Master and PhD Program Computational Neuroscience Recommended Courses and Programs, Summer Term 2015 The following courses are recommended to senior master students of Computational Neuroscience (at least in their 3rd semester) and PhD students. We recommend that master students in the 1st and 2nd semesters focus on the internal BCCN courses and choose courses for Individual Studies upon consultation with the mentor. In general, recognition of courses for “Individual Studies” or “Courses on Advanced Topics” must be discussed beforehand with the mentor, the examination board or the teaching coordinator. This list as well as a list of relevant summer schools and conferences is available at: For further recommendations see: For questions and feedback: [email protected] TITLE CONTACT LINK and INFO TU Berlin Reinhold Orglmeister, [email protected] TU Berlin_Neuronale-Netze Aktuelle Fragen des Klaus Obermayer, Konnektionismus (colloquium, in klaus.obermayer@mailbo English) TU Berlin_Konnektionismus Stochastische Prozesse in den Neurowissenschaften (seminar, in German) Wilhelm Stannat [email protected] TU Berlin_Stochastik-Neurowissenschaften Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie (lecture+seminar, in German) Wilhelm Stannat [email protected] TU Berlin_Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie Maschinelles Lernen/Machine Learning Klaus Robert Müller, [email protected] TU Berlin_Machine-Learning Neuronale Netze (seminar, in German) - Integrated Lecture Machine Learning II (lecture + tutorial, in English) - Big Data: Skalierbares Maschinelles Lernen (lecture, in English) - Kognitive Algorithmen (lecture, in German/ English) - Anwendungen Kognitiver Algorithmen (seminar, in German/ English) - Machine Learning and Data Management (seminar, in English) - Machine Learning and Data Analysis (practical, in English) - Hot Topics in Machine Learning (seminar, in English) - Neural Networks (seminar, in English) - Matlab Programmierung für Maschinelles Lernen und Datenanalyse (programming course, in German) - Python Programming for Machine Learning (programming course, in English) TITLE CONTACT LINK and INFO Project: Brain-Computer Interfacing (project, in German) Benjamin Blankertz, [email protected] TU Berlin_Brain-Computer-Interfacing Computational Biology (seminar, English) Oliver Brock, [email protected] TU Berlin_Computational-Biology Microwave and Radar Remote Sensing (lecture + tutorial, in English) Andreas Reigber, [email protected] TU Berlin_Microwave-Radar-Remote-Sensing Digital Image Processing (lecture Olaf Hellwich, + tutorial, in English) [email protected] TU Berlin_Digital-Image-Processing Bildsynthese in der Videokommunikation (in German) Oliver Schreer, [email protected] TU Berlin_Bildsynthese-Videokommunikation Künstliche Intelligenz in RoboCup Sahin Albayrak, [email protected] TU Berlin Künstliche Intelligenz RoboCup Computational Biology (seminar, Oliver Brock in English) [email protected] TU Berlin Computational Biology Project Computational Biology (project, in English) Oliver Brock [email protected] TU Berlin Computational Biology Project Robotics (seminar, in German) Oliver Brock [email protected] TU Berlin Robotics Robotics: Advanced (lecture + tutorial, in German) Oliver Brock [email protected] TU Berlin Robotics Advanced Neuro-Usability (project course, in English) Jan-Niklas Antons, [email protected] TU Berlin_Neuro-Usability Usability Engineering (lecture + tutorial, in German) Sebastian Möller, [email protected] TU Berlin_Usability-Engineering Seminar Quality and Usability (seminar, in German) Sebastian Möller, [email protected] TU Berlin_Quality-Usability-1 Studienprojekt Quality & Usability (project, in German) Sebastian Möller, [email protected] TU Berlin_Quality-Usability-2 Multimodal Interaction (in German) Sebastian Möller, [email protected] TU Berlin_Multimodal-Interaction Quanten-Information – Elementare Einführung Chariton Dreismann [email protected] TU Berlin_Quanteninformation Nichtlineare Dynamik und Strukturbildung (in German and English) Harald Engel [email protected] TU Berlin_Nichtlineare-Dynamik-Strukturbildung TITLE CONTACT LINK and INFO Complex Nonlinear Processes in Chemistry and Biology (in German) Harald Engel [email protected] TU Berlin_Complex-Nonlinear-Processes Prozesse an biologischen Grenzschichten (seminar, in German) Peter Hildebrandt [email protected] TU Berlin Prozesse an biologischen Grenzschichten Nichtlineare Dynamik und Kontrolle (lecture + tutorial, in German/ English) Eckehard Schöll [email protected] TU Berlin_Nonlinear-Dynamics-Control Nichtlineare Dynamik (seminar, in English) Eckehard Schöll [email protected] TU Berlin Nichtlineare Dynamik Kolloquium des Sfb 910 "Control Roland Aust, of Self-Organizing Nonlinear [email protected] Systems" (in English) TU Berlin_SFB-910-Nonlinear-Systems Neuronale Grundlagen von Evelyn Jungnickel, Kognition und Handeln (lecture + evelyn.jungnickel@tuseminar, in German) TU Berlin_Kognition-Handeln HU Berlin Computational Neuroscience: Oberseminar (in English) Richard Kempter [email protected] HU Berlin_OS-Computational-Neuroscience Neural Noise and Neural SignalSpontaneous Activity and Information Transmission in Models of Single Nerve Cells (lecture + tutorial, in English) Benjamin Lindner [email protected] HU Berlin_Neural-Noise Physikalische Kinetik (lecture + tutorial, in German) Lutz Schimansky-Geier [email protected] HU Berlin_Physikalische-Kinetik Irreversible Prozesse und Selbstorganisation (seminar, in German) Lutz Schimansky-Geier [email protected] HU Berlin Irreversible Prozesse und Selbstorganisation Nichtlineare Modellierung Jürgen Kurths natürlicher Systeme: Vom System juergen.kurths@pikErde zu Neurowissenschaften (lecture + tutorial, in German) HU Berlin Nichtlineare Modellierung natürlicher Systeme Bioakustik der Insekten (lecture + Oberseminar, in German) Bernd Ronacher [email protected] HU Berlin_Bioakustik-Insekten Kommunikationsverhalten: Signale und Signalerkennung Bernd Ronacher [email protected] HU Berlin Kommunikationsverhalten: Signale und Signalerkennung Einführung in die Verhaltensbiologie (German) Bernd Ronacher [email protected] HU Berlin_Verhaltensbiologie-Einführung TITLE CONTACT LINK and INFO Cognitive Neurobiology (lecture + York Winter, seminar + practical, in English) [email protected] HU Berlin Cognitive Neurobiology Kognitive Neurowissenschaft (lecture + diverse seminars, in German) Rasha Abdel-Rahman, [email protected] HU Berlin Kognitive Neurowissenschaft Grundlagen der Bioinformatik (lecture + tutorial, in German) Ulf Leser, [email protected] HU Berlin_Bioinformatik-Grundlagen Bioinformatik für Biophysiker (lecture + tutorial, in German) Ulf Leser, [email protected] HU Berlin_Bioinformatik-Biophysiker Complex Systems in Biology (lecture + seminar + practical, in English) Dirk Brockmann, [email protected] HU Berlin Complex Systems Biology Systembiologie (lecture + seminar, in German) Edda Klipp, [email protected] HU Berlin Systembiologie Basic operation of the neocortex (lecture + seminar + practical, in English) Matthew Larkum, [email protected] om HU Berlin Operation Neocortex Biostatistik (lecture, in German) Hans-Peter Herzel [email protected] HU Berlin_Biostatistik Spezialgebiete der Signalverarbeitung Prof. Beate Meffert, [email protected] HU Berlin Spezialgebiete-Signalverarbeitung Multivariate Statistical Analysis II (lecture, in English) Andrija Mihoci, [email protected] HU Berlin_Multivariate-Statistical-Analysis Datenanalyse (seminar, in German/ English) Sigbert Klinke, [email protected] HU Berlin Datenanalyse FU Berlin Embryonalentwicklung des Nervensystems von Vertebraten (lecture + seminar, in German) Fritz-Günther Rathjen, [email protected] FU Berlin_Embryonalentwicklung-Nervensystem Neuroanatomische Methoden II (lecture, in German) Hans-Joachim Pflüger, [email protected] FU Berlin_Neuroanatomische-Methoden Aktuelle Probleme in der Entwicklungsneurobiologie (German) FU/MDC Berlin, Fritz-Günter Rathjen [email protected] MDC Berlin_Entwicklungsneurobiologie Molekulare Neurogenetik (lecture, in German) Stephan Sigrist, [email protected] FU Berlin Molekulare Neurogenetik TITLE CONTACT LINK and INFO Verhaltensbiologie (seminar + practical, in German) Constance Scharff, [email protected] FU Berlin Verhaltensbiologie Einführung in Tierschutzethik und -recht (German) Christa Thöne-Reineke [email protected] FU Berlin_Tierschutzethik-Recht Metabolische Netzwerke (lecture + tutorial, in German and English) Alexander Bockmayr, [email protected] FU Berlin_Metabolic Networks Netzwerkanalyse (lecture + tutorial + seminar, in German) Alexander Bockmayr, [email protected] FU Berlin Netzwerkanalyse Analyse von großen Datensätzen in den Lebenswissenschaften (lecture + tutorial + seminar, in German) Tim Conrad, [email protected] FU Berlin Analyse von großen Datensätzen in den Lebenswissenschaften Rechnergestützte Systembiologie Heike Siebert, (seminar, in German) [email protected] FU Berlin_Rechnergestützte-Systembiologie Journal Club Computational Biology (Colloquium, in German and English) Knut Reinert, [email protected] FU Berlin_Journal-Club Quantifizierung von Unsicherheiten in systembiologischen Modellen (seminar, in German) Susanna Röblitz, [email protected] FU Berlin_Quantifizierung-Unsicherheiten-Systembiologie Physiologie (lecture + tutorial + seminar, in German) Dorothee Günzel, dorothee.guenzel@charite. de Charite_Physiologie Courses offered by other schools and graduate programs in Berlin Charité; project coordinator naomi.weizenbaum@chari Molecular Medicine_Master-Program Please contact the contact person for information about currently offered courses Berlin School of Mind and Brain Program coordinator – [email protected] Mind and Brain_Master-Program Mind and Brain_Doctoral-Program Note: The courses are generally not open to the public. Please write to the contact person to apply for a course. Berlin Mathematical School TU, HU, FU, Uni Potsdam [email protected] Berlin Mathematical School_Master-Program Master Program Molecular Medicine Molecular Mechanisms of Disease; Maintenance and Integrity of the Endocrine System; Development and Genetics; Functional Genomics; Infection and Pathogens; Therapeutic Research and Development TITLE CONTACT LINK and INFO Master Program Medical Neurosciences Charité Benedikt Salmen benedikt.salmen@charite. de Lutz Steiner [email protected] Medical Neurosciences_Master-Program Please contact the contact person for information about currently offered courses Master Program SCAN (Social, Cognitive, Affective Neuroscience) [email protected] SCAN_Master-Program SCAN_Master-Program-Brochure Please contact the contact person for information about currently offered courses. Dr. Jana Lüdtke, [email protected]
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