEL GmbH, Ludwigsburg: Diesel-Fuel Filters and -Water Separators: “Enabling-Technology” for the Global Roll-Out of Future Diesel Engines Dr. M. Hinterhofer, Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. P. Sturm, Ing. T. Nöst, Graz University of Technology: NOx, PM10 and Heavy Metal Emission Factors Based on Current Tunnel Measurements Dipl.-Ing. G. Silberholz, Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. S. Hausberger, Graz University of Technology; Dipl.-Ing. C. Six, Univ.-Prof. Dr. B. Geringer, Vienna University of Technology: New Alternative Method for Emission Type-Approval of Internal-Combustion Engines in Heavy-Duty Hybrid Vehicles Dipl.-Ing. D. Zechmair, Dipl.-Ing. M. Forissier, Dipl.-Ing. W. Fabre, Dipl.-Ing. D. Durrieu, VALEO, Pontoise: Valeo Electric Supercharger: A New Technology Enabler for a Wide Array of Efficient and Performing Powertrain Applications Less Weight. Less Consumption. Less Emissions. Nemak. Your reliable partner for CO2 reduction. We extend the limits for engine design as technological leader with innovative casting processes for aluminium cylinder heads and cylinder blocks. 12 GmbH · THE SQUAIRE 17 · Am Flughafen · 60549 Frankfurt/Main · Nemak Europe Electric drive with fuel in its blood. AUDI-Werbung The Audi A3 Sportback e-tron. Two engines, no compromises: thanks to a plug-in hybrid drive as standard, the Audi A3 Sportback e-tron provides 150 kW (204 hp), CO2 emissions from 35 g/km* and a total range of up to 940 km, 50 km of that completely electric. This enables all the benefits of futuristic mobility without the limitations. Changes the world. Not everyday life. *Fuel consumption Audi A3 Sportback e-tron in l/100 km: combined 1.7–1.5; energy usage in kWh/100 km: combined 12.4–11.4; CO2 emissions in g/km: combined 39–35. 13 Social Programme (For details see “Separate Brochure”) Thursday, 7 May 2015 1 9.30 - approx. 12.30 hrs.: Half-day Tour “City Walk with a Guided Visit of Prince Eugene´s Winter Palace“ including guided tour and entrance fee. Meeting Point: 9.30 hrs. Entrance Congress Center Hofburg, Heldenplatz. This short walk will take the group to the city center, from Michaelertor to the Albertina and then via Neuer Markt to Himmelpfortgasse. For a long time, the Winter Palace of Prince Eugene of Savoy housed the Austrian Ministry of Finance before it was turned into a museum in 2013 on the occasion of the 350th birthday of Prince Eugene. Coming from France, Prince Eugene offered Emperor Leopold I his services in the fight against the Ottoman/Turkish invasion. He was an excellent strategist and acquired great wealth as a successful military commander. Hence he was able to commission the construction of magnificent buildings, such as his Winter Palace in Himmelpfortgasse and a number of other palaces, amongst which the Belvedere is the most famous. He was a keen collector of works of art as mirrored by the many paintings depicting the major battles he fought in the course of his life. After the visit to the Winter Palace, the walk will continue, leading through the secretive small lanes of the city center. The house where Mozart died in 1791 was located in Rauhensteingasse. Via Blutgasse and the court of the Teutonic Order, participants will reach St. Stephen’s Cathedral and then St. Peter’s Church. The route will continue through Tuchlauben and from there to Herrengasse, back to the Hofburg. The tour will end at about 12.30 hrs. in front of the Congress Center Hofburg. 2 9.30 - approx. 12.45 hrs.: Half-day Tour “Modern Architecture: The New Campus of the Vienna University of Economics” including bus fare, guided tour and entrance fee. Meeting Point: 9.30 hrs. Entrance Congress Center Hofburg, Heldenplatz. Participants will be taken by bus directly to the recently inaugurated campus of the Vienna University of Economics, which is located next to the Prater area. As a result of rapidly rising student numbers and the lack of space on the old premises of the university, the need arose for the construction of a new university campus. After lengthy discussions about various possible locations, the decision was made to have the university constructed in the zone between the Vienna Trade Fair site and the Prater, a recreation area and amusement park. On an area covering 91,000 square metres, a university of the future was built offering space for more than 20,000 students and 1,500 professors and teaching staff. After a construction period of four years, the new building was completed and inaugurated in 2013. Internationally renowned architects´ offices from Spain, Portugal, England, Japan, etc. were involved in the execution of this project led by BUS architecture Vienna who acted as overall planners. The famous IraqiBritish architect Zaha Hadid was responsible for planning the learning and research facilities, which resulted in the impressive Library S& Learning Center (LC) with its free overhang serving as its most striking feature. All rooms have daylight and are equipped with state-of-the-art teaching technology (e.g. smartboards). The Auditorium Maximum, the largest lecture hall boasting perfect acoustics, can house approx. 650 people. 13 The students have access to 3,000 workstations and encounter zones within these buildings and outdoor. In addition, the campus features restaurants, coffee lounges, shops, and of course, a refectory as well as a kindergarten, all of which are open to the public. The bus trip back to the Congress Center Hofburg will take participants through Lassallestraße with its residential buildings of state-of-the art design. The tour will end at around 12.45 hrs. at the Congress Center Hofburg. 3 20.30 hrs.: Wine “Heuriger” at the invitation of the Mayor of Vienna 20.00 hrs.: Bus Transfer to Wine “Heuriger”. Wine “Heuriger” Fuhrgassl-Huber, Neustift am Walde 68, A-1190 Vienna, Telephone +43/1/4401405. Please bring your invitation, handed over at the registration desk to participants who have marked point 5 of the Registration Form. (No extra charge). Approx. 23.00 hrs. and 23.30 hrs. Bus Return from Wine “Heuriger” to Heldenplatz. Buses will be marked “Wiener Motorensymposium”. Friday, 8 May 2015 1 9.30 - approx. 12.45 hrs.: Half-day Tour “Unknown Treasures of St. Stephen´s Cathedral” including guided tour and entrance fee. Meeting Point: 9.30 hrs. Entrance Congress Center Hofburg, Heldenplatz. Participants will walk along Kohlmarkt and the Graben to St. Stephen’s Cathedral. In the course of a detailed guided tour, participants will not only learn about the elaborate late Gothic pulpit but will also be shown the so-called Wiener Neustädter wing altarpiece dating back to the 15th century, the baroque high altar and the sarcophagus of Emperor Frederick III which is made of marble from Salzburg. After an introduction to the history of the Cathedral and its partial destruction in the Second World War, the lift will take participants to the chapels on the upper floor. At the moment, special exhibits can be seen in the Bartholomew Chapel: the portrait of Archduke Rudolph IV which dates from the 14th century as well as his burial shroud, the oldest oriental glass flasks in Austria as well as enamel works. During the guided tour, participants will enjoy a breathtaking view of Frederick’s tomb in the side aisle. After a visit to the organ gallery, participants will climb a Gothic stairwell in order to reach St. Valentine’s Chapel which houses the Cathedral’s relics. The tour will end with a visit to the catacombs, the tombs in the vaults of the cathedral, in which people have been buried for centuries and may still be buried even today. At the exit, a memorial plaque serves as a reminder of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart´s consecration in this place before he was buried in the St. Marx Cemetery. The tour will end at around 12.45 hrs. in front of St. Stephen´s Cathedral. 2 9.30 - approx. 12.30 hrs.: Half-day Tour “Vienna´s Jewish Museums” including guided tour and entrance fees. Meeting Point: 9.30 hrs. Entrance Congress Center Hofburg, Heldenplatz. During a walk through the city center and a visit to the two Jewish museums, participants will learn about the history of Jewish families and their work in Vienna. The Museum on Judenplatz (Jewish Square), the so-called Misrachi House, bear testimony to the oldest Jewish community that was expelled in the early 15th century. 14 Friday, 8 May 2015 (continued) In the square in front of the museum you will see a very impressive memorial that was designed by Rachel Whiteread in the year 2000 – it is a holocaust memorial reminding us of the victims of the Nazi regime who died in concentration camps. A short walk through Kurrentgasse, Kleeblattgasse and via the Graben will take participants to Dorotheergasse in which Palais Eskeles houses the second Jewish museum. Founded in 1895, it is the oldest Jewish museum of its type in Europe. It was renovated and redecorated three years ago. Here, objects of everyday Jewish life and religious items used for different rituals are exhibited commemorating the cultural achievements of the Jewish community in Vienna. A special exhibition showing the numerous magnificent buildings along the Ringstraße (Ring Road), most of which were financed by Jewish investors, documents their significance for the city of Vienna. The tour will end at around 12.30 hrs. in the Museum Dorotheergasse. 3 Evening: Performance at the Vienna State Opera “Don Pasquale” by Gaetano Donizetti (Tentative schedule.) 4 Evening: Performance at the Vienna Volksoper “Carmina Burana” (ballet) (Tentative schedule.) 5 Evening: Musical at the Raimundtheater “Mamma Mia” – Musical with tophits of the Swedish Pop Group ABBA (Tentative schedule.) 6 Evening: Musical at the Ronacher ”Mary Poppins“ (German-language premiere) (Tentative schedule.) Saturday, 9 May 2015 1 Premiere at the Vienna State Opera “VAN MANEN / EKMAN / KYLIAN” (ballet) (Tentative schedule.) 2 Evening: Musical at the Raimundtheater “Mamma Mia” – Musical with Tophits of the Swedish Pop Group ABBA (Tentative schedule.) 3 Evening: Musical at the Ronacher “Mary Poppins” (German-language premiere) (Tentative schedule.) Starting times of performances at the Vienna State Opera, Vienna Volksoper, Raimundtheater and Ronacher may be obtained at the counter of Austropa Interconvention! Please note that participation is limited. Tickets will be reserved on a first come first serve basis. If the requested price category is not available, we shall reserve tickets in the next lower or higher price category. Prices as indicated include an advance booking fee. 15 Seite 16 '( #$+' #$!(&#(* DAIMLER-Werbung A Daimler Brand The new C-Class Estate. The consumption figures relate to the engines (C 180/C 200/C 250/C 220 BlueTEC and C 250 BlueTEC) available for the market launch (09/2014). Fuel consumption combined: 6.0–4.3 l/100 km; combined CO₂ emissions: 140–108 g/km. Provider: Daimler AG, Mercedesstraße 137, 70327 Stuttgart 17 Seite 17 EMITEC-Werbung Engine-mounted Emission Aftertreatment Compact Cat i Highly effective with low material usage i Minimal heat loss i Optimum thermal efficiency i Low pressure loss Pre-Turbocharger Cat i Utilisation of higher temperature levels i Earlier start of AdBlue injection i High conversion rates during cold starts i Potential cost savings due to the reduction of precious metal quantities 18 SHAPING MOBILITY FOR TOMORROW Anmeldeformular – Seite1 RÜCKWÄRTIGES DECKBLATT - AUSSEN VW-WERBUNG How will people travel in the future, and how will goods be transported? What resources will we use, and how many will we need? The passenger and freight traffic sector is developing rapidly, and we provide the impetus for innovation and movement. We develop components and systems for internal combustion engines that operate more cleanly and more efficiently than ever before. We are also pushing forward technologies that are bringing hybrid vehicles and alternative drives into a new dimension – for private, corporate, and public use. The challenges are great. We deliver the solutions. No longer any mission. No longer a vision. The XL1. The e-up! The new e-Golf. Tomorrow’s concepts of today. With the launch of the XL1, Volkswagen presents the most fuel-efficient production car in the world. The e-up! makes the world of e-mobility accessible to everyone. The success story of Volkswagen continues with the new e-Golf, which is fuelled solely by electricity but otherwise remains a regular Golf. Take a test drive and see for yourself, how simple electricity can be. Find more information about your Volkswagen e-partners on! Power consumption XL1 in kWh/100 km: 7,2 combined, CO2 emissions in g/km: 21. Power consumption e-up! in kWh/100 km: 11,7 – 12,7 combined, CO2 emissions in g/km: 0. Power consumption e-Golf in kWh/100 km: 11,7-12,7 combined, CO2 emissions in g/km:0. (Picture shows optional extras at an additional cost. The CO2 emissions depend on the origin of the electricity used. Volkswagen therefore recommends the use of green energy.)
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