Japanese 461 (Fall 2013) Introduction to Classical Japanese (3 credits) Instructor: Saeko Shibayama Office: Moore 388 Email: [email protected] Phone: 956-2071 Office Hours: Wed. 3-4 pm and by appointment Class Hours: MWF 9:30-10:20 in Holmes 241 Course Description: This course provides a systematic introduction to the grammar of classical Japanese (bungo 文語 or kogo 古語), which was used until WWII in Japanese formal and informal writing. As such, a command of classical Japanese is crucial for the study of all but the most contemporary aspects of Japanese history, thought and culture. The grammar taught in this course is a synthesis of traditional approaches to the subject. This is not a course on historical linguistics; the primary goal is to provide students with linguistic tools and resources needed to read premodern texts through rigorous exercises, rather than elucidating the evolution and the historical changes of the grammar itself. Particular emphasis will be placed on learning various forms and functions of auxiliary verbs (助動詞), the key to correctly interpreting primary texts. In order to make the study of auxiliary verbs possible, certain basics, such as the forms and patters of verb conjugations, are introduced at the beginning. Memorization of basic grammatical items is required, and quizzes will be given regularly to facilitate the learning process. Along with grammar, this course will introduce students to various literary genres from tenth-through thirteenth-century Japan. Through analytical readings of an array of prose and poetic works, such as monogatari (tales), nikki (diaries), uta-monogatari (poem-tales), waka (31 syllable poems) and setsuwa (anecdotes), students will gain a firsthand glimpse into the rich literary world of the Japanese aristocracy during these centuries, and hopefully rethink labeling them as “traditional” or “classical” literature. Prerequisite: JPN 407 or by permission of the instructor Required Texts: 1. Haruo Shirane, Classical Japanese: A Grammar (Columbia UP, 2005): Available at the UHM bookstore ($45.60 used, $60 new) 2. Reading selections will be provided by the instructor. 3. A classical Japanese dictionary. -1- Recommended: 旺文社 全訳古語辞典 (第三版), available at App Store for $22.99 (most recommended) ベネッセ 全訳古語辞典, available at App Store for $17.99 A few copies of 岩波古語辞典 available for purchase ($30) from the instructor. Class Procedure Prior to each classroom session, students are expected to study the assigned texts, grammatically parse and translate them into English. Although it will not be easy to analyze the grammar throughly, especially at the beginning, the reading material has been selected to supplement the weekly grammar items (to be studied in the textbook), and students can thus focus on demonstrating their newly acquired grammatical knowledge in their reading of the assigned portion of the texts. In class, translation into English is used to increase and evaluate fluency in parsing and analyzing grammar, vocabulary and sentence structure. There will be an in-class midterm examination and a final examination, scheduled on Monday, October 21 and Friday, December 20, respectively. Toward the end of the course, each student will be assigned a short excerpt of a classical text, and required to grammatically analyze it throughly and produce a polished English translation. A suggested text will be provided, but students may choose their own in consultation with the instructor. e.g. 古今集、#1002 貫之長歌 うじしゆういものがたり ほうしくわしゃうのえいのこと うをかひのこと 宇治拾遺物語, #107 宝志和尚影事、#178 魚養事 Requirements and Evaluation Class attendance, preparation and performance 30% (More than 5 absences will result in a full letter grade reduction.) Seven Quizzes 14% Written Translation 16% Midterm Examination 20% Final Examination 20% -2- Learning Outcomes Students completing this course should be able to: 1. Parse sentences written in classical Japanese into “parts of speech” (hinshi), and identify and analyze the function of the individual parts in the given context. 2. Read and comprehend classical Japanese prose and poetry with appropriate academic tools. 3. Translate passages in classical Japanese into appropriate English, demonstrating an accurate understanding of the grammar, vocabulary and syntactic structure of the original texts. 4. Gain a comparative perspective on how things are similar and different, both linguistically and thematically, between literary texts produced in premodern and modern/contemporary Japan. Useful References: Tadashi Ikeda, Classical Japanese Grammar Illustrated with Texts (The Tōhō Gakkai, 1980). Helen McCullough, Bungo Manual: Selected Reference Materials for Students of Classical Japanese (East Asian Program, Cornell University, 1993). John Wixted, A Handbook to Classical Japanese (East Asian Program, Cornell University, 2006). Alexander Vovin, A Reference Grammar of Classical Japanese Prose (RoutledgeCurzon, 2003). Schedule (The schedule may be modified in accordance with student interests and abilities. “R” indicates reading selections.) Week 1: Parts of Speech, Historical Kana System, Modifying Words 1) Mon. 26 Aug. INTRODUCTION: THE GOALS AND STRUCTURE OF THE CLASS R: Excerpts from Fukuzawa Yukichi 福沢諭吉 (1834-1901), Gakumon no susume 学問ノススメ (1872-76) R: Excerpts from Yanagita Kunio 柳田国男 (1875-1962), Tōno monoatari 遠野物語 (1910) 2) Wed. 28 Aug. THE TABLE OF FIFTY SOUNDS (五十音図), いろは歌 (PP. 18, 20, 22-23) R: Opening passage of the Japanese preface (仮名序) to the Kokin wakashū 古今和歌集 (905) 3) Fri. 30 Aug. PARTS OF SPEECH (品詞, P. 13-17), MODIFYING WORDS (修飾語, PP. 16, 62) R: The Japanese preface to the Kokinshū, cont. HW: Grammar Exercises, p. 411. Read Chapter 3. -3- Week 2: Regular Verbs Mon. 2 Sept. No Class: Labor Day 4) Wed. 4 Sept. YODAN VERBS (四段動詞, PP. 27-28) ゐなかのちご、さくらのちるをみてなくこと R: Uji shūi monogatari 宇治拾遺物語 (ca. 1212-21), #13 田舎児、桜ノ散ヲ見泣事 5) Fri. 6 Sept. KAMI-ICHI, SHIMO-ICHI, KAMI-NI, SHIMO-NI VERBS (PP. 28-35) R: Uji shūi monogatari, cont. HW: pp. 412-414. Read Chapter 4. Week 3: Irregular Verbs 6) Mon. 9 Sept. REVIEW OF REGULAR VERBS QUIZ 1 ON REGULAR VERBS R: Ki no Tsurayuki 紀貫之 (866?-945?), Tosa nikki 土佐日記 (ca. 935) 7) Wed. 11 Sept. NAHEN (ナ変, PP. 37-38), RAHEN (ラ変, PP. 39-41) R: Tosa nikki, cont. HW: pp. 414 下- 415 上 8) Fri. 13 Sept. KAHEN (カ変, PP. 42-43), SAHEN (サ変, P. 44-45) R: Tosa nikki, cont. R: Tsurayuki’s poems from the Kokinshū, #78, #117 and #633 HW: pp. 415 下- 416 上、416 下 - 418 上 Week 4: Adjectives and Adjectival Verbs 9) Mon. 16 Sept. REVIEW OF ALL VERBS KU-ADJECTIVES (ク形容詞, PP. 50-52) SHIKU-ADJECTIVES (シク形容詞, PP. 53-54) QUIZ 2 ON IRREGULAR VERBS をばすて R: Yamato monogatari 大和物語 (mid 10th c), #156 姥捨 HW: pp. 418-419 上 -4- 10) Wed. 18 Sept. ADJECTIVAL VERBS (形容動詞, PP. 57-60) R: Yamato monotatari, cont. HW: pp. 419 下- 420 上、420 下 - 422 11) Fri. 20 Sept. REVIEW OF ADJECTIVES AND ADJECTIVAL VERBS R: Yamato monogatari, cont. Week 5: Auxiliary Verbs (助動詞) 1, zu, ki, keri 12) Mon. 23 Sept. NEGATIVE ZU (打消「ず」, PP. 64-65) QUIZ 3 ON ADJECTIVES AND ADJECTIVAL VERBS R: Kamo no Chōmei 鴨長明 (ca. 1155-1216), Hōjōki 方丈記 (1212) HW: pp. 425-426 13) Wed. 25 Sept. RECOLLECTIVE KI (過去「き」, PP. 68-69), KERI (けり, PP. 71-73) R: Hōjōki, cont. HW: pp. 427- 430 上 14) Fri. 27 Sept. REVIEW OF ず、き、けり R: Hōjōki, cont. Week 6: Auxiliary Verbs (助動詞) 2, nu, tsu, tari, ri 15) Mon. 30 Sept. PERFECTIVE NU (完了「ぬ」, PP. 77-79), TSU (つ, PP. 79-80) QUIZ 4 ON ZU, KI, KERI R: Tosa nikki HW: pp. 430 下 - 434 16) Wed. 2 Oct. RESULTATIVE TARI (結果「たり」, PP. 82-83), RI (り, PP. 85-86) R: Tosa nikki, cont. HW: pp. 435-436 17) Fri. 4 Oct. REVIEW OF ぬ、つ、たり、り R: Tosa nikki, cont. -5- Week 7: Auxiliary Verbs (助動詞) 3, nari, tari 18) Mon. 7 Oct. COPULAR NARI (断定「なり」, PP. 88-90 上), TARI (たり, PP. 91-92) HEARSAY NARI (伝聞「なり」, PP. 118 下 - 120) QUIZ 5 ON NU, TSU, TARI, RI うづら R: Ise monogatari 伊勢物語 (ca. 947), #123 鶉 HW: pp. 445 下 - 447 上 19) Wed. 9 Oct. REVIEW OF COPULAR NARI R: Ise monogatari, cont. 20) Fri. 11 Oct. R: Ise monogatari, cont. R: Fujiwara no Shunzei’s 藤原俊成 (1114-1204) poem #259 from the Senzaishū 千載集 HW: Read Chapter 9 Week 8: Auxiliary Verbs (助動詞) 4, mu, muzu, kemu, ramu, rashi, mashi, beshi, meri 21) Mon. 14 Oct. SPECULATIVE MU (推量「む」, PP. 94-98), MUZU (むず, P. 100) PAST-SPECULATIVE KEMU (過去推量「けむ」, PP. 100-101) PRESENT-SPECULATION RAMU (現在推量「らむ」, PP. 103-104) つついづつ R: Ise monogatari, #23 筒井筒 HW: pp. 436 下 - 440 上 22) Wed. 16 Oct. SUPPOSITIONAL RASHI (推定「らし」, PP, 107-108) SUPPOSITIONAL MERI (推定「めり」, PP. 117-118) COUNTERFACTUAL MASHI (半実仮想「まし」, PP. 109-110) BESHI -- VARIOUS RATIONALLY JUSTIFIED EXPECTATIONS (べし, PP. 112-116) R: Ise monogatari, cont. HW: pp. 440 - 445 上 23) Fri. 18 Oct. REVIEW OF SPECULATIVE AND SUPPOSITIONAL AUXILIARY VERBS R: Ise monogatari, cont. -6- Week 9: Auxiliary Verbs (助動詞) 5, ji, maji, tashi, mahoshi, gotoshi 24) Mon. 21 Oct. IN-CLASS MIDTERM EXAM 25) Wed. 23 Oct. NEGATIVE SPECULATION JI (打消推量「じ」, PP. 123-124) NEGATIVE SPECULATION MAJI (打消推量「まじ」, PP. 125-128) R: Taketori monogatari 竹取物語 (ca. 909) HW: pp. 447 下 - 449 26) Fri. 25 Oct. DESIDERATIVE TASHI (希望「たし」, PP. 130-131) DESIDERATIVE MAHOSHI (希望「まほし」, PP. 132-133) COMPARATIVE GOTOSHI (比況「ごとし」, PP. 134-136) R: Taketori monogatari, cont. HW: p. 450, Read Chapter 11 Week 10: Auxiliary Verb (助動詞) 6, ru, raru, su, sasu, shimu 27) Mon. 28 Oct. SPONTANEOUS RU, RARU (自発「る」「らる」, PP. 140-144) へいちゅうがこと R: Kohon setsuwa shū 古本説話集 (12th), #19 平中事 HW: pp. 451- 452 上 28) Wed. 30 Oct. CAUSATIVE SU, SASU, SHIMU (使役「す」「さす」「しむ」, PP. 147-149) R: Kohon setsuwa shū, cont. HW: pp. 452 下 - 453 Thursday, October 31, 3:15-5:30 pm @ Art Auditorium, UHM Symposium, “Traveling Texts: Reading Murakami Haruki across East Asia” 29) Fri. 1 Nov. QUIZ 6 ON RU, RARU, SU, SASU. SHIMU R: Kohon setsuwa shū, cont. -7- Week 11: Honorific Expressions (尊敬語) 30) Mon. 4 Nov. Honorific Verbs (pp. 273-274, 276-285) R: From Tsutsumi chūnagon monogatari 堤中納言物語 (ca. 12-13th c?), “Mushi mezuru himegimi” 虫めづる姫君 31) Wed. 6 Nov. Honorific Auxiliary Verb (pp. 285-286) R: “Mushi mezuru himegimi,” cont. HW: pp. 483 下 - 487 32) Fri. 8 Nov. REVIEW OF HONORIFIC VERBS R: “Mushi mezuru himegimi, ” cont. <STUDENTS SELECT THEIR TRANSLATION TEXTS> Week 12: Humble and Polite Expressions (謙譲語、丁寧語) Mon. 11 Nov. NO CLASS: Veteran’s Day 33) Wed. 13 Nov. HUMBLE VERBS (PP. 287-300 上) R: Taketori monogatari 34) Fri. 15 Nov. POLITE VERBS (PP. 300-304) R: Taketori monogatari, cont. HW: pp. 487 下 - 490 Week 13: Particles I 35) Mon. 18 Nov. REVIEW OF HONORIFIC, HUMBLE AND POLITE EXPRESSIONS QUIZ 7 ON HONORIFIC, HUMBLE AND POLITE EXPRESSIONS R: Taketori monogatari, cont. 36) Wed. 20 Nov. CASE PARTICLES 格助詞 (PP. 155-177) R: Taketori monogatari, cont. 37) Fri. 22 Nov. CONJUNCTIVE PARTICLES 接続助詞 (PP. 178-200) R: Taketori monogatari, cont. Week 14: Particles II -8- 38) Mon. 25 Nov. BOUND PARTICLES 係助詞 (PP. 201-220) R: Taketori monogatari, cont. 39) Wed. 27 Nov. 助詞 (PP. 221-254) ADVERBIAL PARTICLES 副助詞、FINAL PARTICLES 終助詞、INTERJECTORY PARTICLES 間投 R: Taketori monogatari, cont. Fri. 29 Nov. NO INSTRUCTION DAY Week 15: Rhetorical Techniques in Waka Poetry 40) Mon. 2 Dec. APPENDIX 5: RHETORICAL TECHNIQUES IN JAPANESE POETRY (PP. 364-370) R: Kokinshū poem #410 41) Wed. 4 Dec. R: Kokinshū poems #554, 572 42) Fri. 6 Dec. R: Kokinshū poems #605, 797 Week 16: Review 43) Mon. 9 Dec. APPENDIX 1: REVIEWS OF SIX INFLECTIONS (PP. 235-338) APPENDIX 2: OVERVIEW OF SOUND CHANGES (PP. 339-347) 44) Wed. 11 Dec. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 4 PM WRITTEN TRANSLATION DUE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 9:45-11:45 AM FINAL EXAM -9-
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