Fa cul ty of T he ol ogy w w w .t e ol .uni be .ch a – une H o u s e o f R e l i g i o n s B er n / Sw i t z er l and nternational Con eren e on nter ultural Spiritual Care and Counseling Pastoral and Spiritual Care Across Religions Sunday, May 31, 2015 Public Lecture 17:00 Welcome and Introduction • Pro r sa elle ot Institute for Practical Theology, University of Bern • a id eut ler Head of the House of Religions ern The Human Soul is an Open Land. The "Psyche" in the Fluctuating Conceptions of the Human Being (German) • Opening Lecture by ro r Susanne eine University of Vienna Panel Discussion • ira a ner l a aii Scholar in Islamic Studies, Interreligious Think Tank • r Claudia o li Rei en a Protestant Theologian, Manager of the Chaplain and Pastoral Counselor Training Programs (AWS) • ar o R ss en udd ist and Chaplain • Sasi u ar Chair Music 19:30 ar alinga Hindu Priest and Chaplain r rigitta Rota Director of Cultural Programs, House of Religions, Bern nna rau er, Contra Bassist Ayurvedic Buffet * Conference Venue House of Religions, uropaplat , Bern, Switzerland Access by train to "Europaplatz" station trains no. S or S by tramway no. 7 or no. 8 from Bern main station to "Europaplatz" Registration per email to [email protected] * CHF 22 per person / students and international visitors 15 CHF Monday, June 1, 2015 Academic Conference 09:15 Welcome • Dr. Georg Wenz, Evangelische Akademie der Pfalz, D • Prof. Dr. Isabelle Noth, University of Bern, CH 09:30 Part I: Spiritual Care and its Impact on Pastoral Care, Psychology, and Medicine • Pastoral Care • Psychology: • Medicine: Prof. Dr. Christo h chneider-Har recht, Ev. LK in Baden, D Prof. Dr. Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello, University of Bern, CH Prof. Dr. Gian Domenico Borasio, University of Lausanne, CH 10:45 Panel chaired by Prof. Dr. Albrecht Grözinger, University of Basel, CH 11:30 Part II: Pastoral Care and Counseling in Pluralistic Societies • Judaism: Islam • Christianity: 12:30 13:00 Dr. uchama Weiss, Hebrew Union College Jerusalem, I Dr. Abdelmalek Hibaoui, University of Tübingen, D Dr. Georg Wenz, Evangelische Akademie der Pfalz, D Discussions in groups, chaired by the speakers Lunch 14:30 Healing Hatred - Instruments of Pastoral Care and Counseling Applied to the Israel-Palestine Conflict Dr. arah Bernstein, Jerusalem Center for Jewish-Christian elations, I 15:30 To what extent are Muslims in Western Societies developing Islamic Pastoral Theology and Practice? Prof. Dr. o hie Gilliat- a , Cardiff Universit , GB Break 17:00 Interfaith Spiritual Care - Postcolonial African Christian Perspectives Prof. Dr. Emmanuel arte , Emor Universit Atlanta, U A 18:30 Dinner 20:00 First Conclusions, Founding of an Association Tuesday, June 2, 2015 09:15 Future Prospects of Islamic Pastoral Care in Secular Societies (German) • Prof. Dr. Ednan Aslan, University of Vienna, A 09:45 Otherness and Understanding - Interculturality as the Standard Case in Pastoral Care? • Dr. Kristin Merle, University of Tübingen, D 10:15 Recognizing the Other: Intersubjectivity and Justice • Prof. Dr. Pamela Cooper-White, Columbia Theol. Seminary, GA, USA 11:00 Panel Discussion • • • • • • Dr. Ruchama Weiss, Hebrew Union College, IL M.A. Esnaf Begic, University of Osnabrück, D Dr. Ladislav Beneš, University of Prague, CZ Prof. Dr. Sophie Gilliat-Ray, Cardiff University, GB Prof. Dr. Mary Rute G. Esperandio, Universidade do Paraná, BR Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Lartey, Emory University Atlanta, USA Chair: Prof. Dr. Ralph Kunz, University of Zurich, CH 12:00 13:00 Conclusion & Future Perspectives - Interdisciplinarity, Interreligiosity, Internationality • Prof. Dr. Mary Rute G. Esperandio, Universidade do Paraná, BR • Prof. Dr. Isabelle Noth, University of Bern, CH Lunch Contact and Registration Prof. Dr. Isabelle Noth, University of Bern, Institute for Practical Theology Länggassstrasse 51, 3012 Bern, Switzerland Registration deadline: May 15, 2015 ([email protected]) Fees Participation at the academic conference (including lunch): CHF 180 per person / 50 CHF for students and international visitors Please transfer the relevant amount on the following account until May 15, 2015: IBAN CH 92 0900 0000 3000 0406 7 Finanzverwaltung des Kts. Bern, 3011 Bern payment reference: „1535 Kredit: 36-348“ Organized by Faculty of Theology, University of Bern, CH Evangelische Akademie der Pfalz, D In cooperation with Faculty of Theology, University of Basel, CH Faculty of Theology, University of Zurich, CH Institute of Islamic Theology, University of Osnabrück, D Faculty of Protestant Theology, University of Prague, CZ Centre for Islamic Theology, University of Tübingen, D Faculty of Protestant Theology, University of Tübingen, D Institute of Islamic Studies, University of Vienna, A House of Religions - Dialogue of Cultures, Bern, CH Conference Venue House of Religions, Europaplatz, Bern, CH Universität Bern Theologische Fakultät Länggassstrasse 51 3012 Bern
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