March 19, 2015 list of publications Prof. Dr. ANDREAS GEORG SCHERER Chair of Foundations of Business Management and Theories of the Firm Department of Business Administration (IBW) University of Zurich Universitätsstr. 84 CH-8006 Zürich/SWITZERLAND homepage: ISI Web of Science: Google Scholar: Scopus SSRN: >1’000 citations (>180 in 2014), h-index: 12 >4’700 citations (>3’100 since 2009), h-index: 28 >1’150 citations (>210 in 2014), h-index: 13 >21’000 downloads (>3’000 total new downloads past 12 months) Publications Monographs and Editorships: 1. Andreas Georg Scherer, Pluralismus im Strategischen Management. Der Beitrag der Teilnehmerperspektive zur Lösung von Inkommensurabilitätsproblemen in Forschung und Praxis, Wiesbaden: Gabler/Deutscher Universitätsverlag 1995. 2. Andreas Georg Scherer (Guest Editor), Thematic Issue on Pluralism and Incommensurability in Strategic Management and Organization Theory. Consequences for Theory and Practice, ORGANIZATION, Vol. 5 (1998), No. 2 (with contributions by A. G. Scherer, W. McKinley & M. Mone, W. Kaghan & N. Phillips, H. Bouchikhi, J.-C. Spender, Ch. Booth, L. Donaldson, B. Czarniawska, and M. Gergen). 3. Horst Steinmann und Andreas Georg Scherer (Ed.), Zwischen Universalismus und Relativismus. Philosophische Grundlagenprobleme des Interkulturellen Managements, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp 1998 (with contributions by H. Steinmann & A. G. Scherer, F. Kambartel, D. Böhler, H. J. Schneider, B. Rähme, H. G. Ulrich, H. Wohlrapp, G.-L. Lueken, T. Bausch, S. Kyora, and H. Gronke). 4. Andreas Georg Scherer, Die Rolle der Multinationalen Unternehmung im Prozeß der Globalisierung – Vorüberlegungen zu einer Neuorientierung der Theorie der Multinationalen Unternehmung, Nürnberg, Januar 2000 (angenommen als Habilitationsschrift von der WiSo-Fakultät der Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg am 22. Februar 2000). 5. Andreas Georg Scherer/Karl-Hermann Blickle/Daniel Dietzfelbinger/Gerhard Hütter (Ed.), Globalisierung und Sozialstandards, dnwe Schriftenreihe Folge 9, München und Mehring: Rainer Hampp Verlag 2002. 6. Andreas Georg Scherer und Jens Michael Alt (Ed.), Balanced Scorecard in Verwaltung und Non-Profit-Organisationen, Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel 2002. 7. Andreas Georg Scherer, Multinationale Unternehmen und Globalisierung, Reihe Ethische Ökonomie, Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag 2003. 8. Andreas Georg Scherer/Karl-Hermann Blickle/Lothar Massmann (Ed.), Ethik für den Kapitalmarkt? – Orientierungen zwischen Regulierung und Laisser-faire, dnwe Schriftenreihe Folge 10, München und Mehring: Rainer Hampp Verlag 2003. 2/36 9. Alexander Brink/Andreas Georg Scherer (Ed.), Themenschwerpunktheft „Wirtschaftsethik und Kapitalmarkt“, Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik, Vol. 6 (2005) Nr. 1. 10. Andreas Georg Scherer/J.-C. Spender (Guest Editors), Special Issue on “The Philosophical Foundations of Knowledge Management: Consequences for Organization Theory and Practice”, ORGANIZATION, No. 1, Vol. 14 (2007). 11. Andreas Georg Scherer/Moritz Patzer (Eds.), Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Unternehmensethik, Wiesbaden: Gabler Edition Wissenschaft 2008. 12. Andreas Georg Scherer/Guido Palazzo (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Global Corporate Citizenship, Cheltenham (UK) and Northampton (Mass.): Edward Elgar 2008 (Hardback), 2010 (Paperback). 13. Andreas Georg Scherer/Arnold Picot (Gastherausgeber),“Unternehmensethik und Corporate Social Responsibility: Herausforderungen für die Betriebswirtschaftslehre”, Sonderheft 58/08, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (2008). 14. Andreas Georg Scherer/Ina Maria Kaufmann/Moritz Patzer (Eds.), Methoden in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Wiesbaden: Gabler Edition Wissenschaft 2009. 15. Andreas Georg Scherer/Guido Palazzo/Dirk Matten (Guest Editors), Special Issue on “The Changing Role of Business in Global Society: New Challenges and Responsibilities”, Business Ethics Quarterly Vol. 19 (2009) No. 3. 16. Paula Jarzabkowski/Susan Mohrman/Andreas Georg Scherer (Guest Editors), Special Issue on “Organization Studies as Applied Science. The Generation and Use of Academic Knowledge about Organizations”, Organization Studies Vol. 31 (2010) No. 910 (August/September). 17. Andreas Georg Scherer/Andreas Butz (Gastherausgeber), “Unternehmensethik und CSR in betriebswirtschaftlichen Teildisziplinen”, Die Unternehmung Vol. 64 (2010) No. 4. 18. Andreas Georg Scherer/Guido Palazzo/Dirk Matten (Guest Eds.), Special Issue on “The Business Firm as a Political Actor: A New Theory of the Firm for a Globalized World”, Business and Society Vol. 53 (2014) No 1. 19. Andreas Rasche, Guido Palazzo, Andreas Georg Scherer, André Spicer (Guest Editors), Special Issue on “Managing for Political Corporate Social Responsibility”, Journal of Management Studies (in preparation; submission deadline was Aug 31 2013). Refereed Journals: 1. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Rationalität und Begründung – Antworten auf Stephan Zelewski", Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, Vol. 45 (1993), Nr. 2, pp. 207-227. 2. Ansgar Zerfaß und Andreas Georg Scherer: "Unternehmensführung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit", Die Betriebswirtschaft, Vol. 55 (1995), Nr. 4, pp. 493-512. 3. Andreas Georg Scherer and Michael J. Dowling: "Towards a Reconciliation of the Theory Pluralism in Strategic Management – Incommensurability and the Constructivist Approach of the Erlangen School", Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. 12 A, 1995, pp. 195-247. 3/36 4. Horst Steinmann und Andreas Georg Scherer, "Strategiczny i operatywny controlling" [Strategisches und operatives Controlling], Organizacja i Kierowoanie, Nr. 1 (83), Warszawa 1996, pp. 3-13 (Publikation in Polnisch, Übersetzung: Leslav Martan). 5. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Spirale nach unten? Zur Verantwortung multinationaler Unternehmen bei der Etablierung weltweiter Sozial- und Umweltstandards", Forum Wirtschaftsethik, Vol. 5 (1997), Nr. 3, pp. 11-13. 6. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Argumentationsrationalität und das Management unstrukturierter Probleme. Kritische Bemerkungen zur Unternehmensführungskonzeption von Axel von Werder", Journal für Betriebswirtschaft, Vol. 47 (1997), Nr. 5/6, pp. 266281. 7. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Zur rechtlichen Verantwortung von Unternehmen. Organisationsverschulden nun auch in der EU kodifiziert", Forum Wirtschaftsethik, Vol. 6 (1998), Nr. 1, pp. 12-13. 8. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Pluralism and Incommensurability in Strategic Management and Organization Theory: A Problem in Search of a Solution", ORGANIZATION, Vol. 5 (1998), No. 2, pp. 147-168. awarded with the VHB Best Paper Award 1998 (German Academic Association for Business Research, WK ORG) 9. Andreas Georg Scherer und Rainer Beyer, "Der Konfigurationsansatz im Strategischen Management. Rekonstruktion und Kritik", Die Betriebswirtschaft, Vol. 58 (1998), Nr. 3, pp. 332-347. 10. Andreas Georg Scherer and Horst Steinmann, "Some Remarks on the Problem of Incommensurability in Organization Studies", Organization Studies, Vol. 20 (1999), No. 3, pp. 519-544. 11. Cornelia Kothen, William McKinley, and Andreas Georg Scherer: "Alternatives to Organizational Downsizing: A German Case Study”, M@n@gement, Vol. 2 (1999), No. 3, pp. 263-286, (refereed internet journal). 12. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Können die "Grundsätze ordnungsmäßiger Unternehmungsleitung (GoU)" zu einer Verbesserung der Managementpraxis beitragen? – Kritische Bemerkungen zu den Vorschlägen von Axel von Werder“, Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, Vol. 52 (2000), Nr. 1, pp. 84-98. 13. William McKinley and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Organizational Restructuring: Unanticipated Consequences”, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 25 (2000), No. 4, pp. 735-752. 14. Andreas Georg Scherer and Marc Smid, “The Downwards Spiral and the U.S. Model Business Principles. Why MNEs Should Take Responsibility for the Improvement of World-Wide Social and Environmental Conditions?” Management International Review, Vol. 40 (2000), No. 4, pp. 351-371. a. reprinted in: Corporate Social Responsibility. Readings and Cases in a Global Context, Crane, A., Matten, D., and Spence, L. J. (Eds.), London and New York: Routledge 2008, pp. 496-509. b. reprinted in: Multinational Enterprises and Host Economics, Volume II, Meyer, Klaus E. (Ed.), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar 2008, pp. 381-401. 4/36 15. William McKinley, Andreas Georg Scherer, Response to Moshe Farjoun, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 26 (2001), No. 3, pp. 353-355. 16. Warren French, Harald Zeiss, Andreas Georg Scherer, “Intercultural Ethics: Testing Trompenaars' & Hampden-Turner's Conclusions about Americans and the French”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 34 (2001), pp. 145-159. 17. Andreas Georg Scherer und Jens Michael Alt, „Unternehmensethik für Professional Service Firms. Problemtatbestände und Lösungsansätze“, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsund Unternehmensethik, Vol. 3 (2002), Nr. 3, pp. 304-330. 18. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Heimliche Komplizenschaft? Die Multinationale Unternehmung und die Versuchungen von Ökonomismus und Postmodernismus“, Analyse und Kritik. Zeitschrift für Sozialtheorie, Vol. 25 (2003), Nr. 2, pp. 156-175. 19. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Inklusion als Stakeholdermanagement?“, in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik, Vol. 4 (2003), Nr. 3, pp. 345-350. 20. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Schwindende Grenzen zwischen Wirtschaft und Politik: die neue Verantwortung der multinationalen Unternehmung und der Beitrag von Karl Homann zu ihrer Bestimmung“, Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik, Vol. 48 (2004), pp. 107-118. 21. Andreas Georg Scherer und Brigitte Kustermann, „Business & Society-Forschung versus Kritische Strategieforschung – Kritik zweier Ansätze zur Integration von sozialer Verantwortung und strategischer Unternehmensführung“, in: Managementforschung, Vol. 14 (2004), pp. 47-77. 22. Alexander Brink und Andreas Georg Scherer, „Editorial“ zu Themenschwerpunkt Wirtschaftsethik und Kapitalmarkt (hrsg. Von Alexander Brink und Andreas Georg Scherer), in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik, Vol. 6 (2005), Nr. 1, pp. 3-4. 23. Guido Palazzo and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Corporate Legitimacy as Deliberation: A Communicative Framework”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 66 (2006), No. 1, pp. 71-88. listed as rank no. 1 most frequently cited paper of over 6000 papers published in Journal of Business Ethics since 2006 (Social Science Citation Index/ISI Web of Science, accessed March 19 2015) listed as rank no. 35 most frequently cited paper of all papers ever published on corporate social responsibility (ISI Web of Knowledge, accessed March 19 2015) listed as distinguished paper in Journal of Business Ethics collection of citation classics issue Vol. 100 (2012) (forthcoming) 24. Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, and Dorothée Baumann, “Global Rules and Private Actors – Toward a New Role of the Transnational Corporation in Global Governance”, Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 16 (2006) No. 4, pp. 505-532. listed as rank no. 1 most frequently cited paper of over 370 papers published in Business Ethics Quarterly since 2006 (Social Science Citation Index/ISI Web of Science, accessed March 19 2015) a. reprinted in: Corporate Social Responsibility, Volume 3, Andrew Crane and Dirk Matten (Eds.), London: Sage 2007. 5/36 25. J.-C. Spender and Andreas Georg Scherer, “The Philosophical Foundations of Knowledge Management”, ORGANIZATION, Vol. 14 (2007), No. 1, pp. 5-28. listed as rank no. 8 most frequently cited paper of over 480 papers published in Organization since 2007 (Social Science Citation Index/ISI Web of Science, accessed March 19 2015) 26. Andreas Georg Scherer and Guido Palazzo, “Toward a Political Conception of Corporate Responsibility. Business and Society Seen From a Habermasian Perspective”, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 32 (2007), No. 4, pp. 1096-1120. a. reprinted in: Corporate Citizenship. Corporate Governance in the New Global Economy series, Matten, D., and Moon, J. (Eds.), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar 2013, part II. listed as rank no. 9 most frequently cited paper of over 400 papers published in Academy of Management Review since 2007 (Social Science Citation Index/ISI Web of Science, accessed March 19 2015) listed as rank no. 9 of the annual ranking “Hot Papers in Economics & Business”, ISI Web of Knowledge (SM) Essential Science Indicators (SM) (ISI Web of Knowledge, accessed July, 18, 2009) listed as rank no. 18 most frequently cited paper of all papers ever published on corporate social responsibility (ISI Web of Knowledge, accessed March 19 2015) nominated for the VHB best paper award 2008 (German Academic Association for Business Research) 27. Guido Palazzo and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Corporate Social Responsibility, Democracy, and the Politicization of the Corporation”, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 33 (2008) No. 3, pp. 773-775. 28. Andreas Georg Scherer und Arnold Picot, “Unternehmensethik und Corporate Social Responsibility: Herausforderungen für die Betriebswirtschaftslehre”, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, Sonderheft [Special Issue] 58/08 (2008), pp. 1-25. 29. Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, and Dirk Matten, “Globalization as a Challenge for Business Responsibilities”, Business Ethics Quarterly Vol. 19 (2009), No. 3, pp. 327-347. listed as rank no. 3 most frequently cited paper of over 250 papers published in Business Ethics Quarterly since 2009 (Social Science Citation Index/ISI Web of Science, accessed March 19 2015) 30. Dennis Schoeneborn and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Communication as Constitutive of Terrorist Organizations”, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 2010 (ed. Lesslie A: Toombs), ISSN 1543-8643, (available online). 31. Paula Jarzabkowski, Susan Mohrman, and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Organization Studies as Applied Science. The Generation and Use of Academic Knowledge about Organizations”, Organization Studies, Vol. 31 (2010) No. 9-10 (September/October), pp. 1189-1207. 32. Pursey Heugens and Andreas Georg Scherer, “When Organization Theory Met Business Ethics. Towards Further Symbiosis”, Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 20 (2010), No. 4, pp. 643-672. 6/36 33. Andreas Georg Scherer und Andreas Butz, “Unternehmensethik und CSR in betriebswirtschaftlichen Teildisziplinen: Eine Einführung”, Die Unternehmung Vol. 64 (2010) No. 4, pp. 363-390. 34. Andreas Georg Scherer and Guido Palazzo, “The New Political Role of Business in a Globalized World – A Review of a New Perspective on CSR and its Implications for the Firm, Governance, and Democracy”, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 48 (2011) No. 4, pp. 899-931, doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6486.2010.00950.x a. reprinted in: Corporate Citizenship. Corporate Governance in the New Global Economy series , Matten, D., and Moon, J. (Eds.), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar 2013, part IV. listed as rank no. 1 most frequently cited paper of over 260 papers published in Journal of Management Studies since 2011 (Social Science Citation Index/ISI Web of Science, accessed March 19 2015) listed as rank no. 2 Top 10 downloaded JMS Articles January –June 2011 (Journal of Management Studies Summer Newsletter 2011, p. 7); rank no. 4 Top 10 downloaded JMS Articles January – June 2012 (JMS Newsletter 2012, p. 8); rank no. 6 Top 10 downloaded JMS Articles January – June 2013 (JMS Newsletter 2013, p. 8); rank no. 3 Top 10 downloaded JMS Articles January – December 2014 (JMS Newsletter 2014, p. 8, rank no. 3 Top 10 downloaded JMS Articles January – June 2015 (JMS Winter Newsletter 2014/2015, p. 6). Finalist OMT Best Published Paper Award 2012 ( 35. Christian Voegtlin, Moritz Patzer, and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Responsible Leadership in Global Business: A New Approach to Leadership and its Multi-level Outcomes”, Journal of Business Ethics, 105 (2012), pp. 1-16, DOI: 10.1007/s10551-0110952-4. listed as rank no. 9 most frequently cited paper of over 970 papers published in Journal of Business Ethics since 2012 (Social Science Citation Index/ISI Web of Science, accessed March 19 2015) 36. Dennis Schoeneborn and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Clandestine Organizations, al Qaeda, and the Paradox of (In-)Visibility – A Response to Stohl and Stohl (2011)”, Organization Studies, Vol. 33 (2012) 7, pp. 963-971. 37. Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, and David Seidl, “Managing Legitimacy in Complex and Heterogeneous Environments: Sustainable Development in a Globalized World”, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 50 (2013) No. 2 (Special Issue on Foundations of Sustainability), pp. 259-284, doi: 10.1111/joms.12014. listed as rank no. 4 most frequently cited paper of over 80 papers published in Journal of Management Studies since 2013 (Social Science Citation Index/ISI Web of Science, accessed August 6 2014) 38. Andreas Georg Scherer, Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, and Anselm Schneider, “Democratizing Corporate Governance – Compensating for the Democratic Deficit of Corporate Political Activity and Corporate Citizenship”, Business & Society, Vol. 52 (2013) No. 3 (special issue on The Governance Challenges of Corporate Political Activity), pp. 473-514, DOI: 10.1177/0007650312446931. 7/36 listed as rank no. 2 most frequently cited paper of over 70 papers published in Business & Society since 2013 (Social Science Citation Index/ISI Web of Science, accessed March 19 2015) 39. Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, Christopher Wickert, Laura Spence, Andreas Georg Scherer, „Organizing Corporate Social Responsibility in Small and Large Firms – Size Matters“, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 115 (2013), pp. 693-705 (special issue in Organizing for Corporate Social Responsibility), (DOI 10.1007/s10551-013-1827-7). listed as rank no. 7 most frequently cited paper of over 700 papers published in Journal of Business Ethics since 2013 (Social Science Citation Index/ISI Web of Science, accessed March 19 2015) 40. Dorothée Baumann-Pauly and Andreas Georg Scherer, “The Organizational Implementation of Corporate Citizenship: An Assessment Tool and its Application at UN Global Compact Participants”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 117 (2013) 1, pp. 1-17 (DOI 10.1007/s10551-012-1502-4). 41. Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, and Dirk Matten, “The Business Firm as a Political Actor: A New Theory of the Firm for a Globalized World”, Business & Society, Special issue, Vol. 53 (2014) 2, pp. 143-156 (DOI 10.1177/0007650313511778). 42. Patrick Haack, Mike Pfarrer, and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Legitimacy-as-Feeling: How Affect Leads to Vertical Legitimacy Spillovers in Transnational Governance”, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 51 (2014) 4, pp. 634-666 (DOI: 10.1111/joms.12071). listed as rank no. 10 most frequently cited paper of over 67 papers published in Journal of Management Studies since 2014 (Social Science Citation Index/ISI Web of Science, accessed March 19 2015) 43. Patrick Haack and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Why Sparing the Rod Does not Spoil the Child: A Critique of the ‘Strict Father’ Model in Transnational Governance”, Journal of Business Ethics (Special Issue on the UN Global Compact), Vol. 122 (2014) 2, pp. 225-240 (DOI 10.1007/s10551-014-2218-4). 44. Anselm Schneider and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Corporate Governance in a Risk Society”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 126 (2015) 2, pp. 309-323 (DOI 10.1007/s10551-013-1943-4). 45. Dorotheé Baumann-Pauly, Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, “Managing Institutional Complexity – A Longitudinal Study of Legitimacy Strategies at a Sportswear Brand Company”, Journal of Business Ethics (online first Jan 14 2015, DOI 10.1007/s10551-014-2532-x). Papers under Review/Submission in Preparation: 1. Christian Voegtlin and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Responsible Innovation and the Innovation of Responsibility: Governing Sustainable Development in a Globalized World”, Journal of Business Ethics (accepted by the guest editors). 2. Emilio Marti and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Financial Regulation and Social Welfare: The Critical Contribution of Management Theory”, Academy of Management Review (conditionally accepted). 8/36 3. Anselm Schneider and Andreas Georg Scherer, „Government Beyond the Shadow of Hierarchy: The Case of the CSR Policies of the European Union“, Journal of Business Ethics (revise and resubmit, revision in preparation). 4. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Can Hypernorms be Justified? Insights from Three Perspectives of Modern Germany Philosophy”, Business Ethics Quarterly, (under review). 5. Stefan Schembera and Andreas Georg Scherer, “When there is no Choice: Why a Legitimacy Shock is More Likely to Trigger Radical Change Rather than Regulatory Sanctions in Complex Anti-Corruption Environments”, (manuscript draft available, submission in preparation). 6. Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, and Boris Alexander Ricken, “Three Perspectives on the Politics of MNCs: Organizational Politics, Political Economics, and Deliberative Democracy”, (manuscript draft available, submission in preparation) 7. Christian Voegtlin and Andreas Georg Scherer, “MNCs as Political Actors in a PostNational World: Challenges and Implications for Human Resource Management”, (manuscript draft available, submission in preparation). 8. Dennis Schoeneborn and Andreas Georg Scherer, “How Communication Constitutes Al Qaeda as an Organization: Towards a Processual Theory of Partial Organizations”, (manuscript draft available, submission in preparation). 9. Anselm Schneider and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Reconsidering Legitimacy and Efficiency by Communication: A Case for Democratic Corporate Governance”, (manuscript draft available, submission in preparation). 10. Anselm Schneider and Andreas Georg Scherer, „Tackling the Unmet Promise of Business Self-regulation: An Organizational Capabilities Perspective“, (manuscript draft available, submission in preparation). 11. Christopher Wickert, Andreas Georg Scherer, and Laura J. Spence, “Walking and Talking Corporate Social Responsibility: Implications of Firm Size and Organizational Cost”, (manuscript draft available, submission in preparation). 12. Moritz Patzer, Christian Voegtlin, and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Globally Responsible Leadership: Towards a Political Conception”, (manuscript draft available, submission in preparation). 13. Dorotheé Baumann-Pauly, Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, “Building Organizational Capacity for Managing Legitimacy – Boundary Spanning Activities at Two Consumer Brand Companies”, (manuscript draft available, submission in preparation). 14. Andreas Georg Scherer and William McKinley, “Globalization Critics vs. Postmodernized Free Trade Theory: Implications for Multinational Enterprises”, (manuscript draft available, submission in preparation). Unpublished Manuscripts: 1. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Diversität, Pluralismus und Inkommensurabilität als Problem in Managementforschung und Managementpraxis", mimeo 1996. 2. Andreas Georg Scherer und Martin Zirm, "Die Theorie der Strukturierung von Anthony Giddens und ihr Beitrag zum Strategischen Management", mimeo 1996. 3. Andreas Georg Scherer und Martin Zirm, "Zum Problem der Sprache in der Organisationstheorie und im Strategischen Management", mimeo 1996. 9/36 Book Chapters: 1. Horst Steinmann und Andreas Georg Scherer, "Wissenschaftstheorie", in Lexikon der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Hans Corsten (Hrsg.), München-Wien: Oldenbourg, 1992, 2. Aufl. 1993, pp. 940-946, 3. überarbeitete Aufl. 1995, pp. 1056-1063, Studienausgabe 2000, pp. 1056-1063. 2. Horst Steinmann und Andreas Georg Scherer, "Lernen durch Argumentieren: Theoretische Probleme konsensorientierten Handelns", in Globale Soziale Marktwirtschaft, Horst Albach (Hrsg.), Festschrift für Santiago Garcia Echevarria, Wiesbaden: Gabler 1994, pp. 263-285. 3. Horst Steinmann und Andreas Georg Scherer, "Controlling, strategisches und operatives", in Lexikon des Controlling, Christoph Schulte (Hrsg.), München-Wien: Oldenbourg 1996, pp. 135-139. 4. Horst Steinmann und Andreas Georg Scherer, "Controlling und Unternehmensführung", in Lexikon des Controlling, Christoph Schulte (Hrsg.), München-Wien: Oldenbourg 1996, pp. 139-144. 5. Horst Steinmann und Andreas Georg Scherer, "Die multinationale Unternehmung als moralischer Aktor. Bemerkungen zu einigen normativen Grundlagenproblemen des interkulturellen Managements", in Interkulturelles Management, Johannes Engelhard (Hrsg.), Wiesbaden: Gabler 1997, pp. 23-53. 6. Horst Steinmann and Andreas Georg Scherer, "Intercultural Management between Universalism and Relativism. Fundamental Problems in International Business Ethics and the Contribution of Recent German Philosophical Approaches", in Europe in the Global Competition, Sabine Urban (Ed.), Wiesbaden: Gabler 1997, pp. 77-143. 7. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Zum Theorienpluralismus im Strategischen Management. Das Inkommensurabilitätsproblem und Perspektiven zu seiner Überwindung", in Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Management, Egbert Kahle (Hrsg.),Wiesbaden: Gabler 1997, pp. 55-97. 8. Horst Steinmann and Andreas Georg Scherer, "Corporate Ethics and Global Business. Philosophical Considerations on Intercultural Management", in Ethics in International Business, Brij N. Kumar and Horst Steinmann (Eds.), Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter 1998, pp. 13-46. 9. Horst Steinmann und Andreas Georg Scherer, "Vorwort", in Zwischen Universalismus und Relativismus. Philosophische Grundlagenprobleme des Interkulturellen Managements, Horst Steinmann und Andreas Georg Scherer (Hrsg.), Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp 1998, pp. 9-22. 10. Horst Steinmann und Andreas Georg Scherer, "Interkulturelles Management zwischen Universalismus und Relativismus. Kritische Anfragen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an die Philosophie", in Zwischen Universalismus und Relativismus. Philosophische Grundlagenprobleme des Interkulturellen Managements, Horst Steinmann und Andreas Georg Scherer (Hrsg.), Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp 1998, pp. 23-87. 11. Horst Steinmann und Andreas Georg Scherer, "Epilog – Zugleich auch eine Stellungnahme zum Rückblick von Horst Gronke", in Zwischen Universalismus und Relativismus. Philosophische Grundlagenprobleme des Interkulturellen Managements, Horst 10/36 Steinmann und Andreas Georg Scherer (Hrsg.), Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp 1998, pp. 402-416. 12. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Kritik der Organisation oder Organisation der Kritik? – Wissenschaftstheoretische Bemerkungen zum kritischen Umgang mit Organisationstheorien", in Organisationstheorien, Alfred Kieser (Hrsg.), 3. Aufl., Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 1999, pp. 1-37, 4. Aufl., Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2001, 5. Aufl., Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2003. 13. Andreas Georg Scherer und Albert Löhr, "Verantwortungsvolle Unternehmensführung im Zeitalter der Globalisierung – Einige kritische Bemerkungen zu den Perspektiven einer liberalen Weltwirtschaft", Unternehmensethik und Transformation des Wettbewerbs: Shareholder Value, Globalisierung, Hyperwettbewerb. Festschrift für Horst Steinmann, Brij N. Kumar, Margit Osterloh und Georg Schreyögg (Hrsg.), Stuttgart: Schaeffer-Poeschel 1999, pp. 261-290. 14. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Orientierungslosigkeit der Theorie oder Theorie der Orientierungslosigkeit? – Einige kritische Bemerkungen zum Beitrag von Günther Ortmann", Organisation und Postmoderne, Georg Schreyögg (Hrsg.), Wiesbaden: Gabler 1999, pp. 197-208. 15. Horst Steinmann und Andreas Georg Scherer, "Freiheit und Verantwortung in einer globalisierten Wirtschaft – Anmerkungen zur Rolle der Unternehmensethik", in Unternehmung, Gesellschaft und Ethik. Erfahrungen und Perspektiven, Harald Hungenberg und Bernhard Schwetzler (Hrsg.), Wiesbaden: Gabler 2000, pp. 93-115. 16. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Zur Verantwortung der multinationalen Unternehmung im Prozeß der Globalisierung", in Globalisierung als Herausforderung für die Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufseß (Hrsg.), Wiesbaden: Gabler 2000, pp. 1-17. 17. Horst Steinmann and Andreas Georg Scherer, "Corporate Ethics and Management Theory", in Contemporary Economic Ethics and Business Ethics. Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy, Peter Koslowski (Ed.), Berlin/Heidelberg/New York: Springer 2000, pp. 148-192. 18. Horst Steinmann et Andreas Georg Scherer, "Considérations philosophiques sur le pluralisme culturel et le management", in Mondialisation et sociétés multiculturelles. L'incertain du futur, Marina Ricciardelli, Sabine Urban et Kostas Nanopoulos (ed.), Paris: Presses Universitaires de France 2000, pp. 99-130. 19. Andreas Georg Scherer, Karl-Hermann Blickle, Daniel Dietzfelbinger und Gerhard Hütter, "Globalisierung und Sozialstandards: Problemtatbestände, Positionen und Lösungsansätze", in Globalisierung und Sozialstandards, Andreas Georg Scherer/KarlHermann Blickle/Daniel Dietzfelbinger/Gerhard Hütter (Hrsg.), München und Mehring: Rainer Hampp Verlag 2002, pp. 11-22. 20. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Besonderheiten der strategischen Steuerung in öffentlichen Institutionen und der Beitrag der Balanced Scorecard", in: Balanced Scorecard in Verwaltung und Non-Profit-Organisationen, Andreas Georg Scherer und Jens Michael Alt (Hrsg.), Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel 2002, pp. 1-21. 21. Horst Steinmann und Andreas Georg Scherer, "Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Konstruktivismus", in Kultur. Handlung. Wissenschaft. Festschrift für Peter Janich, Mathias Gutmann, Dirk Hartmann, Michael Weingarten, Walter Zitterbarth (Hrsg.), Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft 2002, pp. 149-181. 11/36 22. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Die Multinationale Unternehmung als Mittler zwischen privater Freiheit und öffentlichem Interesse. Verantwortungsvolles unternehmerisches Handeln im Prozeß der Globalisierung", in: Rechtsfragen der Weltwirtschaft, Karl Albrecht Schachtschneider (Hrsg.), Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 2002, pp. 329-357. 23. Horst Steinmann and Andreas Georg Scherer, „Corporate Ethics and Management Theory”, in: Work and Corporate Ethics and Globalization, Sung-Jo Park, Arne Holzhausen, Benjamin Lunau (Eds.), Berlin: Institute for East Asia Studies 2002, pp. 15-68. 24. Horst Steinmann und Andreas Georg Scherer, "Considerazioni filosofiche sul pluralismo culturale e il management", in: Idee per un futuro già initiato. 28 voci sulla globalizzazione, Marina Ricciardelli, Sabine Urban, Kostas Nanopoulos (ed.), Roma: Edizioni lavoro 2002, pp. 103-133. 25. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Modes of Explanation in Organization Theory", in The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Theory, Haridimos Tsoukas and Christian Knudsen (Eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press 2003, pp. 310-344. 26. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Braucht der Kapitalmarkt eine (Unternehmens-)Ethik? – Orientierungen zur Problemstellung dieses Bandes", in Ethik für den Kapitalmarkt? Orientierungen zwischen Regulierung und Laisser-faire, Andreas Georg Scherer, Gerhard Hütter, Lothar Massmann (Hrsg.), München: Hampp-Verlag 2003. pp. 15-33. 27. Horst Steinmann and Andreas Georg Scherer, "Managing the Multinational Enterprise in a World of Different Cultures. Some Fundamental Remarks on the Pluralism of Cultures and its Managerial Consequences", in Globalization and Multicultural Societies. Some Views from Europe, Marina Ricciardelli, Sabine Urban, Kostas Nanopoulos (Ed.), Notre Dame (IN): Univ. of Notre Dame Press 2003, pp. 75-101. 28. Andreas Georg Scherer und Dorothee Baumann, „Der Beitrag der Sportartikelbranche zum institutionellen Wandel der Weltwirtschaft. Corporate Citizenship bei der PUMA AG“, in: Hans Ruh, Klaus M. Leisinger (Hrsg.): Ethisches Management. Ethik und Erfolg verbünden sich, Zürich: orell füssli 2004, pp. 285-298. 29. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Konstruktivismus“, in: Handwörterbuch der Organisation, Georg Schreyögg, Axel v. Werder (Hrsg.), 4. Auflage, Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel 2004, pp. 644-652. 30. Horst Steinmann und Andreas Georg Scherer, „Grundlagenstreit und Theorie-PraxisVerhältnis in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre“, in: Klaus-Peter Wiedmann, Wolfgang Fritz, Bodo Abel (Hrsg.): Management mit Vision und Verantwortung. Eine Herausforderung an Wissenschaft und Praxis, Festschrift für Hans Raffée zum 75. Geburtstag, Wiesbaden: Gabler 2004, pp. 261-283. 31. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Neuere Entwicklungen der Diskursethik und ihr Beitrag zur Lösung des philosophischen Grundlagenstreits zwischen Universalismus und Relativismus in der interkulturellen Ethik", in: Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik. Rückblick – Ausblick – Perspektiven, Thomas Beschorner, Bettina Hollstein, Matthias König, Mi-Yong Lee-Peuker, Olaf J. Schumann (Hrsg.), Schriftenreihe für Wirtschaftsund Unternehmensethik, München: Hampp-Verlag 2005, pp. 213-231. 32. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Modes of Explanation in Organization Theory", in The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Theory, Haridimos Tsoukas and Christian Knudsen (Eds.), paperback edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2005, pp. 310-344. 12/36 33. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Kritik der Organisation oder Organisation der Kritik? – Wissenschaftstheoretische Bemerkungen zum kritischen Umgang mit Organisationstheorien", in Organisationstheorien, Alfred Kieser und Mark Ebers (Hrsg.), 6. überarbeitete Aufl., Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2006, pp. 19-61. 34. Andreas Georg Scherer und Moritz Patzer, „Zum Management der Organisationslegitimität globalisierter Unternehmen“, in Handbuch Kompetenzmanagement. Durch Kompetenz nachhaltig Werte schaffen. Festschrift für Norbert Thom zum sechzigsten Geburtstag, Robert J. Zaugg (Hrsg.), Bern/Stuttgart/Wien: Haupt Verlag 2006, pp. 4152. 35. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Brauchen die Wirtschaftswissenschaften eine Ethik?”, in: Ethische Verantwortung in der Wissenschaft, Anton Leist, Johannes Fischer, Bruno Staffelbach (Hrsg.), Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag 2006, pp. 9-22. 36. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Corporate Citizenship und globale Verantwortung der Multinationalen Unternehmung. Überlegungen aus Sicht einer internationalen Unternehmensethik”, in: Unternehmensethik im Spannungsfeld der Kulturen und Religionen, Johannes Wallacher, Michael Reder und Tobias Karcher (Hrsg.), Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2006, pp. 125-143. 37. Andreas Georg Scherer und Dorothée Baumann, „Corporate Citizenship: Herausforderung für die Unternehmenskommunikation“, in: Handbuch Unternehmenskommunikation, Manfred Piwinger, Ansgar Zerfaß (Hrsg.), Wiesbaden: Gabler 2007, pp. 858873. 38. Andreas Georg Scherer and Dorothée Baumann, “The Role of the Transnational Corporation in the Process of Legalization: Insights from Economics and Corporate Social Responsibility”, in: Law and Legalization in Transnational Relations, Christian Brütsch and Dirk Lehmkuhl (Eds.), Oxford: Routledge 2007, pp. 202-225. 39. Guido Palazzo and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Organizational Legitimacy as Deliberation: Towards a New Political Role of the Business Firm”, in: Individuum und Organisation. Neue Trends eines organisationswissenschaftlichen Forschungsfeldes, Reinhart Lang und Annett Schmidt (Eds.), Deutscher Wiss. Verlag 2007, pp. 17-42. 40. Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, and Dorothée Baumann, „Global Rules and Private Actors – Towards a New Role of the Transnational Corporation in Global Governance”, in: Internationales Management im Umbruch – Globalisierungsbedingte Einwirkungen auf Theorie und Praxis Internationaler Unternehmensführung, MichaelJörg Oesterle (Hrsg.), Wiesbaden: Gabler Edition Wissenschaft/Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag 2007, pp. 3-39. 41. Andreas Georg Scherer and William McKinley, „Unholy Affinity? Free Trade Theory, Postmodernism, and the Multinational Enterprise”, in: Internationales Management im Umbruch – Globalisierungsbedingte Einwirkungen auf Theorie und Praxis Internationaler Unternehmensführung, Michael-Jörg Oesterle (Hrsg.), Wiesbaden: Gabler Edition Wissenschaft/Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag 2007, pp. 65-84. 42. Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, and Dorothée Baumann, “Global Public Rules and Citizenship Rights: A New Responsibility of Private Business Firms?”, in: Corporate Ethics and Corporate Governance, Walter Ch. Zimmerli, Markus Holzinger and Klaus Richter (Eds.), Berlin/Heidelberg/New York: Springer 2007, pp. 309-326. 43. Andreas Georg Scherer, Entries “Activism” (p. 11-12), “Anti-globalization” (p. 1921), “Race to the Bottom” (p. 383-384), “Social Justice” (p. 423-424), Sweatshops” 13/36 (p. 451-452), in: The A to Z of Corporate Social Responsibility, Wayne Visser, Dirk Matten, Manfred Pohl, and Nick Tolhurst (Eds.), London: Wiley 2007. 44. Andreas Georg Scherer and William McKinley: “The Affinity between Free Trade Theory and Postmodernism: Implications for Multinational Enterprises”. In: Fokus Organisation. Sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven und Analysen. Festschrift für Emil Walter-Busch zum 65. Geburtstag, Thomas S. Eberle, Sabine Hoidn, Katarina Sikavica (Eds.), Konstanz: UVK 2007, pp. 167-187. 45. Andreas Georg Scherer and Guido Palazzo, “Globalization and Corporate Social Responsibility”, in: The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility, Andrew Crane, Abagail McWilliams, Dirk Matten, Jeremy Moon, Donald Siegel (Eds.), Oxford (UK): Oxford University Press 2008, pp. 413-431. 46. Andreas Georg Scherer and Guido Palazzo, “Introduction: Corporate Citizenship in a Globalized World”, in: Andreas Georg Scherer and Guido Palazzo (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Global Corporate Citizenship, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar 2008, pp. 1-21. 47. Guido Palazzo and Andreas Georg Scherer, “The Future of Corporate Citizenship: Toward a New Theory of the Firm as a Political Actor”, in: Andreas Georg Scherer and Guido Palazzo (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Global Corporate Citizenship, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar 2008, pp. 577-590. 48. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Varianten der Diskursethik und deren Beitrag zur Lösung des philosophischen Grundlagenstreits zwischen Universalismus und Relativismus in der Bioethik“, in: Gibt es eine universale Bioethik?, Nikola Biller-Andorno, Peter Schaber, Annette Schultz-Baldes (Hrsg.), Paderborn: mentis-Verlag 2008, pp. 269278. 49. Andreas Georg Scherer and Andreas Butz, “Internationalization School”, in: International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, Vol. 2, Stewart Clegg and James R. Bailey (Eds.), London: Sage 2008, pp. 707-710. 50. Andreas Georg Scherer and Moritz Patzer, “Paradigms”, in: International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, Vol. 4, Stewart Clegg and James R. Bailey (Eds.), London: Sage 2008, pp. 1218-1222. 51. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Die politische Verantwortung globalisierter Unternehmen. Bemerkungen zum wirtschaftsliberalen Trennungsmodell“, in: Moral und Kapital. Grundfragen der Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik, Wolfgang Kersting (Ed.), Paderborn: mentis-Verlag 2008, pp. 107-127. 52. Andreas Georg Scherer and Andreas Butz, „Internationales Management und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung im Zeitalter der Globalisierung“, in: Internationales Management. Forschung, Lehre, Praxis, Michael-Jörg Oesterle, Stefan Schmid (Eds.), Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel 2009, pp. 731-759. 53. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Critical Theory and its Contribution to Critical Management Studies”, in: The Oxford Handbook of Critical Management Studies, Mats Alvesson, Hugh Willmott and Todd Bridgman (eds.), Oxford (UK): Oxford University Press 2009, pp. 29-51. 54. Guido Palazzo und Andreas Georg Scherer, “Entfesselung und Eingrenzung -- Konsequenzen einer global entfesselten ökonomischen Vernunft für die soziale Verantwortung der Unternehmung“, in: Markt, Mensch und Freiheit. Wirtschaftsethik in der 14/36 Auseinandersetzung, Markus Breuer, Philippe Mastronardi, Bernhard Waxenberger, (Hrsg.), Bern: Haupt 2009, pp. 81-95. 55. Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, und Andreas Butz, „Die neue politische Rolle von Unternehmen in einer globalisierten Welt – Ein Überblick über die Forschungslandschaft“, in: Internationale Unternehmensführung. Entscheidungsfelder und politische Aspekte, Reinhard Moser (Hrsg.), Wiesbaden: Gabler 2009, pp. 1-31. 56. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Die Multinationale Unternehmung als politischer Akteur in der globalisierten Welt”, in: Unternehmensethik. Forschungsperspektiven zur Verhältnisbestimmung von Unternehmen und Gesellschaft, Olaf Schumann, Alexander Brink und Thomas Beschorner (Eds.), Marburg: Metropolis Verlag 2010, pp. 149-163. 57. Dorothée Baumann and Andreas Georg Scherer, “The Organizational Implementation of Corporate Citizenship”, in: Elmer Lenzen (Ed.): UN Global Compact International Yearbook 2010, Münster: macondo Media Group 2010 (ISBN-13: 978-3-9810638-51), pp. 52-56. 58. Guido Palazzo and Andreas Georg Scherer, „The UN Global Compact as a Learning Approach”, in: The United Nations Global Compact. Achievements, Trends and Challenges, Andreas Rasche and Georg Kell (Eds.), Cambridge (UK): Cambridge University Press 2010, pp. 234-247. 59. Andreas Georg Scherer and Moritz Patzer, “Beyond Universalism and Relativism: Habermas's Contribution to Discourse Ethics and its Implications for Intercultural Ethics and Organization Theory”, in: Philosophy and Organization Theory (Research in the Sociology of Organizations 32), Haridimos Tsoukas and Robert Chia (eds.), New York: Elsevier Press 2011: 155-180. 60. Andreas Georg Scherer and Moritz Patzer, „Corporate Social Responsibility“, in: Handbuch Wirtschaftsethik, Michael S. Aßländer (Hrsg.), Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler 2011, pp. 321-329. 61. Andreas Georg Scherer and Moritz Patzer, “Where is the Theory in Stakeholder Theory? – A Meta-Analysis of the Pluralism in Stakeholder Theory”, in: Stakeholder Theory. Impact and Prospects, Robert Phillips (Ed.), Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar 2011, pp. 140-162. 62. Dorothée Baumann, Christopher Wickert, Andreas Georg Scherer, & Guido Palazzo, ‘The UN Global Compact: Organizational Implementation of Corporate Citizenship at Swiss Multinationals and SMEs’, in: Le Pacte Mondial des Nations Unies: 10 ans aprés. The Global Compact of the United Nations 10 years after, Emmanuelle Mazuyer and Laurence Boisson de Chazournes (Dir.). Brussels: BRUYLANT 2011, pp. 125153. 63. Andreas Georg Scherer and Anselm Schneider, „Corporate Citizenship und Corporate Governance: Ein Ansatz zur Behebung des Legitimationsdefizits der Corporate Political Activities von Multinationalen Unternehmen, in: Eberl, Peter, Geiger, Daniel, Koch, Jochen (Hrsg.): Komplexität und Handlungsspielraum. Unternehmenssteuerung zwischen Ordnung und Chaos. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag 2011, pp. 73-103. 64. Andreas Georg Scherer and Emilio Marti, “The Normative Foundation of Finance: How Misunderstanding the Role of Financial Theories Distorts the Way We Think about the Responsibility of Financial Economists”, in: Learning from Global Financial Crisis: Creatively, Reliably and Sustainably, Paul Shrivastava and Matt Statler (Eds.), Stanford (Calif.): Stanford University Press 2012, pp. 260-290. 15/36 65. Andreas Georg Scherer und Andreas Butz, “Internationales Management im Zeitalter der Globalisierung”, in: Wallacher, Johannes, Au, Christian, Karcher, Tobias (Eds.): Ethik in Wirtschaft und Unternehmen in Zeiten der Krise, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2012, pp. 43-61 (reprint of a previously published paper). 66. Moritz Patzer, Christian Voegtlin und Andreas Georg Scherer, „Ein politisches Verständnis verantwortungsvoller Führung im globalen Unternehmenskontext“, in: R. Hahn, H. Janzen und D. Matten (eds.), Die gesellschaftliche Verantwortung des Unternehmens – Hintergründe, Schwerpunkte, Zukunftsperspektiven, Festschrift für Gerd Rainer Wagner zum 65. Geburtstag. Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel 2012, pp. 125-151. 67. Dorothée Baumann-Pauly and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Managing Corporate Legitimacy and the UN Global Compact”, in: Elmer Lenzen (Ed.): UN Global Compact International Yearbook 2013, Münster/New York: macondo media group/United Nations Publications 2013 (ISBN-13: 978-3-9813540-5-8), pp. 18-21. 68. Anselm Schneider und Andreas Georg Scherer, „Unternehmen, Menschenrechte und Global Governance: Zur Umsetzung von Compliance auf Unternehmensebene“. Corporate Compliance und Corporate Social Responsibility. Chance und Risiken sanfter Regulierung. Marc Bungenberg, Andreas Dutzi, Peter Krebs, Nicole Zimmermann (Eds.), Wiesbaden: Nomos 2014, pp. 59-82. 69. Andreas Georg Scherer und Emilio Marti, „Zum normativen Fundament der Finanzökonomik. Wissenschaftstheoretische Überlegungen zum Verständnis von finanzökonomischen Theorien und ihre Implikationen für die Verantwortung von Finanzökonominnen und Finanzökonomen. Ökonomische Moral oder moralische Ökonomie, Hans Friesen und Markus Wolf (Eds.), Karl-Alber-Verlag 2014, pp. 152-191. 70. Andreas Rasche and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Jürgen Habermas and Organization Studies – Contributions and Future Prospects”, The Oxford Handbook of Sociology, Social Theory and Organization Studies: Contemporary Currents, Paul Adler, Paul du Gay, Glenn Morgan, and Mike Reed (Eds.), Oxford (UK): Oxford University Press 2015, pp. 158-181. 71. Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, and Hannah Trittin, “The Changing Role of Business in Global Society: Implications for Governance, Democracy and the Theory of the Firm”, Transnational Corporations and Transnational Governance. The Costs of Crossing Borders in the Global Economy, Sarianna Lundan (Ed.), New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2015, pp. 355-387. 72. Anselm Schneider and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Reconsidering the Legitimacy and Efficiency of Corporate Strategies - A Case for Organizational Democracy”, Corporate Social Responsibility – Institutional and Organizational Perspectives, Thomas Beschroner and Arnaud Sales (Eds.), Berlin: Springer (under editorial review). Working Papers, Paper Presentations, & Conference Contributions: 1. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Managementlehre und dialogische Planung", Vortrag an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Ehemaligenstreffen der WiSo-Fakultät, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, November 1992. 2. Ansgar Zerfaß und Andreas Georg Scherer, "Die Irrwege der Imagekonstrukteure. Ein Plädoyer gegen die sozialtechnologische Verkürzung der Public-RelationsForschung", Diskussionsbeitrag Nr. 77 des Lehrstuhls für Allgemeine Betriebswirt- 16/36 schaftslehre und Unternehmensführung der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg 1993. 3. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Towards a Normative Conception of Strategic Management", presentation at the University of Georgia, Terry College of Business, Athens (Georgia), 13. August, 1993. 4. Horst Steinmann und Andreas Georg Scherer, "Zur Inkommensurabilität betriebswirtschaftlicher Theorien", Diskussionsbeitrag Nr. 79 des Lehrstuhls für Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Unternehmensführung der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg 1994. 5. Andreas Georg Scherer and Michael J. Dowling, "Towards a Reconciliation of the Theory Pluralism in Strategic Management – Incommensurability and the Constructivist Approach of the Erlangen School", with a commentary by William McKinley: "To Erlangen ... and Beyond", Diskussionsbeitrag [Working Paper] Nr. 82 des Lehrstuhls für Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Unternehmensführung der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg 1994. 6. Horst Steinmann und Andreas Georg Scherer, "Kulturkonflikte im internationalen Management – Universalistische und kulturalistische Perspektiven", Vortrag an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Workshop "Zwischen Universalismus und Relativismus. Rationalität als Problem des Interkulturellen Management", WiSo-Fakultät Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 23. Februar 1996. 7. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Ein neuer Ansatz zum Umgang mit dem Inkommensurabilitätsproblem", Vortrag beim Workshop der Kommission Wissenschaftstheorie im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Universität Lüneburg, 27. März 1996. 8. Andreas Georg Scherer, "A Note on the Problem of Incommensurability in Organization Studies", presentation at the Southern Illinois University (SIUC), Department of Management, Carbondale (Illinois), 4. Juni 1996. 9. Horst Steinmann und Andreas Georg Scherer, "Interkulturelles Management zwischen Universalismus und Relativismus. Kritische Anfragen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an die Philosophie", Diskussionsbeitrag Nr. 88 des Lehrstuhls für Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Unternehmensführung der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg 1996. 10. Andreas Georg Scherer, William McKinley, Mark A. Mone, William Kaghan, Nelson Phillips, Hamid Bouchikhi, and J.-C. Spender, "Theory Pluralism and Incommensurability in Strategic Management and Organization Theory – Consequences for Theory and Practice". Proposal for a Symposium. Symposium Chair: Andreas Georg Scherer. 1996 National Academy of Management Meeting (Business Policy and Strategy Division). 11. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Theory Pluralism and Incommensurability in Strategic Management and Organization Theory – A Problem in Search of a Solution", presentation at the 1996 National Academy of Management Meeting in Cincinnati (Ohio) (Business Policy and Strategy Division), 13. August 1996. 12. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Diversität, Pluralismus und Inkommensurabilität als Problem in Managementforschung und Managementpraxis", Vortrag an der Universität Zürich, 19. Dezember 1996. 17/36 13. Andreas Georg Scherer und Rainer Beyer, "Zur Entwicklung des Konfigurationsansatzes in der Managementlehre. Theoretische Kritik und Praktische Implikationen". Diskussionsbeitrag Nr. 91 des Lehrstuhls für Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Unternehmensführung der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg 1997. 14. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Diversity, Pluralism, and Incommensurability as Problems in Intercultural Management Research and Practice", presentation at the 1997 EIASM conference (European Institute of Advanced Studies in Management), veröffentlicht in: Proceedings of the 1997 EIASM conference "Organizing in a Multi-Voiced World: Social Construction, Innovation and Organizational Change", Leuven (Belgium), June 4-6, 1997, Vol. II (ohne Seitenangabe). 15. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Können die "Grundsätze ordnungsmäßiger Unternehmungsleitung (GoU)" zu einer Verbesserung der Managemenspraxis beitragen? – Kritische Bemerkungen zu den Vorschlägen von Axel von Werder", Vortrag an der Technischen Universität Berlin, 11. Juni 1997. 16. Andreas Georg Scherer and Horst Steinmann, "Some Remarks on the Problem of Incommensurability in Organization Studies", presentation at the 1997 National Academy of Management Meeting (OMT Division), Boston (Mass.), 12. August 1997. 17. Steinmann, Horst and Andreas Georg Scherer, "Corporate Ethics and Management Theory", presentation at the Fifth Annual SEEP Conference (Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy), Marienrode, 3.-5. November 1997. 18. Andreas Georg Scherer and Horst Steinmann, "Global Business, Corporate Ethics, and Intercultural Management. The U.S. Model Business Principles and Insights from Recent German Philosophy", presentation at the 23rd Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), Stuttgart (Germany), 14.-16. Dezember 1997. 19. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Kritik der Organisation oder Organisation der Kritik? – Wissenschaftstheoretische Bemerkungen zum kritischen Umgang mit Organisationstheorien", Vortrag an der Universität Mannheim, 13. Januar 1998. 20. Steinmann, Horst and Andreas Georg Scherer, "Corporate Ethics and Management Theory", Diskussionsbeitrag Nr. 93 / Working Paper No. 93, Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Unternehmensführung der Universität ErlangenNürnberg, Nürnberg 1998. 21. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Orientierungslosigkeit der Theorie oder Theorie der Orientierungslosigkeit?– Einige kritische Bemerkungen zu den "postmodernen" Strömungen in der Organisationstheorie", Koreferat beim 22. Workshop der Kommission Organisation im Verband der Hochschullehrer für BWL, Freie Universität Berlin, 26. Februar 1998. 22. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Kritik der Organisation oder Organisation der Kritik? – Wissenschaftstheoretische Bemerkungen zum kritischen Umgang mit Organisationstheorien", Diskussionsbeitrag Nr. 94, Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Unternehmensführung der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg 1998. 23. Andreas Georg Scherer, "A Downward Spiral ? On the Responsibility of Multinational Companies to Establish World-wide Social and Environmental Standards", paper presented at the Critical Management Workshop at the 1998 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Diego, Aug. 7-12, 1998. 18/36 24. Horst Steinmann and Andreas Georg Scherer, "Global Business Ethics and Intercultural Management. A Philosophical Approach Towards the Justification of the U.S. Model Business Principles", paper presented at the Critical Management Workshop at the 1998 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Diego, Aug. 7-12, 1998. 25. Andreas Georg Scherer and Rainer Beyer, "The Configurational Approach in Strategic Management. Reconstruction and Criticism", paper presented at the 1998 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (BPS division), San Diego, Aug. 7-12, 1998. 26. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Die Grundsätze ordnungsmäßiger Unternehmungsleitung (GoU) und ihre Probleme", Vortrag bei der wissenschaftlichen Konferenz der Technischen Universität Wroclaw "Neue Tendenzen in der Organisations- und Managementlehre", Szklarska Poreba (Polen), 17.-19. September 1998; veröffentlicht in: Nowe tendencje w nauce o organizacji i zarzadzaniu (Scientific Papers of the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Management of the Wroclaw University of Technology No. 68), Prace Naukowe Instytutu Organizacji i Zarzadzania Politechniki Wroclawskiej (Ed.), Wroclaw: Oficyna Wydawniczy Politechniki Wroclawskiej 1998, pp. 65-78. 27. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Zur Verantwortung der multinationalen Unternehmung im Prozeß der Globalisierung", Vortrag bei der Kommissionstagung Internationales Management, Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Universität Jena, 4.-6. Februar 1999. 28. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Verantwortungsvolles unternehmerisches Handeln im Prozeß der Globalisierung – Kritische Anfragen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an die Rechtswissenschaft", Referat beim Kooperationsseminar zum Weltrecht: Ausgewählte Rechtsfragen derWeltwirtschaft, Hans-Seidel-Stiftung und Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Bildungszentrum Kloster Banz, 12.-14. Februar 1999. 29. William McKinley and Andreas Georg Scherer, "The Cognitive Production of Order: The Case of Organizational Restructuring", paper presented at the 23. Workshop der Kommission Organisation im Verband der Hochschullehrer für BWL, Universität Zürich, 26.-27. Februar 1999. 30. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Ende des Nationalstaates? – Zur Erosion nationalstaatlicher Regelungskapazität in der globalisierten Wirtschaft", Vortrag im Seminar zum Weltrecht, Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg, 19. Februar 2000. 31. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Theorie der Firma ohne Steuerungsrationalität? – Einige kritische Bemerkungen zum Beitrag von Jetta Frost zu den Grenzen der Unternehmung", Koreferat beim 24. Workshop der Kommission Organisation im Verband der Hochschullehrer für BWL, Universität Zürich, 3. März 2000. 32. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Die "Balanced Scorecard" als Instrument zur Anreizsystemgestaltung – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen", Habilitationsvortrag vor der Wirtschaftsund Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg, 9. Mai 2000. 33. Andreas Georg Scherer and Brigitte Kustermann, "Business and Society Research versus Critical Strategy Research: A Critical Assessment of Two Anglo-American Approaches to the Integration of Ethics and Strategy", paper presented at the 2000 annual meeting of the Academy of Management (Social Issues in Management-Division), Toronto (Canada), Aug. 7, 2000. 19/36 34. Andreas Georg Scherer and Marc Smid, "The Downward Spiral and the U.S. Model Business Principles. Why MNEs Should Take Responsibility for the Improvement of World-Wide Social and Environmental Conditions", paper presented at the 2000 annual meeting of the Academy of Management (International Management-Division), Toronto (Canada), Aug. 9, 2000. 35. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Die neue Verantwortung der Unternehmen im Zeitalter der Globalisierung", Vortrag bei der Jahrestagung 2001 des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI), Bezirk Baden, Bad Herrenalb, 26. Januar 2001. 36. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Wozu Wissenschaftstheorie? Wissenschaftstheoretische Grundlagen der Wirtschaftswissenschaften", Vortrag an der Universität Bayreuth, 16. Februar 2001. 37. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Globalisierung und Sozialstandards. Problembereiche und Lösungsansätze", Eröffnungsrede bei der Jahrestagung des Deutschen Netzwerk Wirtschaftsethik (dnwe) "Globalisierung und Sozialstandards", Feldafing, 30./31. März 2001. 38. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Die neue Verantwortung der Multinationalen Unternehmung. Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von Wirtschaft und Staat im Zeitalter der Globalisierung", Antrittsvorlesung am Fachbereich Verwaltungswissenschaften der Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, 23. Mai 2001. 39. Andreas Georg Scherer, "The Incommensurability Problem in Organization Theory and Strategy, Part I & II", Two Invited Lectures at the Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen (Denmark), January 23 & 24, 2002. 40. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Das Geschäft mit der Ethik", Impulsreferat und Podiumsdiskussion beim Bundestag der Gemeinschaft Katholischer Männer und Frauen, 3. April 2002, Winterberg (Sauerland). 41. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Globalisierung: Chancen und Risiken für den Menschen", Podiumsdiskussion bei der 1000-Jahr-Feier der Stadt Herzogenaurach, 11. April 2002, Herzogenaurach (Franken). 42. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Steuerungsprobleme in Öffentlicher Verwaltung/Non-ProfitOrganisationen und der Beitrag der Balanced Scorecard", Vortrag auf dem RefaKongress Arbeitsorganisation, 17. Mai 2002, Hotel Berlin, Berlin. 43. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Rational Choice Theory and the Problem of Social Order: Some Remarks on the Problems of Introducing Political Economy into Organizational Politics", paper to be presented at the 18th EGOS Colloquium "Organizational Politics and the Politics of Organizations", subtheme: "Organizational Politics and Political Economy: What Can They Learn From Each Other?", Barcelona (Spain), July 4-6, 2002. 44. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Neuere Entwicklungen der Diskursethik und deren Beitrag zur Lösung des philosophischen Grundlagenstreits zwischen Universalismus und Relativismus in der interkulturellen Ethik", Referat bei der Tagung "Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik. Rückblick – Ausblick – Perspektiven" von Berliner Forum und zfwu (Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik), 19./20. September 2002, Max-Weber-Kolleg Erfurt. 45. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Der Beitrag der Balanced Scorecard zur Lösung von Steuerungsproblemen in NPOs", Plenarvortrag 9. Österreichischer NPO-Kongress, 16. Oktober 2002, Wien. 20/36 46. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Legislation and International Labour Standards“, presentation at the Workshop „Hard Law, Soft Law, and Private Legalities: The Legislation of International Relations, Center for International Studies (CIS), UNI/ETH Zurich, Zurich, December 6-7, 2002. 47. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Welche Theorie der Firma braucht die BWL heute? Die private Unternehmung in der globalisierten Welt", Antrittsvorlesung an der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Zürich, Zürich, 3. Februar 2003. 48. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Die Balanced Scorecard als Steuerungsinstrument in der öffentlichen Verwaltung. Besonderheiten, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen“, Vortrag bei der SAS-Tagung Strategisches Management – neue Transparenz in der Verwaltungssteuerung, 25. Februar 2003, Neuss. 49. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Schwindende Grenzen zwischen Wirtschaft und Staat: Die neue Verantwortung der Multinationalen Unternehmung im Zeitalter der Globalisierung“, Vortrag am Zentrum für Ethik der Universität Zürich, Zürich, 20. Juni 2003. 50. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Political Economics, Rational Choice Theory and the Problem of Social Order within Organizations, paper presented at the 19th EGOS Colloquium “Organizational Analysis Informing Social and Global Development”, subtheme: "Political Liberalism, Management and Organization Theory", Copenhagen (Denmark), July 3-5, 2003. 51. Andreas Georg Scherer and Boris Ricken, „Social Order in Organizations. The Contribution of Organizational Politics and Political Theory”, paper presented at the 2003 annual meeting of the Academy of Management (Organization and Management Theory Division), Seattle (Washington), Aug. 4-6, 2003. 52. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Towards an Integration of Ethics and Strategy: Business & Society and Critical Management Research”, paper presented at the 2003 annual meeting of the Academy of Management (Business Policy & Strategy Division), Seattle (Washington), Aug. 4-6, 2003. 53. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Krise des Managements? Reflexionen über die Pay-forperformance-Ideologie und den Vertrauensverlust in der Wirtschaft”, Vortrag an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Vortragsreihe „Soziale Marktwirtschaft an der Grenze“, Interdisziplinäre Dialoge, LMU München, 24. November 2003. 54. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Koreferat zu Breitmeier, H./Conzelmann, T./Wolf, K. D.: Unternehmen als Normunternehmer: Grenzen und Möglichkeiten gemeinwohlverträglicher privater Selbstregulierung durch transnationale Unternehmen“, Koreferat an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt, Workshop „Unternehmen als Normunternehmer“, Politikwissenschaftliche Abteilung, Univ. Darmstadt, 28. Januar 2004. 55. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Pay-for-performance-Ideologie und Vertrauensverlust in der Wirtschaft. Ein Erklärungsversuch zur Krise im Management und Perspektiven zu ihrer Überwindung“, Beitrag zur Jahrestagung der wissenschaftlichen Kommission „Organisation“, Univ. Augsburg, 26./27. Februar 2004. 56. Dorothée Baumann and Andreas Georg Scherer, „Globalization and Governance – The Role of the Transnational Corporation in the Process of Legalization“, International Conference on “Voluntary Codes of Conduct for Multinational Corporations: Promises and Challenges”, NYU, New York City, May. 12-15, 2004. 57. Andreas Georg Scherer und Dorothée Baumann „Global Rules and Private Actors – The Role of the Transnational Corporation in the Process of Legalization“, Beitrag zur 21/36 66. Tagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., „Betriebswirtschaftslehre und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung“, 2.-4. Juni 2004, KarlFranzens-Universität Graz. 58. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Global Rules and Privat Actors. Die Rolle der Multinationalen Unternehmung in der Global Governance”, Gastvorlesung an der RWTH Aachen, Lehrstuhl für Internationales Management, 24. Juni 2004. 59. Andreas Georg Scherer and Dorothée Baumann, “Re-defining the Role of the TNC -Theoretical Underpinnings of Corporate Social Responsibility in a Globalized World”, paper presented at the 20th EGOS Colloquium, July 1-3, 2004, Ljubljana, Slovenia (Subgroup 17: Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics), convernors: Andrew Crane, Dirk Matten, Andreas Georg Scherer. 60. Bill McKelvey, Andreas Georg Scherer, Georg Schreyögg & Daniel Geiger, J.-C. Spender, and Haridimos Tsoukas, “Philosophical Foundations of Knowledge Management. How is Knowledge Management Possible?”, Showcase Symposium at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (sponsoring divisions: ODC, OMT, RM), New Orleans, Aug. 2-5, 2004, Symposium Chairs: Andreas Georg Scherer and J.-C. Spender. 61. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Why Do We Need to Know How We Can Know?”, Introduction to the Showcase Symposium at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (sponsoring divisions: ODC, OMT, RM), New Orleans, Aug. 2-5, 2004. 62. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Brauchen die Wirtschaftswissenschaften eine Ethik?”, Ringvorlesung „Ethische Verantwortung in der Wissenschaft“, 21. Oktober 2004, Universität Zürich. 63. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Leistungslöhne im Management und Vertrauensverlust in der Wirtschaft“, Gastvortrag an der Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, 26. Januar 2005. 64. Andy Crane, Dirk Matten, Richard Nielsen, Andreas Georg Scherer, John Stopford, Gary Weaver, Ans Kolk, “Publishing Ethics/CSR Related Research in Mainstream Journals”, Panel Discussion and Publishing Workshop at the 2005 EBEN-UK Conference (European Business Ethics Network), 1 April 2005, 2-4 pm, Royal Hollaway, University of London (UK). 65. Guido Palazzo and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Towards a Communicative Concept of Corporate Legitimacy”, paper presented at the 2005 Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Track 19: Corporate Governance, Munich, May 4-7, 2005. 66. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Global Rules and Private Actors. Die Rolle der Multinationalen Unternehmung in der Global Governance”, Gastvorlesung an der FU Berlin, Institut für Management, Berlin, 8. Juni 2005. 67. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Why Organization Theory and Economics Should Meet”, introductory presentation at the 21st EGOS Colloquium, June 30- July 2, 2005, Berlin, Germany (Subgroup 18: When Organization Studies Meet Economics – Alternative Philosophies of Knowledge Management and the Theory of the Firm), Convenors: Andreas Georg Scherer, J.-C. Spender. 68. Marshall J. Schminke, Dirk Matten, Robert A. Giacalone, Douglas R. May, Thomas M. Jones, Gerald Keim, Anne M. O’Leary-Kelly, Scott Reynolds, Deborah Elizabeth Rupp, Lori Verstegen Ryan, Andreas Georg Scherer, Donald Siegel, Bennett J. Tepper, Linda K. Trevino, Gary R. Weaver, Thomas A. Wright, “Learn From Experts 22/36 About Publishing Social Issues Research in Top General Management Journals”, PDW Workshop at the 2005 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (SIM division), Honolulu, Hawaii, Aug 7, 2005, Organizers: Marshall J. Schminke, Dirk Matten, Chair: Thomas J. Donaldson. 69. Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, Dorothèe Baumann, “Global Rules and Private Actors: Towards a New Role of the TNC in the Global Governance”, Paper presented at the 2005 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (SIM division), Honolulu, Hawaii, Aug. 8-10, 2005. 70. Andreas Georg Scherer and Guido Palazzo, “The Political Role of Business in Society. CSR Seen From a Habermasian Perspective”, Paper presented at the 2005 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (CMS interest group), Honolulu, Hawaii, Aug. 8-10, 2005. Finalist paper for the Academy of Management Best International Paper Dexter Award 2005. 71. Andreas Georg Scherer and William McKinley, “Unholy Affinity? Free Trade Theory, Postmodernism, and the Multinational Enterprise”, Paper presented at the 2005 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (CMS division), Honolulu, Hawaii, Aug. 8-10, 2005 72. Guido Palazzo and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Towards a Communicative Concept of Corporate Legitimacy”, Paper presented at the 2005 Annual Meeting of the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN), Bonn (Germany), September 22-24, 2005. 73. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Corporate Citizenship zwischen lokaler, nationaler und globaler Verantwortung: Überlegungen aus der Sicht einer internationalen Unternehmensethik”, Vortrag bei den Ludwigshafener Gesprächen, Forum Interkulturelles Zusammenleben Rhein-Nekar, Unternehmensethik im Spannungsfeld der Kulturen und Religionen, Heinrich-Pesch-Haus, Ludwigshafen, 10./11. November 2005. 74. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Herausforderungen der Globalisierung. Die gesellschaftliche und politische Rolle der multinationalen Unternehmen“, Vortrag beim sneep-Kongress 2005: Die globalisierte Freiheit. Herausforderungen der Globalisierung für die Unternehmensethik, Hamburg, 25./25. November 2005. 75. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Die Multinationale Unternehmung als politischer Akteur in der globalisierten Welt“, Vortrag beim ZiF-Nachwuchsnetzwerk, Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung Bielefeld, 9./10. Dezember 2005. 76. Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, and Dorothee Baumann, “Global Rules and Private Actors. Towards a New Role of the TNC in the Global Governance”, paper presented at the KIM 2006 workshop (“Kommission Internationales Management im Verband der Hochschullehrer für BWL”), University of Bremen (Germany), Feb. 1718, 2006. 77. Andreas Georg Scherer and William McKinley, “Globalization Critics vs. Postmodernized Free Trade Theory: Implications for Multinational Enterprises”, paper presemted at the KIM 2006 workshop (“Kommission Internationales Management im Verband der Hochschullehrer für BWL”), University of Bremen (Germany), Feb. 17-18, 2006. 78. Guido Palazzo and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Organizational Legitimacy as a Form of Deliberation: Towards a New Political Role of the Business Firm”, paper presented at the WK ORG 2006 workshop (”Kommission Organisation im Verband der 23/36 Hochschullehrer für BWL”), Technical University of Chemnitz (Germany), Feb. 2324, 2006. WK ORG 2006 conference best paper award 79. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Varianten der Diskursethik und deren Beitrag zur Lösung des philosophischen Grundlagenstreits zwischen Universalismus und Relativismus in der Bioethik“, Vortrag zum Workshop "Zur Möglichkeit einer Kulturübergreifenden Bioethik" am Ethik-Zentrum der Universität Zürich, 31. März 2006, Zürich. 80. Andreas Georg Scherer and Guido Palazzo, „Towards a New Political Role of Business in a Globalized World – A Review and Research Agenda”, paper presented at workshop #1, Standing Working Group 1: ”Comparative Study of Economic Organizations: Beyond the National Business System? The Multi-Level Interaction of Economic Actors and Institutions”, 22nd EGOS Colloquium 2006, July 6-8, 2006, Bergen (Norway). 81. Dirk Matten, Mark P. Sharfman, Harry G. Barkema, Andrew Crane, Yiannis Gabriel, Pursey Heugens, Anne O’Leary-Kelly, Ian Mitroff, J. (Hans) Van Oosterhout, Scott J. Reynolds, Deborah Elizabeth Rupp, Lori Verstegen Ryan, Andreas Georg Scherer, Donald Siegel, John F. Stowall, Chamu Sundaramurthy, Linda K. Trevino, “Learn From Experts About Publishing Social Issues Research in Top General Management Journals”, PDW Workshop at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (SIM division), Atlanta (GA), Aug 13, 2006, Coordinators: Dirk Matten, Mark P. Sharfman. 82. Guido Palazzo and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Corporate Legitimacy as Deliberation: A Political Framework”, Paper presented at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (CMS interest group), Atlanta (GA), Aug. 14, 2006. 83. Andreas Georg Scherer and Guido Palazzo, “Towards a Political Conception of Corporate Social Responsibility. Business & Society and the Contribution of Recent Habermasian Political Philosophy”, Paper presented at the IFSAM VIIIth World Congress 2006, Berlin, Sept. 28-30, 2006. 84. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Sind kleine und mittlere Unternehmen ethischer als Großunternehmen?“, Vortrag beim Symposium „Ethik und Mittelstand?“, KfW Bankengruppe, Niederlassung Berlin, 31. Oktober 2006. 85. Andreas Georg Scherer and William McKinley, „Globalization Critics vs. Free Trade Theory: An Ideological Conflict and its Implications for Multinational Enterprises”, paper presented at the WK ORG 2007 workshop (”Kommission Organisation im Verband der Hochschullehrer für BWL”), LMU Munich (Germany), March 1-2, 2007. 86. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Unternehmensethik”, Kommissionssitzung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Wissenschaftstheorie im Verband der Hochschullehrer für BWL (Vorsitz: Andreas Georg Scherer), 2.-3. März 2007, LMU München. 87. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Corporate Social Responsibility Multinationaler Unternehmen“, Vortrag zur Sitzung des Arbeitskreises Unternehmensführung der Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft e.V., 20. April 2007, München. 88. Paula Jarzabkowski, Susan Mohrman, and Andreas Georg Scherer (conference organizers), “Organization Studies as Applied Science. The Generation and Use of Academic Knowledge about Organizations”, 2007 Organization Studies summer workshop, Crete (Greece), June 7-8, 2007. 24/36 89. Guido Palazzo, Andreas Georg Scherer, Gary R. Weaver, Dirk Matten (workshop convenors), “Slippery Dance Floors: The Changing Role and Responsibility of Business in a Global Society”, sub-theme proposal accepted for the 23rd EGOS Colloquium 2007, Vienna (Austria), July 5-7, 2007. 90. Andrew Crane, John Jermier, John Hassard, Dirk Matten, Hans Van Oosterhout, Guido Palazzo, Scott Reynolds, Georges Romme, Deborah Rupp, Lori Ryan, Donald Siegel, Susan Schneider, Chamu Sundaramurthy, N.N., “Learn from Experts about Publishing Social Issues Research in Top General Management Journals”, PDW Workshop at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (SIM division), Philadelphia (Penn.), Aug 5, 2007, Coordinators: Mark P. Sharfman, Andreas Georg Scherer. 91. Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, and Boris Alexander Ricken, “Explaining Politics in Organizations: A Critique of Organizational Politics and Political Economics”, Paper presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (CMS interest group), Philadelphia (Penn.), Aug. 6-8, 2007. 92. Andreas Georg Scherer and Guido Palazzo, “Globalization and its Consequences for Corporate Responsibility”, Paper presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (SIM division), Philadelphia (Penn.), Aug. 6-8, 2007. 93. Andreas Georg Scherer and William McKinley, “Globalization Critics vs. Postmodernized Free Trade Theory: Implications for MNEs”, Paper presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (OMT division), Philadelphia (Penn.), Aug. 6-8, 2007. 94. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Die politische Verantwortung globalisierter Unternehmen. Bemerkungen zum wirtschaftsliberalen Trennungsmodell“, Presentation within the lecture Ringvorlesung Moral und Kapital – Grundfragen der Wirtschaftsethik, Christian-Albrechts Universität zu Kiel, 12. Dezember 2007. 95. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Multinationale Unternehmen als politische Akteure in der globalisierten Welt: Herausforderungen im Spannungsfeld von Ökonomie, Politik und Ethik", Presentation at the Münchner Kompetenzzentrum Ethik (MKE), LudwigMaximilians-Universität München, 25. Januar 2008. 96. Andreas Georg Scherer and Guido Palazzo, “The New Political Role of Business in a Globalized World – A Review and Research Agenda”, paper presented at the 2008 WK INT conference (Wissenschaftliche Kommission Internationales Management), Vienna, Feb. 22-23, 2008. 97. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Methoden in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre”, Kommissionssitzung der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Wissenschaftstheorie im Verband der Hochschullehrer für BWL (Vorsitz: Andreas Georg Scherer), 13.-14. März 2008, University of Zurich. 98. Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, and David Seidl, “Legitimacy Strategies as Complexity Reduction in a Post-national World: A Systems-Theory Perspective”, paper presented at the 4th Organization Studies summer workshop 2008, Embracing Complexity: Advancing Ecological Understanding in Organizational Studies, Pissouri (Cyprus), June 5-7, 2008 99. Andreas Georg Scherer and William McKinley, “Globalization Critics vs. Free Trade Theory: Ideological Conflicts and the Behaviour of MNEs”, Paper presented at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the Academy International Business (AIB) (Track 1), Milan, Italy, June 30-July 3, 2008. 25/36 100. Marta Calas, Linda Smircich, Tina Dacin, Steven W. Floyd, K. Michele (Micki) Kacmar, Richard Nielsen, Linda Trevino, Gary Weaver, “Ask the Experts: Publishing SIM&ONE Research in Top Journals”, PDW Workshop at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (SIM&ONE division), Anaheim (Calif.), Aug 10, 2008, Coordinators: Andreas Georg Scherer, Donald S. Siegel. 101. Frank de Bakker, Tima Bansal, Petra Christmann, Andrew Crane, John Hassard, Pursey Heugens, Brian Husted, Campbell Jones, Joshua Margolis, Alfred Markus, Dirk Matten, Abby McWilliams, Richard Nielsen, Guido Palazzo, Kathleen Rehbein Georges Romme, Deborah E. Rupp, Lori Ryan, Marshall Schminke, Susan Schneider, Dough Schuler, Paul Shrivastava, Ann Terlaak, Linda Trevino, “Manuscript Development Workshop: SIM&ONE Research Mentoring”, PDW Workshop at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (SIM&ONE division), Anaheim (Calif.), Aug 10, 2008, Coordinators: Andreas Georg Scherer, Donald S. Siegel. 102. “Thinking about New Ideas and Topics: SIM&ONE Research Roundtables”, PDW Workshop at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (SIM&ONE division), Anaheim (Calif.), Aug 10, 2008, Coordinators: Guido Palazzo, Andreas Georg Scherer, Donald S. Siegel. 103. Andreas Georg Scherer and Guido Palazzo, “The New Political Role of Business in a Globalized World – A Call for a Paradigm Shift in CSR”, Paper presented at the 2008 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM) (SIM division), Anaheim (Calif.), Aug. 8-13, 2008. 104. Edward R. Freeman, Dirk Matten, Andreas Georg Scherer, Grahame F. Thompson, “The Political Role of the Corporation: Perspectives on Contemporary CSR”, presentation and panel discussion at the 3rd International CSR-Conference “Corporate Responsibility and Governance” (panel convenor: Dirk Matten), October 8-10, 2008, Berlin. 105. Andreas Georg Scherer, “The Role of Private Business in Global Governance: An Analysis of Corporate Citizenship Approaches of MNCs and SMEs Participating in the UN Global Compact”, presentation at the University of Lugano (Switzerland), November 13, 2008. 106. Andreas Georg Scherer, “The New Political Role of Business in a Globalized World: A Call for a Paradigm Shift in CSR and the Theory of the Firm”, invited lecture in the Paduano Seminar for Business Ethics, Stern School of Business, New York University (organizer: Edwin Hartman), New York, February 26, 2009. 107. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Corporate Citizenship, The New Political Role of Business in a Globalized World – A Paradigm Shift in CSR and its Implications for the Firm, Governance, and Democracy”, invited lecture in the Wharton Ethics Program, Department of Legal Studies and Business Ethics, Wharton School., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (PA), April 14, 2009. 108. Andreas Georg Scherer and Dorothee Baumann, “The Role of Private Business in Global Governance. The Implementation of the UNGC at Swiss MNCs”, invited presentation at the United Nations Global Compact Office, New York (NY), April 22, 2009. 109. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Die Rolle der privaten Unternehmung in der Global Governance. Konsequenzen für Kommunikation, Legitimität und Demokratie” [The Role of the Private Firm in Global Governance. Implications for Communication, Legitimacy, and Democracy]. Invited Speech at the IPMZ – Institut für Publizistik und 26/36 Medienforschung der Universität Zürich [Institute of Communication and Media Research]. Zürich, Mai 11, 2009. 110. Michaela Haase, Albert Löhr, Andreas Rasche, Andreas Georg Scherer (coorganizer), „Arbeitsgruppe Unternehmensethik und Betriebswirtschaftslehre“ [Task Force Business Ethics and Business Administration], Preconference Workshop 71. Tagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., [Preconference Workshop 71st Annual Conference of the German Academic Association for Business Research], June 3, 2009, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Nuremberg (Germany). 111. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Unternehmensethik und CSR: Herausforderungen für die BetriebswirtschaftsLEHRE“, Preconference Beitrag zur 71. Tagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., [Preconference Presentation 71st Annual Conference of the German Academic Association for Business Research], June 3, 2009, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Nuremberg (Germany). 112. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Unternehmensethik und Betriebswirtschaftslehre: Status quo und weitere Schritte“, Beitrag zur 71. Tagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., [Presentation 71st Annual Conference of the German Academic Association for Business Research], June 6, 2009, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Nuremberg (Germany). 113. Andreas Georg Scherer and Guido Palazzo, “The New Political Role of Global Business Firms: A Paradigm Shift in Corporate Social Responsibility”, Paper Praesentation zur 71. Tagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., [paper presentation 71st Annual Conference of the German Academic Association for Business Research], General Theme: „Management von Dienstleistungen [Service Management]“, June 5 2009, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Nuremberg (Germany). 114. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Public Rules and Private Authority: The New Political Role of Business in Global Governance”. Invited Presentation at the Second Bergamo-Wharton Joint Conference on Business Ethics. Conference Theme: Markets, Consent, and the Firm. University of Bergamo, Bergamo (Italy), June 22, 2009. 115. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Was kann Ethics Education in der BWL leisten? Thesen zur Business Ethics Education in der BWL“ [“What is the Potential of Ethics Education in the Business Administration Curriculum? A Proposal on Teaching Business Ethics in the Business Administration Curriculum“], invited speech at the 2nd Ethics Education Workshop, LMU München (Munich/Germany), June 26-27, 2009. 116. Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, Dirk Matten (workshop convenors), “The Business Firm as a Political Actor: A New Theory of the Firm for a Globalized World”, sub-theme 20 at the 25rd EGOS Colloquium 2009, Barcelona (Spain), July 24, 2009. 117. Dennis Schoeneborn, Patrick Haack, and Andreas Georg Scherer, “How Terrorist Organizations Transcend their Inherent Improbability: A Communication Perspective on the Organizational Dimension of Terrorism”, paper presented at the 25rd EGOS Colloquium 2009, Barcelona (Spain), July 2-4, 2009. 118. Dorothée Baumann and Andreas Georg Scherer, “MNEs and the UN Global Compact: An Empirical Analysis of the Implementation of Corporate Citizenship”, paper presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, SIM Division, Chicago, Aug. 7-11, 2009. 27/36 119. Patrick Haack and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Arguing Away the Legitimacy Gap in Global Governance? The Case of the UN Global Compact”, paper presented at the 5th European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR) General Conference Potsdam, September 10-12. 2009, Panel on “Analyzing Legitimization Discourses: Methodological Issues and Substantive Findings”. 120. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Ethics & Leadership. Understanding, Explaining and Discussing the Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility”, podium contribution to the iimt’s Leaders’ Lunch, iimt International Institute of Management in Technology, University of Fribourg (Switzerland), October 16, 2009. 121. Andreas Georg Scherer, “The New Political Role of Business in a Globalized World – A Paradigm Shift in CSR and its Implications for the Firm, Governance, and Democracy”, invited lecture at the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Rotterdam (Netherlands), November 11, 2009. 122. Andreas Georg Scherer and Guido Palazzo, “The New Political Role of Business in a Globalized World – A Paradigm Shift in CSR and its Implications for the Firm, Governance, and Democracy”, paper contribution presented to the panel on “Transnational Integration Regimes and the Governance of Global Standards” (panel 11, members: Laszlo Bruszt, Steve Kobrin, Richard M. Locke, Andreas Scherer), Academy of International Business (AIB) Research Frontiers Conference, Charleston (SC), December 3-5, 2009. 123. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Teaching Business Ethics in Switzerland”, podium discussion of EBEN Switzerland (Swiss chapter of the European Business Ethics Network), HWZ Zurich University of the Applied Sciences, December 11, 2009. 124. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Organizing for Legitimacy: Challenges for MNCs in a Globalized World”, presentation at the 2010 Transatlantic Doctoral Academy in Corporate Responsibility (Politics and Rights: Theoretical Perspectives in Business Ethics), York University, Toronto, February 12, 2010. 125. Dorothée Baumann and Andreas Georg Scherer, “The Organizational Implementation of Corporate Citizenship at Five Swiss MNEs: An Empirical Analysis of the UN Global Compact”, paper presented at the VHB WK International Management Workshop 2010, Berlin, February 19-20, 2010. 126. Andreas Georg Scherer and Guido Palazzo, “The New Political Role of Business in a Globalized World – A Paradigm Shift in CSR and its Implications for the Firm, Governance, and Democracy”, paper presented at the VHB WK Organization Workshop 2010, TU Berlin, February 24-26, 2010. 127. Dennis Schoeneborn and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Communication as Constitutive of Terrorist Organizations”, University of Zurich Institute of Organization and Administrative Science IOU Working Paper No. 104. 128. Christian Vögtlin, Moritz Patzer, Andreas Georg Scherer, “Responsible Leadership in Global Business: A Contingency Approach”, University of Zurich, Institute of Organization and Administrative Science (IOU), IOU Working Paper Series No. 106. 129. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Corporate Social Responsibility Put to the Test. What are the Responsibilities at Local, National & Global Levels? Lessons Learnt for International Business Ethics”, presentation at the Lasalle Ethik Forum 2010 Ethics in Business and the Economy in the Face of the Crisis, Lasalle House Bad Schönbrunn (Switzerland), March 25-26, 2010. 28/36 130. Andreas Georg Scherer, Dorothée Baumann, and Anselm Schneider, “Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Governance – Compensating for the Democratic Deficit of Corporate Political Activity”, paper presented at the Fourth International Colloquium on Corporate Political Activity “The Governance Challenges of Corporate Political Activity”, Long Island University, May 20-22, 2010. 131. Andreas Georg Scherer and Emilio Marti, „The Normative Foundation of Finance: How Misunderstanding the Role of Financial Theories Distorts the Way We Think About the Responsibility of Financial Economists”, University of Zurich, Institute of Organization and Administrative Science (IOU), IOU Working Paper Series No. 108, May 2010. 132. Andreas Georg Scherer and Guido Palazzo, “The Political Role of Global Business and Civil Society Actors – A Review of a New Perspective on CSR and its Implications for CSR, Governance, and Democracy”, University of Zurich, Institute of Organization and Administrative Science (IOU), IOU Working Paper Series No. 109, May 2010. 133. Andreas Georg Scherer and Guido Palazzo, “The Political Role of Global Business and Civil Society Actors – A Paradigm Shift in Business and Society and its Implications for CSR, Governance, and Democracy”, paper presented at the 5th Organization Studies Summer Workshop 2010: “Social Movements, Civil Societies and Corporations”, Margaux (France), 26-28 May 2010. 134. Tim Bartley, Marie-Laure Djelic, Andreas Georg Scherer, Moderator: Michael Lounsbury, “Showcase Panel: Dialogue and Research Traditions in Organizations, Movements, and Civil Society”, panel discussion at the 5th Organization Studies Summer Workshop 2010: “Social Movements, Civil Societies and Corporations”, Margaux (France), 26-28 May 2010. 135. Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, and Gary Weaver, “The Role of Leadership, Responsibility, and Ethics in a Globalized World: Behavioral Issues of Implementing CSR”, sub-theme proposal accepted for the 26th EGOS Colloquium 2010, Lisbon (Portugal), July 1-3, 2010. 136. Moritz Patzer and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Global Responsible Leadership: Towards a Political Conception”, paper presented at the 26th EGOS Colloquium 2010, Lisbon (Portugal), July 1-3, 2010 137. Christian Voegtlin, Moritz Patzer and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Responsible Leadership in Global Business: A Contingency Approach”, paper presented at the 26th EGOS Colloquium 2010, Lisbon (Portugal), July 1-3, 2010. 138. Andreas Georg Scherer and Emilio Marti, “The Normative Foundation of Finance: How Misunderstanding the Role of Financial Theories Distorts the Way We Think about the Responsibility of Financial Economists”, paper presented at the Society for Business Ethics annual conference 2010, Panel on: Varieties of PoliticalEconomic Systems and Trickle Down vs. Bottom-Up Stimulus/Bailout Approaches (organizer Richard P. Nielsen, participants: David Bevan, Ronald Duska, Andreas Scherer), Montreal, Aug. 9. 139. Celine Gainet and Andreas Georg Scherer, “A European Perspective on Social Issues in Management”, caucus at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (organizers: Celine Gainet, Andreas Georg Scherer, participants: Dirk Matten, Domenec Mele, Jeremy Moon, Hans Van Oosterhout, Jean-Pascal Gond, David M. Wasieleski), SIM Division, 29/36 140. Patrick Haack and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Vertical Legitimacy Spillovers in Transnational Governance: The UN Global Compact and its Members”, paper presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, OMT Division, Montreal, Aug. 8-10, 2010. 141. Dennis Schoeneborn and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Communication as Constitutive of Terrorist Organizations”, paper presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, OMT Division, Montreal, Aug. 8-10, 2010. 142. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Private Self-regulation: Temporal Neoliberal Bubble or Modern Governance?”, invited contribution to the final roundtable of the conference “The Role of Business in Global Governance”, Concluding Workshop, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, 16-17 September 2010, Frankfurt am Main. 143. Andreas Georg Scherer, Christopher Wickert, Dorothée Baumann, Lothar Rieth, Patrick Haack, Discussant: Laura Spence, “The Role of Private Businesses in Global Governance: Do SMEs Differ from Large MNCs?”, presentation and panel discussion at the 4rd International CSR-Conference “CSR Challenges Around the Globe” (panel convenor: Andreas Georg Scherer & Christopher Wickert), September 22-24, 2010, HU Berlin. 144. Andreas Georg Scherer, Dorothée Baumann, and Anselm Schneider, “Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Governance – Compensating for the Democratic Deficit of Corporate Political Activity”, paper presented at the 4rd International CSRConference “CSR Challenges Around the Globe”, September 22-24, 2010, HU Berlin. 145. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Organizing for Legitimacy: Challenges for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability in a Globalized World”, Keynote at the conference “The Foundations of Sustainability. An International Conference”, sponsored by the Journal of Management Studies and the Society for the Advancement of Management Studies, Burleigh Court, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK, September 27-29, 2010. 146. Andreas Georg Scherer, “The UN Global Compact: Organizational Implementation of Corporate Citizenship at Multinationals and SMEs”, invited presentation at the Conference on the Occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the United Nations Global Compact, Geneva Centre for Security Policy, Geneva (Switzerland), October 29, 2010. 147. Pursey Heugens and Andreas Georg Scherer, “When Organization Theory Met Business Ethics: Towards Further Symbioses”, University of Zurich, Institute of Organization and Administrative Science (IOU), IOU Working Paper Series No. 112, November 2010. 148. Dorothée Baumann and Andreas Georg Scherer, “MNEs and the UN Global Compact: An Empirical Analysis of the Organizational Implementation of Corporate Citizenship”, University of Zurich, Institute of Organization and Administrative Science (IOU), IOU Working Paper Series No. 114, November 2010. 149. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Menschenrechte als Thema für Unternehmen: Die Umsetzung von Corporate Social Responsibility”, presentation at the UZH Kompetenzzentrum Menschenrechte, University of Zurich, November 9, 2010. 150. Patrick Haack and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Vertical Legitimacy Spillovers in Transnational Governance: The UN Global Compact and its Participants”, University of Zurich, Institute of Organization and Administrative Science (IOU), IOU Working Paper Series No. 117, November 2010. 30/36 151. Anselm Schneider and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Globalization and the Political Role of the Firm: Implications for Corporate Governance”, University of Zurich, Institute of Organization and Administrative Science (IOU), IOU Working Paper Series No. 118, November 2010. 152. Andreas Georg Scherer, „The Political Role of Global Business and Civil Society“, invited presentation at the NCCR Workshop “Human Rights Issues in World Trade: Organizational Implications of Legal and Social Responsibilities”, University of Zurich, November 25, 2010. 153. Andreas Georg Scherer, “A Habermasian view on communication and its implications for organization studies”, invited presentation at the 2nd Meeting of the Research Network „Organization as Communication“ (OaC) [Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)], University of Zurich, February 17-18, 2011. 154. Patrick Haack and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Vertical Legitimacy Spillovers in Transnational Governance: Affect as the Microfoundation of Spillover Strength and Valence”, paper presented at the VHB WK Organization Workshop 2011, FU Berlin, February 23-25, 2011. 155. Dennis Schoeneborn and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Communication as Constitutive of Al Qaeda: An Analysis of the Organizational Prerequisites of Global Terrorism”, paper presented at the VHB WK Organization Workshop 2011, FU Berlin, February 23-25, 2011. 156. Andreas Georg Scherer and Emilio Marti, “The Normative Foundation of Finance: How Misunderstanding the Role of Financial Theories Distorts the Way We Think about the Responsibility of Financial Economists”, paper invited for presentation for presentation at the VHB WK WEW Workshop 2011, FU Berlin, March 17-19, 2011. 157. Andreas Georg Scherer & Christian Voegtlin, “MNCs as Political Actors in a Post-national World: Challenges and Implications for Human Resource Management”, paper accepted for presentation at the Research Workshop “Ethics and HRM: Theoretical and Conceptual Analyses”, sponsored by EABIS and Monash University, London, April 10-12, 2011. 158. Andreas Georg Scherer, “The New Political Role of Business in a Globalized World: Implications for Corporate Social Responsibility”, invited lecture at the University of Konstanz, May 19, 2011. 159. Dennis Schoeneborn and Andreas Georg Scherer, “The Phenomenon of Globalized Terrorism: A "Communication Constitutes Organization" Perspective”, paper accepted for presentation at the 61st ICA 2011 Conference of the International Communication Association Conference 2011 “Communication @ the Corner” (Organizational Communication Division), Boston, Mass., May 26-30, 2011. 160. Anselm Schneider and Andreas Georg Scherer, "Polanyi Reloaded - A Historical Perspective on the Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and the Welfare-State", paper accepted for presentation at the 2011 European Academy of Management Conference, Tallinn, 1-4 June 2011 161. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Organizing for Legitimacy: Challenges for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability in a Globalized World“, Invited presentation at the 73. Tagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., [73st Annual Conference of the German Academic Association for Business Research], General Theme: „Nachhaltigkeit: Unternehmerisches Handeln in globaler Verantwortung 31/36 [Sustainability: Entrepreneurial Actions and Global Responsibility]“, June 16-18 2011, Technical University of Kaiserslautern (Germany). 162. Andreas Georg Scherer (organizer), Anja Schwerk & Joachim Schwalbach; Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufsess & Arnold Picot; Hansrudi Lenz; Frank Martin Belz (contributors); Albert Löhr (discussant), „Unternehmensethik, CSR und Nachhaltigkeit in der BWL: Zukunftsperspektiven für die betriebswirtschaftliche Lehre und Forschung,“ Symposium Proposal für ein Symposium zur 73. Tagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., [symposium proposal submitted to the 73st Annual Conference of the German Academic Association for Business Research], General Theme: „Nachhaltigkeit: Unternehmerisches Handeln in globaler Verantwortung [Sustainability: Entrepreneurial Actions and Global Responsibility]“, June 16-18 2011, Technical University of Kaiserslautern (Germany). 163. Dorothée Baumann, Christopher Wickert, Laura Spence, Andreas Georg Scherer, „Organizing Corporate Social Responsibility in Small and Large Firms – Does Size Matter?“, paper presented at the 27th EGOS Colloquium 2010, Gothenburg (Sweden), July 7-9, 2011. 164. Anselm Schneider and Andreas Georg Scherer, “The Democratization of Corporate Boards: Reconciling Legitimacy and Efficiency by Deliberation”, paper presented at the 7th International Critical Management Studies Conference, Stream 7 “Behavioural perspectives adopting a critical corporate governance view: opening and shaping the agenda”, Naples, July 11-13, 2011. 165. Emilio Marti and Andreas Georg Scherer, “How to Analyze High Frequency Trading: Tracking its Performance, Looking for Potential Rupture Points or Uncovering Suppression? Three Radically Different Analyzes of High Frequency Trading and how to Weigh Them against each other with the Habermasian Concept of Cognitive Interests”, paper presented at the 7th International Critical Management Studies Conference, Stream 23 “Performing (financial) markets: how economists, models, and technologies shape financialized economies”, Naples, July 11-13, 2011. 166. Anselm Schneider and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Globalization and the Political Role of the Firm: Implications for Corporate Governance”, paper presented at the Society for Business Ethics annual conference 2011, San Antonio (TX), Aug 13-14, 2011. 167. Patrick Haack and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Affect-based Attribute Substitution as a Microfoundation of Cross-level Legitimacy Spillovers”, paper presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, MOC-division, San Antonio, TX, Aug 14-16, 2011. 168. Andreas Georg Scherer, Dorothee Baumann, and Anselm Schneider, “Corporate Citizenship & Corporate Governance: Compensating for the Democratic Deficit in CPA”, paper presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, SIM-division, San Antonio, TX, Aug 14-16, 2011. 169. Harry J. Van Buren III & Michelle Greenwood; Nicola M. Pless & Thomas Maak; Anne-Laure Winkler & Miguel Alzola; David Guest & Chris Woodrow; Marian Crowley-Henry, Paul F. Donnelly, & David Weir; Andreas Georg Scherer & Christian Voegtlin; Discussant: Jan Schapper, “An Ethical Future for HRM: Philosophical, Political, and Human Considerations”, Symposium at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (sponsoring divisions: HR, SIM), San Antonio, TX, Aug 14-16, 2011, Symposium Co-chairs: Harry J. Van Buren II, Michelle Greenwood. 32/36 170. Dennis Schoeneborn, Hannah Trittin, Andreas Georg Scherer, “Transcending the Transmission Model: A Reconstruction of Corporate Social Responsibility Communication From a Constitutive Perspective”, Paper presented at the 1st CSR Communication Conference, October 26-28, 2011, Amsterdam (Netherlands). 171. Sara Inauen, Dennis Schoeneborn, & Andreas Georg Scherer, „Tweeting for a Better World? Twitter and the Moral Legitimation of Multi-national Corporations.“ Paper presented at the Social Media for Social Purposes Conference, Copenhagen (Denmark), Oct 31-Nov 1, 2011. 172. Andreas Georg Scherer, „Internationalisierung und Verantwortung der Unternehmung: CSR als Herausforderung für die Theorie der Firma“, Präsentation vor der Erich-Gutenberg-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Köln e.V., Wissenschaftliche Tagung „Internationalisierung von Unternehmen – Herausforderungen für die Theorie der Unternehmung“, Köln (Germany), 26. Nov. 2011. 173. Andreas Georg Scherer, „The Changing Role of Business in Global Society: Implications for Governance, Democracy, and the Theory oft he Firm“, invited lecture held at the lecture series „ZenTra Centre for Transnational Studies 2011-12“, University of Bremen (Germany), Bremen, November 30, 2011. 174. Christian Voegtlin, Moritz Patzer, and Andreas Georg Scherer, ‘Responsible Leadership in Global Business: A New Approach to Leadership and its Multi-level Outcomes’, University of Zurich, Chair of Foundations of Business Administration and Theories of the Firm, Working Paper No. 201, December 2011. 175. Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, and David Seidl, ‘Legitimacy Strategies in a Globalized World: Organizing for Complex and Heterogeneous Environments’, University of Zurich, Chair of Foundations of Business Administration and Theories of the Firm, Working Paper No. 202, December 2011. 176. Dennis Schoeneborn, Hannah Trittin, and Andreas Georg Scherer, ‘Transcending the Transmission Model: A Reconstruction of Corporate Social Responsibility Communication From a Constitutive Perspective’, University of Zurich, Chair of Foundations of Business Administration and Theories of the Firm, Working Paper No. 203, December 2011. 177. Dorothée Baumann, Christopher Wickert, Laura Spence, and Andreas Georg Scherer, ‘Organizing Corporate Social Responsibility in Small and Large Firms – Size Matters’, University of Zurich, Chair of Foundations of Business Administration and Theories of the Firm, Working Paper No. 204, December 2011. 178. Andreas Georg Scherer and Christian Voegtlin, ‘MNCs as Political Actors in a Post-national World: Challenges and Implications for Human Resource Management’, University of Zurich, Chair of Foundations of Business Administration and Theories of the Firm, Working Paper No. 205, December 2011. 179. Sarah Inauen, Dennis Schoeneborn, and Andreas Georg Scherer, ‘Twitter and its Usage for Dialogic Stakeholder Communication by MNCs and NGOs’, University of Zurich, Chair of Foundations of Business Administration and Theories of the Firm, Working Paper No. 208, December 2011. 180. Schneider, Anselm and Scherer, Andreas Georg, „Unternehmen, Menschenrechte und Global Governance: Zur Umsetzung von Compliance auf Unternehmensebene“, paper presented at the conference „Corporate Compliance und Corporate Social Responsbility: Chance und Risiken sanfter Regulierung“, University of Siegen (Germany), February 9-10, 2012. 33/36 181. Schoeneborn, Dennis, Trittin, Hannah, and Scherer, Andreas Georg, „Towards a Constitutive View on CSR Communication“, paper presented at the VHB WK WEW Workshop 2012, FU Berlin, February 16-18, 2012. 182. Scherer, Andreas Georg and Voegtlin, Christian, „MNCs as Political Actors in a Post-National World: Challenges and Implications for Human Resource Management“, paper presented at the VHB WK Organization Workshop 2012, FU Berlin (Germany), February 29-March 2, 2012. 183. Schoeneborn, Dennis, Trittin, Hannah, and Scherer, Andreas Georg, „Transcending Transmission: CSR Communication Reconstructed from a „Communication Constitutes Organizations“ (CCO) Perspective“, paper presented at the VHB WK Organization Workshop 2012, FU Berlin (Germany), February 29-March 2, 2012. 184. Christopher Wickert, Andreas Georg Scherer, Laura J. Spence, ‘Implementing and Communicating CSR: Implications of Organizational Cost and Firm Size’, paper abstract accepted for presentation at the ICCSR 10th Anniversary Conference "CSR futures" (stream CSR Context and Dynamic), Nottingham, UK, April 26-27, 2012. 185. Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, Christopher Wickert, Laura Spence, and Andreas Georg Scherer, ‘Communicating vs. Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility: Why Large Firms Talk and Small Firms Walk?, paper presented at the 74. Tagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., [74st Annual Conference of the German Academic Association for Business Research] ‘Doing Business in Europe: Cross-cultural Issues’, Bolzano (Italy), May 30-June 2, 2012. 186. Anselm Schneider and Andreas Georg Scherer (2012). Reconciling Legitimacy and Efficiency by Communication: A Case for Democratic Corporate Governance. Paper presented at the 2012 EURAM Conference, Rotterdam, 6-8 June 2012. 187. Andreas Georg Scherer, Hans van Oosterhout, Kathleen Rehbein, “The Changing Role of Business in Global Society: Business Firms as Governance Takers and Governance Makers”, Standing Workshop Group SWG 10, 28th EGOS Colloquium, July 5-7, 2012, Helsinki, Finland. 188. Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, “Navigating Through Paradoxical Expectations. Organizational Implications of Managing Corporate Legitimacy in Complex Environments”, paper presented at “The Changing Role of Business in Global Society: Business Firms as Governance Takers and Governance Makers”, Standing Workshop Group SWG 10, 28th EGOS Colloquium, July 5-7, 2012, Helsinki, Finland. 189. Emilio Marti and Andreas Georg Scherer, “A Critical Analysis of how the Academic Discourse on High Frequency Trading Should Influence Public Policy. Assessing the Contributions from Market Microstructure Theory, Social Studies of Finance, and International Political Economy”, paper presented at the 2012 Society for Business Ethics Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Aug 3-5, 2012. 190. Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, and David Seidl, ‘Legitimacy Strategies in a Globalized World: Organizing for Complex & Heterogeneous Environments’, presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, SIMdivision, Boston, MA, Aug. 3-7, 2012. 191. Christopher Wickert, Andreas Georg Scherer, Laura J. Spence, ‘Implementing and Communicating CSR: Implications of Organizational Cost and Firm Size’, paper 34/36 presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, SIM-division, Boston, MA, Aug. 3-7, 2012. 192. Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, and David Seidl, “Managing Legitimacy in Complex and Heterogeneous Environments: Sustainable Development in a Globalized World”, University of Zurich, Institute of Business Administration, UZH Business Working Paper No. 306 (August 27, 2012). 193. Moritz Patzer, Christian Voegtlin, and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Responsible Leadership and the Political Role of Global Business”, University of Zurich, Institute of Business Administration, UZH Business Working Paper No. 307 (August 29, 2012). 194. Patrick Haack and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Towards a Legitimacy-as-Feeling Conjecture in Institutional Theory: The Role of Heuristic Judgment in the Categorization and Legitimation of Transnational Organizations”, paper presented at the New Frontiers in Managerial and Organizational Cognition Conference, Dublin, Ireland, September 6-7, 2012. 195. Anselm Schneider and Andreas Georg Scherer, „Private Business Firms, Human Rights, and Global Governance Issues: An Organizational Implementation Perspective“, University of Zurich, Institute of Business Administration, UZH Business Working Paper No. 320 (November 5, 2012). 196. Dorotheé Baumann-Pauly, Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, “Organizational Implications of Managing Corporate Legitimacy in Complex Environments: A Longitudinal Case Study of Puma”, University of Zurich, Institute of Business Administration, UZH Business Working Paper No. 321 (November 3, 2012), “Managing Institutional Complexity – A Case Study on the Legitimacy Strategies of Puma. UZH Business Working Paper No. 321 2nd ed. (October 7, 2013). 197. Christopher Wickert, Andreas Georg Scherer, Laura J. Spence, ‘Implementing and Communicating CSR: Implications of Organizational Cost and Firm Size’, paper presented at the VHB WK Organisation Workshop 2013, University of Jena (Germany), February 27-March 1, 2013. Stefan Schembera and Andreas Georg Scherer, ‘Organizing Corruption Con198. trols After a Scandal: Changes Processes in Legitimacy Strategies and Institutional Environments’, paper presented at the 29th EGOS Colloquium 2013, Montreal, July 46 2013 (sub-theme 29: Unmasking Corruption: Critical Perspectives on Corruption and Anti-Corruption). 199. Anselm Schneider and Andreas Georg Scherer, ‘Tackling the Unmet Promise of Business Self-Regulation: An Organizational Implementation Perspective’, paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference 2013, Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, August 9-13 2013 (SIM Division). 200. Moritz Patzer, Christian Voegtlin, and Andreas Georg Scherer, ‘Globally Responsible Leadership: Towards a Political Conception’, paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference 2013, Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, August 9-13 2013 (SIM Division). 201. Emilio Marti and Andreas Georg Scherer, ‘Can Organization Theory Inform Financial Regulation? The Case of High Frequency Trading’, paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference 2013, Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, August 9-13 2013 (CMS Division). 35/36 202. Andreas Georg Scherer, ‘Die Unternehmung als politischer Akteur? Konstruktive Überlegungen zu einer politischen Philosophie der Unternehmung’, Vortrag anlässlich der Tagung “Politische Anthropologie und Ökonomie im Anschluß an Paul Lorenzen”, Konstanzer Wissenschaftsforum, Universität Konstanz (Germany), October 10-11, 2013. 203. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Zur organisatorischen Umsetzung von CSR im Unternehmen: Sind “Big Corporations” wirklich besser als KMU? Invited Guest Lecture at the FH Wien (Vienna/Austria), December 5, 2013. 204. Andreas Georg Scherer, “MNCs as Political Actors in a Post-National World: Challenges and Implications for Human Resource Management”. Invited Guest Lecture at the IESE Business School, Barcelona (Spain), December 13, 2013. 205. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Responsible Innovation and the Innovation of Responsibility: Governing Sustainable Development in a Globalized World”, invited presentation at the Workshop “Ethics, Technology, and Organizational Innovation”, ETH Zurich, January 7-8, 2014. 206. Stefan Schembera and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Organizing Corruption Controls After a Scandal: Regaining Legitimacy in Complex and Changing Institutional Environments”, University of Zurich, Institute of Business Administration, UZH Business Working Paper No. 343 (February 25, 2014). 207. Emilio Marti and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Financial Regulation and Social Welfare: The Critical Contribution of Management Theory”, accepted for presentation at the VHB WK Organization Workshop 2014, University of Jena (Germany), February 26-28, 2014. 208. Christian Voegtlin and Andreas Georg Scherer, “MNCs as Political Actors in Global Business: Challenges and Implications for Human Resource Management”, paper presented at the 5th LAEMOS conference, April 2-5, 2014, Havana (Cuba), Subtheme no. 6: Performing Alternatives to Capitalism: Which Theories, Models and Mechanisms? 209. Stefan Schembera, Patrick Haack, Andreas Georg Scherer, “Clean Companies in Dirty Business Countries: Prospects and Pitfalls of Anti-corruption Programs”, paper presented at the 5th LAEMOS conference, April 2-5, 2014, Havana (Cuba), Subtheme no. 2: Alternatives to corruption and anti-corruption? Rethinking theory, practice, and context. 210. Andreas Georg Scherer, “Managing Institutional Complexity: A Case Study on the Legitimacy Strategies of PUMA” (paper by Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo), presentation at the research seminar on “Institutional Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)”, Management & Organization Department, VU Amsterdam, May 13 2014. 211. Anselm Schneider & Andreas Georg Scherer, “Corporate Social Responsibility Policies – Increasing Business Power or Regulatory Coherence?”, paper presented at the 30th EGOS colloquium (sub-theme 38: The Corporatization of Politics and the Politicization of Corporations”), Rotterdam (Netherlands), July 3-5. 2014. 212. Stefan Schembera and Andreas Georg Scherer, “What explains organizational responses of MNCs to corruption scandals? Corporate Legitimacy Strategies in Complex Institutional Environments”. Paper presented at the Society for Business Ethics Annual Meeting 2014, Philadelphia (Penn.), Aug. 1-3, 2014. 36/36 213. Glen Whelan, Dirk Matten, & Jeremy Moon (Co-organizers), Mette Morsing, Andreas Georg Scherer, Dennis Schoeneoborn, Andreas Rasche, “Corporations, Citizenship, and Emerging Digital Technologies: New Media, Metaphors, & Organizational Forms”, panel symposium at the 2014 Academy of Management Conference (All Academy Theme), Philadelphia (PA), Aug 1-5, 2014. 214. Christian Voegtlin & Andreas Rasche (co-organizers), S. Prakash Sethi, Donald H. Schepers, Andreas Rasche & Sandra Waddock, Daniel Berliner & Aseem Prakash, Andreas Georg Scherer, Oliver F. Williams, “Empty Words? – The Contested Nature of the UN Global Compact”, panel symposium at the 2014 Academy of Management Conference (All Academy Theme), Philadelphia (PA), Aug 1-5, 2014. 215. Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, Andreas Georg Scherer, & Guido Palazzo, “Managing Institutional Complexity: A Study on the Legitimacy Strategies of a Sports Utility Firm”, paper presented at the 2014 Academy of Management Conference (SIM division), Philadelphia (PA), Aug 1-5, 2014. 216. Andreas Georg Scherer: “Can Hypernorms be Justified? Insights from Three Perspectives of Contemporary German Philosophy”, presentation at the symposium “Normative Business Ethics in a Global Economy. New Directions in Donaldsonian Themes”, Wharton School, Philadelphia, PA, 17-18 October 2014. 217. Andreas Georg Scherer: “Financial Regulation and Social Welfare”, invited presentation at the Cambridge University Judge Business School, Cambridge (UK), 4 December 2014. 218. Stefan Schembera, Patrick Haack, Andreas Georg Scherer: “Making Sense of Doing Clean Business in Dirty Contexts: Narratives of Compliance and Goal Achievement in the Global Fight Against Corruption, paper submitted for the 31st EGOS colloquium (sub-theme 10 (SWG): “Creating and Sustaining Transnational Multi-Actor Governance of Corporate Conduct”), Athens (Greece), July 2-4. 2015. 219. Stefan Schembera, Patrick Haack, Andreas Georg Scherer: “Making Sense of (De)Coupling Through Narration: The Case of Anti-Corruption at Siemens, Paper submitted for the Society for Business Ethics Annual Meeting 2015, Vancouver (Canada), Aug. 6-9, 2015. Book Reviews, Conference Reports, and Publications in Popular Media: 1. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Dialogorientierte Unternehmenskommunikation. Workshop an der Universität Leipzig am 10./11. Februar 1995", in: Forum Wirtschaftsethik, Vol. 3 (1995), Nr. 2, pp. 19-20. 2. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Zwischen Universalismus und Relativismus – Rationalität als Problem des interkulturellen Managements. Workshop an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg am 23./24. Februar 1996", in: Forum Wirtschaftsethik, Vol. 4 (1996), pp. 13-14. 3. Horst Steinmann und Andreas Georg Scherer, "Zwischen Universalismus und Relativismus – Rationalität als Problem des interkulturellen Managements. Workshop an der WiSo-Fakultät der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg am 23./24. Februar 1996 in Nürnberg", in: Die Betriebswirtschaft, Vol. 56 (1996), pp. 580-582. 4. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Theory Pluralism and Incommensurability in Strategic Management and Organization Theory – Consequences for Theory and Practice. Sympo- 37/36 sium im Rahmen der Jahrestagung der Academy of Management am 13. August 1996 in Cincinnati (Ohio)", in: Die Betriebswirtschaft, Vol. 57 (1997), pp. 136-138. 5. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Rezension von Axel v. Werder: Unternehmensführung und Argumentationsrationalität", in: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, Vol. 49 (1997), pp. 280-282. 6. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Rezension von Steffen Scheurer: Bausteine einer Theorie der strategischen Steuerung von Unternehmen", in: Management Revue, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 153-158. 7. Andreas Georg Scherer, "Transzendierung von Ökonomik und Systemtheorie? – Die »Ethik der Governance« von Josef Wieland" (Rezension von Josef Wieland: Ethik der Governance), in: Forum Wirtschaftsethik, Vol. 7 (1999), No. 4, pp. 11-15. 8. Baumann, Dorothée und Andreas Georg Scherer, „Wie Schweizer Unternehmen den UN Global Compact umsetzen“, in: io new management, Nr. 4, 2008, pp. 18-21. 9. Andreas Georg Scherer, Guido Palazzo, und Anton Leist, „Ein Testfall für den Wissenschaftsstandort. Die Aufregung um den Wirtschaftsethiker Ulrich Thielemann“, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 13. Mai 2009 (109. Jg.), S. 16.
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