Bibliography - Enhancing Life Project

Alexy, Robert
Dworkin, Gerald
Dworkin, Ronald
Ehricht, Sebastian
Eidenmüller, Horst
German National
Ethics Council
Hart, H. L. A.
Kelsen, Hans
Nussbaum, Martha
Sen, Amartya
Sen, Amartya
Sunstein, Cass
Thaler, Richard H./
Sunstein, Cass
von der Pfordten,
Wansink, Brian
Wansink, Brian/
Painter, James E./
North, Jill
Wolff, Jonathan/
de-Shalit, Avner
Theorie der juristischen Argumentation, 1978 (1983)
Paternalism, in: Richard Wasserstrom (ed.), Morality and the Law, 1971,
Taking Rights Seriously, 1977 (1997)
Die Hartz-IV-Entscheidung und das soziokulturelle Existenzminimum im
Lichte des Capability Approach von Amartya Sen, in: Jennifer Hölzlwimmer et al. (ed.), Rechtsfrieden – Friedensrecht: 55. Assistententagung
Öffentliches Recht, forthcoming 2015
Liberaler Paternalismus, in: Juristenzeitung 2011, 814
Increasing the number of organ donations: A pressing issue for transplant
medicine in Germany, 2007
The Concept of Law, 1961 (2012)
Reine Rechtslehre, 1938 (2008)
Creating Capabilities: The Human Development Approach, 2011
Commodities and Capabilities, 1985
Development as Freedom, 1999
The Storrs Lectures: Behavioral Economics And Paternalism, in: Yale
Law Journal 122 (2013), 1826
Nudge – Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness, 2008
About Concepts in Law, in: Jaap C. Hage/Dietmar von der Pfordten
(eds.), Concepts in law, 2009, 17
Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think, 2006
Bottomless Bowls: Why Visual Cues of Portion Size May Influence Intake, in: Obesity Research 13 (2005), 93
Disadvantage, 2007